Paradise Before the Fall- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts

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welcome everybody we're glad that you're here for those that are here at the Granite Bay Church and want to welcome our friends that are watching via Facebook you're being part of our midweek Granite Bay Bible study and in the last few weeks we have been going through the book of Genesis and we're not rushing we're taking our time because Genesis represents the foundation for all the major Bible truths and the last week pastor ross was talking about Genesis chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 which is the seventh day of creation you know sometimes a person will say in how many days did God create the world you get two answers he created it in six days but was he completely done he created one more day yeah and but we got seven days in the week is God made another period of time so anyway and so we've completed now Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 through 3 and now we're gonna get into the following verses so if you got your Bibles we're just going to read it point by point and and do some expanding as we go so if you go to Genesis chapter 2 and you get to verse 4 this is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown now why does he say that in the next verses does that mean that when God made the heaven and the earth there were no plants well after when man was made were there plants yeah what it's saying here is that when God made the plans they were made created they were made in existence they in other words when God made Adam he spoke him into existence full-grown when God made the trees in the plants he spoke them into existence full-grown this is a farming community now the next few verses sort of give you a a key into that it says for the Lord God had not caused the terrain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground so it's saying these plants were not the result of farming so if you keep going down here no man to till the ground but a mist went up from the earth and it watered the whole face of the ground I just want to pause here for a minute and talk a little bit about that the world today is very different from the world before the flood when you look around the world you will see that there are fossils in the Arctic regions up in Siberia of giant ferns of enormous creatures warm weathered creatures it's pretty clear that there was a more temperate climate all around the world now there's some other ways we know that where do we get all the oil where do we get all the coal there were copious I mean massive forests think about how lush the world was to create these you know think about that how much oil is just pumped out of the ground all the oil wells all of the world are just pumping non-stop 24 hours a day look at all the cars on the freeway look at the power plants that are powering the cities all of that is coming from energy and photosynthesis that was created before the flood because the whole planet was polarized there were no harsh burning deserts there were no icy cold arctic regions when you have a layer of cloud and the Sun hits the earth it polarizes its sins that rays out evenly and so the whole planet had a much more uniform temperature at that point it had not rained but you notice that when it the flood comes and we'll get to that later in Genesis not only did water come out of the earth it says the fountains of the heavens opened you know in the creation says God separated the waters under the atmosphere the heavens from the waters above so was there water above yeah there but it had never rained so evidently there was some kind of a veil an envelope of water that surrounded the planet now we actually see other planets and moons in our solar system that seem to have something like that where that's like to get this outer layer that seems to be suspended by some atmosphere above the planet and you know they're not necessarily water but something happened during the flood and the whole planet went through a radical convulsion you you just see for one thing you know evolution teaches that everything's getting better and better but since the flood everything is getting smaller and smaller there used to be more variety in some ways of plants there's things that are extinct now the animals were bigger they had two feet not about two feet they have dragonflies wingspan was two feet they had 12 foot tall beavers had they had moose and oxen and I'm not even knowing about dinosaurs I'm talking about mammals that were enormous the increased amount of vegetation in the world greatly increased the or give you a more oxygen some things they live longer you know there's a reason it Mike I saw your hand there's a reason that there's a limit to how big an insect can get do you know what it is well body weight and being able to absorb oxygen insects don't have lungs and so they get too big they can't disseminate the oxygen but when the oxygen level was higher some of these larger creatures again they could just get much more massive now did you have a question rank and make it short because I repeat it for the people watching alright let me repeat your question am i saying that but when God created the world was there some kind of envelope of water suspended above the world no the Bible says that Bible says that in the creation he separated the waters below oceans seas or lakes from the waters above and then when it talks about the heavens being broken up during the flood something happened to penetrate or break that we don't know could have been you know there's very powerful agate magnetic fields around the world it could have been something atmospheric something happened there was a catastrophe now it's interesting that and I talked a little about this when I talked about creation I remember when I was a kid the theory is about the dinosaurs dying off have changed six times just in the time that I've been alive and you know