Parser and Lexer — How to Create a Compiler part 1/5 — Converting text into an Abstract Syntax Tree

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This is exactly the tech I used in my compiler class for homework. We had to implement a "little" language from scratch, using a bison/flex parser to get a JSON tree of the source code, then semantic analysis using that json and finally a codegen part. Both sema and codegen used a nice visitor pattern from base of the program until all the leafs were reached. For codegen, we used LLVM stack. It was probably the hardest project/homework I had in uni and it was like my first intro to c++, but definitely worth it.

Fun fact, I even got my first job based on it.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/nucLeaRStarcraft 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

I look forward to the armchair compiler snobs who will go on and on about how parser/lexer is ancient tech and no one does that anymore, not realizing this is a video from Bisqwit.

👍︎︎ 169 👤︎︎ u/mrkite77 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Using this submission to ask for modern "industry standard compiler" courses or books that aren't also an introduction to CS. I guess the proof is in the pudding and I could just go check an existing one that hasn't grown organically yet, although I'd like to have at least one source where to check on terms & concepts first :D

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/pakoito 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

The compilers course by Alex Aiken is also a good one, he's an MIT professor and all his courses are available on YouTube.

He's using math a little bit too much for my taste, but he explains a lot of relevant notions.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/jokoon 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hey this is relatable to something I am working on right now!
I am re-imagining / re-writing flex and bison in Javascript for use in one of my personal projects since I am not happy with the current tools out there.
Currently putting the finishing touches on the lexer before moving onto the parser here:
Feel free to check out the project and let me know what you think!

EDIT: I am writing it in JS to keep a project of mine where I am doing JS visualization completely client side. I love C and realize there are going to be performance hits from doing it this way.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/zsmooreProgramming 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

What’s the benefit/use of making your own compiler? Not that I can, or would, just curious.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BLDesign 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

I remember using flex and bison for a compiler course way back when, it was a C like language and I’m half tempted to make a C compiler out of it. But going through the exercise already started to show the limitations of shift reduce parsing — I kept a single pass compilation, but could have improved things with multiple passes

I would give a C compiler a shot, but fear the time sink it would eventually become

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HeadAche2012 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

i am a beginner in programming. what are the advantages of understanding parsers and lexers?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/x_def 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

compiler compilers are a bad idea anyway. By the time you used to study how these "compiler compilers" work you could have wrote your own lexer and parser. flang's lexer and parser and much much better than you could have done with these tools anyway.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mystikkogames 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
Good evening! [In Polish language] Sometimes you just need to create a compiler. There are not many good reasons to make one today. Maybe exercise. But when I made the JRPG translations, I really needed one: Compilers like GCC and Clang just do not target the 5A22 that is in the Super Nintendo. Creating a compiler begins – from defining the language you are compiling. The inaugural challenge, that this compiler is designed for, is a function library – that performs declension of people names – according to the rules of Finnish grammar. So I sketched out this example program, in my new imaginary language, in sort of a pseudo-code, but keeping in mind that – I am going to create a compiler for it. I put just enough features into the language – that it is actually usable, but still minimal enough – that we can keep this video concise and to the point. In retrospect, the language is almost identical to B, the predecessor to the C programming language. For instance, we have statements like “return”, “while”, and “if”. We have function calls, where the function name is given first, followed by parentheses, followed by the list of expressions – that are evaluted for the function parameters. We have some expressions and operators, like the minus operator, the array indexing operator, and so on. Each statement ends in a semicolon, just like in C and B, and we also have the compound statement, which does not end in a semicolon. The function declaration itself is a bit simpler than in C or B. It begins with the function name, followed by the list of parameters. The function declaration ends with a colon character, followed by a single statement that comprises the function body. To include multiple statements in the function body, you would use the compound-statement just like in C. Variables can be defined inside functions. After some consideration, just like in the B language, I decided that just one type of variable is enough. In B, all variables are declared with the word “auto”; but I decided to use the word “var” instead. This variable type is an integer variable, but it also acts like