Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen Pan Roasted Halibut

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today I'm going to teach you how to make our pan-roasted halibut with a poached egg and lemon herb [Music] for this dish you're going to need about a six ounce filet of halibut local if available to you you're also going to need a touch of olive oil some cubed butter crushed garlic cloves and thyme it's that simple we're gonna start with a nonstick pan touch of olive oil you don't want to salt your fish too early salt is a beautiful beautiful thing you saw too early it's gonna start to cure it so it's important that you saw right before you go into the pan and that you saw evenly when you're cooking with hot oil you always want to lay your protein away from you you're gonna push that down very gently to make sure that it's even on the cooking surface as I see that color start to come it's cooking fairly quickly with a fish like this I don't want to put it in the oven I want to hold on to that moisture and I want to finish it stove top as soon as I get that nice sear on the bottom side of the fish I'm going to flip it and then I'm just going to use the heat in the pan with a little butter garlic and thyme to cook the fish through and give it a little extra flavor with those aromatics so now that I have that color I'm looking for on this side I'm gonna flip it you see how important it was that I gently press that fish down into the pan so you get nice even coloring I'm going to allow that same amount of time on the other side of the fish because you want a nice even cook now that it's had some time on the flip side I'm gonna add a little bit of butter crushed garlic and some thyme you're gonna see that butter start to incorporate with the oil you see the brown butter starting to go basically just giving the fish a butter bath now I can see I got that nice color I'm looking for and I'm gonna pull this fish out of the pan and I'm gonna let it rest halibut is amazing because you can pair it with so many things we're pairing it with tartar style potato inside of our pommes puree we have some Cornish owns creme fraiche a little lemon zest capers and some parsley we have a nice little bed of sauteed spinach on top of that we're gonna take our I can feel this perfectly cooked halibut we're gonna lay that right on top for the garnish on the halibut we're also finishing off with a poached egg and a little lemon herb or Blanc so we're going to want to get that sauce right on top of the egg and then just puddle it right around there'll be more information for you in the link below in the description for some little added texture we're going to use some pommes frites this is the halibut entree in Hell's Kitchen delicious hey guys if this video made you hungry we have more recipes on our YouTube channel check it out click subscribe and get cooking [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen
Views: 114,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Pan Roasted Halibut, Cooking Guide, Master Chef, Cooking Skills, Gourmet Cooking, Home Cooking.
Id: GTlS8Mf-egQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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