Padma Lakshmi & Michelle Miller | Sherri Shepherd

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gonna [Applause] have all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now your roots Sherry Shepherd s and I ain't running okay hey foreign [Music] wow what a great show today I'm I'm like this is so wonderful because Padma Lakshmi is here I'm just a big fan of podma from it's uh the Food Network show Top Chef yeah she always has like she's very deep and you know sometimes she doesn't smile when she when she tastes you don't know what Papa's gonna say like you can see you don't know if it's gonna be good if it's gonna be bad but she always has great you know constructive criticism for everybody so I love Padma I cannot wait to chat with her today plus journalist Michelle Miller is here yeah and and you know she was just at the coordination with the king and queen but she's got a fascinating story and she wrote in a book and I was so touched to read it and so I am this one I really want you guys to hear her story uh so Michelle Miller I can't wait to see you when you come sit on the couch as well so good morning John morning Sherry listen I'm having a great morning but I'm really worried about you you know after yesterday's segment with the double dutch I was a little nervous for you oh my gosh let me tell you we did Double Dash yesterday and um it was so oh my gosh oh man I can tell you I gotta tell you it literally I posted this yesterday my spirit was so joyful because I got to jump with the 40 plus Double Dutch club and and they and it was founded by a group of women in Chicago and I'm from Chicago and we played Double Dutch all the time and literally this took me back to when I was 16 years old and I would be on the Block in front of our house and we'd be turned because that's what we did all day we played Double Dutch and um I and so it took me back to when I was 16 but my ankles was like uh you're 56. so so when I it didn't hit me because when I was in right I'm very competitive so I didn't smile when I was doing I'm so competitive and and um so but when I got home my ankle was like 56 50 so I had to soak them in some Epsom salt and um I had I took the wrap off because I had a wrap yesterday but you know and then I had already had heard it after yeah so that was a wrap so everybody who was making a comment going why is half her ankle White because I I have been at the gym and I hurt my ankle and then I was jumping Double Dutch but it was something my ankle was like my whole body I guess because I'm so competitive so my entire Place smells like being gay and um being gay and tiger balm and Jeffrey came in he was like it's not like Grandmama's house [Applause] like I left my place with all the windows open because I'm like if I'm trying to be on Bumble you can't come to my place you don't want to walk in and it smells like old peppermints and being gay oh and I was trying to spray perfume and it still smelled like it smelled like Tom Ford being gay Style oh God but the thing about Double Dutch is it literally as I was jumping it made me say I wish that kids could get outside more and do those things that we used to do like clap if you remember growing up and you were outside all the time thank you like we weren't John we weren't in our rooms playing video games that was a treat to be able to play this but you know we were outside you know playing double dutch I remember we drew we had chalk cause we everywhere it was Hopscotch we would draw and I don't know if anybody remembers of this is a Chicago thing but we played Miss Mary Mack where it was four girls [Applause] we had all of those we had the little rubber bands that we would put together and jump in jump out jump side to side jump on jump in jump out and then I don't and then the thing that we had that was terrible we had those click clackers they were adults but the when when I was younger they were made of this heavy kind of marble and the thing about click clackers you could do it real fast and they would they would pop pop pop and it was always somebody that got hit in the head with one of them and then they run home crying and screaming because they were really heavy and now to this day when I go out with the man and and there's a little something just not right I go you play with Click Clacks because it was always hitting somebody in the head and then they made those click lackers illegal because he was hurting everybody but we used to be outside and this is what double desk just as I was thinking we used to be outside and then we play games like you know hide and go get it yeah and then yes and then you know the boys play games like booty tag and if you don't know what hide and go get it and booty tag is ask your mama that's uh it was a lot of that hide and go get I see you sir popping your collars yeah yeah look at you but we did we used to be outside and there was a thing I don't know if they have it now with the kids we would be out straight huh Johnny had what was that game Joni Johnny had a pony or a bony oh Johnny had a phone I got sex on my mind I'm like y'all was what what Johnny had a bony Johnny had a phone yes there was another one see now it comes back to you and I know that we used to be outside we could be outside all day but when the street lights came on when the street lights came on you had to be