Part 2. Used Semi Truck Dealer Advice. How to buy a used semi truck from a dealer.

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[Music] all right part two welcome back all right let's do it i got a question so we uh we closed it out on do you remember we talked about when he closed it out part one i mean it was so long ago i don't know i know yeah last week yeah you have to refresh my memory um i don't know it was just so expansive it was just so informative yeah it's uh it we we touched on a lot of uh different subjects but not number one thing is you know um what i want to know is um what's as far as owner operators buying trucks because we talked about you know um preparedness and specs and how owner operators um come prepared whether they do or not because that's what i would like to see more is well and how it's so much more important for them to be prepared because they need it yeah and what so ultimately the summary was yeah you see that right and across the industry you think owners do majority know what they're buying and what the or is it as a minority still i i i gotta say it's probably 60 40 60 that that really have a good grasp on it but you know 40 there's a lot to it i mean if you're not you know really in tune to what you're doing and mechanical a little bit yeah you know you could tell somebody a gear ratio and all these other specs all day long it's just numbers and dots you know so yeah there's not you know and maybe i might have to recant that 60 40 number it might be more 50 50 and someone who really realizes you know it's revolutions per turn got it done you know it's it's just not yeah it's not something i think a lot of owner ops know and i think the bigger fleets they have someone that kind of crunches numbers that's you know on the mechanical end of it and going yeah hey it's this is where we're at this is the ratio we need for what we're hauling like schneider and everybody else they run a certain ratio that not many other people do and you know when we do very rarely have a use schneider people i don't want a schneider i said they got somebody that they probably pay you know a freaking million dollars a year to say this is how we need to spec our trucks yeah to make them the best fuel mileage and i tell a lot of owner operators that because they they're the ones that really get hung up on i want a 500 horsepower 550 horsepower big horsepower big horsepower where are you running i'm running the midwest well what do you need 500 horsepower for i go trust me this truck came out of a fleet of you know three or four hundred trucks they have tested trucks they have tried this ratio that ratio this gearing this transmission they've put in more money than you would want to spend in research to see what's going to work best for them i go leave it and especially with the gliders because the factory engines are set at like 435 and everybody's i don't want that turn you know let's turn it up to 470 max i said we'll do this go drive pull some loads calculate your fuel mileage see how your power is if you don't like it then turn it up but i guarantee you're going to be happy and almost every single one of those customers come back hey it's perfect yeah but why do you think they do it because i've i see you know buying trucks owner buying a truck to show off and i always say just just buy it for yourself buy it for the operation that you're doing and not because your cousins are excited that you have a 500 horsepower truck right right 650 comments yeah and this is like what are your yeah do that if you're geeking out and you can work on it by yourself yeah hell yeah but just to show it off you know yeah no just to show it off and you know back to say it's a business man your fuel mileage is important i mean you're talking two miles a gallon or something like that mile and a half a gallon that's significant you know and the better fuel mileage you get the harder it is to improve it you know so if you're going from yeah i'm not going to get into that but if you're buying a truck that's going to give you four and a half five versus a 12.7 detroit uh that's going to be in the sixes that's a significant amount of cash in your pocket when you're when you're you know running midwest flat or i'm not talking about hills but is there anything that surprises you that surprised you being in truck sales that you've you've seen either fleet buying or owners buying what is what is something that you know probably that i mean i don't know if i could really be surprised by much in the industry but i i think maybe the volatility on on the fleet side of these smaller fleets and you know you know hey we're going home we have approvals we're ready to go and it's like ah i don't need the truck right now i never mind i'm not buying it so you know kind of the volatility of those guys and then you know with the owner operators i mean probably probably the 50 percent that aren't as prepared as you'd like them to be to come in and score a deal um that that maybe surprises me the most out of anything on how people will call and say i want a freightliner well freightliner what well i don't know that's why i want a freightliner and i'm like well okay you know let's let's talk and you know so i the underpreparedness of some people and the volatility of the fleets i think those are probably the two things that really just blow my mind you know our deal's done uh not on trucks anymore but wait all we need is insurance and we're getting paid no i don't want them interesting why do you think that is i and again this is mid-sized fleets and who knows hey maybe there was a contract on the table that got pulled maybe a driver quit um you know maybe they got a better deal somewhere else hey very possible you know you're not going to get a more quality truck but hey you know yeah that's neither