Palm Sunday | Bishop Michael Pitts | Prophetic Move

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to you today god we run to you god for safety we say have your way in this place holy ghost father we surrender to you we yield to you father we say let no flesh glory in your presence god we glorify your name so you don't have to share your glory with another god you are holy and mighty god you are mighty in battle [Music] father releasing this place a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you god enlighten the eyes of our understanding god let a spirit of counsel and might be in this place father we ask for a special anointing to flow from our bishop today father give him the keys to unlock god to open into shut [Music] in jesus name amen if you are here for the first time you are in for a special treat i am pastor daniel but today i get to introduce my pastor to you if you're here for the first time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and to the rest of the square root church family you know our bishop is in the house and i want you to be excited because i don't know if you know the blessing that is here bishop is is world renowned and requested all over but has made it this year specifically important to minister to those that he covers and strengthen the house so how scripture says strengthen the temples so that we can expand our territory and so don't become familiar just because he's been so generous with his time this is not a common thing bishop i love you come on and tear this thing down man it is palm sunday [Applause] [Music] and there is praise in this house today and i'm i'm gonna be very careful because i'm not trying to preach like a um theological message today but i feel i was sitting here and i felt like this square of carpet is going to become so anointed [Music] for people that i'm going to pray for it's gonna be a little bit ridiculous so i mean if you you know if you have like a a regular kind of a thing because this young man right here come out here i'm gonna show you you're gonna be the first one come out here i'm gonna show you no it's gonna be crazy no it's gonna be crazy asa baja [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the lord would say [Music] the people that you walked away from in the last two months that tried to hold you in a place that you were not capable of handling [Music] and the moment that you took a step this way the lord took his step your way [Applause] yeah and there will be a rising of your destiny and purpose in your heart who's this guy over here on this on this keyboard get over here get over here it's like two or three people at the same time hey i feel something in here i feel something in here stand up here too because the word for him was also for you there comes a moment when you make a stand [Music] to do what god has given you to do it's not always easy it doesn't always feel good sometimes it hurts but here you are here you are here you are and the anointing of the lord will rest upon you now a few things need to be untangled but it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it has to be untangled it has to be ah [Applause] [Music] a it has to be untangled but it will be but it will be but it will be it will be it will [Music] i be somebody to take a moment right here [Applause] clap your hands like you ain't got no kind of sense it's palm sunday everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm trying to be done but god's not done with you i'm trying to be done uh-huh uh-huh take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it so [Music] so the male the male figures that have spoken against your heart [Music] is broken today it's broken today [Music] i don't know how old you are but when you were 10 years old when you were 10 years old god spoke to you oh dear goodness that's when you started playing am i right yes yeah i didn't start doing this yesterday 10 years old you started playing father grandfather somebody was ugly ugly to you doesn't make them a bad person it means they were ugly to you and it broke your heart but on palm sunday [Applause] you have two songs that you have on a piece of paper lyrics things that you're trying to write this year this year this year you will sing them others will sing them i don't know if that it'll be national or just local or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i see it i see it i can see the sheet music of it i can see it [Music] you don't have to hurt you don't have to hurt treya come up here put your hands on him because because there's something in here that's coming out in the hey i need somebody to [Applause] hey in the name in the name in the name so will you send to him on his phone the same thing i sent to you so i have a friend of mine uh stephen tavani his wife is peaches from peaches and herb reunited they've been i'm the godfather of their children i've known them for 30 years and stephen tavani produced for smokey robinson and all those people and i asked them to send to tria about a 10 minute video of what it means to write music i'm going to ask you to send that to him you have no idea you have no idea pastor he has no idea he has no idea oh my gosh [Music] i'm just looking at him because he has no idea [Music] [Music] he has no idea he has no idea and if i could tell you guys all the people that i've known in the music world and i'm not really musical but all the people i've known in the music world over the years i have a grace for this [Music] if you look on fred hammond some of you know fred hammond and if you look on his first project my name is on there because i prophesied over him when he was part of commissioned israel houghton before there was ever a new breed and i can't even i can't even play like this guy i can't see nothing too much but i know what i'm looking at i know what i'm looking at i know what i'm looking at i know what i'm looking at there's a there's another young guy right there in the pink shirt yeah i need to pray for you i'm trying to get on with this oh you're back home now you're back home now okay just checking on you my young man pastor i'm trying to [Applause] so today the lord will touch you and your struggle is your doubt insecurity and the fact that you don't believe