Parallax Occlusion Mapping Deep Dive EP: 5 - Fixing Stretched Textures

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all right welcome back everybody for uh part five of The Parallax exclusion mapping series last few videos have run really long so I just wanted to show you something quick this time and that is how to fix the stretching that you get on uh Parallax occlusion mapping so you'll notice here that on the Steep surfaces of um Parallax occlusion mapped materials you can have really atrocious stretching due to the fact that the texture is being projected from the top and meant to be viewed accordingly but once we've added depth it can be viewed from the side and and we get pretty terrible issues in some instances especially where you have either very deep height ratios or very steep angles and so luckily uh the node includes a world position output so we can actually use triplanar projection or World align textures so here I've just set up a quick World aligned texture node and thrown into pixel normals so the pixel normals are being generated in this case by the height map since it didn't actually have a height map or excuse me a normal map for this texture but in any case we have our our normal map which is coming into our world align textures through the pixel normals and allowing us to Simply run a trip planar projection instead of a standard projection and now you can see that we have nice sharp details on the sides of our surface here whereas if we go back to this looks bad very bad and then here looks great so it's really pretty simple if we go to unlit we can see it even better or without distraction stretched and horrible perfect right so ultimately make use of the world position node as needed it can really enhance The Parallax occlusion mapping in cases where your textures are ugly uh so yeah that's all there is to it thanks for watching
Channel: Alex
Views: 4,200
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Id: RZsRhstFFjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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