[Part 2]College Football Hard Hits, Fights and Targeting calls of 2018

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[Music] he does not get out of his stance he's not looking at the ball he's late getting out of his stance and the rush off the edge beats him to the quarterback Eric Dungey had no chance on this block he's reset the game first down Thompson see [Music] boo-ki rattly hives the freshman from Inglewood California with a big stick and both players are down Blaz gammon is the tight-end blaze game in his 6-7 255 pounds burned in Radley hiles is only a hundred and eighty-six pounds he's only five ten yards through the air [Applause] laughter the 46-yard great coverage for Kentucky and Zach Johnson can you bring this out perfectly timed up experts not by special teams but it looks like he's gonna stay conservative Darby who's been huge all night he just goes up five points the football takes a shot to the head by Tim to Thompson but that Paul might have hit the ground Carter it's clearly targeting it's clearly targeting but if this ball comes out and it's incomplete than the incompletion the ruling on the field targeting is confirmed number 18 to the defense is disqualified however it was also determined that the pass was incomplete they've got every much a shot as these other teams of getting to the conference championship I agree they're hot right now Russo on first down nobody opens shovels it to Mack who cannot hold on and takes a big hit after the play second down Jeff Collins is out on the field and here comes a late flag this appears to be a defenseless player and Michael Pitts to Jack lime backer for the Bearcats that may be his last play of the day but to hit here you know in the difficult thing about that for Pitts is you don't know if he's gonna catch that ball or not and at what point do you do you pull off now I get it I understand what this ruling is for and I mean they are did this this temple sideline is is going bananas Jeff Collins having to be held back by his staff it's looking at this play for potential targeting targeting was not called on the field but you can call for a replay review after the play to see if there was targeting one more look does he lead with the crown of the helmet if he does then Pitts would be ejected and the remainder of this goes talking on the play by number 43 [Applause] in his spot number 43 is disqualified the ball alien that no partner chase Haven and running back story got a spin his way away from trouble he got mixed he took a shot and now we got a flag [Music] senior protector backwards and chubs and another flag and a shot to the face up Grayson going a flood [Applause] and now the elements coaches out there to kill their guys back know if anybody has any laundry left in the field here's the possible targeting number three coming in number 74 89 pitch number 12 26 defense those fouls officer he is done for the day will change out of the uni in this Ole Miss defense which has been besieged by injuries will lose another key play [Applause] the bubble to Cornelius he wants to throw throw back to store he gets stuck he took a shot to the gut it's a loss of five and that is a perfectly legal play for Victor Evan who's big-time shots this was targeting they got Vernon Dasher toss for the game and then Cornelius with the throw back and a with a shoulder it does come Dallas picks it up [Applause] and third Hill kids I'm telling we have an official down on the interception that didn't move and what gorneo was having none of it and it hits him right in the chest and then Thorney turns into a really good athlete almost out of it yeah look at that official you talk about being in harm's way oh my lord Kelly in motion Perkins Watts up but it's through his hands boy there are hurricanes everywhere and that might be a lady personal foul coming there already without Derrick Smith for the first half after a targeting penalty last week that's Michael Jackson think this targeting is going to be upheld and that's going to be Miami without maybe their best cover corner who has made himself into a really good player a very good tackler much more physical on the outside but to me that's textbook targeting we'll check [Music] [Applause] Syd missed a punt he's going straight up with it here Waddell has to bow fair catch he got run over and there's flags all over and I hope he's not hurt because he was not looking he was only looking at the ball and Javaris Davis just leveled them and that brings out the boo birds here Bryant Denny you talk about not seeing one coming well I'll tell ya it's it's shocking right now the lack of discipline that this arbor football team is playing with early in this football game emotionally I don't know if they're two up through this game or what but they're not ready to fly yeah the waddles got a run off on his own that's good to see and you get hit enough when you see them coming without something like this out Manny it is fortunate that it wasn't even targeting and it was close miss hanging in the balance and it's on his defense to try to get off the field and the Wolverines a running back from the 16 yard line on the move Brad Hopkins targeting was the call there was a targeting I believe it was Berkeley Edwards is the player down for Michigan let's hope that Edwards is okay [Applause] Edwards 32 [Applause] there's cam Jones came in they did call a targeting yeah but Toby set to punt one hopper down to the 15 marks drops immediately might have got a yard out of that nice job on the special teams as a review going on as to whether or not there was a targeting foul on the punt return by marques Callaway and last night we talked to Perry Odom we asked him what was targeting he says I don't know yeah he said what do you do of your defensive player and the offensive ball carrier dumps his head what are you supposed to do at that play Devin Ross number six was trying to tackle him around the waist and all of a sudden Callaway lowers as his ball carrier down I would not call that targeting I know it was helmet to helmet but I don't know what the defenders supposed to do tavon looking on as Hubert Orange is gonna make the call [Music] [Applause] you told me I couldn't pick up a cup of coffee I was so weak that was being honest it's dead coming here [Applause] the minute runs a man over [Applause] now the 10 yard line and I was the senior Westbrook under those shoulder pads taste [Applause] Francois long time to throw over the middle and a black drum from the secondary for the head say that was a legal hit and I think it is that's a second level window throw that is a throat laid over the middle and Jaquan is going for the football and Ed Reed who was honored and putting the Hall of Fame today made a