Most Controversial Calls of 2018 (NFL) What do YOU think?

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Cory Carter is down if it's a running into it's a five-yard variety if it's a roughing Imola seeds during the play receiving team number 81 went out of bounds kicking team went out of bounds without coming back in the illegal block in the back forty one receiving team and running into the kicker defend kick receiving came all these penalties will offset port down there is a quiz after that three penalties that the result of the players use a mulligan Dustin hey guys used I think we all are in ski Michael Dixon with a good start as he puts this one in coach territory [Applause] balls out other saying he was down by contact but I don't think he was down I think they're gonna say a whistle was blown there when the heme high's was returned guide Delano Hill this wondering wait a minute how did we not get that we will too as we had to break that ball stripped out while the Seahawks wanted to challenge that this was a strip and a fumble but it was ruled down by contact because the whistle was blown take a listen that's generally the whistle was clearly after the ball was out but because it was was blown he's ruled down by contact therefore despite pleas from Pete Carroll if they could not be challenged [Applause] and a late flag that's a lumba down over the Rumba again testing a cirrus defense to the 32 automatic first down so 21 seconds and the 49ers are going to have that was I hear you pretty good [Applause] a couple of other flags to fall to the turf 12 men on the field with an extra player out there 18 maybe thirty one sorry I think they're fouls by posting an extra t-shirt defense had 12 players there is also holding by the offense from 268 the penalties will offset creepy second down wait a minute how do you see I don't get that well how do you call holding off a quick snap when you're 64 especially for what doesn't make sense if you have 12 guys there shouldn't be a play for holding I don't know receiver staff to the question about the back shoulder right and will the youngster out in coverage for the patrons Jackson got away with a little tug on Harris you're dead see I'm like I'm waiting I'm looking there's the back judge seeing it to decide to exceed that's either illegal contact cuz it's over five yards or it's holding ball stomp yes boy that's pulling the right top of the jersey that's a and he's an 8 yards that's that that's got to be thrown got away come on zone let him play at the stage at the backfield lead on Rosen and they're gonna call it into play it looked like he was Hardy on his way down surprising there's no grounding call here but Saints bring the pressure they bring the house they overload this offense obviously miscommunication between the running back at Illinois if there's a receiver anywhere close not to mention it didn't make it back to the line of scrimmage I don't know if that's peanuts in there you go no red flag went back in Peyton's pocket and a look at Rosen again you got Hendrickson right there he's strapping them off where's the receiver there's literally no and in this space and it doesn't make it close to the line of scrimmage up what what box does that not check I mean I mean he's looking past them and the contacts right there it's clear as day it's gonna be all about the three let's refer in the play the looming on the touchdown stands Wow please cook please put 47 seconds on the game clock 27 seconds on the game clock how about that I'll take it but I didn't think they had discretion if he was touched but I agree with the rule [Applause] taken at about 250 yard line not much room for Kalin play ball came out and the Browns ended up with it but I'm not sure it happened before the runner was down the offense an opportunity but here's the last play and let's see if we can see the ball on the ball is definitely out here I think you Jackson's going to challenge this play why not Devon cajuste came up with the loose ball and everything his father's been through great to see him come out here have a nice game that football is out yeah that's a fumble that's Browns football on the 33 yard line let's get the call now I don't think there's gonna be much drama to this Tim I don't think so the Bills offense is still on the field I don't know what the explanation is but it certainly doesn't suit you I don't I don't know what happened there I don't knew that was clearly a fumble 42 yard line cousin shotgun Jax blitz ass left incomplete Dix thinks he was mugged in a game full of laundry no flags Wolcott was given our chance you can see the defensive back totally has the arm it'll update so a penalty that should have been called yet another penalty that should have been called maybe they're holding on the flags due to due to fatigue from all these different different penalties that they've called already but that was Jax of Dillon Jacksonville got away with one right there and that