FULL RACE: 2024 Omloop Het Nieuwsblad - Men

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[Music] [Music] it's time to stop the clocks on a changing world and embrace a comforting familiar feeling the arrival of the Flemish spring and its curtain raising opening weekend begins with the 79th edition of the omop pit news spad it's a brilliant program for the next 6 weeks or so all starting here in Kent where it's 7° quite windy typical Flemish spring classic weather well hello I'm Rob hatch it's my pleasure to welcome you to the coverage of the start of the Flemish Cobble classic season the cobbles of hills and Flanders all await there is nothing like watching bike racing in Belgium well Kent is the perfect place to start this historically has been the center of Flemish bike racing and there is the Eddie mer Cycling Center not used today we'll be going to an older and even more famous fell drone for the start yes kka was the venue for the presentation earlier on this morning and the start just outside of the smack Museum well Kent famous for its architecture its art at its University as up but down the years for the last century and a bit it's all been about bike racing here here come the cobbles this is where this race used to start and finish in St Peter Square it's Kus time now all the fun of the fair has come to town but as you'll see that square is empty today everybody in Kent just over the road at the kka across from this great building as well the art exposed in there the bike riders on show in the great old V drone next door add on the very small 166 M track we had Riders rolling in for the presentation at the start of the day some of them former winners the lik of fala fart Stan and falan all racing of course quite a few Riders have doubled up in the last few years for arat and Stannard now po reti retired this is a race with a fantastic pal Min is one of the former winners set for Mar retired at the end of last year he's now they call a PL leader he is a team leader a sports director he's giv his thanks by the organizers at the start of the day Alexander kristofer veteran a former winner of the tour of Flanders has never won this race he's here with his unox Mobility team a good Scandinavian Team all ready to go well through the mix Zone the throngs of fans the microphones waiting more like a fashion show at the start as Matel trentin was checking that all was present and correct he's Racing for his new Tuda Pro cycling team Tuda are the brand new timekeepers of the Flanders Classics races this spring theis there was one man missing at the start today P alard he couldn't start not feeling well so 174 Riders turned up from 25 different teams team including Stefon Kung former Swiss Champion nice to see him back on his bike after that awful crash last year Dylan turns this here for Israel Premier Tech each and every Rider signing in midm morning in Kent in the middle of Flanders the British champion here too Fred Wright alongside mate moic for bin Victorious mic already a bike race winner in Valencia this year the Spanish Champion a man who won in hen just over a week ago laso one of the most exciting Riders from ma Star team who seem to have their best ever Classics lineup EF education easy post Alberto betol has won the big one in odard before but he's never ridden this an at newad debut for the Italian Tim wellin has tried and tried and tried he's been close just about as close as you can get without winning this he's Racing for UA Emirates and well returns to racing on Flemish roads Deaton a have two former Belgian champions in their ranks one of whom is D deonta brand new signing Oliver NASA being the other NASA was ready to sign in no golden Greg to ride for anymore NASA now the deao team leader Jasper sta won this race just before the co pandemic hit he's since become a monument winner in Sano and he's Racing for Leal Trek that has Edward turns racing from his hometown of Kent a different uniform this year for floral the Frenchman who's left quickstep and now races for AR B anday hotels and Al Le second left last year on debut looking to go one better this time out lot of Destiny though have not won this race for 22 long years it's about time isn't it Tom pitcocks here he's already won on the mountain bike this year he was good in the cross season we'll be at a very brief one for him this year he focuses on the tour as binam gmai makes his debut in the omope at new spad he of course though is already a spring classic winner having taken Kint wlin two years ago get by Arc and freshly freshly fully shaven jul alip how about that that's a different look from the beg be looked like we're looking used to seeing Al Philip after coming off a week where he's been in the headlines maybe not for the right reasons up against W fard winner here two years ago and part of an Allstar Vima Lisa bike lineup the European Champion the Dutch champion and reigning champion of this race alongside aini traik benot and Jorgenson hard to get a better Classics lineup than that well he's got the big bottle of beer from last year wanted it during the off season didn't fala who since won the Dutch championships you might have to save that until after the final classic of the it was a pretty cold morning in Kent everybody lining up just outside the K Dr and as all over Europe there was the agricultural protest but of course bike racing is so important to Flemish cultures that the local farmers said they didn't want to interrupt anybody's fun did want to get their message across the start of the fish spring then and the neutralize start in and out of yent for the first seven km where the race would then begin in M racing back in Belgium and one of Belgium's most famous Sons back on flamish roads V gay just coming off his altitude camp at home in errea his Belgian fan club ready to go with his Belgian team a big temperature difference it has been 40° in a heat wave in aat tray in the last few weeks just six and 7° here today and with the flag waved racing was on the way on the 79th omit new SP as usual the first fast 20 km or so at a real fight for the Breakaway chriso yansen was leading it for JA alula this is the race that where we're going to take on 202 km with 12 climbs and nine further cobbled sectors on the menu the high hook Leed combination the focal point of the OM pit new plad with three passages but but the iconic images will come from the final two climbs of course an odd to the Flemish cobal Classics past and an early season visit to the sacred cycling Shrine that is the mood of asber then a last chance to get rid of the rivals on the bosberg N NOA is where the party starts for the winner after 202 km 2 102 km 21 big obstacles to take on and it's time to go to the race because the race has been kicking off in chaotic fashion a very warm welcome to chaos glorious chaos that is the spring classic season you're looking at Jan moscon he's riding in the blue and white jersey of sudal Quick Step On His wheel in the red is alord Lee and behind former British champion Connor Swift then you have other Raiders chasing on story today so far very very briefly we had nine Riders up the road it looked set to be a long day break nine good Riders as well they were B baella gal dep pestl moral Flynn ven Brook Maris and verot that is before after 75 km there was a split in the peltin 25 Riders then came across we then had a group of 32 up the road bver who was in the Breakaway this morning has just been dropped from that lead group and we're having attacks as we just saw from the lead group with 72k to go it is looking very very hard out there on the roadss we've just come to the hostel which is the fourth of the 12 times today that means that there are 72 km to go young Italian man Leon M here just really having a bit of difficulty to try and hold on at the back in this leading group and in the leading group there are four Riders from visma Lisa B there had been five but there was a mechanical for Eduardo aini I can tell you that the peleton behind did get as close as 26 seconds however for them it has grown out again to 53 it's touch and go to see whether any of them are going to make it back here we've had Riders behind such as the Spanish Champion lcal chasing on we also had a crash involving Derek G the rider from Israel Premier Tech this is clont he's now Racing for GR FD and we have a few teams that have really missed out at the front the French team are one of them EF education easy poster another none of their Riders are among the now leading 29 at the front and it's one long line as the sodn wet fields of Flanders are left and right it's pretty miserable weather the wind is is blowing and as you can see Riders groups all over the road there's a lot in here who are not going to make it to the finish today now before we get on back to the front one more note a bit of housekeeping again no start for Pete alagar today had already off the hospital to be checked out the likes of Antonio Morgado young Portuguese Rider who had a crash there are more crashes left and right as we can see here Derek GI mentioned was involved as well earlier on was in a different crash to this that's just happened we've got riders in ditches left and right it looks as though thankfully more or less everybody's getting back to their feet but is the true chaos of Flanders with Bram Welton of DM fic P NL another non-f finisher so it's time to take a breath are you ready for action well You' better be because this has been nonstop just as we can where we had that attack from three Riders that's come back together this is large B comes from a good cycling family he's Racing for that Alpa the king te move that brand new kit haven't they the jeans's denim look certainly something that will get everybody talking some big names have missed this front group bam gayah is one of them his team and Mar just sitting in here Stefan Kung is another that's why K are working and here is a familiar sight in a brand new uniform tractor Tim de cler this year playing the fields for Le Trek might take a little bit to get used to but he's performing a familiar Road there Chris Nance is the man on the left hand side former laan Champion for Israel Premier Tech and the interesting thing about watching this group is that