Painkiller Already 149 - Getting Wings a Date

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Is this the one where Lefty wrote about burning a cross?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/StevenS145 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a hilarious segment. I think this is the same episode wings told the famous gangster grandma finger story. I miss these days.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/str4yshot 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

That wasn't 2010, champ.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NY08 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody should bought wings of redemption we're back with pain can already we're gonna give a [ __ ] away today you can wake up well first we need to talk about our sponsor tonight because if the money is there we just don't care so tonight our sponsor is Cory so Cory has a really good I joke but Cory has a really nice YouTube channel the best Tube channel some have the best YouTube channel mom in the universe found it look no longer this is the one it is the overachievers guide to games go there and check that out and he tells us he's got a little note here he wanted us to know that his dream job would be to get involved with with roosterteeth and do some video editing work with them I guess so if you're one of those guys and you know those guys are know how to get in touch with him let him know that Cory over at the overachievers guide to games is very talented they can look at his work over there and he's interested in that interesting guy Brewster's chief yeah so he's been in Afghanistan he's seen combat and he's a video editor not a comedy all the time he's a young guy and he's done all that yep wings are showing us the the Combat Action badge which is which Cory's wings not to be shown off shown up he has a he has a war oh I see I see there's a dagger on the front my brother he has a Purple Heart and a Combat Action badge he took he caught a grenade in Baghdad all right yeah this guy is in Afghanistan Cory did so check his YouTube channel out they'll be linked in the description there'll be an annotation on the side of the video unless I screw up and and if you're know roosterteeth or if you're from used to mr. teeth take a look at his stuff and all for him a job absolutely it's to pay that man pay the home is money absolutely all of and more because I finally did it I finally got the gaming channel going guess what you put your URL cow it's it's slash FPS just as three letters and I uploaded a Call of Duty for live commentary today and everybody seems to be liking it a lot and that's the video I want to do my first giveaway from the pain killer already prize drawer so inside this drawer I have assembled many items from my from my home dude are asking me about the prize doer all the time I get people in on my minecraft server like I want to get something from Kyle's drawer and I don't know what's in the drawer but let me ask you this do you have anything in the drawer that could kill someone yes do you have anything in the drawer that would facilitate the creation of new life yes yeah and prevent the facilitation of new life yeah I figured that too you could kill people you could prevent people and you could create people with the things in that drawer there's a lot of stuff in here and there's a lot of gaming stuff there's a lot of like tech stuff there's an iPhone 5 case in there a bunch of games that I just didn't want few games that I don't play anymore and a few games that white boy left at my house like last year so I'm just gonna give away some white boy 7 Street stuff as well I guess yeah I'm like he left me like he literally left like 20 or 30 of like white boys 7th Street shirts at my house giveaway ception right when you giveaway white boy stuff because dude what am I gonna do with 20 medium sized varying color white boy 7 Street shirts I have his whole catalog I got them all so I've also got a pair of his swim trunks that I have seen him swimming they are grey they are their gray Nike swim trunks they are a 34 waist which that makes sense that was it 34 no no not yet yes he's tracing me as a 28 or something that yeah it's a little guy he had the biome when he was down here so they were like massive sized but he has worn these I promise and I recently wore them just just letting you know some be given may be may be giving those away I got some buried okay no no completely unwashed I don't know for a fact that they were washed after white boy wore them they come for free with Kyle and white boy pubes at prop pile you gonna get somebody out there with like a white boy shrine gonna need like the DNA hair strands uh-huh they're gonna go drastic park on you too so my question is how do we decide what from the drawer gets given away and all right so so first of all let me just say post a comment on that video that says PKA and I'm going to have a third party individual randomly select one of those comment so on your on your is it the call of duty for live commentary I call it II for live comm is supposed to come in this is PKA and but but my question to you is how do I decide what to give away cuz a kid this is one of the since we're good just reach my hand and dig around I'm gonna no I mean I'm this what I have do this Kyle you got a got a got a coin or so I'm just or honestly I can get one what's your idea open the drawer up take the coin toss it in the drawer and the closest thing it lands to you give away I could throw something in there I don't really keep change I usually throw it away let me see yeah he can't be bothered with change there's some doubloons somewhere I think how do you even keep singles maybe seen that picture of uh is it jay-z like holding he's got like a lap full of hundreds a sketball game and he's got the one he's like wow 210 get in here whatever it was seriously balling oh yeah ridiculous amount of money yeah alright so how we're gonna figure this out does anybody have any suggestions for how we should because I could throw something in there I can do that that's that's one option are there any other options and and just just reaching in and pulling something out is is out because you'll know exactly what it is yeah I'll know exactly what it is unless it's one of the DVDs or video games you could bring something in from your house and tell them to pick something randomly out the drawer for you you could take the drawer dump it into a pillowcase shake it up and have another person pick from the pillowcase like it was Halloween Halloween candy I'm gonna use the wings of redemption method yeah and if you do that it's a video in itself alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna throw a big lighter in there and whatever whatever the silver tip of it is pointing to most directly that is the prize oh I didn't realize we were doing it right now alright doing it right now I think you should shake up the drawer don't trust the condoms in that drawer anymore wait I think I heard the lighter thump in there yeah absolutely I'm trying to decide which of these two items it's most directly pointing at I I want the one to the right gunner you get a used pair of gunner optics nice red all the rage in 2010 absolutely they are let me clean the dust off let me see if they're scratched at all these bad boys on holy [ __ ] my eyes are super-powered now I think I've got some of those hold on a minute so they are in better than average condition I'll say they're not perfect but I think if you use some lens cleaner they will be they will get back to MIT they don't have any big scratches it's not like the kind they tried to give me where you can actually have my glasses prescription in them yeah actually now that I buffed it up a little bit looks almost perfect so yeah I might want to keep these I've got a thousand of these so if you uh if you want the gun or knife expose to comment on the video and I'm gonna choose one of those randomly and then I'm gonna message you privately on YouTube so you'll need to check your messages right now from check your message in like six or eight hours no I can't do that I'll do the giveaway on a Monday well chew surprise Monday Eastern Time or a winner Monday Eastern Time is when I'll pick a winner and I'll message you on YouTube I don't have my gutter glasses anymore but I have regular glasses do you guys want to see the glasses that I wear every blue moon yes yes these are so old I didn't know he's existed yeah I didn't know you know I could be so rude be like yeah put the glasses on woody and now she's if that guy's to get back to him so what do you think sexy I'm bad at all this uh got a lot of glare yeah actually glasses like for reading yeah it there was a time when I was getting kind of a headache from looking at the monitor too long and I got a prescription it's not very strong but it helped somewhat I don't know for me I have a tendency of like if the glasses aren't sitting way up at the top then I'm not comfortable with that and I didn't like do this sort of wiggle with my nose to make them sit there but then they start squeezing and squeezing and and that was like maybe as bad as things like on the back though right Oh to hold him there yeah I used to work on a melt deck and I'm gonna sweat a lot so the glasses would roll down the face and you push them back up and if you do that enough during an eight-hour shift they have a hook right ya know a big l'amour define another big Yetta like they actually hook around your ears what it is is like there's little things a hook on the things at the end and he might like you strap them to the back of your head oh I've seen that as well like a like an elastic people wear them a lot yeah it's not a very they'd fit perfect I'm old just get you could get rec specs Rex maps are the ultimate option if you want to look like basketball players from the late 80s Early 90s uh-huh Kurt Rambis is that his name what's his name I think so I know there was a guy on Chicago Bulls what was his name warm all the time play Mike Singletary you know I'm sorry you said that was oh gosh oh I'll look it up later but yeah did Charles Oakley war grays and horse grant that was it good job wings it's John not a big basketball fan I don't know any of that stuff like I know the Bulls because I watch the Michael Jordan highlights mm-hmm so Kyle did you have more to tell us about your channel no I think that's it so so you've been uploading on a fairly regular basis yeah I've done I've done almost one every day after making everybody wait yeah well they had to way they had to wait till the time was right I want to get all my [ __ ] together and do everything the way I wanted to do it that's always the case but I got um so the first video was kind of like a mash-up of a bunch of stuff we're exhuming what I wanted to do and the second one was the first part of a fallout let's play and then this last one was a really good cod4 live , did yeah you actually you absolutely killed it in that search-and-destroy like I was watching I was in awe I was just like okay all right that's really good that was a fun game I loved that man I just love color you for so so much we need to do I really wish we would do a coldie before day I just don't know how to like organize it yeah on PC it's called duty for day every day because people are playing everyone that's trying to get used to the mouse and keyboard it's hard oh no I can just plug my controller in goodnight I don't know if it has controller support am i I don't know ooh that's some games to have controller support others wings used to play cod on the PC with a controller I just don't know if it was cod for whopper warfare - did you okay well then it'll probably has controller support at least partial then yeah I bet it does I waterway that sucks and it makes a big difference a dome-like yeah this dude yeah I played cod ghost at the event like I don't know three weeks ago something like that and it had no auto aim because we basically put a controller on a PC and that's how we played it I didn't realize how much I used the auto aim sometimes I just spray across guys back and forth and let the auto aim take care of the rest of it and also like so I'm there and it was like a Tale of Two Cities like there's a little pod that had recording software set up and then there was the sea of places that you could play in addition to that pod and when I went anywhere I wasn't recording I was playing against gaming media gaming media cannot hang with youtubers who cannot hang with pro gamers and so I go to the game play against the gaming media like the press and stuff but my kiddies like nine or something it's ridiculous I'm like crushing everyone and I'm like damn cod ghost is for me and then when it comes time to record all of a sudden it's me against like Rambo and nadeshot or something like that and it was the complain like going I don't know three and twelve like god dammit it was so hard to succeed in the recording area and even when you do get a good game for playing with those guys you know the public doesn't see it as a good game like if you go like you know in a dot and a TDM if you go 15 and 12 you did a pretty good job playing it yeah and I had it I had one game where it was a legit good score I went like eighteen and three but in the other ones yeah like I would get like a nine and seven or something and like no one appreciates this oh and by the way everybody's name was like player one two three four so they don't see me killing like optic nadeshot or something like that but just killing player three at best so it was it was really hard to get footage but anyway the point was there was no auto aim and I think one of the things I learned from that is I lean on the auto-aim a lot more than say the pro players do those guys seem to hit their target even without it so so I've noticed looking over there because wings of redemption is the big screen on my monitor he's looking pretty sharp tonight what's going on well you got plans tonight what's going on oh no no I'm looking fresh to death because I found what you call a master barber I didn't realize that they were actually levels of people that do your hair like you go to like your grades look clips or something you have like a basic cosmetologist girl there [ __ ] that can do like standard buzz is they can do a little bit hair they can't really do perms but it kind of goes up and like a master barber versus a regular barber means a master barber is able to shave you and I mean like straight razor old-timey shave you and it's great like he knows what he's doing 100 cent he can tell you about your hair like if you see right here like he's lined up my entire hairline with the straight razor and it looks great and it like matches the beard the beard rolls into like a seamless thing he knows what he's doing was it a black man or a white man it was a white man okay cuz you know the style that you're rocking there I think that a black barber I would have thought that a black barber would have been you know the guys to line you because I've heard black people talk about you know getting their geometry right and you know getting everything lined up and stuff in him and that's kind of what you're rocking there it looks good though I mean did he touch up the beard to to the touch to be like you see the lines almost seamless and like he's like well your beard doesn't really have a chin line I like a cheek line like we got to create the illusion of the cheek line like like you don't know if he can see a picture but like you can see the chin line going here mm-hmm it's a little bigger right there I see it yeah did he trim the bottom at all or you keep all the way he did I hate that yeah I don't need I don't need good haircuts I need fast ones like I think I've said this on the show before I sit down and I tell him this I'm like buzz decides with the to shorten the top keep it long enough to comb point me towards the TV and faster is better that's it like that but a 45-minute haircut from a master barber where the hands like the shaving lotion that's warm here's the hot towel and and he takes this time with you it's like he wants you to have what you want in your vision and you don't really have to give him a whole lot like you ever go to like a like a like a grant clips and be like I wanted little off here they save this and they have to ask questions constantly mm-hmm I was like I like my beard to be promoted to grow I would like it a little good with my face he's like I got you mm-hmm his way to work nice did he talk to you the whole time like I tell you I talk to him about my bald spot and he I ask him like why does hair grow gray and things like then he's talked about pigment in your skin how you used you lose the I think it's the you lose the red in the green and all you have left is the blue and when the blue comes out it actually comes out almost looking white as you age he also said like balding where you're balding promotes heart disease hmm my men and my family died from pancreatic cancer well a sunny outlook at least yeah that must have put a real proper spin on the whole haircut redemption can turn a jolly old haircut into pancreatic cancer and heart failure so you are looking nice so I've got to ask you last time we were trying to get that that girl you're seeing in the band did that happen yeah are you still seeing master barber haircut okay okay or are you still seeing that girl no no I'm not seeing that girl what happened earlier she just didn't work out I mean we there was something in but between us said what was it between you I'm not gonna say but there's things that we were incompatible with and we just didn't work out I mean I've still I still have her on my facebook we're not like biting each other's heads off I just kind of engineer to break up with her all right all right fair enough so are you on the hunt for a new lady then I'm always on the hunt wings of redemption now you're looking nice tonight son of wings reduction move on you guys here's what I want I want wings reductions faced freeze-framed right there when he smiled at the camera and I want what he said as the mean I want that I'm wings of addiction I'm always on the hot Sun on their back i hopeful I'm the star of it I think it was actually I'm always on the hunt son I'm wings of redemption okay that's right that's right it was it so all right so let's get let's get you a girl let's let's get you a girl what can we do I was sort of thinking about this and I'm like I don't know how we're gonna do this properly like how do we pick the ones do that we're going to message here's what I want to do I want to get on plenty of fish calm the dating website where you find singles near you do this so you can see it other than my phone which is gonna be crap Pataki I think we're gonna do the phone yeah no I'll hold it steady it works okay yeah all we need from you is like you showed me a picture earlier and it looked just fine so you're gonna show us the ladies and then I'll pick the ones I like and we just roll down a profile or yeah for sure yeah we don't hook you up with somebody you don't want to be with find us some that that you know you think are extractive and you think would think you're attracting it might work out and that's hard to decipher like it see yeah they don't have a labia size section on plenty of fish I don't think what just just things that you wouldn't normally find out about a person I'm plenty of fish one of which like I can smell you to you myself I consider myself better than average looks in the facial region and a bit of a labia connoisseur and I consider myself I'm not the best dresser in the world like you can see this tacky a shirt I have on no you look good I like that's where you're wrong these are the best dresser that's a king of [ __ ] shirt that's you look like you you traffic in illegal iguanas right [ __ ] Newman from Jurassic Park or whatever the hell that shaving creams Barbasol I I think Newman for Jurassic Park was a lot bigger than me no I'm not saying I think you shorted it that the shirt the shirt he was wearing a shirt like that when he met him in Jurassic Park yeah yeah red one but yeah similar yeah I'm so regardless you're gonna show us some pictures of some ladies that we think would you know you think would be like I said here's the problem a lot of girls aren't big on big guys so like looks can't just pick one out and be like oh what if she's