Paradise Lost - Book 7 - John Milton

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book 7 of Paradise Lost by John Milton 2nd edition this LibriVox recording is in the public domain recording by Thomas Copeland book 7 the argument raffle at the request of Adam relates how and wherefore this world was first created that God after the expelling of Satan and his angels out of heaven declared his pleasure to create another world and other creatures to dwell therein sends his son with glory and attendance of angels to perform the work of creation in six days the Angels celebrate with hymns the performance thereof and his riya sen ssin into heaven descend from heaven urania by that name if rightly thou art called whose voice divine following above the limb peein hill i saw above the flight of pegasi and winged the meaning not the name i call for thou nor of the muses 9 nor on the top of all the limbus to West but heavenly born before the hills appeared or fountain flowed thou with eternal wisdom did converse wisdom thy sister and with her didst play in presence of Almighty father pleased with thy celestial song up led by thee into the heaven of heavens I have presumed an earthly guest and drawn Imperial air thy tempering with like safety guided down returned me to my native element lest from this flying steed undrained as once Bellerophon though from a lower clime dismounted on their lien field I fall erroneous there to wander and forlorn half yet remains unsung but narrower bound within the visible diurnal sphere standing on earth not wrapped above the pole more safe I sing with mortal voice unchanged a horse on you though fallen on evil days on evil days though fall and evil tongues in darkness and with dangers compass ground and solitude yet not alone while thou visits to my slumbers nightly or when morn Purple's the east still govern now my song Urania & fitch audience find the few but drive far off the barbarous dissonance of Bacchus and his revelers the race of that wild rout the toilet rationed bharden row Derby where woods and rocks had years to rapture to the savage clamored round both harp and voice nor could the muse defend her son so fail not thou who the implores with our heavenly she an empty dream say goddess what ensued when raffle the affable Archangel had forewarned Adam by dire example to beware apostasy but what befell in heaven to those apostates lest the light befall in paradise to Adam or his race charged not to touch the interdicted tree if there transgress and sleight that sole command so easily obeyed amid the choice of all tastes else to please their appetite the wandering he with his consorted Eve the story heard attentive and was filled with admiration and deep views to hear of things so high and strange things to the thought so unimaginable as eight in heaven and war so near the peace of God in bliss with such confusion but the evil soon driven back redounded as a flood on those from whom it sprung impossible to mix with blessedness whence Adam soon repealed the doubts that in his heart of those and now led on yet sinless with desire to know what nearer might concern him how this world of heaven and earth conspicuous first and when and where I've created for what cause but with the Anita nor without was done before his memory as one who's drought yet scarce a laid still eyes the current stream whose liquid murmur heard new thirst excites proceeded thus to ask his heavenly guests great things and full of wonder in our ears far differing from this world thou hast revealed divine interpreter by favor sent down from the Empyrean to forewarn us timely of what might else have been our loss unknown which human knowledge could not reach for which to the infinitely good we o immortal thanks and his admonishment received with solemn purpose to observe immutably his sovereign will the end of what we are but since thou has felt safe gently for our instruction to impart things above earthly thought which yet concerned our knowing as to highest wisdom seen deign to descend now lower and relate what may no less perhaps avail us known how first began this heaven which we behold distance so high with moving fires adorned innumerable and this which yields or fills all space the ambient air why did refused embracing round this floor at earth what cause moved the creator in his holy rest through all eternity so late to build in chaos and the work began how soon absolved if unfulfilled our mayst unfold but we not to explore the secrets ask of his eternal Empire but the more to magnify his works the more we know and the great light of day yet once to run much of his race those deep suspense in heaven held by thy voice by potent voice he ears and longer will delay to hear thee tell his generation and the rising earth of nature from the an apparent deep or if the star of evening and the moon hate to thy audience night with her will bring silence and sleep listening to thee will watch or we can bid his absence to thy song in and dismiss the air the morning shine thus Adam his illustrious guests besought and thus the godlike angel answered mild this also I request but caution ask obtain though to recount almighty works what words for tongue of serif can suffice or heart of man suffice to comprehend yet what thou canst attain which best may serve to glorify the maker and infer thee also happier shall not be withheld thy hearing such permission from above I have received to answer the desire of knowledge within bounds beyond