people it's okay it's okay because pastor when i was when i was looking at him i heard the lord say he's trying you his wife or girlfriend or beyonce come here fiance be home sick [Music] hi um he's trying he's trying oh [Applause] i heard the lord say he's trying he's trying he's very hurt but he's trying it's hard for you to trust pastor it's hard for you to trust the church it's hard for you to believe anybody but he's trying he's trying i see so many things my friend [Music] that hurt you and broke you [Music] she doesn't even know all of it yet she doesn't have to but you're trying i want to say to you keep trying keep pushing don't you dare give up [Music] and give him a little space [Music] what's that okay because he is trying [Applause] [Music] sometimes god lets us know him by giving someone like me a word for you that you know i wouldn't know otherwise so i will tell you that you don't pray regularly and you don't pray properly but the last prayer that you prayed [Music] was god help me because i'm very hurt how am i doing you're perfect it's crazy destiny is there [Music] man i'm telling you who can help these guys do we have like a family counseling peoples you're her dad come up here my god it's palm sunday everybody sit down sit down as palm sunday i thought i was going to preach but i'm not preaching you guys are her dad so how am i doing up here you blow i'm blown away i'm blown away we just had this conversation like a couple weeks ago we had a little yeah you know i'm seeing so much and when i see so much i have to know what to say what not to say you know i see it so much so much so much it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay i see dad granddad uncles oh [Music] i see all of it sorry sorry about that it's going to be okay [Music] you know all this service i'm sitting here on the front row with you pastor and i looked over there and every time i saw you i heard the lord say it's gonna be okay tell him he's trying i know you're trying i know you're trying [Music] all things will turn all things will change this is your season this is your time [Music] so there's a couple things that you should talk to him about without fear and just say this is what my life has been and this is how i'm trying [Music] he is your friend okay you think so [Music] what does your baby do june what what what are you going to do you're just going to buy a bunch of stuff i have three grandchildren and my wife buys everything amazon comes to our house every day anyway i wanted to pray for you today my friend and tell you i know you i know you're trying it's a lot of responsibilities on you at the moment at the same time of dealing with great pain this is your season this is your moment and things will turn for you all right somebody clap your hands and give god some praise up here in this house today thank you guys [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i need to pray for this young man right there [Music] yeah right there come on up here this is this is our like anointed rug today [Applause] [Music] good to see you this is my like anointed rug today and his sweater is kind of matching the rug i don't know what that means two decisions are in front of you at this moment one business one ministry one business one ministry two decisions in front of you now and i hear the lord saying that the path will be straight the path will be straight i don't know if i should tell you guys this you're getting ready to be like fairly rich because there is a decision in front of you business-wise that will propel you into the future where lack will not be a part of your name i'm just saying i'm just saying [Music] i'm just saying i'm just saying i'm just saying i'm just saying who are the voices that would speak against you who are the people that would say that you cannot do it who are those that would say that there is no way for you who are those that would harm you who are those that would say that the lord cannot make a way for the lord your god shall make your way straight the lord your god will make your planet there is someone there is someone there someone who has evil to say about you who seems to be ghosting you and controlling from behind the scenes trying to stop you but the lord your god will say it will come to a stop [Applause] [Music] you understand it will stop today [Applause] and one year from today one year from today you will be will be doing so good so good so good let me have your hand because your heart your heart is for the lord [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] hey [Music] receive it receive it receive it man i am loving what is happening in this place right here right here and right now [Music] [Applause] what time is it it's bishop time [Applause] [Music] it's palm sunday everybody clap your hands one time come on everybody jump up one time jump up one time jump up one time whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was somebody i was supposed to pray for earlier that didn't look like they wanted to be prayed for oh that's you right there yeah you just turned around [Music] [Applause] you you didn't look like you wanted to be prayed for but i'm gonna pray for you anyway all right is that okay yeah it's good [Music] [Music] forest but not forsaken [Music] you're here because you were forced please forgive me if i if i use the wrong words but you're not forsaken your insides are shaking you're trying to find yourself [Music] but today i came to tell you that god sees you he sees you he sees you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he sees you he sees you he sees you he knows you he knows your name he knows your thoughts [Music] here yours look at all these people out here looking at you who are these people [Music] hey um you know something you're okay you're okay you're okay promise you um a month ago a month ago a month ago a month ago i'm just trying to figure out what i should say publicly a month ago you were done [Music] and what the people close to you don't know is that you were making plans to exit this world yeah i see that yeah but you're okay you're okay you're okay you're okay you're okay you're okay who brought you to church today dead mom can you all come up here is it okay or should i just tell them to go home [Music] i thought i was going to preach today but evidently i'm not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so did you hear what i just said to him so sometimes i see things so i see a bedroom with a wood door a flat screen tv um like some kind of uh dresser drawers and i don't know mountain dew bottles all over the place what am i doing how do you know that stuff i'm just i'm just saying i'm a prophet what can i tell you it's like [Music] two o'clock in the morning two o'clock in the morning you're online some kind of stupid video whatever it is video games warcraft or some kind of i think i was playing like roblox room whatever whatever and something came into your heart that said that you should die [Music] and you made a plan you made a this is a month ago you made a plan you contacted a friend that had access to pills i'm sorry that you have to hear this i just want you to know he's hurting i'm just working on something right here thank you for bringing him to church today thanks dad you care you care a lot [Music] i hear you praying which is funny because it's not like a big ecclesiastical prayer laying in your bed and you said god help me help my son help me help my son help me help my son help me help my son i hear that i hear it i hear it i hear it i hear it [Music] yeah i hear it i hear it today we release the blessing of god upon you [Music] [Applause] [Music] over your life over your family you're trying not to repeat what your siblings did [Music] you're saying god don't let me do what they did and i hear the lord saying a blessing comes upon you today what does this shirt say addicted to gangs or gains the only reason i don't care i don't care about your clothes what's your name ethan ethan ethan ethan we declare the blessing of god over your life today [Music] [Applause] we declare the blessing of god over this family and this church and this community and somebody clap your hands and say amen as these guys go come on god bless you dude come on somebody make a little bit of noise in here [Music] okay everybody sit down i'm trying to preach something but this young man right here with the got your little ball cap on backward [Music] come on up here looking like you should be on uh looking like you should be on sandlot [Music] do you know that you are a leader rising in this church [Applause] how old might you be 14 13 [Music] 14 14. i want to say something to you pastor um [Music] i was a leader in my church when i was 14 15 years old i started a radio program when i was 16. i became a youth pastor when i was 18. i started the church when i was 21 and i don't feel no way he's tired anyway anyway and i have been called everything i went to summer school almost every year [Music] i was an at-risk youth the judge told me next time i see you bring a toothbrush because i'm putting you away because you're an at-risk youth i told him i am not an at-risk youth you are at risk because of my youth i did not i was not a slow learner i had slow teachers anyway lots of problems [Music] if you go back two generations in your family you will find out that you had a father grandfather somebody that had something to do with the gospel and they preached it ah and in in what i'm seeing is that they were on not like um not like on a car or a truck but like on a horse or a mule or something you know like old school old school [Music] it has come down to you to pick up that mantle and the feeling that you have for art the feeling that you have for art is resident there as well [Music] there's there's there's somebody in your world that's trying to tell you that you should be a doctor or a lawyer or you know some kind of a thing like that and it's weighing its wing on you but it's okay nobody ever talked to me about college because i failed nearly every class i ever had but i can feel your heart because there's somebody you're wanting to please you're wanting them to be proud of you and they're talking about doctors and lawyers and [Music] but the lord will oh i just heard it i just heard it the lord will make you an evangelist [Music] [Applause] i just heard it i just heard it an evangelist i just heard it [Applause] [Music] i heard that i heard that i heard that because we have apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers but our generation is lacking for evangelists [Music] you can do it you can do it you can do it [Applause] you can do it [Applause] i just want to block the voices it's easy for people that don't know what your purpose is to say things that they don't mean to be ugly you know they're just they're just talking they're just talking they're just talking i want to find some stuff for him to read i'll get it to you on evangelists because i'm going to tell you my friend [Applause] that little stuff you've been doing on like on your computer with the like pretending like you're a hip-hop guy and writing like a little bit of rap stuff no i'm all into it i'm all into it i see all of it but it's all going to work for your favor it's all going to work for your favor it's all going to work for your favor it's all going to work for your favor and stay away from that silly girl [Music] i see her i see her i see a whole picture leave it leave her alone for a little bit you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay and you're going to do what god gave you to do [Music] somebody clap your hands they give god some praise up in here [Music] is this is your what is it like family day for you or something two for one dollar store what's that how am i doing over here what do you want me to say you said everything what do you want me to say [Music] i'm just telling you guys keep your eye on this guy right here because i'm telling you it's going to be like a skyrocket [Music] promise you promise you i know what i'm looking at and i what i'm talking about all right everybody clap your hands let's do it let's do it [Music] [Applause] i'm just trying to figure out if there's anybody else i need to pray for today i want to say how great it is to be with your pastors and um daniel and tria are a couple of my favorite people in the whole world and you know it and you know it [Music] this next season is going to be incredible three major voices have risen up against you and then the next