into me well personality-wise I'm good like if he come if it just came down to my personality versus a girl's personality it would be against the law because I'd have so much of an advantage over her indeed humility alone is unfair I know I have confidence coming with it like you know what confidence beats humility when it comes to girls what is that again if a girl isn't even slightly into me I can get in turf and within like a week you know what I believe you yep me too yeah here's a track record to back that up it sure does oh you skinny guys you know on the JV varsity team wings of redemption gets more tail than you oh yeah and tonight it's a dirtier nastier kind of tell that you can't even [ __ ] imagine okay there's weird [ __ ] going on there's costumes there's four other participants there's people you've never even seen before there's all kinds a lighting you ever seen a [ __ ] cream have you girl wearing a GoPro around his head wings of redemption has have you ever seen a labia so big before you touched [ __ ] ways redemption has doesn't give a [ __ ] well actually it kind of does give a [ __ ] but he anyway not at the I met with the [ __ ] he gave you're gonna we're gonna so what exactly are we doing here we're gonna ask or we're gonna compose messages for wings to these ladies why don't we see what way you guys can spit game like we this toast I won't left you to do the first one okay we'll take turns doing it and I think we should message that woman showed me earlier and just give her to get her to blow you she lose in Darlington oh oh that's a problem yeah there was a concern that this woman was so big that if you put their bellies side to side wings his penis wasn't long enough to hit her vagina and it wasn't she was so big because she wasn't like she wasn't that big okay she was like enormous she just all she was fat but it was all in the middle like like it she had like I know what should I show these girls yeah yeah we're not like you know like probably with the iPhone app is their name their username is like permanently well [ __ ] it then show it to us we don't care I mean can you can you click on the image at all and just bring up the image they're literally already above it like this message me BAM right here see this perfect that's a good one right there she's a beauty yeah lefty make it happen that's a that's a good-looking lady okay uh can you link her profile yeah can you see a fish account oh you can't just go to a URL oh yes so let you just give wings the message and you can send it okay uh send me a message and I'll type it out on plenty of fish and I will read it alright um let's see Wow what can I see that can I see another picture again wings okay I got pictures for you it's just uh the Hangout freaked out a little she looks like she's about like twenty nine thirty maybe are she younger and that picture she's like twenty four but in the other one she's 23 okay she is uh from Aladdin North Carolina which is just also had Tabor city lefty because you're doing the backup recording are you putting wings in the big picture yeah yeah thank you I want to read this to you say my first rodeo cowboy I know I'm doing I apologize this lefty so you don't step over some bouncy because oh and a little advice you can't turn a [ __ ] into a housewife so keep that in mind guys while you're on the search I'm looking I'm not looking for a hook-up either so if your pieces ass is all you want please don't waste mine or your time don't get me wrong sex is what's up but I'm not what I'm looking it's not what I'm looking for right now I'd rather have someone to spend time with and get to know well that's enough for my rambling I'm moving on I mean I'm sorry to read it that way but the it's not tight the best okay so see the the the first quote confuses me because you can't turn a horn to a housewife kind of indicates like she's negating is like most guys on the go on the plentyoffish going to plenty of fish go start traveling city to city and they're looking for a piece of ass for that two days yeah they're I think she was implying she was the happy can't turn a [ __ ] into a housewife she's saying you don't want a [ __ ] you want me and she what's her what's her what's her name first actually Ashley okay just so I can and what's the goal here wings you just want to I don't what is the goal Kyle I think I think the goal should be for a date to happen yeah or it's may be to a date or or at least to like talk on the phone this is hard can I go tell you what's going through my head so in my head I got tremendous game right I've been having success after success for like 20 years in a row now I'm on a hot streak I can't lose and then all the sudden like I'm hypothetically writing a letter on wings behalf and I don't know what to say yeah I'm I'm I'm thinking I'm something along the lines of Ashley hello my name is Jordi Oh for you guys simply IMing over to the woman you've been with since you were 19 years old and saying are you down doesn't seem like it would fit in this situation yeah that would be bad game would not it works it works great yeah if you've been with someone for you know a number you know sometimes like there's a lot of build up there's like did you say are you down and you had like a full steak on the table or something uh no I had 20 minutes to kill down welcome to married SIG's like hey I'm gonna go to the grocery store hey you have sex first sure alright let's make this happen okay I don't need eggs if yeah pancakes can wait we're trying to get wings too are you sending us a gallon of the profile well I get what I am trying to but like the site has a lot of traffic to it so sometimes it's slow okay so I was thinking something like this just to just spitballin off the top of my head hello Ashley my name is Jordi I was browsing profiles on plenty of fish and your profile caught my eye let's see do you wanna laugh do you want to lead off by saying you look good because if you if you oh [ __ ] you just Travis we lost them he'll come back it will come back he wants me [ __ ] I want to wait yeah we got him going good with that lady I talk [Laughter] Biggs buddy you there he might have just had a Miss click oh yeah was that a Miss click your mute oh my internet just can't handle like two things at one time but anyway I was thinking you know if you want to you don't want to really get into the meat and potatoes of your message by saying you you know your profile picture caught my eye because that might like clue her into the idea or at least make her think that you're just want to get into her panties so I was browsing profiles on plenty of fishing your profile caught my eye it looks as though you've got a lot to say and I too love getting to know somebody and getting to know somebody learning about them and their views and their thoughts on on whatever it may be and I would love to set up at least talk to you so maybe we could set up a lunch date or you know go get coffee and talk about what do that or hey [ __ ] let's get to [ __ ] can I take a whack at it go for it mm-hmm can I read this yeah go for it here's what you said here's what you said go ahead oh there's a whole thing yeah you say hey I've never used one of these sites before it's my first time but right away I spotted you and I loved reading your bio I'm not looking for a short-term thing I'm definitely looking for somebody that at some length looking for companionship and someone that I can spend time with and someone that's right for me if you think that might be you let me know because I'm not looking for anything silly either water in a good way right yeah yeah Kyle crushed it Kyle can we get that into a message and go yeah yeah I'll take that well damn oh [ __ ] she's in Holden Beach wings can you find another one we'll line them up honestly wings it it never mind what is this one here we say honestly for I don't know I was thinking some I was thinking of something totally different I was that was the same link wings as you tend previously I understand it's the same leap pollutant for me so I just did another one kid do you have another girl I want to see her written profile yep I had another four but my Internet's going really slow right now so how do you go about finding compatible women like this the thing does it oh the thing does it yeah it basically takes all your survey answers and mixes you with other people like you picked like do you want to would you date a smoker would you day somebody has kids you'd want to date somebody that's fat I mean so anyway the girls here cliques that they would date somebody that was bigger the most of them when they're put with it they kind of back down oh you don't know never know never know so I'm curious if a girl backs down has it hurt your feelings that's happened so many damn times and that if then he pays me anymore that's the way to go man yeah yeah like yeah whatever it not every sometimes these defeats are just dude I mean some of them says someone will not even read your [ __ ] and delete it just based off your picture I bet don't you do that now you probably read it right I'm a nice person like I will read it and I'll reply to it I'm not interested in to you question wings that are a lot of the girls that don't even read the messages and just delete them do they look like Ashley here mmm some of them do really like let me find let me see I can find somebody that already so can you tell that she read and deleted without report and when you go when you go you're sent message you'll say unread deleted like this girl for example much girls do her pictures I don't know why they have to tell you that that's a little harsh oh yeah that's like yeah you can't even I mean at least click on it I mean if you understand the game - I didn't delete it anyway just read it and then delete it like no like it's like here for example like this girl I sent a message and this is one of those girls that like I'm better-looking than you you are better-looking than she is his internet hates Google Hangouts so I'm tempted to show this woman's picture can I died yeah there's nothing there so in my screen if we use my record and you can see this woman's picture and wings is better-looking than she is I am better looking at her I have a more successful job than her like what what is her job that's one thing is those of the girls we've looked at so far they haven't been that financially successful this ones living with her mom so she gets on her feet and she's in her 20s right yes yeah yeah I wasn't living off my parents past 19th I mean this the the first girl her job is EMT that's the second girl is al it's just still staying with her parents Ashley's an EMT huh yes Kylie do you write it up no Kyle he's dead he's still typing maybe he's talking you know yeah I'm typing typing almost unlike five seconds wings you have another one I want a profile to read dude I am my computer is sucking right now oh man didn't you just upgrade your you understand how bad my internet is this is the Internet pay two hundred fifty bucks for two and it's dropped twice just uploading a website Wow there you go wings Kyle put put the message in the chat for you so it is hey I've never used one of these sites before this is my first time but I've got to say from your profile I think you're exactly the kind of girl I'm looking for I'm not looking for anything short term I don't have time for that crap I'm looking for companionship and hopefully a long-term relationship don't get me wrong I don't want to rush into anything but a long-term relationship is definitely my goal that being said however you are beautiful hope to hear from you soon I'm gonna adjust this a little bit Kyle alright one reason they can see how long somebody's actually been on it from when they first joined you know I've been on the side for like nine years now was your first time nine years ago say something like hey I never really just a little bit yeah but yeah change it whatever I just think it's good if she doesn't think of you as another like fisherman on plenty of fish to share me what there is a thing called fish it's called casting a net I know is you make a you make something just like Kyle just wrote up and you cast that net out there and you getting it to like twelve or fourteen different girls and whoever responds back you pick out which one you like the most wings that's what we're doing right now do they know that you're casting in it oh yeah not even where we're personally tailoring these I mean if this ever gets back to Homer I mean we're tailoring these messages to these ladies that is true I want to read her her profile does anyone think this is a good idea sure as long as he doesn't give anything you know man yeah but I mean if you can locations if you can search that on plenty of fish I mean you can create a plenty of fish account then search it and then you can find this person I wouldn't worry nobody's not crazy yeah we don't have crazy people watching painkiller already this girl they don't have time to mess with Winx girlfriend do you is there anybody out there who's really got that much time on your hands there's no way that like at the end of this segment on the PK a subreddit there's a whole list of every one we wrote to if you have that much time on your hands you should be over at the overachievers guide to games and seeing what Cory's up to and trying to give me a job with roosterteeth try to get a job with roosterteeth if he's not already with them by now in the show or if you want woody craft net I think we're launching a new game type tomorrow's sky block it's incredible check it out yeah or over at slash FPS there's gonna be a fallout let's play later than die for Grand Theft Auto 5 let's plays come on over to my channel BAM yeah I picked my channel woody whatever your channels URL yeah I use wing-dings to set up my channel you know I really wish YouTube come up with some way to change to change your channel name if you want to like if you you know you can what if your what if your channels to alright let's say so your woodysgamertag let's say let's say you did a tech Tuesday that just brought in some sort of enormous revolution of like 5 million extra fans who are all tech nerds and your channel high-definition became more of a tech channel thing I wish I could make it slash woody yeah I wish you could you know Woody's to Woody's tech review about that you know whatever like that if you'd want to tailor it more to being a tech review guy and you know that's sort of this it'd be good if you had that option indeed alright so back to get in wings late yeah this girl right here just now check my profile out she did already the girl it happened while I was on the site she seems to be a Walmart associate they put out produce yeah this cow y'all wigs get with this girl so we can get copies of video games early dude yeah and produce [ __ ] all I'm gonna say is like talking to her on the phone most likely is out why is that how many love me one more employees have you talked to on the phone not bad yeah we'll be on hold I say I say we send her a joke message I say we send her a message that says what's your name her name is Taylor Murray we didn't eat the last name so we say hey Edwin ruined it hey Taylor hey Taylor how you going just wanted to check just saw your profile and I wanted to sing in this message and I wanted to find out a few guys we're gonna have any sales and sporting goods this month I'm looking to buy a new shotgun I'm thinking about the RAM eatin 870 and I hope when you guys gonna have some sales let me know also I really like your profile you're attractive and you look like a fun person to be around message me back if you've got a sense of humor too I like that play why this shucks I didn't get it he works at Walmart he wanted to go over the sporting goods department and let him know if there's any sales at Walmart yeah the the hook is the end of what how Kyle signed off the message that's the hook what if he went with just a simple like hey I saw you checking out my profile I've been checking out yours too I've sent a profile I know if you read it yeah I'm reading to know that just takes all the fun out of it no Kyle I like that play that little you know let me know if you have a bag she's a pretty girl because if she laughed she's gonna feel like she's in a special Club or you could be like hey girl I've been checking out your profile or hey Taylor but checking out your profile and you know I think you you I like that somebody's compassionate I'm looking for a relationship not just any kind of hookup and since you like anything in entertainment I've got a place you can go on the internet to check out some great entertaining videos even games right and woody craft net and Netflix slash fps yeah to go on forever yes let me ask you guys this can you guys see the picture that I linked to her over yes no okay she has a tattoo of some boy looks like the name of James on her left breasts she has a tongue ring and she really I don't see her boob picture you know it's the second from the top left you see look it's Cleveland hold on monitors far away it's it's just cleavage but yeah so I don't understand is that Bobby it's probably your kid no she has no children but I don't agree - clean I clicked off do what you will date anybody with children thing wings do you know where this chick is do you know where she lives like on whatever issues she's green see Floyd look at did anyone else notice these photos have been tampered with a bit so this one's been flipped because the tattoos now on her right breast on her left and which one so top that's the selfie photo most likely yeah well something's going on there there's a mirror effect going on I see two pictures two words which is hidden photo and she like how to cut him out well one may be the the the fourth one may be a mirror shot does anything about this these pictures bother you lately it doesn't upset you that she's got the tattoo on her breast I'm asking you over what do you like what is your opinion on her well here's the thing you could go after and say what's the deal was this the next boyfriend but there's always that like 15% chance she's gonna say no I had a son named James he died in a car accident last week last year and then you just like oh my god and that's also it like that's a that's a fart that's an advanced stage where you start asking somebody what ask about that titty tattoo Yeah right that's after like the first time you're like you know let me ask you questions I make people write this thing out so I copy pasted or am I supposed to like sterno no but I'm thinking like what is um you know you know where she's at is there a restaurant in that area that's like really nice not eat why you wanted to tell me get a job there women food no because if you read a profile heard she's got this huge paragraph devoted to this first date fantasies this fancy restaurant [ __ ] when wing takes a woman to a restaurant he carries her tray let me make let me make let me make my case let me make my case the goal is to get in this girl's panties but to effectuate that Edie you first have to talk to her and she's obviously devoted a lot of time to this first date fantasy in which she talks about blah blah blah someone take me out to a nice meal and something like that doesn't have to be fancy but if there's a nice restaurant and everybody agrees it's kind of nice and is it you know the fast-food burger shack and you'd be like hey you know at some point not in the first message maybe but at some point you you mentioned that and because she's obviously devoted a lot of thought to it and then you like oh this person she'll think of you as like oh this person is you know you have to key on what she wants and she's obviously devoted a lot of time to this and it's really important to her so you have to key on that if you want to get your foot in the door nice enough I might get an extra value meal supersize that yeah we're gonna buy er the meal you're never gonna take her out to dinner that's not the but the point is you got to get your foot in the door well the my initial is in [ __ ] nowhere grain see Floyd is farm land it is 28 miles worth of foreign land she probably comes to calm way to work I know the point is is that you're telling a [ __ ] story because you want to bang this broad but one of the keys to that chastity belt is you have to engage me on some level what you in picture number five hyper magic I'll put it in there