inside and it it literally we would be playing and if those street lights came on our street our block looked like I Am Legend there was nobody out there the jump rope was still on the ground the chalk was there the ball would still be bouncing but there was no kids it was like children out of corn literally but so many women commented on the Sherry Hill pages that they wanted to get back to Jumping Double Dutch after seeing me do it and I will say I encourage you to go out and find something fun to do because in summertime it's it's hot off get outside and something like the 40 plus Double Dutch Club then you feel like you're amongst a Sisterhood of people it's they got it in Israel when she said Israel and Germany I'm like who jumping Double Dutch in Israel but they they're getting it all over and to be able to go out and learn how to jump and then you'll be with like-minded women who are your age I mean get out and have fun and that literally I was so tired John my heart was like it that's cardio and I say it's gonna be a hot girl summer so get out there get out there or look in my case a hot flash summer [Applause] so whether you're hot flashing a hot girl and get out there I want to say thank you again to the 40 plus Double Dutch club for being here go join live your best life now somebody else who is living their best life Martha Stewart has every body buzzing because at 81 years old she is on the cover of Sports Illustrated annual swimsuit issue now they've had a lot of women on their cover but Martha Stewart is the oldest woman to ever make the cover hi this gives us all hope now Martha says she's usually motivated by money I love how honest she is she's usually motivated by money but in this case she wanted to show that women her age can still look good and feel good and she looked great I mean look at that look just finished playing hide and go get it okay except Martha's like looking like come and get it she is a hair or a picture of the dog was panting they're right but this this is your look look at look at this I mean all of this and it just shows you like my my girlfriend Bevy Smith says it gets greater later and look at that dog just and I love that Martha Stewart says that she gets to live her dream but uh but you know after you didn't put Martha Stewart on the cover I don't know where you go from here but I don't know what you do next because once you put Martha Stewart on the cover I don't know if you can go back to Gigi Hadid I mean that looks great but Martha Stewart we got to keep going like you gotta put Joy Behar on the cover like that idea you put Joy Behar in the dog on swimming she gonna be complaining the whole time my friend but I I absolutely I love that women are living their best lives at all ages but I'm gonna tell you something doing a photo shoot is hard because she was talking about what she had you know she wasn't eating any bread or pasta and I didn't notice because I did a cover for Okay magazine and I had the swimming suit on let me tell you something nope nope nope I'm not gonna do one of these again because I did not know what it took to do a swimsuit cover you got to hold in your stomach you're not supposed to eat certain foods so you can lean out I did not know I'm a purpose I love to eat so I went on the shoot and they had all kinds of food they had pasta they had and I was eating everything and somebody said on the production team they went are you sure you want to eat all of that and I go well why did you bring it if I'm not supposed to eat it so I'm eating everything and I'm just I'm putting everything in my mouth and about two hours later they go okay we're about to start and I was like start what day I'm when I tell you I was burping and Bloated and but so and I'm sitting there trying to hold it trying to hold in my stomach and and out and I looked like I was in so much pain cause you like this it is the worst feeling so you can miss me with swimsuit photo shoots up and put me some some cargo pants and I'll be happy but Martha you look amazing congratulations now y'all I got a strong warning for the single ladies out here these men in these streets they're getting very good about hiding the fact that they are balding okay I was on social media and yes sir and you look good you look amazing I love your bald heads very sexy and we're not talking about you you got your Silver Fox beard I love that but these men on it I saw on the internet that this man started out as bald and through the magic of man units he gains a full head of hair look at this so The Stylist puts the wig on tight and then with the little spray of water he he cut this man it is his hair is silky and shiny he cut the lace off now not only does this man gain a full head of hair he gained a new personality because when they first put this unit on he wasn't even smiling he wasn't smiling looking all sad then they put this this unit on and he just grinning and cheesing and I just I we got and I just say we got to be honest about all of this you know we got to be transparent because I know when I wear a wig I had to determine at some point that I would take my wig off I need you to know what's going on underneath this because like I don't want you to get confused and that meant and now men are going through this you got to do it too because this watching this this video terrified