a character-pointer where applicable. So yeah, I also had to add pointers into the language. A pointer is a variable that just “points” to another resource somewhere. So I have the asterisk operator, which dereferences a pointer. Its counterpart is the ampersand operator, which takes the address of a variable. Now that we have pretty good idea about the language, it is time to formalize the language. The formalization process begins – from defining all the atoms that make up a program. These are the building blocks, that make every single program in this language. We have four reserved words: “if”, “while”, “return” and “var”. We have several single-character or double-character operators – for various purposes. And we have four special tokens – for anything that is more complex than a fixed character sequence. First, there are identifiers. These are all the function names and variable names. Any time you see a function name – or a variable name in the code, that is an identifier right there. Then we have integer literals. When the code contains numbers that are not part of identifiers, they are integer literals. This language only supports integers, not decimal or floating point numbers. String literals are expressions – that begin with a double-quote and end in another double-quote. To be clear, this language does not have a string type. Just like in B and C programming languages, string constants are actually pointer values, that point to the specific location in memory, where the compiler put the sequence of characters – that comprise the string. And finally there is the end-of-file token, which is necessary to distinguish where the code ends. You may be wondering. The source files also contain white-space and comments. How are those accounted for? White-space and comments are not tokens. While they are not totally ignored — they are considered separators that separate tokens, but they are not tokens. In other words, the presence of white-space or comments – does not affect the structure of the program. We only care about grammatical elements. All programs are essentially streams of tokens. For example, here is how a sample function is divided into tokens. All programs look like this to compilers at some point. All parsers, regardless of how they are implemented, essentially work on these tokens streams, and try to make sense of it. And here’s how it happens. We use a grammar. Programs in this language are comprised of functions. It begins with either a function, or the end-of-file. After a successfully parsed function, the only possible continuations are another function, or the end-of-file. All valid programs follow this pattern. What is a function? This is function. A function begins with an identifier. This is the function name. After the function name, there are two options: Either an identifier, or a colon. If there is an identifier, it is a function parameter name. After the identifier, there are two options: Either a comma, or a colon. If there is comma, another identifier must follow. This may be looped as many times as there are parameters to the function. In any case, eventually there must be a colon. This denotes the end of the parameters list. After the colon, there must be a statement, which comprises the function body. After the successful parsing of a statement, the function parsing is completed. We could merge these rules into a single definition, like this: These two definitions are identical. For the computer, they convey exactly the same grammar. But for us humans, it is convenient to group the grammar – into these separate re-usable definitions. This makes the grammar easier to understand. Now, in this grammar, there is still one part that has not been explored. It is this blue node. What is a statement? Our grammar just says, that at this point – there has to be a statement. All of the other nodes are self-explanatory. Identifiers, commas and colons are called terminals. They are atoms, tokens, that cannot be expanded further. But “function” and “statement” are non-terminal: They need a definition that explains what they contain. The definition of “statement” in my language is like this: Yes, this is much more complex than the “function” definition was. There are seven alternative paths. Each denoting a different type of a statement. First, there is the compound statement. A compound statement is when you have an opening brace, followed by zero or more statements, followed by a closing brace. Then, there is the conditional statement. The conditional statement begins with the “if” keyword. Then it must be followed by an opening parenthesis, and then it must be followed by an expression, and then a closing parenthesis, and finally another statement. Yes, the definitions can be recursive! A statement may include other statements. Then, there is the loop statement. The loop statement begins with the “while” keyword. Then it must be followed by an opening parenthesis, and then it must be followed by an expression, and then a closing parenthesis, and finally another statement. This another statement is the body of the loop. The return-statement begins with the “return” keyword, followed by an expression, followed by a semicolon. Both the expression and the semicolon are mandatory. Then there is the variable declaration statement. I will leave it as an exercise to figure out how to interpret that one. Finally, a statement may also be an expression followed by a semicolon, or just a single semicolon, which does nothing. All of these seven options are valid statements. An important trait of this grammar to keep in mind – is that at the beginning of the statement parsing, just peeking the next token, one token, is enough to determine which of these seven paths to follow. If the next token is an opening brace, it’s a compound statement. If the next token is “if”, it’s the conditional statement. If the next token is “while”, it’s the loop statement. If the next token is “return”, it’s the