let's see if left you can get it your wings now come on picture number five you're a fat man with a magnificent beard you're trying to get it official number five makes it look like she's good in the sack like that that's the that's the photo of a woman who can cut loose I dig in the ass this is the picture I take when I think about it no that's for saying I take it in the ass like look at my look at my tongue ring I put this on your dick yep that's no she that girl right there is a girl that is no stranger to a dick I mean no stranger to the [ __ ] many times I've wrote it and many times I've not no bad mouth definitely a country song you know she's no stranger okay so what are we gonna tell her what we're gonna send this this lady look once I take a lefty lefty take he's on it I'm gonna try to time something you guys can let me know what you think wings can I get a profile find a profile with the text and everything that's just pictures send a profile with her yeah I think it's the first Gaza link since since Kyle's little spiel oh there it is gotcha gotcha twenty years old and I love the country I'm a small-town goal with group I'm a small-town girl with goals and aspirations not satisfied with being mediocre I'm a compassionate person who will do anything I can help for a friend I love just about anything entertainment wise and I'm not picky at all I love to laugh and have fun that can be a huge dork and have a constant sense of humor I'm just looking for someone who can hold my attention because lately that's been hard to find I want someone who is unique oh and here's the first date fantasy should I read it yes my ultimate first date would be for someone to come and pick me up and take me out to a nice meal and somewhere that we can walk around and talk and interact in some way I would love for the person to be entertaining and talkative and after the main part of the date is over I'll be able to just ride around and carry a conversation like old friends I live out in the country so it's a nice little drive to get to anything interesting and I hate awkward rides I hate awkward anything for me it's not really about what we do on the date but more about having someone having a personality that can make me feel comfortable and at ease and enough to be total myself I don't want someone to show off how much they can spend and all these people how much they can spend or all these people they know I just want some I just want to spend time with a genuinely nice guy who can make you can get me talking and make me laugh not a bad profile no it's well written sounds like she's intelligent and thoughtful yeah good question do you want hard medium or easy all right what what are these what are we grading we're grading level of how how how do I think I could score with this person hard meaning not a chance in hell medium means with enough coaxing easy means I'm most likely good let's let's do let's do medium let's not shoot for the sky but let's you know let's try like I'll let you go right now is most likely gonna be hard that's ok let's do like a dome let's do like 8 or 10 of these yeah I don't think it's mixer girls here there's like maybe 12 girls in my range all right message them all then [ __ ] it alright you don't have eight or ten but you have 12 I'm not interested in all of them okay in their 40s dude yeah they'll be dead soon dude I'm telling you what you need is a sugar mama you get you a big country mama who's 40 years old you know some some she likes to cook for you she's she's just gonna be hanging around there almost like a mother figure but she's gonna let you cook and clean and do all that stuff that she's cooking clean is good and everything she should be a certified public accountant great nice job well woody there you go I'm not looking to screw you no look I actually have a girl that's checked me out that actually isn't accounted nice oh this yeah all right where's the rest of her profile the text part I'm sending him in two separate links oh that second picture is that her kid she does have children this one does just one is 13 1 that's 5 and she heard the husband of her children died in an automobile wreck perfect okay I want someone I can connect with a family guy I love dancing and hanging out with friends I have two kids who are a handful but fun and loving I'm not one of those girls who needs a man to take care of me or my children I have my own house a car and a job a very busy but in my spare time I would like to have someone to talk to and spend my time with I go to church the gym and the club only for dancing I'm not here to hook up I'd like to start traveling let me know if you're interested first date I'm up for anything that's a good sign all right I think we should tell her how much wings loves the church oh I started off like I also go to the church praise Jesus and I'm all about the gym the gym in the church those are your two main haunts golly cards and like like I just can't keep myself out of them here's what I want find find one that you would rate as a hard find a find a chick that you would read as a heart and let me let me write a message for let me ask you this wings would you date a religious woman and like you know get serious and be okay with it we didn't you know just be tolerant okay I don't when religion in relationships I pretty much just don't talk about religion and like if they like god is great god is good I'm like oh yeah yeah he is he's a swell guy I try to keep my views out of it as much as possible oh yes it just causes problems in a relationship setting but don't you be like a 16 year old punt on Xbox Live all right here is uh here we go yes he reads to us am I reading it please your samples yeah it do it sexy hey Taylor came across your profile and was intrigued by your focus on compassion compassion is also something I've been lacking in my life and while I'm not looking for looking necessarily for a long-term relationship I enjoyed I enjoy shared compassion and letting someone be themselves around me I love conversation of all kinds anything that would really get my mind going and quite honestly just how well Rick your profile is tells me that you have some interesting things to say and I'd like to hear them message me back so I can actually hear what you have to say not bad not bad okay good I almost hope not like I left like Kyle's username wait you did no I did thank God it's just there's no choice all right looking for the girl with the hard all right Taylor still online so she can she get that message if we get a response by the end of the show does that like indicate a winner like is that it well why do you if we get you got it the key is to get them to go out with you yes so the response is gonna be pretty easy I think if they're even you know if they're online I think we'll get a response that the trick is getting a date or getting you know that's our goal I think this girl's cute I don't know but it's hard to tell him her whole body because she's doing the fat girl thing where she kind of like takes the camera at a high angle all right let's switch this young lady looks like I'm giving you everything I can give some people don't have first date responses and by the way if there's any of you guys out there who are wondering if this actually works it does so I've traveled around a lot and I'd usually travel with at least one or two other guys you know split driving and helpless stuff and they would do the other two guys I would not because you know I just wouldn't I didn't never have but they would both get on plenty of fish and they would be fishing I'm doing air quotes right now they'd be doing fishing on the way into a city they go ahead and set their profile for the zip code if it's a city were gonna be in so on that five six seven hour drive they're fishing the whole time and by the time we got there one of them had always you know line something up he was gonna meet some girl the hotel something like that because it is kind of a hook-up site it's it's it's it's definitely not the boar those really wholesome sites where there aren't just chicks who want dick but there are girls on there who were just straight up looking for a dude to go hook up with so that's article tweeting site on the internet like I've been to the paid ones to like match and harmony they saw compared to plenty of fish and the sheer amount of females and it sits on your mobile device so you've got them you can get in touch with them quickly you know they get an alert if they're actually looking for somebody I gotta get one from woody I'm working on it all right yeah what he's gotta play some of that Donilon I did it I gave one to woody I gave him the countin yeah I'm right into it right now oh yeah I wanna I want to like super hot 100 I like this girl becomes got it sign the tag line on the accountant has to be can I get into your accounts receivable she's not 18 I really like this one girl with the the bluish green eyes dad she's cute as a button and she yeah she's very cute she really is she's she's like making some silly faces and a couple of them like little like smirks and like like sad faces and I'll see you something like this so Kyle I think instantly why is every one of them in the driver's seat of her car because she said they're different days because they got different shirts on yeah yeah they are does she have a overprotective father and she liked doing it while living at her boyfriend's house I don't know some people take selfies in the car light it's a good angle you're sitting down you've got good lighting you're by yourself that's I mean that's when you're gonna take a selfie right so you don't anybody else to see fill of God but I think that's what's going on here that's just when she's got her a long time I think this is a perfect one though she's got really nice eyes and she's cute and she changes her look a lot look she's like blonde in one photo she's a redhead in another she looks like a short she like cut it short and went brunette at some point it's a good one I'll bang this chick if this doesn't work out with you guys just just to go ahead and slip me that information over here Kyle's on his own PC like setting up his account hey I know that I know that wings of redemption guys messaging but don't listen to that [ __ ] he only wants you for your bow those words were mine it was my love you guys wanna see you the darker side of plentyoffish do you any hope my letter is this a black joke or what I left he went right there and say here's my letter let me go before wings remembering her first said I want someone I can connect with a family guy I love dancing hanging out with friends I have two kids who are a handful but fun-loving not one of those girls who needs a man to take care of me or my children in my own house card job busy but my spare time I want to have someone I can talk and spend time with I go to the church gym and Club for dancing I'm not here to hook up I'd like to start traveling let me know if you're interested so my reply which is filled with lies I read your profile and thought wow this is like the female version of me I'd love to have a partner to take to the gym church in Sunday around the world Wiggs hates the gym church and traveling I also hit the world I also have I'd also like to hit on I also have a house several cars and a job that keeps me very busy life is meant to be shared so while not looking to dive headfirst into something super serious right away I would like someone who's open to that Geordi yeah you read it yourself and tell me does it is good is good is good yeah searching the gym thing is really Church in the gym and traveling you're all about that you're not trying to dive into the church you're trying to dine on somebody's come home now I could finance a trip to Woody's house but I can't finance a trip to Utah you gave me one who likes traveling the church in the gym it was hard it was hard yeah not the best time just a little bit what do you take the church out of it because I have zero interest in going in church yeah you should I get drunk to a church I will be cussing you in the pew you should have said something like I see that you like traveling the church and going to the gym well I'm here to correct your crooked ways because listen there's nothing out there for you anymore cuz Big Daddy's gonna be taking care of that [ __ ] from now on second of all you're not gonna need the gym with all the bouncing up and down you're gonna be doing over here and third of all we might need a priest after what I'm gonna do to you he said my no she'd be like there is no god but wings of redemption to you now worship at my feet and we had any replies or activity on this some because we're always saying this something ridiculous it almost seems like he's like [ __ ] this [ __ ] right like [ __ ] you guys yeah wings have we replies yet ain't bites you're muted that's what we call them as bikes that is that is what you go yeah I would just go with the plenty of fish thing yeah can you say anything are you and me did yet nope that's a nice hangout you're muted in the Hangout i UPS in it like sometimes they're not owned by and Taylor is still online she has read it but she has not wrote back so she the writing a novel or ignoring it which one's Taylor the Walmart my temptation is to keep blasting here with messages but I'm pretty sure that's the other sort of a good idea totally could you find me like a hard one who is online because I want to respond hard who is this girl with the the the the the cute eyes that wings like did we send her one yet or was that the CPA no the CPA was the older one this one with the blue eyes that wings liked her was that wings saving that one for himself he's like I'm doing this nobody else no guy want a one that I raised a heart is what he could we went for yeah I wanna I want a hard one that we can kind of be silly with all right this one right here I have zero chance and help with even though she has kids okay language mix yeah alright let's see I'm gonna yes as soon as I see this I'll start typing oh yeah oh wow this one's hard no no no we are gonna get you in this chicks stretched out coochie wow that's a that's a very nice-looking young lady I would lightly she's got a very beautiful face like her face is like oh yeah eight and a half nine she's fashionable she looks like she's 21 years old she's a blonde she belongs in a convertible her hair totally cost like $300 uh-huh those sunglasses cost two hundred and first picture is like her like just casually sort of snapped without posing and she's gorgeous when ya huh uh-huh she's she's very keen to put the kid in almost every pictures the kids in three out of four oh noes and it's true that's true in the fourth picture she's making an ugly face still hot and she's still you should you should ask her towards the analog let's see how you look without that Instagram filter on and by the way ladies if you're out there and you're one of these chicks that do the duck face cuz it's your your way of like trying to be not pretty no no and I get away no it's not it's not attractive you makes it look a [ __ ] but this chick it makes this chick look super hot I have only a suit to be a really hot chick to pull off the dark pit I have a thing we should start it right here in pain killer already so the duck face if you don't know is this right girls do this all the time they take their pictures it's a ridiculous look here's what I want you to do instead I want you to bite your lower lip do that right if I could get girls to start doing some sort of oral thing you know bite their lip stick their tongue out whatever then I will have done my service stone that outfit the biting the lip is a lot more attractive yeah way better way better I look creepy and scary when I do it but you look at girls no no no we're gonna stick with you were talking yeah busy woman loves being a mother and always puts my son first but I still desire to find a man I believe I've been waiting for my beloved in I his yes I know sounds a little silly but a girl can dream that's that's that's extra that's doubly hard because she gave you nothing to work with there's like no you told me to find a hard one this is what you justify is hard I'm typing this message out right now I mean she looks she looks like she spends most of her money on herself she has like a tube TV back in the background over her son's head I mean no she spends most of her son's father's money on herself probably do you think the dads in the picture on that one I don't I don't I think he may come that much older than that kid I mean the kid looks cool as [ __ ] though like he reminds me of like one of those kids I'm like one that like the movies like what's that little blond kid hockey I know it's thinking from Jerry Maguire right yes yeah I I see it nice yeah the kid looks cool she looks cool but I will say the age do I mean she honestly looks like she's 24 and they can't look 26 that kid looks 9 he's not he's by about 5 no somewhere in the middle yeah but you see are see in the birth of pictures yeah he's in a car seat and she's younger those are the ones where she looks extra hot yeah I mean she's the really crappy one with the light shining in your face before when she Oh 24 right third one it's 26 26 all right so you know like she's sitting on like what looks like snow was really like a really shitty editing job hmm because there's like apartments in the background that just look like discoloration or grass like she's super oh girl I can color correct your profile pictures what's up what's up howdy a video yeah I need 10 seconds Kyle's gonna ctrl-c ctrl-v into a text file for when he messages this girl later hey hey girl what else this sounds familiar I wonder if those pictures are out of date like how far out of date because that kid ages a couple years I think between the first and the fourth picture mm-hmm I mean like booster seat car seat Ezreal you can still be in the booster seat car seat of 4 or 5 but like 7 you're not in a car seat now older it can be like in some states or 7 years or 70 pounds and some states are 8 years or 80 pounds South Carolina it's 50 you got to be at least 4 feet tall it would be right there you go South Carolina if you can chug a whole grape juice you're good soda taller or 50 pounds I know that from saline cuz her kids were in those seats and I hated them what are we gotta load these things around just put them in the seat belt what the [ __ ] you like my message left can I read it yeah okay hey my friends and I are looking at your profile and we're all blown away I think we're perfect for each other hear me out now you look like the kind of girl who's into clown sex well look no further I love getting into full clown makeup putting on my super oversized red shoes gluing on my rubber nose and a night of passionate lovemaking oh and by the way if you laugh at this then their sense of humor is like mine send me a message let's chat I sent one like this one time I my buddy I eat like I said we played the game where we'd rode down the road and I wrote the responses and and my buddy got a bite out of a message similar to this like like got the girl like she was like that's hilarious he Duke I have a suits of humour too and they went on ahead like a normal conversation where I thought I wasn't part of and like he banged her nice nice I gotta find her again give me a second everybody does the south part nice the one do they do when they talk about like a female teacher having sex with like a 15 year old male nice totally not a crime totally not a crime you don't think do when I was so I'll tell it from this point of view and judge me this way when I was 15 one of my buddies banged a female counselor at baseball camp who was like 23 he loved it we all thought he was the baddest [ __ ] alive and you know what of it I don't know what to say like he wasn't you know here's a dude who's already you know having sex with girls his own age he's not a is not like some like you know some some gentle lamb in the or anything this is an experienced guy and now he's just having sex with an older one I didn't see we had no problem we all thought was a badass I went to school with these two guys and they apparently had sex with like a 35 year old housewife who at the time to me was you know ancient but not anymore anyway they had this thing they called themselves gladiators because they had they they repeatedly had sex with her all the time was like an