Paramedic Dies at Trade Show & Meets 3 Guardian Angels (Near-Death Experience)

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[Music] 1994 I have two jewelry operations running and I was doing about 35 trade shows a year in Tucson Arizona we have a a big big show was biggest show of the year every single year we did that show there was always a lot of viruses running around this year a killer virus or bacterial we didn't know what it was people started getting sick left and right the medical officials didn't know what it was by the third day of the show I started to get sick so badly and I was sweating my throat was swelling like this that night I physically remember hearing myself take my last breath I left my body through this beautiful fluorescent glowing Mist I have a feeling like like I never had before I remember saying I'm home I'm finally [Music] home my name is Bill torella well I grew up in Brooklyn New York my mom owned a bar and grill across the street from ebbit field where the Brooklyn Dodgers used to play quite amazing when I was a little boy growing up I remember being at the pennant games with the Dodgers playing the Yankees I think in 56 Penn Mickey matle steps in going going a home run for the Yan's great Slugger his third in this year's that was amazing uh life growing up when I was younger I was an artist I took Commercial Art and illustration I graduated Art and Design in New York I worked for Triad Studios and and Commercial Art we used to do work for B and Bows which was the biggest ad agency in New York City at the time and that was going to be the field for the rest of my life I thought but uh life changes I moved down to Florida when I got married 1973 now my dad used to have stories about Miami Miami Beach conventions under the palm trees the the Blue Water you know and well I'm thinking in my head Miami is a big city well Miami is a big city now yes but not 1973 1973 the skyline in Miami had maybe four big buildings in it and I come to find out there's no ad agencies I can't find the job in my field that's when I started to search for a new job there was an ad in the Miami Harold that they needed emergency medical technicians they need for the county because everybody was retiring to South fluder at the time so they were really in dire need for help they actually told me they would pay me to go to school and I would work on the units as an attendant alongside the two paramedics along the way so I worked during the day and I went to school at night until I got my you know my badges I call them when you you go into work every day for years and just pick up people that are broken up and having death in your hands every day it eventually it gets to your psyche inside I had this thing called PTSD they told me I had needed some time I had left being a paramedic I happen to open a business up selling jewelry the this business fell into my hands practically a friend of mine was a teamers driver he drove trucks and they had these things called seconds boxes of seconds like where the the jewelry wasn't that badly that week it was a big flea market I bought two 4X 8ot tables and a popup tent and in 2 days I took in $2,800 off of something that cost me less than $200 and I found a new career fast forward to 1994 I have two uh jewelry operations running down in South Florida one in PPO beach one in Fort Lauderdale and I was doing about 35 trade shows a year and 1994 we have a a big big show it's biggest show of the Year actually is in Tucson Arizona every single year we did that show there was always a lot of viruses running around this year a killer virus or bacterial we didn't know what it was it just came through people started getting sick left and right the medical officials didn't know what it was by the third day of the show The Lady across the booth from me the lady just fell to the floor and you know the paramedics came and everything I and I was still fine I went over to see if she was okay that night I started to get sick so badly and I was sweating my throat was swelling like this they took a look at me and they said bill you got to get over to the hospital and they hooked me up with intravenous IV and after they brought my oxygen levels back up and they got a couple of bags with antibiotic in them in me they said if your oxygen level's good now um you could actually go back to your hotel but we want you to go directly to the hospital in the morning if you wake up and feel the same way so I went back to the hotel room that night I physically remember hearing myself take my last breath I left left my [Music] body to this beautiful fluorescent glowing Mist hovering over my body looking down upon myself and when I recognized that body wasn't alive anymore this beam came from behind me so bright it let up everything underneath me and it drew me right into the Gateway this beautiful tunnel the tunnel was made up of magnificent colors and now I am starting to move but I'm feeling this amazing feeling I have a feeling like I never had before a love the love was so incredible that you actually become the love now you're in this light you're part of this this light and I'm moving at what seems to me like the speed of light no debris no nothing just light beautiful colors whizzing by me going through me and this love is growing stronger and stronger by the time I get to my destination I remember distinctively saying I'm home I'm finally home I remember hearing a soft voice speak to me and she says yes Bill you're home in the light of God and then she says my name is Antonia I am one of your Guardians and now I'm being greeted by Spirits all around me Family Friends that I remember mingling talking feeling love from everybody I recognize them they recognize me it's all everything is done through telepathy there's no mouths at this point there's no bodies at this point you're just they beams of light I'm still a Mist at this time after it seemed like a few minutes have passed by and I hear this voice hello Billy when I heard that voice that was my brother's voice my brother Peter he was about 16 years older than me my brother was around with me all the time while I was growing up teaching me how to play ball and taking me to my my ball games when I was in the baseball leagues and everything he was just a wonderful wonderful brother then it came out of nowhere you end up having liver cancer and they told him he was going to have four or five months to live and that that devastated me now I'm sure I know my brother's voice when he said hello Billy by this time everybody was calling me Bill in life I was in my 40s but I was Billy to him and he says hello Billy and I turned around said Peter and the Embrace was almost unexplainable it was like you were part of them they were part of you then he explained to me that he has to take me now and that we were going for something and I said what he says we're going for Your Life review I didn't know what that was but this is now the first sense I have again of my life back on earth when I spoke to him I forgot for a while and he took me to another level which they started this amazing amazing thing they showed me all the good I've done in my life they showed me all the wrong I have ever done in my life luckily thank God I always say thank God I never really felt like I really did anything really really bad but I didn't know the hurt I caused some people but you get to feel that pain you get to feel that hurt that you put on to others you become the physical pain and I was I was physically crying in my spirit but no no body but it's like I felt the tears it mounted it mounted it mounted so bad I said I can't take it anymore please forgive me I'm sorry I'm sorry and all of a sudden a light light came in