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yo what's going on guys my name is jack and welcome back to a brand new video now today we're on the third episode of the five tips series and that brings us to five exercises that you can do when you're ground handling now let's get into it [Music] so [Music] [Music] exercise number one is wing tip touching now this is a great exercise for getting warmed up when you're ground handling so that you remember to move your body as well as controlling with the brakes so first of all we're going to start by discussing what you're going to do with the brakes and then we'll move on to body position so now the glider is above my head i'm going to start to break to the left whilst leaning right wing tip touch right brake walking to the left above my head right brake leaning to the left considerable amounts of outside break wing zip touch leaning left walking to the right and above my head so you're going to start by getting the glider nice and stable above your head and you're gonna start to break to a direction of your choice now for me i just like to go to the left so i'm gonna start applying left brake nice and slowly whilst monitoring the right brake and it's gonna come down i'm going to keep it break on both sides let the left side touch and then i'm going to release the left and start to apply the right and it will come up to the center nice and above my head and then i can start to the other side for body position what you're going to be wanting to do whilst you're going for these wingtip touches is exactly what i'm doing here so if i was going to the left i'd be breaking left but my body would be staying to the outside i've got loads of weight on my right hip and that's just so i'm loading the right hand side of the glider so i'm going to be leaning to my right but breaking to my left and then as soon as i start to break right to get the glider to come off again i'm going to move towards it and move underneath the glider i'm glad i've come up above my head and as i go to the right i'm going to start leaning left just to kind of balance it out and help you get a nice controlled wingtip touch now it's going to take you quite a while to get this down and it's more about your weight shift and your outside brake than it is the actual break to get the wingtip touch in the first place let's move on to the next exercise exercise number two is hovering the glider off the ground now this is really great to practice because when you're flying sometimes you bomb out at the bottom and you can use this technique to hover the glider up the ground and use it to drag you up to the hill and maybe back to take off so this is a balance between pulling the a's too much and the glad is going to come straight above your head and releasing them too much and the glide's going to go on the floor so you need to just keep enough tension so that the glider stays about a meter off the ground so now i'm gonna pull on the a's a little bit glad it lifts off the ground and then i can release a little bit glider starts to climb i walk towards and release and then it's going down so i pull a little bit more right he's just hovering above the ground it's going down and even controlling the direction of the glider so what you're doing here is not just controlling the energy in the glider but you're also controlling the energy that you're getting from the wind essentially because the wind isn't always linear it isn't always the same speed so the wind's going to be coming through in different strengths and you have to react to that if the wind comes through a little bit stronger the guy is going to want to come up above your head so you have to release a little bit of the a and walk towards it to dissipate the energy if there's not so much wind around you have to pull a little bit harder and maybe walk back so it's all about managing the gliders energy and the wind that you have at the time so what you can also do is control the direction of the glider so you'll notice in the video that i'm constantly holding my hands like this and changing them around and that is because if the right hand side comes up first then i'm going to pull a little bit more with my left hand so that it straightens out the leading edge and that way you can control how level your glider is and it really helps when you're walking up the side of a hillside to try and get yourself back to the top so moving on to exercise number three we're going to call it stalling and grabbing the a's sometimes in paragliding when you're reverse launching or forward launching the glider drops behind you and it's really good to be able to learn how to turn around and quickly grab your raise so you can get the glider back above your head and you can get into the air so we're launching glider it's nice and stable above my head i'm gonna stall it stalling coming back down and i'm grabbing the a's it's coming back up above my head getting it stable again and then stalling and then grabbing you perfect so once you've practiced that for a little while we're gonna move on to facing forward stalling it turning around and grabbing the a's it'll really help with your reflexes so i'm launching guide is stable above my head and facing forward i'm stalling it turning around it does take quite a bit of practice to kick your reflexes into uh into shape but eventually you'll get there so i'm going to stall it again wait for it to be stable install it again around and catch it on you it really really helps practicing it because it happens quite a lot on takeoff i see it happen to many pilots and even now it's dropping behind my head i can quickly get it back into the air so i can take off again so now we're going to move on to exercise number four which is spin so we're going to identify the point of spin and learn how to recover it this is really good for when you're ground handling because you'll know where the spin point is but if you do spin it unintentionally it means that you can get it back above your head again and ready to launch so we're going to start by launching the glider so now i'm going to spin the glider i'm going to punch my hand down whilst looking at the wingtip and then as it spun release and walk towards that side so spin start spin release walk towards that side i'm gonna do on the other side spin start release as i'm doing so i'm countering with my outside break just so i can catch up towards the glider when you're looking forward and you're about to launch the first tip is you'll feel one side of the glider start to drop back and you'll notice that the glide is coming back so you might be able to lift your hand and the glass starts to come up again you can move back under it the other tip is that you'll feel the brake go soft so if you've got too much brake on one side you feel the brakes start to go soft and that means you've spawned the glider so you need to release that brake and move on to the glider again other than that let's move on to exercise number five it's inevitable at some point in your paraglide career that you'll end up with the glider upside down so to save you endless hours of your glider being upside down and you walking up to it to put it the right way we're going to teach you how to spin the glider and put it back up right so that is exercise number five which is upright in your glider so now that your glider is upside down you have to determine which part of the glider is catching the air the best sometimes it'll be all right sometimes it'll be your left depending on which way you're oriented compared to the wind so i'm going to start by applying some break attaching some air in the glider and you'll notice the left hand side of the glider is completely flat whilst the right hand side of the glide is able to catch some of the wind so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to pull the right brake the glide is going to come off the ground a little bit and then i'm going to walk away from that side of the glider and hopefully it'll spin the glider over and bring it upright again so i'm braking while i'm trying to air in the glider using both my brakes getting air in the glider the right side of the glass is inflated so i'm going to break the right and i'm walking away from it so i'm breaking the right side of the glider walking away from it and it operates the glider so as i was breaking the right hand side of the glider you'll notice that my body position was literally walking away from that wingtip and that really helped to bring the glider upright again so hopefully that helps you to upright the glider and saves you countless hours of unclipping from your harness and going to do it yourself so after sweating it out in this field for literally hours i'm going to go and do some macro training so if these tips helped you in absolutely anyway please like subscribe and leave a comment down below and i'll catch you in the next episode
Channel: Jack Pimblett
Views: 15,559
Rating: 4.9318571 out of 5
Keywords: paragliding oludeniz, paragliding funny, paragliding uk, paragliding sofa, paragliding take off, paragliding to mcdonalds, paragliding scotland, paragliding accidents compilation, paragliding not attached, paragliding groundhandling, paraglider not strapped in, paraglider, paraglider take off, paragliders change me, paraglider mcdonalds, paragliders oasis, paraglider ground handling, paraglider soda, paraglider fails, jack pimblett, rise paragliding, skydiving, base jumping
Id: b6S0ccS7NhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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