Paris-Nice 2024, Stage 7 | EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS | 3/9/2024 | Cycling on NBC Sports

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these are the standings to start today's stage 16 seconds of time bonuses up for grabs and a big climb to the Finish Jorgenson in second Luke pla the overnight leader yesterday was down to third but not that far off skelos moves into within 54 seconds and rco over a minute a drift bit of a disaster yesterday tactically for Rimco a aole aan Bernal continues to ride well 114 Almeida teammates with Brandon in seventh Felix G Harold tahada wi kman W rounding out the top 10 with kelderman the teammate of Matel Jorgenson and he will be at his service throughout today's rout Christian revised maybe gives the advantage to Brandon mcnalty only 104 km long yeah I would say the same thing 70 km shorter than it was supposed to be today and over 4,000 ft less climbing the last climb perfect for Matteo jensson as this is his favorite home climb he goes and does it all the time for training it's a gradual climb Bob it's still long it's 15 km almost 10 miles and 5% average gradient so the steepest one kilom is right around 7% so yeah I think it is really good for both Brandon and Mato Jorgenson there's the jerseys King of the mountain could be up for grabs especially if Santiago buo takes out the finish it would be tied on points with burdo by the way missed the opening points it was a little Breakaway that got that this is the little town at the end that is Uta that's down at the bottom and the top of that climb you can see the switch backs in the distance a category one to finish off today's stage Benjamin Tomas Yan yakups are the two riders in the front they had Martin tufeld with them also but he flatted he is in a little bit of a Chase group not a whole lot of Advantage given to the riders in the front the Chasers going back to the pelaton a minute 17 to the two men minute 10 now to the two men in front yobs carrying on by himself Tomas going back to the field had a quick glance at Brandon mcnolty yellow sleeves black vest staying warm in good position weo could also get the king of the mountains Jersey if he win the stage and unlikely that bergo gets any points at the top of the category one to finish today's stage and double points up for grabs and that's how far Bago is behind tiebreaker would go to Bago most passages in front on a category one so if Pago should be able to do that good chance of being the king of the mountains but like you said Christian now 2 minutes 33 seconds behind Brandon MCN and 14th in the overall standings probably not enough climbing left for a flying weo to get back in the frame and just as those Riders got back on that small little rise before this now it's going to get extended yet again cuz trying to stay on these wheels on this descent twisty and turning roads in this these kind of conditions it's so hard and by this point in time your hands are numb Bob cannot barely feel where your bra calipers are let alone to shift gears Grim Day out here earning the paychecks every pedal stroke there is Benjamin Tomas from kofidis he was in the Breakaway with yobs he's about to get caught by the sudal quickstep squad of Remco aole doing the tempo at the front of the field I like the tactics I'm seeing from sudall keep Remco safe out of danger and as close to the front without doing any effort before the final climb Christian and then see what he can do I'm pretty sure he will not be holding back on today's stage no not going to hold back it's two birds with one stone isn't it keep Remco safe towards the front and put pressure on the rest of the Riders you can see these gaps opening up looks like one of the teammates of Remco pushing the pace just a little bit too much going off the front of his teammates moar Rider small Gap not a aerodynamic advantage to be in the front by yourself Christian but certainly have a better at least view of what's in front of you the twists and turns and remco's so close to the front he should have a at least a a safer route down this very twisting and dangerous descent than just about anybody else in the pelaton his teammates really pushing that pace as much as they can at the front so the two of his teammates actually going off the front just a a tad not no it's not really the thing to do because like Remco said that is Remco right there I believe second wheel so that's actually pretty dangerous now they're pushing on so Remco off the front just a little bit pushing in the face and the sketchy descent 20 mil of racing left maybe the two strongest climbers of the sudall squad in perin off the front a little bit you definitely don't want to panic if you're Jorgenson or mcnalty but 20 mil to go in Remco avap pole off the front here we go big acceleration Matts Pon right in front also Matel Jorgenson and teammates also doing the tempo aan bernau looking for some time bonuses the black Jersey and the red helmets in the green with the red helmet