Part 1: QGIS installation via OSGeo4W package

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welcome to the geese War Channel my name is Muhammad and today I'm gonna tell you how we can use osg04 W to install qgis so let's get started as all of you know for installing the qgis we can easily use the simple MSI file you can directly go to the qgis website download it and with multiple next buttons you can install everything the second part will be the using os04 W that I wanna to tell you in a detail this step let me tell you a bit about advantage and disadvantages of using MSI installations one of the advantages will be it is a safe installations I mean that if it doesn't have enough information about different library of the quis or if you are a beginner it will be very easy for you to have it a multi-pull next clicks bottom clicks so you can install the qgis and also it has an easy installation in this part if you want to install it on if you are in a company and you want to install it on more than one PC and if you doesn't have a GIS background so it is very easy for you just to download it and install it on different machines and different servers and the first thing that will meet the disadvantages of this type of installations the keeping update of qgis so for example now you are using the qgis16 new version comes to how you wanna again you should download the ms5 MSI file of the newest versions again update it and download it and it's really really difficult and just think about you want to uninstall the previous versions again you should go to the settings app and uninstall the version so it will be very very time consuming and another thing that in the English beginner it will be difficult to install the extra libraries on your qgis okay now I wanna tell you you use Osgo for packages to install to update and uninstall the qgis it is very very useful and just keep continue this video and I will show you all these three different functionality of osco4w package okay when you open OSU 4aw package you will see two type of installation Express installation and advanced installations in the express installations we have four item or we have four choices so qgis qgis LTR gdl and G grass GIS qgis is the latest version of qgis which has all the libraries has already been published so I really recommend if you are a researcher if you are a student and if you are a person you want to know what are the latest libraries of the queue ugis please download and use this type but if you are a person who are working in a company or you want to install the qgis in a company and in the production part so I really recommend to use qgis LTR because if we have some bugs in the qgis in the first step in the first part we have it doesn't have these problems in the LTR version and so if you choose any of the two items please install the gdl and grass GIS also so for installing the qgis by using osco4w package Google qgis the first link click on the download link the green button is MSI file it's very very easy I don't like to show it here because all of you I'm sure that all of you has already know how to install it so if you wanted to download the OSU 4w package just click on it then the installer just save it somewhere on your PC so it takes a very it's it's not very it's light fight so just if you wanted to install on the all the users don't forget to run it as administrator so but I'm going to use it install it just for myself for my user you see that here is expressing Advanced installation I use the express next four items that I have already talked about it so I use the qjs LTR gdl and grass GIS so uh just just click on the next then you will see all the licenses except all of them and then after accepting all these processes you can easily connect that and then the software start to download all different types of packages in advanced installations I will show you how many libraries and how many softwares that this osg04w package will install for you because it takes a bit more time I will pause the video and I will talk about it after finishing and downloading all these parts so it has already done so the installation and downloading and installation it has already done okay just go to the search bar or write qgis yes done qgis 3.22.16 has already been installed for me just we should a bit wait because it is the first time and it takes a bit more time so now you have your qgis you can use it and you can develop what you want to do in the gis field so until now if you like our videos so don't forget to like it and the Subscribe our Channel so where you go here is the rqgis just go to the help about perfect 3.22.16 has already been installed now it's time to talk about Advanced installations when you open this part you will come across with five sections utility is desktop libraries lips and web so for the first time just change the default values of the utilities in the desktop to install and please don't forget to change all the status of the qgis desktop and nightly packages to escape because I wanna install the qgis LTR version so I don't need the simple qgis desktop or the latest version of qgis desktop and also we have some nightly packages and this is something very new newer than the qgis desktop not LTR one so please not install all of them on your PC because it makes your PC a lot of softwares and definitely it will reduce the performance of your computer after opening the qgis again I will select the advanced installed then installed from the internet the same thing and I told you again I am installing just on my own user not as an administrator don't forget to click both of the Osgo and the Norbit in the future I will tell you what is the Norbit and what we can do with this great software so first of all just change the utility default to the install and all the nightly packages to the Escape different than in the desktop part again change it to the install and then all the nightly packages again to the escape and also the qgis desktop to