and said now we'll show you the good side thank God I did a lot of good in my life especially with that job years as the paramedic doing all that trying to save people's lives and bring them back and and help them in every possible way I could that's when I understood what we're here for I understood that we're here for service to help one another we're all connected until that time I was a business person I didn't think nothing in my head but business I was going to come home from the show and I had an appointment to go to QVC and you know that was my life I didn't I didn't have those kind of thoughts in my life prior and then Peter said to me your third Guardian is coming and this man of great age wisdom when he approached me I knew him my whole life he was that voice that always spoke to me in my ear he was the intuition that kept me out of trouble like a lot of my friends were getting in I would always hear these things it's not the right thing you know you say that in your own mind but that's your intuition but he came to us and we were standing there and I remember Antonia there and Antonio so said look at yourself I remember looking down at myself and I changed into this magnificent beam now I was like the other Spirits I was this beautiful beam now we're back in spirit so I'm just feeling that that complete love again in your spirit side you're always in love where you're connected to everyone around you they take me to a final level all three of them take me to a final level where I believe it's almost like a panel they take me up in front of these magnificent beautiful beautiful angels all around and I remember they explained to me that you were going to get wisdom and knowledge through these angels I started getting bombarded with different thoughts Angels would approach appr me and I would see the universe Angels would approach me I would see combustion nebulas being created I would understand that we all come from Stardust and somehow some form another Angel approached me crystal numbers floating down in lines and numbers with light all these numbers were were lighting for me I couldn't understand the three the nines would light over and over and over again the six would light these particular numbers the one the eighth the three the six the nine they lit up brilliant and they explained it to me as if those numbers they mean everything if we didn't have these numbers we wouldn't have our Tides they explain on Earth we wouldn't have seasons we would not be here if it wasn't for these numbers one more Angel approaches me says to me you must return I'm feeling complete love I said no no please don't send me back I was pleading pleading over and over again she says again again you must return I did everything I possibly could think of not to have to come back the next thing I know I'm being pulled back through a Vortex flowing back faster and faster and faster and then I'm starting to feel pain and then I'm Zapped in my body when I came back in my body I'm physically feeling pain and I can't move my legs or my arms I'm waiting waiting waiting at least 10 minutes went by and then I started feeling tingles running through my body running through my arms running through my legs and then I had enough strength to reach over and I reached up got the p phone and I said get me to the hospital I was frightened I was in full of pain I couldn't tell anybody this because if I would have opened my mouth they would have thought I was crazy in those days you just didn't talk about that never heard of a near death experience didn't know what it was and it wasn't to the point till I saw my doctor after I got home he took me to his office and I explained what happened to me and he told me I think what you had was a near-death experience and he gave me a few things to read he said you should read these and you'll have a little better understanding but he did say one thing to me after that he said Bill torella a lot of us get to find God In Our Lifetime he said bill you were lucky enough to meet him I have no fear whatsoever in dying after my near-death experience I welcome it someday and it's my home I'm going home you know I know where I live I know where I'm going back to I know that this is just a temporary thing but this is where we learn you see that's important part as well we learn we learn how to feel here and that's something we don't have on the other side the only feeling we have on the other side is of one complete love and service this one whole feeling those are together is one but that's it there's no pain on the other side there's no sadness there's no sorrow none of those human emotions exist that's why there's no selfishness there's no there's nothing on the other side like that that love and service that you feel on the other side overwhelms anything that you could think of here by boundaries by hundreds and hundreds of times more wonderful this is a temporary abode we're in this casing here but this is not us we're beautiful beams of light with spirits of the universe and when we all get there someday again you'll recognize it too you'll recognize it as home you'll have family and friends around you that you'll recognize we all travel in spirit circles around our friends and family they stay with us Antonia was responsible for bringing me in and she was the spirit responsible for bringing me out Peter was the angel I had when I called on God to help me he was always around to help me and Orin was always with me if I was thinking I'm going to be doing something wrong all I could tell you is I met these beings that were wonderful beams of light with nothing but knowledge of and wisdom radiating out of them but when you're there you are home this is not our home we live forever nothing gets old everything is new all the time the love builds within so strong that it's almost if you were on an addictive Euphoria of some kind of drug I would say here that you could possibly explain it in any form any way but that's the feeling of it our purpose is love when we're babies we are love we're still contacted by the other side we have to be able to learn how to feel that love again it's it's hard we live in a world that's very tough now things are moving too quick things move too fast we have to slow down in a way the love and the service is probably the most important things to learn here on this side and to transfer that to others coming back I knew the best work I've ever done in my life was when I was a paramedic and you know did all that service on a daily basis for people I never knew how important that was I never helped people as much as I did until after the near-death experience I would help others I would do anything if I seen someone struggling in the street I go run and help them I say this person needs something you give as much as you can you know you do as much as you can and to give of yourself is not to get back it's to it's to give that's the fortune of love that you receive that's the gift that we all get from [Music] God [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Coming Home
Views: 712,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coming home, spiritual awakening, life after death, after death what happens, nde 2023 stories, near death experience, is there life after death, what happens after you die, nde, death, other side, afterlife, heaven, dying, out of body experience, life transformation, coming back to life, spiritual experience, religion, god, awakening, consciousness, meditation, the light, enlightenment, the other side nde, anthony chene production, jeff mara podcast, nde stories, bill tortorella
Id: 968KcfXhURQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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