is Matt Pon skel almost getting a little bit distance there by matz pon mattz pon might take these out himself he's doing a definitely doing a lead out but he's so strong that schel almost might not be able to come around Christian yeah I don't think skos is now on looks like on the wheel of Mato Jorgenson here look a look at the top of the bound be some sketchy visibility and you mentioned the helicopter I hope that we still have a h view here when we get higher up into this Mount it's still a 3,000 ft climb up to the Finish Line 15K there's a look at the time Gap coming down only to 19 seconds big acceleration Now Matt Pon lading the charge almost not that far behind the Sprinter from Leal Tre Squad length of the climb just inside of 10 miles average gradient P muen 5.7 so not the steepest climb in professional cycling but the conditions yesterday and today especially will'll make for a very arduous climb to the finish line there goes if I'm not mistaken Pon is pulled off the front so he will not be getting any points for the green jersey today that's for sure and do not pushing forward don't trust this time Gap here Bob when it's going through these switchbacks it's really hard sometimes jayvine oh that's a big surprise here Bob off the bat yeah jayvine Finn fiser black we saw struggling early and so Brandon mnti losing a couple of teammates a long ways from the Finish yup's about to get swept Up Tempo by the inos team of aan Bernal so Brandon is stri down down to the yellow Jersey probably be that way all the way to the finish for Brandon mcnolty now the teammates of evole coming to the front and setting what should be a very tough tempo and watch for the man in the black yellow and red jersey of champion of Belgium fourth wheel Remco aopo to go on the attack when he feels the moment is right rogl with two teammates left so vlasov continuing to impress for the Boris Squad Matteo saero also has been pretty spectacular for Primos Str glit even though it hasn't translated into a high place for rogl I'm sure for Primos it's great to imagine you still have a couple of teammates number seven is is Vass off and Rit on his wheel there's Brandon McNalley in the yellow Jersey looking fantastic so far just over 5 miles of climbing left on the stage less than 500 M to go 7% here this is one of the steepest gradients of this entire climb that never gets even close to 10% but definitely making the pace very hard stringing out right now it's going to be interesting to see who actually goes for this Sprint in the white and red jersey of Danish Champion is Mata skelo pretty handy Sprint especially going uphill we saw that yesterday when he won the stage and moved into fourth in the overall standings could chip away a little bit of his disadvantage get closer to the podium with this Sprint here Luke PL not that far back either previous yellow Jersey not a sprinter there we go there goes Remco aole and aan Bernal vaner going after Bernal Evan aole on his wheel oh aan goes six to the better what is vaner thinking just took two seconds away from his team captain Remco avido yeah that wasn't heads up move but I think they just wanted to keep on pushing out I think he was trying to take away those seconds from Egan Bown but that's not the game thinking about your teammate who is right behind you give him that's easier way to do it trying to decide if I like or hate the tactics being employed here by sudall quickstep up being able to just go up to the front they have the strong teammates obviously for his teammate Remco evole but really I think on a clim like this you need to change the tempo if you're going to really make the difference you don't know how B they're suffering until they actually go right agreed saero hand up back to the team car it looks like gr shner has been sent back to collect joal Almeida I think I would leave him with Brandon mcnolty the race leader if I was the team director of UAE Christian yeah come on what do you think thinking no way you have a yellow Jersey stay with the El who cares about J at this point in time fourth wheel Mato Jorgenson second in the overall standings 23 seconds behind the race leader every kilometer closer to the Finish looking better and better for Brandon mcnalty chrisop they're looking so good and this is right up his alley I mean it couldn't go any better if your brand M and Mato for that matter these long hard hard efforts Brandon mcdal is one of the best time trials in the world and this is exactly what it be a hard half an hour time trial at this point in time again the only way you can make the difference is to change the tempo accelerate decelerate accelerate over and over again and really tried to break random mnel in that yellow Jersey up into the clouds for the Finish Line last 150 M tiny little road it's like that all the way from where the Riders are to that point that is the group with shal Almeida trying to get back on terms and I would such a small group at the front Wago is there Primos rogich van Builder