they used to say that they got a disease and then you heard that when the introduction of mammals the little rodent mammals ate them out of house and home so that they Dinah's first couldn't get enough food and I heard all these different theories that then that the meat-eaters came and eat all the vegetarians and they died off all kinds of ideas and then but you know what they finally settled on there was a catastrophic flood but they don't use the word flood they say an asteroid hit the earth and caused the global flood somehow killed all the dinosaurs but kept the mammals killed all the reptiles you think they live it kept all the mammals because they can't deny the evidence that wherever you go in the world today there's evidence of a global flood do you know if you go to climb Mount Everest you can get up to the 20,000 foot level and there are seashells you go to the Andes and you get up to 18 20,000 feet I a great big oysters like this big I lived in migizi New Mexico it's it's up near Farmington Navajo Reservation and my uncle took me out and he showed me all the fossils of all the sea life this is in the middle there's no beach around Nick easy New Mexico David knows what I'm talking about yeah they could find shark teeth in the ribs a place called a shark tooth Ridge and so and these were the Megalodon zigaretten the great big sharks so just all over the world there's evidence you've heard of the the cliffs of Dover the chalk you know you get that that's my coral and that has been ground up yeah informed so we don't deny that there's incredible sediment that has happened there has been a massive flood on a global scale and you can see evidence for it all around the planet the woolly mammoths and mastodons they still find them in the Arctic they found some where they were wondering if they could take their DNA because it was so viable and injected into a modern elephant and create a half elephant half mastodon and if you know that Jurassic Park scenario but they're seriously considering that because they found frozen wooly mammoths pieces of them they found an entire baby frozen it's on the cover of National Geographic you need to remember that in Siberia sometimes I find them - chewing ferns that don't exist anymore it's a try yeah in their mouth so something happened very quickly and you can see evidence alright so it's telling you about the white it didn't water before that's why when Noah said a flood is coming Nelson you're crazy and they'd never seen anything like it alright but let's get back here to Genesis 2 so no rain on the earth God caused the mist to come up from the earth did did Adam need clothing for protection from the elements and Eve it was a beautiful temperate climate all the time everywhere we've been having a couple days like that in California and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now it's very important when you're reading the Bible to understand the the way that the Hebrew writes things it'll create a headline and then it'll back up and go into detail of how it happened that didn't we already read in chapter 1 about the creation of man why is he now going back into the creation of man again is now he goes into more detail about the creation of Eve you're gonna meet people that think that there were two Eve's have you ever seen Karen nodding I've had people say well it says it Adam and Eve were created in chapter 1 then it talks about this other woman being created in chapter 2 chapter 1 is giving the big overview then it backs up and gives you more detail about that first day and how Adam goes around looks at the animals and says something's missing here and and so it says that God breathed into Adam and he became a living being now something else is happening that's foundational here and I could quickly launch off in this and stay a long time his man a a body soul spirit one of those or all three I hear three well what are we reading here first of all he formed man from the dust of the ground would see elements the physical matter breathed into his nostrils the breath of life that word breath of life is the spirit and man became a living soul that were there in Hebrew as Roloff it means the breath now not only does it say that man is given the breath of life it says all creatures and which are the breath of life it tells us that when any creature dies in Ecclesiastes the body returns to the earth out as it was and the spirit returns to God who gave it is that a little person that jumps out and flies back to God when it says the spirit returns to God who gave it does that mean that when your dog dies some of you want to believe yes the spirit returns to God and you'll read be you reunited with your dog in heaven the word spirit there just means the breath of life returns to God who gave it but when God breathed into Adam did he just give him oxygen or in that breath of life was there something of intelligence and knowledge that was a you send Amanda yeah did did Adam have to learn how to walk and talk or was he created with the software factory installed if just when he booted up he had the programming right there he knew how to talk he understood who he was he had a self-awareness he knew who God was not a worship God so I believe that man is composed of el-amin let me say this carefully or some people will misunderstand um when you say a soul in a Bible a soul is typically the combination of the body and the breath of life I've used this illustration many times if I've got a wooden box here in this wooden box is made from a combination of 1 by 6 boards and nails and you assemble them and you have a box if you decide to separate the nails from the wood where does the box go can you say what can you point to the box anymore if you put the nails over here you put the wood over here does the box cease to be a box okay so when a person dies everyone wants to know where's the soul go it's like saying where'd the box go you are a soul because God puts the breath of life and the knowledge in