return statement. If the next token is “var”, it’s the variable declaration. If the next token is a semicolon, it’s the last path. Otherwise it must be the second-to-last option, which is an expression, that we are yet to define. This is the grammar so far. There is still one non-terminal that we haven’t defined. It’s the “expression”. And it is the most complex of all! Expressions are the values you do your mathematics with. Your function parameters are expressions. Your function calls are expressions, too. When you assign a value into a variable, that’s an expression right there. Both the value you assign, and the assignment itself. When your code contains an integer literal, that’s an expression right there. When your code contains a string literal, that’s an expression too! When it contains an identifier, that’s also a valid expression, provided that’s in a context where an expression is expected. An expression may begin with the opening parenthesis, followed by an expression, followed by a closing parenthesis. There are a number of different kinds of expressions – that I added to this grammar. Binary expressions are your everyday mathematics operators, and also comparison and logical operators. The assignment is also a binary expression. Binary means that there are – two expressions and one operator, which together become one expression. There are unary expressions. In unary expressions, you have one expression and one operator, and together they become one expression. This includes expressions like negating, pointer dereference, pre-incrementing and post-incrementing. Just for swag I also added the ternary if-then-else operator. It combines three expressions and two operators, forming one expression as a result. And thus, the grammar is finished. There are no undefined non-terminals left. Now I realize this is not a complete definition. It lacks the operator precedences, but bear with me, it will be coming later at 22:15 in this video. This graph shows how to parse any program – in this made-up B-like programming language. If the image is unreadable in the video, don’t worry, there is a downloadable copy in the resources listed in the video description. Now, we can move on to coding. For the next part, I am going to use a tool called GNU Bison. GNU Bison is a parser-generator, which generates C or C++ code for a very efficient parser – when given the grammar description in a text file. The best way to learn how it works, in my opinion, is to dive straight into it, and explain it as we go. To make things clear, what I am going to write here is a C++ program, with some special syntax – that is parsed by Bison and converted into a parser engine. Just like before, the process begins by listing the tokens that we are going to use. We have the reserved words, the placeholders for literal expressions, and the various operators. For convenience’s sake I am going to add aliases to these tokens, so that we can refer to the tokens by the very same character sequences – that they are in the actual source code file. Then, we move on to the grammar. Rules in Bison looks like this: There is a goal. This goal is the name of a non-terminal. It describes the outcome of the process of parsing. Say, we want to describe what constitutes a statement. The goal is followed by components that fulfill the goal. These items can be terminals, or they can be other non-terminals. Here, "return" and semicolon are terminals, but expression is a non-terminal. This sequence of a goal and its components is called a rule. One goal may have multiple alternative sequences of components, that fulfill the same goal. Each of these alternatives is a separate rule for the same outcome. Now let’s study how Bison actually does the parsing. At the core of Bison – there are two important concepts: a stack, and a state machine. The state machine is a loop, where it reads tokens, and based on this token and the current state, it chooses what to do. There are two kinds of actions: Shift, and reduce. Shift means that the parser still needs to read more tokens – in order to make a decision. The previous token and its associated data is pushed into the stack. Reduce means that the parser has come into a decision: A particular rule has been matched. When this happens, three things will commence: First, contingent code associated with that rule will be executed. We will get back to that later. Secondly, the components of the rule will be removed from the stack, and the product of the rule will be pushed into the stack. There are also other types of actions, like errors, and the accept state, but these two are the important ones that you need to be aware of. Now let’s go back to the example grammar from earlier. There are four rules in this partial grammar. The state machine generated for this grammar might look like this. Because this is an incomplete grammar, for example “expression” was not defined, I have omitted some parts. But the idea is that in each state, the parser looks up the next token, and uses that information to choose whether to shift or to reduce next. Here is a brief disclaimer. Now let’s go back to the compiler. The first rule is that a library is comprised of a list of functions. What is this “functions”, then? A “functions” is this sequence: an “identifier”, followed by parameter declarations, followed by a colon, followed by a statement. Or, nothing. The fulfillment of either rule counts as “functions”. Either we get a single function definition, or we get absolutely nothing. Both are valid fulfillments of this non-terminal. Zero or one functions. But wait, didn’t the grammar, at five minutes in the video, say there can be any number of functions from zero to infinity, not just zero or one? Yes! Here is a little cheat-sheet on how to make rules – that contain an indeterminate number of components. The first three examples are trivial: These rules have a fixed shape. Either they match the specified number of components, or not. The