here nor there yeah true but um you know just pure i think um knowing because what i'm trying to get to is like how are we ever going to be able to get to customers coming to you through your door buying trucks that know their um their operation and and i don't want to uh beat that horse but it's literally it's all about just getting uh like prep go talk to people if you don't know if you're starting from zero just like go find people that actually will help you yeah uh you know ask the right questions what am i doing with it what how much like what operation uh where i'm running it and yeah well it it's easy now it's easier now than ever i mean you have this great podcast called truck you i don't know if you ever heard of it no it's yeah they've a lot of very informative stuff on there but no you know just google searches go you know you're you've been driving for a company for a little bit you know even if it's a company driver go talk to the old dude that's been there for 25 years that's been in every truck and they give him the new truck as he's the man and you know pick his brain and google search some stuff and you know hop on youtube and yeah you know the information's there for you but facebook groups i would say that's that's a good one um just just ask questions don't me don't be afraid to ask questions for sure no yeah there's yeah when you're going into what's going to make you money and feed your family there's not a stupid question to anybody to us to whoever you ask it to and if someone blows you up then you don't need to talk to them anyhow yeah you know how many guys i have um saying i mean i've been in the industry for 30 years and then we talk trucks and then they they don't know and they're they're embarrassed to admit i'm like that's fine that's totally fine like yeah everybody starts somewhere don't matter how long you've been doing it i mean you know especially if you're accomplishing a guy i mean they're putting in a truck and hey you know shift this gear take it from here to here and i mean your concern really isn't fuel mileage your concern isn't repair costs entire costs and insurance because it's you're not paying for it so understandable how somebody on that end of the business could not really have the answers for those things or know the answers the questions for those things so i mean it's really feasible to see how that could happen yeah and that's why i say hey learn on your company's dime yeah drive that truck right and learn as much as you can about the truck it's not your truck treat it as if if it was your chocolate right because bad habits die hard yeah and if you're going to beat somebody else's truck you're going to end up you know the first day you're polishing it and by the end of it there's you know chicken bones and sunflower seeds and pop and wrappers and you know your bumpers all dented i mean so yeah no definitely and that's probably the best advice to anybody out there looking to maybe get in their first truck and we see that a lot too hey how long have you had cbl six months you want to be an owner operator already this isn't you know the grass isn't always greener yes you're going to make more money as an owner operator but you have to be prepared to do the things that are going to make you money see that's the that's the problem i uh see is you know obviously the owners want to make more money they they will make more money but you can also as quickly go out of that business right yeah because of the mistakes of buying a wrong truck not understanding anything about the truck and then hopping and you're gonna enjoy it for a little bit and then all of a sudden you have issues that you don't know how to fix or address and and you're enjoying also your home time which um you know we all we know it's like well after you if you when you're a driver you shut the door you go home with being an owner you gotta actually take your time post trip it pre-trip and make sure everything is fine go to the shop talk to the shop that's additional time that you have to invest to make it work as an owner right yeah no and it's in your right and it's i think unfortunately a lot of guys do that it's yeah turn it off in the parking lot all right see you monday or you know this and that and it's like hey man you know monday morning hey can you i'm like why didn't you check it on on friday yeah you know and next what should i know about financing trucks what would you financing financing is the great equalizer i think in the in the business of retail sales because if we were able to finance everybody walked in the door i mean i could sell a thousand trucks a year probably um because it's what i always tell people is somewhere between buying a car and a home it's nowhere near buying a car it's nowhere near buying a home but it's right in the middle yeah um and you know the recent events with the covenant and stuff it's done nothing but make it harder to finance stuff um bank's not loaning money they're getting they're getting back into the business of loaning money but i mean honestly for a little bit there we had exceptional customers that direct banks passed on though they're not hauling essential freight and it really got kind of aggravating yeah and the guy was actually hauling the central freight anyhow he's hauling uh it was just that makes all kinds of food yeah i went it's just an excuse it is it is and they're they're they're just they're waiting to see what happened and it's understandable we'll just say hey we're not lending money now don't turn down a guy with 850 credit in 30 trucks exactly um but so but but really you know even four years ago you know i'm talking all post covet and we're kind of getting back into the normal world hopefully a little bit now but you know four or five years ago you said all right first time buyer hey you you know