IL-62 - an ideal option

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hello aviators sky here and after a long time walking around we finally come to the most famous rear-engined quad lay out airliner which honestly can be called one of the best civilian aircraft of its time and one of the best if not the best Soviet civilian airliner in general some people will be surprised seriously the best we're back in the central Air Force Museum and here in the radius of a hundred meters there are at least the two 144 and to 114 the real Titans of their time and I'm singing praises to Lucia let's figure out what makes me think so allow me to introduce the ution LLL 62 is a narrow-body long-haul passenger aircraft developed by the aleutian design bureau in the early 1960s it is the first Soviet long-range jet airliner and one of the Trinity of aircraft in the world that implemented a scheme with four engines on a tail so it is the end of the 1950s Khrushchev and Eisenhower are playing the Cold War the first satellites are being launched into the earth orbit the French upgrade their republic to the fifth version elvis presley sings and hydrogen bombs explode you know a normal civilized life there was also a huge number of aviation events the advent of gas turbine power plants significantly increased the power of engines on aircraft which learned to fly faster and higher becoming at the same time bigger a class of long-haul airliners capable of transporting many people over long distances started to emerge different manufacturers were taking different paths Boeing and Douglas spent a lot of time making their flag ships but the model 707 and dc-8 appearing in the late 1950s became extremely successful the British were fighting for leadership and connecting the colonies so since the 1950s they began work on a new large jet airliner which later turned into the Vickers vc10 in the Soviet Union the situation was in many ways similar but also had differences the huge size of the country made the need for long distance flights obvious in addition the number of allies around the world with whom it was necessary to establish contact was growing and the contact was established by creating the first Soviet long-range aircraft to 114 the to 114 was a real king of airliners advanced technology powerful turboprop engines luxurious interior beautiful not to mention the size and weight records broken only with the arrival of the Queen in addition the affinity with the 295 bomber and the corresponding design gave the aircraft a special charisma the Soviet airliner was very different from its foreign counterparts however this charisma was expensive the tu-114 was a response to an urgent need for a long-haul airliner and a demonstration of capabilities of the Soviet aircraft industry but from a separation it was complicated and expensive many of its smart solutions were not particularly needed the capacity of such a size was small and the turboprop power plant despite its record performance was nevertheless outdated the plane was not fast enough and too noisy already at the initial stages of operation in the late 1950s it became clear that with all its advantages this plane would not become a mass transport for a long perspective ok maybe not the to 140 but the long-range transport is still needed it was necessary to make a new plane the obvious idea to give it to tupolev wouldn't work at that time they were loaded with military contracts plus still working on a to 114 plus they were engaged in several other civilian projects firstly the new original jet the future to 134 they simply didn't have the resources to deal with another large airliner the implementation of the project in 1960 was entrusted to the aleutian design bureau and this was an excellent solution illusions approach to civilian aircraft design unlike most of his very ambitious colleagues was very pragmatic he was creating exactly what was needed without chasing a special wow effect the realisation of this approach then was ille a team or other reliable comfortable and simple aircraft for its time which was loved both by the passengers and operators hundreds of delivered vehicles were a clear proof of this choosing a power plant was not particularly an issue it had to be the jet engines the turboprop was good in many roles but it could not pull the long-range civilian transportation in addition the engine building industry was very successful in the roaring barrels became quite effective the next issue was the layout and here usually begins the speculation on similarity of the ill 62 and the vc10 on the one hand the idea of copying seems obvious the British plane had been developing for several years and there was enough noise around their projects to be heard in the offices of Soviet engineers on the other hand the similarity is rather the result of similarity of technical tasks both airliners were created to transport a decent number of passengers over long distances and while being large machines they had to be able to work with poor quality airfields at the same time both aircraft had to have four engines so there was not a lot of options as a result scientists from Sagi and the Royal Elevation Institute came to the same layout meanwhile given the similarity in concepts we have a great opportunity