Painful "Audiophile" TikToks

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[Music] I'm gonna regret this am I [Music] so if you guys don't already know I did a YouTube shot like a week back and at that point I decided you know what since I'm already uploading YouTube shots I might as well just re-upload the shots onto Tick Tock I made I made a tick tock account the first my first ever Tick Tock account I have never used tiktok before then I decided to poke around you know take a look at the competition so so to speak but uh little did I know the absolute successful that so let me share you my pain the pain that I experienced when I looked through some of these Tech talks let's enjoy this Rabbit Hole together before we go on this video is sponsored by adline Audio so disclaimer first this is not a call to action this is not a hate campaign I don't want any of you harassing any of the creators that I featured on this video all I'm doing is just you know highlighting some misinformations some factual inaccuracies Maybe Just Disagree agreements on personal opinion but but you know I I don't hate any of these creators let's let's not make this into like a Like Us Versus Them kind of thing I'm just pointing out things that I felt like you know I needed to talk about all right let's start off with our first Tick Tock who is from scamble and talking about uh one of the audiophile Harvey's favorite topics these headphones 250 dollars but the manufacturers suggest you play this sound in them for 200 hours before you even start listening to them so why this is a process called burning and audiophiles swear by it supposedly um I knew this was coming I knew this was coming it doesn't make it hurt any less ah physical pain actual physical pain Let's ignore the debate between like whether or not burning exists let's just ignore that first let's let's take an analysis of what you just said 200 hours that's 8.3 days of not touching the product that you just bought now if I can remember correctly and and of course this varies between shop to shop the usual like no questions asked like return policy is usually seven days so by the time you have finished burning in the product that again you just bought your return window just completely dissolved do you not see the reason why manufacturers often tell you to do that it's because yeah they want you to keep the product they don't make any money from returned sales I might be making a lot of these corporations sound more evil than they actually are but you have you cannot dispute that there is some benefit of trying to to you know put forth this belief of burn in because again you want the customer to hold on to the product for you know to to make sure that the sales are final you don't want them to return it at that point they lose the sale constant sound loosens up the internal components of the headphones making the audio quality better it's sort of like breaking in a new pair of sneakers just over 200 hours sales window logic out of the way let's now talk about the whole whether or not burn in exists it's a very touchy topic I know it but it's a topic that I personally have researched a lot into there is definitely a debate between the audiophile community of it on whether or not burnt in exists but the way that I see it is a very one-sided debate on one side of the debate that the site that says burn in doesn't exist we have a lot of people coming up with you know testing methodology measurements as well as uh everything under the sun to prove whether or not burning exists I myself have conducted a lot of these kinds of experiments as well and results were always within margin of error that has to say completely inconclusive and then you have the other side of the argument which basically just says like burning exists because I say it is I I felt like there was a change I heard a difference so you can see how there's a massive difference in you know testing methodology between the two camps at this point I would just consider it like playing chess with a pigeon it's it's it's hard to have a debate when both sides fundamentally disagree on how to even test the hypothesis right this is just nerd talk at this point all I'm saying right now is there is no proof that burning exists if you don't like the product just return it don't don't burn it in burn it in for like 200 hours and expect it to sound better at that point you're just wasting your return window if you don't like it return it don't don't listen to this this caption says I'm not sure I believe it yeah don't believe it it's not true why why would you eat up your return window like that I don't know next Tick Tock is from I'm still not neat with uh for half a million like excuses all right don't buy that by this part 269 do not buy the Beat Solo threes uh Beats Solo three I I do agree I do agree the B solo3 is still on that like very bloated very hyper Bassy beat sound and yes I agree don't buy the P solo3 but there are other great beats products so don't discount beats as a whole why though it's a perfectly good headphone I mean it's for it's for the tick tock I guess you know it's it's the cloud right whatever instead get these 15 Booga headphones from Five Below that come with RGB you tripped at the Finish Line first of all what the [ __ ] is whatever it is 15 do you know how little money that is if you've ever seen how a headphone is manufactured they've seen like again QC processes I highly doubt I highly doubt that this 15 headset is gonna even beat the the absolutely horrible extra gaming headset that I that I got you know from a review that one cost fifty dollars and it still sounds like dog [ __ ] it's a little pretty telling that the one selling point that he tried to show off was the fact that it had RGB yeah you you put it on your head you