the body when you start separating those things out you cease to be a soul until the resurrection when he reintroduces the breath of life in the essence of who you are that's what I might call the spirit the way some people use it in the body mic question the let me see if I can repeat your question the are we saying that the essence of who a person is is it still survive if the body diminishes our decomposes and and you what makes you you is going to be downloaded I think pastor Ross was saying this I don't know if it was here permitting or somewhere else what makes you you is going to be downloaded from the Lord's USB Drive thumb drive into a new glorified body when Jesus comes there's so there's something that makes you uniquely you your memories your experience your character oh you when you get a glorified body that'll be placed into the new body yeah is he that's right he it's it's backed up in the cloud right now all right let me get back to this year so God breathes into man the breath of life now does God do something different with man than he does with cattle and the way he creates him he speaks the animals into existence but man-made in the image of God you see something really tender happening here it's almost like Jesus gets down on his hands and knees and gathers the desktop like a master sculptor and makes this form in his own image and then he almost like artificial respiration he gives it a kiss and breathe into it and it animates an atom's eyes open suddenly he's fully aware there's a lot more intelligent a lot bigger than any of us it's the perfect perfect man that a lot of women have been looking for that perfect man for years Adam turned out not to be perfect perfect I guess but he was when he came from the hands of creator anyway so God breathed into him and he became a little right this is your third quarter final question Mike if you think you know no I'm not essence of Adam existed prior only in the mind of God I mean God knew what he was gonna do yeah it's when the two came together he became that was his birthday he did not pre exist before that moment well man is man is the dirt does it make your personality man is made God says dust you aren't industrial returned we know what happens when we die we turn back to dust and so God is saying I am gonna take from something very humble and I am going to work a miracle and create you into a living being kind of like the Pinocchio story except it's true and his nose doesn't grow you know he takes something like wood and I should forget I said to no key oh I'm sorry I don't that'll mess with people's theology okay let me get back to this here so he breathed in the man and he became a living being then the Lord God planted a garden eastward so he makes the man he makes the environment thou he plants a garden eastward in Eden and this is where it talks about we're gone hey no one hears what you're saying so I got to repeat it this is this is where God first plants now when he made the earth was the vegetation made on the third day okay but I wanted says God planted a garden he may have been just you know organized things the way he wanted it on that day cuz there was I'm sure it wasn't a desert at that point so it's telling us that the Lord now what day of creation are we dealing with right now does it tell us what day this is I think you got to be careful like I said be careful he backs up and he goes forwards so alright anyway let me get through this for a second the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man who waited for him now I just want to pause and talk a little bit about the garden I advertised that we were going to talk about what the world enjoying paradise before the fall what it must have been like think about the most beautiful gardens you've ever seen anywhere in the world now the Japanese say that the key and they have some beautiful gardens they say the key to make any garden beautiful is there must be plants water and rock they say those the elements that make the landscaping of a garden beautiful that rock may be in the form of statuary it might be just natural rock in many cases natural odd little bridges going over water plants organized but you've all seen gardens where there's a symmetry there's an arrangement you know if if you ask me to arrange flowers I I'd go out of business pretty quick some people know that there's a symmetry in colors and thing as things go and you get accents and you think about the beautiful artwork that you've seen with people that have that gift of decoration can you imagine what it would look like if God plants the garden and he says I'm gonna make the most beautiful garden in the world and was it I mean can you imagine that and then he goes into more detail about it I'm sorry I can hear well but this it's that well we don't only one we know about unless he did this on other worlds are we talking about a vegetable garden or a fruit garden I think he's talking about well it's gonna get to that matter of fact I need to let the Lord speak for himself here and says on the Lord God made every tree and out of the ground I'm in verse 9 of Genesis 2 the Lord God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden so he's talking about particularly the garden and there's all kinds of tree and everything that is good for the food not only good wasn't to what and the word Pleasant there means it is delightful to look at and in the midst of the garden he has the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden in the knowledge of good and evil now we got a park here for just a minute I may not get through chapter 2 we'll see what happens but everything seems so good up to this point on the different days of creation God says and it was good it was good it was good it was good it was good and then finally the Six Day he says is very good all right so is there bad in the world today was that God's plan if you ever want to see God's plan or you want to see what was his original plan just look at Genesis his