Recursive Descent Parsing

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hi this is a brief tutorial on syntax and parsing if you need to write code to parse an expression this is the video for you i'm just going to give you a basic introduction to parsing it's a complex subject but i'm going to tell you all you need to know to get started in particular i'm going to talk about top-down parsing and i'm going to describe recursive descent parsing which is the simplest algorithm and the only one you'll really ever need so in this video i'm going to start by talking about the format of the input that is i'll cover the ideas of grammar and syntax notation i'll also talk about the output from the parsing algorithm that is how will we represent the result then i will describe the recursive descent parsing algorithm and if you're parsing expressions i'll also talk about how to evaluate the resulting expression and finally i'll close with some commentary so our goal is to write code that will parse an arithmetic expression here's an example of the input we'd like to be able to handle we see that it's got identifiers like x it's got numbers it's got infix operators that take two operands it's got prefix operators like the negation and we see parentheses in addition an expression may also have post-fixed operators and factorial is the example of that and it may have other things like function calls and so on but these i'm not going to discuss before we go any further i want to mention precedence and associativity remember that some operators have greater precedence so for example this expression here should be interpreted this way and not this way if the user of your parser intends to have this interpretation then they had better add parentheses to the input to the parser with associativity remember that with certain operators of equal precedence like subtraction and addition we want to process them in order so this expression for example would be interpreted this way and not this way which would give a different result so our parser will need to take into account the proper precedence and associativity of the expression and its operators before we can code up our parser we need to describe exactly which expressions are to be accepted that is we need to describe the language of expressions that our parser will accept and to do that we're going to provide a grammar for expressions a grammar defines a language and here i have a simple grammar for expressions and let's go through it and take a look and see what we have in every grammar we'll see a number of rules okay so here we see rules for e rules for t and rules for f these things e t and f are called non-terminal symbols or grammar symbols and this is the syntax for expressions so these rules define exactly what it means to be a legal expression we also see in these rules on the right hand side both non-terminal symbols like et and f as well as terminal symbols basically everything else so we see plus minus the asterisk for multiplication slash for divide we see id integer and some parentheses these are called the terminal symbols and they are not defined in the syntax for this particular grammar some of these such as plus and minus are literal things okay they're just single characters others like identifier and integer stand for classes of inputs so there are many different identifiers many different integers there are some variations on grammar notation and i wanted to mention one important one so here's our original grammar and we're showing the same exact grammar down here we have three rules for e but we're collapsing them using a vertical bar to indicate or so an e that is an expression is either a term plus an expression or a term minus an expression or a term by the way e stands for expression t stands for term and f stands for factor so if you multiply a bunch of factors together you get a term you add a bunch of terms together you get an expression for our purposes we're going to define identifier as one or more characters so this notation here means one character followed by zero or more characters the braces mean zero or more we'll define integers as one or more digits so again you have the curly braces another notation you might see is curly braces with a plus sign and that means one or more occurrences so these two are equivalent many programming languages have slightly more complex definitions for identifiers for example we might define identifiers as a single character followed by zero or more characters digits or underscore characters a programming language might also define tokens like floating point numbers and so on but we won't go into that here when we scan one particular identifier that will be a token so our input consists of a series of tokens the token could be an identifier it could be a plus symbol or a multiplication symbol or a parenthesis an integer and so on and so forth so we'll view the input as a sequence of tokens before we can parse the input we need to break it up into a sequence of tokens this is known as the lexical analysis part of your parser and we have a lexer sometimes called a tokenizer that performs this tokenization of the input so it'll read the input and break it into tokens so in our organization we will assume that we have a function called scan token i'm not going to specify it here but we'll assume that it scans the input reads in from the input and we've got a variable called next token and every time we call scan token it will set this variable to point to the newly scanned token i'm going to assume that we're using an object-oriented programming language and so we'll represent tokens with objects so here's a an object of class integer and here's an object of class i identifier i show my objects this way and the class integer has a