Paranormal Encounters Episode 3 Past Life Regression

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since the beginning of history people have reported sightings of ghosts and their homes in other locations having grown up and what I believe to be a home that home myself I've decided to interview people without other paranormal encounters [Music] reincarnation is a central belief to so many religions around the world it supports the idea of an afterlife where our spirit energy is transferred into another life form after we die so therefore I could have previously been living a different life in a different era but I would be notes there are alternative therapist who believe in a process called past life regression and that pose as a salt Jack is brought back into a meditative or hypnotized trance which allows having down into the previous life yeah that doesn't really work well honey one way to find out [Music] my name is Joanne McMullen I've been doing holistic therapies teaching workshops for 10 or 15 years now and one of the things that I do is past life regression work so just allow yourself to relax deeply deeply past life regression therapy is an amazing therapy that can be used to help people to heal and to let go of phobias or to let go of fears in this lifetime that they don't seem to have any cause for in here and sometimes it can be in a past life so it's great to go back there find out what the fears are and then we can let them go 5 4 3 being drawn through night 2 nearly there you're through the archway relax simply and deeply deeply relaxed in a moment I'm going to ask you to speak and you're going to be able to speak and remain in the deep deep relaxed State is that okay so I want you to look down at your feet tonight can you see your feet what do you have on your feet your bare feet okay so just look at your feet are those the fate of a child of a woman of a man okay so you're a woman and you've got bare feet is a daytime or nighttime okay it's dark so just looking around you are you on your own or is there anyone else there so what can you see okay Willem breath anytime you can hover above it gets too much for you so you've got a chill on your foot and there's other people with chains around their feet okay how does it fail now we can go backwards and forwards in this lifetime anywhere you wish now I want you to go to the more significant time in this life day where you can get an understanding to help you in this life remember you're safe what's happening stomach I'm half like gentlemen setting time I'm a person I'm not gonna relax I want you to go back to a time and this lifetime when you were not in the present I want you to go there knife now what are you are you 30s okay but you're not in the prison line that's okay just relax just relax you do not have to experience that if you don't want to experience it remember you can almost offer it off no hookah ride can you see em family anyone you know this is this is quite a scary lifetime for you just relax and breathe breathe how do you feel do you know you're going to die is it a natural death are you on your own sorry they think it's time to leave the safety so I want you to allow yourself to just pass through so we're going no to the Lord after your death in this lifetime so peaceful in this place you're so much lighter how does it feel to be in this wonderful place what do you see we'll just allow yourself to relax in this beautiful bright light listen are you ready to turn towards the archway again well time so looking Caron has just started her past life regression therapy I don't know if you can see inside there but she seems to be in some sort of trance so hopefully it's going well and we'll catch up with her later and looking down can you see your feet again have you got anything on your feet and are these effect of a child or a woman a man I old are you okay so your amateur ma can you see what you're wearing okay what kind of a hat do I want up a top hat and a Kia so you're a real gent dapper man okay so just feel that it's feels good for you just allow yourself to feel what it feels like being a dapper mature gentleman it's good do you know your name on the slide Henry Henry welcome Henry and where are you going in my house okay and what's your house like a big house and do you have family Henry yes what family do you have a wife children many if true children what eat are your children okay so you're happy in the slave time this moment good everything's good for yes great do you have servants and family ok so many and do you know what year it is 1790 okay and do you know where you are what time of controlling England so just enjoy the feeling the happiness this was a nice life to him so just feel how strong you feel good yes feels good to be strong to be in control is there anywhere else in this lifetime you would like to go Henry okay maybe that's enough just to make the mental memory of how good it feels revelant sensitive of all your senses make it real this is how good you can feel in every moment when you return to this lifetime very private have you achieved much in this land what have you achieved in money only nice job Kristen what about you work what do you work hunger you're a banker Wow it's great yes so just be like good at things to be so rich just so many people looking up to you I make a really strong mental memory of how good you feel in the slave time so that you can bring it forward with you is there anything else you wish to remember great okay saying goodbye to Henry out of line yourself to return to the garden you're here now back in this lifetime and the space feeling wonderful feeling great and with all the memories that you need don't carry one that was brilliant well done over so just when you enter it so easily well don't hahaha very good that felt so weird you just feel everything don't you I really I was kind of worried about dinner because I wasn't sure it was going to work and it is that thing of trying to remind yourself that it's if it's your imagination just go with it and maybe there is something else that's it but I mean you could see in your body how you were feeling everything when a Holmes data how to calm you down again because you were you know you're really getting very anxious in fact even before you went through the archway you were getting very anxious did you hear that and I had it slowed you down a little bit yeah because she knew that you were going to go into that lifetime that was that was really scary for you okay great good there's something I'm not at all my pleasure these two different people were miles apart poles apart and it literally was from going to feeling complete and utter loneliness there to fail in on top of the world and I don't know if that's possible to kind of fake that emotional feeling in your body do you have any idea who these people are he said Henery but you know who though there is no I didn't I didn't get a sense of the name is over overwhelming sense of just sadness and despair but also feeling of God it's finally here you know I felt so so so sad and they then to end on Henry he was so pride and on top of the world I mean even if it was part of your imagination to get that sense of pride and achievement to fill that within yet at least that something you know to take that away was her Fezzik any physical feeling jihad imagine a bigger stomach yeah whenever the first girl I like I felt like I was daughter and then when you were trying to take me out of the back to the garden I was like I couldn't let it go it was still like I could still feel it there and it's only really whenever I went into Henry it was like this I felt really tall and pride and it's like you just down to there you know like that school yes sir I was like feeling like a different person would you call it a paranormal hunter paranormal I don't know psychic encounter and yeah I'm not really sure what - yeah coin at us but yeah definitely a worthwhile and very surreal experience a medium is someone who believes they can communicate directly with the dead do suddenly your grandmother's past do you know who more it would have been to talk just it's just said to me very clearly st. margaret's that's a name good
Channel: nathan hughes
Views: 410,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Past life regression, past lives, past life regression therapy, Paranormal Encounters, Paranormal Activity, Karen Hassan, Nathan Hughes, Nathan Hughes Director, Belfast ghost, Northern Ireland paranormal, ghosts, Karen hassan hollyoaks
Id: uedrRBG8yBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2014
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