season they will be brought down [Music] [Applause] i know what i know i know what i know i know what i know the next six months this church will double [Applause] yo y'all didn't believe me y'all didn't believe me the next six months [Music] this church will double one of the people that have been ugly toward you we haven't talked about this so i only know what i know but one of the people that have been ugly towards you will have a really bad season don't don't jump onto it don't take advantage of it because it's going to happen yeah it's going to happen i can see their face but i don't want to describe them because i don't want harm for anybody but um yeah i see it i see it yeah there are very racial person very racial i see the i'll i'll just describe a little bit i see the like cool haircut not quite cool as mine [Music] with the black rim glasses and very racial comments very legalistic but you will prevail you will prevail you will prevail [Music] all right everybody sit down because i need to stop just play a little bit with me can you play an e flat do you like to play an e flat or is that a bad key for you you can transpose i i preach in a flat it's what my music people have told me over the years and i sing in the e-flat and if y'all don't work with me i'd be flat [Music] i want to talk to you about just for the next few moments maybe i'll take just two or three moments with each point on this palm sunday is one the call to worship it is the call to worship worship is central to the message of the cross worship involves sacrifice it involves participation it involves all of us i want to say to you when jesus came into jerusalem it was a moment of worship hosanna hosanna hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord i'm going to make a point in just a moment but i want to say to you make sure that you worship number two is the point of generations when jesus came into jerusalem he said this has something to do with your children and generations what we do now affects those who are coming behind us it's not it's not unusual that i prayed for so many young people today [Music] because i'm watching them come up in a world where people don't teach them to worship [Music] where church is an option [Music] and they will not be children very long [Music] they will they will grow up [Music] and be a part of our world very quickly [Music] and then i say to you to support the houses of worship like this beautiful place i think it's worship i think it's generations and i think it's economics i'm watching people support everything other than their churches i told you before that i founded our church my wife and i did she's probably watching online right now hey babe um 35 years ago with a hundred people in a storefront building and over the years we have had two radio stations a television station 110 rental properties a for-profit movie theater um two christian schools five campuses and in my life i have raised over a hundred million dollars because i preached two or three times a week all of my life every place from new zealand to russia the ukraine south africa mexico bogota pick a place and i know some pastors they preach like on a sunday and play golf two or three days a week but i never did that i preached two or three times a week since i was a young person and i found out that when people support their church ecabaye when you support your church and your pastors feel supported don't play a game with it let them know we love you we thank god for you we know you're working yourself strongly into it and we know god has given us something to do [Music] and when you spend more on soccer equipment football equipment wendy's and pizza hut then you give to your church you're part of the problem [Music] y'all don't love me okay they want me to prophesy some more [Music] i'm saying to you that i believe that square root church has an incredible destiny in broward county [Music] and you may not even know it yet but it is on the way it's home away i was going to preach a message [Music] easter sunday is going to be to me it's going to be like a tipping point in america because our churches are going to reopen trust me trust me all over america we about ready to kick this thing into another gear i said we've already kicked this thing into another gear [Applause] i know you can't clap but act like you [Applause] can so so my po who's sitting next to you [Music] what's that are like you guys like a thing no man i just really put him on the spot he's like okay never mind okay never mind but stand up just for a moment because uh genesis um you are a writer and there is a book in you and you've been writing you've been writing writing i see it how am i doing pretty good yeah you you're laughing but you're trying to write music so anyway i'll come to you nick i'll come to you now [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just saying i'm just saying [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah there's a one of the songs that you're working on is out of the psalms you've been trying to take david's stuff and reworking it i'm coming back to you i'm coming back you just sit on that for a minute anyway so you're writing you're writing and part of the writing is also like poems and things like that yeah and you're looking for someone to do illustrations yeah i see it the hand of the lord will come upon you and what has started quickly but then kind of bogged down will happen quickly in the next 30 days [Applause] and people will come your way and god will bring them into your future somebody say yes for genesis okay okay okay what are we doing what are we doing okay come here come here come up here on the anointed rug [Music] you've been standing as long as i have are you okay okay [Music] i'm just working on this right here because whose is this i'm just trying to track with you because a lot of things are going in my mind psalms 116 psalms 118 that you've been writing on [Music] so so you asked someone about how to write and when you got done talking to them it actually hindered your writing it's one thing to craft a song it's another thing to give birth to a song [Music] and god has not called you to craft a song he's called you to birth a song [Music] and your first your first your first