Are You An OLD SOUL? Your PAST LIVES Have Powerful ANSWERS! | Ainslie MacLeod

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are we really all old souls there are souls amongst us who are here for the first time there are some young souls there's some old souls you get to be an old soul through just reincarnation reincarnation explains everything for most old souls you're going to have been bouncing back and forth between here and the astral plane it's a journey from fear to love from a place of me to we we have the power to create change in our lives we always have the ability to shape the journey [Music] hi everyone welcome back i'm michael sandler your host on inspire nation if you've ever wondered if you're an old soul and what in the world that means then do we have the old souls guidebook show for you today i'll be talking with ainslie macleod a former skeptic the reluctant psychic and the author of several brilliant books on old soul wisdom including the old souls guy book and that's just what i want to talk with him about today about how to tell if you're an old soul and if so why you're here why your past lives matter and what you're meant to do that plus we'll talk about ghosts at 16 an uncle on kauai san francisco calling kitty lily and pet tiger why in the world surf and turf was created and what in the world chester cheetah gotcha has to do with anything so welcome to the show ainsley are you ready to shine i am i am so ready yes what a wonderful introduction you've certainly read my book i can tell excellent and it's a beautiful book so almighty woohoo so before we dive right into things have we all been here before everyone who listens in uh to you is gonna have been here before you're you're an old soul and you're gonna attract old souls there are souls amongst us who are here for the first time um you may not run into them if you're an old soul but uh people who are drawn to this kind of subject tend to be much older souls they've been around the block a lot and they're looking for a deeper connection looking for something you know more spiritual like like just a deeper understanding of the world so if i was to ask the question are we really all old souls i would say there's some young souls there's some old souls well what you're talking about is is energy frequency it's the term that you do talk about resonance like attracting like that people who are not resonating at i'll call it a frequency whatever we want to call and this isn't about levels to me about good or bad or better or worse but if they're not resonating at this frequency they're going to be exit stage left yeah they're just not going to be interested you know conversely those people who are you know vibrating at the same level they are going to be drawn you know they're going to find a truth in stuff that you and i would talk about so what exactly is an old soul lazily okay so you get to be an old soul through just reincarnation reincarnation explains everything it's how we how we learn about life on the on the physical plane you know we're all souls we come here from kind of out there somewhere we come in for most old souls you're going to have been bouncing back and forth between here in the astral plane which is your sort of temporary residence you know you come here for a lifetime you you go to the astral plane to process and plan for the next life and then back again and you'll have been doing that for maybe five or six thousand years if you're a very old soul that's roughly how long it takes to get through the number of lives that you need to really just learn what it is to be human and it's a it's a journey from uh from kind of a fear to love from um a place i always say of of me to we and so that's generally how you can tell the difference between a younger and an older soul is like the the older soul tends to be more aware of our connection you know that we're we're all one i mean that's the you know ultimately that's what you're learning i mean it's it really is about learning about love and that the the other person is no different from you i mean imagine if you've if you've had a 120 lifetimes in all different uh settings all different parts of the world all these different scenarios it it teaches you that the i don't know that the housewife in mumbai is no different to the ceo in new york or or whatever that we're all souls beneath the the surface so actually one of the signs of being a very old soul you're a level 10 soul it's the dead levels in all you're right at the end of the journey by the way the major sign of being such an old soul is acceptance of others it's like in the sense of you know younger souls have such a uh they have such a problem with uh skin color they see big big difference differences between genders um they see the differences what the old soul does they see the commonality to see that we're really all all one so that acceptance of others is the that's the major sign thank you and and i want to dive into more we'll dive into a little bit more of my story later on we'll get to play but i want to play for everybody here how can we tell and then i want to go to where exactly we came from but how can we tell or what are the signs of where we are on the spectrum of new soil to old soul well each leveling like i said there's ten levels um the first five are singing soul second five is an old soul and the big difference between a young soul and an old soul is when you when you you kind of almost flip it's like 180 degree flip at the end of level five where you go from this more self-interested place to being more aware of that connection and that we're we're all in it together there's greater introspection younger souls they don't have that same ability than or interested in an introspection you can kind of identify the first few levels or just well you imagine the first level it's just about getting used to being here in a physical body and you just come into the world you don't want anything too complex to deal with you're not going to come in your first life um you know in in a big city for example and having to deal with complexity of life you know you just want something really quiet village life rural probably somewhere it's just nice and easy just getting used to figuring out who you are and what it is to be human and then it's about sort of over the next couple of levels about trying to expand a little bit getting used to building communities and so on uh there's a lot of fear younger souls have always fears why we have the wars we do and um all the sort of unkindness and and so on you hit level five this is where souls are really pushing outwards and unfortunately they're still young souls but they think they know it all and you'll see that in so many world leaders level five souls who um are they they're the ones who are more power-hungry um they they don't know their limitations they don't know what they don't know um i'm thinking of trump putin and all those that crowd these are young souls who really have no you know in an old soul world they these they're not the the best leaders and and my immediate reaction and maybe this is the old soul in me is how much love can i send them how much can i help to heal their heart how much can i help them on their journey which helps all of us yes i mean i i know people get very angry with them um as my spirit guides the ones i i work with say they're they're more to be pitied than reviled and they're just very very broken souls um so you go from that stage level six that's where a lot of uh souls are kind of the they're learning um more more of these old soul values the the importance of uh equality peace truth love understanding level seven is all about creativity and innovation that's where great inventors a lot of great artists are level eight is about really uh developing relationships level 9 is about exploring spirituality and level 10 it could be anything you want it's whatever you as an old soul feel gives you meaning but it's very important that you get to be a really old soul that you do what gives your life a sense of purpose it's the level to end soul a person like you who would you know give up that great career in wall street where people go how could you give it up you make so much money it looks so great from the outside to to be a painter or something you know like just to to do something that's more personal uh that's sort of in a nutshell but you know with with all sorts of variations because so there's so many other factors that play into it a long time ago in a distant galaxy on a faraway planet i worked in a fashion for a little while and i had the limos the fancy cars the new york