to compare how British and Soviet aviators approached almost identical tasks with all the external similarities the lll 62 and vc10 in fact do not have much in common the story of the ill 62 will be more clear if the broadcast will be conducted directly from it to do this as always we visit the central air force museum in mañana near Moscow where we meet one of the representatives of our protagonist family the USSR 866 700 an early series aircraft and air flight veteran and now also a movie star we begin our acquaintance with the rich in their world of this miracle the fuselage of the aircraft has a width of 3.75 meters 12.3 feet and the lengths of 49 meters 160 feet according to this indicators it is a quite classic narrow body long-haul airliner of its time not particularly different from Pierce let's take a look at what's inside usually people get on board through the front doors where they immediately get access to the Wardrobe the cockpit the first cabin and two laboratories the interior layout is also classic three plus three with one aisle everything is done as practical as possible no complicated layouts and designs compared to the tu-114 super aesthetic but by modern standards quite usual fabric seats with tables and nets for small items individual comfort tools above luggage beings perhaps the translucent window curtains are a bit unusual here I'll immediately note that our plane is special the board eight six six seven O assembled in 1967 is one of the earliest production aircraft of this model so it has features that are absent on its later brothers this can even be seen by the capacity of the cabin there are fewer seats here than on the heirs their front cabins accommodated up to 66 people and later even more the cabin by the way through the efforts of the museum and volunteers is preserved in an excellent condition the cozy soviet authenticity was appreciated by film makers this airliner sometimes turns into a movie set behind the first cabin there is another set of auxiliary zones Buffet's wardrobe lavatory and the second pair of doors this arrangement allows to quickly move passengers into both cabins since there was no place in the tale for another door the working area for the cabin crew onboard is classic but some solutions are quite elegant plus among the tools we can find interesting manuals for crew members and of course in addition to the lamps a couple of small roof windows fill the galley with light looks pretty the second cabin in basic configuration is designed for 102 passengers the layout is the same as that at the first and the bigger capacity is achieved by the bigger length visually the cabins differ by the seats and curtain colors unusual customization the first cabin is filled with blue light while the second one is Forex there are laboratories and a wardrobe located in the rear of the fuselage there's actually a lot of space here but they did not stretch the cabin since the engines are located here most of the noise and vibration is in this place plus part of the space is occupied by the power plant and control equipment in addition to four engines we also have a tail above our heads there is another interesting drive here but we will return to it a bit later in the basic configuration that l62 accommodated 168 passengers in two cabins and 138 in three and this fact oddly enough is one of the main differences between illusion and Vickers the fact is that the British plane initially was not supposed to accommodate a lot of people its maximum capacity reached 151 people in a dense layout this way BOAC divided vc10 and Boeing 707 in their fleet the Soviet aircraft was originally being made as a large capacity airliner so here it is more adequate to compare it with Boeing and Douglas not with Vickers the advantage of this solution was not only the initially decent capacity but also the potential during modernization it was increased to 186 and then up to a hundred and ninety six passengers without lengthening the fuselage which greatly simplified the work now we can run to the nose and get into the very brain of any aircraft that lll 62 cockpit is a combination of the latest technology of its time and healthy conservatism the engineers had to give the airliner all the necessary capabilities and at the same time not make it too complex as practice shows this is not so simple flight operation is performed by a crew of five people two pilots and engineer a navigator and a radio operator such a team was a conservative solution the Aleutians didn't complicate the electronics in order to reduce the crew nevertheless the control system of the aircraft was very modern a significant part of the system primarily automation were either completely new or modernized meanwhile the critical elements were reserved the idea of making the aircraft efficient and at the same time as simple as possible spread further one of the problems of many large aircraft with the high load on the pilots physical it was easy to drive the little Cessna without any support from hydraulics and boosters but when your plane is already the size of the house it doesn't work on the other hand the simplification of piloting with technology also has a price the aircraft has to be packed with a huge amount of equipment that requires maintenance and makes