wild fernard himself the former winner has been doing a lot of work here leads you to wonder whether it is for him today for visma Lisa or if they're trying to look out for the new boy Matel Jorgenson from the United States Tish bot or the European Champion Christoff laort who's in here too we're coming to sim Oda that means that we are on our way to brackle Michel Baker and we are not far from the F back all of these familiar names come back into your conscience small towns and Villages that are pretty sleepy for the rest of the year but are anything but right now another little split here I can tell you the wind's blowing strongly today well over 20 Kil per hour we'll have to return to the haruk and Leber for one final time later into the race and right across the H hook there's a big crosswind BL moson and Milan the Two Italians here Milan the man in the multicolor Jersey of Le Tre and this is Mattel jensson top American Rider come from Marv star signed for Vis meisa bike he's part of the classic campaign he's expected to go to the tour to France as well this year keep your eyes too on the couple of riders in from DSM fumic pel they were both in the original morning breakway as the Gap is now at 47 seconds interesting that Adam Mar have joined the chase needed to happen really a lot of strong Riders at the front working together they were never going to be caught unless it was only CL who s working all day long something else had to happen the force in this group though has diminished hasn't it yes it's bigger than the group in front which is around 28 29 Riders strong this was the main Pelin it's been splitting it's been moving looking back eart still in there as w fat returns to the front full list of riders in this group as follows fat Laport benut Jorgenson philipsson gorle and as as a former winner of the V there's moson Stella gal yes he's back in World Tour the pestl pidcock RO Swift en gred is having a fourth Rider in Turner there's K the Luxembourg Champion Milan SC the cleric Flynn and F Brook both Young Riders from DSM with d and Bost verot Neons picol and ston Edwardson fredheim from the Uno X Mobility team Here Comes kristofh Laport there is yasper philipson and we have some massive names at the front of the bike race there's man Lio Moro man I think you're going to get used to seeing soon out on his first Adventure in the classics today it's his debut 21 years of age from Pon in Italy an Italian track star he's hoping to chase time trial results and some Classics experience with Marv star this year 1 M 92 strong Rider made for the Classics as is glore over this year to lch team in the blue he's come to provide some assistance and plenty of fire power for Stan Gap at 46 seconds though are not really bodging now the next climb is the Falcon a nasty one 500 M long at 7.4% sectors of well over 11 and 12% or a couple hundred meters near the top for those of you who like those things yes we'll be going to some even more famous names the mighty morenberg wonderful narrow entrance and the famous cobbles that Mark the start of the Season we'll have the B and the m and the boss back and one more passage of the haruk and lb a kilometer them from the falconberg and Tim decl back doing what he does best always difficult to organize a group that this big we've seen quite a few different faces at the front now interesting to see what the tactics are for each team as they come into each one of the climbs here those in this group will not want to let anybody else from the group group behind back in certainly when you look at Le when you look at inos visma they will be delighted with the situation you'd suggest that Lotto Destiny having Delan here would not want things to come back together either is there enough fire power behind will there be any hesitation here the morenberg a little earlier on once we get there and there on in any mistakes that are made if you're C out it's so difficult to correct after that the climbs really do come thick and fast we talk before the day we've had crosswind sectors course we're crisscrossing the femish Sharden here and once we get after the Boss B today final 10ks is so we're expecting a nice Tailwind home any attacks will be easier to take home onto the valkenberg we go the spring really has started now there's Tom pitock left inside in the red for inos Jan moscon in that brand new jersey of his of sudal quickstep on the minimum wage there and it's a performance related deal and he's going to move and he's trying to perform and the Belgian team is back with their new man so many questions over the winter as to whether they'd still exist or not but they're here they're fighting and they're trying to win again on home roads moscon who also has Asar in in here too moson is really stringing this out he's got lapot on his wheel however Connor Swift this on the left hand side yman in the red jersey for the inos team this is one of the few Classics that they themselves managed to master very early in the day with Juan Antonio fletcha then famously with Ian Stannard something that Janny mcan's new boss Patrick LEF will still be having nightmares about in between the outbursts that continue to get him into trouble one long line towards the top of the Falcon back this is Sam bti at the back around 23 world championing in the took Co Jersey Palmer here at the front just see on the left hand side for Anto Mar that's Adrian P the Frenchman and Alexa lenko waiting and watching amazing to think with his characteristics he's never actually won a race in Belgium you think that maybe one of the Riders perfect for femish racing national champion of Kazakhstan looking at Junior ala had a crash Bing that crash into the ditch not far back this mider in there is Yan tratnik good form last week in the vaal gar in Portugal it looks as though tracknick is going to get back in the pellan crucially with alip Al FIP is returning to the classics the move at the front on the falconberg unable to split this group despite the efforts of moscon and these are the teams repr presented at the front it's Melisa B inos Le DM Aline sudal and Lotto got two Riders each those last four teams three Riders three teams I should say with four Riders give the we see some confusion those teams are just the one Rider depends who it is doesn't it to whether they can get excited about this or not with just the one Rider those teams will have to play it a little bit more cleverly tactically that's a good view from up on high up in brackle be a few Journeys to the top here in the next few weeks tell you though wherever you're watching you've got the best seat in the the twists and turns the fight for every corner the unique nature of Classics racing it's all back for the next 6 weeks this race first held in 1945 just a few months before the end of the second world war actually per Mission from all of the occupying forces to make sure that everybody was allowed to race per Mission didn't come until race day itself was founded by the H folk newspaper was a rival initially to the ROV Flander the tour of Flanders but in 2007 it began the up newad changing media landscape newspapers that own Belgium couldn't raer for the Flemish spring season though has always retain the same character and here is a Fleming dis notes on the left hand side yellow Jersey now moving to the right as we look at it he was the winner of the second race of the opening weekend last year in K he Tred to defend that title tomorrow there are a few Riders here that will have both races on the program others will be rested tomorrow others will be brought in tomorrow Sunday's race tends to suit more Sprinter type Riders however that was different wasn't it with berod winning last year one of the final opportunities to go back to the car for a few Riders now on our way to what be the next line which will be the wolfenberg before we get there we'll be going to the Holloway famous sector of cobbles that you often see in many a Flemish race and we're on the way to brackle one of the most famous small towns in bike racing once we get there it will be hook leberg be and just over 60 km to go the Gap down at around 35 seconds as per race radio a minute ago see 42 on the screen there as you could just see some Riders choosing to get rid of that last bit of clothing back to the car chaos behind the small group with cars allowed in it and the Gap gets any smaller then the cars won't be allowed in the Gap this is back in the main peleton that has managed to get a little bigger now but the riding is fierce I'll wind all the welshmen in the pink there this is Adrian PTI from France behind we had a couple of Riders racing through one of whom his cap showing there third wheel as you look at it just poking out the left hand side of the shot that's CL and his team leaders actually bringing some bottles up that's Stefan they seem to be the team that's the most committed King is the team leader but of course keep your eye on the likes of Le ASI as well British Rider it's a debut for Samuel Watson as well no big commitment from UAE Emirates here which perhaps is a little bit of a surprise Tim wellin their team leader there's Neils pollet as well however Alber a Hodes on debut there was a crash earlier on for hu Al Veda but he's back on his bik he's had a top 10 in this race before the crash however to for their young Portuguese Rider Antonio Mado and he's been taken to hospital in De so let's hope that the injuries suffered aren't too serious and he can be back on his bike soon that is in s [Music] Maria from here we got to m and the hollow is the from F Malisa bik coming to the front we've seen wart take a little bit more of a back seat in the last few case so they have been sharing things out not want to be showing all of their cards Michael GLE in the denim look at the back there for [Applause] alaic 135 if Tom S thatan star for legal [Music] [Applause] Tre they'd be delighted if they could get their main man from Italy Jonathan Milan into the last few hundred met but there's a lot of road to be ridden between here and there it's not just all the lefts and rights there's 00 M of climbing in this race over 202 km a rare wider Road here let keep your eyes on Riders left and right as well I can tell you that on Race radio there's