fourth rule specifies that the rule matches if a thing is found, but it also matches if a thing is not found. Any time that zero occurrences is a valid option, there is an alternative empty rule. The keyword %empty could actually be omitted, but it is best to write code that documents the “why” – as we have discussed in a previous video. If you need a certain token in the beginning of the sequence, you can put it in the place of the percent-empty keyword. Any time the expression "or more" is found in your grammar, you need recursion. In Bison, the preferred way to do recursion is left-recursion, where the rule begins with a reference to itself or to another rule. If recursion is present, there must also be an alternative rule that does not contain recursion. Let’s explore how this works. Take the products_opt rule for example. First, the parser attempts to parse one of the rules that does not contain recursion. In this case, it is the empty rule, rule 2. This rule matches. So, the stack is reduced using rule 2. Then, it attempts to parse one of the recursive rules. The stack already contains products_opt, so that part is good. Then, it checks whether the next token is a THING. The next token is a THING! So, the stack is reduced using rule 1. Then, it attempts to parse one of the recursive rules. The stack already contains products_opt, so that part is good. Then, it checks whether the next token is a THING. The next token is a THING! So, the stack is reduced using rule 1. Then, it attempts to parse one of the recursive rules. The stack already contains products_opt, so that part is good. Then, it checks whether the next token is a THING. The next token is not a THING! So, this target is complete, and parsing continues somewhere else. And that is the idea behind recursive rules. Recursive rules are needed in almost all grammars, so it is important to learn how they work. It is worth noting that – if you need a rule of zero or more delimited things, you actually cannot do that with just one non-terminal. You need two different non-terminals for that. Sometimes you need this kind of a helper non-terminal. So with all this information in mind, let’s get back to the code. There is the non-terminal for zero or more functions. Then there is the non-terminal for zero or more parameters, comma-delimited. Each parameter is just an identifier token. You can see how a helper non-terminal was needed to implement this pattern. Next, the statements. This includes alternative rules for all the seven types of statements – discussed earlier in this video. Because the compound statement may contain zero or more statements, we need a separate non-terminal to carry out the recursion. The variable declaration statement also includes recursion with a delimiter. Because it is not a zero-or-more situation: After the “var” keyword at least one variable declaration is required — just one non-terminal would suffice as shown here, but I created a separate non-terminal for the identifier declaration – so that the two rules, where a variable is either declared, or declared and also assigned to, do not need to be duplicated. This concludes the statements. Next we need to define the expression. Remember this graph showing all the different expressions? Good. Because this is not a 360° video, I cannot show it simultaneously with the code. You may notice these expressions are massively self-refential and recursive. But that’s all right! Making it all work is what the parser is for. In fact, why don’t we test and see – what Bison thinks of our grammar now, that it is finished. Oh no! It says there were manifold shift-reduce conflicts in my grammar. What could it mean? Let’s study it. If we give the report-all option to Bison, it produces an output file that describes in detail – the entire state-machine generated by Bison. Let’s have a look! At the top of the file it tells me the relevant thing: the exact state numbers where conflicts were found. Then, comes the full list of rules in the grammar. This is followed by the list of terminals, and the list of nonterminals. After that, we get the state machine. Each state lists two or more of the following things: The list of rules handled in this state. Then, the list of actions to perform depending the look-ahead token. For example, if an identifier token is encountered, the parser will shift and go to state 5. Then, possibly a default action, that takes place if the look-ahead token matches none of the choices. Finally, the list of actions taken – when the parser has just executed a reduce operation, and ends up in this state. Now, to find out what caused the shift-reduce conflicts. The first conflict was in state number 36. State 36 is… here. It seems to be parsing an expression here. On the left side, there is already one successfully parsed expression, and it is trying to figure out what to do with an operator token. And it seems that there are two options for every single one of the operators. For example, when it finds the plus token, it could shift, and go into state 60. But it could also reduce using rule 42! The brackets indicate that the parser chose to shift here rather than to reduce. In other words, while there were conflicts in my grammar, Bison chose a sensible approach, which is usually to shift. But shifting is not always the right option. The problem is that until this point, I did not specify operator precedence. It is important to specify which order things are handled. As you can see, this simple mathematical formula can be produce – very different results depending on the precedences of each operator. There is not only the precedence, but also the associativity. If multiple instances of the same operator are encountered, associativity determines which way the sequence is grouped: whether priority is given to the leftside part, or to the rightside part. In the C programming language, the operator precedences are well documented. There are fifteen precedence levels, some