Authentic Pad See Ew Recipe - Hot Thai Kitchen

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Sawaddee ka welcome to hot thai kitchen today I  am making a new and improved video for one of my   most popular noodle dishes and that is Pad see  ew now pad means to stir-fry and see ew means   soy sauce so it's soy sauce stir-fry which I know  isn't very descriptive but what it is is it's pan   fried rice noodles and we typically use the fat  wide rice noodles if everyone loves super chewy   and its really easy and really quick to make in  fact it is it can be considered our fast food   it's everywhere on the street of Thailand so  let's get started let's off protein for patio   you can use whatever kind of protein you like pork  chicken tofu shrimp or no protein at all I'm using   beef today just because I felt like it what you  want to do if you're using beef is oil the beef   a little bit so I tossed this in a little bit of  vegetable oil and that's just my little trick so   when you go to cook it it doesn't it separates  more easily it doesn't stick together in a big   clump which always drives me crazy I'm just gonna  season it with some soy sauce and you want to do   this first before you get all your other stuff  ready because then it gets some time to sit oh   and I am using sirloin tip for this one it's a  good tender ish cut not too expensive next I'm   going to mix up my sauce now when you cook packs  you it goes very fast remember this is fast food   so you want to have all the sauces mixed up so  you're not at the time of cooking reaching for   8 million things so I've got some oyster sauce  right here I'm gonna put some soy sauce in there   because after all this is Patsy you say you  need some see you golden mountain sauce now   golden mountain sauce is just a different kind  of soy sauce with a different flavor bottle looks   like that if you can't find it not a big deal  you can just use more soy sauce ok my version   of sauce I like to put a little bit of fish sauce  in I like that sharp kick that fish sauce has the   most important ingredients for pets U is black  soy sauce because Pat Cu does have the dark rich   color so I'm going to show you the bottle of the  Thai brand dragon fly bread orange cap there's   one that looks similar with a blue cap that is not  it you can also just get dark soy sauce any kind   of dark soy sauce but those are usually a little  bit saltier so I would reduce the amount of soy   sauce a little bit so if you're going to use like  the Chinese dark soy sauce okay so this sauce is   for two servings but I recommend that you cook  the noodles one serving at a time and I'll talk   about why when we actually cook it but at this  point you can go ahead and split the sauce into   two portions and each portion is going to be two  tablespoons plus one teaspoon case you can do that   ahead of time but I'm just going to measure it in  sort of a side go vegetables so this dish always   always uses guilin or chinese broccoli thin slices  like that if it's any thicker than that it won't   cook in time once I get to the leaves I start  cutting it bigger and then you just roughly chop   the leaves okay all right noodles so the noodles  you're looking for are called whole fan noodles in   Chinese so most of the time they're available in  Chinese grocery stores I get mine in a big sheet   like this okay and it's because the ones that  are pre-cut they cut them too small and I like my   noodles fat so I didn't want to get those so I get  the big sheet and I'm going to cut it myself so my   trick for this each sheet is just double folded  and I lay them in a stack like this in the fridge   and then I cut it reason being if I cut it when  it's fresh and then I put it in the fridge the   noodles will stick together and it would be really  hard to pull them apart but if I cut the noodles   when it's cold and then put it in the fridge cold  noodles will not stick together so when I go to   cook it they spread more easily if you get your  noodles already cut and it's still soft and fresh   spread them out while they're soft if you're not  going to use it right away spread them out while   they're soft then put it in the fridge but if it  comes hard as a block from the store put it in   the microwave heat it up until it's really hot  and soft and then you can split up the noodles and if you don't use all this at once just put  it in the fridge it actually keep for several   days and this is a trick that I learned I was  working in restaurants we just portion them out   into individual portions keep it in the fridge  and whenever it's time to cope just grab the back   and throw it in the pan all of the work is done  up front the first thing I'm going to do is I'm   going to cook the protein and I took the protein  separately so I can control exactly how long it   cooks and it won't overcook now I mentioned that  I'm going to cook this one portion at a time and   that is to maximize noodle toasting okay and  I'll talk about noodle toasting in a little   bit but the protein you can cook all the protein  all at once which is what I'm going to do alright   and I'm just going to take the beef out for now  so I'm just going to wipe it clean yeah I don't   want any extra liquid sitting around to turn the  stove back on and go in with more oil I'm going to   start out with some chopped garlic and whenever  you cook with chopped garlic you don't need to   wait for the oil to heat up that way you don't  instantly burn your garlic if you overheat the   oil so once the garlic has time to cook a little  bit smallest bit start to brown I'm going to go   in with my egg and then I'm going to break the  yolk let it set a little bit and then scramble   once it's about halfway set I'm going in with my  vegetables looks like a lot but it'll we'll give   it a quick toss just get the vegetables coated  nicely in the oil and then you go in with the   noodles hey the sauce now remember I'm going to  do only half of the sauce which is two tablespoons   and a teaspoon and now you just thought like your  life depended on it your goal right now is to get   all the noodles coated and split up Oh sugar  salty and sweet is the key to the fish get your   noodles sort of split up if you see any any that  are clumping together tackle those once most of   it is split up you want to let it sit well we're  trying to develop is for the noodles to toast and   char it would be really smoky get that burnt wok  flavor that is iconic to this dish separates the   mediocre cuts you to the great one so don't touch  it for like I know 15 seconds 30 seconds depends   how heat how hot your pan is and then I'm just  going to toss it okay so see how the noodles are   toasted some of the egg is toasted get the other  side let the other side sit for a while again give   it a puff yeah there you go that's what we're  talking about I can smell it so just the beep   now make sure you don't put in any of the liquid  which you'll naturally collect at the bottom of   the bowl okay don't throw that in because at this  point you're going to wet the noodles any added   moisture can potentially make your noodles soggy  and it's done oh my god so fast so check out this   noodle that's a good example of what some not  didn't have to be all but some of your noodles   should have that toastiness okay so condiment  wise you want to put a little sprinkle off or   a lot sprinkle of white pepper on it that'll  give it that sort of hot pepperiness and this   is optional but it's often served with pots you  and that is Pritam so more chili vinegar so this   is basically just white vinegar and I'm using  Thai chilies today but you can use spiritual   ease or jalapenos anything milder would do as well  and it's spicy and acidic and it cuts sort of the   the sweet and salty and richness of the noodle  so just a sprinkle and you can put the chilies   in if you want chewy noodles I love that texture  what I love even more is the smokiness from that   charring that it's really worth doing this one  at a time so you get that maximum charring it   adds so much salty a little sweet balanced by that  tartness of the vinegar oh my god I always eat way   too much of this so so just as a warning maybe  don't put so much on the plate cause stress me   you will eat it all so the recipe as always is on  hot Thai Kitchen calm when you make it send me a   photo on Facebook Twitter or Instagram and I will  include a sample them in my monthly newsletter and   if you haven't signed up with a newsletter I'll  put the link in the cart click a little info   button right there the lid will be right there  and oh if you haven't subscribed for the show you   can go ahead and do so right here and I will see  you next time for your next delicious Thai meal
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 1,766,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Pailin, Pai, Chongchitnant, Cooking, food, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thailand, Thai cooking, recipes, demonstration, cooking show, educational, recipe, Phat Si Io (Dish), pad see ew, pad see you, pad si ew, ผัดซีอิ้ว, Ho fun, noodles, rice noodles, pan-fried, soy sauce, kitchen, fresh noodles, chinese broccoli, gai lan, stir-fry, beef, street food
Id: Ohy1DELF4is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2015
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