been a warning or two and then a final warning given to sports directors today about Riders using the Pavements which is not allowed to governing body the UCI promised to get a little more strict on that buers ship they're sighing on one of the q36.5 jerseys the gray team on the left as we looked at it right inside Center of your picture nap and in the green jerseys Bora handcrew they've missed the move completely too will they start to contribute the lik of gordi M and Marco Hara for them today me the Bel Rider who won on the CH at the end of the tour to France last year rare turn on the front from bti stellos all alone and just look at the Gap there come down below 30 seconds we saw that concerted effort from behind a feeling still that this group is just that little bit big to have everybody contributing this is going to be interesting though certainly in the bigger Bunch behind because it's going be a big fight for the right and side and the big right turn that's going to take them right now onto the hallway keep your eye on this group now this is going to be a ferocious fight hence why the Gap has come down the hollow is the third of the Cobble sectors and also the six there six cobbled sector and after this they go to the Walen be problem there for the rider from Bob star on the right side who just got caught up looks like moral and if you didn't think it was spring yet if the wolfenberg wasn't enough for you here the cobbles the shaking of the bones the rattling of the handlebars the problems that can occur upon them there's quite a few Cal sectors coming up actually either side of the wolfen kard after that instead of the Carl Martel Strat the yag and after this sector already Gap at 23 seconds it's been coming down behind cars pulled out the Gap now and it's one long line in the chasing group I want to say that the race is bubbling up to Boiling point but in all honesty that would be doing what we've heard about so far today a real disservice the B new spad this year started with a bank speed are been incredible today by the way just for reference first two hours of racing ridden at over 45 km per hour Matel jensson getting the call now alongside Wata and Kristoff Laport they're amassing at the front here something is about to happen as we come on to the wolfen back and here we go uphill next climb and this is heling orine number six of 12 hardest part the wolfen B comes about a third of the way up 14% maximum gradient it's a 6.7% average for 700 M and Jenson is really pulling them up here Al on the left hand side in the red he's got rid of that rain jacket he's ready to go and he's doing his best to follow the American the Americans teammates Laport and fat are following and behind we're getting some casualties a couple of splits and a look behind to survey the damage one of those in a little bit of trouble is yasper Philips and he's a rider that this group will want to get rid of another of the men in trouble comes from leel Trek and it's Tim CL one 124 is Luke Roose so two of the big domestics might be about to be shelled from the back here this is Ben Turner and that would be a big blow to the inos is if he were be unable to follow Michael gurgle Alex Kish another of the inos gers Connor Swift it looks as though Tom pitock has been able to follow and this now is wal for this is getting very serious towards the top of the fen back and the group not quite split in half but it has has been decimated by that move from 28 Riders say 1520 towards the front now not even that when you look at this shot per is still at 27 seconds but a two will have been climbing a wolfenberg at quite the r it's the European Champion kristo La in that Continental Champions Jersey has two of his teammates in the yellow following another of those mat t no is just in that second split and look at the gap opening up here to another eight Riders three follow in the third group nailons has been dropped K this representative gah in this group too he was in the morning break let's not forget and Tom Pitcock has made this front split we've got seven or eight Riders here s or8 or the best Spike riders in the world certainly on this terrain and once again it's Advantage for this malissa bike they have detonated this race today splitting it with five Riders out of the seven allotted riders in their team after 75 km 75k further down the road this is the situation one of their teammates had a puncture that was Eduardo aini another's been just caught in the split note but they have fard former winner laot third last year and jensson brand new to the team but with so much potential in that front group second group contains Jasper Phillips wearing number 11 now keep your ey on him sander the pestl is the final rider in the line of riders here the renamed di air look at the leg of light they take and how tightly they take them parkour knowledge is so important here you don't have to be from Flanders but you have to have ridden these roads before a lot of these teams would have been here for three or four days already two days ago there have been a big team reconnaissance mission and this is where this Melisa bike can play tactics now just see that kristo laort is accelerating the two teammates have his in the group can sit behind and wait get the draft and force the others in the group to chase that's the advantage of having the teammates as we move into the final 50 km really is incredible rewind to additions past of this race just another 50ks to go and on many an occasion many an addition You' have much bigger groups than this pying has changed you what it has become even more and more spectacular further and further out from the finish line and that's a big gap to the next group yes we have to call this the pelan looking at at least a half a minute they're led by Matel trentin and T Pro cycling just sitting a few wheels back now and now for N Turn just see that Laport the man who was on the move is caught and this is moscon just strug the hold the wheel at the back the Italian he's already been on that attack before but he has to hold here because sudal Quick Step as they move on the kataa 2.5 km long section of cobbles no one else in this group Jonathan Milan is in the second group by the way squeen from TR in the front two on your screen now 23 seconds already of a delay to this group that just a few moments ago was part of the lead of the race how quickly things can change and B by those anyos riders in there will be happy to know that Tom Pitcock is in this front group the K ga as far from Flat as you can see and that is done for Janny moscon and alarm Bells will be going off at sadal cric De headquarters we all know what follows a bad Classics performance for Patrick the fav has me there'll be an inquest tonight and there will [Music] be the will of for Revenge tomorrow won this race for the past three years no full panic yet as things can still change but half of the leading group of six come from the visma lisik team so 23 seconds to group two just under 40 seconds from what we're calling the pelan and this is the lead la the same team with pitock and as well as Vima Lisa bike it's inos grenadiers Le Trek and Lotto Destiny represented moson it's painful family of farmers not without his detractors and for reason he's been guilty of a few unwise unfortunate incident on the bike some pretty distasteful things off the bike as well everybody deserves a second chance Johnny mcot is trying to take advantage of that to Quick Obama still chasing behind time gaps are still fairly tight three riders in here surely this Melisa bike will not want to let go of the advantage here's F coming around they come off the Kata inside the last 50 km now two more cobbled sectors to go six climbs and once more of the har hook and better combination Michael GLE he's been put to work here by Aline you would think too that needle Trek will be thinking about things of course they've got a man at the front but is it the man they want in the front and Tom scr three Riders here and their fastest finisher does Alex Kish bury himself as well answer doesn't seem to be yes yet in the CL M that's his job we know that this is the race where he's had a rare top five in his career though we all know that de CL DNA provide at the service of his teammates this is a man now coming in the yellow who's not going to ride he should not out the peleton we've got moves had to happen Gap g to 55 seconds Kama stop riding and if you're under here you really want to try and get binam gay there erat Tran Superstar into the mix he's a man who was made for the classics one kville came a couple of years ago and the Flemish press were calling in the next Tom boner and we've got a move on the yagar from Kristoff laort yakar being the eighth of nine flat Cobble sectors the cobbles here finish we go one of the climbs that really does signal the start of spring it's the Magnificent mber lot launched himself forward at the start of the cob sector here was P pitock the British Rider to close him down and all six Riders back together again as they come off the 700 met stretch of the yag it those bones stop shaking for a moment the handle bars a little more stable less hurt than the hands but it isn't going to last for [Music] [Music] long so we're getting an answer now from the TR looks as that they're happy to chase even though they have toming at the front Michael gorgal will still help out for alas K because he has Jasper philipson arguably the fastest man in the race in this group iipa who won the green jersey in all of those stages last year at the T FRS one of those sprinters who could be more than capable of transferring his skills to the spring Classics a little Tre will be hoping that Jonathan Milan is such a rider as well behind as Kazakhstan sto to move we talked earlier on about Alex Leno and he's sitting on the wheel now this scrips at 1 minute 7 Seconds Uno X for another team that now have no longer any representation at the front they've started to ride as well get your eye on what for here just doing up his shoes as we're on the way to the mall back it's the rider in the yellow jersey with that red ball helmet on name was drinks manufacturer personal sponsor of his so easy to identify in the team issue black helmet Belgian Star