doing a great ride but tactically I'm not sure if like you said Christian this is ideal just dragging Brandon mcnalty without any teammates closer to the finish line continuing to impress there goes a aole a aole goes finally 4 km of racing left Jenson straight on his wheel Brandon mcnolty knows what he needs to do follow the rider in the white jersey second in the overall standings aole going a long ways from the Finish two and a half miles of racing left aaple on the offensive let's see if he can get some daylight between himself and jorens and and MCN MCN and jerson up for the fight so far looks like Matel looks very at on the wheel of evole right now but that's exactly what he had to do great ride there by Ben Wilder doing everything he could for at least the last 5 KMS at very high rate of speed but this is where it gets frustrating if you're a Remco you you do those big accelerations can't make a difference you've got to continue to do so attack attack attack and here comes vlassov up on the left hand side vlassov injecting some Pace right now putting the hammer down let's see if rogl doesn't let his teammate go they haven't had anything to right home about so far the bore team a stage win would be fantastic 3.9 K to go and vov off the front think that might beago yep that's bro on the front there and immediately Mato jumping on his wheel honestly I think if Remco heads the legs he's going with that move from blast off because he needs to win this stage at least get get one day that he's winning the stage and the time bonuses as well I I'm surprised he's with hesitate considering what's happened already in Perry KN to Remco avole flof tremendous bike racer that is kelderman coming to the front to do the tempo a to pull fourth wheel at the moment Vago you would imagine buo would also go with the move from vas off if he could do so great riding by the Bor Rider giving himself a chance to win the stage just about 2 miles of racing to go inside out of 5 minutes of racing 20 second lead that's not easy to close down two k to go FL off looking for the stage win going to be tough to catch and nobody on the attack here we go another attack Remco going jensson on the wheel with buo 17 seconds disadvantage not the steepest of gradients to make a big difference mcnalty in a little bit of trouble rogl there also on the wheel of Matta Jorgenson Brandon MCN in some trouble now it would be great to have a teammate MCN fighting back trying to close the gap down after that acceleration Remco aole flying Vago on his wheel and Matel Jorgenson third wheel but Brandon MCN in the yellow Jersey trying to fight back aan bernal's been dropped MCN not far behind see if skelos doesn't come around and try to close the gap down but mcnalty one . 6ks to go and there goes skelos let's see if MCN can't get on the wheel of the Danish Champion oh he's suffering right here Bob I thought little bit of false flat he's going to be able to get the junction here if they hesitate for one second though they'll open the door though for the yellow Jersey and Brandon MCA to get back on 1K to go and change skelo getting across to the wheel of rogich aaple still making the difference 23 seconds disadvantage excuse me advantage over Mato Jorgenson the rider third wheel MC NTI hanging tough but just over a k to go only a few seconds behind scalos in all honesty FL off still a little bit further off the front but 1K to go and rco AV aole with Wago on his wheel doing the damage to the yellow Jersey right now it's really thinking if you're Remco EV Pole do I care that much about the yellow Jersey yes of course I care about this but I still have quite a few Riders on my wheel they're going to most likely Sprint around me if I continue to do all this work on the front so he's he's got of a catch22 situation right now yes I want to put Brandon out the back but the same time all these Riders going to be a little bit fresher than myself and be able to Sprint around me at the line and get maximum points and there he goes why would come through right now of course he's going to move over to the side but at the same time no I don't want I don't want to pull I'm happy to let have go up the road well Remco can do what he's capable of if he has the legs Christian yep and maybe that's the difference mcnalty fighting back just a few seconds behind the riders in front of him one kilm to go for the yellow Jersey yeah the rider who could has the most to gain here is of course Mato Jorgenson in the white jersey he's the one who needs to push the tempo as much so smart move there Remco pulling off and making Mato pull Mato Jorgenson trying to get into the yellow Jersey it's just a few seconds a aole not coming through and Primos rogich has a teammate up the road so probably won't see him do any Tempo snow on the side of the road Brandon mcnully a spirited defense of the yellow Jersey and closing the gap down he's definitely still within the time of Mato Jorgenson but there's time bonuses also up for grabs that