living doing just that fun to shoot guys if you're gonna run late across the middle he didn't leave with his head that shoulder hits his shoulder he's absolutely attacking the football this cannot be targeting I see forcible contact to the shoulder I see a safety that is running and trying to make a play the third down play motion for Howard spate goes to the left turns around looking for somebody to throw it to and then just throws it away underneath the stance is a flag in the back of the endzone that's probably not good news for USC and appeal' II just hit an offensive lineman right in the face after the play unsportsmanlike conduct defense number 91 [Music] cool I'm in battle this is just hard to understand would have been third and goal from the five it's yet first and goal at the two and a half and you hit a guy in the helmet as if it's gonna hurt Roundtree really close til Malthus stopped them like right at the marker late flag come in and Raekwon Davis was mixing it up in the backfield [Applause] Raekwon boxing's coming up after this game yes in Nick Saban season immediately pulls him out of that football game you know the question is I'll go back and look at that again and see what happened to promote promote him to do that but they always catch the second guy in those acts can't get ejected for throwing a punch about to get an earful the head coach he was trying to lobby his way back onto the field and save it said I got another idea over 16 yards per return [Applause] see if he has an opportunity a low line clock King he's not thrilled at the 48-yard line there's about three flags that were thrown on the play there's another look at it correction both files are against a receiving team wait a minute that's not right both against the receiving team with a punji Louisville a little confused down down the field partner yeah folks will try and sort it out for you and get the work from them on the other side of this big impact there are two files on the play which will offset however they're targeting against number a stands for we play the down fourth down Avenue to the quarterback Amari Rodgers hit him at the 37 yard line and a flag down to hit on the play made by Marian character one more look at that class targeting penalty that was called against Garrett or mana to go Mars Rogers Oh played he knew right away and character has done too dangerous play yet the ruling on the field confirmed bias is working here's a nouns to punt it again short kick his last time this one a little bit better Reynolds fair catch he'll feel it on the run Mike Reynolds good return back gets it over the 50 and then he's popped and dropped at the 46 yard line so a good would be thrown out of this game you can see him lowers head forcible contact out to the head the neck area and one of the things that they look for is lowering the head and that's exactly what he did there he lowered with the crown of his helmet and came in to try and make this tackle made contact to that John neck area after review that was targeting on the play number 38 on the kicking team number 38 it's ejected from the ballgame 15 yards will be added to the end of the run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a race [Applause] goodness what a close to the first half and it wasn't just some sprint by Willis he had an official in his way he knocked him out of the way watch him from this angle he's got an official in his way he took out the center touch charity that is the defensive play of the game second and 12 will Grier Waits now flushed out of the pocket he's in trouble time is down under 10 seconds and almost runs out of time i Jeremy Truitt was irate that's what that's kind of the main emphasis that we've been talking about here the we're down to five seconds and so much for a touchdown drive that we think should have been a penalty yeah it could have been helmet to thumb at that time it was definitely a peel back block there's been a new emphasis one of the world changes is once that ball leaves you know that tackle box right there and I and I I think that this is reviewable whether not only number one where he went out of bounds but whether it was a targeting get on the play and borrow knows it they give him time he has a friend they have a first time pop you must take care of the football you've got to know that this is a team in Miami that thrives on forcing turnovers you got to protect the ball now we're told with this break that the previous play is being reviewed well I think it's being reviewed for targeting and the question is was that the crown of the helmet by Trajan bandi with forcible contact well let's bring in our rules expert long time on the field official bill Lemonnier but replay was reviewing the previous play after further review that was targeting by the defense [Applause] then Jordan back in the backfield Taylor Tennessee Brian ray number 89 is get an opportunity to fold with more nice game he's taking advantage on as he ever hit as he throws locks it out Jennings that's not Jennings is Palmer he made the catch I tell you you know who else got a catch it was number 30 Mack Wilson come bearing in on Garant on Oh on the play he knew he was going to get hit and Palmer takes Savion Smith's arm with him there's the hit but we'll see my goodness Mack Wilson was coming all out on that play and no one touched him Ohio State losing LSU losing Miami losing in their rivalry game to Florida State will the rankings take a major hit got a lot of games going on right now that could shake up the top 25 Jeff Thomas from the goal line it gets loose for the flag down another flag thrown and that might be a third penalty marker it is that's a facemask certainly on the return by Jeff Thomas so there are three different penalty markers on the field and brach I think it might be for three separate fouls and now an altercation as a couple of the Canes players were not happy that the facemask was pulled of Jeff Thomas and now the Canes coaches are doing whatever they can to keep Miami on the sidelines but there are more players heading towards the Florida State bench than our coaches to keep them back and one of the worst parts about it is Jeff Thomas is down and what looks like a horrific lower leg injury you can see the frustration there those Keynes players you know it is one of theirs is laying on the ground [Applause] for the coaching staffs for both teams do well to keep the sidelines separated and now more than anything you got to be worried about Jeff Thomas because he is still being looked at by the training staff
Channel: izallgood37 _
Views: 2,259,969
Rating: 4.7552032 out of 5
Id: m5TzMcO0l9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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