you have five years cdl but you've been a company driver hey usually you know right around 10 down if your credit's okay you know you're good to go and i mean the first time buyer has really become tough to get done and your credit's got to be there they like you to be a homeowner they want the four or five years cdl experience but they still want 20 to 30 down in some cases even with good credit 20 down um so it makes it tough to get out there and get going especially for what we sell a lot of our inventory is a little more expensive because the gliders are retailing higher um but you know since covet now even well qualified guys three months bank statements tax returns some other financial stuff to be able to get approvals where a lot of you know established fleet guys it was you know app only and hey here you go is your terms zero down let's roll so uh you know and we have mary at the dealership she takes care of all that does a really good job with that she does um you know but it's it's just it's an uphill battle and and she's you know almost daily she's kind of telling me well now we need this now we need that we don't need this anymore these guys need that guys that you know used to be a slam dunk are now going to be a little bit more difficult to fund and so that's i guess i said that's the great equalizer i mean if it wasn't you know we if funding was easier you know we'd sell a lot of trucks but then you might end up in like a housing crisis of 07 or something you know so not everybody deserves to be in um but there's a whole lot of uh people that deserve to be in that can't get in either you know for for a plethora of reasons um so it's tough and you know on the on the other end of that is you know maybe somebody who went through some hard times that are trying to get back on their feet well the credits hurt and you know stuff's not lining up for them but you know is the answer charging them 30 interest which we really don't work with banks that do stuff like that you know last case scenario and we'll sometimes tell people hey you know this truck's 50 grand you're gonna pay 110 for it when you're done don't do it yeah yeah it doesn't make sense you're never going to make the money back out of this thing really um you know because uh so and the same token that we try to help people along and show them hey this this and that this kind of truck you need this kind of truck you don't need you know we kind of do the same thing with the finance like i said hey don't put everything you have on this down payment or hey you know work on your credit drive for this company for another year you know we'll get your taxes hey you made some decent money for driving you know and you're not paying tires taxes you know insurance you know 2290s all that fun stuff it's not on you repair your credit start paying your bills hire a firm to repair your credit you know go buy a car get that thing paid for a year and come back and we'll get you into something nice for a little bit better of a deal so you know we we try to help people on that front too but you know we're nobody's daddies yeah so you know yeah they got to do it they got to do what they got to do what is the credit score that i want to have to to come through the door 800 you know i mean no i mean so you know what whatever mid sixes i mean is you know we can do stuff lower than that but your down payment substantial and then your interest rate starts getting to the point of maybe not making sense um but you know and credit's not everything i mean uh your credit score and your credit history are important but you know score and history are about 50 50 but with uh semi truck it's commercial credit so you know on an equal plane to the credit score is your comparable history so that's why it's harder for a first-time buyer to get done so comparable history is obviously you bought a truck for seventy thousand for twenty grand down you have fifty thousand dollars of comparable credit some banks like you to have fifty percent comparable credit some based on a hundred percent so you finance the truck for thirty grand put ten grand down you'll have twenty thousand comparable credit you're trying to buy a 70 000 truck the bank says you don't have the comparables to warrant financing this truck um so the down payment goes up the banks have to look better the tax returns have to look good you know the credit history has to look good so it's a dance and it's we get so many calls of hey what do i need to buy a semi and then i go on this three hour you know tangent of well you know have you ever bought a truck what's your credit this that and it's case by case it's person by person it's truck by truck you know manufacturer make engine miles transmission i mean they look at everything they'll go into a report all right well what's the fuel tank size is it new virgin rubber what horsepower is the motor so there's so many tangibles that go into what you're gonna get approved for that it's not just like well hey i'm john smith my credit's 750. you know i got five trucks it's not like well here's you know 200 grand knock your socks off it's like all right well which truck do you want we have to submit in your file with an application for the truck so a little bit different than getting pre-approved for a house or you walk into a car dealership your credit's over 700 they're like hey here you know what do you want for dinner pick out anything you want you know you're good to go sign and drive no money down it may be not that easy but you know it's definitely a different ball game and i think a lot of people come in and see that and go whoa wait a minute what what my interest rate's 12 that's a pretty good rate because it's commercial credit it's not the same there's no zero percent there's no 1.9 you know our big fleet guys are are getting right now