the plane heavier the vc10 in this case was an extreme design it was easily controlled but turned out to be terribly complicated the Yuson went the other way the engineers tried to assemble the aircraft in such a way as to minimize the number of supplements which was also a walk on the edge the ill 62 is the largest civilian aircraft in the world with minimal controls almost without boosters nevertheless they did not fall over the edge the plane still made its pilots in addition many of the advantages of Aleutians airliners remained in place the cockpit is quite spacious ergonomics is good for its time and the view is also good the plane of course receives the traditional four Aleutian glazing you can immediately tell who made this masterpiece well it's time to look at this beauty from the outside the ill 62 is a large single-aisle airliner has a swept low wing and is equipped with four engines in the tail section right next to the t-shaped plumage the total length of the aircraft slightly exceeds 53 metres 174 feet the location of the engines on the tail allows to develop a clean and aerodynamically effective wing it is large enough to support flights at high and low speeds and then the nuances begin the rear part of the wing has a fairly simple mechanization two large sections of retractable flaps allure on some spoilers also a pair on each side I especially emphasize the simplicity of this scheme in comparison with what was built on the vc10 the lll 62 is very minimalistic and this is at the trailing edge let's go ahead and look at the leading edge if you look closely you can notice that there are no slats the decision to abandon hefty mechanism on the wing alas to decently simplify the design reduce its weight and increase the internal volume for the fuel tanks not only Ellucian like this design attentive viewers of the channel could notice not one of the Gulfstream aircraft even their latest models has slots for the same reasons but unlike the small and electronically packed business jets the huge Hill 62 could not work without help and as a result of Engineers work came a very elegant solution at the leading edge there is a small protrusion resembling a tooth it has almost no effect on aerodynamics during horizontal cruise flight but with an increase in the angle of attack it creates a vortex that stabilizes the airflow around the wing this solves the aircraft to not be afraid of turbulence and high angles of attack and reduces the minimum flight speed on takeoffs and landings don't forget about the weak and short air strips the combination of this element with a special wing design became a serious challenge for engineers and required a lot of work both in wind tunnels and in production a slightest deviation from required parameters and this tooth could become useless however the successful implementation of this idea gave the aircraft good flight performance without the use of complex schemes the embodiment of the idea of design simplicity and indeed the great success of Aleutians Bureau the landing gear is quite classic tricycle two-wheeled front leg and four wheel bogies of the main support the legs are short which puts the aircraft close to the ground but reduces lateral overloads during takeoffs and landings and the wheels are quite large with reduced pressure softening the bumps on the runway the whole team of course is equipped with powerful brakes the operation proved the efficiency of the landing gear and its reliability the aircraft works normally in many airports and sometimes made landings on grass runways once by the way right here in the museum in addition to provide deceleration after landing the pilots could use the Cobra maneuver after landing they lifted the aircraft nose and used the whole plane as an aerodynamic break the main gear steadily endured this mockery and the danger was mainly in the risk of hitting a runway with the tail there is another non-obvious but successful solution the fact is that the landing gear is not really tricycle the newest of the aircraft with tail engines is their tendency to lean back the tail structure with heavy motors simply outweighs the nose this phenomenon was fought in different ways and at the illusion they made the simplest decision to put another small leg that would support the success weight many critics of the plane dismissal they called this support a crutch vicar's for example works without it making the most obvious decision to compensate the mass in the tail the aircraft received a fuselage elongated forward and the center of mass was exactly above the wing and landing gear it seemed ok the problem with this arrangement was that all control surfaces ended up in the rear close to each other such a scheme cut the lever of the tail force which required an increase in the size of the plumage and the installation of a huge stabilizer with boosted support Ellucian went the other way they shifted the wings slightly forward increasing the lever and simplifying control which allowed to abandon the to complex mechanization and large boosted stabilizers but the solution also had a price the center of mass was behind the main landing gear without fuel and cargo in front the plane was falling on its tail and here comes the crutch this quite simple leg slides out of the fuselage