abstained to ask nor let thine own inventions hope things not revealed which the invisible King only omniscient that suppress tonight to non-communicable in earth or heaven enough is left besides to search and know but knowledge is as food and needs no less her temperance of her appetite to know in measure what the mind may well contain oppresses else with serve it and soon turns wisdom to folly as nourishment to wind know then that after Lucifer from heaven so call him brighter once amidst the hosts of angels than that star the stars among fell with his flaming legions through the deep into his place and the great Sun returned victorious with his saints the omnipotent Eternal Father from his throne beheld a multitude and to his son thus spake at least our envious foe had failed who thought all like himself rebellious by whose aid this inaccessible high strength the seat of deity supreme us dispossessed he trusted to have seized and into fraud drew many whom their place knows here no more yet far the greater part of kept ice either station heaven yet populous retains number sufficient to possess her realms the wide and this high temple to frequent with ministries new and solemn rights but lest his heart exalt him in the harm already done to have dis peopled heaven my damaged fondly Dean I can repair that detriment is such a be to lose self lost and in a moment we'll create another world out of one man a race of men innumerable there to dwell not here till by degrees of merit raised they opened themselves as length the way up hither under long obedience tried and earth be changed to heaven and heaven to earth one kingdom joy and union without end meanwhile inhabit lacks she powers of heaven and down my word begotten son by deed this I perform speak thou and being done my overshadowing spirit and might with the I send along ride forth and bid the deep within appointed bounds be heaven and earth boundless the deep because I am who filled infinitude nor vacuous the space though I and circumscribed myself retire and put not forth my goodness which is free to act or not necessity and chance approached not me and what I will is fate so spake though mighty and what he spake his word the filial Godhead gave effect immediate of the acts of God more Swift and time emotion but to human ears cannot without process of speech be told so told as earthly notion can receive great triumphant rejoicing was in heaven when such was her declared all-night his will glory they sung to the Most High goodwill to future men and in their dwellings peace glory to him who's just avenging ire had driven out the ungodly from his sight and Abba tations of the just to him glory and praise whose wisdom had ordained good out of evil to create instead of spirits malign a better race to bring into their vacant room and thence diffuse his good to worlds and ages infinite so sang the hierarchies meanwhile the Sun on his great expedition now appeared Girt with omnipotence with radiance crowned of majesty divine sapiens and love immense and all his father in him charm about his chariot numberless were bored cherub and cereth potentates and thrones and virtues winget spirits and chariot swing from the armory of god where stand of old myriads between two brazen mountains lodged against a solemn day harnessed at hand celestial equipage and now came forth spontaneous for within them spirit lived attendant on the Lord heaven opened wide her ever during gates harmonious sound on golden Indus to let forth the King of glory in his powerful word and spirit coming to create new worlds on heavenly ground they stood and from the shore they viewed the vast immeasurable abyss of rages as a sea dark wasteful wild up from the bottom turned by furious winds and surging waves as mountains to assault heavens height and with the center makes the pole silence you troubled waves and our deep peace said then a mythic word your discord end nor stayed but on the wings of cherubim uplifted in paternal glory road far into chaos and the world unborn but chaos heard his voice him all his train followed in bright procession to behold creation and the wonders of his might then stayed the fervent wheels and in his hand he took the golden compasses prepared in God's eternal store to circumscribe this universe and all created things one foot he centered and the other turned round through the vast profundity obscure and said thus far extent thus far by bounds this be thy just circumference a world thus God the heaven created thus the earth mater unformed and void darkness profound covered the dis but on the watery calm his brooding wings the Spirit of God outspread and vital virtue infused and vital warmth throughout the fluid mass but downward purged the black titurius cold infernal dregs adverse to life then founded then conglomerate place dis parted and between spun out the air and earth self balanced under center hung let there be light said God and forth with light ethereal first of things quintessence pure sprung from the deep and from her native east the journey through the airy gloom began sphere din a radiant cloud for yet the Sun was not she in a cloudy Tabernacle sojourned the while God saw the light was good and light from darkness by the hemisphere divided light the day and darkness night he named thus was the first day even and morn nor past uncelebrated nor unsung by the celestial choirs when orient light exhaling first from darkness to beheld birthday of heaven and earth with joy and shout the hallow