Palm Bora Drysuit User Testing

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[Applause] [Music] good morning daley from santa paddle uk so today is a nice sunny day but it's quite fresh it's quite cool i'm actually going to take out the palm borer dry suit today to give it a run and see what it's like it's getting up to winter paddling season i'm not a fan of wetsuits i'll be done in a dry suit all winter the palm borer is their top of the range dry suit for pitch really at touring kayaking and things like that but it has absolutely fantastic properties that make it a great great dry suit if you were going on big long adventures paddle boarding or want that protection from the elements so check out this vlog and see what you think [Music] i'm wearing neoprene boot this is a palm paw that'll go over the bibs in the dry trousers which are generally quite generous or always quite generous i should say the idea behind that is that different people have different size feet then you've got a full built-in um dry trousers in the dry suit on the men's it's got the wii zip um on the women's it's actually got a zip down at the back which you can obviously um supposed to squat and get your business done um i'm then wearing a palm quick release belt which has become a key part of my kit um for the last sort of six months probably a little bit more than six months and again we're massively advising people look at this darren's just post an article because it's much easier to get to in the state of an emergency and an ankle leash can obviously lead to entrapment so do your research and make sure you pick the right kit that's what i'm going for then around the drive suit because these are also the kayaking they're not specific you get um like a pocket in there to took your um your spray skirt or your your deck or whatever you want to call it to keep the water out the cockpit and then obviously you've got these velcro adjustable straps to tighten to your waist on the inside of the suit is also like a neoprene band that allows it not to ride down and move around which just hugs it to your waist which is quite nice i've then got this um ace buoyancy aid reason as i've told you before it's nice and slim line it's perfect for sup um and then on the dry top itself obviously this is a dry suit but the top section has got a pocket that runs all the way through and it's actually got a really nice fluffy fleecy liner for those winter days which is which is fantastic in terms of the arms you've got a velcro cuff and then you've got a latex seal on the arm there to keep it watertight and then what's great about this suit specifically over the other options that palm offer is that this suit actually has an extra component to it which is the neck part which is a nice fleecy neck that goes around and then your actual neck that meshes with your skin is this um a grippy neoprene and that's what makes it watertight the latex seals on the neck are a bit a bit old-fashioned now it's not something that i particularly like it's not very comfortable so a lot of the more expensive suits and a few different ranges of suits don't have that anymore because it really it's just not needed now this is the hood out so the hood is a fully adjustable hood there's tensioner on the back it's got a nice reflective strip and a nice peak on it to keep the weather and the elements out which is really useful you can tuck it away so this all folds within the neckband like it would on a waterproof coat if you want that option and you've also got a nice breathable part there that you can tuck up under your chin if you want to keep warm when you're on the water and the elements are crashing down on you so fantastic bit of design in terms of the the opening of the dry suit um this one is a shoulder opening so it's got a t-zip and basically you you climb into it and then this goes over your head and then you've got to reach around your shoulders to to tie it up that's the most difficult aspect of putting it on um there is a bit of a knack to it it's a bit like putting a wetsuit on you get used to it after a bit now they do do some dry suits with a diagonal zip um which is a lot easier to get on however you don't have this in the borough range this is the sort of premium palm dry suit and if you're going on touring soap or real adventures in bad weather then it's this kind of suit you want to be looking at not not one that's quite exposed to the elements so that's what i'm wearing today um i'm gonna do a bit of a swim test and i suppose the whole pitch is about dry suits over wetsuits really but showing you what's available [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this is the bit where i get funny looks from everyone in the car park because they think the sun's out why you wearing a dry suit well i guess it's that risk of going in you never know the weather's going to change all that kind of malarkey so we're on the water i guess the other advantage is it doesn't matter if i go in wearing a full dry suit so i can just jump on the board and i'm away on the river trench right there so a bit of a different vantage point looking down there i'm just paddling upstream on a section of the saw um to some houses and it's quite windy it's quite a lot of wind the