city lifestyle and i remember sitting at this meal where more money was spent on me at this one meal then would feed a family of 10 or something and i'm going what am i doing here and you know they're as to say there's people who go my god oh you're living the life it's so glamorous or whatever but it's shallow and then the older soul is looking for meaning so let's go from here and i want to understand i want to understand the journey for all of us did we come out of this this ethos this amorphic beingness of source of universe of whatever we want to call it get to the uh causal player go i guess that would be the causal plane to the asked yes it's going to say so yeah you're absolutely right you're you're coming from this kind of amorphous thing this um universal consciousness um it's like a spark coming from a flame and then coming into the the causal plane and then from from there with a bunch of other souls these ultimately become your soul family um you come into the world at the same time it's usually just a you know a bunch that will arrive around around about the same time and you know as i said you will go between the the earthly plane and the the astral plane you won't see the castle plane again until you're finished with with all your your lives so you're getting all this experience you're particularly as an older soul you're trying to interact with members of your soul family it's not so important when you're younger soul but the older you get the more you want to be around those ones that you came in at the same time with and share experiences work on karma together and so on let me pause you there for a second because i think this is important for everybody it means if i'm understanding right just to translate if you're feeling called to like group classes with like-minded souls or shows like this with like-minded souls you are saying if you're craving the interaction with people who get you that's your soul group that came through at the same time how else are you going to meet them you know it's like you you meet them through classes or in the workplace or or wherever but we're drawn all the time you know we think we're going one place for an education but it's what's driving the choice is more the people you're going to meet the souls that you're trying to interact with yeah so you get to the end of it you become a spirit guide you you have more experiences on the astral plane you go to the causal plane you reunite and then back into the the universal consciousness what what you're doing through your experience on earth you're growing you're growing you're growing and you take that awareness and you bring that it back into the universe the universe is all about growth everything is about forward movement and growth and you become a part of it i mean it may seem like it's a very very very very small part but the analogy the spirit guides gave me years ago was that it's like um you've learned about love you go back into the universe and it's like putting a a drop or a food dye into the ocean you know you won't see anything it will dissipate but if millions or billions of souls are doing that it starts to change the color so this this leads perfectly thank you right to kind of my big picture understanding the world according to michael according to michael and michael's guides that i play around with which is that you and i and and you are clearly my level 10 brother so you and i are cells in the beingness of humanity we may have an older soul age relative to me we're all one we're all the same whether we're at the beginning of this journey or an end or wherever on the journey all one there is a beingness of humanity that my guess is is going through the same process as within so without as the micro so the macro there is this human beingness that has an age and is going through the same process scary question but where would you put humanity in the scale of levels we're roughly halfway at some sort of halfway mark you know it just we have a predominantly level five consciousness which is shifting that's actually an interesting question because we're undergoing the transformation is what my spirit guides call it and this is a shift in consciousness it's the first big one we've had since we got the kind of souls that we have now roughly about 55 000 years ago and this is happening over you know it'll happen over a few generations but it'll happen pretty quickly it's already sort of picking up speed you know people talk about the shift transformation or whatever it's all the same same thing but it's it's um an increase in consciousness of what we're seeing at the moment because a lot of people say to me oh my god look at all the chaos in the world uh sure but what we're seeing is a little bit of a reaction from the younger souls who are you know faced with this shift in consciousness you know they're they don't know what to do with it they don't have the experience you know they go oh my god these people are walk and that's a bad thing or whatever you know it's it's a lack of understanding and so they're resisting it and uh that's creating chaos right now but we will come out of this your mission i'm guessing same as my mission elevate consciousness raise people's vibration shift humanity that's that's my mission statement right there can we everybody comes through and they start at the beginning and they work their way forward however can we have a tipping point doing the work you're doing the work i'm doing and playing with that term that i was mentioning earlier resonance where we are all starting to wake up a little sooner or vibrate at this higher level that we can help people along more quickly so that all of human kindness can evolve faster yes absolutely because we do it through example you know we you know being an old soul people are always asking me that well what should i do but a lot of it's just about being yourself you know be an example to others be a kind good person you know and that in itself helps to elevate the consciousness are there signs of soul maturity the signs that your soul is really starting to to get it uh well that thing about recognizing that we are souls all souls acceptance of of of others like i was saying at the beginning that would be sort of the big one now that doesn't mean that when you look at young souls acting out causing wars or whatever that we go oh well it's just young souls doing what they do it's not about accepting in that sense um we still want to teach them you know like to say no no no this is not what you do there's there are better ways to to act to be a really conscious old soul um you you know you need to act in a more peaceful way i think that would be the the the you know the big one really so let's go from there and let's talk about empathy for a minute because i know that everybody's who's attracted to my work my guess is everybody who's attracted to your work is what we call an empath to me an empath is actually we have a school called the school of mystics and i train what i call mets mystics and training every empath is a mystic once they understand their sensitivity is actually here to feel their way through the world in a different way what can you tell us about empathy in the old soul well that's actually part of the journey you know where i was saying it goes from you go from fear to love um it's really about an opening up of this empathy and that you you could see that as the difference like the old soul is going to be naturally more empathic now you can still get broken old cells you can still get old souls who are not empathic and you can get narcissists who are extremely old souls for example uh who will target empaths it's this is something i've actually created a project around uh it's been a theme of my life as an empath i've been uh unfortunately bullied a lot by narcissists um i've drawn them into my life and you know vice versa it's a bit of a two-way street unfortunately but empathy is it's the way we should be now one of the things that um sensitive old souls hear a lot is that they're too sensitive and i always try to correct that and say no you're highly sensitive and that is a great thing how else are you going to develop your intuition for example you know it's um we need empaths and it's i think it's a tragic thing that empathy is often seen as as weakness by younger souls and it's actually it's a it's a superpower i love that yeah it's coming from a place of strength the project that i was working on i talk about wounded empaths these are empaths that carry fears from past lives and once you heal those fears you become incredibly strong it's just about developing boundaries