don't see the [ __ ] RGB it's not exactly a selling point for a headphone you idiot 15 Jesus Christ let me clarify myself I am not poor shaming I'm not claiming that all 15 headphones are [ __ ] there's a Kia c75 which I've always recommended it's like kind of the it's the one true God there is nothing else that can beat the KFC 75 at under 20 but this is I have my doubt maybe I should buy one maybe I should buy one and just and just see whether or not this guy is actually telling the truth who knows maybe this thing would measure like a he1 and then that point out I will issue I will issue a public apology if this thing is actually good nice guy Carter P6 every single time I try to talk about audio devices I make this exact same mistake a really heavy headset stop buying headsets like these donated with the headset called Carter none of those are headsets this is a headset as you could tell by the mic this is a headphone as you could tell by the lack of a mic it's not really a super important distinction but he's right he's right a headset needs to have a microphone headphones don't have a microphone it is a minor discrepancy but it is something that uh you know can throw you off when somebody says like hey can I get a headphone recommendation and I give a lot of headphone recommendations I say oh no no I actually want something of a microphone and it's like it's a headset or at least say headphone with a microphone before I start giving you all these recommendations right I don't know but if you already have a headphone and you still want a headset there is still one more option for you the ant lion mod mic this is an ad read by the way if it wasn't already obvious turn any headphone into a headset with one of ant lions amazing mod microphones you want on something that is white they have one too they even have a wireless one if you don't want the bottle with any cables go to critical to get a mod mic for yourself today link is also down in the description all right next Tick Tock is by alyadere two thousand dollar earbuds that looks like v64 audio u12t with a PW audio cable I'm not sure what exactly that cable is I'm pretty sure I actually have that cable somewhere and somewhere in there uh but [ __ ] I don't know I forget the name of the of the cable or whatever so what do two thousand dollar earbuds with a 300 cable sound like I could go really into depth with the mid and then I started doing Tick Tock oh [ __ ] is that me oh my God mids highs and lows but I'll just say It's [ __ ] amazing I guess that's a stereotype because this is stereotype uh thanks Tick Tock by ramal ramal media remote media don't buy airpods Pro instead buy nothing and I'm not messing with you guys because these are the nothing ear ones at just 99 US Dollars these nothing air ones blow the airpods pro out of the water when it comes to Value first off does he even have the nothing ears at that point because as I'm as I know nothing is kind of like sold out the moment that they went on sale and the fact that he's just showing like a generic picture just makes me feel like he he doesn't actually have one the exact same feature set these have noise cancellation transparency mode and according to some reviewers these sound as good as if no better than airpods Pro my boy my boy DMs has has measured a nothing year one the year one is kind of a train wreck totally terrible I have absolutely zero faith in the nothing here at once it matches like [ __ ] DMS sit it sounded like [ __ ] and apparently it even comes with a lot of problems with his ANC and transparency military regards to consistency so what's even the point of this I like airpods pros I'm not claiming that they are the best true wireless buds out there that that honor kind of goes through either Sony's or Samsung's but they're not bad that plus Pros are actually pretty good don't don't hate on the mainstream just because that they are popular airpods Pros are actually a great true wireless headset while you guys just say headset true wireless buds [ __ ] I'm becoming a mainstream guy less than half the price and the case can give you anywhere from 20 to 35 hours of listening time depending on the mode you're using these in and the case also has USBC charging as well as Qi wireless charging those are extremely normal 20 to 35 hours of listening time that's like yeah pretty average USBC charging that's also average wireless charging also average you're not convincing me here Ramon thing is fully packed with features at 99 and as a bonus the earbuds themselves are light and they look insane like they do look like your average airpods clone in fact in my opinion I think they look better don't buy it do you do you have them why are you talking about something that you don't have in your hands don't be a shill don't be a shill remark if you are going to promote something at least half the physical product with you or you know prove that you have listened to it at least at some point in your life yeah in in the comment section it's like it's like these unavailable to order yet what what what the how how would you know Tick Tock is man what the [ __ ] next next tech talk is by Alessandro Gray next Tick Tock is by Alessandro Greco uh promoting sound Pete's best headphones at low price [Music] what does this have to do with Sound Beats I don't understand this generation what what all right next up 20 Tech Bytes let's see what your hot take is these are the best wireless headphones and I will fight anyone who disagrees these are the Sony wh-1000xm4 yep all right he he's he said it not me he's gonna fight anyone who disagrees I disagree witch 1000x and force this is an extremely popular headphone by the mainstream uh not not sure why actually I know why it's because like people like you know MKBHD as well as other Tech tubers really