Riding for the Dutch team it's been a different winter for him this year Les cyclocross wants to Peak for the Flemish Holy Week that being the tour of flers followed BYU but as we're on the way to the morenberg he will be aware that winning here in every single year that there has been bike racing down the years in in history means that you do not win the round of ofand yes there's always the fact that this could be different but I would have caution to anybody who wins the omit new spad nobody has ever won this race and the T of flers in the same season that of course doesn't come into your head when you're trying to win simply here records sequences are all there to be broken this group's resistance could be being broken because the pelan is on the way 50 seconds here and a further 10 seconds down the road to What's Left of the biggest group left on the road and here they [Music] come problem for those those in this group is we're coming up to the mber and after the mullenberg maybe aside from that longest section 10 km to the be and before we get to hit asber there isn't too much road to chase them no real time to get organized the twists and turns of the flamish alen are going to get in the way come just listen to that wind buffeting the Riders as they're all over to one side just over a kilometer to the m b on the other side of Belgium from Li in won the French speaking part of Belgium takes his drink and he's ready he is the next Belgian Superstar this little doubt about that and his style of racing also popular here in Flanders despite it being the Rival Dutch speaking region he has his fans all over the nation same for wad fat though the I'm wearing two here two years since he won this race the fisa looking for a hattick one art Victory last year followed up by that win for Dylan fala the Dutchman 12 months ago the left turn is signal fans line the road it's the little bridge over the stream onto the cobbles they'll go onto windmill Hill and now we can say it spring starts here the mullenberg iconic centerpiece of the omet news clad is back on our screens and some of the best riders in the world are leading them up Berard laort Jenson pitcock screen andite nasty narrow cobbles the screening of the passionate fans and bike racing is [Applause] TOA look at what the R's done here you can see the it's of hard left and right easier for these guys in the smaller group a pig coock has just got a bit of work to do to close the wheel as they come off the pretty rough cobbles that line the all in [Applause] back and here's that left turn being taken on by anyos in the chasing group now all back together in the petan and if you're all the way down here you you have a heck of a lot of work to do to get involved and what's left in the legs SW we're about to find out inos want to get back into the race pitcocks up there but he's outnumbered with vimal Lisa bike riders Luke row giving that little bit more now for the inos grenadiers think got the oldest rider in the race today by the way in The 40-Year-Old Australian camon sign of Quick Step here as is following on now then lapot has gone over the top of the mm bed Tom pitock is through and follows w f clever tactically very very clever just lets the wheel go and it's n to screen the chest that means that both jensson and fat can follow Deli was having a gamble there top of the mm bag looking like a foot path [Applause] here windmill in the distance and onto the open road immediately the wind has an impact this now Stefan Kung he's made his move on the Moren [Music] B play you're able to follow though Al Philip's in this group in about fourth whe the former world champion that's a good sign for S Quick Step but those yellow killer bees are everywhere aren't they T is on the wheel and marking splits start to develop behind and it's still a 55 second Gap damage is apparent totly behind 347 there s and SCH 234 that's pet Kellan and 123 is salvator poo the Italian domestic back at this race for the first time and his many as seven years getting a harsh reminder as to the realities of Classics racing [Music] today no time to admire the thinka S the as [Music] book there up the morenberg they're over it split to developing and in Flanders Fields they are fighting for the front of the bike race H Philip wind blowing from left to right as we look at it by the way just Mar getting involved with it looks to be Mike turnis a lot of liers have now lost contact with a budge is there enough organization despite the OB obvious tactical considerations with the three bisma riders in the front group group of six is still pretty good to work together and they're maintaining that good Advantage here you just got too many riders and too many different interests that's the Flying Dutchman Pub we are in flas by the way Le the Hollander they've been serving quite a bit the big screens in there today be a bit warmer inside as well watching on the Telly inside 40 km to go now was laot that's for a drink cuz he saw who was behind it European champion on the podium in this race last year oh well it wouldn't be the classics without a Fallout about who's riding but what can Tom screen expect he too will be frustrated and it's understandable he's going to show that frustration got team with numbers half of the numbers in this group also understandable that not everybody's going to contribute equally if you're just switching on this is a situation with 38 km remaining in the OM Plan Three Riders from visma Lisa by Pat laort and Jenson front jensson laort and Pat joined by Pitcock screen and tactical chats all over the place here and this is Victor carts wondering how long it' be before we saw him he's back on Belgian soil here moved to Spain over the winter however hoping that training down in andalus here is giving him a bit more power typical capard move kind a bust out from the petan and try to instigate something he has Casper Pearson for company and a whole host of Riders once again it's too big to get anybody interested or organized we talk about all the Cobble sectors and the climes we all know that it's the sectors in between the big moments can often see the real racing develop turnis comes to the front looks around doesn't want to fully commit 55 seconds we want six in there is Tom fasbook of Israel Premier Tech win at the early part of the season for in this is where the Real Racing truly matters now and gets started for most of the Riders certainly the Riders from Belgium what's on the Mind here of Lotto Destiny guess if they can get comp NS somebody else to cross that would be good and it would help out Arnold Del don't really want to bring Del back with a whole group behind they knocked off the effort here and well if we're like this for too much longer the front group is definitely going to stay away oh she should have been sanding just a few hundred met back you would have seen the attack here we go then and for the third and final time today it's the har hook this is always listed as a flat sector but it's anything but downhill to start difficult to control the cobbles really rattling underneath the bars and now it becomes a climb over a minute of a gap for the leaders and if this feels like a climb just look at the wind coming from the right to the left and at the top they will take a left turn and then head to the leeber which is a short shot very nasty climb once again at the top they'll come over to an open exposed Farmers field and the wind will be howling across it there on it's a attempt to try and pick up the pace of the downhill towards the bottom of the beid and that he's a nasty straight climb lenko just off the back here them together on the har this is the third time they're taking it on today sector of road that takes them away from Ora and on the way to brackle turns to sort of a cross tail wind here and the left turn on the way to the Le is just coming up the legs are really hurting here by the way now we've got a move from the pelet and it's Bingle one they have a man in the break earlier on today in the shape of yell ver Mor who's racing on his debut this looks like it might be Nat V pit Tri [Music] [Music] it and that's confirmed need some sort of company though really going anywhere here he's about a t out of this housing estate and here we go following a minute on behind off the H hook onto a very short descent and then the slope will hit them leberg climbs through this farmer field here and it has a nasty maximum gradient of over [Applause] [Music] 10% on a windy day this is where you get a little bit of shelter come up to the top and it is so exposed this climb a kilometer long and this is where you get the real Roar in the omope at new Splat listen to this they've seen the r has come through three times today the race is alive they've seen it completely disintegrate at the front and the six braver Souls that lead with a minute and 10 seconds and now sprinting up at slopes [Applause] the hardest gradient out the way here Del you'll notice he taking it on from the front probably the heaviest Rider in here the big Sprinter it's just after they get past these farm buildings where the wind starts to take effect [Applause] again in front of them it should be behind them at the minute probably a crosswind over the top and now Mike turnis goes on the counter attack he's been looking frisky in the last few kilometers look behind from a couple of riders from dadong Ting well in the white jersey thought about chasing too and the Dutchman who came from the world of CYO crosses in under 23 remember a stage winner in Belgium of the toour of and a yellow Jersey winner K started in Brussels a few years [Applause] back he's got a very good Gap this is an excellent acceleration and whatever happens today it's a good sign for Anto for the spring this this is a man who struggled to stay fit stay injury free and behind well another of those julan alaf the former world champion doesn't look like his [Applause] [Applause] de a little chat there and that's Janny moscon who also looks exhausted G each other up working so hard for the team Al Philip you can see has been down today well the tacet effort has really provoked a real reaction and there's a chase behind looks as D deont is leading it now Racing for diat azelle still a mighty