universal orb they filled and touched the golden harps and himming praised God and his works creator him they son both when first evening was and went first more again God said Let there be a firmament amid the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament expanse of liquid pure transparent elemental air diffused in circuit to the uttermost convex of this great round partition firm and sure the waters underneath from those above dividing for as Earth so he the world built on circumference waters calm in wide crystalline ocean loud with rule of chaos far removed lest fierce extremes contiguous might distemper the whole frame in heaven he named the firmament so even the morning chorus sung the second day the earth was formed but in the womb as yet of wars embryo immature involved appeared not over all the face of earth main ocean flow nor haidle but with warm prolific humour softening all her globe fermented the great mother to conceive say with genial moisture when God said he gathered now he waters under heaven into one place and let dry land appear immediately the mountains huge appear emergent and their broad bare backs up heave into the clouds their tops ascend the sky so high is heaved the humid hills so low down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep capacious bed of waters neither they hastened with glad precipitance I've rolled as drops on dust conglomerate Rai art rise in crystal wall orig direct for hast such flight the great command impressed on the Swift floods as armies at the call of trumpet for of armies the hard truth to their standard so the watery throng wave rolling after way way way they found if steeped with torrid rapture if too plain soft a being norwood stood them rock or hill but they or underground or circuit wide with serpent era wandering found their way and on the washi whose deep channels war easy their God had did to ground be dry all but within those banks where rivers now stream and perpetual draw their human train the dry land earth and the great receptacle of congregated waters he called seas and saw that it was booked and said let the earth put forth the verdant grass herb yielding seed and fruit tree yielding fruit after her kind whose seed is in herself upon the earth he scarce it said when the bare earth till then desert and bare unsightly unadorned brought forth the tender grass whose Verdier clad her universal face with pleasant green then herbs of every leaf that sudden flowered opening the various colors and make gay her bosom smelling sweet these scarce blown forth flourish thick the clustering vine forth crept the smelling gourd up stood the corny read and battled in her field had the humble shrub and bush with Frizzle hair implicit last rose as in dense the stately trees and spread the branches hung with copious fruit or gem the blossoms with high woods the hills were crowned with Tufts the valleys and each mountainside with borders long the rivers that earth now seemed like to heaven a seat with God might dwell or wonder delight and love to haunt her sacred chains though God had yet not rained upon the earth and man to till the ground none was but from the earth a gooey mist went up and watered all the ground and each plant of the field which air it was in the earth God made and every herb before he drew on the green stem God saw that it was good so even and more and recorded the third day again though mighty speak let there be lights high in the expanse of heaven to divide the day from night and let them be for signs for seasons and for days and circling years and let them be for lights as I ordained their office in the firmament of heaven to give light on the earth and it was so and God made two great lights great for their use to man the greater to have ruled by day the less by night alter and made the Stars and set them in the firmament of heaven to illuminate the earth to rule the day in the vicissitude and with the night and light from darkness to divide God saw surveying his great work that it was good for of celestial bodies first the Sun a mighty sphere he framed unlike some first though of ethereal mould then formed the moon globos and every magnitude of stars and sewed with stars the heaven thinked as a field of light by far the greater party took transplanted from her cloudy shrine and placed in the sun's own made poorest to receive and drink the Liquid Light firm to retain her gathered beams great palace now of light hither as to their fountain other stars repairing in their golden urns draw light and hence the morning planet builds his own by tincture or reflection they augment their small peculiar though from human sight so far remote with diminution see first in his East the glorious lamp was seen regent of day and all the rise and round invested with bright rays jocund to run his longitude through heavens high road the gray dawn and the Pleiades before him danced shedding sweet influence less bright the moon but opposite in leveled West was set his mirror with full face borrowing her light from him for other light she needed none in that aspect and still that distance keeps till night then in the east her turn she shines revolved on Heaven's great axle and her reign with thousand lesser lights dividual holds the thousand thousand stars that then appeared spangling the hemisphere then first adorned with their bright luminaries the set and Rose glad evening and glad morn crowd the fourth day and God said let the waters generate Reptil would