average of eight maybe a little less maybe a little higher but ironically enough as we have such a low fed rate the commercial rates have climbed and so you try explaining that to somebody we're almost at negative interest rates but commercial rates are up so you know some some people understand that some people don't at all and a lot of first-time buyers go why you know i bought a car at you know 1.9 how come i'm at 12 or 13 it's like it's totally different ball game yeah there's a lot of factors that come into that right um nice um so i want to go into a little bit different um area tell me about your intake process when you're when you guys how does it work for a dealer when you go find a truck trucks a deal what's that process for you uh before it hits the floor okay well i mean the initial process i think for us is a little bit different because i was a mechanic for so long i learned quickly don't buy anything you don't put your hands on because no matter how nice the pictures look and stuff like that and now i'm saying that and i'm telling hey everybody buy pictures you know off the pitcher's my website you're good but we put the work in so but you know pitchers can show different stuff and i tell people that a lot well man it looks very pictures and i'm like trust me when you come in it's going to show better than it does in those pictures but i put my hands on everything i run them i look at brakes u-joints i put on a 3m suit gloves the goggles got my flashlight i'm looking at wheel seals testing new joints tie rod ends drag links running real hot looking at blow-by checking the fan operation ac everything i'm basically doing a dot with more mechanical stuff before i buy so that's how we buy so once it gets in everything will go into our shop it gets all new oil we use valvoline oil flea guard filters cab air filter you know uh engine air filter all new fuel and you know oil filters new oil we run through to check the you know multi multi plate inspection you know wipers ac you know kind of stuff i check when i buy but then it goes through so it gets pm gets a dot we have a detailer that works out of our facility as well so it'll go from the shop right to our detailer wax it clean the frame if the frame needs it we'll paint the frame polish the aluminum uh we don't go too crazy we really don't do too much with the engine kind of wash the dust off the engine we don't paint engines and stuff like that unless you know sometimes you get a northern gem needs a little sanding and some paint even though i mean it would take like 300 years to rust through an engine block yeah yeah so you know yeah we bring them in pm and the otm recondition them uh most of my trucks almost every one of my trucks has brand new virgin tires um i i'm not a big believer in recaps i know there's some decent ones out there but i mean it's just yeah good versions right so you know all our stuff's got you know virgin tires on it um and then you know kind of hits into the marketing and truck paper and commercial truck trader and facebook and twitter you know all that good stuff that we do so how many trucks do you sell per week per month you know that that's kind of a uh a month by month uh kind of a a scenario i mean the we're like i said we're a smaller dealership we're a family-owned dealership there's only three of us that operate the entire dealership um so you know i do the buying set this pricing do the advertising you know responsible for shipping the trucks in things like that staging the lot deciding which uh repairs we do and things like that in the shop then we have mary our finance manager and then uh we have your uncle pete he's my salesman um so it's just the three of us so it's it's a small place so you know on a busy month we'll sell 10 to possibly sometimes 14 15 trucks between consignments and trucks we own i think around 120 125 is the most we've sold in a year but when when you when you go down to three people doing that and really two people selling it you know it's a lot you know these other dealers that sell retail wise you know 300 trucks foreign trucks they have 20 salesmen three finance people two managers you know and it's it's a big thing but you know we're more like we're like a boutique we're going to take care of our boutique truck sales yeah that's it i mean you having the shop helps tremendously because you guys do go through your units quite quite a lot and thoroughly and and since i bought quite a few of them from you i think um you know there's nothing that was under communicated i know what to expect we had a couple trucks that were like hey this is what we probably should look at so one of them had one of the gliders had some issues with the engine that we fixed which was it's when you when i look at like when i deal with other um truck sales places sometimes oftentimes they don't have the expertise in the truck maintenance that you guys have which is the number one thing that i like about you is um you do have that expertise and then now i you know plus the relationship with uh we've had for a little while but now i've been uh you know buying the d13s which you know uh and it's like well we we have a shop we work with this is what's happening but the the guys don't really know what they're selling yeah right well and and i was going to kind of make that point too it's not like we don't have a shop for our retail trucks our you know the shop's been you know 20 20 years before the sales came in so these guys are union mechanics ase guys um we have every oem software the shop's actually a cummins certified uh service center the auto truck garbage truck service center so we have good technicians and they're not you know it's just not a guy that's going to change oil and make the truck look pretty and put it on the lot i mean we get trucks in sometimes you know i'll go