Paris Hilton Renovates Her Home - House Tour 2020!

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So she's a hoarder, but because she can afford the space it's not an illness?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Loreki ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ugh. Couldnโ€™t get even a quarter of the way through it. She represents everything that is wrong with โ€œcivilizationโ€. I donโ€™t know why people give her the time of day.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/eyewhycue2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

bbbbbut she was bullied at school! She's just like us!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ivyandroses ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i cant even fathom what 1 person needs that much space or stuff for...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sneakichu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is greed, folks. And it's disgusting.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XsoberXx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a greedy fucking cow lmao

0/10 would guillotine in minecraft

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh my god my bedroom this is the other slivington manor it's been under construction for over a year now so i'm just coming here to check and see what's happening so i want to do a before and after video of how the house looks now under construction and then when it's finished in a few months so this room used to be my office showroom so basically everything was displayed i had they took it all out but we had like the most beautiful cabinetry for all my products so based on my skincare line my makeup my perfumes the purses the clothes the shoes it literally looked like a store in here but now it's all pulled out and now it's gonna be turned into a wellness center oh no they ripped the door out oh my god this is the coolest door right here you know in movies when they have like a fake kind of like library it used to look like a bookshelf and it was a hidden door and you pull it out and now the hidden door is gone so hopefully build another one but this used to be my screening room all right i'm gonna go check on the doggy mansion hopefully they didn't rip that out because it seems like every single room in this house is gone i'm praying that the doggy mansion is still oh it is yes i love this house and this is the kitchen this was not part of the plan they're only supposed to do like a few rooms and um so far everything is gone i'm kind of freaking out because i'm supposed to move back here in a month and this does not look like it's gonna be finished so this is the dining room i love the new moldings that they put up and then this is going to be the wine cabinet area which is going to be done all like plexiglas let's go check out my office okay it's all gone too yeah this used to be all black and we had like 24 karat gold on the walls um now i guess it's been covered up so yeah this is my office can i do my work oh my god my bedroom i'm getting a little fired up oh my god they ripped apart the whole balcony so this used to be a balcony as well which is not gone this is depressing if you haven't seen what this room looked like before it was literally like paradise and i have so many shoes so we ended up making it a full-on shoe room so every wall just [Music] all my shoes all louboutins everywhere all color-coordinated it's like something out of a store so gorgeous this beautiful chandelier and then this was the sauna room which i did another one of those cool like hidden doors and inside here was just i can't believe i don't even know what they're turning it into now it's like a store again just all jewelry everywhere am i safe which is now out here and with the bling ring when i came in here one night this room was completely empty because they had came in and stolen basically every single thing so one night when i came home the entire house was robbed and this room literally had like nothing in it when there was like thousands of pieces of jewelry now it's all done this is another room walking into that i literally want to cry like this room was so gorgeous like the dream closet now it's like hell all right so i guess they are tearing up my closet too this is one of my guest rooms i was thinking of doing this and making it like a glam room i'm trying to decide if i want to make it a guest room or a glam room this room i'm like literally going to cry looking at this whole tour this is club paris so it was club paris i had a full-on nightclub in here like all black and the walls of like gold with like black velvet and beautiful moldings all over the ceilings and a stripper pole in the middle dj booth was over there okay at least they kept the bar so that's one good thing oh my god they ripped out the gorgeous fireplace um so club paris is now gone this room has so many memories [Music] [Music] [Applause] so it's almost time to move back in i've been renovating my house now for about 16 months so i really miss living here and i'm super excited to see what they've done the entire house was gutted everything was taken out so it is all brand new and i haven't been here in a few months so i haven't seen the updates so let's go check it out yes ooh i love the new stairs oh my god i love this [Music] yes this wallpaper is very special to me it's so iconic and if you know you know if you don't know this is the beverly hills hotel they have this beautiful palm wallpaper which i love i actually copied my sister because when she did her house she had her entire kitchen done like this and i just thought it was so cool just brought back so many memories from the beverly hills hotel so i thought it'd be perfect for the office and i was right i love it i'm gonna put cabanas out here so i think there'll be one over there one right here especially during covid and we don't know how long this is going to happen for i wanted to make sure the outdoor area was just perfect this used to be the screening room and now it's the living room oh my god this bar is so sexy i love it yes so nice my new bedroom i love all the details my closet i better put a chandelier in the sky that could not be my chandelier [Music] hi my