Parashat Shelach Lekha: Spiritual Espionage

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[Music] this week's Torah portion is parashat which means to send for yourself which is a reference from this week's tour portion in which Hashem to send out what we call him or spies technically that's not the term that the Torah uses and we'll get to that as we go through this teaching but to send out a group of individuals representatives from the nation to go and what we perceive is spy out the land but to check out the land and to bring back a report I have subtitled this teaching spiritual espionage now in this week's Torah portion we read that Moshe sent out what I will just call here colloquially as spies or in Hebrew Mirage but that's not what the Torah uses that's what everyone uses just colloquially so I'll use that for now and these individuals once again they were to go and check out the land so we'll take a look here at Bob medbar Numbers chapter 13 verse one through three and the Tauruses send forth men for yourself literally in Hebrew send for yourself men and it says here and if you please that's not really that's not even in the translation either but that's just how we add things to try to make sense you know in language translation it says and let them spy out the land of the Torah says okay literally let them tour the land which we'll get to later on which is the land of Canaan that I give to the children of Israel and it says that it shall be is one man from each of his father's tribes you shall send and they shall be a leader amongst them so in other words it's going to be the tribal leaders from the respective tribes of Israel and it says afterwards in verse 3 sent them forth from the Wilderness at the command of Hashem Israel they were all distinguished men meaning leaders they were the heads of the children of Israel now many of us are familiar with the story of the alleged spies here and the outcome that instead of coming back with a good report from their mission they actually came back with a negative report which greatly angered and in return to their negative report we learned that Hashem made a decree that that first generation that came out of its crime that they would not enter into the promised land with the exceptions of two individuals and that would be yahushua and Khalif who and this was Torah portion they actually resist the negative report of the remaining part of the tribes of Israel and so that first generation sadly they would perish in the wilderness 40 years later why 40 years well the Torah says that the mission itself that the Excursion to check out Eric's Israel was to last for a total of 40 days as we see here in numbers 13 25 and we see them tour not from spying but as we'll see later from touring from checking out the land that is at the end of 40 days so one of the things I like to always think about when studying the Torah portion is to figure and probe how is this specific story like other stories in the Torah relevant to today how does it relate to my life because simply reading a narrative about a group of individuals being sent out by Moshe rabeno to go check out the land okay how does that relate how do I relate to that in my day-to-day activities right what is the message the Torah is trying to convey to us so when we analyze the story of The Mirage we discover some anomalies some red flags I should say the Torah tells us that the people simply report it on what they saw and in giving their report that they said Hey listen the land is robust the land is prosperous however it would be physically impossible for us to conquer the land we're not up to par with the actual inhabitants of the land we see here number 13 27-33 and this is afterwards and they said listen we arrived in which you sent us in the deep it flows with milk and honey and also honey and also and also it's very fruitful but the people that dwell in the land is powerful the cities are fortified and very great and we also saw there are The Offspring of the giant okay which is the the anak that which is called in the Hebrew and it says also amalek Amali dwells in the area the South and also the hittite also the jebusite the ammoth I dwell in the mountain and the Canaanite dwells by the Sea and the bank of the Jordan now as a side note one of the things I like to point out here without diverting off path to too far from the topic is that when the Torah mentions here and other pursue come or verses that we find throughout the uh throughout the Torah when it mentions amalek the amalekites all right A lot of people were under the oppression that the amalekites are the direct descendants of Asaf okay who when you studied the genealogy of Asaf he intermarried with a daughter of Ishmael okay and eventually brought children and eventually we know he moved to Sierra which is the region of Edom and there eventually we know that through his offspring came the the uh the creation of amalek and the amalekites eventually are recognized as being the director sins of Aesop however one of the things I've learned in my studies and this is for another time I'd like to get into in fact this is more related to the Jewish people's Exodus from animitz rhyme and some of the topics I've talked about in my previous teachings such as the historical origins of the Yeovil for parashats bahara and the Dreadful retelling of The Exodus of Egypt in my pesach teaching when I talked about the historical Cosmic upheaval that took place leading to the plagues and what was happening with the planet itself as it was not just something local but it was Universal per se and one of the things I discovered in my studies is that the amalekites that the Jews