Painting The Sea - Oil Painting Demo

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foreign and welcome to Pearl Beach everyone well I've come down here this morning to do a painting of a breaking wave with the sunrise so at this stage the Tide's very low so there's not much of a wave happening but I'm going to head out to the point over there and um head out over there to the point around there and we should be able to get some type of a bit of movement in the water to create a good painting a good Sunrise painting so yeah the beautiful pearl Beach today let's have a look how it looks it's nice and still nice and calm but yeah um pretty pumped to um get down here first thing in the morning it's like 20 minutes to six so about 5 40 AM and uh want to have a go at a subject like this today so that's how that's how it is you know as an artist you want to paint things and inspire things that move you so that's how I'm feeling today so oh yes sir I thought I should go paint a sunrise soon this would be my my um last painting for the year so it was a great year and um I was quite impressed with a couple of paintings that I'd done most of them were pretty mediocre but I've done a couple of good ones I was happy about that and I was able to sell a handful of paintings this year that was pretty good A bit of extra money to keep me going kept me painting so yeah it was you know nothing outstanding but I had a good year anyway so let's hope that my last painting for the year turns out okay so let's just get around the point up here just get around there and we'll check it out well that Moss is nice and green so yeah here we go this is looking a bit better and looks like there's some waves breaking up here where the um the end of the rock shelf hits the meets the water there so yeah I'm happy with this it's low tide so I'm not going to have any dramas about getting wet or washed in the water I think I'm pretty safe around here I could probably go a bit further but it's a bit Mossy there so yeah I'll get my gear set up what I'm going to do is I'm going to move my gear around the corner over here there's a bit of there's a bit of wind coming from from the south so I'm going to just shift around here to get a little bit more protected now I'm not actually painting the Sun or I won't be able to Anyway by the looks of it looks like the sun's going to go behind those clouds there when as it comes up but what I'm what I want is that sunshine on the water see that beautiful color so that's what I'll be doing like a crushing wave sort of subject here I'm not exactly sure yet what what I'm going to do but yeah I'll continue to get set up around here foreign I've worked out what kind of composition I'm going to go for I'll show you guys so basically I'm gonna have it's gonna be like maybe like 70 70 Sky 30 um uh C so I'll just spin you guys around so basically let's get over a bit more basically I'm gonna have it sort of something like that with a on the left crush and wave on the Lefty yeah so that's what I'll go for as I'll get closer to working on the wave I'll come closer and I'll get some shapes in that and um I can shape it the way I want to shape it so yeah let's get pain let's get let's get the blocking in and um we'll go from there I'll tell you what's a lot warmer over here than over there it's quite cold and it looks like there's a bit of a storm happening down that way I'll just show you guys quickly there's a bit of rain down that way but there's plenty of um plenty of mood in the sky so I'll be able to get some something happening that's going to be the rock shelf there there's a head Lane over there keep that keep that little and the wave is going to be somewhere around here okay I'll start with the sky first foreign so with the sky I want to build it up slowly so I've got like a bit of a wash bit of a shape there a bit of shapes going and so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to layer it bit by bit nice and soft without you know making it too muddy and I'm just going to build all up and try and get the mood and the colors right as I go because the whole thing with this painting it's going to be the sky and it's going to be the wave they're the things that are going to really um appeal in this painting so it's still because I've put the wash down with the Block in it's still a bit wet and tacky so I don't want to um muddy it all up I just want to just gradually build it up let it tack off now obviously with the situation I'm in I'm not going to get a beautiful sunrise so I've just got a work with what I've got so um it's not going to be spectacular Sunrise but I'm I'm gonna go from the shapes so when you when you have a look you look at that Sky you can see some shapes uh five minutes ago it was a lot different that was the shape I went for before it was a scattered Sky it was a little bit of blue on the top left and the sun was booming through and I'm sure it's going to come back again so it's still quite early so yeah we'll continue on and get a bit of mood Happening Here don't be afraid to leave a little bit of the board coming through I'm using aluminum composite board that I've just sewed and on the last coat