of them left-associative and some of them right-associative. GNU Bison actually makes it really easy to define precedences. It goes like this. Each line in this listing is a new precedence level. The least precedence is at top, and the highest precedence is at bottom. But there are some symbols that have a different precedence level – depending on the context. For example, minus can be binary operator, but it can also be a unary operator. These have different precedence levels. That’s when it is helpful – to specify the precedence levels manually rule-by-rule if necessary. Here we have just indicated, that the unary asterisk operator – has the exact same precedence as the unary ampersand operator. Let’s see what bison thinks of this grammar! Ah, cool! It compiled without a single conflict. Now, the lack of parser conflicts – is not always a sign that your grammar is well-designed. According to the grammar I just wrote, what is this? Is it a function call with three parameters? Or is it a function call with one parameter, that is a comma expression? We have no way of distinguishing between these two. In the grammar I wrote, there is no difference. The first thing I will do is remove the comma operator – and create a separate set of non-terminals – for different situations where the comma operator is explicitly allowed, such as function parameters, or contexts where it cannot be mixed up with other meanings. Now it is very easy to make mistakes while designing these changes. Suppose my input to the compiler contains this statement: var x equals 5, y, z equals 3, semicolon. It corresponds to this sequence of tokens shown on the screen. Here’s how I intended it to be parsed: A single statement, comprised of a single variable-definition statement. Three variables are defined, and two of those variables are initialized with an expression. However, because of a mistake I made in the grammar, this is how the compiler parses it instead: One variable is defined, that is initialized with a comma expression. The parsing of var_def1 must be changed – so that the comma operator is not permitted at all, in order to not conflict with the meaning that the comma has in variable declarations. Done. I also made a small change to the semantics of the grammar. The “var” keyword is now an expression, not a statement. Which means that new variables can be defined inside expressions, such as the while-loop. Now even though the grammar has been completed, at least for now, our compiler is far from complete. Indeed, when we try to compile our parser, we get some errors – that indicate there are still some important parts that are missing. It’s time to begin making this an actual C++ program. We start by adding some definitions for Bison – that control how it generates code. The first line instructs it to create a parser in C++ language – rather than in C language. You can look up the rest of those settings in the manual, if you are interested; they are not really the focus of this project, so I will skip over them for now. The important part here is “code requires”. This is where we put actual C++ code for definitions – that shape how the parser works. Definitions that the parser needs in order to be compilable. Definitions such as variable types. First, I am going to define some fundamental types. First, I know we are going need some identifiers. There are going to be three different types of identifiers: Functions, function parameters, and local variables. To record the information about an identifier, we need its type, its name, and we’re probably going to translate it into an index number for efficiency. To record the information about an expression, we need… Umm, what do we actually need? We need the operation that is performed in the expression, of course. For example, addition. And we need some parameters to the expression. These parameters are… expressions. In other words, an expression contains expressions. Yup, perfectly logical. So, the expression contains a type, and more expressions. Got it. But what if the expression is, say, a number constant? It needs a number value, of course. Same goes for identifiers and string constants. So, which kind of expressions do we need? Well, we already established the atom types: String constants, numeric constants, and identifiers. But what else? Well, we already established the add type. Then we have the negation type. It takes just one expression as a parameter, because it is a unary operator. We do not need a subtract type, because it can be synthesized from the combination of the other two. I am aiming for a really minimal model here – in order to make the videos shorter. Then we the compare-equals type. We do not actually need the logical negation type, because it can be synthesized from comparing the expression with zero. We do not need the not-equals type either, because it, too, can be synthesized from the equals-type. We do kind of need the logical OR operator. I have placed the Y expression in a different position here, to denote the fact that Y will only be evaluated if X evalutes zero. The logical AND operator follows the same logic. Here, Y will be evaluted only if X evaluates nonzero. The IF statement will also be synthesized as an AND type expression. The loop statement needs its own type of expression though. Then there is the comma operator. The comma operator has any number of parameters. All of them are evaluated, but only the result of the last parameter expression is kept; results of the other expressions are discarded. Now I could synthesize the comma operator – by using the combination of the AND operator and the addition operator, but this would be just silly, and it would make the compiler actually much harder to write, so I’m not going to do that. There will be a dedicated expression type for the comma operator. However, I will not create a special expression type for the ternary operator. While my language does support the ternary operator, it will be