encounter outside of Miss Ryan when they're a referee these are not the amalekites who are the descendants of amalek Ben Asaf okay the grandson of aesopath essentially I should say these are not those amalekites these are a different group of amalekites that Reign Terror from the Arab Nations and this is well documented in actually other historical records outside of Jewish sources most only a lot of our pre-muslim or Islamic sources amongst the Arabs these informations are documented also Egyptian sources as well and which basically these amalekites when they encounter the Jews coming into they eventually crossed over into Egypt in which they eventually took over and became a new Dynasty and there's been a misunderstanding amongst Scholars to try to identify who is known as the hiksos people many of the thoughts of being that the hexos were possibly the Jews or the Israelites and that's not factual either the hexos what was known to them in Egypt actually there's another term for them I'm trying to think of ahead I think they were called the AMU in ancient Egyptian documents later known as the hixels by Scholars but these amalekites per se were group of people filled or reigned with Terror very powerful warriors that came from out of the Arab Nations and so when the Torah refers to the amalek here it's not referring to the direct descendant of Asaf it's actually referring to the amalekites who also by the way did settle in the region of Edom okay and they took over the entire territory that's another topic to get into for another day so now I digress back to the topic again I just had to touch base on that while I read across it and so the Torah goes on to say afterwards when the individuals were the miraglim were basically saying listen you know it's going to be physically impossible we read then afterwards Khalif then stands up and he silenced the people El Moshe toward Moshe vayomer and he said to them afterwards we can surely Ascend we can conquer it for we can surely do it we can do it and then the Torah goes on to say afterwards but the men who ascended with him said uh we cannot ascend um for it is a people that is too strong for us and we're going to actually learn later that that translation too strong for us actually could be translated as too strong for him as a reference to God and meaning that the Jewish people here doubt it in hashem's ability to help them conquer the land and so it says they brought forth the children of Israel an evil report on a land so a formula that they had spied out saying that the land through which we are passed the Spy out is a land that devours its inhabitants it's a very interesting phrase it's a it's a it's a Aries it's a term that's even somewhat used in modern Israel today among secular life in which one can find no peace because they're always trying to make ends meets if they're living in the land without depending upon the mercy of Hashem and it says all the peoples that we saw and they were huge and it says that they were the Nephilim they were and it's very interesting they mentioned here that nenu we were like you know this is an interesting phrase and I have a separate teaching on this alone when it says they didn't say in their eyes but in our eyes it says we were like grasshoppers I mean so this also is an a Very underlying statement from the tribal leaders of Israel saying that they doubted their ability to conquer the lands that they didn't have much Faith even in themselves let alone in Hashem but the term here grasshoppers is very interesting and I have a separate teaching Hashem if I get time to put it out I'll put it out that deals with the concept of a grasshopper and in correlation to the to the omniscience of of hashem's awareness of everything in creation very interesting and it says afterwards and likewise we were in their eyes and that's very interesting on a psychological level what the leaders are saying to the rest of the people here they're saying that in our eyes we were kahagavin we were like grasshoppers likewise we perceived as grasshoppers in our own eyes now from what we understand is that nobody was supposed to see the Jews right the Israelites apparently this is supposed to be what we think is a secret reconnaissance mission not so they were to go to tour out the land not to get involved and cause any type of disturbances right to risk their lives God forbid but they were to go pretty much unnoticed in a way to be able to pass through the land look at it so this statement here that in our eyes we're like Grasshoppers and likewise we were perceived as grasshoppers in their eyes that is a statement that's coming from the lack of belief of the people that they had no confidence Hashem let alone anything within themselves Faith within themselves and therefore because they didn't have faith within themselves because they perceive themselves a certain way likewise outside in the macro world everything means that we are perceived as Grasshoppers and it's a very valuable lesson that the tour teaches us right there how you perceive yourself within is how you're going to be perceived on the outside and so if you think negative you talk to yourself negative all of that's going to be a reflection back to you in the outside world so you have to very much watch your thoughts because what we see here okay subconsciously is being conveyed is that they were planting this in the minds of subconscious mind of the rest of the nation of Israel that listen we're not going to be able to do this and sadly the people accepted this report which tragically allowed them to remain in the desert for another 40 years in which they perish now when you take a look at this whole