spawn abundant living soul and let fowl fly above the earth with wings displayed on the open firmament of heaven and God created the great whales and each soul living each that crept which plenteous Li the waters generated by their kinds and every bird of wing after his kind and saw that it was good and blessed them saying be fruitful multiply and in the seas and lakes and running streams the waters fill and that the fowl be multiplied on the earth both with the sounds and sees each Creek and Bay with fry innumerable sworn and shows a fish that with the fins and shining scales glide under the green wave in skulls that oft Bank the mid sea part single or with mate graze the seaweed the pasture and who grows of coral stray or sporting with quick glance show to the Sun the way cults dropped with gold or in the pearly shells at Eve's attend moist nutriment bar under rocks the food in jointed armour watch unsmooth the seal and bended dolphins play part huge of bulk wallowing unwieldy enormous in their gait tempest the ocean their Leviathan hugest of living creatures on the deep stretched like a promontory sleeps or swims and seems a moving land and it his gills draws in and it is trunks out out a sea meanwhile the tepid caves and fens and shores the rude as numerous hatch from the egg that soon bursting with kindly rupture forth disclosed there can a young but feathered soon and fledged they some depends and soaring their sublime with clang despised the ground under a cloud in prospect there the eagle and stork on cliffs and cedar tops their Aries build art loosely winged the region part more wise in common ranged in Figure whinge their way intelligent of seasons and set forth their Airy caravan high overseas flying and over lands with mutual winged easing their flight so steers the prudent crane our annual voyage borne on wins the air floats as they pass band with their numbered plumes from branch to branch the smaller birds with song solace the woods and spread their painted wings till even though then the solemn nightingale ceased warbling but all night tuned her soft blaze others on silver lakes and rivers bathed the downy breast the Swan with Archard neck between her white wings mantling proudly rose her stake with Aurra feet yet off to quit the dank and rising on stiff penance tower the mini areal sky others on ground walk firm the crested cop whose clarion sounds the silent hours and other whose gate rain adorns him colored with the florid hue of rainbows and starry eyes the waters thus with fish replenished and the air with fowl evening and morn solemnized the fifth day the sixth and of creation last Rose with evening harps and Mattin when God said let the earth bring forth fowl living in her kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of birth each in their kind the earth obeyed and straight opening her fertile womb teemed at a birth in numerous living creatures perfect forms limbed and full grown out of the ground of rose as from his lair the wild beasts where he ones in forest wild in thicket break or den among the trees in pairs they rose they walked the cattle in the fields and meadows green those rare and solitary these in flocks pasturing at once and in broad herds of sprung the grassy clods now capped now half appeared the tawny lion pawing to get free assigned ur parts then Springs as broke from bonds and rampant shakes his printed mane the ounce the Liberty and the tiger as the mole rising the crumbled earth above them through in hillocks the Swift stag from underground bore up his branching head scarce from his mold behemoth biggest born of earth up eve dis vastness fleece the flocks and bleating rose as plants ambiguous between sea and land the river horse and scaly crocodile at once came forth whatever creeps the ground insect or worm those waved their limber fans for wings and smallest liniments exact in all the liveries decked of summer's bride with spots of gold and purple as you're in green these as a line they're long dimensions drew streaking the ground with sinuous trace not all minims of nature some of serpent kind wondrous in length and corpulence involved there snake evolves and added wings first crept a parsimonious Emmet Provident future in small room large heart enclosed pattern of just equality perhaps hereafter joined in her popular tribes of commonalty swarming next appeared the female bee that feeds her husband drone deliciously and builds her waxham selves with honey stored the rest are numberless and though their natures no stand gives them names needless to thee repeated nor unknown the serpent Suttles beasts of all the field of huge extent sometimes brazen eyes and hairy main terrific though to the not noxious but obedient at that call now heaven in all her glory Shan and rolled her motions as the great first movers and first wielder corpse earth in her rich attire can summit lovely smiled air water earth by foul dish beast was flown was swum was walked frequent and of the sixth day yet remained there wanted yet the master world the end of all yet done a creature who not prone and brute as other creatures but endued with sanctity of reason might erect his stature and upright with front serene govern the rest self knowing and from thence magnanimous to correspond with heaven but grateful to acknowledge whence his good descends neither with heart and voice and eyes directed in devotion to adore and worship God supreme who made him chief of all his works therefore the omnipotent Eternal Father