Padma Lakshmi Tries to Keep Up with a Professional Chef in 180º | Back-to-Back Chef | Bon Appétit

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so what you need to do is you're going to run the back edge of the knife kind of right along that seam so just kind of like one two three [Music] hey guys it's carl i'm here today in the bon appetit test kitchen with padma lakshmi hi and we've got 20 minutes today to make very fancy scrambled eggs and freshly killed champagne yum how are you feeling well now that i know their champagne i'm feeling a little better but same uh our episode today looks a little bit more a little bit different than normal because we're actually shooting in 180 vr so you'll get to see mess up in 3d i guess right what could be better or worse we'll see you'll see are you ready to cook yes so on a count of three we're just gonna turn around and go for it okay okay three two one okay i'm going for it where's the champagne yeah really so directly in front of you you should have a nice coldish bowl and a whisk and to your over to the side of the um bowl there's a little container of heavy cream yes so just pour that in here the first thing we're going to do is just yep all of it the first thing we're gonna do is make some whipped cream okay so this is a light recipe uh very light light on the hips and the whole thing so am i whisking um yeah so just try so i'm sure you've whipped cream but try to get as much air as possible and we're going for like a nice medium peak oh i'm getting a good amount of cream on me already i'm just getting a lot of bubbles here i'm tilting the thing the bowl is that okay yeah a lot of foaming and frothing and that's that's what you want actually because we're trying to get the fat molecules to wrap around all that air a lot of fat molecules are wrapping a lot yeah a lot of fat molecules are flying onto my apron okay so i can be a little messy oh yeah so i think i've arrived i think they gave me a big whisk for the amount of for the oh yeah that's true too should i use the small whisk um whatever feels right okay it's getting thicker yeah the smaller whisk was is helping the right equipment it's getting a little solid like sour cream great so yeah i would say just 20 more whips and i bet you're gonna have a peek so what you can do is kind of give it a couple stirs and collect some of that whipped cream in the the front get the tip of the whisk and lift it up and kind of invert your whisk so it's straight up yeah and if there's peaks that kind of slide back down the tines of the whisk you're not quite there nothing sliding oh really okay and then take you should have a little spoon in this metal um container on your station so take the um teaspoon and just spoon it up we need this to be a little bit firmer than normal because it's going to be next to a warm egg so what do you mean spoon it up so if you spoon like fill that teaspoon with a spoonful of whipped cream and see if it forms a peak that will if you turn the spoon over does it drop back down into the bowl or is it firm enough to kind of cling my cream is very firm oh good okay then we're done cream is going off to the side okay and you can just slice it to the side yeah tap any whipped cream off of your whisk but hang on to the spoon we can put our whisk into the sink and then just lick my wick yeah lick your whisk of course okay that's the only sensible thing to do yeah when do we get to the champagne soon a matter of minutes okay okay so now we're moving on to the fancy scrambled egg part of the recipe so you've got four large eggs in front of you yes and however you like to crack an egg crack those four eggs into one of the glass bowls and then you can put your shells in the other empty glass bowl okay and i crack my egg against a flat surface i learned this in um in cooking school probably because if you hit the edge of the bowl then it sometimes can shove broken egg back in whereas if you smack it on a flat surface is that how you do it too i do it on the side of the bowl but now i'm gonna do it your way the only problem cooking school the only problem with my way is that you inevitably get um egg white no egg white on the surface of the counter but hey yeah i did that anyway so so now do you want me to whisk no now i want you to actually use the fork that should be on your counter yes and the goal with these scrambled eggs for these to be delicious and perfect we have to whisk the egg or fork the egg until it's completely homogenized fork the egg yeah i mean beat it yeah beat the egg with the fork and the goal is like not to beat a tremendous amount of air into these eggs no i don't want them to be tough but whisking them or using the fork to beat them to sister them and not yeah but well enough so that the yolk and the white are completely homogenized and then once you feel good about that we're going to season them okay with cayenne yeah so a pinch of cayenne or more however you like your eggs i like them there's like a good amount of richness and fat in this recipe so i like the heat from the cayenne and then like a three finger pinch of salt okay i'm adding a lot of cayenne now good because i get to eat yours i like spicy they can be chili eggs yeah okay so i'm doing three healthy pinches of salt yeah i did like two three finger pinches so what yeah whatever you think for four eggs but three pinches sounds perfect to me okay and then the next thing that's going to go in and this is why this recipe is kind of cool is there's two um bowls of butter take the bowl of butter that has more butter okay and add those two pieces of butter in that bowl to the cold eggs okay which is which is like a tablespoon and a half exactly okay so these eggs start instead of starting with foaming butter and then adding the eggs you add the eggs and the butter cold into this cold pan so if your butter's in there just go ahead and pour everything right into your saucepan okay and then we don't need this bowl again so i don't have to mash the butter no the butter is going to melt as the egg comes up to temperature it's kind of a magical thing the key with this it's kind of like making risotto or stirring polenta we need to be whisking the entire time okay when do we get to the champagne