name is bria safford i'm the owner of reorganize and my team has been here for four days getting paris hilton dialed we have been working in four different spaces her kitchen pantry her garage her glam room and her guest room we have been working so hard and the transformation has been totally epic [Music] gotten into every nook and cranny of the space so we're gonna start this way and work our way all the way around this is all your paper goods any sort of entertaining quick eats people coming over for outside your flamingo straws in the front you loved those we wanted beverages to be super easy to restock your beverage area for cardio i didn't know there was actually no drawers down there yeah there's so much even under the bench we put the coffee machines next to each other which is why we created more of a coffee area here yes everything you need to be a functioning human being and then the nespresso is over there see it's already working yes it's really working because last night like i'm so used to being so disorganized and then i went into the pantry i was like oh it's like these like shining like fruit roll-ups and then i ate like eight rice krispies treats and then that's the goal and it looks more appetizing it just looks so good i was in the pantry until like literally 1 30 in the morning just like eating everything then making our way this way these are going to be your water bottles or like to go cups oh okay so cooking we want cooking to obviously be functional you're going to be here a lot you want to find all the things so this has your oils your extra salt and peppers your seasonings okay and these i'm so excited about which are waiting to actually fill them but this is what you uh helped us picking the design for they're like literally completely customized living spices so perfect sliving basil then we have the pantry which was a little snappy at the beginning because maria put a lot of brown in there and then i learned we were not going brown and now i feel like i nailed it yes [Music] [Music] right can finally see in my garage this might be one of the bigger transformations of the project which is exciting none of these racks existed um a lot of these boxes didn't exist labels didn't exist so we just implemented a lot we want your garage to not be a space where like things go to die but you can like use it as an extra room art is super important to you which was fun to learn and we want that to be something that you can easily do we wanted your art to be easy and we just did yes all the things thank god i have so many art supplies this is crazy yeah you don't know it's like a book store yeah you get it for a while this is what we call micro organizing where literally every little thing has its own so it's super easy for you to find if you're inspired to do something you can find your animal gems your fairy gems so sick i love this so much okay so here are bags we have a lot of your fancy pants bags up in your main closet and there were some up in the sweat suit room and something down here so we're bringing more of your casual stuff down here kind of filing it all in so it's easy for you to find what you're looking for we have cleared the floor we have made sense of the shoe area her awesome awesome display area and the vanity yes love it it should be very easy for you to oh and there's still room to put more i know yes plenty of room for growth good because i have like literally 20 giant boxes full of shoes at my storage unit but i'm not going to bring them probably because we can wait a little bit just a little bit love how beautiful is this whole vanity it's a dream this seriously is a dream it looks like it was made for you i think it was i got it made from um impressions vanity and they did like all these cute hello kitty things and i sent that big hello kitty led mirror so and look at that and over here we have lips on the top concealer eye and the eye shadows all the way down cute hair stuff over here these are great drawers because they're avoiding the piping but still using as much as physically possible oh god i've been looking over these nobody can find any of these you will never lose them again now we're going to go check out the juicy couture room that's it juicy couture room reveal yes wow there's not stuff everywhere there was stuff everywhere but not like oh my gosh total messy chaos it was you have a big pr box to-do list oh yeah which we have hundreds of boxes yeah thank you guys for all the products sorry i literally just got them sent from my other house so there's lots of this is a mail room but now you got to go through all of them and have like a little moment with each one she literally went through all of them she just posted about him now okay i'm really excited about this because this is where you grab most of your clothes i feel like yes so we have sets in the middle jeans down below anything you said that wasn't all the time we put up obviously things can switch around um furs it goes best this was awesome into here um anything that was just like a little more random maybe we just said over here if it wasn't juicy this is all juicy um and then your t-shirts are down here this is so cute a rainbow of leather jackets i love them do i have more fun and interesting things than anyone you've ever organized i would say so this takes the cake there was one this guy so heavy yeah i love that philippines so sick i know it reminds me of my 21st birthday dress like all swarovski out yeah i think should i wear this today am i dry today we are in my glam room by impressions vanity i'm so in love with it i'm so obsessed i'm so happy with how it turned out if i was a glamorous this would literally be me it's just parasized to the max with the beautiful bacara chandelier everything is all mirrored of course all my impressions vanity sparkles one of my biggest beauty tips is definitely lighting lighting is key it's super important and that's why i feel so lucky that i have so much lighting in this room for the perfect photos [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paris Hilton
Views: 1,588,239
Rating: 4.8413482 out of 5
Id: AMEC0uXDhvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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