episode and you think about this from a rationalistic perspective why would God be upset about the let's say the alleged honest report that the maraglan gave the people right there I mean they even brought physical evidence of how robust the actual produce of the land was how how big it was right so if they're giving an honest report right why would Hashem be upset with that report later on in parashat devoreem and Kev we read how Moshe also acknowledged that the mission of Conquering the land was going to be a challenge we read in developing Deuteronomy 4 37-38 Moshe says here because he Hashem loved your fathers and he chose Offspring after them and he took you out before himself with great strength from its rhyme to drive away from before you Nations that are greater and mightier to you to bring you to give you their land as inheritance as this very day and we also see later on in parse Kev Deuteronomy 9 1-2 this is the Jordan to come and drive out Nations that are greater and mightier than you cities that are great and fortified up to the heavens these are the very things that the maraglam are describing in this restore portion a great and lofty people they are also known as the Banana King the children of giants that you know about and also shamata that you have heard about and therefore the question has always been mentioned rhetorically me eat yet who has sent up to the children of a giant right is it possible so let's think about this if the transgression of the Mirage was that they had undermined the morale of the nation surely then had been guilty of the same thing in these two different pasukum but even to a greater degree when he addressed the younger generation who he's addressing in these two passages okay who were to go ahead of their predecessors into the land Moshi is putting it in their face so a few of the questions that I would like to bring up about this whole situation is one why later on impartial devarim when we read about the account of the miraculim okay from this restore portion does the tour say that people ask Moshe to send miraglam or Representatives okay compared to God who in this restore portion says you send them then you send them for yourself let's take a look at the two different passages here different Deuteronomy 1 22-23 and it says here that you all approached me that you all said let us send men ahead of us so it's the people's Moshe is reiterating his back obviously if he's addressing the younger generation he's speaking to the to them about the older generation they all came to me they said let us go and spy out the land let's take a look at the land and bring us back and bring word back to us excuse me the road on which we should Ascend in the cities for which we should come and Moshe says that the idea the concept was the very thing was good in my eyes so what did I do I took from you 12 men one from each La shaved from each of the tribes and then if we go back here to this restorer portion what do we see God says to mosheem send for yourself enough men and let them go and check out the land of Canaan now in conjunction to my first question we find a redundant phrase in chapter one what do I mean let's pull up the passage here numbers 13 3 and then the numbers 13 17. it says send them forth from the Wilderness hashem's command drop down to verse 17. okay what's going on these two passages if Moshe had already sent them and God had already told Moshe to send them why is the Torah repeating what is evident there's no redundancies in the Torah for the sake of being superfluous now I believe the answer could be found in the repetition of what we find in the unique phrase that appears through the Torah these are the names the names of the tribal leaders that were sent out on this excursion and so this phrase appears in verse so what we find excuse me in verse 3 and 17 we find that they are juxtaposed to the names of individuals who are being sent out so let's go over here to the midbar 13 14 Valley shimot or 13 4 and then drop down to 1316 which we find also the repetitive phrase these are the names of the men Moshi sent out to spy out the land Moshe called which is interesting what does that mean what is the name of Joshua being changed here from hoshiya to Joshua now if the Torah had already mentioned the names of those being sent out to the land of Israel why is the Torah repeating the phrase elishimot again if the names already mentioned why mention them again that's wasting space in the safer Torah furthermore why did the Torah mention that Moshe changes the name of hoshiya to yehoshua after the second time it repeats the phrase Eli shamot what does Joshua's name have to do with sending out these tribal leaders on a reconnaissance mission or a tour of the land of Israel furthermore why when referring to parashat shalach and the let's say reconnaissance mission do we refer to the spies by the Hebrew word Mirage which we translate as spies when as I mentioned in the beginning of this teaching that name is nowhere mentioned in this week's Torah portion you don't find miracle in there but it's all it's imposed in the translation even though it's not there okay throughout the entire Torah portion the Torah refers simply to the spies as what we call a tour okay those who check out the lane doesn't refer to him as a mahogram which is the top which means spies in the plural but it refers to the word tour okay and the best translation that can mean is like a tourist okay a unique phonetic connection between the Hebrew and English but the notion is that someone just kind of going to uh on a tour right they're just going to go on vacation in a way to go check out the land it's a harmless travel a