transparently converted – into this rather complex sequence of operations – that produces the exactly same outcome. All in the name of keeping the compiler simple. Trust me, this is simpler – than creating a dedicated expression type for it. Next, we have the pointer operations. Remember, I explained pointers at 2:30 in this video? Good. So there is an expression type for taking the address of something, and an expression type for dereferencing a pointer. For array indexing, I chose to do exactly the same that the C programming language does: An array indexing is the dereferencing of the sum of two expressions. So, a new expression type is not needed for this. Then, the assign operator. This obviously needs a separate expression type. How about assign-and-modify operators, such as +=? Nope, we don’t need a special type for those. They can be synthesized from components. However! Note that my synthesis duplicated the X expression. What if X is an expression that has side-effects? In that case, we need a different synthesis for the plus-equals operator, where we operate indirectly on X. The same goes with the pre-increment operator. We do not need a special expression type for it. If X has no side-effects, we synthesize this tree, and if X does have side-effects, we synthesize this tree instead. The post-increment operator is quite tricky. If the target expression has side-effects, two different temporary variables will need to be synthesized – to deal with the operation. Let’s recap. We need the binary addition, the unary negation, the logical equality test, the logical OR and AND expressions, the loop expression, the pointer handling expressions, the assign expression and the comma expression. We also need a function-call expression, and a function-return expression. You may be wondering why I did not create a statement type. The answer is simple: It is not really needed. The program becomes simpler when everything is an expression. Loops, conditions, function calls, even function returns. The compount statement is a comma-expression. When I make programming videos, I spend a lot of time in trying to concise my design as much as possible. And I mean a lot of time, like months. Every line that I type on video takes time, and I do not want to waste anyone’s time. So I make sure my design does not have too much fluff in it. ♫♫ Fluffy music ♫♫ Finally we have one more atom type. It is the function. Functions have a name, and they have code. They also have a number of local variables – and a number of function parameters. And that finishes the fundamental types. Next, we are getting closer to the actual parsing phase. At the core of the parser is “context”. Nearly all compilers need some kind of context – while they are parsing the code. For example, the compiler might need to tell – whether an identifier has already been defined or not. At some point in the code, it has not yet been defined, and at some later point, it has been defined. Identifiers may also change meaning depending how they are defined. The role of the context is to make all this happen. My parser context deals with three things: The list of identifiers, the list of functions that have been compiled, and the function that is currently being compiled. The list of identifiers forms a stack called “scopes”. The concept of scope defines the lifetime of the knowledge – about an identifier. The convenience ++operator creates a new scope, and the --operator destroys the current scope. I could have named these differently of course, but I chose this syntax for convenience. The “define” function inserts the variable name – and its associated information into the current scope. The “use” function searches all scopes, latest first, for the supplied identifier name, and returns the associated information if found. Here are some utility functions – for defining various different types of identifiers: Variables, functions, parameters, and temporary variables. Now. So far the parser has only concentrated on reading input. But it has produced absolutely nothing. A parser must produce something, or otherwise it’s not very useful. Suppose we are creating a parser for configuration files that look like this. The files contain sections, and in those sections there are integer settings. This is how the parser could look like. The configuration file contains zero or more sections. Each section begins with an identifier in square brackets, and is followed by zero or more settings. Each setting is an identifier, followed by the equals sign, followed by an integer constant. The way you make things happen, as things are parsed, is by adding semantic actions. Semantic actions are compound statements in C or C++ language, that are inserted usually, though not always, at the end of each rule. When Bison compiles your grammar into C or C++ code, it takes these compound blocks verbatim into the program, where they will be run – whenever this corresponding rule is matched. The dollar-and-number seen here is a macro that is translated by Bison. Each dollar-code refers to a particular element in the parse stack. Which takes us right into the next topic: Types. If a token carries any information with it, other than the token itself, it needs to have a type. For example, an “integer value” token probably has an integer value attached to it, and an “identifier” token probably has information – about the identifier attached to it. We will see later how this works in practice, but this is how you tell Bison about the types of tokens. Non-terminals also can have types. Here, the type of the “section” non-terminal is std::string. Essentially this is the return value of the non-terminal. Yeah, as in function calls. It’s not a function, but it returns a value. So. To make things a bit less tedious to type, I created these two utility macros – for specifying the way an expression is passed as a parameter: Moving the contents, or making a clone. In either case, an rvalue reference is