could be the difference in the next Destiny of the yellow Jersey 500 me to go for vlasov I don't think he'll be caught before the finish line so those 10 seconds will go up the road to vov yeah I would I would assume the same here Bob but I think that if you are Matel you got to keep on driving you only have right around 500 meters so there he is still on the front he knows as a GC battle everything I got to the Finish Line 500 M for the race leader Brandon mty he's just about 5 seconds behind the the Riders so assuming Mato gets second and 6 seconds that moves him to within 17 seconds of Brandon mcc's lead 200 me to go for vasso for a spectacular stage win Primos rogl not delivering blov about to deliver the stage for the Bora team great stage win here for unlikely Rider we expected to see this from Primos rage but not v a beautiful stage win here but now it's all for second place now Bob Jorgenson trying to get second rogl sprinting a little bit better Remco and start the clock now about 13 seconds and no time bonuses for Matteo I think Brandon will keep his jersey at the end of the [Music] day I I have it at a in just inside of 20 seconds we'll have to go down to the photo finish for Brandon MCN and Mato Jorgenson I think that mcy might have just done enough to keep the leader Jersey but depends on the time for the second group aen baral having a tough final couple of kilometers Christian I think that the at the end of perin he'll be happy with his progress but still a ways to go Harper coming across Elon V Builder as well wow what a battle took a long time he keeps the Jersey by 4 seconds Bob over Matteo Jordan so Mato bringing back 20 seconds on the day here today it just gets better and better so this this is the parin that we know really just separated by seconds at the top of the leaderboard Remco taking back sometime 36 seconds now behind Brandon mcti Luke pla now in fifth place he's gone out of Podium position in skelos now in third place overall young French Rider kosu finishing good ride for him Joel ala UAE rider in the white jersey there losing a fair amount of time on that final climb they'll have a lot of work to do on a very Dynamic stage tomorrow Christian oh it's going to be good it's always good let's be honest and it's it's going to be so aggressive it needs to be very aggressive considering that Mato is only 4 seconds behind it could just come down to time bonuses they could finish together and as long as Mato is in that top three he can actually win the race overall going to clever riding and Powerful obvious acceleration to the finish line for vlasov but if it had been rogich you would imagine a much more emphatic Chase than Alexander vlasov a aole good Sprint maybe pushing Primos a little bit close to the barriers there but a a pole 6 seconds time bonus and a Time gap on Brandon MCN so Bora has to be thrilled with this stage win by Alexander vlasov they played it tactically just right Christian and a little bit of good news for Bora and by the way Primos rugit riding pretty well also 4 seconds your math was perfect skelos 35 aole now looking very dangerous at 36 seconds behind Luke clap moves down to Fifth and rogich from 11th up to sixth goes all in as hard as he can and go the last few kilometers Christian to keep the yellow Jersey spectacular defense of the lead by Brandon MCN in my estimation Brandon mcdal by four slim seconds stays in the yellow Jersey as race leader one more day not nearly as jubilant as Mato Jorgenson that's for sure Christian Mato Jorgenson twice e in Perry got a great chance to move up and his goal was to be on the podium at the end of perin at the minimum top five and took a big step in that direction today Christian oh he sure did and I would say that he's got to be the danger man going forward Bob I'm not really as concerned with Remco even though he's obviously still dangerous 36 seconds behind but the way that mat is riding way that he was on remco's Wheel immediately after he accelerated the first time and the same thing with the second time I think that mato Danger Man for Brandon MCN tomorrow there he is best young Rider 4 seconds behind the lead looking rather content with himself and he wrote great today Christian no doubt about it for all your cycling content year round subscribe to NBC Sports YouTube page we got it all
Channel: NBC Sports
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Keywords: cycling, cycling 2024, 2024 cycling, cycling highlights, cycling nbc sports, cycling extended highlights, nbc cycling extended highlights, cycling moments, paris-nice, paris nice highlights, paris nice highlights 2024, paris-nice 2024, paris nice cycling, cycle racing, nbc sports, paris nice, paris-nice cycling, stage 7 cycling highlights, paris nice stage 7 highlights, paris-rice 2024 stage 7, paris nice stage 7, stage 7 paris nice, 2024 paris nice, paris nice 2024 stage 7
Id: BXjs27D6sdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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