plan for us is good good very good is God going to accomplish his final plan when the plan of salvation is complete will everything be restored to his original plan man is once again made in His image we've been recreated in his image through Jesus and salvation the world is restored to paradise someone once said that in the first three chapters of the Bible you see God making everything perfect and it describes this beautiful garden and in Chapter three you've got the introduction of the serpent and sin and evil you go to the last three chapters of the Bible it is what they call chiastic it's almost the reverse of it then you guide describes his war with the devil Devils being destroyed the garden is restored man is restored and God is once again with man it is from Genesis 2 or talks about the garden everything you read in the Bible is about how to get back to the garden and the tree of life is in the new earth but do you have a tree of a knowledge of a good and evil why did God make a tree why does the word evil suddenly appear why does God call it the tree of the knowledge what was it why would even want the word evil to appear a rebellion was did the devil rebelled before or after our world was created before was the devil out he'd been kind of kicked out of heaven but he hadn't set up headquarters on earth so he's out recruiting still among the other maybe unfallen worlds and God knew ultimately he was going to come to this world and now the Lord could force the devil he could say look you can't talk to anybody else but you know because God's character had been challenged God allowed his freedom to carry on you know one of the reasons that America has succeeded is because we do have freedom of speech and God does not operate a universe where there's no freedom of thought or speech and he even allowed the devil to take his campaign if I could be a better god to other worlds but he wouldn't let them harass them he said you know this is one tree this tree has got a knowledge of evil I don't want you to experience evil any of you want your kids to experience evil why don't you like don't you like to preserve their innocence when they're young as long as possible and God didn't want them to do that he warned them there's a tree here it's within reach because isn't evil kind of always women reach if you want it it's like when you go to the supermarket you can get strawberries or you can get booze you're gonna decide you know I don't know ahead of time you got to say no to that aisle especially where all the Halloween candy starting to appear so God gives us freedom and he knew that Lucifer was on his campaign he warned Adam and Eve there's a rebel and he says don't eat from this tree let me let the Lord speak for himself here and in the midst of the tree amidst the garden rather also was the knowledge of good and evil now it doesn't say the trees evil it says that tree through that tree they would have a knowledge or an experience of evil then what salvation is this is eternal life that they might know thee the entities of that is knowing evil God doesn't want us to know evil he wants us to know good who is good only one is good God is good that's what Jesus says in mark chapter 10 none is good but one and that's God and he ever sung that song God is so good and so here at that tree there's a battle in the universe between good and evil between Christ and Satan they would be exposed to that battle he stayed away from that tree they'd be free from it so he's got that there and and it says it gets back to the tree a little bit now river went out of Eden and the word Eden means delightful or a pleasure and tells us that a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from there it parted and became four river heads typically what you see is a river several rivers come together and run into the ocean but what's happening here at the garden is there is an incredible artesian spring evidently coming out of the garden parting for ways and irrigating the earth where else do you see that in the Bible huh their God watered the world that's one reason you get the river now you said there's and there's nowhere else but I disagree I think in Revelation and if you go to Ezekiel you ever read the last prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel it talks about a river flowing from the temple and then you go to Revelation and it says that a river flows from the temple no but might part 12 waits for all we know I mean I want to running out of you every gate and there's another thing in Revelation I just want you to picture Genesis a little bit through revelation we'll get more to that in a second but it also says in Revelation that there is a river and it says the tree tree singular is on either side of the river and help me understand that it's that way in the original Greek to the tree one tree is on either side of the river you know the only way I reconcile that in my mind is this is massive river flowing from the throne of God crystal-clear water Jesus is the water of life and it's flowing out from the New Jerusalem whether it parts four ways or not I don't know I can't prove it you can't disprove it so we'll leave it at that but when it leaves the throne of God I believe the tree of life how many people leave from that tree is that like you know a little stubby tree in your backyard a little bonsai you've got feet in the world got 12 different kinds of fruit twelve times a year which is like better than baskin-robbins that's 144 different kinds of fruit which is an interesting Bible and it I believe that the tree of life is so big that the roots of the tree grow together under the river and the branches grow together I've got some trees on our property up in Colville oh where what happened is two branches of this okra it can happen with other madronas or whatever they somehow Bend and they get pressed against each other and over the years they grow together have you seen that some people actually make furniture over different