or where is not he present thus to his son audibly speak let us make now man in our image man in our similitude and let them rule over the fish and fowl of sea and air beasts of the field and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps the ground this said he formed the atom ve o man dust of the ground and in thy nostrils breathe the breath of life in his own image he created thee in the image of God express and thou became a living soul male he created thee but thy consort female for race then blessed mankind and said be fruitful multiply and fill the earth subdue it and throughout Dominion holdover fish of the sea and fowl of the air and every living thing that moves on earth wherever thus created before no places yet distinct by name thence as thou knowest he brought thee into this delicious Grove this garden planted with the trees of God delectable both to behold and taste and freely all their Pleasant fruitful food gave me all sorts are here that all the earth yields variety without em but of the tree which tasted works knowledge of good and evil that mayst not in the day thou east dies death is the penalty imposed beware and govern well thy appetite lest sin surprised he and her black attendant death here finished he and all that he had made viewed and behold all was entirely good so even and more and accomplished the sixth day yoknow till the creator from his worked assisting the one we read up returned up to the heaven of heavens as high abode thence to behold this new created world the Dishman of his empire how it showed in prospect from his throne good affair answering his great idea up he rode followed with acclamation and a sound symphonious of ten thousand hearts that tuned angelic harmonies the earth the air resounded thou remembers for thou Hearst the heavens and all the constellations rung the planets in their stations listening stood while the bright pomp ascended jubilant open ye everlasting gates they Sun open he heavens your living doors let in the great creator from his work returned magnificent his six days work a world open and henceforth oft for God will deign to visit off the dwellings of just men delighted and with frequent intercourse thither will send his wicked messengers on errands of supernal grace so sung the glorious train ascending he through heaven that opened wider blazing portals led to God's eternal house direct the way a broad and ample Road whose dust is gold and pavement stars as stars to the appear scene in the galaxy that Milky Way which nightly as a circling zone now seized powdered with stars and now on earth the seventh evening arose in Eden where the Sun was set and Twilight from the east came on or running night when at the holy mount of heavens high seated top the imperial throne of godhead fixed forever firm and sure the virial power arrived and set him down with his great father for also went invisible yet stay such privileged hat on the presence and the work ordained author and end of all things and from work now resting blessed and out of the seventh-day as resting on that day from all his work but not in silence holy kept the heart pet work and rested not the solemn pipe and dulcimer all organs of sweet stop all sounds on threat by string or golden wire tempered soft tunings intermixed with voice call or eunice of incense clouds fuming from golden senses in the mount creation and the six days acts they sung great are thy works Jehovah infinite thy power what thought can measure thee or tongue relate thee greater now and I return than from the giant angels thee that day thy thunders magnified but to create is greater than created to destroy who can impair the mighty king or bound by Empire easily the proud attempt of spirits apostate and their counsels Boehner has repelled while impiously they thought D to diminish and from B withdraw the number of thy worshippers who seeks to lessen thee against his purpose serves to manifest the more thy might his evil thou usest and from thence creates more good witness this new made world another heaven from heaven gate not far founded in view on the clear high alene the glassy sea of amplitude almost immense with stars numerous and every star perhaps a world of destined habitation but thou knows their seasons among these the seat of man earth with her nether ocean so confused their Pleasant dwelling place trice happy man and sons of men whom God had thus advanced created in his image there to dwell and worship Him and in reward to rule over his works on earth in sea or air and multiply a race of worshipers holy and just thrice happy if they know their happiness and persevere upright so Sunday and the Emperor in run with hallelu thus was Sabbath Keck and I requests think now fulfilled that asked how first this world and face of things began and what before thy memory was done from the beginning that posterity informed by they might know if else thou seek'st off not surpassing human measure say notes line 451 Bentleys inundation of soul for fowls should be noted see genesis 130 a B margin line 563 stations stationed in 1674 the end of the seventh book recording by Thomas Cole
Channel: John Adams
Views: 2,538
Rating: 4.52 out of 5
Keywords: homeschool, TTS, Text to Speech, Immersion Reading, ESL, English as a second language, Read Along and Listen, Listen and Read Along, Bimodal Reading, Read with highlighted Words
Id: 8wEdEH4asWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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