after-school activity they were I'll say sophomores and juniors in high school and that you they would have like they dev code word like to each other they'd be like dude I mean that like a gladiator and that apparently was a reference to them having sex with this woman but later they kind of felt bad about it and ashamed of it and embarrassed about the thing and I there's an experience and sophistication gap between a grown-up and a teenager that makes them kind of vulnerable and easy to take advantage of that's the other side of it see now I painted having sex with minors is a wonderful thing that everyone could enjoy and then would he just rip the rug right out from I did for everyone and hit us right no I want to so do this let me I got something from lefty I'm not saying that it's right or that it's right at all I'm just sharing that experience in which I know what like all joking aside there is a thing about that like I knew another guy he apparently had sex with one of the substitute teachers who came in and he was a high school senior and she was like 23 or something so why don't they even think it was legal he might have been 18 but it was just like he was such a boss right he was a legend because this woman came in she was a sub she was gorgeous every guy in high school was like hitting on her and he had already had it and yeah that's because as a student I know and I know a lot of our viewers with students the teacher is like a higher tier being you know they they have so much power over a student even when you're a 17 18 year old senior in high school most of us still looked at that you know 32 year old pencil neck [ __ ] teaching English as God you know he could throw us in the hole he could expel us from my high school if he suspended just one more day you had to be careful around this guy so yeah a teacher would be it's a notch up you don't see the one I picked out for lefty oh man let's see we've got here sit she's bbw right what's her name what does that stand for big beautiful woman big beautiful woman mmm if she's black you just add another B that's why this may be bbw go ahead lefty work your charm like this woman strikes me as one that you can't be queen what would you make not because of that not because of that I mean about me just ask first date just ask lazy on this proof oh oh okay all right hold on did you do I have a first name Jesus I know Roy first name she does not have her name listed she has a personality as diva her profession has been employed there is a very important question wings if we would you have sex with this woman if we looked it physically couldn't count okay so so this is a joke one then what couldn't love you let me write my now let me write mine out okay I literally physically couldn't did you see the picture number four I say you open have to have like a penis the size of John Holmes I think you should open by calling her a stereotypical name just guessing it wasn't she leaned roughly that size Shailene I had a big old butt until you Satan was like 320 this girl was a easily over 400 okay in like I feel bad for that Toyota Carolla and like pitching them before series itself an f-150 or maybe it's a record of you were in that Corolla that'd be awesome marshmallows picture that people are so wanna go so wanna see that Carolla picture is not much to it I can try and we'll see you anything it's just a very large woman standing next to a tiny car like she she like makes the car look small there's like three thousand pound piece of machinery just a smack I had a teacher in high school and I won't say her name almost it she way she was a big big woman she was she was she was above 300 pounds and she was very short too which made it even more pronounced like she was like 5 foot 2 or something maybe but she drove a Geo Metro you should see what happens when she went 300 pounds sits down in a Geo Metro I mean this is a car so like we used to pick it up and hide it from her to [ __ ] with her lately eight of us like 8 or 10 of us would get around her car and just literally pick her car up and hide it behind something we used to take Geo Metro so when I was in high school and like keavy parked in a parking lot and you know you pull into the spot and that's like a normal thing well geometrist was so small we turn him 90 degrees so they were like kind of stuck between the cars in front and behind him that was a thing okay so here's let these responses is it okay if I read it um Jewish is there any read through it first and you decide read through it first no I don't want no racial like I'm gonna read I'm gonna read this [ __ ] blind and all no there's no end bombs nothing like oh so I have not looked at it yet but I'm gonna read it no matter what so I mean this tilted okay hey girl I was floored by your profile literally I'm gonna have to restructure the floor trust this in my place after you but anyway your profile is rather coy which I like I'm not going to be shy like most guys I'm gonna ask are you all about what do you like to do like the outdoors anything like that anything like bonfires with me will not bring the bonfire on if you're hungry the blood fire to the front lawn we will you bring in or the worst part is if that message was a physical thing it would be like a boxer who just kept punching this poor black woman trying to find a date over and over like pow pow pow like a three-punch combo he's like like weird racial what was racial about that the freaking cake cake cake Ross in the front yard who said anything about a cake I just was probably a lady that doesn't like to walk them any places I'll bring the bonfire anything like bonfires with me out I bring with me I'm afraid a bonfire to your front lawn message me pack if you're hungry all right that one was kind of a dick move I did not think that was gonna be a sender no lefty was strong I like that thank you thank you well then if you [ __ ] this girl I won't like not going to happen that's tough wait he's gonna hit it from I mean like a girl that big a girl that big if she's already had sex she already knows the geometry of how to do it she already knows how to get it done yeah she's not gonna be pulling like uh sure yeah have we written to all these girls we've been to all these girls like since we're about five deep right now and two of them have replied to us so far I ran our thing so one read where you see another arena right it is one the fourth one no others the guys are like I just for some reason I thought the bottom when it read to sotae Murray there she she read it but she hasn't replied she hasn't deleted it yet though no she got sheshe but she did get off line oh well that's a she know she's thinking about it she's gonna think she's like [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm done fine like that I'm gonna find like the underside of this place let me find your belly the underbelly like the stuff that you look at and be like whoa whoa you want to get a transsexual prostitute we have one over here and I'm passing him her up that's a shame I don't know why yeah we could we have a proven track record with those we can make that happen all of a sudden you've got you know a partner who makes a full income has huge fake tits and your wardrobe just doubled mm-hmm do we need a whole new topic or we go to this I guess we're doing more here okay let's see what are you looking for then what's the UH what constitutes the underside - you owe the owners that dude there's some ugly women on this site later whoa give us yeah get us the nastiest one you can find give us the the gross like freak one give us one that has like something wrong with her we've never heard of before or or the name for it is in another language like a bad one what's Santi Cooper that's where she works Electric Company here wait this is this is the underbelly - you know this is not the underbelly okay cuz that's like like even even the girl I sent you left he was pretty cute like she wished she had a pretty face yeah this is the second most attractive woman we've looked at tonight and the first most attractive woman we looked at the night was badass every way you sure we haven't talked to this woman already no this is a fresh one yeah this is fresh this blonde with the like bob haircut yeah yeah okay phishing she doesn't you put the G on fishing that's how bad a she is it's the south man just here you go then oh let's see the underbelly though oh hey girl what up these are the pictures she called out and decided to go with right like these are the ones that she's had to sell herself with now if she had only used the picture that is second from the right and she had normal human being eyebrows that would have been a good picture like I feel bad for these kind of people like I can overlook a lot of things like I don't really care if you're like 300 pounds or 400 pounds as long as you get a nice personality and you're very pretty or you're pretty in the face I can overlook that I don't care that you maybe have a kid as long as you're willing to take care of it but when you're this irresponsible and you look this bad this girl unless you take care of herself she doesn't yeah she looks rough she has some bad pictures too right like um that third one when she shows off her double chin she's just holding her neck wrong here's like lots of people get a double chin either do that her goals in life were to go to school and find a good job welcome to America I'm a country girl but I like all kinds of music what does that mean this is it I am a country girl but I like all kinds of music I almost wish she had said I'm a country girl but I like all kinds of people what she needs to do she needs like an optometrist and get those eyes fixed does she have an ocular alignment problem dude what I looking over there Archer like right in the forehead it would like line them up for and there's not money let's doesn't work like that Wiley coyote slow down you know you'd get if you did that arrested guys like that there's like there's like ligaments behind your eyes and they're like they're just too tight like this after like cuddling go in stay and head that president actually that's actually almost exactly true yes that's exactly what the problem is it is just that the ligaments are too tight and it like pulls the I've you know she's great she's got though great field of vision it's like she's playing a PC absolutely yes owner knows I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter look she's like how's anything gonna get there cuz she's got that big praying mantis yes let me let me say this right now let me explain to everybody how evolution works if we were living in fallout times like the whole world got nuked and we were all just walking in the wilderness that woman would be more likely to survive than us because she could see the Predators coming the Coyotes are gonna sneak up on her so eventually her kind would be the ones who really dude together and all human beings would look like that and they would call us narrow eyes and they would segregate us but that woman looks like she tops out at 3 and a half miles per hour but she's a [ __ ] tank you can take her down she does you can't see it but the pitcher the fourth pitcher says dolled up as the tagline Oh No oh hi sugar I'm about a dollar store to me cuz I actually hear [ __ ] like that absolutely that's you know I've heard [ __ ] like that for two you want to see some fun [ __ ] go to the south and sit outside the dollar store for about half an hour you'll see some [ __ ] the dollar stores right here put the clothing racks outside the store when the oh you really and if you're careful if you really want to do it you have to find a dollar store that's actually near a Walmart so you want to find people who weren't good enough to go to Walmart there they were like well I want to go out but not Walmart dressed up I mean let's just go the dollar store all right man see let's go to our general let's go free it's alright let's go that's that's the total that's the conversation of southern white trash women half and then they go to Fred's or the Dollar General and they do the shopping and she wants up maybe dinner in a movie and let it run its course what was that supposed to mean she wants the D left that's what that means yeah but dinners gonna cost you like two $300 with this chick so you can say pictures of this thing right like he could just send her a dick pic if you wanted you could let's just open with that I don't want to do that cuz he might give me banned but we've already established it that's something we've that's acceptable wait we sit someplace this collateral it happens lefty lefty are you timing out for the dick pic no I'm timing out because you're worried about getting banned wings but you just sent a message to a fat black lady in which you intimated that there will be some kind of bonfire on her front lawn in the south and the picture before that was about clown sex the letter before that was about clothes yeah you sure you're worried about but those are okay and those are okay and then yeah I mean you signed off that letter saying honk basically honk if you're hungry because you're fat but now you're like oh dick pics all right so I'm often told I change the topics too quickly but it's been an hour and 20 minutes right yeah we get rolled up this is quicker if you own it to up we tried to and you held us on longer yeah you wanted more I find it's roll all right however you know if any of them message you back I think we should return and you know spend maybe two or three minutes addressing it and then continue on our path I think that's a good idea all right we can talk about some gaming stuff Grand Theft Auto ps4 can't record gameplay again no hmm no well I mean not not naturally that the ps4 is going to ship with copyright protection that HDCP protection on the on the HDMI port how old is your news today they're gonna turn it off it's an update it's not gonna it's it's going to it's going to be turned off at some later date post release yeah there's a lot of ps4 stuff that's like well someday in the future we're gonna have cloud computing and yes I'm say in the future we'll have dedicated servers for COD and someday in the future we're gonna have you know we're gonna be able to record your gameplay over HDMI ok next box one you really are getting both everyone calls me out of the box yeah it that it is [ __ ] expensive I mean we you're looking at probably thousands to get both out the game yeah thousand yeah it's 900 naturally but you know it get some games and some controllers and stuff and yeah I'm getting three I'm getting I'm came for that's right so I'm getting uh to Playstations and to Xboxes why is that you get one dog I'll be needing extras he's giving away stuff are you giving him away are you destroying him are you yes does it blend a one you got to have one I haven't decided yet okay I just don't get you the most views so i pre-ordered one of each and then I don't know maybe a a road to Xbox one or Road to ps4 could be in my future to try to get one early if wings hits it with this Walmart chick we've got like an in in absolutely Oh see that now I have pointed that out in a past dates when we were trying to do the road to a game or whatever I've always said you know if we really wanted to do this there's two ways to do it one and they both require a lot of commitment you've either got to get yourself a job at Gamestop and be working it for like a month and a half you know because you don't know when you're hired I'm working suppose it's 11:00 [ __ ] yeah right you've got to be like an undercover agent working this job just enough you don't so you don't get fired but maintaining your normal human being operations you know your normal life your real life and you go back to your gamestop life just to get called duty early you can do that or you could start an intimate relationship with someone at a Gamestop and or a Walmart and I think that's what we're trying to do with wings redemption here now we don't care if he [ __ ] her we just want the game mm-hmm and wings you can't [ __ ] it up if you end up dating this chick you've got to wait until a major you makes of some kind you make that [ __ ] just rain that's what you do you make sure she sticks around for the long term I want you to make him know I want you to put that make him nut instantly tongue kiss on that was real I I saw it on oh my god sex facts the Twitter account it's true you can make a grown-up like a water sprinkler I mean that happens every time I usually have to take like a shirt I was wearing off and like wipe it down before I put you put your bed down on put your bed on for just a second you lost it it was like an out this shirt that was the bandanas come in yep so so I want you to be making that [ __ ] rain and just go to town so much that you need that to keep the vaginal juices out of your eyes hang on baby let me put my bandana it's type of Big Daddy Raphael that takes teenage turtle pounds you lover isn't asked you this like I haven't got an email yeah what's up with the porn woody porn last yes last week we had a porn offer and I told you to shoot him my email oh I don't think I know if I did [ __ ] woody damn what he come on now next week but maybe I will say this speaking of porn I was given a gift to pass on to all of you by one of our listeners and he gave us the username and the password to a mofos calm account motos is that a porn thing it is a premium pornography website that has like full screen 1080p high definition pornography so they must say I had never watched pornography in 1080p HD I thought that was just silly I was like you know and whatever it's completely different let's put in saying this porn on the internet dad would know I have no idea yeah the same time can we I call tonight [Laughter] where's the link I've got I'm looking for it I took a picture of the the message it's in my phone I'm looking for it I'm good I think I don't need to be that's all right I'm putting it in the chat he's like I got a little bit of a porn addiction I don't really need all right so this is the username wait this isn't going out on the air is it no no no that'll destroy the account and the password is this Wow and seriously lately I want you gentlemen to take a look at what 1080p oh I will pornography looks like and I want you to tell me if it's worth the money I don't know how much I don't know what your cost cuz we're not paying but ten dollars a month would you pay ten bucks a month for this level of pornography now I will say this it's it's not as varied as I would like it to be you can't get any minute we're supposed to look at an album you know I don't care it sorry I didn't know this part of the show it seems a little risky to open pornography on your screen during the live stream yeah it's like the first thing you see opening this up is you it was the porn postal store and it shows networks and the first thing is brazzers or dollars you can get unlimited brazzers yeah that's that's a level of account we have click through to mofos it's in like the top right somewhere I think you want to continue to mofos oh you didn't give a link I was just gonna Google for mofos is that oh it's it's mo fos calm does anybody else notice how wings wings is internet supposedly had trouble loading plenty of fish but then once there's HD porn on the table everything's [ __ ] golden baby thing the lefty fish is a site that has something like 12 million people on it one time it gets slow via the best part about this website is when you raise the video quality all the way that level is called [ __ ] yeah child I have a question for you it's unrelated to this okay all right you're going to have sex with two girls at one time their ages add up to 24 what ages are they when you say have sex what do I have to do know what's the menu you even this year the you're the master commander here you have to be clear about the rules what what do I have to do to each of these individuals for it to be sex I they have to make you finish I'll just take it that far all right so and it adds up to 24 yeah it does okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna [ __ ] an eighteen year old and then uh I like it a six year old a jerk me off I guess good play and I dance all right wait like like you know if she doesn't eat you could like blind you know this is a forced scenario right we're just like gun to my head and they're like we're gonna kill all three of you