and supports the plane on the ground and after retraction the wheels remained partial outside as an insurance against the tail strike the leg is controlled remotely from the cockpit or if necessary yes in the technical compartment and the tails there is a direct access to the drive and the leg could be controlled manually a pretty simple design which nevertheless gave better controllability and at the same time allowed to abandon a bunch of extra elements so with this metal stick the engineers bought the simplification of design and a decent weight reduction not a bad deal if you ask me finally it's time to get acquainted with the powerplant the basic ill 62 was lifted by the nk8 turbofans creating thrust of up to a hundred and two kilonewtons initially they were created specifically for the L 62 but later were installed on the tu-154 engines in pairs in individual missiles this layout made it possible to create a clean wing the high location insured against foreign debris and the placement and individual missiles reduced the level of vibration and noise plus four engines gave a reserve of thrust and the proximity of the motors to the central axis increased safety in the case of failures the aircraft would not start to turn and could maintain a stable flight in addition the l62 was the first in the country to receive thrust reversal mechanisms such mechanisms make it possible to redirect the thrust forward after landing and decelerate more efficiently on the runway however the crews also found other roles for this system likely quite obvious the reversers located on the tail allow the aircraft to move backwards independently as well as the somewhat extreme ones such as applying the reversers before touching the ground the mechanisms are installed on the two outside engines as practice has shown this was enough for braking speed so the work reached the finish line in 1963 the first prototype was ready but the engines couldn't make it in time since most of the flight tests involved checking the capabilities of the airframe and onboard systems to speed up the work it was decided to put the al7 not a bad engine used on several military aircraft for such a colossus as the ill 62 it was of course pretty weak but for the initial stage of testing it should have been enough finally the prototype made its maiden flight in January 1963 the tests were carried out at an active pace and soon two more planes joined the first board already with the MK 8 engines installed airplanes showed themselves pretty good they flew at a cruising speeds of 850 km/h or 530 miles per hour at altitudes of up to 12,000 meters or 39,000 feet not record numbers of course but quite enough for civilian use the design also showed itself well the many risky solutions were successful and the aircraft did not require major changes unfortunately the tests did not go as smoothly as planned in February 1965 during another test the first prototype was unable to rise on takeoff and fell nearly sky airfield the problem turned out to be in the engines the al7 couldn't pull the plane at the maximum modes due to this disaster the tests were put on hold but given that the other prototypes had other engine models after the investigation and adjusting the work plan testing was resumed the tests were completed in 1967 and the aircraft started passenger flights Aeroflot finally got its main long-range airliner however it turned out to be insufficiently long-range the basic MK 8 - 2 engines couldn't give enough thrust with normal passenger load it had to fly with a reduced fuel reserve which reduced flight range soon the aircraft received the boosted MK 8 - 4 engines and the performance improved but it was not possible to completely solve the problem the aircraft was too heavy fuel consumption was too high on long-distance routes it still had to land for refueling which complicated the operation in addition the l62 was planned by Aeroflot as a replacement for the to 114 but the range for this was still not enough the complete solution was the creation of the LLL 62 m the main difference from the basic aircraft was the replacement of the nk8 engines with the new D 30 K you these engines reached nearly 108 kilonewtons of thrust which allowed to increase cruise speed reduced takeoff and landing distance as well as improved flight capabilities in conditions of heat and high altitude airports the clamshell reverse system gave way to bucket type the doors were more efficient and in flight the lettuce increased air resistance the aircraft itself got heavier its capacity increased to 186 passengers and an additional fuel tank appeared inside the vertical stabilizer the increase in fuel reserve coupled with better engine efficiency as well as a number of improvements of the airframe and onboard systems gave results the aircraft was able to fly almost 11,000 kilometers or 5900 miles this was enough to cover all the needs of air travel the aleutian bureau was working in the model and long and heart so it took almost five years since the start of work to commissioning the aircraft began flying in air flood since 1974 the ill 62m had become a truly successful aircraft the pride of designers and a workhorse on long-range routes the decisions made on the creation of this aircraft turned out to be successful the