i'm so glad you're mentioning it because i can go back to your history and i'm going to raise my hand here i can go back to my history as well where you and i dated what i'm going to call hoovers [Laughter] vacuum cleaners who sucked away all of our energy and said it was i don't know about you but i was certainly told it's my fault and my guess is you were told it's your fault so you're saying narcissists can actually be old souls targeting empaths can you share and explain because i want to protect our audience i want to protect your audience because as an empath we're like puppy dogs in the world wanting to help and heal everybody there's a little bit of an achilles heel there you're seeing the soul beneath the surface and sometimes you miss the the thought might be obvious to another person this person or there's something wrong with them but you go oh you know um i said the empath i can i can fix them i can help them you know so you draw these wounded puppies in the interesting thing about narcissists and empaths is that the the narcissist is very very fear driven they have a lot of fears in fact technically speaking they have at least 12 fears they have all the 10 fears that i i list in my books plus two others and what it means is that you as an empath will be targeted by them depending on what fears you carry so if you have a fear around judgment hyper sensitive to criticism and and so on say well the narcissist has that fear as well but the difference between you the empath and the narcissist is that you internalize your fears so the judgment you beat yourself up the narcissist externalizes so they have a fear around judgment and they will they will recognize it in you not consciously but they will go for you one thing i say is that the narcissist doesn't they don't create the wound they find the pre-existing wound they stick the knife in and they turn it so if another example is if you if you're dealing with issues around low self-esteem this is a fear of inferiority coming from past lives well a narcissist has that but again you will internalize it feelings of low self-esteem imposter syndrome lack of self-worth but they will externalize it and they will put you down and keep you there as much as possible to boost themselves up a functional human being doesn't doesn't do that you know you don't have to push other people down to boost yourself if you're if you're a functional soul so they'll always find that that fear but they they smell like a shark smelling blood in the water and they're attracted to it you know here's somebody i can really take advantage of if you heal your fears then they they swim right past you they can't smell there's no there's no blood in the water and they move on to something else thank you so let's go from there and i i want to do a reading in a little bit if you don't mind but before we do that and maybe this will lead into the reading you were mentioning past lives how important is it to understand our past lives to understand why what let's use an example if you have an irrational panic over something you can't make a decision we joked about surf and turf at the beginning there is no way for you to decide if i'm getting steak or fish or in my case you know tofu a versus tofu so to speak what's going on here how much do those past lives matter the past lives explain everything i mean i i don't think there's anything about human beings that isn't related to past lives in some way your entire personality is chosen before you come here based on what you've learned in past lives all your fears phobias limiting beliefs all of that is past life related and can all be healed by exploring past lives the indecision you know i joke about surf and turf was invented for people with this fear so you know if you're like the kind of person you sit down in a restaurant you look at the menu and you just can't choose it's like it's it's the world is not going to stop revolving if you choose inappropriately but it can it can feel like a big deal um it goes back to a past life technically it's a past life fear of death and it's a it's a past life in which you made a decision that led to your death or the death of others maybe you you said uh you know it would be a nice day to go kayaking and uh somebody says you know there is there's a storm brewing from the east you go oh you know no i'll be fine come on everybody let's go out and you lead everybody out on a kayak trip and you all get in the storm and you drown your soul will then feel responsible for what happened you know you you should have maybe listened to somebody else um you should have paid attention to the weather um and in this life it shows up uh usually it's two things it will it will be a feeling of issue around responsibilities why they're being overly responsible for other people's happiness and well-being or sometimes not wanting any responsibility at all and indecision because your soul loses its faith in its ability to make a wise decision because of what happened in the past so you find the past life and the this is the wonderful thing about past life work your soul is on life number one it doesn't die between lives you might be on life 120 but is still on life number one and will be always let me pause pause you for that because that's such a big deal what you just said because you said there are two challenges the soul has in your book and one of them is that it does not distinguish between any of these lives that 5 000 years is one life to the soul it's a an amazing thing because what the soul needs to be reminded is simply that that was then this is now let it go whatever you're holding on to whatever fear or block or limiting belief uh even physical ailment you just have to find the past life and tell the soul and it's this is why i'll be working with somebody this has happened a number of times there's one i talk about in the book with the there was somebody who had been beheaded in a past life and i i said well this usually translates to neck and shoulder pain in my experience and it usually heals up uh pretty quickly i'd say usually within a couple of weeks you'll notice a difference this is providing this not a present life issue um you know and there's no guarantees but if it's a purely a past life memory that's being held in there and beheading will do that what's the exercise they would do if they've been if if you're getting continuously shoulder and neck pain and it relates to and and i don't think we actually have to correct me if i'm wrong no we can just take a guess hey this could be a beheading and that's enough to play with because chances are with the number of lifetimes you've lived we've all been beheaded a time or two exactly well it's unfortunately more common than we'd imagine you know if when you look at past lives and we've got a common form of execution in many parts of europe up until very recently um so this person i was working with uh she's actually a ballroom dance teacher and she was talking about in her work you know she has to look around and you know move her neck and shoulders all the time and 20 years of chronic pain disappeared in the moment literally as we're talking about it um she's turned up at events that i've done it's gone completely it's never come back and um what happened you know it's just that the soul is reminded and in that moment goes oh right so that's a past life thing thank you for reminding me and it just lets it go i mean that's a dramatic version of it usually these things you know my experience it can take a few days or a few weeks um a lot of physical ailments uh last year i worked with two people who had been dealing with psoriasis one person who's 59 years old had been dealing with it for 57 years since she was two years old found the past life cause it disappeared uh psoriasis disappeared um she's touched she called me like i don't know it was a month later and she's going you know i'm wearing shorts for the first time in my life i'm looking at my legs i can't believe it you know it's like these things are you know they're life transforming obviously and i i just wish more people knew about this because you know some of us go through our entire lives dealing with things these challenges that could be could be eradicated very very quickly i always do stress and this comes with no guarantees but things like fertility issues can be related to death in childbirth in a past life i've helped oh i keep saying like i felt helped a couple of women to get pregnant as my sister who said you need to find a better way to express that but i mean through past life work just reminding the soul and as i always say it's not with a not