if you don't do it and 18 euros like [ __ ] me [ __ ] me the six year olds like I'll jerk you off and you know I like it I like what you went with that I think you did good you know I was gonna say somebody wrote 14 in 10 on this question and it made perfect sense when I saw it like neither one of them was I guess the ten-year-old is so young that they'd be [ __ ] it won't be traumatized right guess what kids your childhoods ruined and you'll never reach adulthood now that's not gonna be 18 and 6 isn't bad yeah I'll see what does 1080 porn looks like WikiLeaks making boards like glowing on his face it's wings full screen so you engage this reaction here because I'm telling you there is a big difference turn it up a little can we hear it can we right now oh you know it's part of the show they know that your big Daddy ways baby has your house [ __ ] roll it this is your house you turn it up what do you turn the feet yeah CEO Jackie likes it I know how Jackie likes it that I did don't give that idea I just want to see the reaction when Jackie comes in like give him something to drink and he's got like porn on and she's like he's like no baby it's for the show all right I'm logging in dear if we're using the my backup recording this week now you know why what camera pans out instantly when you logged it uh-huh tim is a captcha there's gonna be like a green button you need to press because they're gonna try to sell you [ __ ] right away yeah yeah they're gonna try to direct you to one of the other pay sites but you just want to click straight through to mofos all right click click videos on the the bar and then go to like top rated and there's a very nice anal feature at the number one spot oh yeah like some good anal riding miss Ryder too hot to handle York I'll step aside I know what I'm doing all right okay I'm going to bypass your suggestion and pick uh she works out I've seen that one twos the blunt is it the blonde chick and outside outdoors right it is yeah yeah warning sexual content oh no I clicked milfs and like I picked them on with my favorite name I think her name was Jackie joy and like it's just really bright it's like it let me see on like pornhub by the way one of the one of the good things about this is if there's a specific porn star you like all of her videos will be there in a category name was Jack made joy I'm sorry this guy needs a Steadicam I'm turning the quality up to [ __ ] yeah what a woody responds like you know there's not enough fill line this show baby they really need to be bouncing right now god yeah this is like a [ __ ] DSLR I think well definitely there's definitely a step up in quality there so thank you it looks funny some floor lights and I could get just up 1080p for going on some GoPro footage so yeah to the the pKa fan who sent me that thank you very much buddy and now you all know that I do read my messages there it is and I like it him to give me free [ __ ] free stuff some of my favorite stuff see it's not a matter uh people will say things like don't you over no morning of course I have a stable income I'm comfortable but who doesn't like you know like Christmas morning style prizes and gifts like you get a gift out of nowhere so I love when people give me free [ __ ] even if it's like something silly like some guy sent me like a duct tape wallet one time I was like [ __ ] yeah this thing's cool as [ __ ] he had like printed out a picture of me and put it in a little window and the thing it was ridiculous like $5,000 for the paintball gear and that was real nice too damn you give what when where did this come from we from just take walls to like getting [ __ ] hooked up Audio Technica how about you send me some nice gifts huh yeah gifts I could use some nice floor lamps to light my house a little bit better because tungsten sucks ass for filming I could use a DSLR with like a camera like a little microphone remote give me a camera stand with that no wings doesn't need any of those things what wings needs our costumes so if you work in like a costume store or something like that he needs like at like a 4x or a 5x costume like clown costumes Lincoln stuff big overcoats anything like that so that affectless there it is what wings actually needs is I need a suit of some sort of a nice old timey lookin suit that's you know it's gotta at least I don't probably maybe Armani you know like a not only hot but modern at the same time say HD is better yeah HD is money in this RHD woody would you say you prefer the HD I do have a preference for HD now damn you can my favorite part is that if there is a certain porn star that you're you know you're interested in or like somebody you've heard of or something like that you type in their name and there they are and it's like all their stuff it's a cool website and I really appreciate the guy who sent me all that well thank you send more websites we get it there's a whole list of [ __ ] we ain't got access to here yeah guys if you've got an account that's you know if one of those things were like lots of people can share the account but you know it's free for you know us to be on there yeah yeah you can pay for it and we can just be your HBO Go buddies something like that HBO go how about you all my friends list I'll give you something I won't III will do no such thing is it time for the lightning round it is oh that's good I got one Dan you're fast I'm at Z I usually I feel like last couple weeks I've been sprinting ahead not this one I'm just reaching for my pen and pad and the last thing that was on here was last week's can I go first oh it's right we alternate no we usually do a quickie stripe you let's just do five I always get that mixed up I always feel like we're all so many but we're not okay um I have one I have two I got one for all you I also have the subreddit questions I have questions from a couple of minor from reddit a couple years are from the subreddit that's cheating I've made a pup I made the post on subreddit no you didn't look at the number one post on the subreddit right now it's from a guy named Rick are live 15 oh that's not right maybe I don't know I'm in I'm in I'm in butt pirate mode I don't understand some of those words I know right you're like stove what what is stowing I might have clicked on you last time I like to have a spin at the top but it was uh I asked and there's a bunch responses I got a couple of those I'm thinking any question number two I've mom I got three I actually had a Facebook question talk to you woody like I was about to trigger GTA 5 video you know the one where he said why you haven't bought it yet like your comment section on that video was horrible was it a dude yeah if they hate I turn away I don't know like the popular one most people send me it was like what is life after you - yeah five I have - I have five as well bastards mm-hmm I'm actually gonna get six here's one somebody could probably ask in case you're running low Oh fair if you ask yourself the question interesting left you out here lefty usually straggling behind what not this week this week on the laggard I have three yeah I've got six man six here are you crawling up my ass for BAM when you get off that GTA 5 now let's get back in the armor son when people be watching my grand theft auto 5 let's plays YouTube backups less up to your ex son schedule upload to my [ __ ] can play with your boy schedule upload is broken wash it worked my [ __ ] doesn't it doesn't appear inside boxes properly or maybe it's like maybe there's like a one or two day max thing cuz like when I set scheduled uploads for longer than like two days I don't appear in sup maybe that's well my videos been doing so trashy asking told everything yeah I think schedules uploaders haven't said what if that was that what if he went back to like unlisted for the first 10 minutes and then private and like you got like eighty thousand days see I just upload straight public just ma'am I like to put like me I like to schedule upload when I'm I just I just though still upload on it and let it schedule whatever the [ __ ] it wants then I adjust it to where I wanted to come out right you kind of have to schedule your uploads because of your internet I mean like if you if you went straight to live upload you would have to start your uploads I like you know whenever you wake up and that ties up your internet for the rest of the day while you upload a veteran ain't that bad no more left II have business line I mean you got woody one two three four I feel like I need one more okay um by the way PKA fans don't let us forget to do some kind of PK plays I like that idea a whole lot if you guys don't mind me imposing oh wait they explain it a PK PK plays yeah just like you know we played something oh if we want to upload it just you know that idea we've kicked around right it's just yeah I love that a lot of good ideas and we just never done it and then we can all return separately if we want it so there's a few different games that apply to it but I guess GTA multiplayer whenever it comes out is the perfect one right yeah no but what I that's a well you two don't have it though I've got mine probably yeah I've got any ball mars-like ten minutes away from a house I'm sure they have it in stock you guys ready yeah who's first I'll go first go wings what is your dream first date my dream first date mm-hmm she's ready to marry me she's like 88 and she's uh got one foot in the grave near the banana peel it's a stinking rich okay all right you have to choose one person to lead humanity on an exhibition to deep space who is it and why this is the future of humanity now gotta leave the planet leading that spaceship who is the Commandant and this is a hard question cuz you gotta go like to do it do I want to ask your physicists or don't want somebody that's like known and survival like my first instinct was say Les Stroud but like he probably didn't know [ __ ] about surviving in outer space probably not he's been on earth the whole not at all unique leadership skills most the time at least any good leadership skills would be the perfect leader I know the guy from they used to be the senator for New York what was his name the guy who showed his dick on Twitter all the time Anthony anyway there he was a [ __ ] anyway nerd that's my pick okay no he's got the balls he does every every politician that has gotten their dick sucked or did something sexually in the public eye has been a great politician can't go wrong with it yes so wings what do you want out of Kyle's gift drawer oh I'll tell you what I want out of cow's gift drawer I want that stupid bump fire stock mag he's supposed to send me like two years ago nobody got a Christmas gift that year do we get to come pick his up I left it there yeah and I don't think I ever took it home really yeah I did get the zombie spike though oh yeah that's good I've always wanted one of those that's such a cool attachment to a poor assault rifle absolutely it turns your regular semi-auto ar-15 into a fully automatic like 900 right rounds per minute machine gun legal used it I use it I always a video about it anyway you use wigs you said that you picked up payday 2 and you've played it what do you think that's smart it is one of the most boring games I've ever played I mean the fact is it the the tutorial level of the game itself is really [ __ ] dull I was falling asleep during the long-ass tutorial and then one actually got in the game I was level 10 before I realized it cuz I jumped in like three heists that were already over and I got like 300,000 cash payouts alright I have two more questions one is the follow-up to the to the first what is the worst thing someone has said to you on plenty of fish no no scratch that I want to ask the other one first what is the worst thing that you have said to someone on plenty of fish not counting the ridiculous messages that we sent tonight oh I told a black girl there dies and put a bonfire on that's pretty bad but it doesn't count Oh the worst thing I said to anybody was um I basically pointed I said you're never going to get a date with your profile the way it looks like this I mean like your profile is so unflattering the pictures that you picked pretty much depicts somebody that is not sexual or even desirable in any way shape or form would you like me to help you with your profile because the girl could not right she was really heavy and she picked pictures of her that did not flatter whatsoever and I'm like you're wasting your time wow that's that's harsh now what is the worst thing that someone has said to you on plentyoffish nothing that's the worst responses worse the reverser spots you can do to a guy on plentyoffish is to be like read and delete or unread delete like that's that's the ones that suck the most because they looked at your profile picture and said I would never see myself for this person goodbye at least I say thanks but no thanks there's a chance you leave that chance of glimmer in their heart that maybe you know somewhere down the line you can get together even if it doesn't happen is that it that's it does it my turn I'll go okay would you trade $50,000 for your Cod skills would I trade $50,000 for my Cod skills mm-hmm like I have $50,000 and I get to keep my Cod skills no if I give you $50,000 will you give me your coal of Duty skills because I'm like a magical troll oh hell yeah dude if I call of duty all right what happened on Twitter my Twitter yeah you deleted it what happened well they actually did a video on this and slash user slash swings and redemption but I did a video and what it is is like dude my channel stopped growing two and a half years ago and I kind of correlated it with the fact that I opened my Twitter two and a half years ago right around the time black ops one came out and black ops one came out I started using Twitter more actively and I and I put a hand a hand that it was there and like I found myself when I wasn't doing a whole lot of work like the last nine months I haven't been my normal self it's not been the wings of redemption you seen for the first four years you know three four video uploads a day usually upbeat usually doesn't give a [ __ ] I've been kind of turned into this emotional sour person and like it's it instead of putting videos out and be like [ __ ] it they don't like it don't watch it I worry about what everybody thinks about me I worry about every person reacts to it and I think a lot of that comes from Twitter itself Twitter has like the social media backlash that nobody talks about I mean people like a Charlie Sheen got affected by it I mean he didn't get affected too negatively by it but it was their actors get affected by it where you can say one thing wrong and it can ruin everybody's perspective of you and I think that megaphone was hurtful to whatever chance I had to recuperate my youtube channel so I decided to take a break from it to see if not having Twitter would help me in the long run okay so basically you thought it was holding you back you thought dealing with all the hate on Twitter was holding you back on YouTube mm-hmm all right if you could swap places with anyone on the show who would it be in life Kyle because he's got stable income and he's got you know he's not fat and he looks like he's in that position where he could be athletic but he didn't have to be athletic okay fair enough Obama Clinton and Bush [ __ ] one marry one kill one I'd have to [ __ ] with Bhama because you know I've always heard black people were better in the sack I'd probably marry Bill Clinton because he's pretty good at balancing the budget and you know I'd always wanted to marry an accountant and I'd probably kill Bush because he pretty much destroyed all the good work Clinton did he totally got Obama and Bush backwards Obama and Clinton backwards if you get a [ __ ] one it's got to be clean right and if you get a merry one Obama's a great husband listen to me mr. Wang's Redemption Slick Willy I'll make you spray all over the floor so have you ever us oh I excuse me who was FPS Billy in your last in your 66,000 video I believe it was 60,000 video fps hillbilly yes that's the guy what he didn't want to go to his house okay yeah that gotta look scary I don't blame him okay have you ever seen an ugly [ __ ] and tell us about that I would say I've seen and well a fist a visually displeasing vagina of such proportions that you are simply an well I know where you want me to go with this one I'm a complete opposite way I've seen a [ __ ] and porn that looks like somebody hit a lair linacs in real life though have you ever seen an unattractive an unattractive [ __ ] I mean I've been with a girl that had like a had like almost like a birthmark on it like it was like almost brownish and went across the meat curtains as you like to call them and that was I don't like to tell them that have you ever seen a situation that some would say resemble sort of roast beef or or just a very large external labia have you ever encountered that or I'm gonna skip this one because she really want me to talk about that all right on to what he then all right so my first one was why clothes Twitter we'll skip it um if you were in a movie theater and you wanted to do a mass killing what weapon would you choose explosives all right what sex toy adds the most lorgnette no no no I don't know what sex toy adds the most value to the session annal beats I give this advice for the anal beads like what you want to do if you get a girl that's kind of cool but she's sticking stuff up or but what you do is you put you put it up the butt they have their very varying shapes so the different sizes they cook they start small and they get bigger you get that last big one about midway through in there and the anal cavity and then you go down and eat the [ __ ] or your finger if you don't like eating the [ __ ] and once you get her to that point she's about ready to go when she starts going pop those anal beads out one at a time you'll like the results well if your wings are Redemption you'll like them if you don't but for those of you who don't own a steam cleaner you might know he's slow probably when pulling about that would be it's really slow but what it what it does is it like causes a double sensation and she usually multiple work customs all righty would you rather be a pro athlete or a musician's musician I think magicians get way more tail than a pro athlete and a pro athletes careers much shorter if you were to choose that I'm sorry if you were to change the YouTube layout slash site what would you change about it I would change them to promote wings of redemption instead of PewDiePie I knew you'd do that but now more seriously like what would you change about YouTube to make it better what would I change about YouTube to make it better I like the sub bot I don't like the sub box the way I said it right now is it setup to have home run videos YouTube was much more friendly in my book to people that created content on the daily about two and a half years ago three years ago went into the five box layout so what you when you upload a video a pop your most recent one up and four of your most in your previous so you get to see five people and it didn't take much more room up and you know a standard five piece because it was just all videos but people who could see the videos they missed and they would go back and check them there and when they went to the one sub box thing I lost a lot of views from residual views that's all I have I could go to the reddit site and get some of the other ones there should be a bunch of them on there was oh here's one okay let's see is this thing actually really popular you asking me questions yes yeah I think it's become a thing yeah they like the lightning round if you come home one day and a YouTube personality is broken into your home what's your course of action it cannot involve a shotgun this is obvious just bring the pistol one from the truck if you could erase one day from your life when would it be and why I can erase one day from my life this is a hard one for lightning round question isn't it yeah I kind of like it though I mean like part of me wants to see the syndicate thing but at the same time that's nothing in the big scheme of things mm-hmm one day I would like to erase the day that I cited and wanted a new truck about two years ago really that's the day that's the day I mean like up until that point I was like my truck works it's functional but I got the truck fever because