promoted it as the best sounding headphone I'm here to put my foot down and say that the wh-1000xm4 is actually a terrible just terrible don't don't pack it people make fun of Beats for quite a while do you know why people make fun of Beats it's because in the early days at least they tune their headphones to be extremely basic extremely muddy to the point where uh you know people people always mean that it's just base cannons and nothing else it does bass and everything else sounds like [ __ ] I'm sure to drop the truth bomb and the XM Force the whsm force are in the same category it's just base it's just bloated muddy not great bass and here's the thing here's thing I I I'm not the only one who says this look at the graph look at the [ __ ] graph it's the base the base I I guess that's what a lot of tech cubers like right as long as there's a lot of bass test oh it's a great headphone no there is no balance there's no semblance of terminal balance in there instruments just sound drowned out by the bass everything bad about the old Beats by Dre it's exactly the same on the whxm4 I don't get am I taking crazy pill it's it's not a great headphone it is not a great headphone now so as featured on the New York Magazine recently see see mainstream mainstream people are just calling it the best without actually knowing you know it's just space it's just bloated bass again I have proof I have the data to show that it's just bloat and based and again everything bad about the original Beats by Dre lineup why do people okay I actually do know why people like it so much it's because bass it's because bass like me in the article where I wrote about these headphones I bought it at full retail price and I would definitely do it again it's hard to explain the sound quality unless you actually try it but there's so good it's just Beats it's just space all right next one by tech tech with visual I assume that is best headphones to buy but he's wearing like hyperx clouds so I am extremely extremely skeptical about this prove me wrong headphones to buy what do you recommend it's always been the same brand but a new generation some of you may already know what it is but I'll show you they're the Sony 1000xm4s all right next one uh from Audrey hydrate the giant eldrick eldrie the giant my God okay this is the newer phone it's the world's smartest headphones I mean look at it it looks like it's from outer space and after trying it I think it might be so I have to create my own audio profile I have nothing to diss about but but you know a lot of people do have interest on this new headphones the neurophones are interesting because they they use what is called like the hit related transfer function and they do an analysis of your ears in order to create an EQ profile that more closely adheres to your own personal HR TF Pro I I I'm I'm speaking like a nerd right now basically neura does magic to makes a headphone sound good good all right next guy gunto the best headphones of 2021. these are the sivka robins I know that says sv021 the robins is a better name there's three reasons why these are the best and it's not even that complicated I also knew this was coming and and this is a bit difficult for me because I know that this guy guntoon actually watches me personally so I here's the thing here's the thing this was actually The Tick Tock that convinced me to do this video on reacting to painful audiophile Tech talks but after I I saw this video I decided to dig a little deeper and I saw a lot of much worse things so in hindsight this was actually one of the more team stuff out there but okay let's let's talk about the Safeguard the Civil Robbins I actually have had a set and it was so mediocre to the point where I just you know just re I returned them I told them I didn't want to do a review it's just didn't care for them get it and you would think most companies would get this down but they don't number one is the Comfort do I need to even explain you can see those ear cups they're huge they just float on your head and basically disappear which is what good headphones should do that's true that's true um but Comfort is very subjective I I don't want to say that what's comfortable for me is going to be comfortable for a lot of people I mean you could say that for sound as well but Comfort is even more subjective than that two is the price for 160 you literally can't beat these now if you like open backs that's fine but these are easily the best clothes backs under like 500 600 700 dollars here's where I disagree it's not the fact that they are just not as good as the best I genuinely do believe that that Robin's the circle Robins here are bad let me do an analysis here all right all right here's the graph of the sifco robins it is very very tonally uneven let's put it at that so the main characteristics that you have to see here is around the 1K region and then around the 500 Hertz region I'm not expecting you to have three records in knowledge of graph reading I am here to explain it for you to interpret this data for you so if you look at this region here you see that there's a boost the hump as we call it this effect when you boost this area specifically that is what we call Hunk so yeah I would consider the robins to be a slightly honky signature it's hard to explain what honk is until that you Brave in EQ and just try and boost up 1K and see what that does the second issue here is the dip the dip at around 500 Hertz and what what that would usually do is make things sound thin like they don't have a lot of body behind it it's a double whammy here you have the honk and you have the thinness but it doesn't just stop there and then you have this the massive massive base boost at over 10 decibels from the lowest point this is what kills it this is the reason why I'll consider