I've added a bit of yellow ocher and uh red I'm not too sure what red it was uh in acrylic to my dresser and gave it that pink color so don't be afraid to leave a little bit of that poking through or add a bit of a bit of um depth and mood to it with the brush I'm just using um just a thin wash of it and I'm just going very wispy I'm trying to get that that depth of a real soft sky now what I'm going to do is get the color of the light get that into the painting and soften it in try and get a real warm Haze going through it foreign foreign foreign thank you okay I'm just stopped for a quick uh cup of tea break well it's changed so much since I got a it's like stormy now it's just changed so much look at it now looks like it's going to rain so I got a little bit of shelter here I'm not worried about the rain I'll come back up and I can just plonk myself here or over there and just wait for that but um I've I'm working on the water now and I'm just trying to keep the color Harmony I didn't have the that's box head out there I didn't have that too profound because from when when I the sketch that I started with it was rural hazy so I left it hazy so that's how it's looking at the moment I'm going to um just work on the just soften the water and then I'm going to put the highlights of the sun on the water and then I'm going to do the wave here and then just bring it together harmonize it all together and uh hopefully hopefully hopefully it'll turn out okay so at the moment it's not bad just see I don't know if this rain's going to set in or what so I just keep painting thank you foreign foreign this is where you guys probably say to me don't pull out that palette knife or I'm going to pull out the palette knife now and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my time I'm not going to wreck it I promise you I'll try my best I'm going to take my time with the little trusty palette knife to get some movement and some water um to get some water movement and get those uh get that wave looking good so yeah let's have a look so this is where I'm at I'm just going to bring it to life just gently I'll be using a brush and a palette knife the color of the the color of the water and as it was before it wasn't like pure white it was like a cold White so I'm just trying to work out how to do it probably had a bit of let's have a look here probably had a bit of um I'll show you guys the photo if you can see that it's like a grainy blue white foreign Sunshine color in the top of it as well foreign thank you okay so let's have a look at it now I don't know if I've ever done it well not so much overdone it but I think I've got to just fix it up a little bit maybe if I continue the flow of the wave actually as it was sort of heads out more that way thank you foreign okay okay I've finished my last painting for the year I'll let you guys be the judge but um I was I I think it's okay I think it's okay I'll have another look at it later but let's have a look so yeah okay so let's have a good look at it so yeah this part here not too sure it's okay I think when you look at the painting as a whole so basically from what I from the reference that I used I was more over there looking that way straight out but it's just too slippery in that to stand there that's why I come back a bit just to be a bit safe so um so basically yeah you're looking you're looking out that way from over there that's the actual view that I used but looking at the painting as a whole um yeah I think I've got definitely got mood I've got Moon I've got atmosphere and I got the look that I wanted to get so I'll just clamp that back up give me a sec I know we'll finish it off so yeah I'm I'm happy with it I think I've I think I I got it I got what I wanted to get so yeah no regrets no regrets so yeah thanks for coming along and checking out my last painting of the Year 2022. let's hope 2023 will be a great year for everyone let's hope that you can get some good paintings done make time to paint get out paint paint as much as you can improve make that next painting better than the one that you've done before encourage each other Inspire each other never give up just um enjoy life so yeah thanks for coming along tell me you think in the comments um I will be doing um in 2023 I'm going to try and find more spots to do live streams I want to do more live streams I like interacting with you guys if you guys need help with anything with your art I'm not an expert I'm self-taught artist but I've got 20 years experience so I might be able to pass something on to you that can help you um so yeah just drop me a line you can contact me on um Facebook tez Della um or Instagram teza t-u-z-a tazudawa or here on the channel and uh yeah happy painting and I'll catch you next one see ya
Channel: Plein Air Adventures with Tez Dower
Views: 9,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plein air painting, Plein air oil painting, tez dower, terry dower, plein air adventures with tez dower, UCkpTr-2kGxWtlhszU6gs68A, art demo, art demo in oils, seascape painting, art adventure
Id: zaGJXMLg_1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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