I seen that white f-150 on the Conway Ford lot while that I was up had Tommy Ford with a buddy to get it get an oil change in his car in like I fell in love with it and I went back the next week and they had sold it so I'll be looking for the white f-150 and I found one in Charleston just like it I'm curious after you bought your white f-150 did you think oh my god this is awesome check out my truck or did you think oh my god what did I do well at the time I was making a lot more money and I didn't care and like the black truck the black trucks one where I got that feeling for like the minute I signed the papers I got to not my stomach and it stayed there for like a week I liked the black truck was wonderful it's not that I didn't like it it's just like I just signed away something I don't know if I can pay for it or not yes at the time I know what convinced me was one it was on the spur thing and two it was it was a truck I actually wanted when I bought the white truck I wanted the black truck I mean that's the actual car one about I wanted to be more fiscally responsible so being fiscally responsible I make the worst decision and buy think twice yeah so the white truck was cheaper than the black one the white truck was marginally cheaper than the black one I think I paid 28,000 for the white one and the black one somewhere close to 50 that is you know that's not marginally yeah I was like whoa that's and I can i when I had in dollars and I was like 15,000 under okay how many other like 15 grams huh yeah it's almost double the price it's 22,000 more yeah I'm just saying like I like I put 10 grand down on the white ones how old like $12,000 and the payments were like 250 bucks a month and like come at the white one's still right now I wouldn't I wouldn't even be worried about selling it yeah it was that was that little of like inconvenience versus it's nice to have yeah you did pretty well that first time around I feel like that that's a payment that you can make it you know pretty well cuz I like I put a big down payment with it and I did a lot of research and like I did I was up at that car dealership probably six hours because they didn't want to come off I think they had it on the lot for thirty four if all right let's can I ask you a question if you have more woody I could go either way so what was the most painful experience of your life physically and what was the most painful experience of your life emotionally I guess painful experience my life physically I actually just recently happened it was my Marissa infection and like I'm you people I cold that isn't that bad well let me kind of give you idea what Marissa feels like compared to other things I've broken my back and I've also ruptured the muscles on my back on a trampoline I didn't really break my back I mean kinda exaggerated there I fell and I am I ruptured the t5 is five four and six all of them have cracks in it not necessarily in that order but they all cracks and actually have x-rays of that and I still they still there they're all the laterals cracked from the fall and I hurt my back on a trampoline because I passed the weight limit and a hit and I was out off my feet both that those times over a month and I was only a merciful week and mersa hurts so much worse so one of the worst feelings I've ever had in my life I mean the only other feeling that I could even contemplate with that would be the time I was constipated in the turd went sideways on me it makes sense let me tell you let me tell the story I had a really bad bout of constipation and this was when I was on my diet in early 2011 I started doing slim fast to replace my lunches one thing I didn't learn about slim fast is it dehydrates you really really badly like you have to drink a lot of water when you're on slim fast when you're placing in his meals and I didn't do that so I got dehydrated really bad I'm talking about three or four turds deep like it just hurt to walk I figured three for about a week so what I did is I ended up going get a saline enema and I had my grandma gave me a saline enema and it softened it up enough so passed but it only got a little bit so like it's often like the first 3/4 of a turn get on the toilet in a saline and really like stimulates the muscles to actually make it come out so I do it goes and then that little piece prob about this big it's it and turns like that and it spreads my butthole wide open off the toilet and I hit my head on through the wall and I call off my grandma I'm not human I have to take me to the hospital but we're never going you see in there sticking her finger up my button and mashing the turd up ask a question your grandmother mushed the turn up by putting your finger in your butt yes no no I was on my I just hit my head on the wall it's like it's I just hit my head on the floor because I came off the toilet coz they it felt like somebody had like stuck their fist up my ass and like it was just a shooting pain and like so you know like on the field like sitting on the floor oh no hands it's alright we get this did you put on a glove she did have my grandma was a house nurse for the longest time okay so she had gloves she had the head down on the floor like it you're in pain like forehead on the floor now do the scorpion alright that Dan saw them was the emotional experience of your life most painful emotional experience we got the physical went out of the way when your grandma fingered you that time that would be the most painful emotional experience in my life as well I was thankful for the finger to go of that bubble yeah honey I need a 10-minute loop with that I usually I mean like I'm still trying to think emotionally like the first breakup is probably the worst one I mean that we kind of saw you talk about Shailene sailing wasn't my first breakup okay um the first breakup with the poop in his butt I can't believe that bangs a motional II emotionally was a with my dog peanut like I used to work swing shifts at a place not I had to quote had to go to work that night at 11 o'clock and I laid down in bed and I lay down bed of probably just about seven to catching that before I go to work and I get woke up about nine o'clock and my mother's in there crying and what peanut was a black toy poodle a little miniature dog and he had gotten off the porch when they were sitting outside and he got hit by a car and I had to go out there and shoot him because he was still twitching oh [ __ ] that's and that was my friend and like that would really sucked and like we buried him back here and we put a little toy poodle on a tree I don't know that was my friend I don't think I ever forgave my mother for that that's why ginger never gets you outside Wow so you did that was a really emotional attachment you had to the dog that stalks me I'm really sorry well hey at least he didn't freak out like my did that my dad did that time he'd go on a killing spree he killed every dog at least two blocks and that one that one sucks cuz like then I had to go to a job I hated like I literally after doing that marrying him I pretty much had to get in the shower and go to a job I didn't want to be yet Wow incinerated the thing about it all night that's awful ma'am sorry so I think it moves off if I guess we should move past horrible horrible experiences where our pets die lifty yeah what job experiences did you have before YouTube um well I worked at a supermarket in high school I was a checker best damn checker you have ever seen items per minute off the chart and then let's see I I did a little bit of I was able to get an engineering job in a suburban city out here well I ran engineering like internship not like I was an engineer they sent me out to do out jobs that that the city needed doing I did a little surveying a little bit of code enforcement making sure that people that poured that we're gonna pour driveways and garages in concrete making sure that that they had the rebar and stuff up to code and everything was framed properly and then you know just spray-paint something and get going and then I worked securing foreclosed homes I got involved with the company there I would be part of a team or multiple teams we would go out and work on foreclosed homes that banks had bought and that job was probably probably the worst job I've ever had I got some like did the cool thing about it was was sometimes because the bank owned it and the bank just wanted to get rid of it they wanted to clean it up get ready to sale so if we would either have to go in and do a sales clean if it wasn't too bad or we would have to go in and do it trash out and then fix it up if it needed to be fixed up in certain areas and then do a sales clean and then there were winterization x' if they wanted to board up the house and if you were doing a trash out basically anything you found you got to keep basically yeah I found I found a DJ machine not not in it not an actual to like not not 45s not 78 not those kind of turntables but I believe they were called air mark or new mark or something like that they were CD turntables you put a CD into a deck and then there was a little like like on the DJ Hero there was one of those and you could scratch or whatever off that and they had two of those and a mixer it was a full set that came with a case I was like oh crap and so - for me - I had to like do a little cuz the guy I was working with I did this secure with that day he was like well man I got to get something I'm like well there's his office chair he's like yeah I guess cuz I had found the yeah the DJ machine and so he got away with an office chair I got the devio machine that I got to sell some guy apparently found brand-new Ford Mustangs but we couldn't he couldn't grab those another guy found a 9-millimeter that's a cool one yeah but you're like I I think I remember telling like dude you I don't think you can just take that you kind of got to go take it to the cops first I think and he was like no man it's okay okay whatever man Don't Ask Don't Tell yeah I'm not I'm not gonna tell on you so that's what I've done do you guys want to talk about Grand Theft Auto yes you think about it I don't know much about either I do you know the sales numbers are ridiculous yeah they're really high a billion dollars in three days is huge did what what was the fastest selling Cod was it black ops one yes um I think it's beating the record every year correct I thought I thought black ops 2 yeah I'm almost positive about this so I think black ops 2 was before this the biggest entertain adventure ever and all that stuff I want to say the first days receipts were like 500 million whereas GTA did 800 million and however caught last year's cod black ops 2 only reached 50 15 million no 15 days to get a billion yeah it took 15 days to reach a million there that's what I'm trying to sealians a billion that's correct well a billion in sales in a million copies sold I think is what you guys are referring to separately yes so in three days they grossed 1 billion dollars on GTA however that took 15 days to accomplish with call duty black ops that is ridiculous when I heard that the budget was a quarter billion for GTA I was like I don't know and now I still don't know no right because even though they did a billion in sales which is four times their budget they don't get a hundred percent of those profits right gamestop is getting a lot of those profits Microsoft is taking a piece of the profits those expenses associated with you know the game itself so but they're probably profitable I bet they get a quarter of it they're probably in the money from here and well what was the words the sound of pre-orders alone covered the game budget maybe not that I don't know how they determined the budget maybe their advertising isn't you know in the game development budget but whatever the pre-order numbers alone covered the game covered the making of the game at least I wonder how big GTA is gonna be and how big it's gonna stay because that we were talk about this before the show I think one of the things Grand Theft Auto did really really well was timing the sale right they came out in mid-september you know later September and that is brilliant Borderlands did it three years ago I think and everyone was thirsting for a game my theory is people go to school the Sun sets earlier it just becomes like gaming whether it just becomes time to crank up the xbox time to crank up the PC and play some games you know in August and July it's not gaming time you know it but now it is and as soon as school starts these guys drop their game and they crush it just let Borderlands if you don't remember a couple years ago didn't sound like grant that thought but they literally couldn't keep it off on the shelves and I can't remember a game where they couldn't print them fast enough aside from that one so so yeah they were smart to come out in September they're crushing it grant that doll does a thing but what's gonna happen in six weeks when new like exclusive titles are out for the next gen six weeks they're gonna have multiplayer they're gonna have this new two weeks right or two weeks right but in in in six weeks that's gonna be out and so this this whole wide open multiplayer world which seems to be a whole lot more in-depth than Grand Theft Auto fours multiplayer cuz Grand Theft Auto 4 you could have a multiplayer free room like there were game modes cops-and-robbers deathmatch stuff but then you could do free roam with your friends and you could just run around and that's the kind of content a lot of people were watching this spring and summer in the lead-up to Grand Theft Auto 5 we're a bunch of youtubers just free roaming in Grand Theft Auto 4 and doing funny stuff and and doing all the crazy things they could think of and now apparently Grand Theft Auto 5 I still don't know a whole lot about it it's gonna be a lot deeper than that it's gonna be open world but still deeper and and formulated and stuff at its root its I'm very very excited just to jump in and see what it's all about yeah you have me curious to see what it's all about you know so here's my my greatest hope for Grand Theft Auto multiplayer I want there to be gangs and I want us to be the rape squad killers and I want I want us to have like a [ __ ] 40 man hit squad at all times just wrecking this [ __ ] that would be so great we'd all dress the same like like we we're gang colors so we would you know not to shoot the guys with like the purple bandanas or whatever the [ __ ] mm-hmm if you're on a how about this how about if you're over on the subreddit why don't you using the GTA clothing options design the rape squad killer's uniform there you go nice dress up the dress of the different single-player characters that you can find now in rape squad killers guard just witnessed the like the the birth of the next thing in gaming that stays big or have we seen a trend that's gonna fly by and as soon as the November titles drop like what is the one that had the four voice actors and it at the end they went into like a police building or something and cleared it out it's it might be destiny for voice actors I'm not sure yeah they're playing the game together one of them was a girl they kind of coordinated there was that Tom Clancy's the division the division it might have been called the division I think that might have been it because I know in the division in the gameplay that they showed there was a police station involved yeah there was a police station involved and you're you just like you immersed in it and they're kind of like helping each other like one of them's calling out stuff and anyway I will that take over that had me wondering like is that the next big game it looked really really fun cod will drop you know these games are going to get attention from Grand Theft Auto I guess in November will grant them tau to persist the single thing so I it all depends on how deep it is and how much of a new game you can create out of multiplayer I think I think the single-player is gonna live on pretty good I think it's got a lot of replayability I think it's got almost as much replay as something like Skyrim maybe but the the the world is just so gigantic you can do so many very things but you're right if the multiplayer is good then this could be something that takes a serious bite out of Cod's numbers like you know 10% maybe or more I mean I I feel like Cod is just getting bit all the time maybe I'm crazy maybe yeah it's it's it's it's on a it's on a it is not keeping up with last year's presale numbers at this day which they are I think they've been trending down since black ops 1 yeah I was up Easter black ops each has succeeded the last one yeah but it's not by much modern warfare 3 black ops 1 by like 5 million and black ops 2 is you know I think it's ahead like 4 or 5 million as well right now hmm that's interesting it's hard to bet against cod we even bettin to get everyone's been betting against cod for like the last four years it's still right here well it still depends on you know what how do you define cod losing how do you define that cuz Call of Duty you know half of a billion dollars in sales even if you cut their sales in half half of a billion dollars of five hundred million dollars in sales it's still a lot of damn money that's there's a lot of Units old call the duty right now if you look at like the top 10 Xbox game played it has like four of them or six of them or something crazy like that if it loses the number one spot on Xbox Live Cod's been surpassed you know that's its domain you know that that right there the xbox live most played game stuff if it's not number one anymore then something beat cod yeah go ahead Kyle agree agreed however Cod is a little bit different than most other games and that I feel like the previous Cod's get played a lot yes I feel like if this were you know like nobody's playing grand theft auto vice city right now if they are I feel really sorry for I'm sorry dude your mom hates you it sucks I'm sorry but nobody's really playing that [ __ ] especially not online all of the Grand Theft Auto fans are playing Grand Theft Auto 5 right now and you definitely aren't gonna be able to say that for the ones who are playing ghost the first you know week or two of its launch am I the only person that feels like ghost is going to be the weakest entry in the series in a long time I don't agree with you I know they they've spent a lot of time and money and effort into taking another step forward out what they throw a lot of people that it's a risk in modern warfare 3 there are seven new game types in Kanto about mechanics how characters move how the guns react lag compensation game types can suck my dick I'm a played nation and TDM interesting ya know to me the things you talked about I don't really look for them to change the way the players move to me that is the thing that Cod got more right than any other shooter I can name the way the skins look you know there's more skins you know the player customization is out of this world what was the other thing you mentioned lag comp I don't think they're gonna have any magic in lag comment affecting my experience the cod lag comp I don't know why they step so far backwards with lag compensation every time it releases I think the black ops 2 lag comp is way better for me today than it was when black ops 2 dropped I'm not sure why this habit is that years later Call of Duty's over the years why didn't they keep that I'm on a 3 bar in like modern warfare 2 I can I can compete and play just fine I'm on a 3 bar and black ops 2 I might as well set my controller now what they should do is go back to showing you what your ping is like in cod - that'd be good I'd like to see that no your actual ping what's cod ghost is gonna have dedicated servers no so you'll know yeah yeah you're gonna have dedicated servers in kind no on the Xbox oh ok on the ps4 not so much and everyone rag or who'd buy a ps4 everyone rips on me Kyle says that and they'll still rip on me what are you such a fanboy but yeah I'm getting both - but if your Cod guy I think the Xbox is the one it better yet if you're a cod youtube commentator the Xbox is obviously the one one you can record your gameplay over HDMI whereas ps4 you can't do that as it comes out - it has dedicated servers make it is that not in the conversation right there I mean it you know what I'd like more peat and better PC support yeah because I would play Call of Duty on PC because I playing on the console