Corey grant got the Jags a first down there's a big brush on Kessler and it's a sac flag comes in late it was a sack on Kessler by antoine williams third year Georgia Southern used to be on the Lions practice squad I'm not sure what they're gonna call here but personal foul roughing the passer by the defense number 56 gotta see this or on the field saying no no no I mean it's it's been a rule that you can't land with all your body weight that's why the worst ones I've ever seen in the National Football land account due respect to everybody that's ridiculous millions Brett he gets us he hits him in the middle of his back and drink you know drags him to the ground so it wasn't as if Antwon picked him up and dumped him he just brought him down from you know from the waist level so just you know referees are getting a little bit carried away here with these personal files and with calling everything right by the book then how do you handle that I don't know I give up honestly I give up I mean there I can't give up we still got a regular season on they I have no no more breath to try to analyze what these defensive players are supposed to do honestly the hit was perfect but now the referees are saying that it wasn't the hit it was the driving force of the full body weight which again you're getting the play-action fake and Antwon Williams is wrapping him up as her he was on his knees when he brought him to the ground so it's not as if he's whole entire body weight yeah okay Donna I mean at me on the ground already but maybe with everything that's being thrown at them with the helmet rule and what to call and when to call it and and the the thrust the force of throwing them down maybe they're having to think too much during the course of games and it's causing them to make mistakes not roll away I mean my whole thing is that don't have referees there unprepared and scared to make calls unbeliev you can spot David Moore their Farsi try to find see no signal from the officials yet appears to be shorter than 27 foot boy Seattle will maintain possession it will be sending down look at this play at the end as Chris Carson is fighting two guards Philips trypsin right here and comes up with the football less industrial fishers could say that he plays with dead vampires there's the shot at the end of that play that I thought maybe we'd see a flag who's Kevin Moore who took the shot from the wide receiver gavel 13:5 needs the Green Bay 49 incomplete there's Jackson the cover John sharp and a lake flag is thrown holding in defense number 37 five yards automatic first down now see I didn't see that I saw a jam at the line whoa maybe during the preseason as an official you want to get your arm warmed up for the regular season that's the only reason I see to make that call right there deep downfield [Music] complete the crowd wants a flag so does the bench intended from Mike Wallace there was contact late and was John O'Neal's head turned towards the receiver that looks like pass interference debate mm-hmm I mean it's one thing if he's turned around he's got the arm hooked [Applause] holding offense number 24 10-yard penalty repeat second down only power that is there's no Jonathan judge before on defense must to help some more sideline come on II can't say 24,000 husband's there's 24 there's the hole about 24 on defense there you go okay I saw that when he started running well let's see are they going to move the ball backwards or forwards this is made sorry the holding is on the defense a five-yard penalty will be added to the end of the play and an automatic first down there you go way to pick up on those numbers Jim yeah a good fellow check what happened to 24 on offense yeah I heard 24 on offense I saw Joseph over on the sideline holding somebody my quarterback and he said that he did early spinning catch Gurley breaking 30 hues brings him down inside the 20 we're to put the football as Roger Saffold shoves and dae-ho in the back and that could be where the flag came in [Applause] it is there's no power for healing a block in the back first down when they pick up that flag and Mike Pereira is with us in the booth Mike Zimmer can't believe it sure looked like a block in the back to me Mike geez Joel I got to say that it is we saw that woman ran the first replay he got contact in the back that pushes him through the actions that is the flock in the back and no question they should not have picked that up but they do in the 57 yards for girli stands that's a big mess by this officiating crew a huge miss and they didn't really miss it you know I mean they had it like doctors a team [Applause] Marcel in final wraps up five listen Schobert [Applause] he shouldn't be hey we've all seen Marshawn Lynch run through these type of tackles I'm not sure that anybody on the Browns is getting him on the ground just then you catch you wanted a penalty this is the what Lynch met at the end of the play this is a broker to add is a quick whistle