the heck out of me like I was traumatized watching this because his hair looks so good at the end I would have wanted to run my hands through it but now he backing up he trying to put his hands in my hair and I'm backing up [Applause] I'm running my hands through his head and I got Elmer's glue all over my hand yeah we both trying to not get you know because both of us we got tracks in so we can feel it and so I had to let men know that I'm wearing a wig I let them see pictures of me with no hair and I know and you know I got I have friends in my life they these they will have a baby and still have their hair on their head will not let their husbands see them with no they'll have the whole face on and the makeup on and some men have never seen their women without a weave and I'm just and I and I go you gotta let them know what you look like because God forbid what if something happened like God forbid what if something happened like you you get into a car accident and your wig flowers get your dog going your partner comes and he can't even identify you because he looking at somebody going no that ain't my wife that ain't my wife because she is 32 inches this is missing and I'm going fellas you can't show up looking like George Clooney and then I go home with you and then you turn over that thing roll off you look like George Jefferson that [Applause] y'all ladies and men we gotta let our partner know that this what our natural hairs look like because some days for me I don't want to wear all of the hair I mean so I got to be honest you know it's so me and y'all got to be honest too because this man unit I love it that it's for people of all Races and colors it really is so I guess I get to say now we finally know what Martin Luther King's dream was all about yeah don't go anywhere because up next host the top chef and taste the nation Padma Lakshmi is here our first dance is an author a producer and a TV host who might have the best job in the world because she gets to travel to amazing places and eat incredible food as hosts of taste the nation compartment Lakshmi thank you so much hi what a great audience I know the energy is amazing it is amazing and not only are you amazing I have to say welcome to the neighborhood because 52 never looks so good on you ladies thank you oh my goodness you just you know it's like inside you glow from inside out Padma I appreciate it I think it's all the grease I'm eating but is that what it is Isis but I want to say to you also congratulations on your Sports Illustrated uh you were in your swimsuit issue okay you look so it's so many adjectives I could use gorgeous sexy stunning amazing was this was this a dream come true it really was I mean honestly I've waited for the phone to ring all during my 20s and 30s when I was a model yeah and it never happened and I just thought that ship had sailed you know and I really didn't think about anything like this for years and then my publicist called and she said guess what and she told me and I said are you pranking me I really didn't believe her she said no I'm serious I'm serious and so then I was happy but I was also terrified you know I had just come off of Top Chef like a month earlier when I found out and I only had three more weeks but luckily I was going to the gym like crazy to lose weight from Top yeah I gained like 10 or 15 pounds a month so you know I didn't really I just got really toned I didn't you look smaller in size or anything I just always I always want to ask a model because you say you were terrified what was going through your mind in this picture where you look so Sultry and um okay right that so right there I'm like I hope I don't slide because this is sharp objects under my foot there's like rocks and twigs and I just I have to like suck in my stomach but not too much and then I have to turn and like it's so technical all of that in that sexy pose right there yes you are thinking about all of it you know because I want to look good I don't want to be you know and you looked great you looked thank you and this is the sports and this is the um Sports Illustrated uh 81 year old Martha Stewart is also on the cover you know and this is what I love like 81 years old and on the cover of Sports Illustrated and I know that's great she looks so good I love her I've never seen her hair tousle and tumbled like this she should wear more like that at me think so and looking at this I know uh my friend Bevy Smith has this saying it gets greater later I feel that way do you feel that way I definitely feel that way yeah I I was a lot more insecure I was unsure of myself I didn't know who I was and you know I'm sure at that age my body physically looked better just because I was younger but now I feel so much uh more in my body I feel so much more confident I move in a more sensual way I feel like I look better now because of how I feel and I think that's very important you know absolutely I want to go back to my 20s if you paid me you couldn't pay me to go back to myself hell no insecurity was all over my belly now and more and I just said I feel like if you when I rub my belly now I get inspiration I'm like yeah I think I want to buy something this is like it feels good and I want to say the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue it hits the newsstands on May 18th yeah May 18th you can