wall's okay a little bit choppy i'm actually quite glad i've got the wind protection on the dry suit it's quite nice i feel well protected now if i was to take a little dip in i've got absolutely no concerns at the moment because i'm warm i'm only wearing a t-shirt and some joggers i'm warm uncomfortable and you know what i've got quite a lot of flexibility i wasn't sure how the zip across the shoulders was gonna fare in a non-kayaking sort of environment in more of a soft environment and i've got absolutely no restrictions on my shoulders i actually feel less restricted than i would in a wetsuit um so yeah i'm very excited about winter season now i think this is a very very nice suit to use for that kind of environment and if the weather does decide it's going to come down on me then i'm super duper protected from the elements i can zip up and nothing's gonna get me you know if the wind starts i can get down i can kind of cover myself or i can get out on the bank and stay warm i've got no issues whatsoever with um any kind of environment really isn't anything better than floating down the river checking out the wildlife meeting some new friends i've got some geese got some cows behind me but generally just having a paddle getting on the water especially around this time of year when people are feeling a bit blue mental health's a big issue as you can see i'm feeling a little bit blue but very safety yellow so one thing about the the boar in particular is this dry set only comes in safety yellow the reasoning for that is because it is a sort of touring um dry dry suit so the intention really is that it's used and you need to be visible because you're using it in really bad weather the hood's quite big you can see that the peaks quite big i think you'd regret it if it wasn't i can tighten that the back or i can loosen it obviously i've got it on with the cap at the moment and then i can zip this up and i'm completely hibernating and the wind chill and everything like that is away from me and off me so really really really i'm impressed um with this suit and i'm glad i've got this suit for the winter it's definitely definitely going to get me out on the water in some really really horrible conditions because i know that i can just climb out the suit and get back in the car and i'm away i keep dropping my paddle that's one thing i don't want to do if i want to unzip that if i'm getting a bit warm come on take the hood off again then i've got airflow and i'm just i'm happy again i'm i'm good to go so i'm gonna go and have a little paddle and i'll check in a bit take care i guess one of the things that everybody wants to know is what is this like to swim in um and what is it like in the event if you do fall in is you know is it watertight is it waterproof what's the deal with getting back on your board things like that so i found a little sheltered area here um just off the saw where it meets the river trent i call it my hot tub it's not very hot it's absolutely freezing um what i'm going to do is just pop my board up on the bank and i'm going to have a little dip in this little section if i might leave myself connected to my board because that's the reality of what would happen because i'm fully watertight now i should just be able to sit down in the water and as you can see i am simply floating because there's a bit of air in this suit i'm not cold i'm nice and warm i've got my ford to get back up it's another form of floatation and i'm not going to put my head under because that's ridiculous i've got a nice cap on don't want to get that wet but as you can see the water's just dripping off me and i've just got no issues with water leaking into my suit or anything like that so no wet kit no like cold horrible neoprene wetsuits when i take this off i can hang it out to dry give it a rinse down always give these things a rinse down but then when i want to go paddling again let's say i go tomorrow then all i've got to do is just climb into that nice clean dry suit obviously this is the sort of more advanced version of palms dry suits um you can check out the cascade that's a nice suit in the atom suit um guys at sub board and mag did a review on the cascade took its surfing completely different um kind of environment to go and sort of river paddling or anything like that but another good review of that suit um inform yourself make a decision um yeah i'm really impressed with dry suits for something the only question is will i be able to get out of this without a hand we'll find out later now who says that canals and english waterways aren't a hive of wildlife because i've got cows i've got geese i've got ducks all sheep all enjoying the same field outside the river trent absolutely beautiful can't get enough of that so the paddle's over this is the bit that i was worried about getting the dry zip off i know there's a bit of a knack to these you're just gonna get that first bit off there you go once that first bit's off you're all right and you're in so it's easy to get out of you can unzip [Music] it [Music] you
Channel: StandUpPaddleUK
Views: 3,967
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: KnNElIduy1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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