single field value and the class identifier has a single field called string which points to the actual characters that are involved in the identifier the goal of our parser is to read in some expression such as this one right here and produce some output so some representation of the expression so the first representation of this expression is shown right here and this is the simplest you can see that we add x and five first and then uh negate that and then we multiply that with two so this tree here reflects the meaning of this expression we'll represent the tree with objects in a pretty much straightforward one-to-one way we'll have classes called multiply negate add subtract and so on as well as classes for identifier and integer so this tree right here is naturally represented with this collection of objects let me be a little bit more precise about how we're going to represent expressions we're going to use these classes here so we've got a class called add subtract multiply divide negate identifier and integer we'll also have a class called tree node and all these others will be subclasses of that superclass so these are all different kinds of tree nodes so for the infix operators like add and multiply we'll have two fields in the class called left and right and these will contain pointers to other tree nodes depending on what kind of sub-expressions are being added together well that will determine what exactly is down here being pointed to for prefix operators like the gate will have just a single field called arg or argument and that will point to some tree node you're probably going to want to have some way to print out an expression if for no other reason you'd like to verify that your parser is working correctly by printing out the internal representation that the parser is producing so let's suggest that we have a print method for each one of our classes these are going to be recursive methods that call each other so for example the class multiply or any other infix operator would work like this it's got a pointer to the left sub-tree and a pointer to the right what print is going to do when called on this particular node is print an opening parenthesis then it's going to call itself recursively to print out whatever is pointed to by the left pointer then an asterisk then call itself again recursively to print out whatever is pointed to by the right uh our field and finally a closing parenthesis a unary operator like the negate class just as a single field points to its argument and it will print an opening parenthesis followed by the negate symbol followed by the subtree whatever it is and then a closing parenthesis so for example if you have this particular expression okay it's going to print out something like this you'll see it's got a a lot of parentheses but that makes sure that the output is exactly unambiguous so you can be sure exactly what your representation is i should mention that if for some reason you get a cycle in your tree and you try to print this out you run into an infinite loop okay you just keep printing 5 times 7 plus and so on let's assume that your parser has read in an expression and built an internal representation of that expression now you'd like to evaluate the expression so for that what we'll do is have an eval method implemented in each of the various classes that we have so for example in the add class we've got an eval method that simply calls itself recursively on the left sub-tree then calls itself recursively on the right sub-tree adds them together and returns the result so each one of these eval methods is going to evaluate the subtrees and then return the final value of that complete expression a unary operator like negate would simply call itself recursively on the subtree negate that and return the resulting value if the node happens to be an integer then the eval method simply returns its value if the node is an identifier then well we have to figure out what the current value of that variable is and return it we're now ready to describe the top-down recursive descent parsing algorithm we're going to have a bunch of functions one for each non-terminal grammar symbol each of these functions will scan a bunch of tokens and will return a pointer to the tree that it builds to represent whatever it parsed so for example parsee will parse an expression and return a pointer to the tree for that expression parse t will parse a term and parse f will parse a factor at any moment we'll have a variable called next token which will contain the next unscanned token from the input so we can look at it and see what's coming up we'll call our lexer function scan token to advance to the next token that is to read in some more input and see what the next token in the input stream is if there are any problems and by problem i mean the input is not grammatically correct then these functions will return null so here's the overall organization of the program we'll have a couple of variables next token is a global variable that's shared among all the parsing functions and we have a variable called result tree so what our program is going to do is start by scanning the first token and then calling parsee to parse the entire expression that builds a representation which it returns and we store that in result tree then we might print out that tree to see what it is we read in or we might call a vowel to evaluate the expression and then print the result after we parse the expression we need to make sure that the next thing on the input is the new line or the end of file or the end of input otherwise it's an error because we could have some kind of input like this here we can scan an expression properly no problem there but we need to make sure that the next thing is not anything else besides the end marker