produced. Now at the beginning of library parsing, a new scope is created, and at the end, the scope is destroyed. When a function is declared, the function name is first defined in the current scope, and then a new scope is created. When the function has been compiled, the function is added into the context, and the scope is destroyed. When parsing function parameters, the identifiers are added into the list of the function’s parameters. The trivial types of expressions are created – by invoking the expression constructor with the associated value. The parentheses in a parentheses expression do not need to be saved anywhere; their purpose is already fulfilled when we are at this stage of the parsing. We just take the expression itself. This is pretty mechanical, in each case we simply construct an expression with applicable parameters, in order to achieve the structures that were illustrated visually at 27:40 in this video. Commence music. ♬♬ Wonky music ♬♬ For the modifying addition operator, there were two possible different trees that could be generated, depending on whether the target expression has side-effects or not. The same goes for all the other read-modify-write operators – as discussed earlier. This is where it really pays off – that I created all those silly macros and operators earlier in this file. The percent-equals operator may look confusing, but that’s just shorthand – for creating a new copy-a-to-b-expression. It is a member operator I wrote for the expression class. It was shown on screen at 31:52 in the video. This function, is_pure, answers the question whether the given expression has side-effects or not. A pure expression is one that does not have side-effects. ♪♪ Unexpected music intermission ♪♪ Time to check whether it compiles! So far so good. Now notice how GCC gives me a line number and column – for these error messages? There were some compilers in the early ages of computing – that were not that sophisticated. If there was an error in your program, they would just say “Syntax error” or something to that effect, with no qualifying information, and you would be left on your own devices – to figure out which exact part in your program – the compiler did not like. We are not in the 1980s, so let’s tell Bison to keep track of locations! We add the location information into the parser context. Now, we can also do meaningful error messages – when resolving and defining identifiers. One error message if a definition fails, and another message when a lookup fails. This brings us to the next very, very important topic: The scanner, also known as a lexer. Remember the compiler error from a few seconds ago? It complained that a function called yylex was not defined. A lexer, short for lexical analysis, is the subroutine or program that takes a character stream, such as file, and converts it into a stream of tokens. This process is called tokenization. There are countless ways to do tokenization. It is not very difficult to write one from scratch, but for efficient code and for faster production, it is wise to use an existing lexer generator. Flex is probably the best known program that generates lexers, but my current favorite is re2c. Using re2c is very simple — you are watching it right now, so I’ll just explain what is being accomplished. First, the keywords. I added “for” as a synonym for “while” just for the fun of it. Then, the multi-char operators such as the logical binary operators. Whitespace gets processed here, as well. You can notice re2c supports regular expressions. re2c basically converts all these expressions – into a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), and outputs it as very efficient C code. Like in Bison, you can – and essentially must attach semantic actions into each of these tokens. Here, the semantic actions tell which token to return from this function. The job of this function, yylex, is to return the next token after all. Whitespace does not produce tokens. Instead, we just rerun the tokenizer using recursion. A goto statement would work just as well, but I know you people hate those, so I used recursion instead. For anything that does not match these patterns, this final rule catches it. This includes single-character tokens like the equals-sign. Finally some definitions – to make re2c understand what kind of data we are dealing with. Oh, but wait. We totally forgot about identifiers and string and integer literals! This poses a problem. We need to return two things at once: Not only the token name, which is identifier for example, but also the attached information, which is the actual name of the identifier! How do we do that? Let’s take a look at the code generated by Bison for a moment. The return value of yylex() appears to be a symbol_type. This is a typedef that comes from Bison. Oooh… So there are dedicated functions for constructing the symbols, with the metadata to go with the symbol; gotcha! And what these functions do… is simply construct the symbol_type, using the token value as a parameter. That is good to know, that you can simply construct the symbol_type like that. So instead of returning tokens directly, we call this make-function. The make-function also receives the meta-data, such as the string literal, or the integer value. Now for the single-character tokens like the plus operator, we must construct the symbol_type directly. Now remember the part about context and locations? This is where we must keep track – which line and column we are in the source code file. Bison offers a handy interface for that. First, we call the step function. This saves the beginning of the next token. Then, at the end of each token, we call a function that updates the end position for the token. Advance the location by lines or columns. But wait… This is so much code repetition. I hate code repetition. Can’t we make this more clever? Turning stupid things into clever things is what I enjoy most about programming, so let’s add a lambda function. With