with a bang you know it's not like a spectacular thing in the soul going oh my god thank you it's just like okay great good let's let's move on it's just not so much a bang but a whimper i teach a process called automatic writing where you can go in and speak with spirit speak with soil seek with a akashic masters whomever you want what to you is the simplest way to be able to gain access to our past lives so that we can scroll through the rolodex and go oh that makes sense this is why i'm experiencing xyz today yeah i think the the first thing would be to understand how the principle you know uh because you know i mean check out the old souls guidebook for example where i talk about my other books i mean i don't mean as a commercial but you know that would be this it's okay ainsley this information is important so it's okay i have a past life regression on a recording which you can find on my on my website and uh i would start with that i think doing doing a little regression on your own this is something actually i led a regression uh last night and i was pointing out that you don't have to be something special to do this you know like we can all do it you just it's just a lot of it's about quietening the mind allowing your spirit guides we will we all have them allowing them to come in and then just say to them you know i'm dealing with this issue maybe it's like doctors can't help or i've tried therapy doesn't seem to get over it or i always seem to other things patterns you know i always seem to get into this you know always seem to have angry bosses i always seem to you know this issue with uh sex or whatever it is talk to the spirit guys about it say to them show me the past life or past lives that are related to this and then just go into a meditation or just which is basically nothing more than creating some internal and external tranquility you do not have to spend 20 years learning to be a zen master to do past life work you know we can all do it but you know what i always stress is that people don't put time into these things and they don't create the tranquility there's so many people in this busy life the world that we're in they wake up with noise it could be you know the alarm clock or radio they've got the tv on or having breakfast they're off to work there's chatter there's noise they come home and they have the tv on the moment they walk into the house and then they go to bed and wonder why they can't hear their spirit guides you know so a meditative practice just you know even if it's just 10 minutes twice a day that'd be ideal uh to get started um of just finding a quiet spot and just calming yourself down this um as the spirit guides so say to me if you take one step towards them they'll take two towards you but it's very hard very hard if you've got a lot of chaos in there and automatic writing and things are really important journaling getting stuff out of the mental hard drive so that it's easier for the spirits of the world to work with you thank you on that note it and it's definitely a world to me that it is it is designed i'm chemist it's designed for evolution and and is designed with opposites uh spirituality works to me with paradoxes the opposite side of the coin you want to quiet your mind you're going to be giving a louder environment you want to elevate consciousness you're going to be given more of a challenge it's always playing with that opposites there's a there's a fun one that i want to dive into here that um a lot of people who listen to the show experience and and i can see it as a fear of death i'm wondering what you can tell me about it the introvert this is actually a choice it's part of your life plan whether or not you're an introvert or an extrovert or ambivert or where you are on a spectrum it is a spectrum and this is something that the spirit guides describe as a paradox or the the paradox they call it and the paradox is um that you have two missions and we all choose from several missions or a bunch of them uh there are ten and all but they just help to give a little bit of a focus to this life one is a mission of connection and that's to make sure that you connect with other people or other souls and the other is a mission of avoidance and this is uh where you want space to connect with spirit you need quiet downtime so most of the people that i work with have a paradox where they have both of these going on it and it is paradoxical connection avoidance now that push and pull so it's very very common to have that thing where you were you need to be with people but if you're with them too much you need to have time on your own if you're on your own too much you need to get back with people so a constant push and pull now i talk about my wife and i uh in this context because although i'm you know i'm i'm a pretty uh so quiet guy generally and most people would see me as as an introvert but i'm actually an extrovert i have a full mission of connection i recharge around people i love parties and social occasions deep conversations with people and everything now my wife could be one of the funniest people uh outgoing and everything but she needs loads of time on her own she's actually an outgoing introvert and you know we have this fun thing for the last 15 years or so at least until covered i i would go out every monday night with the boys for for dinner and uh i would always do the same thing you know like i should be settling down with a with dinner and a glass of wine to watch game of thrones or whatever and and uh i'd be saying you're gonna be okay on your own and she's laughing because you go like i'll be fine and i i'd say things like well i won't be long she could take as long as you like you know she loves having the place to herself and that quiet time whereas leave me on my own for 15 minutes and i'm kind of going who can i call or who can i talk to you it's like i need very little time on my own how much on the other side of the veil do we choose our personality our plan what's going on here well we spend um we spend a lot of time this is part of the the the processing after well really after the processing the life we just have the next thing is okay what do we still need to learn what do we want to do and your entire personality is chosen before you come here and it's chosen from you could think of these as archetypes these soul types so let's say for example a little bit of reading of you now you've had a lot of lives as a singer dancer actor you've been working through a number of past lives on issues around self-expression really learning to speak your truth um and be more in the spotlight you know this this would follow alive sometimes when you maybe were where you didn't have the opportunity to shine and this time around particularly this lifetime you're meant to have a lot of fun this is something the guides um before before i called um they said you're really here to enjoy life because you've had some pretty austere past lives where you just you you know it didn't work out as your soul had had intended you know this is one of these myths you know people say oh you know wherever you are this is just how it's meant to be and it's so disempowering no you know things go wrong when we get here we want to we we should be you know getting back on our our life plan you know and not just going oh well this is just how it is just got to suck it up or or whatever you know um so you're here to have a lot of fun and bring that to the world you're here to learn to really speak your truth and you're doing it and one of the things is that you're focusing on stuff that's a little woo-woo it's a little bit out there and that actually pushes you a little outside of your comfort zone initially anyway and after a while you know you find oh you know i'm not going to get persecuted for my beliefs like i was 200 years ago and you become more confident in in in what you're saying well it's it's funny that you call yourself a reluctant psychic because as i went down this journey and i've had two near-death experiences which certainly gave me more than a glimpse of an understanding of of the other side but as i dove into automatic writing and then the guys are telling me you need to write a book on it i'm going whoa whoa whoa you got the wrong guy i used the term reluctant psychic because i was really fighting against it um it was you know i kept hearing from psychics that i should be a psychic and it's kind of i don't know how you even start you know and it was the feeling of like i think you may have the wrong person there a huge fear of public speaking i mean i didn't want to be seen i played in bands all my life i was always the