release will be a song of this house [Applause] i felt it i felt it i felt it i felt it i felt it i felt it and it will it will contain grow [Music] and build and overflow [Music] [Music] and it comes it comes it comes it comes it comes upon you now upon you now upon you now upon you now [Music] the lord god has put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise unto our god many shall hear it in fear and put their trust in the lord in the name of jesus somebody clap your hands and give doctor is this yours [Music] man i am loving you guys today [Music] you know next sunday it's not going to be room in here do you know how many people need to return to god that have lost their zeal in the last year they just got used to not being a part of anything but i'm asking god for this easter sunday for his church to return and for people who have lost out to reconnect [Music] i want to do something here and then i'm going to sit down i'm really believing that there is an economy of god ready for the church i really don't have patience for people who say they're a part of the church and their money goes every place else every so often god puts it in your heart to stretch your faith now i'm going to tell you your pastors are pretty generous people [Music] they're always kind they're always good when i was coming up under dr lester sumrall every he he lived maybe two hours for me he was in south bend indiana i was in toledo ohio and this was you know 25 30 years ago every time i went to see him i always took a thousand dollars just to put in his hand he didn't need it he had a jet he had five tv stations he had a steam liner i was the one that was broke but that was my seed to him oral roberts came to see me in toledo when i was a young man and we had a private dinner in the hotel that he was at and you see oral roberts university is like hitting the sweet 16. y'all not paying attention to and um they're called the golden eagles oral roberts told me at that time a golden eagle to me is someone that would sow 25 000 into my vision i became a golden eagle didn't go on vacation didn't buy no new shoes didn't go out to eat but i sold i'm certainly not saying that you should sow 25 000 well unless pastor said unless the lord leads you but here here's what i do know here's what i do know that pastors spend most of their lives trying to figure out how to arrange budgets and if we could alleviate that pressure and if we could give as an act of worship and so you don't ever have to worry about me when i come i'm showing up with some cash i'm showing up when whenever dr sumrall saw me whenever bishop jake sees me whenever or robert saw me they know i'm showing up with a check i didn't come to take i came to seoul [Applause] [Music] and i'm just saying square root church has such a vital role for what's getting ready to happen here in broward county i just want everybody to give something all right so everybody says i'll i'll do something just raise up your hand right here you're trying to raise up your hand over there honey but you you ain't got no money you got no and uh pastor's gonna come and tell you how you can do that i'm so glad to see you easter's going to be crazy good [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead and put the the giving slide up there so we can sow in faith here i tell you uh this is the first time i've heard bishop mention the thing with the seed with lester sumrall uh in person i heard you on a cd or cassette maybe some 12 15 years ago you gave that testimony about how god put that on you and i took that on from then to never be before my man of god without a seed which is uh you know you say it's generous i'm saying this faith because i ain't giving everybody something one but i say thank you because my life has been blessed because because of that and it definitely unlocks something so there are a couple of messages to preach no no no no no put that away so so so so with this this year if you are part of square root church then you know that what god has released over this house this year and the word that has been over this house this year is prophetic grace and so the deposit for today and uh exclusively in the prophetic i believe is going to leave a residue because a lot of and maybe i'm speaking um ignorantly but churches in south florida don't move heavily in the gifts of the spirit there is a lot of exegeting the text there is a lot of theology and doctrine and that stuff is all good but when it comes to the flow of the spirit and setting aside programs and following the voice of god where he holds the hand the heart of the king in his hand and turns it like rivers of water uh there is there is not a heavy flowing in these days we why why do ministry without the holy spirit [Music] so thank you no it was on time and i've been trying to get ariel's family together for a long time anyway [Music] so all right so the us just have envelopes you can give online through the smart giving the app cash app or text to give and let god use you i'm gonna pray and then i'm gonna say something and then we're gonna get up out of here father god we thank you for the privilege to give to your kingdom father everything that we have it comes from you father you have given us the strength god to go out and accomplish wealth and god we bring you back the tithe we keep our covenant god we bring you back an offering god we say receive our sacrifice as praise and worship god i ask you to multiply the seed father like you did the fish and the loaves like you did the flower and the oil for the widow of god that it would do more than humanly possible and i pray for every giver that it would come back to him in good measure press down shaken together and running over father that that the harvest god would overtake the sowing the reapers would overtake the sowers in jesus name [Music] amen but i still make it the best you ever [Music] why you let your grandson steal [Music] you
Channel: Square Root Church
Views: 781
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, christ, daniel, rios, square, root, church, preach, src, davie, cooper city, bishop, michael, pitts, Michael Pitts
Id: hdciUW9Uhwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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