rejection of many complex onboard systems made the aircraft simple and cheap to operate and the optimization of design minimized the scourge of aircraft of this layout increased weight heav'n retained excellent takeoff and landing performance the 62nd turned out to be relatively light the empty weight of the airliner was similar to the vc10 despite the fact that the aleutian was larger and more spacious it was still heavier than the American airliners but with their layout the Boeing 707 and Douglas dc-8 were more demanding on airfields and did not meet operating conditions all these indicators made the aircraft extremely popular it was produced for a very long time until 1995 during this time 289 units were delivered for a model of this size in the USSR this was an impressive figure with the appearance of the M version l62 completely replaced the to 114 and remained the flagship long-haul airliner until the appearance of the ill 96 also all this time it was the main government board which again was replaced only by the new 96 in addition dozens of airliners have been exported to several countries in Eastern Europe to Cuba China North Korea and Africa for some time the planes were even shared by air float Air France and KLM which were then separate from each other as well as the Japanese j8l joint flights were carried out mainly to Moscow in total in various incidents and disasters 23 airliners were lost with the death of about 1,000 people these figures are rather unpleasant but it is worth considering the huge volume of traffic that have fairly large number of aircraft of this model took over so the 62nd of course is not the ultimate dream in terms of flight safety but for its time it was at the level of class mates and was considered quite reliable the ill 62 was laughed by all the people connected with it becoming a mass delivered airliner it allowed millions of people to comfortably travel through distances making our world a little more accessible minimalism and the lack of pretentiousness in its creation became one of its main advantages and the main difference from the Vickers airliner as well as many Soviet counterparts well the vc10 was considered the vanguard of aviation industry like the planes developed for example by tupolev the l62 was exactly what was needed no more and no less as a result it turned out to be simpler cheaper and more efficient Ellucian engineers could easily compare their aircraft with peers the ill 62 was undeniably good alas time is a harsh and indomitable thing and the aviation technology race does not slow down appearing in the 1960s the airliner showed itself perfectly and most of its shortcomings were resolved by creating the version M however despite the correctly made decisions the version M was late the era of wide-body airliners began in 1974 when air flood took the ill 62 M into operation giants like the Boeing 747 Douglas dc-10 Lockheed l-1011 and Airbus a300 were already soaring over the world which greatly cut the competitiveness of the aircraft on the international market the ill 62 could be compared with the vc10 Boeing 707 or dc-8 but with the new wide-body long Rangers know inside the USSR in the conditions of a neat distribution of roles in the air flood fleet Madeline the aircraft felt excellent for a long time but even there over time it started to become obsolete the engines were not economical and noisy the capacity at this range was small and the excellent takeoff and landing performance often turned out to be unnecessary the plane had to be replaced and the ill 96 was created for this but it was replaced by others with the collapse of the USSR and the global market opening foreign long-haul airliners arrived to Russia and the CIS the obsolete ill 62 could not compete with them and the ill 96 that was created to replace it was too late and could not fill the gap fast enough in the 1990s and 2000's the aircraft were quickly withdrawn from the airline fleets some of the planes with sufficient flying resources were converted into cargo aircraft a classic solution for large passenger airliners although it did not become especially popular for the model 62 in 2019 a little more than a dozen aircraft continued to operate mainly in government structures the vast majority of non flying aircraft was disposed of but some were fortunate enough to be parked in museums our airliner with the number USSR 866 700 is the 10th series board of the il-62 model one of the basic ones it was assembled in 1967 and operated in the air flat fleet until 1983 on July 17 the aircraft made a successful landing on the grass runway of the Manila airfield showing that even such conditions although being unusual are not terrible for it the airliner drove to its place and state where over time it became the star of many films and the hero of some aviation fans videos on this I think we can finish today's story like the video and subscribe to the channel fast flights and soft landings to you
Channel: Skyships Eng
Views: 534,948
Rating: 4.8866429 out of 5
Keywords: Ilyushin, Il-62, il-62, il 62 documentary, il 62m, il-62 cockpit, il-62 history, ilyushin design bureau, soviet airliner, soviet airplanes
Id: _RRUrDdGb6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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