I'm still you know I I guess the the idea of dedicated servers changes things but I don't like the idea of playing Call of Duty or trying to stream something like that and somebody joins my game and they've got a neat you know a USB hooked up to their Xbox got my IP address and they're knocking me offline I don't like that and that's one of the reasons why I would play if I was forced to play call of duty I would play it on on PC and I would just like more and better PC support which they've said that there's going to be you know not just poured it over that they're gonna make textures specifically for PC the I believe Activision has said the developers and the developers have said that Pete there's going to be better PC support I just want I don't want to see it to believe it and I'd like for PC the cod PC landscape to not be so desolate you know black ops 2 Cod on PC was for me at least where I've played it was just like oh this is dead there's not nobody here playing this even during its heyday so I'd like better PC some Cod on PC is a waste of money for me get Cod for wage you make your money back one video [ __ ] son have you seen my videos lately like it like twelve thousand scheduled upload group I've got I've got caught for four for PC I got it on Steam but I am I have a hard time I have a hard time with the keyboard mouse I just do so what we do is we do the suck the suck series now I can't do the win now there's no way you can ask me to go into call of duty for in stock can't do that now cry black ops on the PC in like I'm a one-point akt player on it that's like making Mohammad Ali like even though he's dead now go out and fight you can't do that to him Holly dead he's dead right are we sure he's not dead I mean I hadn't seen him today or anything but no he's 71 years old yeah I mean he doesn't know where he is or what he's wearing he's no [ __ ] up it'd be embarrassing sin Muhammad Ali in there yeah I'd still hate to fight him in 71 with like Alzheimer's yeah you got this yeah I don't think he'll do well no Williams watch a video of Muhammad Ali doing anything in the last 5-10 years my tyson on the other hand my god I saw videos of him I think he was showing Rashad Evans just some moves and and working angles and stuff and you see Mike Tyson today and I think of him as kind of like a fat former athlete and then I watched him hit the heavy bag for just a second and it was like oh there it is you know like holy smokes the way that guy moved laterally the way like you know I hit something and I try not to make it an arm punch but there's an aspect of that there the way his whole body is a lever into that punch is just so natural and clear for like in my enticing if I ever meet you please don't hit me in the ribs that would be a terrible thing yeah he's got that shovel punch that is just he throws like a shovel punch and then and then straight into an uppercut just back-to-back and he's got so many knockouts for that then don't watch YouTube mashups of not Mike Tyson knocking the [ __ ] out of people and bombs so decimates people [ __ ] right here what do you think that's that I'm looking at Muhammad Ali and like he's got like Parkinson's and stuff and he's like shaking and his head won't stop moving yeah like this used to be the guy that would beat any man on the planets ass that's that's traumatic brain injury that's what a lot of boxers into a lot of guys I get hit a lot that's what they end up like yeah I guess the rope-a-dope is not what you should be doing it so here's the thing with Molly a lot of people don't don't understand the first half of his career that rope-a-dope thing wasn't a thing he had been a bit later on so the first half of his career he was like like he was like greased lightning you could not lay your hands on this man he was dodging punches and slipping everywhere you couldn't lay hands on it and he just picked you apart with jabs and just kept his distance and [ __ ] you up finesse then Vietnam happened he refused to fight so they took his belt away from him and didn't let him fight for years when he came back he wasn't the same kind of fighter he didn't have the the shuffle anymore he had the speed so he had to become a whole different kind of boxer he had to become the boxer who takes punishment and outlast his opponent and that's what the rope-a-dope and that's what his brain injury is all about do you pass these [ __ ] he was Cassius Clay and then he found Islam and then change his name to Muhammad Ali they wanted to make him go fight in Vietnam and he wouldn't do it right correct yep good for him taking it no I'm not gonna be sad [ __ ] good for him he said something like didn't know Vietcong ever called me a [ __ ] and I was like that makes a lot of sense like this is a guy who at home is dealing with all this racism from other Americans like they're treating him like [ __ ] not treating him like a treating like it literally treating him like a second-class citizen and those same people are asking him to go fight and die to to kill somebody who this guy has no fight with whatsoever I don't think we should require like major athletes to fight in the military a stupid did he one or two I understand in World War two like Ted Williams and it's just this mo long slept had believed that Elvis during nine all right all right so here's what they do when a celebrity or a sports hero get goes in the military they give them a cushy job on a safe part of the world who's no they're never in any danger and the reason you may say oh that's not fair but think about it the military can't if if if a soldier gets shot today you probably won't hear about it and the whole world definitely won't hear about it but if Elvis gets shot today it's it's huge it'd be horrible would be a massive blow to the army so they keep Elvis safe Elvis is on an airbase somewhere playing his guitar and and banging like the female secretaries that's what Elvis did during the war and that's why they the army tried to cover up and lie about Pat Tillman's death yeah football player that they that was in combat and he got a friendly fire incident where his own guys accidentally killed him and they tried to cover it up and act like he was a war hero because it was gonna look so bad if an NFL player got friendly fire dance yeah and so they covered up but the truth came out it's a big deal yeah I don't know how I don't know if he was directly involved in combat operations maybe he was but they tried to make it seem as though he you know he was on the frontlines and he wanted to be on the frontlines and that's how he died a true patriot etc etc but then it came out that well he was under friendly fire and he was screaming like her friend and friendly friendly snot and he got shot up anyway and army tried to cover it up because they're [ __ ] pricks that happens yeah it happens friendly firing covered up to try to turn it into you know your major whoopsie and remain I don't understand how you used to explain it like I see friendly fire I think of like you see somebody you're not sure if they're aiming on you shoot and you kill him but if he's screaming friendly and he's in a million in the US military uniform wouldn't you like second-guess it that's why they covered it up cuz it's like what the mm-hmm that's at Stonewall jacks and dad during the Civil War lots of people said South who do want if and gunshot that day what do you think wait a second is horse fell on him and he died on his leg infection that's not even true wings that he got shot by his own men on a foggy night returning from a recon patrol and got shot from the horse ball did that was one of the great Indian chiefs maybe this was a lot mo Sitting Bull's someone like that they they fell off a horse drunk into a into cold water and then died like a week or two later if the flu I think or pneumonia pneumonia so it was it's either sitting bull or Geronimo one of those guys but Stonewall Jackson was shot by his own man raining fire Richard B Garrett that's what I'm thinking about I never did I don't he got shot by his own men in the leg in the in the fell off his horse and they they cut his leg off the end up dying of fever now I want to ask you guys as being products of southern education is it true that that the Civil War is taught I mean I guess you wouldn't be able to say definitively that it's different but from what you've heard from let's say a more liberal so I had only only in one class did I encounter that I had a middle school teacher named mr. maqam s'en you stupid [ __ ] if you're watching this and mr. maqam son was part of a group known as the Sons of Confederate Veterans yeah I know and and they do you know Civil War reenactments and we actually had one of these reenactments at the high school one time they all came out with their cannons and and must it's in uniforms but long story short mr. mackensen's talk the he and it's almost a propaganda film he showed us that was that basically the the line of thought was that the Civil War wasn't fought over slavery which to a point is very true but they really really wanted to focus in on that and and you know excuse-excuse the South completely from the Civil War and just completely side skirt although slavery issues he didn't it didn't even delve into that okay but wasn't about slavery though I mean slavery was a tool used by Abraham Lincoln to swing paper into a presidency that wasn't favored at all yes there's a lot of stuff that that's that's funny about Abraham Lincoln slavery and the Civil War and and how the three of those are interconnected and how Lincoln felt about the two of the those things didn't he have a something like them whatsoever did he say something one time that was to the effect of you know if I could if I could end the war by freeing every slave I would but if I could end the war by leaving every slave and bondage I would I don't think he wanted out all the war I think I don't think was really fun that much about slavery but what I was getting in is I thought his class was weirdness cut that guy was total rhesus you could tell I always like bucking with him there was a there was a time where I faked a seizure in class until he picked me up and tried to carry me to get to the office and then I was like gotcha and he just dropped me cold right on the concrete so I guess a prick like you asking like are we talking differently like I'm very sure well I understand the North won the war they don't like like propagate into that right well you know the joke often is is that you know southern textbooks are still like well you know the War of Northern Aggression right did that kind of look I can tell what the southern one says and it mainly talks about god bless his name they got the general that wouldn't cross the Potomac would like a like a huge ass armory like they basically make her many like you so much Sherman goes out and they in like robert e lee he was like the best general ever and like they paint that kind of picture but they don't paint the picture of like Sherman came across and burned Atlanta to the ground they say it they don't like high light is a big we highlighting feature that was a big thing for us like the complete destruction of Atlanta was a was a big part of what we learned and like I mean there's a lot of people around here that that that live in the civil war still like I have a buddy his name is rusty he just opened a paranormal store on Main Street in Conway I'm gonna go look at that store but like he is one of the sons of the Confederates veteran like you need to make a vlog tomorrow going to the paranormal store getting yeah I thought of buying something cool and then testing it out and maybe talk to the son of a Confederate veteran and asking or was about like on his days off work he wouldn't let go to the old churches that were like commissioned during the Civil War because we still have some of those hanging around and like he likes to ghost hunt in the Old Confederate graveyards and [ __ ] it's creepy I mean that guy's weight is like whacked out or something all right that would be a pretty cool cool place to shoot a vlog yet like when his old Confederate graveyards that we have hanging around here they got an old rickety gate and [ __ ] it would be cool I think I like the walking vlog I think it looks nice like a I've watched walking vlogs before especially if they're going someplace kind of interesting you see the scenery change if they make a turn or two if you like that's that guy's neighborhood you can see all the houses that surround him it gives me an insight into his world that like a sitting blog in front of a monitor doesn't I don't like the sitting blogging from the monitor yeah they're tacked on and like they're the same thing every time you do it yeah I you want to vlog idea wings sure so you get a you get one you get bastard Brooke to drive your pickup truck you get some other an individually of your brother or somebody to hold the camera and sit on the tailgate of the truck and then the driver drives like three miles an hour while you walk behind the truck and you go for a walk and and he's got an odometer so he can he knows when you've walked a half-mile yeah that's a pretty cool idea you get if you get a running shot but I'm not worried about that I think it'd be alright three miles an hour that's just walking pace yeah but my trucks got pipes oh no that's an issue that's a problem and they're straight piped yeah you got a loud truck I'd have to use a for the board and straight piped and also like this is completely unrelated but I'd like to see you on an enormous hamster wheel if we could make that happen somehow like I don't know if there's like a fun house nearby something like that now come to all corner I'd like to see a blog where you played laser tag like one into one of those laser tag places laser tag just doesn't fit me I am such a big guy I know that's why it would be great behind [ __ ] like my back that was to get me nah nah think about this dude it doesn't matter if it's your big guy because everyone where it's the same target on the chest oh speaking of rusty just liked my profile picture I put up who did who's rusty the son of a Confederate wings did we get any responses on plentyoffish yet we have not well yeah I was I was really hoping at that clown [ __ ] thing was just gonna turn into wings [ __ ] that super smoking chick like what if she was like holy [ __ ] it's so hard to find a big Daddy Juggalo I'll be right there let me get my makeup on I'm not a Juggalo but dude dude would you not immediately rush to Walmart and get some makeup I would I would happen gangster grandma matter that's right it was changed to Grandma turning you into a [ __ ] clown immediately probably should I get two dopes overnight Diana's call that wouldn't dress up like a clown for that young lady she's very attractive clown or you know Aladdin whatever maybe we should message her back and then like in like expand like I hope the clown thing didn't blow you away I want you to know I could could be Aladdin I could be a Han Solo whatever you need I've got Chinese that would be hard lots of costumes I have a nurse's costume that I'll put on if you don't tell anyone just had like just half son held up like Princess Leia earmuffs I'll be Jabba the Hutt that Princess Leia fantasy is kind of worn on me too like let's be honest Carrie Fisher was not that attractive wrong no Carrie Fisher was very much attractive I disagree I merely yeah I think I found her to be just nice so here's the thing a Renee Zellweger almost oh no wait there's yours on the on the same level as Renee Zellweger no way maybe I just don't like her who's higher and left yet the way Oh Oh Carrie Fisher okay Renee Zellweger's it looks like a [ __ ] anteater so no no to me Carrie Fisher is fully hot like many many women who are also fully hot yo Dee Carrie Fisher Megan Fox the to Emma's whoever the [ __ ] they are stone and Watson the the to Jessica's okay okay wings just linked me to a picture of her and she is very hot I guess I had a bad memory I'm thinking of her when she's wearing that white get up at the beginning of the Star Wars movie she's talking to Darth Vader and he's like questioning her and stuff she said are hearing the bonds but slave girl Leia hair bun almost killed it to me that there's a fair amount of women in Hollywood who would just all the way hot and I could almost trade any one of them you know did they're just gorgeous enough Ellen by the way you know every college has 30 of them as well and you know they're just not that uncommon to find I saw I saw Stern do something interesting the other day he he made like a bracket like a you know in a football bracket but they were celebrities and it was would you rather and but he was doing it with George Takei who's Sulu from Star Trek and very homosexual very open about that and the obviously the actors were men so it was like you know would you rather Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt and he's just like oh my goodness he went with Clooney he went with Clooney Clooney one hit was that was his number one pick and they went through like maybe eight maybe eight uh good-looking gasps and George Takei chose George Clooney George Takei is is pretty good every once in a while he'll come out with a video where he's just he's railing on like uh you know the anti-gay homophobes or whatever there was one there was some protest in Washington or something where they gave little snippets people were some reason I think why they wanted to I think it was like defending the institution of marriage and George Takei filmed something where he would just glibly respond yes that was awesome I saw that he had those he was holding up a sign every time right right right one of them was the woman was like she's like being gay is weird I wanna I want a man and he's like so do i George Takei is really great he did like a whole week of Stern it seems like I I'm not sure how the Stern Show works on it on exam it seems like it's on no matter when I turn it on and I know that he doesn't record you know all day long so it seems like George Takei has done like a week of shows with him because I've listened it seems like like three or four hours of George Takei and Stern and George Takei stays pretty damn professional through the whole time he doesn't get really dirty but you know how Stern is Stern's like you know sure asking him about he can get people to get dirty yes he's like his talent he'll just ask you a direct dirty question and say yes or no so he's like so uh you you'd stick your tongue far up Brad Pitt's [ __ ] right right you get in there deep oh my and it's just like like tons of questions like that but you'd suck his [ __ ] right you'd suck that [ __ ] let me ask you this if you had to choose between George Takei has a deteriorating like foot condition apparently that might threaten his ability to walk in the next 10 years and he's like if you could if you knew that you'd be able to walk to your dying day or you had to give up getting [ __ ] in the ass which would you do and he's like and he legitimately had to think about it for a very long time Oh wings you had a question here what would you give up to be more successful on YouTube you'd make more money grow much faster and get more views what would I gain about to be more successful on YouTube yeah I said kind of an open-ended question because it doesn't give me options of what I would give up I mean I could give up like it's your question yeah you asked you're criticizing your question which is a bad question in that regard because like okay I would give up the ability to grow toe fungus no no would you would you give up junk food all right let me phrase it better then what is what thing would you give up that is also what is the most precious thing to you that you would give up the most precious thing to me that I would give up I would give up my brand-new truck you're trying to give that up now though yeah I am trying to give that up now that's a terrible thing that's not even good would you give it I would give up my beard would you give up prove would you shorten your life by ten years yes you'd sure in your life because it going because those 10 years of the years I prime most likely gonna be like getting my ass kicked my salt wearing diapers would I rather have a youthful you know be more youthful and have a lot more success and money and my youth where I can actually use it or do I won't have to die for years