bass player hiding behind the drummer you know it's like i was like even with my back to the audience sometimes you know it's like uh um and these were all past life fears that you know eventually i you know overcame and allowed me to to put this stuff out into the world but the reluctant psychic thing i shook that off fairly quickly by doing the past life work and really embracing it even using the term psychic i was so reluctant and what's your license plate p5ych1c which looks like a staking and that was that was really helpful you know when yeah it was a gift from my kids you know like um and my initial reaction was oh my god like you know people are going to think i'm such an egotist or whatever but it was just but it helped me to embrace terms like you know people would yell at me in the street you're really a psychic i go yeah absolutely but you know when i first started doing the work um i would mumble it you know so people would go psychotherapist no psychic you know um and it was like almost a feeling of like oh god you know why have i been chosen for this you know but once i got over the fears the only thing that gets in the way of any of these things is fear you know so once i got over that i was i was able to embrace it and really go for it and you touched on you know the experience i had in hawaii with my my uncle this is where i was i was on a trip um and i'm wandering around borders book store in lahui and kauai and uh i was in a totally altered state it was really weird i was going what is happening here and it was really unsettling and uh first weird thing that happened i didn't put this in the book but it was um i was going i really don't know where i am and i just reached out and i pulled a book out of a shelf i didn't even know what topic it was i opened it up and it's and the first thing i looked at oh it's the first page i like and right in this paragraph are the names of my parents two closest friends and i went to hell and i looked this is a book about um paranormal experiences this is the guy and hans holzer i think his name was he was he was checking out a ghost appearance that somebody had but it was a scottish ghost and the only scottish people he had to know were were these friends of my other family and uh so i'm going well that is really weird and i put the book back and i just walked a couple of feet and then i ran into my uncle which was very surprising because he'd been dead for about 10 years at that point this was actually just after a psychic had reminded me yet again that i was meant to be a psychic and she even mentioned my uncle by name and uh he he just appeared there and he was only there for like a second but real you know i mean it's not like a oh you know fuzzy apparition this is like boom it's like literally having somebody three-dimensional and real there but for a second and then it's gone but then but a message which was much longer and it was about working together with him and i had heard that probably from four psychics you know your uncle john is on the other side he wants to work with you and you know he like me had been a non-believer and you know i thought he'd be the last person to do that sort of thing and we didn't work together for very long i mean i i just i mean it was another week or so and i waited till i was back on the mainland and um i just thought well let's give it a try and i just said okay john you know if you're there let me know and we just had this very um hesitant very stumbling conversation it was not it's not like now it's like a like a very easy connection i have with the other side then it was like sticky but he passed me on to the spirit guides that i work with now and that was for me that was the oh my god that was the proof of the the whole thing you know i mean i went from from being well really atheists and not so much skeptical maybe i i mean i had some openness but i think there's a cynicism there and it completely changed things i mean it made me really aware that was something so much deeper you know and and you know i still have to remind myself sometimes i have that moment where i go holy cow i spend my days talking to invisible entities yes existence i teach oh i'm looking at the clock right now and it says 333 and and to me those repeating digits angels are saying they're here i'll teach a class my my school of mystics tomorrow tomorrow morning i will wake up mainly i wake up and i won't have any idea what i'm teaching tomorrow night and it still scares the everything out of me and i will go and i will sit down and within about half an hour i have an entire outlined syllabus all the key points and everything and i'm going thank you they're there for us aren't they they absolutely i've had it where sometimes i'll be you know planning a class or something and i'm sticking and i go oh my god how am i not i've got spirit guides what am i why am i doing this on my own you know it's obvious i think the important thing is to recognize that all of these things are a collaboration you know providing you're doing something that that is you know it's in everybody's highest interest i mean they're they're not going to help you to start world war three they're or um plan somebody's murder or something they're they're here for the the good of all you know but providing your intentions are good and um they will support you in every way they possibly can you know opening doors you know even that thing of noticing 333 that that is literally there what they're doing is they're drawing your attention in that moment and they're saying we're here so let's go from there if you don't mind i want to cover two more things and then we'll do a meditation i'll grab rue the rooster and we'll do a meditation first off you mentioned that you started to get information before the show so morning if you can do either a reading on myself or reading for myself my wife and our unborn baby whatever you feel called and then i want to make sure that we cover soul personality types so that people can get more of an understanding of who they are because i feel the more we understand where we came from the more we understand who we are the more we understand our soul mission and can rock it one of the important things uh for you is that you're here to overcome that um issue around self-expression the big past life that is related to that is that you were a native american kid little boy um i don't know the circumstances but it was an interaction with soldiers and you were crying you were wailing and one of them cut your tongue out um sorry i should come with a trigger warning but um you know but seriously but it's very dramatic and and of course that goes to self-expression and uh and also there'll be issues around the the throat chakra as well you always get that with any kind of self-expression issue from a past life um so you're here to heal all of that you've had a few lifetimes where you've been doing that like it's saying earlier singer dancer actor those sort of lies now what you've chosen is a performer soul type it's very strong and this is about reaching an audience for podcasters this is wonderful you want to have that there most most podcasters that i've i've been interviewed but i have it somewhere in there you have it front and center um it gives you the sense of humor you have a little bit of goofiness um if you don't mind me saying but in a good way i mean i'll own that i resemble that remark you certainly do um and here's the interesting thing is you need an audience and so many performers they get this message that it's wrong to want to be in the spotlight but that's what you're here to do you know you cannot be as effective do you talking to five people and every time you do a podcast as you can if you can if you talk to five million and the performer in you will always seek an audience and they will always seek more bang for the buck it will always think well if i can reach 500 people i can reach 5 000 if i can reach 5 000 i can reach 50 000 if i can reach 50 000 i can reach 500 000. it's always thinking well how do we expand is trying to get whatever you're doing out into the world as much as possible with in a way the least effort you know it doesn't take any more effort to reach five million than it does to reach five people maybe in terms of marketing or something but you know you're doing the same podcast so that is a very very fundamentally important part of you you also got some you've got spiritualist and you very very strongly of course which is why you're so interested in spirituality and why that's such a big focus of what you do there's a leader in you as well you know and uh you know you're