willows that they tie them together and they grow together ficus does that right and then they'll grow together in Weld and I believe the Tree of Life is welded together above the river it's a massive tree I mean don't think redwood think big big tree hole all humanity is eating from that tree and the roots go together under the river and the river of God runs through it that's it in my mind I like that you're not gonna change my mind on that yeah sustainability yeah there you go you were still thinking yeah there is an interesting place and I think there's more to that parable in Daniel chapter 4 it says there's a great tree that Nebuchadnezzar dreams of that fed the whole earth and I think that tree is also something Nebuchadnezzar was it tells us that he's actually but there may be a secondary meaning to that he got cut down yeah but some have argued that it represented Nebuchadnezzar but there might also be an illusion there to the people of God were in Babylon it says that a band of iron and bronze went around it talking about the the Greeks and the Romans and that the whole world was fed by it it was cut down but it came back and that happened to Israel several times too so anything you find in Daniel you'll also find like allegories of in the nation of Israel but that's a detour so back to Genesis you can see our Genesis see how it branches out through the whole Bible now River ran out of Eden to water the garden and from there parted became four river heads the name of one is Pichon it is the one which skirts the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the goal of that land is good anyone know any bad gold yeah you that's right yeah yeah Jesus is the Tree of Life and he said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood that's speaking of the fruit we need to have the fruits of the spirit you have no life in you and so there's a number of analogies there as well and the Curtis the key is climbed a tree when talking about trees I got a whole sermon on trees the key is climb a tree the cross was a tree Peter actually says Jesus died on the tree so yeah and there's a another serpent another tree and there's another woman you know when you have the women standing by the cross anyway there's yeah like I said this is a revelation branches out all through the Bible and so the goal it says good that word there the gold is good it means it was pure because most gold someone said the reason you see yellow and gold is because of minor impurities but gold is one of the most remarkable substances in the parabolic table and then it says bdellium and the Onyx stone are there so he gets a stones in gold laying on the surface of the ground the second river is a Gehan it is one now they named a spring in Jerusalem after that it's one that goes around the whole end of cush and the name of the third river is a hit a cow it is the one that goes east towards Assyria and the fourth is Euphrates so you've got these rivers that seemed to be fanning out in irrigating the planet well now now someone's asking a question where is Assyria keep in mind when Moses writes this he's probably speaking in general terms because this is the what the world map looked like before the flood probably the Land of Eden was somewhere in the realm of Mesopotamia we don't know how big the garden was and I grew up in New York City we had a big park in the middle called Central Park it's a very big park and but the the garden that God plants is going to be in the New Jerusalem the New Jerusalem is three hundred and seventy-five miles around it's like 1,500 miles around 375 miles on each side so you've got this garden in the middle of it all I mean you're talking about a garden that's you know probably biggest the state of Tennessee in the middle of in the middle of the the world you're getting the planet and they'll be the rivers there in heaven as well all right then you got the Euphrates now you afraid these appears all through Bible history and so some of this the surface of the earth changed wall so they don't know you know it's saying roughly in the area of Assyria and it talks about surrounding the land of cush or Ethiopia some thought well is that where the Nile was and so all they can do is make a rough guess cuz the surface of the earth has been transformed so much since before the flood and then God took the man that he made and he put him in the garden to tend and to keep it all right so a man's job is that after he's created he's - between these two trees in the middle of the garden he's to get a hammock and then pick pineapple and put a straw in it and just enjoy the garden why did God make me in was man-made to just hang out a library stare at a computer all day the snooze it says that man was to work he was to be a steward of the planet now it went and I'll get to this in a moment here he says you are to dress the garden and to keep it he's given him the work to do and then he also tells him to go forth around the planet later and subdue it the the land was untrained and wild and so the first man was what occupation is a gardener you know someone said they once talked to the warden of San Quentin I believe it was I want to I think it was in Quinton and they said you probably had people from every walk of life in your prison and he said I have he said I have doctors I've got lawyers lots of lawyers is that I've got you know mechanics and I said I've got you name it I've got everything that you can imagine he said but I can't remember ever having a horticulturist it seems like he said it seems like the gardener's must be some of the more peaceful people so the first man was a garden you ever heard that expression a man is never closer to God than when he's in his garden and it is true so man was given work to do now didn't did man sweat and groan I have I was digging a hole yesterday with a shovel I'm trying to dig a hole in my backyard to plant an orange tree and the heart of the ground is like concrete I'm having to pick it with an iron bar just