get a couple of days yeah now here you are you you're posing in a bikini and then also over to the other side you were featured in times 100 most influential people yeah what a big honor like what does that mean that was surreal I mean that is definitely a career Pinnacle for me I have written for time so I've been to the event because I wrote profiles for other people but I've never been on the list myself and it's amazing because it's not only actors and athletes and musicians it's also astronauts and scientists and just humanitarians and it's such an impressive list I really don't know what I was doing on there but I'm glad that I made it did you sit I know being there it's like everybody's at a different table you know at your table a good table I had a great look at this table oh my gosh I know very well she's a close friend then there's Angela Bassett then there's Aubry Plaza then there's Amy who I also know and then Doja Doja girl you people kept coming to sit at our table oh my God and I really lucked out this was at the front of the stage we had Gail King over here too and then some guy who did some documentaries I can't remember his name but I think he's also equally impressive and it was just like one lone man with all of us around and it was such a fun night I love the life you're living you were so living your best life and you got you were traveling across the country on taste the nation and you know when you do that do you learn a lot about America I do I mean I learned something every day on this show and it's very rare you know this to have an idea in your head for a show and then actually get to make it you know because our business is so collaborative and you know I'm a history nerd and I love all this local history and local culture so it is a travel and food show but the food is just an excuse to get to know its people and we go into different immigrant communities but also indigenous communities and this season I have also committed to doing an African-American community and an indigenous community and we go to visit Nigerian Americans so let me tell you I've been wanting to do an episode on blackness in America and obviously I'm not African-American and I can't know what it's like to stand in those shoes but I do know what it's like to stand next to those shoes because I've grown up you know thank you um I've grown up with black kids my whole life yes and um but I was very afraid to do you know not do justice and I had been to Houston and gotten to know the Nigerian Americans and they are the community that is most well educated in the whole country they have more advanced degrees but they don't they don't consider themselves black like I um interviewed this gospel singer named Stacy and she said I didn't know I was black until I got here right you know she said I really didn't but when when a cop pulls you over he's not saying oh you're a Nigerian so you can go right you know it's all the same to the large Republic and so I really wanted to tackle this notion of Blackness not being a monolith that is many things and it has many complexities to it and one of my producers no segeric who I've had from day one I said I want you to do this episode I really want to do it she said I'm not doing that episode all those aunties are gonna come for me if I don't get it right I said that's why I want you to do this episode with me it'll be so personal for you and she she did a great job I think I'm really proud of this so this is what we were seeing when we saw you with Ivana Richie and you were talking about the suya which you're talking about how spicy it was and I never had Suey and I'm looking at it going I know you were talking to her but I'm like I wonder what the food like how the Nigerian food was it is so spicy and I'm Indian and it's still so spicy but you are in luck because I brought you some suya oh you bought some soups thank you my girl all right this is some very fancy plated suya usually standing outside let me put that yeah I don't know why I'm putting on my lap it's gonna fall right here let me put it right here I just want you to luckily it matches your outfit it matches the outfit I want you to be careful because it is spicy but don't inhale bite but don't inhale don't go like that just chew this is glue I would bring you something bad I like this I like this oh oh cool all right hold on and then and you know it's good for you I know but your metabolism the spice is just gonna hit the start slowly uh and it hits you hard but what what's in the studio I'm trying to I'm trying to figure it out oh my God I'm gonna figure it out because I'm writing the did they put the whole volcano in there girl no this is a light dusting the light dusting of spices what is so good and hot but it's so great it's hot in my I've admired you for so many years and I have to say thank you I'm so glad you finally came on the stove she's gone I'm so happy for you thank you and I want you to come back we got more to talk about y'all taste the nation is streaming now on Hulu and the top chef season finale airs on June 8th we'll be right back [Applause] to Sherry's pop-up shop please welcome chassis Oh Sherry and you guys know everything I'm showing you here today is available at or by simply scanning that QR code you see right there on your screen so easy to shop along well this is good