the robins to be just not great it's bloated this it's not clean base it's it's exciting I guess it's bass boosted but it's not clean I'm not just reading the graph I have heard the robins as well I physically put them on my head I listen to them before taking the measurements and my Impressions basically matched the the graph almost to a team so what I'm hearing here is what you see on the graph is that there's there's peakiness there is harshness going on in the upper mids as well you know it could be exciting because you have the bass boost here on top of the travel boost here and everything just sounds nice and and Punchy and energetic but when you combine all of these tricks together all of these weird Oddities all at the same time that's where I feel like all right this this is a very weird sounding headphone and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and number three the most important is the sound these sound how headphones should sound the bait this is slams it's impactful it doesn't bloat the mids are now again heart disagree on that natural smooth and the high end is Pleasant there's no sharpness there's no sibilance there's no harshness again heart disagree on that I I hear a lot of harshness not necessarily sibilant just harshness take all those three things and you mix them together and you get these the only headphones that touch these are thousands of dollars so no one can afford them so who can yeah heart disagree on that I will recommend one counter example one one counter recommendation to the circle of it you could look at the sure SRH 440s or the SRH 840s or even the AKG k37 ones all of which would blow the robins out of the water no no competition at all but of course that's assuming that you're looking for like a more balanced tonality as opposed to a hard v-shape but at that point I'll be stuck here making it like an hour long video next up again oh we have Carter PCS again reacting to his like uh because he did buy a Cisco Ramen as well on the recommendation of gun Toad the best headphones of 2021 these are the civga Robins he was very convincing okay I need to stay away from from car dealerships I'm too easily persuaded the PC is kind of in shambles right now so uh let's see how these sound just running straight off my laptop I'll also crank the volume to max to see how good the isolation is and if they bleed it all right here we go 100 let's blow out our eardrums I don't know about that that was like very peaky and like harsh sounding yeah it's it is peaky and it is Harsh again I don't understand why why there's love for the robins it it was my first impression as well it's harsh I mean besides the blue the first thing I heard was the blue the van was the harshness a lot of people that know much more about audio than I do love these things so if you want to just ignore this video who who loves them who loves them let me uh let me out Robin's man [ __ ] man it's not the worst thing that I've tried but I've also tried a lot and I've tried a lot of extremely extremely garbage headphones so it's not a low bar but at the same time thank you for your thoughts Carter PCS and oh Carter PCS again all right let's see what your your take is here don't feel bad about having a gaming headset but please stop buying high-end gaming headsets and hoping that the microphone or the headphones will sound good so let's break it down you buy some steel series arctis Pros for 250 dollars and you assume because they're 250 bucks they will sound and sound pretty good yeah they'll sound decent for a gaming headset but the truth is you would get so much more value out of an entry-level Studio style headset and combining that with even an entry-level USB mic speeding facts he says the truth I've certain my piece on this as well you could go and look at the uh the video that I did a while back on the best gaming headphones don't actually matter for the same reasons that he just cited which is just buy a good headphone and a good microphone separately don't don't get a gaming headset it's not worth it don't get a gaming headset if you're looking for the best of both get it if you you're in it for the convenience but if you truly want The Best of Both Worlds you have to buy each one separately good job Carter PCS honestly let's just end it on a high note to show that you know Tick Tock Tech tubers as well as Tick Tock audio files aren't completely irredeemable again this is not a hate campaign don't send any hate towards these people I'm just pointing out some of the things that have said and some of them maybe you know are either factually incorrect or just a little bit off from you know General opinion or whatever so yeah I think that's it if you ever see like any really popular tick tocks I will just YouTube videos in general that you know you think spots a bit of misinformation or just just have the most smooth brain takes send them to me I'll like to react to them on camera and you know give my honest insights into them as well as you know dying a little inside every time I watch them hey hey besides that don't forget to join in my 10 000 subscriber giveaway I am giving away blessing to dusks just go down to critical.com10k to get your entry into the giveaway or you know what just go to dusk to buy a desk because uh it's great per usual my big money boys thank you so much Dennis McMahon face Alexander Jonathan Young I am on Jerry Liu Mike gya audio ZF and of course femi thank you per usual goodbye see you next week don't die [ __ ] off [Music]
Channel: crinacle
Views: 882,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: headphones, earphones, iems, audiophile, earbuds, tws, true wireless, headset, crinacle
Id: tH05eI1x830
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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