do you feel like yours is thickening at all i see a couple of tiny curds in the bottom yeah i do i see that too and i'm actually i'm gonna lift mine up because i've got egg coagulating in the corners and i don't want that i want it all the same eggs could be so complicated the key with these eggs is patience but at the same time there's this like you have to whisk quickly it's a little bit like making aioli okay and so you said you're seeing a lot of curds forming yeah now it's kerdi and is it getting to the point where are they still tiny and broken up yeah okay good and i'm getting a lot of curds too and you want them tiny now it's like i think they're done okay pull them off if you think you're done i'm not done because i think you want it a little wet right yeah exactly so pull yours off and take that last bit of butter i'm right behind you yeah literally and figuratively put it in put it in and add the butter and then keep whisking to get that butter to melt okay okay i'm turning this over same so noisy all right i'm adding my butter as well okay a second pot of butter okay and whisking i'm whisking i'm whisking now really quickly because the eggs are going to lose temperature yes take your tray that has the two egg cups okay and there's a white truffle on there as well so what we're going to do is spoon the egg into the shell and just being really careful as you do this to not get any egg onto the outside of the shell too late but okay but get your we're filling it up to the top okay like a muffin tin all right whipped cream time okay so now you're gonna spoon up a little bit of whipped cream and then we're making like a beautiful dollop and it seems like crazy to put the whipped cream because there's already butter and the rich egg but actually it was very worth doing highly recommend okay so now we got to dial in our little truffle slicer okay which is like a fancy man a mandolin with a serrated edge okay and i want super thin slices so i'm going to do a few right on to the parchment first so take a few shaves padma just to make sure that it's at the right thickness these smell so i looked up a description earlier graded or do you want it i want them shaved into thin slices okay so you might have to go a little thicker if it's breaking apart are they okay is it breaking apart on you yeah now i got it all right i'm just gonna go right onto my egg and they're falling you just throw one hither and this no a few slices these are fancy scrambled eggs i mean oh my god right now be fancy hold on okay it's time to kill champagne do you feel good about your slices i have yeah i have three slices oh okay okay all right great so just move that to the side for a second but we gotta be clean because i don't want them to get cold my cream is like dribbling that my cream is dribbling as well okay good i think it's gonna add to you i'm gonna just open the champagne yeah so here we're not just gonna open the champagne we're gonna savor the champagne oh yeah okay so we want to take off the foil and the cage but carefully okay okay so take your cage off but leave the cork in got it and then i want you to use this towel to hold the bottle oh that's a good idea and you're gonna hold it kind of on an angle away from your body right but yeah and then pit there's a chef's knife yep very important you're going to use the dull side of the knife not the sharp side okay okay so the other thing we need to do you know what let's take your foil all the way off because we need to find the seam in the bottle the seam in the bottle the glass seam there's a very fine and it's probably coming straight through that front of the label with the one on top that says brute you should be able to find a really fine seam where the glass kind of sealed together i don't have my glasses on okay is it a vertical seam it's a vertical seam it's running like okay i can feel it okay you can feel it and it's fine so what you need to do is you're going to run the back edge of the knife kind of right along that seam and you want to hit the underside of the lip on like a 45 degree angle so you're not you're you're kind of shaving up and hitting it on an angle so there are two lips which lip uh the most under the biggest one okay yeah so you want to run the back of the blade back and forth just a couple times to get it up and down yeah up and down from the base you know so you were going from the base of the bottle to the cork okay and you want to hit forcefully but you're not trying to hack it in in half it's more important to imagine that the blade is moving past okay past the edge okay so just kind of like one two three [Music] i did it i kind of wet my eggs but i'm gonna save them that's okay i got champagne in my hair oh really well i smell amazing all day drink something after that almost gave me a heart attack i was so afraid i was gonna but the way that it the way that it breaks is just so perfect now we get champagne was it worth it yes okay we're done so pick up your egg that you think is the most beautiful mine has whipped cream all over the shell okay hold on to pour some shampoo i'm gonna whoo and now i know what's in there thank you thank you so much i'm so sorry that mine has whipped cream leakage that's okay that's okay maybe you meant to do it yeah i did um also yes this looks very beautiful okay i'm going in i feel like i can't avoid it i feel like the truffle is like a nacho you know would you come back and make indian food with us i would love to do we would love to have you i'll make indian food i'll make tacos cheers bon appetit
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 452,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to back chef, celebrity, food, how to, how-to, padma lakshmi, padma lakshmi 2018, padma lakshmi interview, padma lakshmi bon appetit, padma lakshmi back to back, padma lakshmi cooking, back to back, carla, carla bon appetit, carla music, scrambled eggs, how to scramble eggs, how to make, padma lakshmi carla, kitchen challenge, padma lakshmi funny, padma lakshmi cooks, back-to-back chef, back-to-back, lakshmi, padma, eggs, scrambled eggs recipe, bon appetit
Id: OPBtRk7zaHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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