journey that's really what a tour is someone who just being a Taurus where moragos will see as someone who's a classified like agent okay secret agent and we take a look here at a few of the passages numbers 13 2 and 13 16. this is hashem's Commander Moshe uh send for yourself men that they shall not spy out the land but they shall go in toward the land visit the land verse 16 La Tour sent to go check out the land verse 17. Moshi sent out the men too not spy but to take a tour in a land and later down in verse 25 we see Vayas once they return after their 40 year 40 year but 40-day Journey they return not from spine but from touring from a vacation of the land so there's no term spy used here the Torah is not giving us that uh that type of you know uh that type of yeah I wouldn't say uh notion here that this was a this was a military reconnaissance that's something the tour is telling us whatsoever and so it would appear that the verses we are questioning are a part of our original question regarding this redundant expression of vaishlach and I also like to point out something interesting as well that at the very end of this week's Torah portion detour speaks about the Mitzvah of seat seat which is read as the third part of the Shema and we find there in that passage when it comes to the seat seat we find the word Tor being used in the scripture numbers 13 39 they're the Tauruses that when you have the seat seat within it you should remember and do all the missiles of Hashem and the reason why is to velot in yellow but that second Hebrew word is the word that you do not explore literally like a tour like a Taurus goes around exploring with their eyes take pictures here let's take selfies there let's go visit this place that we shouldn't visit right the sources that you should not do that which is after your heart and after your eyes which you stray zonim is from the term Zona which refers to a promiscuous woman but it's also interesting In this passage I like to point out is that the Torah didn't say that you should not explore or tour after your eyes and after your heart one would think that would be the actual proper order you see something your eyes see something it persuades you and your emotions in your heart the Torah reverses it here it says no you should not be a Taurus after your heart and then after your eyes what you call shrey and by the way here is your hearts okay in the plural which refers yes in the nation but also the two Natures of the heart is and what we see here is that when a person really goes astray to want to be a Taurus it doesn't just start with the physical eyes it starts with the eyes of the heart per se of their inclination that when a person starts thinking Conjuring certain thoughts they visualize in the third eye the imagination as well this then prompts him it fuels him emotionally mentally and the dark Forces of tumas spiritually attaches to them then they use the physical aspect of their being in the eyes the anatomy to then go and use the body to propel itself to engage in a certain illicit activity that is prohibited from the Torah so that's very very interesting and what we see there that the seat seat they serve as a safeguard as a reminder of one's contemplation and meditation compared to the contemplation and meditation things of the world and so once again in Hebrew we have two different words okay for sending someone out to spy versus being a Taurus right and you have a Morocco right and then a tour once again a tour is like a scout more than is a spy you know personally I look at it as someone who's just going as it's on the tour right but in legal terms of the Hebrew language a tour is an individual sent by the entire nation by their whole nation like a representative and therefore the tourists to take a look at let's say what's in the interest of the whole nation in this case the desirability of the land of Israel okay and therefore everyone wants to know about it I'll give you an example how this works later on in parashatama told the Torah tells us that since the tribes of Revenge God and also half of monashe that because they possess a lot of cattle they requested the land east of the Jordan River right yazir and Gilead and the reason why is because apparently the grass on that side of the of the river was much more abundant it was much more beneficial for their cows their cattle their whole lifestyle now the Torah tells us that the tribe of zavulin that when they settled in Arizona they settled amongst the shores of the Galileo and the Mediterranean Sea why is that because the waterways allow them to prosper off of Commerce of trade in which they use ships to Import and Export Goods into the land and partisan devoreen when the Torah mentions that the Jews requested to send individuals to check the land of Israel out it refers to the Jews wanting to send men to check out the land because they wanted to see exactly what parts of the land would benefit them we'll go back here to Deuteronomy 1 22. it says mostly reiterating that episode from this week's Torah portion that you all approached me and you said Hey listen let us send out men ahead of us and let them we translate this as spy out however let's go take a look at the land bring us back word the road in which we should Ascend the cities which should we come to and Moshe say listen the idea was good in my eyes so I sent out 12 men one from each other tribe now it should be pointing out that here in this passage of Deuteronomy the Torah uses the word far from what we read here in Orange okay and it doesn't use the word Tor or Mirage why is that well the word it means to dig or to search out on the other hand that refers to a classified