to chisel it out and get through this layer of building so I can get building dirt get down to some real soil and Karen's seen the other important buckets of water then I go back the next day and dig a few more inches it's just like carbon stone was that the kind of work Adam did no his work was pleasant yeah how many of you like to work is a test yes you are be doing his work a bad thing is a good thing we should enjoy work work is meant to be a blessing God created man to be creative we're made in the image of God God's a creator okay now what is God what does God given Adam dominion over earth what's on the earth plants and animals and so yeah and he's probably got some minerals it talks about the gold talks about the plans talks about the animals it's like everything is mineral and vegetable and animal right isn't that what they say animal mineral and vegetables so man has got dominion of this planet I can't prove it but I think that man rejoiced a lot more in the animals as far as Communion and delight in the animals and the habits of the animals then now thinking of the animals is either food or beasts aversion I believe that man delighted a lot more in the plants you know there were no bananas and Garden of Eden there were no bananas in the Garden of Eden because a banana is a hybrid you ever had seen a banana seed there no they're not those are vestigial remnants you just try and plant one of those and see what happens you won't get banana bread out of that this is nothing happens bananas are a hybrid of two Asian fruits that by themselves are almost inedible but someone discovered quite by accident that when they cross pollinated them it created this incredibly delicious and unique fruit that comes with a handle it's amazing but I think that Adam part of his work in the garden was doing the I'm not talking about GMO foods I'm talking about man was to cross pollinate and create different kinds of fruits and can you imagine the delight of him saying hey Eve come here wait look what I've done here I've got this new thing what does he eat sup banana I just named it you know and so just being able to mix the different flowers create new kinds of flowers and new kinds of fruits and they weren't even eating vegetables back then that was until after sin and well the poison mushrooms and some things are bad yeah but you know I believe that there's a purpose for everything so even you know even mushrooms you know I think there's a purpose for a lot of plants Tomatoes come from the deadly nightshade family the tomatoes are fine but don't eat the stalk potatoes come from the deadly nightshade family and you can eat the potato but you don't want to eat the plant and so some people maybe have misused the plants um anyway so the work work is part of God's plan that's why God would have to say you know six days you work but one day you rest yeah I was just listening to patriarchs and prophets this week and part of the work of them was to to train the vines we talked a moment ago about people who train the ficus trees into furniture and works of art this is one guy he's got this he's got a whole farm where he's just an artist and he has trained these different ficus trees and he turns them in little by little he weaves him together and he makes these living animals or he got one looks like an elephant or they got leaves coming out of it and you've probably seen these bonsai gardeners they're always a little sniffing and they get these beautifully symmetrical little trees so I think Adam just you've had and one more thought before take your question how much life is under the ocean there is so much beautiful life under the ocean I think that Adam could see what was under the water I think he could hold his breath a long time and do you know a penguin has great eyesight when it gets above the water and a penguin its eyes go from this big when it's down a thousand feet a penguin can go down a thousand feet and it can see squid because its eyes get this big then it goes up to where it's so bright it'll blind people and it turns into a pinhole and they can see and they got a special lid that goes over their eyes so they got an underwater lens like when you go diving you can't see in the water unless you have a lens on and then they go above and the other lid goes away and they've got an above water lens and it only took 50 million years for that to a wall so I'm just kidding so I think Adam could actually behold the things that God made under the water as well I think that Adam could spend years roaming the planet and seeing new things all the time look at all the different varieties of animals that have come just through animals meeting each other and procreating different kinds of hummingbirds and different kinds of how many different kinds of dogs are there how many different kinds of cats and so man was the god of this world and he not only was to be a manager of God's creation and he had great delight in it he was learning about God and doing it he had the communion of he could talk to angels like I'm talking to you the other is man was not imprisoned on the island because of sin he wasn't quarantined here he could go to other planets freely travel through space how they did that I don't know you son that song Rock of Ages I'll soar to Worlds unknown I think man could travel through space all right you had a question I'm sorry yeah their comment is that in the book great controversy that when eaten is restored Adam is gonna look into the garden once again see the very vines that he had trained before he was expelled course we'll get into that in chapter 3 he was evicted from the garden ultimately I don't know if I'm gonna get woman created tonight let me see so and let me get a verse 15 he took the man put him in the garden come Adam saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat free no limitations but one restriction of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day you eat you will surely die in that word there surely