PAN DE HUEVO FACIL - Silvana Cocina ❤
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Channel: SilvanaCocina
Views: 719,861
Rating: 4.7756124 out of 5
Keywords: silvana cocina, cake, cookies, postre, pie, kuchen, tarta, tartaleta, carne, pollo, pavo, pechugas, cena, navidad, san valentin, semana santa, pascua resurreccion, helados, cakepops, cupcake, muffins, smothies, milkshake, pastel, sandwich, pan, bread, quiche, magdalenas, bizcochos, queque, pancake, crepes, panqueque, torta, flan, budin, pannacota, mousse, ganache, silvanacocina, comida chilena
Id: VLnENSxxm2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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