that's Marshawn Lynch okay now he's he's Hempton he's about to go down they blew it dead he was never down ever he could have kept going and then I got to change it they can't change it they've since want to play on the return nice little move and then gets tripped up back to that punt return by G team grant Mike Pereira that's about as blatant as it gets isn't it and you look at some of these plays and a lot of times officials get caught and can't see things this is wide open there's probably any one of three guys that should have been able to pick this up you could do it baseball Joe you look like you coming in to second base by my side shadow coming in there and Miami strikes first but a flag is down personal foul defense contact to the head and their care you have the long snapper that's a half the distance penalty automatic first down I don't see it no nor do i I'm waiting to see where the where it comes in and Mike Ferrer is with us Mike cleared up the center is defenseless so you can't hit him in the head or neck area with your shoulder your helmet but to me that's just clear shoulder to shoulder contact and not a foul this is a bad start for this crew the officiating crew and it gives Miami a fresh set of downs as they take the points off the board first down from the 12 here's Drake Drake walks to the end zone touchdown Miami [Applause] the Dolphins take advantage of that call Fanta their job Watson [Applause] [Music] catch Oh Hopkins oh but it's offensive pass interference that's the call my gosh he caught Hey oh my shirt head I mean how good is that he caught one on Sunday against Jacksonville 31 yarder and it was about as good as you'll see as well there's two fouls on the play attack defense number 28,000 interference number ten offense both files all set we're down Owen calls that he gets away with it there was contact there I'm not so sure that Howard wasn't interfering him as much as what Hopkins was with Howard Mike Pereira kind of one of those were I get it there is a little bit of a shove but there's also a grab by the defender you know to me it's one of those hands fighting those I would rather see left alone and not Paul or to step it up is keeping it in slide [Music] might be taunting no joke lack of [Applause] [Music] and see if it's cruel too late or bortles gets called for toning which would be something else [Applause] for Salah get to the head of the quarterback or you hit the quarterback in the head but what gets so difficult is when you play against a guy like Blake bortles all day long her photo was to the head but it looks like there was to the shoulder but picked up just a few yards yeah yeah Hicks is like I didn't touch you to do it I didn't do it you know what I know but yeah we've got a game here for Tremont Williams man just got it away there's a flag down his contact with a punter personal foul 15-yard penalty fourth down it was fourth and 21 oh my you can't do anything that dumb oh my goodness [Applause] I all right they're saying that he ran into the plant leg on that one Terry right either that either that are punishing contact this is just this is just running into the kicker this should've only been a five yard penalty there's nothing punishing you certainly didn't hit the plant leg yeah you're looking for either punishing contact or forcible contact to the plant leg here he just he just runs into the kicker this is this is just a normal five yard penalty I don't think Mike McCarthy is gonna have much fun at the next official speed you know pass over the middle and a big hit Jordan Reed Smith comes out of it with a football they're saying incomplete Woods was in there as well watch this hit by Woods that was right to the helmet and it looked like Reed lost his mouth guard in the process yeah woods he came in and and just leveled him it looked he's looking for a flag and we'll talk to Mike Ferrara in a second here and you see the frustration by Reed here's that hit right to the helmet he is a defenseless player so you can't go to the head or neck area with your helmet forearms shoulder doesn't have to be the crown of the helmet any part of the helmet so yes that's a that's a foul well that is a huge mess in a year where throughout the league they're looking for that type hit and instead of an automatic first down and a crackit touchdown here they have to settle for the field goal now an eight-point game this is coming off the loss on Sunday against the Houston Texans where there was a big penalty at the end of that ballgame that affected the outcome of the game that went against the Washington Redskins so [Applause]
Channel: budleewiser
Views: 323,007
Rating: 4.6157584 out of 5
Keywords: Nfl, sports, football, controversial calls, controversy, worst calls, penalties, flags, flagged, refs, bad calls, roughing the passer, officials, cheating, highlight heaven
Id: wvmqq0IXjro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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