die it actually translates in dying you shall die now some people say you don't really die that you just kind of go into an altered state you go to heaven you go to hell but the penalty for sin is the wages for sin is death John 3:16 says yeah a couple of options believe everlasting life don't believe perish God told Adam even dying you will die and dull it whoever has that sex and talk about what happened as far as death the day that they disobeyed so then God says now God is again giving a headline here keep in mind there no chapter divisions when Genesis was written God gives another headline God said it's not good for man to be alone that's your headline now what did he do he backs up into the sixth day and he talks about more detail about woman being created now man God was very busy on the sixth day things were made right what's the first thing that God says is not good everything else God says a good good good but you notice the first thing he declares not good is man be alone God created man to be a social creature now that doesn't mean that if for whatever reason you're single that's not good because some people are single but you can still be a social creature so he said it's not good that man should be alone I will make a helper comparable or that will complement him out of the ground the Lord God now back something tells you how she was created see that out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and he didn't make a man out of the ground the same way every kind of bird in the air and he brought them to Adam to see what he would call them all right some people stop right here and they say can't be true there are about 8.9 million different species of animal in the world today how could adam possibly pick names for 8.9 million different kinds of animals of course a lot of these animals are in the same categories and back when god first made the animals did God have dachshunds German shepherds Labradors a lot of dachshunds yeah they're dachshunds an amalgamation sorry that's probably poodles and little yappy dogs chihuahuas hairless Chihuahua and you could probably all have those dogs right did he make all those did he have two dogs you know I read something that there's actually about 150 different kinds of categories of animals and everything falls into those categories you've got your cattle do you know that you can crossbreed the cape buffalo with an American Buffalo you can crossbreed a lion with a tiger you can crossbreed a zebra or the donkey they are all related the Bible says he made each one after their kind and so when you start reducing the animals to their major categories and kinds Adam doesn't need 10 years to name the animals he maybe needed to pick out 50 names a hundred names and just get the big classifications the other thing is how quick is Adam in thinking now if you brought you know a giraffe or camel to me and God said all right Doug name that thing it looks like it's designed by a committee and I know you know but Adam he's got perfect inspiration I mean yeah he was young his mind was quick he's very young it was his first day of life and so um he didn't take him he didn't have to you know write down a list and throw it out he's surrounded by crumpled up pieces of paper as he's trying to think of a name for an elephant I think he looked at it and he saw its features and he had a name we were the original language of Eden and he called it elephant whatever the name wasn't like the word hippopotamus is a Greek word it means water horse and so they were their words or sounds that identified the characteristics for presuming of these animals and some of me maybe just thought were cute and he came up with a name but it didn't take him long but what was happening why did God do that first of all Adam is a king of the planet God said Adam you name him not only does he name the animals he names his wife so Adam is given dominion of the planet from the very beginning but he notices that as he's looking at the animals the the buck has its DOE and the long mane Lions got his lioness and he's noticing right away oh they're all kind of paired up it didn't take him very long he's brilliant remember he's got a perfect brain and he's noticing right away seems to be a vacuum here in my life I haven't lived very long but something's missing God wanted him to feel that isn't that right so he goes through this exercise he brought them to Adam to see what he would call them I mean it the way it's worth it's almost like God says I wonder what he's going to say you did to God know everything and whatever Adam called each creature that was its name he had that authority to do that some Adam gave names to all cattle and birds of the air and every beast of the field but for Adam there was no there was not found a helper comparable to him so now God says I'm gonna find a solution for that problem and the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and he slept as he slept he took one of his ribs and he closed up the flesh in its place and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man he made into a woman and he brought her to the man so as man is asleep do you think he put him to sleep kid to anesthetize him so he wouldn't feel the pain of the surgery God could have done it why he's wide awake yeah he's wanting to surprise him as someone said that God thought the first man to sleep before he got married and a lot of people would be better off if they went to sleep when they started thinking about I didn't say that I just came to me sorry someone else said it I just repeated it but so he put man to sleep and he took from his sight now why from this side why didn't he take first of all he took a bone what comes from your bones blood and he takes one from the side it didn't take a foot bone that this new creature should trample him he did not take the skull that he should trample her or vice versa but he took something from the side tradition says by the heart under the arm Eve was a little less in stature