here to use that authority as well every podcaster who's interviewed me in the last three years i find this utterly fascinating every single one that i've talked to it's not to say that every podcaster has this but you're working through a past life fear of rejection and this comes from abandonment in past lives it will make you feel this life or at times like a little bit of an outsider like you don't fully fit in but how you heal that is to belong um the more you belong and you don't get rejected the more healing there is but uh what the spirit guides describe as the elevated way to heal that is to be the uniter is to bring people together and that's what i found all these podcasters are doing and you're no exception you're creating a place where you're bringing the the soul family and and those who suffer uh particularly those who feel like outsiders you bring them together it's a spiritual act and a spiritual act is always one where you heal yourself by helping those who suffer as you once did whether it was in this life or a past life so these are super important things that you're you're doing now what your your unborn child is going to want from you is very much related to some of the stuff here learning to to be expressive and learning to [Music] be comfortable belonging overcoming the the fear of rejection because what a wonderful way to do that to come in into a family where it will be recognized the importance of really being there for that soul making that soul feel like she's just loved and cared for nurtured it will heal perhaps centuries of rejection so that's going to be uh very important and uh yeah you definitely got an outgoing performer on the way that's a very common thing that the the the child soul comes in wanting to learn from the the parent so it'd probably be quite quite a lot that shared with mom and dad that you know that this child will learn this from you and this from mom um very common it begets an interesting question how much of these things are familiar wounds versus past lives and i'm going to use myself as an example so one of the wounds i've been working through this lifetime and i'd love to know if there's a past life specifically related to this one of the things i'm working through is what i call affectionately the screw-up gene and i put that in quotes that no matter what i do i'm not doing it right i'm not doing it good enough it's not exactly the perfectionist it's it's maybe the other side of the perfection coin of am i going to mess things up and i've gotten much better with that but i can see it in my mom tremendously i can see it in my dad tremendously i can see it in their parents tremendously and i also don't really want to gift it to baby hannah who's coming in well that's interesting so well there are a couple of here playing into this one is a fear of failure where things have there there's been a pattern of things going going wrong and then you get triggered because of the family you know they can easily pass down these these fears if you ha you would have to have the past life fear otherwise you wouldn't be triggered but but yes it can be triggered down generations and inferiority is the other one that's the really big one you you're working through self-worth issues in this life and there's judgment as well playing into it yeah so those would be three major fears because the judgment is uh that comes from something in a past life like being judged and executed perhaps you know at the court of laws typical or maybe being judged for the color of your skin or your religion or something um like i was saying earlier the the old soul tends to internalize these things so you've got inferiority you've got judgment you tend to uh beat yourself up and uh you know it's a little bit as well sometimes you need to change the focus because it's so easy to to focus to see that pattern and then think oh you know here we here we go again but you're not a victim of circumstances and you can shake these things very very easily but a lot of it yeah a lot of it's really you know just developing self-worth now obviously it gets easier as you get older you know it's like uh you're not gonna have the same issue that you had even five years ago it's not going to be strong it'll certainly the spiritual work that you've done it's it's going to dissipate anyway but uh you know you want to go back to really clear out these things first and make sure that this doesn't get passed down you want to find a past life where you were treated as lesser if you like you didn't matter and that would be the i must use the term the downtrodden servant something along those lines uh you want to find that's the inferiority uh you want to find the the time you were judged and it led to your death um it could be part of a massacre pogrom or something so that's that's a judgment one and then you want to find usually more than one past life where things did not go according to plan where you got taken off your life plan that's failure your soul can usually deal with one life every so often that goes wrong but when it detects uh a pattern that's that you know then it has that expectation okay things are probably going to go wrong again can't uh we can't guarantee you know you don't like you lose that confidence that everything is just going to be fine or you can have the success that you can have on everything i've done a past life regression and and and it's probably a little bit fuzzy at this point and i may be combining two lives there's one i believe of a samurai which things didn't work out there was another one where i was a monk seeking enlightenment and i was so frustrated at the end of my existence that i hadn't achieved enlightenment i felt like you know i had been a celibate monk what have i done with my life i've ruined my life how do i take that knowledge that's come out of a past life aggression and then go back there and heal this wound well a lot of it like i was saying earlier it's just about reminding the soul of that muslim this is now but the cognitive part is you know this is why writing is so important you know to um to explore how this would uh would show up uh one of the things there is that in a past life like that there is no spiritually there is no reason for being celibate that's just religious dogma being imposed on you and so yeah your soul gets the end of that life and goes i've never got laid you know and what a bloody waste of time that way that was you know so it can teach you about you know really important lessons about um for example spirituality versus religion i mean you know a lot of people muddle those things up but they're they're very different um it's the older the soul gets the more it it tends to see the difference now you can have religion and spirituality but they're not the same thing um and the older soul gets the less the dogma uh speaks to it you know like um the old soul is more likely to go well you want me to be celibate hell so why should i do that you know there's more questioning and so on the younger soul just go that's the way it is you know it's in this book somewhere or somebody told me this is the way it's supposed to be new so rigid old soul much more flexible much more questioning how do we tell since we're talking about relationship celibacy how do we tell if our partner is not at the same soul age as us oh boy well i spent a few years with a young soul um back in my london days and uh it was oh my gosh i mean it i made a lot of decisions based on lack of knowledge huge past life issues low self-esteem you know past life inferiority playing into a lot of stuff that had happened in this life and i ended up making some poor relationship choices and this one was with somebody who i didn't know about seoul aegis at the time if i had known it might have it might have helped me um but our values were completely different and that's where she knew to fake it but it was not genuine and uh you know and after a while i'm starting to go oh this this person's sort of she just really doesn't see the world the way that i i do um far greater self-interest for example like i was saying in the beginning you know it's often signed of a younger soul they're much more sort of self-absorbed self-interested and in extreme cases like this person will throw somebody else under the bus for for financial gain or whatever i think you really need i think if you if a lot of it comes down to values so you know how how you see the the the world and i mean there are there are core values you know i talk about this uh in my books that there's uh you know peace truth love understanding justice uh equality cooperation and it's like really