out and hey it didn't really have too much of heavy you know blow-by when i saw it but you know by the time it drives in from texas or wherever it's like holy cow man this thing you know drank four gallons of oil let's pull the head all right let's overhaul it so very rarely does something get out uh without us catching it first but it does we're human we're not perfect they're machines and sometimes things break and they break like this and you can't foresee when they're gonna break but we try to do the best we can to get it out and uh you know same ownership of the shop and the truck sales so it's like hey these guys know you know you mess up one of them you know you're messing up the owner's trucks you know not just some shop or some truck dealership so yeah definitely i can i can tell you um that's that's something i've been seeing now having a shop and and this with the mechanics looking at units i had to like bring it up like guys you're now fixing your trucks this is not a customer shot right fixing yeah you said something last week that was i you know kind of stuck with me too hey you're you know this is your team member's truck you know we're all era and you know you're screwing you're a co-worker you know yeah it's not just some intentionally or not intentionally right exactly if you not think about this is a you're part of a bigger picture we're like okay i got to do my best to make sure i'm covering everything i can a lot a lot of my experience and i don't know if you can share that with me is you know just the mechanics come in they work they're fixing what they're supposed to be fixing like let's try to find things right whether the customer fixes or not that's that's a different question but let's let's at least give him heads up hey this is what needs to be done you have to do that sebastian because you know someone comes in and you know next week this breaks well my truck was just in there why didn't you see it you know well now you can say hey we asked you hey we can do it it's going to cost you x it's you know parts x y and z and you know you should do it it's you know right now it's not at the critical level but no yeah you should you should always do that because a it's you know it's gonna generate revenue for the shop and you're not you're doing your customer service by telling them hey we we saw this while we were here you should maybe take care of that for sure yeah true what's up the 2020 been so far for you we're at the halfway point how much more time we got i don't know i mean you know it's january in the end of february it kind of seemed like okay we're going to have an okay year we're going to have a good year we're going to have an above average year and we you know we had good january numbers and we were rolling and then i mean the virus it hit us hard i mean it didn't hit our shop as hard um you know freight was still moving the supply chain is you know i mean it came pretty much to a halt so i mean we had a very rough march april may uh june it started to turn around but we still you know july has been good uh looks like august is going to start out good as well and it's just how we basically probably look at the same indicators that you do you know we look at what the shippers are doing we're looking at you know a supply chain you know supply and demand of what's coming in so we're almost we predicate what we buy almost like a trucking fleet what because we have to look at the same indicators to know all right should we beef up inventory or should we kind of hey let's keep 20 25 trucks hopefully you know on the lot right now instead of 40 or 35 um which you know 35 for us is like we're to the guilds that's about as 35 i think one time maybe we had 40. um but that's about as big as we get right now we're holding we're low because it's been busy and we're trying to stick with the gliders they're really not as much out there so we're down to maybe 16 17 trucks maybe less than that in inventory right now and i think we have five or six or seven uh you know under contract or applied for finance so are you finding inventory though is it what do you what are you seeing you know there's a lot of talk about companies going out uh slimming down through what happened over 2019 or even going out of business i mean a lot of companies went out of business 2019 but what are you seeing is it is that happen you know i feel like that you know i know it's still happening but i feel like it heavily it happened more heavily in 19 and there was just a massive flood of used trucks last year yeah massive it didn't affect us as much because we were really i mean maybe we sold four non-glider trucks in 2019 total yeah um so it's still kind of on that page with us but right now there are not a lot of used trucks on the market there really isn't i mean i usually get i still get you know 50 emails a day um but i you know i used to get 100 and you know the other 50 were hey 2015 cascadia 2017 cascadia 2018 cascadia volvo this that i mean just use trucks use trucks big groups i'm fine now i'm getting really not much you know a lot of pre-auction stuff old inventory or real high mile 13s and 14s not real desirable stuff um so the price of used trucks is going to start climbing because the supply and demand so there's not a lot of supplies next is you know one um it's because not only we haven't produced new trucks for uh quite a bit yeah it's still a lot slower than it should now the demand for moving freight is going up and all of a sudden you can't buy anything that new right so for big fleets they're just going to hold on to their trucks which is going to under supply the used truck market i think and and and that's been a trend for a little bit um these bigger fleets are you know they used to turn stuff in at 350 right out of factory warranty i mean you're seeing stuff