the help of this lambda function, the semantic actions for these tokens become much shorter. Let’s see. The other function that GCC was complaining about – was the error reporting function, so let’s do that now. Simply report the filename, the line number, the column range, and the error message. Like any other compiler does. Done. Now we only need the main program. You know, so that we can run this thing! In the main program, we do the following things: Read the source file into a string. Initialize the parser and its context. Parse the source file. Take the result from the parser’s context. Done! For now. Now let’s see how it works. Let’s try the parser with this tiny example. Well, that was a bit anticlimactic. But you know the UNIX idiom: “No news is good news!” To make sure the parser actually works, let’s try it with a source file that contains an actual error. Well look at that. It identified the typo correctly! How about syntax errors? It would seem to identify syntax errors correctly. Maybe the error reports could be better, but for now this is an ample result. It shows that it validates the grammar correctly. But we have no idea whether it parsed it properly. As in, whether it made these nice tree structures or not. Let’s add some code to visualize the structures it created. ♫ 𝄞𝄀𝄚𝄚𝄀𝄚𝄚𝄀𝄆𝄀𝄚𝄚…. ♫ Hmm… This is all kinds of confusing. I think that’s correct, but we can probably do a bit better in the visualization department. I made a little tree visualization class for just that purpose. It is a bit longish and beside the point, so I won’t include its source in this video. You can find it in the video description though. The link takes you to a Github page where you can download it. And now, when we run it, here is what it generates. A little bit verbose, but it seems right to me. Hmm… This was the program that had an error in it. It looks like the parser stopped at the first error and bailed out! It compiled just two functions out of the four. You remember when we ran GCC, and it reported multiple errors in the source code? To support multiple errors, we must add error recovery into the grammar. This is done by adding alternative rules – where a missing component is substituted with the “error” keyword. This rule is triggered – when the parser finds only the first tokens before the error, but it does not find what should follow after that. The easiest type of error rule – is recovery when a particular token, that is absolutely required, has not been found. For example, when a semicolon really is expected, but is not found. Writing a special rule for just this token, with an error option, allows the grammar to recover from missing token and just carry on. Careful attention must be paid to not create parser conflicts though. In this grammar I follow the principle – that an error-recovery alternative is added whenever possible. This is indicated in the naming convention: If the name of the non-terminal ends with number 1, an error will be produced if the rule is not matched. Consistent naming is the key to making maintainable rules. There are many popular conventions for naming rules in the grammar. I admit I am not very familiar – with the established culture of naming the non-terminals, so I created my own names. And now, when we run the parser, we can see it not only produces two error messages for this file – that has multiple errors, but from the parsing tree – we can see it actually processed the file to its end. Using code generators always brings forth a certain concern: ♫♫ Begin puzzling music ♫♫ What kind of code does the generator produce? This is the scanner function that is being passed to re2c. When re2c is run, it generates this code. I have done a bit of postprocessing on the code to reduce the number of lines, thereby making it a bit easier to read in a video, but basically the gist is that it creates a state machine. It begins by reading one character. Using a switch-case, it determines what to do based on that character. Say, if the letter was an “i” letter, it jumps to label yy26. At label yy26, it reads the next letter. If this letter is “f”, it jumps to label yy51. Otherwise, it jumps to label yy23. At label yy51, it reads the next letter. If this is an alphanumeric character, it jumps to label yy22. Otherwise it returns the token “if”, because it has read “i” and “f” that are not followed by alphanumeric characters. At label yy22, it increments the reading position and continues to label yy23, which was also reached when the second letter was not “f”. At label yy23, if the character is alphanumeric, it jumps back to label yy22. Otherwise, it returns the “identifier” token. There is hardly any possible way that this scanner could be made faster – even if you hand-wrote it from scratch. This is why I like re2c. It turns the mechanical task of character-per-character matching into one, where you can fully concentrate on expressing the desired outcome. This is what programming should be. And thus, we have completed the first step in creating the compiler: Parsing the source code files into structures that can be processed by the code. Stay tuned for the next part in the series, where we implement a number of algorithms to optimize and simplify this code! Have a most pleasant and fulfilling day. See you! [In Polish language]
Channel: Bisqwit
Views: 284,265
Rating: 4.9388313 out of 5
Keywords: gnu bison, re2c, tokenization, lexicographical analysis, lexing, creating a compiler, create compiler, how compiler works, parser tree, tree structure, programming language, rom hacking, fan translation, video game console, tales of phantasia, dejap, b programming, c programming, c++ parser, code generation, tree structures in c++, goto statement, ternary expression, read-modify-write instructions, joel yliluoma, bisqwit compiler, bisqwit programming, error handling, snes
Id: eF9qWbuQLuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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