agent somebody who is sent by the chief General the military or someone who's the head of an intelligence agency to go on a special reconnaissance mission a Morocco only reports classified information okay you can almost say they're like a ghost their information their personality their existence is is ghosts they don't exist it's very classified sensitive confidential information is much much more dangerous than let's say a tour okay someone who goes on behalf of the nation and so what we see here is that the a Taurus it's to God is showing the nation in advance which is kind of ironic considering that at last week's partnership when the people became so nostalgic let's go back to Miss Ryan we missed the gefilte fish and the kebabs and everything else Hashem gives them another chance okay let's just do Nots here let's uh let's send them out to the land let me help them see what they can't see and which ironic tragically they missed a Mark here and ironically we have the mitzvah's seat seat about learning to see things Beyond sight okay learning to see beyond our physical sight with the eyes of faith and so Hashem allows the people to go to take a look at different parts of land all the way from the Golan all the way down to the Negev to see everything how it could benefit the nation as a whole but also individuals so later on once again the three tribes you have uh will vainish Sheikh God they hey we want the East End of the yard in you have zavula and say listen I like the maritimes because I prosper in Commerce or trade with Merchant each of them each individual tribe and the respective families will be able to benefit they're seeing things as it rep benefits the Nations and individuals so this was not a classified Mission Hashem was the one leading that arm that war the people were not at the part of fighting so Hashem and his power would fight for them but tragically the people didn't see that and he was still trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that's a lesson that the Torah teaches us that a lot of times we could be up against something that we cannot conquer it's impossible Hashem knows that but he still tries to show us things that we're not able to see to see if we're going to continue to have enough faith and trust within him now if this passage here in Deuteronomy 1 22 records that the people requested Moshe to send out individuals then why is it in this restore portion does it say Hashem tomoshi to send that individual why does it say Hashem say when Moshe reiterates the Torah he says no no the people told me to send it as I mentioned in the beginning it literally in Hebrew means send for yourself and so by saying indicating that it was never ever the Divine will of to send any individual out any spy any Taurus anyone to go take a look at the land of Israel never was God's will he only allowed it to teach the people a lesson that lesson as I just mentioned was to show them something they can't see when the people were saying I'm tired of living off the man I'm tired of schlepping in this desert I want to go back to Miss Ryan or we lived under government welfare and food stamps the Section 8 Housing and all the other stuff they became tolerant of slaves of the system in The Matrix I said was trying to show them something but it took a little pressing and character refinement to get to but they didn't see that so Hashem was like you know what let me show you something let me give you a tour of the land in which you would go unscathed and Untouched by the inhabitants there but the people still didn't see that they were missing the lesson and so the midridge comes along and tells us that these individuals that when they were sent out they were Russia in they were Wicked people weakened in a sense that they had no faith we read in the mirrors it says sent out how you were saying they were Wicked okay how do you know this well the word Moshe then in his eyes he may have thought these men may have been righteous however these individuals were Wicked okay if Hashem knew that these individuals were Wicked why did he tell Moshe to then select specific leaders from the tribes for their mission to the land Empire Moshe recalls the event of he confessed over there that the people requested to send these individuals that the whole thing appeared to be good in his eyes the thing appeared good in my eyes I thought it was a logical request however since Moishe was I would say blinded to their intention he then later confessed as we see endeavoring 126. he mentioned over there Velo but you did not desire to Lalo to ascendo and you rebelled against the word of Hashem your God we see something powerful here you did not wish to ascend this Ascension is not just limited to a physical sin but also spiritual sentinelia since God knew that the tribal leaders did not trust in him and have faith in him he allowed Moshe to send them and so he told me send them for yourself according to my word Moshi told the people of Italian because you did not desire to ascend meaning you did not want to spiritually grow you wanted to remain stained in your stubbornness in your ego in your flesh you therefore rebelled against Hashem and Hashem allowed you to be instruments of stumbling and this is the reason why we release the Redundant expression between numbers 13 3 and numbers 13 17 as I mentioned earlier Moshe that's the reason why it's there in a Superfluous rendering now I mentioned earlier that between the Redundant Expressions we find the Redundant expression elishimot and these are the names and number 13 4 and 13 16. why is that explained that the name of a person reflects the Deeds of a person it was just found in Sota 34 B