what do we have okay let's start with some sheets sharing these or just any sheets these are from Alta Vita they're called The silvador anti-microbial Superior sheet set and they look mild-mannered but they are working hard for you because they have antimicrobial technology in these which is designed to inhibit odor-causing bacteria on Fabrics yes that is a thing like when I was laying Double Dutch in my whole place smelled like being gay guess what these sheets can uh will stay fresher longer they'll smell fresher longer and you know they're not just high-tech they're so soft these are soft this is a microfiber a brush microfiber and the set comes with two pillowcases a flat sheet a fitted sheet that's a great deal so today you're getting up to 71 off normally okay they retail up to 70 today just 29.99 29.99 okay so from high-tech sheets to a high-tech memo board have you ever seen this chair you got to try writing on this oh so you're right on it yeah so this is a two pack it's called the boogie board from versatiles it's a memo board check that out so you've seen my name yeah the old school uh dry eraser board yeah so you've written say your name grocery list reminder to our children right well look what happens when you want to erase it no messy rag I'm gonna tap it with the back of the stuff is it that magical magical I know I love that look my husband my husband is coming no but look what I'm about to do no no nothing right I like that it is magical so this is a great deal I don't love that I've never seen anything like this oh I like this and it's got magnets so you can put it on your fridge and it comes in a set of two so one for the kitchen one for right next to the door right two up to 50 off today normally they're up to sixty dollars but today you're getting two for just 29.90 yeah [Applause] Gathering nothing says summer like a tiki torture yes so this is a four pack of the dancing flame tiki torches and these are solar charging LED lights oh I like that I like that cool so no flame no electricity I mean you can leave these out in the yard because they're waterproof and the Sun is going to recharge them this is a solar panel yeah I like that isn't that great I like this because the reason I put tiki torches out in my house because Norman when he comes over my house he'd be everywhere fall and I don't want him to burn up the back exactly right yeah this couldn't be easier and I mean I think they're so festive and what I love about them too is I mean you can adjust the height and you have your kids around because there's no fire exactly you feel so much safer you can have them on your balcony like being in New York exactly exactly and this is a great deal up to 58 off so normally they retail for up to 96 dollars today you're getting four all four for 30 [Applause] great we use these okay so this is a great deal that's going to make you smile so this is from Bright whites and it's the gel teeth whitening kit okay as if you know this summer we're going to be seeing friends we're going to be going on vacation family hanging out by the pool so lots of photo ops yeah so we want to make sure our teeth are as bright okay as we can get them right so this little Kit's going to help you do just that it is no pain and the cool thing is it'll help you brighten your teeth in under a week so that's pretty cool that's really good and this is a really big deal up to 81 percent off so normally these retail for up to 130 but you're getting this entire kit for 24.99 yeah week I mean that's pretty good I bet we're gonna be looking good in our pictures absolutely hey the hot girl summer oh I know all right so last but not least this is where are we going everywhere so this is from Kathy Ireland and these are the two-piece hard sided luggage set and Cherry I mean you know how expensive luggage is I mean any retailer you go to right but I mean you're showing everybody right there these drive like a dream I mean can you imagine maneuvering in style at the airport and these are hard sided they come in a set of two they're expandable and you know this I just love all the three uh prints too because you're not going to get these luggage locks you can find your luggage when it comes out there Carousel yeah you got that right and the cool thing about this is also is that I mean this is a morning save you know really limited edition because morning save has never shown a lower price for these sets so you know if you want in on this deal limited inventory you've got to jump now lowest price they've ever shown on TV so today you're getting up to 77 off normally these retail for up to six hundred and twenty dollars for the two sets but today you're getting both pieces for 139. okay that's better yeah so much better I was like 600. I know I know 139 this is so great chassis thank you so much and thank you to morning save be sure to scan the QR code or go to and up next journalist Michelle Miller is here [Applause] three decades in television journalism and she co-hosts CBS Saturday morning now she is sharing her family's Secret in a new Memoir belonging A daughter's search for identity through loss and love please welcome Michelle Miller thank you so Michelle how exciting because you you three decades in journalism you're recently in London you covered the coordination that must have been crazy it was so wild you