let's look at the function that parses a factor which can be an identifier an integer or an expression inside parentheses or a negation symbol followed by another factor so the function is basically just an if statement we check the next token to see whether it's an identifier an integer an opening parenthesis or a negation sign if it's an identifier or an integer then we simply return the token itself more precisely we return the object that represents the identifier or the integer if the next token is in opening parentheses then we scan past that opening parenthesis to the next symbol and then we call parsee to parse an expression call it a we can check to see whether there was an error and if so we just return null and then we make sure that the thing following the expression is a closing parenthesis and we pick that up and finally we return the expression if it wasn't a closing parenthesis then we've got an error so we return null finally if we saw a negation sign then we pick it up we scan it nope i should put parentheses there and then we call parse factor to pick up another factor and then we build a new object here we're saying new and we build a negate object whose argument will point to the factor that we just parsed and if it's none of those things then we return null it was an error let's keep going with the function that parses expressions before we go any further let me say that there's a problem with this code and i'll talk about that in a second so an expression is t plus e or t minus e or t alone so we start in all three of these cases by picking up a term so we call parse term and then we see whether we've got a plus or a minus if we've got a plus then we pick that up and then we pick up the e okay that's calling parse e right here then we build an add node using the first term that we parsed followed by the expression b and then we return that node if we have a negative sign instead then same thing we scan the negative sign partial expression and then we build a new subtract node with those two things and then return that and finally if there's not a plus or minus following the t then we simply return the term itself as i said the function as i just presented it has a problem it doesn't handle associativity correctly to see it fail let's look at this particular example an expression goes to a term minus an expression okay so the the relevant code we pick up the t by calling parse t uh then uh we check and see we've got a minus sign so we call parse e to pick up the expression and then we build a subtract node with the term a and the expression b okay let's look at this particular input seven minus five plus one and according to our rules of associativity we do the subtraction first before the addition so the way this thing will handle this expression is it's first calls parse t to pick up the seven okay and then it calls itself recursively to pick up another expression so this call right here picks up the seven then we see the minus sign then we call par c to pick up everything else and so then it's going to build a subtract node with the seven and everything else that it picked up so it's going to return a representation that looks like this tree here minus sign at the root seven on the left and then everything else on the right so uh assuming that the rest of the expression is parsed and that's five plus one so we have five plus one here and our final result will be this but this tree has this meaning it means take 7 and subtract the result of adding 5 plus 1 and that is not the correct interpretation of our input so now let's talk about how to fix this we could always take our original rule and reverse the t and the e so here we are producing a new rule with e plus t and e minus t and that is a correct grammar and the language it describes is the same and in fact it models the associativity correctly however our recursive descent algorithm will not work with this particular grammar so let's take a look at what happens here's our parse e function that and we've now rewritten it using the second rule so the first thing we do is we parse an e okay here we call parse e and then we check the next token and if for example it is a plus then we parse a t so we scan the plus and we call parse t and then we build a new add function uh using the result of parse e and the result of parse t a and b however this is infinite recursion right par c the first thing it does is call par c itself without scanning any tokens so this is infinite recurs recursion nothing will ever get scanned and this is a problem in general uh the problem happens when we have rules like this in our grammar a goes to something else and the right hand side starts with the very same non-terminal see we have that right here e goes to e plus t okay we can also have more complex situations for example a goes to a rule that starts with b b b goes to something that starts with c and there's a rule for c that starts with a so with grammars like this we cannot use recursive descent parsing fortunately there's a nice simple solution what we're going to do is rewrite this rule as e goes to t followed by zero or more occurrences of plus t minus t plus t minus t and so on here's what the code now looks like for the parse e function we first call parse t to pick up the first term and then we have a loop so this is a infinite loop with a breaking by returning we look at the next token if it's a plus then we scan it and then we parse another t and we build an add node and we keep going if it's a minus we do a similar thing if there's no plus or no no minus then finally we return a so we're building up a all the while i've left out the error checking code here but you could figure that out it's pretty straightforward we just check for null so let's see how this thing works