the skip because I just want to install the qgis LTR and I don't want to have more than one qgis on my PC so again we have more nightly packages just skip them and just keep continue good and uh so if you have already done and these are the libraries we don't need this right now in the future I will tell you what they can do with uh three other parts just check them again so we don't have any nightly packages just multiple clicks so again it will takes a bit more time again it should download everything from the internet from the two websites that I showed you I will see you after these complete completing the install like downloading and installation so it's done but it will takes I think at least 20 to 30 minutes according to the speed of your internet and many things just in your search just search qgis great again we have the same thing because it is the first time it is installed so it will takes a bit time to open the qgis now you have the qgis installed with the advanced installations of OSG affordable you package and okay just we should a bit more weight good so it is done so the qgis is open again we have the same error because uh now it is the arrow for my plugin because I delete everything so it couldn't find my plugin right now energy plugin great we have the 3.22.16 of qgis great I will see you again and we can discuss in the next part about updating and uninstalling the qgis until now we have already talked about how we can install the qgis using a Express and advanced installations using open osg04 w package now it's a time to how we can update for example now in this video I have a 3.22.12 version of a qgis now if you have some small changes in the qgis we have some updates and it changes to 3.22.16 so how can I update this via osg04w package the same thing of installations again we have utilities desktop Library sleeps and web just keep everything as a default because osco4w package automatically detects which libraries has already been updated or not so default it will be a safe part and again don't forget to change the status of the qjs desk top and Nike packages to escape so first of all I'm going to show you what is the version of my qgis help about so it is 3.22.12 uh so let me just close it and I wanna again open osg04 w set up and I use the advanced installation again I want to install it on my own user not for all the users so you can see not all the users if you wanted to install for all the users you should right click on the the setup file and run it as an administrator and this is the local page so you can change it from there maybe for you it is a local part but iPhone store it in the C drive it's better I think and then it is no problem which one you choose is a download but OSU definitely is the best one so you can see all of them is at default so just check them you can see in a desktop you will see now from 60 now the the current version is 12 now I wanted to install the 16. so as next and accept all of them it will a bit again takes time for the installation again we have some map licenses we should accept it so I will pause the video and I will I will see you after this downloading and installation so it's done so it has already download the latest versions and updated and downloaded go to your search write qgis so very good 3.22.16 has already been downloaded and installed it's great again I will click on it so we have the qgis version 3.22.16 just again after the opening this software so I should go to the help and about and I can see whether it has already changed from 12 to 16. good it it is opened so I will go to the help about and you can see great 3.22.16 has already been installed foreign of videos is uninstalling the qgis via osg04 W so we have utilities desktop libraries leaps in the web same but because I want to uninstall completely qgis on my PC so I should change the default to the uninstalled so again we should go to the help about and you can see I have already installed 3.22.16 so I just close it open osg04 setup file then again the same thing of the installations and updating for advanced installation and the same process and if the qgis is installed on the so as administrator don't forget to right click and run the setup file as an administrator just change the default you can see now I have 22.16 osco4w automatically detected so change the default to uninstall uninstall everything the same thing just next it takes a very short time so it will uninstall all the packages so I pause the video good everything has already been uninstalled so just close it and just type when I type the qgis there we go I have already uninstalled the qgis on my PC we have already learned how we can use osco4w packages to install the qgis maybe a different version of qgis and when machine and how we can update the older version of qgis but don't forget if you have these older versions also have to be installed by osco4w so in this case if you install one version of qgis with the OS 204w packages you can easily update it and also you can uninstall the qgis package using osco4w so how you can uninstall it for example I have the versions as you see 3.22.20 and 0.16. I wanted to uninstall the 12 or I wanted to uninstall both of them so I can easily use this package and uninstall all the versions of maybe qgis or just one version and at the end thank you so much for all your attention uh please write it in the comment section below the the world case Channel group can help you and answer it as soon as possible see you again in the next video and if you like this video don't forget to introduce us to other your friends like the video and subscribe our Channel
Channel: GISWorld
Views: 4,871
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Keywords: qgis, gis, Installation, Innovation, fossgis, FOSS4G, OSGEO4W, Open source, Free, Information Technology, Geographic information technologies, Gis world
Id: Erwg2BRLnNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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