looking at um let's say how does your your partner person with you're with how do they compare to you you know when it comes to truth you know the old soul is you know you can tell an old soul sometimes especially if they're working through some issues around self-expression where they tell a story and then they they go well you know this was last thursday i was um walking along the road and i ran into somebody and they go oh no wait a minute it was wednesday it doesn't matter from you know that doesn't in terms of the story and you know it doesn't matter what day it was but they correct themselves because you got to get get it right the truth is so important my wife is the truth police i am the storyteller the fish tends to get a little bit bigger but not with my wife that is a performer my uh in fact the uncle i ran into in the the bookstore he was a leader with uh but he had a performer influence amazing charisma and uh you know used to joke about how he would never let the truth get in the way of a good story and i realized i was telling stories that he had told me to family members and then going you know that didn't really happen and i go oh no i didn't know either but it was a great story a few last things and then then i'll go grab roux can we tell if our children or are our children typically the same soldier ages us and and the the personal flip side to that is is there a way to tell about baby hana your spirit guides will help you to get the details you can literally do you know what i'm saying just go into that quiet place and just ask them just say what you know what can i expect here just get a picture even what you can do is ask your your spirit guys to um take you five years now so she's five years old what what what do things look like what is she interested in doing you might it could be like you just say to spirit guides okay show me something that's that hannah will be doing in uh five years i i get i already get that she is so advanced that she is so much smarter not head smart but has so much more of an understanding at age five than i will have at 55. people use different terms you know indigo children or whatever you know this is they're they're uh as a this is part of the transformation these old souls coming in uh with this higher level of consciousness and it blows you away i mean my kids are they're now um well come just coming up to 21 and 22 and uh from the from the get-go i've i've been going my god they've got so much greater self-awareness than i had at that age you know and that that's uh i mean it's still i find it mystifying how come they've got things together so much more than than i ever could have but that's part of this transformation that's going on so yeah she'll be teaching you um you know but i was gonna say you can get from the the spirit guys you know they'll make they might show you uh it can be little images like uh i'm just making this up i mean you see what you get but it might be just a ballet tutu or something like that to say oh it's good you know maybe dancing something she didn't enjoy doing get little um glimpses that they can give you little sometimes little sort of metaphors almost to to help you understand uh they will give you loads of help there because you know you are obviously you're going to be a conscious parent and you know you're such an old soul uh to go back to that thing about uh old soul parents and old soul children what i found is i've been doing this for 25 years really reading people and i don't think i found any old soul parents with a young soul child however i have found plenty of old soul children or my clients with young soul parents but the big significant thing is that they often start off with the the family let's say you know they're your younger soul parts of the world you know like there's tends to be is you know broadly speaking you know that the coastal big cities are going to be a little bit more old soul rural alabama for example probably what younger soul so you know i have a client who is an old soul raised in rural alabama with these young soul parents but then left to college or whatever and it's now living in new york or or whatever there's a key word that has been a theme coming up it's been a theme in almost everything over the last week and i do a lot of a lot of channeling in a week so that's that's a lot of stuff um victimhood and and and the concept that you may well be an old soul born into a new soul family but do not place yourself in the role of victim you actually chose that on the other side and it is here to serve you we're exploring this in my soul world membership program this month this is the topic of the of the month all right tell me more and i did not mean it this way but perfect and tell me where people can go to find your program and find out more well people can go to to to learn about our membership program um yeah this is a fascinating thing because we are very very rarely any of us victim of circumstances and we often feel that and this is a past life issue again this is the interesting thing about from our past lives we've experienced unfairness we have this belief in this life that you know we uh life's not fair and you know we we have you know one thing after another happens we go you know life's not fair that can be a a disempowering belief but it can also be an empowering belief that it seems paradoxical now for most of the beliefs that come from past life fears you've got a negative belief and then you've got a positive and they're sort of very obviously diametrically opposite you know i am not worthy compared to i am worthy or whatever and uh but this is the interesting one because the disempowering belief and the empowering belief is the same it's just how you do it so if you go through an experience and go uh life's not fair and i sort of pour me kind of way well that's true but it's not getting you anywhere but if you acknowledge in a more positive way life's not fair do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to make it more fair i'm going to do something about it then that's empowering because life is not fair you just have to look around and you can't con the soul you can't say to the soul this is why a lot of affirmations don't work you can't say to the soul oh life's fair and everything's good it's all sort of sweetness and pink elephants you know um souls are not going to be full for one second by that on my wife's birthday this fall i went for a bike ride she was pregnant with twins and i got hit by an suv on my bike and broke a bunch of bones ended up in the hospital surgery blah blah meaning i'm not going to go play with the story and then a couple weeks later we lost one of our two twins i could go poor me woe is me poor me woe is me please tell me oh you poor thing and i'm not bringing it up for that reason at all i can also take the role of the superstar which i'm encouraging everybody to do lick your wounds my god man it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay but then realize that your choices you make now sort of like a company that screws up it's not necessarily a bad company it's what they do about it afterwards it's what you do after the poop just fell the flaming poop just fell on the sky out of you that makes all the difference it's always about how you turn it around because that is the the reality that happens you know uh it's just part of being here and if if you go into that disempowered place for me um that that helps no one but if and you said something really i think is so important there and that's about licking your wounds you have to to to just go well everything's just fine it's toxic positivity which is you know total um the reality is you have to go through if you deny your emotions you're not helping yourself and the funny thing is i was actually talking about this in a class last night that um i'd do these classes with my wife and she was pointing out that uh she's known me for 10 years and she sees how quickly i i recover from any kind of setback it doesn't set me back for more than a very very short period of time i immediately go into okay how can i fix this or or change things and what i was explaining is that with when you do the the work particularly when you do past life work one of the the changes that happens is that it's like a wave form so you go it's easy to go down and deep deep down into the trough of the way even stay there stay there a long time and then eventually come up you know you all this time licking your wounds feeling poor being whatever but if you get into that mindset where you say gosh you know this really ah life's unfair and i you know oh i'm mad about