on a particular example we're parsing our seven minus five plus one so we start by calling parse t and we pick up the seven okay so that's uh what we get here at this point we've parsed the seven and we've got a pointing to a 7. and we go into our loop here and we see that there is a minus sign so what we're going to do is scan the minus sign we're going to call parse t and then we're going to create a new node a subtract node and we'll call it a and we're going to use as the left pointer the pointer to the previous a that is the pointer to the 7 node and b the new term that we just picked up which is 5 and that will become our new a okay and then we repeat the loop and what happens we see that the next symbol is a plus sign so we scan the plus sign and call parse t and here we pick up the one and we create a new add node using the old previous tree a which is this tree right here and the new one that we just picked up the integer one so here we build our new node our left pointer goes to the previous version of a and our right pointer goes to the integer 1. so this is a tree it's not written very much like a tree so if i reorganize it you can see that the top note is an add left goes to subtract and then it's subtract seven minus five and the other operand to the addition is one so it is this interpretation that this code will build up the rule for t is similar we have to modify it in a similar way because it has the same infinite recursion problem as it's written right now but i think you can do that i taught compiler design and theory of computation for several years and the whole subject of languages and grammars and parsing algorithms is really quite fascinating there's really a lot to it basically we can break down languages and parsing into several different categories we have ll languages ll parsers lr and everything else we've been talking about something called ll1 our grammar is ll1 that stands for the one is for one token lookahead so we can basically see where we're going just by looking at the next token it's great because we can create top down recursive descent parsers that's a very fast and simple algorithm with good error reporting and these languages ll1 languages are very easy for humans to parse and another thing that's important is we have good air reporting and good error recovery the user often will have incorrect input and that can really confuse a parser we want to avoid printing out a thousand different messages from one single error we want to print out a nice concise error that tells the user what they did wrong there is a class of languages called llk and ll1 is the simplest version of that and as i said the grammar that i presented here is ll1 we've also got more complex grammars in languages called lr lrk in general there's some variations slr and lalr i'm not going to go into what all these stand for but uh these are necessary for more complex programming languages like c and c plus and java the algorithms for parsing are more complicated in fact they're really quite complicated i've taught them for many years and it's really hard for the students to understand hard for me to understand at first in fact these languages are also harder for humans to parse and i think that's really very relevant i don't want a complicated language particularly life is complicated enough without the unnecessary complexity of languages these languages also are more difficult to create parsers that produce good error messages and recover appropriately from errors so that's really a practical issue beyond the lr and ll grammars we have ambiguous grammars and ambiguous languages and you know it gets even more interesting after that and gradually goes into the theory of computation but that's uh for another video one thing you may have heard about is parser tools also called partial generators the idea with one of these tools is that the input is a grammar okay so you're putting a grammar into the tool and the output is a parser or more precisely code for a parser or something that you can embed in your own program and the idea is that these tools are supposed to make writing a compiler easier i do want to say that parsing is definitely not the hard part of writing a compiler having written several compilers i've learned that the parsing is the really the easiest part in fact you know my opinion is that i prefer to avoid parser tools altogether you know the tool can break software rot is real things that used to work suddenly stop working because of upgrades and other software that they depend on and it's complex it's a huge problem because what if the tool breaks then what are you supposed to do you can't necessarily fix the tool uh i generally prefer to use my own code i like to program what can i say i also believe very strongly that ll languages like i've just demonstrated are really superior to lr and more complex languages for defining programming languages and other sorts of computer input ll languages are easier for human humans to learn and to use humans have to parse the input you know they humans read programs and they have to be able to do the parsing and these lr grammars can be difficult in certain situations so it's it's hard to understand what it is you're reading so that's an important aspect simplicity is always good simpler parsing is also good these ll languages are easier to parse they're fast and we can have better error reporting and air recovery and i feel that lr grammars and lr parsers are basically just unnecessary complexity well that's my opinion anyway thanks for watching my short tutorial
Channel: hhp3
Views: 6,823
Rating: 4.9557195 out of 5
Keywords: LL(1), LL(k), top down parsing
Id: SToUyjAsaFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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