group [Music] this still over a minute the Gap over the top they come here and the wind is howling you see from the right side everybody over to the left right as we look at it now in the opposite direction turn has to provoke that reaction again he's still got his leader biniam G on on newcloud debut in ready and waiting this now is one of the fastest roads in flers over the top and down the hill as a head towards the be and a very rare chance to get some rest in those legs might have they been Racing for 170 km now 32 remain and they're down at 70 K now here [Applause] out of every Cafe every CL they'll step to wave their Heroes on now this is interesting we had reports earlier on today that young Antonio Mado had been taken to hospital looks like it might be him on the front of the peltin there it might have been a mixup one of the Portuguese Riders have been called as crashed Ola orado to get a closer look here we go to Michel Becker this is the be and this is one of the hardest climbs in a hall of flamers there's no cobbles on it but it's steep it's a kilometer long it's straight you can see every inch of this horrible Road approaching ahead 7% average and the hardest part comes smack bang in the middle here on the 24th of February 2024 it's packed left and right the fans are out to see the famous six here in Flanders vard laort Jorgenson and there's an attack from scre chased by the Leon pitcock as well Tom screen making his move on the B and and W fard goes off in search now it's Del who has to make a move Pig coock struggling here at the back and Pitcock is in danger of losing contact now Tom screen's really making the move on the beard Andre he might feel it's the hill that suits him the most even though there are 30ks to go and pitcock showing a weakness now he's the rider here who's in danger of being found out he's gritting his teeth though he's trying to get back onto that wheel gr gets a little easier from the top here it screens are still been chased down looks behind out the pedals again and the labian star who spent a lot of time over in the United States as well he really attacking things for the American team needle Trek have their man at the front four Riders are chasing him including three from the same team and here is Tom Pitcock not quite a struggler and a straggler but he's showing that little bit of weakness now P was unable to close the gap and now screens looks over his shoulder he sees them approaching he's going to wait for now but he certainly softened up the legs behind now then that was more the left drab that was a big right hook but nobody's on the canvas yet behind there's also a counter move lenko he's being marked well by tratnik also there is St who's a former winner floron is up there in the red jersey binam G is reacting fairly well in the seventh wheel too and still at the back moson and alip they fight they work and now moscon is gone it looks like an issue here for alaf Philip off the bike he goes and he's had to chase on so the legs aren't awful if he's had a Chase and he's still back and holding on on the be and that was Tom stales giving him a push off [Music] and this now is Lano towards the top of the ba St up there within tiller is the Chaser former Norwegian Champion for unox mobility and we move to our next [Music] clim this is the elenberg bom Hall 1.3 km long 4.4 average look at that it's up and down isn't it for at 1.3k after the short descent you've got the maximum gradient of 8% this is heling Hill number 10 of 12 no introduction needed for the two remaining the mood and the boss b [Music] [Applause] or of that second part the hardest Point again it's another narrow road not going to pose a massive problem here because the groups already fairly small and as you saw that the group behind was being strong but the time Gap isn't getting any closer 1 minute and 15 it's looking good for the six here as we now see CER attacks all over the place and bahara get involved with maharic in the chase tries to chase down pson that's Casper Pearson no M peon today by the way he's an altitude camp the not's going to Mark and follow same with trck this Melisa biker in a luxury position the riders in yellow here have just as important job to do as those at the front just have to keep chasing down any moves marking watching waiting pasal left hand side for bohin threatening like he might lose contact six there was Gonzalo Sano from Madrid blue jersey of Marv star left turn here under the second part of our 10th climb of the day and we've got a move from this particular group [Applause] now looks like [Music] Oliva was indeed Mado who was taken away oliv Vader despite the crash despite the move is here on the attack still with Tim wace in this group becoming an increasingly difficult task for this group to get involved in anything n Gap has only gone one way and that is out will there be a stage where this group looks at each other hesitation could help them back but we're over the top now we're heading to Le of course is m r t country no time to stop for a local delicacy though this is serious this is racing we now have one of those sectors where there's going to be any hesitation there's going to be any looking around there an opportunity to get organized and closed again two sectors like that left in the race it's here until her asber for the next 8 9 10 km Max and after that the final 10ks from bos to the Finish Line Indi the sector in the middle is going to be the typical chaos Mo Capel climb out of her asber and the bosb itself a strong Pace being set here though by jensson now the Le is not going to come through and take his turn Laport will attack and this is where the games begin Kristoff Laport off the front 26 K to go the Lee won't Chase screens will and pitock will try and close the gap and this is where those in the yellow jerseys can have that little bit of tactical flexibility lab's attack two teammates can sit by watch and Mark stop start stuff here if there's organization behind can Aid the chase we've not seen so far that there has been organization behind again it's been stop start keep your eyes on it 26 fascina 18 km still to [Applause] go 25 km remain in the omit news plad and if you're looking at the front here you'll see smallest group of riders and three from one team anytime you switch on you think W perfect tactically they're going to win this race but you don't have to look too far back in the annals of history in the onic newsad to see that numerical superiority doesn't always mean a win I think Ian Stannard think team Sky against what was quick step and it was the man who was all on his own to beat the three teammates on the day we could have another repat and we've got another attack now because wild fata has gone again it's going to be Tom screens who chases but surely only so many times that Gap can be [Music] [Applause] closed later smoo has been brought back how much is that left in the legs and v m Lisa biker giving everything we first had Laport we then had fard now it's jensson first two attacks were brought back by squee this time there's a quick reaction from Pitcock and laot was not wanting to let Pitcock get out of sight former world champion in the cycl cross Olympic champion in the mountain bike and winner of St bian at a stage of alz at the to of on the [Applause] road that PO is there again lot more it's Pitcock who's been forced just to use that little bit of extra energy whil that's going on it's an attempt for us to look around think in some of the scenery last minute of Calm before the inevitable stor we're on the road to hbur one of the most famous towns in Cy mythical Ascent the mo that's the main part of the tour of fladis and now part of this oh no no no crashes hisen is down problems two for Rider from Mar and another Rider there as well from sud quickstep who is jul ARA Philip ARA Philip is the man who's down looking the most distressed there the left ins side the former world champion the AR former winner of the tour of flers there that is Florio former teammate of the other two Riders here that's with a ballards there oh that's a right old mess for a man is not having a good week thankfully he's up and he's walking around but he's been in the news off the bike not through any of his own doing but through his boss's comments he's up walking here it's less good news for cl cell is holding that right collarbone right at the start of a new classic season with a new team it looks as though that it's a bunch of ballards that could put the spring in danger for it rid is just avoiding that Michael F important winner of this race so back on his bike 72 there was Michel H he had his fair share of nasty crashes in the last few years too fortunately it is an occupational hazard in the classics in particular back to the racing up the front just after the attacks settling on working hard as MOS on that's it for that is same with as and that is a really disappointing site if you're a fan of b or then you signing he's down he's injured he looks out of the race possibly out for the next few weeks the Gap at a minute and the same six still in [Applause] front the bigger roads here on the way to here [Applause] last and now then jenson's turn of course everybody's waiting for that Big M on the this time nobody chases this time nobody chases and Mato Jorgenson might just be about to ride away in the omop pit news plan now there screen she'll have to chase but he's not going to give everything at some point at some moment that tactical superiority had to pay off they've chased they've closed the Gap we wait for the climbs but it's on an innocuous piece of road through one of the small small villages in and around Le that Matel Jorgenson on his Classics debut in his New Jersey is riding away and unless somebody can get organized that could be that 20 km to go and Mato jensson now is in the lead Tom pitock will try and take it up and surely there has to be some agreement between Pitcock here squeen and the otherwise the race Victory is going to VIs rela B 10 seconds already for jordes and look at how quickly he's pulling out it's still a long way through the finish the farmers protest left and right but all the noise on the road being made by the man from the United [Applause] States the