know I covered the will and Kate wedding um 12 years ago and a different feeling this had more oomph and meeting because it's it's a state process right but the takeaways were one um love who you love yeah because that man loved his woman yes um I was a team Diane all the way but to see the longevity right of him King Charles and queen Camilla yes it was it was pretty astounding and then the loneliness of Harry Prince Harry wow was really daunting for me um he looked happy but getting into that car and we got the heads up he wasn't going to the luncheon and that was really hard to hear folks that you know there's still somewhat of a distance yes wow but team Dana team Jeff and I at satmo team we were having such fun I mean it was our first field trip yeah out there road trip I will recommend it for every team Office Team there is I don't know I gotta I don't know who I talk to what human resources box I got to put in to go over to London to do the series just ask just ask tell them on your way out girl you know it's such a it's it you know it's funny because you talk about ironic because you talk about the loneliness with Prince Harry and in your book belonging which is your first book um I know with my first book I was always trying to see if they had my book on the shelves were you scoping out to see if they had your girl oh my gosh you followed me on IG i i i ghost raid bookstores I oh yeah you were looking for them and then and then and then I accost customers looking for books and I I I kind of forced the issue a little bit yeah a little bit it's fun I I go sign books but and I even go into bookstores that don't have the book and I request it there you that's exactly what you're supposed to do and I am glad that you do I am so glad that you do because when I started reading this like the first line and I never wear my glasses on TV that's how special you are girl so the first line said only hours after I squinted up at my mother's face in the delivery room she was gone so that just hit me right there why was your mother gone what what happened well my mother and father um as my father always described they fell in love they had me and then she had to leave and she had to leave because one my father was married two of my mother's family found out she was dating a black man and they said it's him or us and this was before they knew anything about her pregnancy and so while you know she you know I give her grace in her decision right because you know we love our families the family we know but by the same token uh she she knew that she didn't have the strength to go through an ordeal of one is this does this man love me enough to leave his wife and two do I love him enough to leave my family we have a family um and so yeah that is the question is such it's so wild to me that your mother and and she chose her family and she left you so you recently you have found your birth mother you located her how did it go it went you know well she agreed to meet with me for an hour again no one on that side of the family knows I exist really they to this day do not know and um I met with her this was now 30 years ago right and she said I I'm she said I'm proud of you your grandmother my big mama uh raised a lovely young woman and I know that I couldn't you wouldn't be the woman you are today she told me 10 years ago right if if if I had raised you so did she want to you know have a relationship with you I think she wanted a relationship at a distance um because still she's living in that I it's a lie right right she's never told her family and so for you know I've gone through we go through evolutions of emotion and and lenses with each and every age right and first it was the the lens of I understand I don't I don't I don't feel bitter um as a child I felt very lonely I felt like I didn't belong I felt the absence as an adult I realized going through that and making the decision am I going to live in the origin of what everybody else says is abnormal in this existence right or am I going to live in some joy and I chose Joy I really did I am so uh Michelle I this book is like so it's it's like I can't stop reading I can't stop turning the page on even how you have gone to Joy and how you've worked on forgiveness so you have to get the book you have to get Michelle Miller's book I want to say thank you so much for being here thank you we'll be right back time for today's hot flash guess who's giving body on our honeymoon it's Olympic gold medalist Simone biles [Applause] on the beaches she celebrates with husband Jonathan Owens and with a body like that I see why Jonathan kept the shirt on because he can't compete now Simone has an ad for every gold medal she's won that's today's hot flash we'll be right back I added two new comedy dates to my tour Colleen Texas June 2nd and June 3rd and Charlotte North Carolina May 26th through 28th for more info on my stand up go to we'll be right back foreign I hope something on today's show put a smile on your face tomorrow Andy Cohen will be here plus comedian yamanika Sanders is in my laugh Lounge until then be intentional about having a good time bye [Applause] nice
Channel: Sherri
Views: 31,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Id: sVRd1ZqAb7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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