this or whatever don't deny the emotions but the wave form will change when you when you get into that mindset of now how can i fix it it the wave goes like this down and then you come right back up but but to to just coast and not go down into at least a little bit of licking your wounds is just toxic positivity you're you're you're not you're denying the reality of a situation it's changing the waveform by saying okay uh this has happened to me i'm pissed off i'm hurt or whatever now what can i do to to change things don't go into that oh life's unfair there's nothing i can do can't change anything poor me thank you so much and and that's it i i you i'm going to say almost you compress the waveform you can spend your whole life skimming along you're just slowly sliding down because you're not facing it versus drop off the edge of the cliff hit that bottom in a sense and then you're going to rebound much quicker if you have a resilient mindset you know something that dr carolyn dewick talks about if you have that resilience that growth mindset you can then shorten the curve and come back on the other side much faster yeah absolutely but you do have to lick your wounds and acknowledge it you know even just stomping your foot going life's not fair let it out you know express the the emotions thank you so much any last words that you want to share ainsley before i go and get rue i would just like to repeat that everything about us everything but we humans is past life related reincarnation explains everything and the more you learn about how these things work it's by healing a past lives that you really are able to go forward in this life and you know achieve all the things that you're you're meant to do it's like it's like what is it um releasing the ball and chain from around your ankle or some kind of analogy like that you know we're all dragging these these blocks and issues from past lives around with us when we don't have to thank you just to riff off that real quickly i want everybody to get your book i want them to get the old souls guidebook and everything that you have look for your triggers your triggers are going to point to past lives if somebody points a plate of food of you at a restaurant and something's off and you flip out there's probably a reason for it you didn't just flip out watch for what your triggers are do the work look for where it comes from the tri absolutely the triggers explain it absolutely perfect so where's this roo all right i'm gonna go grab him out of his soft can i'll be right back with you ainsley lifelong friend that we're just meeting again for the first time this is rue hello rue a handsome guy you hear that good boy you are you are so would you mind leading us in any meditation of your calling absolutely let's do uh we'll do a little forest walk here perfect so all right if you'd like to just take a a deep breath and close your eyes and i'm going to take you to a very very beautiful place it's a little uh wooded area we're going to go through a little gate so i want you to picture yourself it's like a it's a pastoral area it is at all times safe there are no um animals with clothes the sharp beaks you're totally safe from this little walk and what i want you to do is picture yourself starting to walk on this grass look down recognize that you you're in bare feet you're feeling the moss the grass maybe feeling a bit of the dew and on your feet um looking at your body or maybe wearing a tank top or a sleeveless shirt you feel the sun feel the warmth on your skin you start paying attention to some of the sounds like birds singing and maybe the rustling of the leaves and the trees and uh looking at the colors beautiful birds and the trees and beautiful flowers on the ground beautiful color in the sky and beside you there's a little stream a little babbling brook and i want you just to start following this in the direction of the water and then a little bit ahead there's a small wooden bridge i want you just to step over the bridge onto the other side and just continue along feeling the ground beneath you feeling the warmth the sun listening to the sounds around you noticing the colors noticing how calm peaceful this walk is just keep following the direction of the the water as you go around in a long circle starts to realize you're sort of starting to go back to where you began and on your way back it's just another little bridge maybe cross over that um again just feel the difference and under your feet from the grass to maybe the wood of the bridge again just notice anything you're breathing sound of your breathing maybe you're panting a little bit after this walk again there could be sounds of birds sounds of wind rustling through the trees and just ahead of you you notice that you're coming back to where you started this walk feeling relaxed calm just at one with the world beautiful sense of peace there you are back where you started and just once again just take a deep breath and then when you feel comfortable just open your eyes this is a quick meditation i do for myself um i usually just spend three or four minutes doing that so you can take this walk you can go anywhere just make it your own and the rooster is down [Music] you calmed you tamed the roo oh thank goodness i didn't know if i had good rooster karma or not just like i do you do and he's definitely he's having a little bit of a wired day from last night's class as i was mentioning earlier so they're protector animals and so if things are off they notice and it's a low pressure system that just came through here and they're always watching the weather they can feel it to make sure they're taking care of their flock and so he's on a heightened state of alert today yeah yeah our bless well thank goodness he's got you and calming energy there and vice versa so thank you so much ainsley this has been truly beautiful and a treat and um your work and message is so important because one of the greatest diseases that we have today is it is as it is things just are the way they are but we on we understand where they come from why they're here how they can be if we choose to be here to serve us to use what you said earlier we remove that ball and chain from our leg to me that means everything it's recognizing that we have the power to to create change in our lives you know we're not you know we have a life plan we have a destiny but it's not carved in stone and we always have the the ability to shape the journey so for everyone out there this is michael sandler saying be well have fun get the old souls guidebook and discover the old soul in you today and above and beyond all else shine bright what do you think roo that was a really special show a really special interview with ainsley macleod on past lives on are you an old soul and because you're watching this today it means of course you are an old soul on that note he spent a lot of time talking about it communicating with your guides finding out what's going on on the other side for that i can't recommend enough do you want to point to it rue the automatic writing experience of course you can get the book but you can get also live classes with me every month and an entire video based program at and because you're an old soul it means you're a mystic so come join us for our school of mystics and meet other like-minded mystics at of course we're a podcast you can listen on spotify you can listen on itunes wherever you ingest your podcast if you click the subscribe button and the bell icon you'll be notified of upcoming shows youtube premieres live events with me click the join button down below to become a member of our mystic circle you get daily videos you get behind the scenes goodness you get lots of extra bonuses and goodies and videos that you don't get anywhere else to help you on your path to help you to grow to help you to become the mystic you were meant to be including behind the scenes videos with rue of course along with jessica and myself simply click that join button down below here's a link to the next amazing video love you guys so so much big thumbs up leave your comments if you love this and above and beyond all else keep on shining bright how does it get any better than this room how does it get any better than this love you guys
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 180,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, ainslie macleod, old souls guidebook, past life, past life regression, powerful message, past lives
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 0sec (4680 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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