it says over here that the Torah States in regards to spies very much and these were their names and what are they the trouble with Vain and we read after here shamua the son of a Zach then said the statement that follows is the tradition of ours I was passed out to us from our ancestors the spies were named what oh they were named El Shema say him after their actions after their deeds fascinating and so the reason why the tour uses the Redundant expression Eddie shimot is to expose the lack of belief of the tribal leaders now for example we find this concept embedded in a Torah portion itself is talking about here when speaking about the tribal leader from naphtali the Torah mentions the individual's name over here and this is a number 13 14. we have Ben fasi foreign okay interesting What's that name represent well the name here it means hidden comes from the root word which means to hide now if we look at the verse prior to Ben fasi we discover Ben Mikhail which is from the tribe of Asher okay you see here numbers 13 13. Mikhail okay fascinating the now the name sator also means hidden but not hidden like B which refers to hiding oneself by be withdrawing into a sense of isolation to hide oneself okay this is a which has more of a physical connotation rather comes from the root word satar which refers to covering up something okay concealing a matter something that that you're hiding you're trying to hide the truth and what's interesting is that satar is related to the Aramaic word sitar which literally means to destroy destroyed such as destroying a secret or destroying classified documents like a political candidate here in the United States when she had a private email server in her house and bleached it and now they're trying to uh run a uh a Witch Hunt on another former president for actually having presidential basically rights certain documents in his home right but that's actually what sitar means like a spy is called or somebody's caught and they try to actually destroy the documents that they obtained that's fascinating also if you take a look furthermore and Tanakh the word satar we find it used in Ezra Ezra 512 where Ezra speaks about how Hashem allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to Saturday to destroy the fascinating which also contain classified information the kaleem and all the vessels now in the destruction of the temple there's been many classified documents stolen destroyed we have not had returned since then right the Ark of the Covenant right The Riches of Malik a lot of things never returned in the second temple so this is the reason why the Torah repeats the phrase Alicia Alicia moat and while it's also simultaneously repeating the phrase really as the head of the first agency of Mossad back in the days Moshe noticed something strange about this group of elite spies right Moshi was studying their individual names and he discovered why Hashem authorized him to voice to send out these unbelievers per se these individuals that had lack of faith they were double agents they were Wicked once again because they had no immune Hashem only those with immune Hashem can be recruited for the mission and so when God Israel they need to choose individuals for yourself to go and check out the land of Canaan that I give to the children of Israel we have to ask well why did God mention the land when the Torah already made it known that God was going to give the people the land well Hashem wanted the people the spies the leaders to learn that it was in his power that the Jewish people would be given the land not their power even though in last week's Torah portion the people were starting to act up and have a bad report with God we see that God was ultimately giving them another chance in this week's Torah portion and so when the individuals the Travel Leaders returned back from the 40-day journey right and they started to resort to saying it's impossible to conquer the land we can't do it this they were right absolutely 100 right they were they were 100 right it was physically impossible for them to conquer the land however Hashem said that the only way that the Jews were going to conquer the land would be nothing it would be I who give you the land seeing that the land was to be a gift to the Jewish people it was up to the donor to ensure that the recipients would not face difficulties in obtaining their gift and to this end God would have to do the fighting on behalf of the Jewish people this is why God wanted to the tribal leaders to see how powerful the people were how fortified their cities were how robust their vegetation was he wanted them to see how impossible it was to conquer the land by physical means at the same time he wanted to show them the blessings that were waiting for them on the other side of the land and that's a lot of times what Hashem does with many of us he puts us up to something a challenge we're being nostalgic and reminiscent we want to go back to our old ways like mitzrayim stuck in an old mind State and yet Hashem was trying to show us something and we'd say it's physical physically impossible I don't have a degree I don't make enough money I don't have enough Network I don't I don't know this person I don't it's physically impossible and in the physical is true but Hashem is still trying to show us something and not by our own physical strength our own Charisma per se our finances it's from hashem's ability his power and so Hashem wanted to make it a point that the conquest of Hanan and his people was God's task and not the Jews however because God knew that the spies doubt it in his power he allowed them tragically to be a stumbling block he gave them over to their