would you give up all your bodily hair for more YouTube success permanently alopecia yes you look funny without eyebrows it's true by the way just that guy and a Cadillac Escalade you know I can I can buy some fake [ __ ] and have put on would you give up the lack of structure in your life if YouTube success and instruction I know that's the point would you give up a pinky finger yeah but I'm talking about what would you make your life more structured if you have to work 8 9 10 11 hours a day aircraft well see that see this is a trick question because like you're trying to give me the keys of the kingdom and like one of the benefits I like is not having to have structure and like if I work nine ten hours straight like straight on YouTube like no bullshitting knows lollygagging the keys of the kingdom could be there but they could not be there because I could be going off in the wrong venture if I been eight nine ten hours a day in the right pitcher and did the right things I could maybe grow but I'm unsure about that would you trade your left hand for a lobster claw no the lobster because I'm a major cut off my left hand your right hand then great I write with my right hand would you trade your penis for a dagger a dagger a dead just kind of said things all right how would you trade your penis for a dagger I wouldn't trade my penis for [ __ ] somebody on the subreddit was like would you do would you rather lose your penis or and the or was horrible you had to like give birth to five children and that you would have to have a period every month for the rest of your male life which I guess I don't know I guess you're pooping blood I don't know what that would be certainly not urinating would it be seeping out of your penis for a week it wouldn't be your penis cuz you know women don't pee out of their vaginas I hear you but I mean it'd be your it tilty youto be pooping blood right women don't bleed let's see either neither one of them makes sense but if one of them is gonna be lacking something all day it makes sense for it to be your but no not me our sense her to be your sex work is what women lead out of their sex organ kind of I'm sleepy okay but I was but finishing that thought I was like no I wouldn't give up with my my penis for anything life's not worth living without my penis I very few things I've been given my penis of what would you first off you got a colostomy bag you got carrying around and [ __ ] cuz you got to get rid of waste and then like you can't piss on haters you can't like that's a strong point I'd miss that bitch's number two wit reason for not wanting his penis cut off I won't be able to piss on haters anymore dude you'll be able to do better you'd love haven't you'd have like you'd have pee balloons wait a minute now I'm able to piss on my haters wigs impression how many how many haters have you pissed on already zero zero so far have you ever pissed on anyone yes go on in the south that's a thing right remember this if you pee on someone it's a sign of disrespect in the south as if that wasn't Universal York I mean there's not much of a story to it I mean like every pistol somebody yeah I mean I've stood next to a guy pissed on a shoe by accident oh oh come on that's not what a man I mean have you ever peed on a girl in like a sexy scenario where she just want to get peed on that I don't give no way goldish no or I mean like I'll say I would say I'm like I'll be unwilling to but like it has to be you'd had to get me in the right mood what if that uh what if that hot chick what the kid wanted you to pee on her as a clown would get dressed like she did - it never wouldn't be ice-cold I don't know peace that's nothing body temperature doesn't have to process it because he's got that steam cleaner handy wings who's your role model Carl Sagan why would why him Carl Sagan is it makes me calm like he he gives me the the he gives me the outlook that life is so much bigger than it actually is and I'm all right no bigger biggest order I wanted to use okay explain the idea you know what you said is also true this much smaller than it actually is but bigger in the sense that we are the universe again the universe is in us everything that's made through the universe is a part of us just like the Stars and at the same does make you feel small and insignificant like it kind of lets me draw life's problems into one little small bundle like right now you know I'm I have debt and I have YouTube and all this other stuff but guess what none of that [ __ ] [ __ ] matters because I'm worried about YouTube only fraction of a dot on a humdrum star sitting in a corner of a universe that's about to collide with another universe galaxies you mean the galaxies yes I'm sorry and it it really doesn't matter yeah but sometimes I feel like that you know stars are gonna crash in a billion years from now is almost an excuse to not think about daily troubles what are they talking about just you in general like you know there there there are million stoners who thought the same thing what our daily troubles that was like literally like a that you every day that you get is a gift because no gay is no day is guaranteed also not gay that didn't he to this point end of the day how many people woke up go to work and got slammed by by a drunk driver or had a automobile wreck or got shot by their wife how many people died of hunger last night how many people died of being frozen to death how many homeless bums didn't wake up being frozen to death I mean nothing in life is guaranteed what took years ago I was on top of the world in in what I consider top of the world now I'm on the down kline I don't know where I'm gonna be two years from now that's why the YouTube question to me is so hard cuz I don't know where I'm going to be in two years because it's unpredictable I mean and that's the whole thing but yeah I'm still stuck on like you know hey it's no big deal there's stars up in this I'm not sure I'm not trying to say don't try your hardest mm-hmm but don't let something like that rule over your life see it can be both it can be used to be a laissez-faire whatever let the chips fall where they may I'm just gonna sit back and be lazy or anarchy you know nothing matters I can do whatever I want but it also it's all but I there is no good there is no bad industry right exactly but I choose to think of it I think how wings does is that well yes I am free to do what I choose and I the important part at least for me is I have the choice I have the choice to do whatever I want and I choose to do this within in accordance with whatever morals that I choose I feel like there are people who often think about stars and and and our insignificance in the universe and say you know woody the fact that you don't think that way makes you a small thinker here you are concerned about your life but your life is meaningless there's nothing to it and I think it's not even that at all but not talk about you in specific is specifically though I'm talking about some people who had this concept of the earth is just a speck of dust floating around in the universe etcetera will say you know yeah but dude you're your life is just a tiny little thing on one little planet in one little solar system in one little galaxy in the universe and but the other part of that is like yeah but the influence I have around me is the entire me and that's the biggest thing I'll ever be and you know to discount it is not big enough therefore not worth concerning yourself about it can be a cop-out yeah that's I'd agree with that that's definitely god I look at it like you know the spaceship earth is something I think Joe Rogan talks about a lot a lot of people have talked about it you know George Carlin you know we're we're just on this Bluegreen ball floating in space needed that pantomime and it was like really like oh yeah it's a net cut right but I choose to think of it like or I also think of it the human experience is not just my experience not your experience at anybody's experience and I said this on my show so anybody that watches both they're gonna hear this again the human experience is something larger than all of us it's it's a it's something the the whole is greater than the sum of its parts it's a thing it's ongoing it well it was before we were conscious and it will be long after we are conscious it's the human experience and I choose and and I think everybody is is owes a duty to its imagine like a big ship a huge ship in a in a Bay and we're all just little tugboats trying to nudge that ship called the human experience in whatever way we see fit some bad some good some in opposite direction some in opposing directions but that's that's really all we can do and sometimes the nudge is very very little sometimes the ship to do nothing sometimes the nudge is a little bit larger but that's that's really all we can hope for I feel like my nudge isn't bad you know like you so I'm I know it's for good every opportunity I get you know there is of course my own immediate family you know where it worth them whatever steering my ship but there is the you know the the reach of my channel which I often use you know to try to put out a positive message and you know I don't like it being discounted by saying woody your channel it's reach doesn't matter there are a million guys on planet Zeon who have not heard it at all and it's like yeah well maybe so but that that doesn't mean that I haven't done something no the idea of it though isn't that it's insignificant the idea is to let you know that you should do what you can and be the best person you can because no matter what you do none of will matter like the you pull in the train with your family you're trying the best you can to be the best provider possible and there's things Oh unknown unknowns which could derail your train without anything you have to say about it what happens when we have a fiscal cliff and our money becomes worthless and every bit of work that you've done to this point in your life is become worthless overnight that's something you can't predict and it's something that some people would kill themselves over and the idea is to have a greater understanding of what you're actually doing and that's what the Stars thing is some people take it too far some people take it too lightly but I find solace in it yeah you know you do when you when you run into one of those people that's like well it doesn't matter so give up and or you know nothing matters and then you you just respond well you saying nothing matters doesn't matter so [ __ ] off and you go do whatever the hell you want because those people just they just want to be contrarian usually I found that those people that are like that that that nothing matters nothing you do matter so you should just give up or or that intimate that maybe they don't say give up they're just they just want to be contrarian that's all okay go be contrarian I agree with you that it doesn't matter but I'm going to take that I'm gonna turn it into something positive for me and myself and my consciousness and you can just here sit here being a contrarian douche yeah lived life that makes you most happy like don't go what I'm saying is like remember that job that you hated and what if you two failed I wouldn't go back to that job you most likely will like that's the thing I'm afraid of about YouTube Fallon I don't want to go back to a factory why because the factory is doing something for something else that I'm required to have to exist in the current life that it is and I'd much rather be a less rich person I don't I mean a poor person then to go back to that factory life where I'm looking for material goods that don't live in delivers life that I want to live and that's what YouTube offered up to me that's a lot but such a big thing I think now it was like one of the happiest days I picked out was you know getting that check from machinima that day because it allowed me to realize that I now can live a life that I would be happy yeah you know look at me now like all depressed and [ __ ] and I'm like taking I'm hypocritical on my own advice but at the same time in my weakest moment that's what I look to to kind of reset myself you tubers are kind of blasted for you know making money and such but really it's like it's not the money for the money sake it's the I guess the lack of pressure the flexibility the schedule I I don't have much of that lately because I'm doing the Minecraft thing and I just work at it all day and night but you know yeah that day that check came it was like that's a stress relief that's what that does speaking of Machinima what's going on there before we if we close out the show any time soon I don't want to drag it on longer if anybody's getting tired what's going on with machinima they lay off people again is that the deal I don't want to get any facts wrong of course this is painkiller already if you're looking for accuracy keep looking sure worse and that's a big one for me yeah short wars Apple APL Fisher they got rid of APL Fisher yeah I think they'd let him go they and that's why I thought he was doing a good job on his shows yeah they say the word on the street is as I've heard it not from anybody directly involved in machinima dealings is that respawn the respawn division isn't doing very well anymore and they've got on top of that for I don't know you guys have been inside inside machinima but the word I've heard is that they're not very good at selling advertisements and they've spread themselves out a little too thin trying to create content and be a like a content provider as far as a network goes and not just a will sell ads on your partner channels Network yeah oh and just to clear things up when I said I thought he was doing a good job it wasn't and now I've learned otherwise it's no in my opinion he was doing a good job period yeah if I was running machinima I would focus more on just bringing gaming channels into the partnership space and taking a slice of their revenue that that's how I would run machinima well machinimas done is they've tried to become a Content producer and it's really expensive to have people on staff you know and provide them benefits and salary and all the things that you expect with the mission you know with a real job and sometimes they produce videos these are full-time employees that you hire you pay them I'll make up numbers these consider these pika a fax write total [ __ ] but you pay them you know 65 grand a hundred grand and then you put benefits and and the cost of the building and all the things on top of that pay their taxes yeah they're half of social security things like that these guys are costing your company 65 grand Oh hundred grand now they're costing your company Chuck's 90 grand to 150 grand after you bidder their benefits in there you know an office space and all that other stuff their Social Security tax and you know that's a lot of money to pay someone when maybe their videos are not getting the kind of you know views or advertisements to warrant that pay and they invest in it for a while and eventually they just you know cut it and that might have been what happened what happened uh yeah and we'll see that machinima is gonna be doing a little bit of this the fourth quarter is great for advertising it's huge so um machinima will easily be fine I guess through the rest of this they drop these guys to kind of like pad a profit margin because that companies are known to do that they'll drop guys that are just extras they close that old image it's what happened they closed that a whole division yeah so it wasn't they like picked and choose or anything like that they were like this department isn't you know you've got a good guy in that department you'd want to try to move him sometimes they don't do that you know it there's nowhere to move them to this he has to think like you know if you the boy would they they used to have a bunch of guys rowing the boat and now the boats gotten smaller and they just don't need those extra rowers so they gotta go yeah I know it like there's a bunch of theories on laying people off some do it straight up on seniority which is imperfect obviously some do it based on the job role and say alright you know we just don't HR is a spot that we can lose and customers won't care at all so HR is gonna get cut you know some companies do it like that some companies you know do it by division this divisions not profitable everyone there you're gone it's sinking ship and you say ah but there were some all-stars in there sorry you know it all stars on the wrong team get cut too and and they do it that way it sounds like corny with Kyle saying but that's what happened there and it said you know even though I'm not with machinima anymore I kind of want good things to happen to the people there you know my experience with them was largely positive and you know I'm not sitting here dancing or anything these are real people I think I've made the right decision jumping ship when I did like I was questioning that decision for a long time yeah yeah yeah I don't know I think there's still an attractive place to be a partner with it it's all about the CPM that's it all these company sometimes people think companies like machinima or IGN who I'm with era I'm with atomic I yes or yes or whatever are like your team and they're your network and you're gonna work together and rise to the top and all right none of that ever is true if you're a young youtuber out there you know a brand new channel you're just getting started and you don't know what the scoop is I'll tell it to you now these companies get advertisers to put ads in front of your video that's what they do if they tell you that you know we have whatever jenna Marbles I just grabbed her out of thin air and suddenly you're gonna be doing dual comes with her it's [ __ ] it's not true if they tell you that you know there's gonna be all this networking stuff it's [ __ ] you have to do that on your own if they tell you that you can they're gonna make you a movie star and the or that there's all these amazing brands and integration deals coming to you it's largely [ __ ] it's not true you know there's some of it here and there but but the bulk of you know these networks they get people to put ads on your videos and that's what they do and the only thing that you care about when you're choosing networks is what the how much they can pay per thousand views the CPM everything else they tell you isn't true it's nothingness it's not something to contemplate or consider the help you're gonna get making your videos that partnerships the collaboration all of it is not true what is true is the CPM and I've hey I've been with several different networks now I've read Kahn been offered contracts from just about all of them and I'm a veteran in this space and I'm telling you the only thing that matters is the CPM everything else is part of the sales pitch also don't let them scare you into executing a contract that you don't believe is fair anymore let me also let you know on this the CPM can be inflated like some people say we offer you $7 CCM where another company will actually give you a real CPM at $7 CPM isn't taking out the fact of like the Google's cut their cut and things like that are factored into that inflated CPM so that's the raw when but everybody takes a little bit out and you get like a CPM down here it's something like closer to 2 bucks yeah so anyway that there's your lesson if you're a young channel and you're looking to be a youtuber then you know grab one based on CPM because everything else it's just part of their sales pitch and and that's the deal it's funny there's you know contract phone around other people were telling me this they come to the same conclusion that I just did independently you know they're like yeah you know it seems like the only thing that ever matters with this contract is how much they pay per video view exactly exactly everything else is just like line noise that nerd term so wild card wild card [Music]
Channel: WoodysGamertag
Views: 258,824
Rating: 4.8508263 out of 5
Keywords: multiplayer, gameplay, call of duty, black ops 2, commentary, xbox, ps3, woodysgamertag, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, mail monday, bo2, call of duty black ops 2
Id: uz5-xW9xK0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 44sec (11084 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2013
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