horn sound here but the alarm Bells really should be ringing for the other three riders in this group they probably are there's just not enough left in the legs 13 seconds and if they're not careful soon he'll be out of sight and you all know the saying out of sight out of mind could be on his way to the win so a new situation with just less than 20 km to the Finish Matel jensson the 24y old from the USA now rating in the yellow Jersey of visma Lisa bike signed from Marv star and saying that this team fits with his own performance driven mentality he's the man bringing out the top performance in his first Classics race with his new team look at that Gap there's a lot of opening Road developing does he have enough left in the legs but that will have to wait to find out over the next 19 km he still has the mood to climb he's still got to get up that long straight stretch in the boss b battle the road battle his will and the wind little bed him all the way as he rides to n NOA up the road here and they already can't see and that really is a downer the lotto Destiny for Le Trek and for inos grenadiers who as well as v m Lisa bike got some of their Riders into this front grp there 2 km after his move Matel jensson now has 20 seconds of a gap and here it is K asbg it's up that Main Street that they will ride and up the hill itself the mighty Hill the [Applause] mood jensson he's a connoisseur of all things cycling he will know what he could be about to do but there is no time to waste any energy thinking yet this race is not one but is in a mighty [Music] position the Tactical chat between the chasing two until now it is a job very well [Music] done so he's been over the river dender he's onto the High Street Mato Jorgenson about to pass through all the fun of the fair as The KES comes to town it's been Carnival week in Flanders not quite time for partying just yet but Jorgenson is on his way to a very very good ride onto the cobbles of the Vester as Remco theol fan club they're not cheering him on today it's time for the M Capel 1.2 km 7.8% of an average at Mighty nasty gradient as the couples move beneath the tire of 132% it's up and down in the classics isn't it a real fair ground ride and this is just the first [Applause] chapter 21 seconds for Matel Jenson and the Chasers now making their way to the veston [Applause] [Music] two pitcock trying to come around the inside but there's just nothing else to give yet they've all been here before they all know what is coming the famous Cobble climb the mood also known as the mm in French wants the centerpiece of the tour of Lis The Spectators on the roads will see the rers come fast then rush to the cafes to watch the finale play out in the big screen it's happening all here now and there man is at the front now dele wants to chase but he's going to be marked pitock really really struggling today he's given so much to be in this front group and we've got Chasers from behind this could change things we will have a new situation developing at the top of the mood now if there's different teams involved that is where there could be a problem for Mato jinson but he now is on to the celor section with a 28 second Gap [Music] and it's Tim wellin who's making his move in the white a new actor is ready to step on the stage but he's got to get to the leaders fard and laot still Mark it's D at the front but the man who's leading is out of your picture at the minute Matel Jorgenson making his way up the climb that was once synonymous with dond theur firing the starting pistol for a six feet long sporting soap opera it's Vima Lisa bik who are reading their lines to Perfection here but we could have some new characters to move onto the scene well being one of them Pitcock is fading he's about to exit the stage if he carries on like this Kung starts to move up this now is pollet the Roar as they come around the corner the famous Chapel with the bells that will be ringing just behind this camera shot here too and there is the shot we've all been waiting for the famous Chapel at the top of the mo a new leader and the Riders now in ones twos the omop at news flad has been split behind and only one climb remains to do more damage Tim wellin in the shakeup here's pitock there is K maharit getting involved poet's there as well tiller comes through this is trentin there's fala NASA the bot traic follows too kosu is in that 32-man split then there's cards Alexander Kristoff EV lumart there's Marco Halla and Bam GM he's dropped a lot of places hasn't he back with the leader just 13 seconds now now has there been enough behind to really change things AR Vis Malisa bike going to regret a little not pushing on further before this is the road that's going to take him now to the start of the Boss B which is up ahead in those trees well has now made contact but what happens in the chasing group they can now see the leader again just about but once again we could have that section where there's just not enough willing worker you can see front two Riders there The Man Behind is just anchoring that is labot this is where labot and F have an important job to do but that job could be more difficult if the numbers swell in the chasing group Stefan kungs made his move and he's in a perfect place here is the rider froming from and the good news for well is Neil's pollet is making his way across as well Pig coocks really fighting despite the fact he knows that his legs aren't quite as good as they were earlier on he's still trying to get into that next screw look at all the damage that's been done over them mo 14 seconds again now for Jorgenson but they can can see him and 20ks from the Finish was maybe too far from the finish what a race who are watching on our screens now fard and laort are still there they've not yet relinquished control this Melisa and this is perfect for La you can just see he's not quite putting the brakes on but he's soft pedling forcing the others to do the chasing exactly what bat will have to try and do now as he follows wellers it's also going to all play into the hands of Jenson 13 km remaining the next and final climb is the BS back here is mato jorens 7 Seconds now the bosberg always difficult to find the proper start of it it just climbs out of nowhere slowly raises up and it's here where you can start to see it just continues climbing all the way through the woods now well Del looks behind won't Chase they will Mark jensson it's all about just trying to stay ahead he looks behind now it's not going as swimmingly for him as it was but it's not over yet is where the Tactical numbers come into play course if there were all different teams chasing him they might have got to him by now working together at the five Riders here there are two who dropped the anchor slowing things down as much as possible the Gap again goow to 10 seconds off the concrete beton WG and onto the cobbles the boss sped gets harder and harder and harder all the way to the top double digits just before the summit 11% maximum gradient and in total it lasts for 1.4 km osed that tops out at 11.8k to go Tim wellins is making his move and the group behinds about to get bigger and this will make the last 10ks interesting whatever happens to the Gap here because we're suddenly going to have more teams who really want to chase the good news for Jorgenson is he's going to have a slight Tailwind but is he going to stay out in front before he gets to the top there's a big group chasing him Jorgenson's pedaling away tratnik is now getting involved in the chase group as well but noce there and the numbers swell even more for Vis Malisa B but this is a great move by Ivan Garcia CA the man from Marv star is looking in Mighty for he's just come down from an altitude camp in Sierra Nevada and no problems of adaptation it's jensson who's going to go over the top of the Boss B but he's not going to have a big gap now here are the Chasers another acceleration jensson is there can he conserve it he's fighting he's watching f is there this now is an issue for Victor cuts and there is Alexander Kristof Matel jensson is caught just over 10 km to go and amazingly we have a brand new situation in this highly entertaining on up at new SP first wellin then Garcia Cortina and now we have our next attack from Vima Lisa B and it's w fard who' have thought it mauy star welcome to the classics Club Manish team not traditionally good in these races we said straight at the top of the broadcast that they had a team that come with renewed ability and vigor and they are showing that fard trying to get away but not going anywhere well marked by a very active Cortina it was jenson's former team obious star who did the damage now it's lot's turn to go and he's going to be followed as much as possible by Tom screen Tim wellin will go with him as well and the bigger chasing group is on your picture right here a gap of no more than 20 seconds La bot who's going to ride Kung doesn't want to let this go and suddenly last year's winner Dillan fala is back in the game as well for Vis Malisa bike this is well trying to ride away and for the first time in a while Vis Lisa have to actively Chase and they're doing that through Kristal flort the European Champion inside the final 10 km the climbs the cobbles are all done a group of 15 maximum but it could get bigger because that's what's coming ho now traic turn here Slovenian compatriots not going to actively Chase here mic Nils pollet will try it but as he left it late remember tracknick one of those Riders who's so hard to pigeon hole so ball on so much different terrain was on the overall pum in the alav last week that in stage racing here he is on the Cs he is a mighty mighty bik Rider it looks as though there might be a away here there's hesitation there's plenty of looking round there's no real world to chase fat will Now counter Chase he's just going to mark this move the move's going to come from di Aton from Oliver Nas try make away with po this Rel bik now after the situation they were in if they don't win suddenly they'll be asking questions what did we say before think back to quickstep then there's no guarantee in this racing at whatever stage now ca's clearly on a good day he me to move again but it's laort who's coming with him M trying to win