unbelief and that's the thing with burglary free will God does not put a gun to his head and say Hey listen believe me or die that's our choice and so when the the leaders return back from the land from their tour their vacation 40-day vacation to say that the reason they cannot Ascend and conquered now remember Ascend is not just physical but it's Also spiritually grow they cannot transcend the egos because they said Hey listen the people are more powerful than God let's go back to that passage numbers 13 31. translation we cannot Ascend to that people for it's too strong for him for Hashem God can't beat them the word me menu here can actually be understood not as they are more powerful than us but they are more powerful than him wow the unbelieving tribal leaders doubted Insurance power so much that they believed the people Canal was more powerful than God more powerful than God and we'll read that from our whole mission we think wow that's sad but how many of us every day when we're faced with a challenge and we have more fear in that challenge than faith in Hashem we are no more different than the tribal leaders and this is why Moshe after Discerning that the spies he was sending out were really double agents since their names exposed their deeds he acted immediately and what did he do he ended up changing the name of yahushua it says these are the names that Moshe sent to check out the land he called his name yahushua now the name hoshiya in Hebrew it literally means salvation however when we have the you'd added yehoshua it means Hashem is salvation so by adding the you to hoshiya Moshe was letting yahushua Joshua know that as a Sharia necessary of God Hashem is his salvation in other words his ability to conquer the land was not based on his ability to save himself but hashem's ability to save him and we see that the Torah mentions that it's been noon not Ben noon son of new and this is being noon without we see here the without the nikkud if you take away the vow points in Hebrew and you combine bin noon together it could be read as the Hebrew word being na yahushua Bina which means Joshua the son of understanding is actually in the pl form which is the grammatical intensive form and therefore it does not just mean that Joshua will be saved but that he will also will be able to save others influence others by his direct obedience to the Torah that's going to have a spiritual trickle-down effect upon others as they look upon him his actions will speak louder than his words but we have another individual in the story who was successful to make it to eres and then the individual is Khalif what about Khalif does it not the Torah say that both Yoshua and Khalif had a moon and Hashem well if that's the case why didn't mostly pray and we have a colleague like he did with his tamid yahushua now the Nittany Khalif is interesting because Khalif if you change the vowel points around he'll be read as calev and anybody with basic Hebrew you know kelev means dog now if you think about what's the correlation between Khalif and calev why be referred to as a dog that could be a negative connotation but what's one of the characteristic traits of a dog dogs are known as man's best friend why are they called man's best friend well because dogs are known to give their hearts completely to their owner this is the reason why the word calev if you were in Hebrew kelev which means dog can also be read as cold leave all its heart literally however the prefix kaf and kalev acts as a preposition meaning that it can mean like or as and so the prefix coughing and then calev means like the heart what is the nature of the heart it can be either positive or it could be negative based upon the good or evil inclination it was the navi yamiyahu Jeremiah who asked the question who knows the heart only Hashem and this is why the prophet said probe the heart I searched the Mind literally the kidneys in Hebrew the latit to repeal every man according to his ways and also says [Music] according to the fruit of his deeds I believe the reason why Moshe did not pray for Khalif is because Moshe may have suspected akali's heart was turning away from Hashem he was being influenced with the rest of the tribal leaders why is that well let's take a look here numbers 13 16 when it talks about the representative from the tribute interesting the name yifune in Hebrew comes from the root word which means to turn Moshe may have suspected akali's heart was turning away from God and this is why he did not bother praying for him however the Torah does tell us later on that God is thoughtful a colleague and he actually calls him his servant who will inherit the land we take a look here in numbers 14 24. he says over here but my servant Khalif a because a different Spirit was with him interesting excuse me and he followed me wholeheartedly I shall bring him to the Lane to which he came and his offspring to which shall possess it interesting what does Hashem mean when he says the Khalif had a different Spirit what does that mean now I'd like to point out that this verse is not a hundred percent translated accurately as many other verses in Torah are not translated accurately because you lose up to 80 percent of translation simply because we don't have enough if you will um equivalency in the English language so if you were to take a look at a proper translation here it would say literally the end allows him to follow me fully I allowed him to follow me fully what does that actually mean it's it's almost as if God is making it seem like Khaled had some type of metamorphosis or something uh something change within him there was some type of eternal struggle in fact yes it may have been