coming out of swift and knight and some of these bigger companies yeah big miles and it's wow you guys are really they're holding on significantly longer than the warranty so um it's it's very tricky it's a very tricky thing to navigate and you see you're seeing the retail prices that have obviously creeped way lower because it took so long for these other dealers to sell this aged inventory that you're just losing money on you know um to restock into the readjusted wholesale market that it's it's been a real tough sea to navigate you know it's it's it's very up and down and like i said i mean the same way you're going to say oh maybe i should add 10 trucks on and go hire some drivers looking at like i said some of that same stuff and it's kind of the same way we look at it so and you really you really don't know because i i do feel like a lot of the stuff is just predicated on maybes and fear and you know maybe not actual tangible facts and hard numbers you know so you know it's it's tough to say uh you said the truck prices are going to go up when do you think they're going to start climbing more rapidly um yeah it's it's begun for sure because again there's just not supply like uh i think in part one wait last year we did the part one yeah so um you know i was mentioning like the the cascadia with the dd15 and the dt12 new body style cascadia you know evo full fairings you know the whole ball wax they have some beautiful interiors now and uh they're just not around i mean you you're hard-pressed to find one with under 250 000 miles in chicago so think about that between all the freightliner dealers around here and all the used truck dealerships around here uh fedex guy that i'm sure you know real well he's bought a couple gliders from us he bought a couple of volvos with cummins as non-gliders from us and you know him and his son wanted to add a truck onto fedex but fedex is you know now they have the uh you need the f cam and you need the auto braking and lane departure and all that stuff is gonna be mandatory in like two years so which is pretty common stock now on this new later model stuff but he's like hey i want this i said well how many you know all right give me a couple weeks i'll i'll hunt one down you know i couldn't get him one you know um they had to go way out of state to go find that that truck which eight months ago nine months ago was like you want one yeah okay what color you know how many miles you know so yeah i agree i think we're we've put ourselves in a very uh interesting spot when we're going to look back in a couple years and be like wow this is this was such an undersupply of what actually is happening and why how it's going to change how fleets are thinking about what's happening because i think a lesson learned from what happened you know through covet in the six months of you know what we've been dealing with but it changed a lot of thinking around fleets especially for me um and it's just like all right maybe we should invest a little bit more and keep in maintenance and keep the trucks longer and ride it out and then now what are you gonna buy if there's nothing coming out at the at the speed that it used to come out at right right yeah that's that's a different thing like you're gonna now reopen a factory and you're gonna assemble them but they're gonna come at half the speed that they did before right well of course until everything's 100 back to normal yeah you're not going to spit them out as fast for sure because i'm sure there's going to be distancing measures and different shift factors and yeah you're totally spot on so the use drug market is going to stay strong you know from everything i've heard and like we're members of the use truck association they have a big conference and obviously that was pre-coded yeah but uh you know just kind of talking about the the new truck uh production and how you know all eighty percent of new trucks now are automatic so you know premium pricing is going to come in on uh manual trucks and stuff like that and so that's all playing in in the terms now so a 13 speed truck now is actually bringing a little bit of a premium because there's so many automatics out there so it's just it's a real there's really no way to put your finger on anything because there's just so many factors right now and it's kind of you know it's uncharted territory really yes i totally agree one last question if you were gonna buy a truck for yourself what would it be oh man that's a tough one i mean like to haul freight with or just like you just wanna you have 150k laying around you're just going to buy a truck just whatever the fun thing that you want to do with it right yes yeah i would just go get one of those awesome like 379 peterbilt like uh cabin sleepers with the bathroom and the wood floor in there satellite tv i'm good to go let's move in good glider or uh emission engine oh yeah glider all the way yeah yeah no way all right awesome brother thank you appreciate it it was fun i think we covered a lot um hope maybe hopefully see you again soon maybe we can talk about some used trucks and make it a little bit more regular yeah that sounds good i'm in any time thank you
Channel: Truck Yoo
Views: 10,562
Rating: 4.9287834 out of 5
Keywords: Part 2 Used Semi Truck Dealer Advice. How to buy a used semi truck from a dealer., semi truck financing, used semi truck sales, how to get semi truck financing, buying a used semi truck, semi truck dealer, used semi truck dealer, era service, truckyoo, haulinamerica, trucking podcast, heavy duty mechanic, semi truck repair, semi truck repair shop, semi truck mechanic, semi truck service, owneroperator advice, owner operator tips, owner operator advice, trucking lifestyle
Id: fOMBruBHv18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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