for the third year in a row here they're the team that's done all the damage to them first split before our camera started rolling the second major split that saw them have half of a group of six the big attack from Jorgenson but that marking behind wasn't enough it was the attacks the moves on the mood that brought everything back and now it's Lotto Destiny who are trying to bring Al Lee back yesper deast is with them and Bren fur is the man who's bringing this group along and again another move off the front looks to be Stefan Kung here from big wide shot in the helicopter all the while a gap of almost half a minute is developing but it looks as though it could be tratnik alongside poet maybe right to the line here let's see and if there's any moments like this that could be the case nice to see oliv NASA in good form today from the Belgian champion and now Lotto Destiny are going to go on the Move we're hearing 14 seconds on the picture there quite clearly taken from the back of the group difficult for organizers motorbikes well as the television production to be everywhere where they need to be here it is chaos on the road of Bel just under 7ks remain might have finished now in N NOA last couple of years has had a slight uphill Elizabeth L Alto Destiny will be confident if they can get the lead back into the mix might have the last time the Belgian team won this race it's 2002 pet p 22 years is far too long for a Belgian institution not to win this de Lee wasn't even born the last time they won 20 seconds though for tratnik and poet poet here by the way formerly of Bor hand SC he's a stage winner in the tour of hor big strong German Rider and who's been the national champion top Classics Rider with that really ever having brought home a top classic is today to be his day with tring two strong Riders on the flat two good time tralers to he had to pick a pair to be ahead and try to hold off a big group these two might be the two Riders You' pick look at all the fir power suddenly behind Lotto Destiny and Uno X are quite happy to bring this back for a Sprint how's Alexander Kristoff feeling that's the question I think this is a perfect race for him 5Ks to go has never been a Norwegian winner here Kristoff the former winner of the tour of flish 18 seconds tracknick in the yellow call it in the white the Slovenian and the German are now heading towards noova [Applause] and this is what's chasing it's a train led by Lotto Destiny they want AR Dei to Sprint against the resten fur yasper the and now Victor capar are all working Those Behind are just trying to take advantage of that it's the case well the likes of naron will be getting excited as well even wat or Kristof laok of course laok I think F would be quite happy if their main man in the yellow State out front and one as well between these two difficult to pick not really sprinters towards the line on the up pill you might say that pic has the opportunity and the advantage but P it so powerful and 202 km of this style of fall gas racing are a great level it is not the same as if they were fresher in a bunch and spining behind after a stage of a stady race this is a different game all together they might not even get there yet they're being chased down the gap's gone down to 12 seconds they might yet be caught the the line is the fleet of motorbikes he's told to get away and get ahead of them we've got excitement right to the last pedal stroke here at the onop at new spad and if the rest of the classic season is anything like this boy are we in for a tree three k to go pained Expressions on the face of both tratnik and pollet poet can't even come around and give a turn yet and he's not doing that could spell danger here for this group pollet can't give a turn is he playing the game or is he out of gas 14 seconds we're hearing 70k an hour down here as well they're approaching the final 2 km and in the late afternoon light the protest light shine the horn sound and it's a top two of riders who had tried to hold on 2,000 me to the Finish Line P it back through to taking turns now Uno X are fully committed alongside Lotto Destiny looking more and more like a lead out for a Sprint this and if that's going to happen you got the likes of mat Tren moving up as well looking for tudo pro cycling's first victory of the season staren is involved you can see NASA moving up and everyone else starting to get really interested 12 seconds that's all one and a half KS to the [Applause] line the flam Rouge will soon be upon them but will the two in front still be there by the time they pass through the arch at the minute they're looking good but they've still got a to make sure they go for it 1,000 M to go final kilometer of the 202 of the 79th edition of the onop pi news plan normally at this point they might be looking at each other playing games waiting watching wondering when they go but they can't afford to play cat Mouse yet it's pollet now going with 800 M to go tratnik Waits on the wheel and is in the perfect position to pounce if he can tratnik is still on the wheel pollet is at the front and the Slovenian can play the perfect game this Melisa B took control with this race with 75 km gone and they're now waiting to finish it off with a man who wasn't even in that main selection amazingly the race coming back together after the mood and Yan tratnik is ready to time take a first Cobble classic 400 m to go and he sits on the back wheel of Neil's poet behind in the big group they'll be waiting and hoping that these two will cancel each other out but with 250 m to the line it goes up pill and now Yan traik makes his move that's that pollet can't find the power and Yan tratnik is going to make it a hattick for Vima Lisa bike W fernard Dyan fala and now Yan tratnik win theop at newad for visma Lisa second place goes to Neil's poet and it's going to be another place on the podium for Vima Lisa biker again it's w fat who wins the Sprint for third and we have seen an exhibition we've seen total control we've seen to cycling dominance from the best team in the world what a race what a team and finally a deserved big moment for the brilliant Yan tratnik in visma Lisa bite colors There Will Be Few winners as popular as yant [Applause] [Music] TR [Music] y traic becomes y traic that is quite the win and behind in bits and Bobs they come across What Might Have Been for so many but that's the classics it's decided on the day man who was in such a strong position in stage racing last week has done it on the one day scene and on the cobbles this is a win that's been coming for a long time from this man and finally Yan tratnik stairs arrived to go right sprinting away on the final Hill and as well as the J stage he took a couple of years ago this has to be the biggest race we of his career tratnik to take it at it's three years in a row of his Melisa bik and it could have been any of their seven Riders at any point that was the amazing thing of this performance and behind leot leading out fard will also be on the podium with his teammate [Music] it was quite the margin in the end a chance to look around and celebrate the high point of the Elizabeth Lan in NOA was double celebration for Vis Malisa bike look good placing behind for Tim wellis Pitcock and NASA were all up there as well but there was one team celebrating it was the team who took control the team who eventually took the win this race very quickly coming [Music] this 4 and a half hours at full gas [Applause] Pace many congratulations you race are you surprised you to see yourself as the winner today uh yeah a little bit um because yeah we know that we have such a strong team for Classics and yeah in the past I didn't do much of the classics so yeah today I was more in domestic role but still yeah the guys did really good job um like on the half of the race I was just missed a little bit um behind um so yeah I could be behind not not relax but um yeah we had five guys on the front so yeah and then was just in the end yeah just keep believing and yeah we CAU back all the guys and then yeah I just went to Counterattack and yeah in the end I won do you consider this the biggest win of your life uh yeah I think uh it's yeah maybe yeah the biggest um in my life for sure yeah what fat finishes third so it's big uh party again at your team yeah uh um in the end last G I was a bit worried if I can win the Sprint um but yeah um then I see that um yeah um nil start quite early already pulling so and I start believing that I I can uh win yeah so but it's nice again to on the podium for a long time we had six leaders in the front and then you were in the bunch was there a point where you um thought we never going to see them back again uh yeah because was really not like really controlled race say one moment was they were pulling but then we stop again so then I thought that yeah the guys are tired and this but then yeah suddenly um we catch them back um so yeah it was again Ray on will this win change your role in the team maybe you can be a leader one day um I think you need to ask um the sport directors we will do that many congratulations with this huge win news blot Yik thank you thank you very much very happy annik there and that was rad Scot asking the questions humble and a result of the hard work not just his own but the whole team as he mentioned of control in the race what a brilliantly entertaining race to watch won by a really popular man tratnik and pollet going away tratnik able to hold on for the Victory and Neil's pollet taking that second place no wonder he's happy time for the classified check at the end of the piic new spab with Yan tratnik beating Neils poet the podium being rounded out by wat forat top 10 including nasson Laport Rex staven Pitcock trentin and D arold with two top 10 from two appearances now at this very race and so starts the FL Classic series of races from now until the Rond of landra and heading all the way to the bra a on the Novis party day used to come towards the end of March start of April used to host the tour of fladis honor now goes to alard and that's what we'll be building to over the next few weeks town has one more thing to do is to head to the podium and Crown the winner tribute to it warell man and some of the town's nice old architecture