than man and you know typically in most civilizations of the world man has been the primary protector and provider of his family and yet she had an extra rib you know there's a rumor that goes around that there's a rumor that goes around that men actually have one less rib that not true it is true most people have 24 ribs to pair 12 it is true that occasionally you'll have a person that has thirteen ribs or 11 but it's not very common it's like have you ever met somebody that had an extra toe or an extra finger so you know there's all kinds of anomalies but most people you know you might want to count yours but their heart it's hard to do so men do you still have the same number of ribs and they say see that proves the Bible's not true it doesn't say God took a rib from every man does it took a rib from Adam if you find Adams carcass and we'll have something to talk about but so it's just something that God did there and then it doesn't say Adam had a big scar says God closed up the flesh so Adam didn't feel any pain he didn't feel a vacuum he knows what God has done cuz later he says bone of my bone speaking of Eve so God told him he says I've got a surprise it says he brought her after he makes the woman from the rib it's like God takes a rib and he leaves him asleep he goes rings he's gonna really like this you know and God makes the woman and then he brings her to him and he brought it to the man he said and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman for she is taken out of man and this is a derivative of the word man which so it's it's pronounced like Aisha bish and our issues and so it means man like because she had come out of man and so he names his wife the first woman came out of man every other man came out of woman so it's kind of interesting when you think about it like that and so here then God creates he makes a statement there about marriage in verse 24 therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and they will become one flesh goes on to add they were both naked the man and his wife and they were not ashamed so here you've got this picture of man and woman in paradise know what it says that they're one flesh how is a man and a woman one flesh well they for one thing they are to be united in their work they were in marriage they also become one flesh through the act of love and when children are made it's the combination of the genes of both the man and the woman and it's always fun when you see children the first thing relatives start to try to argue about is who they look like sometimes they're a mix sometimes they're always insisting no like the fun no like the mother the mother's family says and and so it's like they become one and we're also supposed to be one when the Bible says the father and the son are one well we know they're two separate unique individuals but why does it God say the father in the center one because they're one in purpose they're perfectly united in their direction man is not completely complete in many ways without woman you ever heard the expression opposites attract I want to ask if you've experienced that but it is sometimes true but I think God does that with his cosmic humor because usually the person you marry has things that you're missing in your character and you have things that they're missing in their character I confess this in front of my wife you had a question Brendan oh that a rib can regrow I didn't know that interesting it's re saying that it may be one of the only bones of the body that can regrow I don't know I hadn't heard that yeah yeah if you don't completely cut it he can regenerate some interesting I like a lizard's tail huh all right and then closing this off they were both naked the man and his wife were not ashamed now does that mean that Adam and Eve were skipping and streaking through the garden and they didn't notice each other's nakedness as they say oh yeah they they had no a shame for one thing because there was no sin no guilt there was an innocence there you ever seen children like playing on the beach and you know when they're little like that they'd parents they're kind of come loose and when they were little yeah Adam Eve didn't even have belly buttons did they Eve had a rib button but Adam and Eve were not naked as we would be unclothed because as soon as they sinned and they notice and this will come up again later immediately they know something was missing when Moses talked to God and he came down the mountain what happened to his face it's shown and when the disciples came off the mountain after talking to Moses Elijah and God their faces were shiny that's in desire feet it's not in the Bible but when people live in communion with God what will the righteous get doesn't talk about the robes made white in the blood of the Lamb and so I believe that Adam and Eve had these garments of light and when you send the light goes out and so they were just they were glowing with the garments of light and they were not ashamed yes you know in of your nakedness does not appear ya Revit let me read it for people in Revelation 3 the message to the Laodiceans it says that we will buy of him white raiment that we might be clothed that the shame of our nakedness does not appear yea but Jesus lost his robe that we might be covered the only thing he left behind was a blood-stained robe which is a symbol of his righteousness well there's a lot more there I could have done better in Genesis chapter 3 but we are Genesis chapter 2 but we found an even starting point for our next study and so I want to thank our friends who have been joining us in our Bible study online and we'll wish you a good night as we have our final prayer request here and closed-off our program
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
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Id: cWk9PldpwH0
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Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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