possible that Khalif was almost persuade by the arguments of the tribal leaders and yahushua was onto an island of himself if only by he was only or married at the land because of moshe's ability to pray for him we learned something in this week's Torah portion the Torah tells us that when the tribal leaders first entered into the land they entered from the Wilderness of Zinn and from there they traveled to The Plains of hamat when a journeyed South and then they came to Chevron or Hebron now it's interesting when it mentions Chevron it doesn't mention the plural it mentions only the singular what do I mean numbers 13 21-22. not spy but checked out the land from the Wilderness of Zinn to the expansive approach and then they ascended into the South into the South there and then it says and he arrived where there were the and we had the different tribes there excuse me and also The Offspring of the Giants what's going on here why is the Torgo from the plural to the singular the reason why not changes from the plural to singular is because it was at this point that Kali began to turn his heart back towards Hashem by breaking away from the tribal leaders and he went to chevron chevron of all places right that's a very hostile territory even in Erin's Israel today anyone's been there because it's in quote unquote Palestinian territory but it's also the grave of avraham yes so it would appear from the verse that there are these Giants right why would Khalid risk his life going into a terrorist territory well the Torah is really not focused on the physical Giants but then the spiritual Giants they're dwelling out of wrong who are these spiritual Giants the Torah says and we'll go up to numbers 14 24. the end allowed him to follow me fully that's a literal translation of that phrase I shall bring them to the land which he came into his offspring he shall possess it in other words what we see here is something very interesting a cab is related to what a cave which means to heal the end of the body which is also related to the word yaakov Jacob and so Khalid realized that in order to turn his heart to God to avoid partaking the transgression of the tribal leaders he needed to draw spiritual strength from his ancestors avraham and so he risks his life by going to their graves to pray to Hashem that is what he did and so what we see here in conclusion is that the Torah is teaching us that there are times in life we may feel that our heart might be turning away from God we don't believe as physically possible this situation looks hopeless it's in those very moments when we we may be allowing ourselves maybe trying to persuade us a certain way and which we need to turn and direct ourselves to have wrong to the location of our father's avraham yes to the Giants of our fate of our emuna and our trust in Hashem to obtain a source of after all this is why many people do go to the cave of today to go there at the very location not to pray khalilah but to draw strength from these pillars of our faith and don't be deceived into thinking that you need to physically go to eres Israel to the cave of Allah to obtain this special from the fathers no because what is in the name or Hebron Chevron comes from the actual root word which means a friend a fellowship covering friends and so when we find ourselves in the wilderness of life trying to turn us away from Hashem that is when we need to journey to have Ram where we need to have our we need to join ourselves with the same faith of avraham it's also interesting to point out that as the successor to Moshe Rabino yahushua was also required to go on a 40-day journey similar to Israeli who had to go on a 40-day journey to harsinai to have a rendezvous why 40 because 40 represents a time of conception that is a time that life is being birthed into a female that is also symbolic of life being birthed into any of us and so as we come to a close here for parashat I hope that this teaching has been challenging to you and speaks to you as well wherever you may find yourself I know that the world at this time is going through very challenging times okay there's news every second on the second right not the hour no more but every news on the second about this happening that happening uh economic downturns and all types of concerns that people were experiencing rumors of war and yet people are wondering what's happening and so we have to learn no matter what's going on we can't return back to mid-suram we have to continue to have trust in Hashem and even if we found ourselves wanting to go back Hashem is still trying to bring us to our promised land to show us and he's trying to get us there we may think it's impossible and true it may be physically impossible financially is impossible to get there but with Hashem all things are possible and that means we have to have them we have to have the attitude of we have to use we have to turn our heart to Hashem we have to have that strength and may our actions also influence others through our obedience to God's Torah and so what I said Halloween that's going to bring us once again to an end of our teaching on parashat and if our organization is a blessing to you and you would like to donate you can find the link to donate directly below in the description of this video we thank you in advance for your financial support and if you have any questions pertaining to this Torah portion feel free to send me an email I will answer those in the order that they come in until next time bless you and your family shalom thank you
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Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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