on show for us here as well that's the cport didn't over by the way east of where we started in Ken today over towards the Brussels region finishing e fls FL is in the hold of Belgium really beautiful country your architecture culture so much to see and visit and for bike racing friend well there not much more it's better on the planet than me and you certainly at this time of you one The Men series of racing the next race in the Flanders classic stable will come at k w in flers field and we'll be going to dwra finishing in the Ronda itself the tour of flers that comes at Easter weekend the ship and after races go over the border to race in HBY we'll be back for the scale of the press SP World Championships on an unofficial scale and then heading to the braon bill which will finish the Flanders Classic series of races gen every race a huge occasion a huge social occasion as well as you've seen so many people on the road s sites today something that's going to be reflected whatever the weather in the next few weeks well the crowd gathered in front of the podium and it's been quite the day at the hopic US e e oh this is how the race really shook up today the highlights of the onit new supp with a wind blowing from side to side and of course the famous cobbles and Hills the obstacles on the way from you over over 202 km on the B and that we had one of our first attacks from the league group of six th screen provided it and it was down to isisa bik to chase every gap down there were problems behind and injuries for floran s k AR and Junior Philip this attack with 20 km to go looked like it could be the winning move for Mato Jorgenson but once we got to the mood Al did a big job to try and close things down and there were big movements behind led by the likes of Tim well we get to the final climb with jensson still ahead but it was over the top of the final climb jens's former teammate Ivan Garcia Cortina caught him then Jan traic went there was a gap there was a delay not everybody wanted to chase the only man who could Chase was Neil's poet poet and tratnik then continue to work together and despite a frantic chase behind from Lotto Destiny and unox Mobility poet was taking on the final few hundred meters traik hanging on the wheel and with the punch and the power to get away in the final 250 M to make it three visma Lisa bike wins at this race in three successive years with three different winners Yan tratnik succeeding both fala and F this time fard picking up a third [Applause] place Yan tratnik with the first ever cobal classic victory Miss poet congratulations runner up with mixed feelings yeah I mean uh it's now the second time uh that I get second after Robi for sure um jumbo was today super strong um they they make the RS quite hard straight from the beginning and uh yeah on the end uh I knew that uh in the back are also some some fast guys like the Le V was also still there so um on the end for sure we take take the second place uh for us home and I think it's a great great result which team bridged the Gap when the race situation was with the six in front and the the group behind I mean like um yeah our plan was like that uh Tim Valance will try something on the m he did it also he bridged over to the first guys and then um I was covering a little bit in the back and um yeah I made it back to the front as well and uh I saw that tracknick is going and uh yeah jumbo was uh with a lot of guys in the first group and I know um if I have a chance I have to go with one guy from Jumbo and uh yeah we had set straight away a good Gap and um for sure we had to push because behind was also a lot of pulling with with the and the last you finished fifth in the tour of Flanders can we write you up for a role in that race as well yeah today I was feeling quite quite good um and yeah for sure um it's nice uh to start the season like this in the first uh yeah first big race um yeah it's now I hope uh that I can continue this in the next weeks could you have handled the final kilometer differently oh I mean um yeah uh for sure uh tracknick was playing a little bit U miss me um yeah he was saying already before that that he don't can really pull and um yeah that's uh yeah I had to go from the front and I have to say I was also quite empty so um for me it was better to take the second place than nothing thank you and congratulations second in the omope Neils poet NS pet there talking to us after finishing in second place explaining what exactly happened with the running why he took it on from the front explaining that second place is a pretty good result for his team given the numbers that LMA Lisa bike had of course he was referring to yumbo there the the old main sponsor of the team difficult for us all to get our heads around it but yes visma Lisa bike this year repeat still it sticks in your head to five finisher previously in the r of as R Koto was telling him looks like he's going to play an important part this year both in the classics and of course in the toour of as he'll be helping T here's and for three for visis it's a fantastic race for you yeah we couldn't do anything yeah [Music] said anybody in the team could could win this race of course we had to use our initiative and it was good and S was really strong today and with the guys with us it was better to be but it was difficult of course every time they they took off we had to close them back and that SP the game Christ and we had to work hard to try and close things down great situation 140 Cas finish what were you thinking uh yeah [Music] was quite a strong wind today the third time he went away it just split we had five in the front group that's good yeah was like the from a couple years ago because we had a really strong team about tomorrow you're going to do for the first time in the opening week and and theop and K are you going with um winning Ambitions as well there uh yeah I think with the we basically go with the same team uh to the race tomorrow and uh obviously after today we will be even more the favorite we'll be will'll be even harder race to uh to create splits with the with a flat final uh but I think I showed I can also be confident in in my Sprint so um yeah looking forward also to the race tomorrow what is the big conclusion after today's race it's always uh even dangerous to make too many conclusions after the opening weekend but uh we can be really satisfied with How uh how we race today everybody uh both guys come coming from altitude and the other ones coming from uh from the races are uh in good shape and we are uh where we want to be congratulations on the result and The Big Show thank you so much b f thank you all our pleasure thank you it was a big shower and there's young George he's almost been on as many podiums as his dad that's quite a few of them that was the winner but there's always tomorrow isn't there of course W referring to the fact that he's also going to race ker Brussel ker for the first time tomorrow and this was the Sprint from the main bunch he won already able to celebrate because he knew that his mate had already won the [Music] race show put on by here the podium then uh dignitaries are ready to give out the various prizes from the sponsors Etc and it's nice for Yan tratnik there be on the top of the podium with somebody like wat few Rumors in the window that TR might be on the way to follow is compatriot primit over to borans but no Chik able to start the second of his two-year contract at this Malisa bik and well anybody wants to sign him if they want to renew that contract the price might just have increased after that [Music] Victory a big Flemish welcome for a Flemish Hilo a man from hi and pulse it is Wat forat [Music] third in this home with new SPL [Music] neet Neils poet to stand on the podium in second position for another strong UA Emirates team they were the number one team officially in the world last year but of course Vis Malisa bik winning so many of the classics in Spring without The Monuments and then all three grand Tours this is one of the most popular winners of the bik race you likely to see so often he gives so much for his teammates but Yan tratnik has his own day and he's still standing taller than two big figures on that 34 years of age now and just his 12th career win but alongside that victory at the J Italia in 2020 s it's here in noova where he's taken the unop new that his first cobal Classics win what a start he's had in one day racing second in Mia third in hyen top of the podium here after a podium place in the general classification in the algar last week it's his best ever start of the Season time for an early season champagne moment thenard poet and above all Yan TR after a brilliantly entertaining omop new between hent and ninova this Melisa B win again this time through Yan trat the podium of the newsad tratnik poit and [Music] forite no more than a taste of that Champaign more racing to do tomorrow tratnik the winner at the end of one of the most explosive races at the newad in recent times and for the third time in as many years the opening day in Belgium belongs to the nosy neighbors from the Netherlands as visma Lisa bike take that [Music] Victory all smiles for Yan tratnik indova it's a really special day for him what a way to start the classics party for him the Riders wave goodbye to the podium we say goodbye and we'll be back on flers Classics for Kent wiim in flers fields from me Rob hatch from the whole of the team thanks so much for being with us today wherever you're watching around the world we'll see you soon what a way to start hey much more coming I promise goodbye
Channel: FloBikes
Views: 149,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wout van Aert, Team Visma-Lease a Bike, Omloop Het Nieuwsblad 2024, classics favorite, cobbled one-day events, Tour of Flanders, Paddestraat, Molenberg, Muur-Kapelmuur, Bosberg, monuments, Milano-Sanremo, Amstel Gold, Tour de France, Matteo Jorgenson, Christophe Laporte, Tom Pidcock, Julian Alaphilippe, Arnaud De Lie, Biniam Girmay, cobbled sectors, Belgian classics., Jan Traknik
Id: N3kki_8WOAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 50sec (8030 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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