Packing the Perfect Travel Bag with Sarah Murdoch

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all right hello everybody happy Saturday thank you for coming out to join me today or less again happy so the bestest about to depart if you can find your seat with all of your things in the overhead compartments I appreciate that don't want to be standing one of us is emotional so welcome opportunity traffic bustable my name is Sarah Murdock I got a tour guide and a type of researcher or excuse or almost 17 years before that I was an architect and also a mom and I'm joined today by my oldest son Rico who is my cameraman certify Protege in theater program with heroes of it except he streaming my talk today live on my Facebook page adventures disservice so just as a tip for everything today to help sort of alleviate questions that may come to mind everything that I'm going to talk about today in my talk I'd written about extensively on my website which is called adventures with Sara finally some words what's like it was just adventures with Sara that I'm also going to be over the Travel Center athletes talk is over today with Luca who also is very capable for answering questions I'm happy he's a little expert episode also we're both going to be available for personal questions over have a child-centered directly after the talk you wanna come over and try out the luggage just one thing if you're interested in buying a bath today today we are having a sale in the Travel section it's not available online it's only in Travel Center today and the discount that we're offering is just for today and just for you guys in the audience sorry faces of people so this is the reason is that we want you to come into our office and actually try this stuff on click about there under that pull the wheel you gotta just make sure it's the right thing for you so it is your chance to try out all of our products I'll be there to give you any help if you are interested in kind of figure out what is the right thing just for you so here and lots of the travel advisors over here or even exceeds shirts also they would help you with that stuff so please come and join us afterwards at the top centered up about and where we'll be in this room after I've been to a continuing on with his series of travel skills talks and then also down at the theater being effective it's going on so they have finalists I hope you'll stick around and keep having a tiny salary is it nice to do something not election I've been walking all day and I'm gonna keep blogging all main writing to try and help people have a distraction so let's think about happy positive thoughts or maybe plotting our speed to Europe should the election out there the way we personally wanted to there are traces so if you notice a crack as a valuable skill overall in general so almost ahead and just start by talking about sort of why this is my thing I'm a tour guide in Italy I work actually all over here as well 99 different itineraries correct and the family tours as well and over this time I have had to be considered a travelling because I travel for up to four months a year maybe not a row but in some pieces I'll be gone for two months non-stop especially when a genetic research I can take a lot with me as I'm moving constantly so over time I've had to develop a system to make sure that I was like on my feet as possible and I take as little as I possibly need and I have to tell you over 17 years every single time I go I take less I remember the first time I ever went to Europe I was with his age I was 11 years old and I took about I was bigger than my own body and a have a leash and I filled it like a dog down the street it was like great being with all the way throughout Europe but that was how people travel the mid-eighties did you travel in babies did you have that guy back I think you did because that's how people went back there they brought everything and not only that but back in the eighties people have heavy shoes everything way more if you count all these contract materials that really help our lives now so it is possible now to travel with far less weak and far fewer thinking severely for another thing is in Europe in the cost of 1980s I had a great me because I didn't know the happier didn't have the right kind of toothpaste probably not there they have the right kind of shampoo that I would recognize probably not but now pretty much everything that you can buy in the United States you can find somewhere a year in Italy in fact anywhere you can find oh you'll find something that's you know good not for an ouch so that I just want to put on the table right there to take some pressure off because the number one thing all of us feel when we pull away from the house going for a flight is what what did I forget you all just said it all the same thing what did I forget you know it as long as you got your credit cards and your passports in your money belts on your body it doesn't matter what else you work with you I would say also your under your thumb is pretty important but as long as you have your ID and your credit cards everything else can be replaced so no matter what kind of ice I gave you today I just want you to go with that bastard primary piece of information if you ask everything up all your bags got lost you have nothing else you can in Europe and actually almost ignoring the world or face virtually everything with that credit card and passport so that go better or you feel better now and take people the way program with your house and just be like our passports founded okay so that's number one piece of information there were two piece of information I'm going to take away from this class nobody ever said I wish I had brought more nobody has ever said that anybody has ever said so take that off the table right now as well you can always take less you can always keep something out of your bag I swear to you if you look at the best two weeks ahead of time every single day for 14 days you can take one thing out and leave it behind and you'll find you got everything you need because at the end what you need your passport that breaks okay so think about those are kind of the ways to go so in all these years of traveling and trying to be efficient in how I pack I have like a specific business I'll explain Texas do you like interest I love having my car for camping trips because it's like perfectly packed of course at the end of the camping trip I'm like shoving everything in trying to load my kids and strap them to the top of the car because I can't put exactly the same way I started but it is nice to kind of take that attitude towards packing where you take a design sensibility and this is where the architect piece of my career comes in is that I've sort of taken my mentality amount of architecture and I look like a kinetics I don't expect all you to do things I think is frankly I'm crazy and I don't expect you he praises you but what I want you to do is see how crazy person packs and then takes something with you it works for you something that I told you today may work for you and I get lots of people posting things on my blog saying I can't talk like you because on the mana it feet no I have bigger feet back up shoot so all of the things I'm telling you you promise you are actually applicable to you when you see the amount of total trees every you're going to say that's not flexible but I'm telling you right now all the makeup I'm wearing right now is just that came out of I got I gotta carry for two months a year so it is possible all of this is possible okay so let's get going the first thing I want to talk about those bats how to select the right bag for you that is a totally personal choice I'm going to give you my personal take on it if I were to select a bag for you I would give you a backpack and I mean pretty much all unless you absolutely can't lift anything and there are people like having us camping things at all I would say try to get out this is our typical backpack this is one that I traveled with for 99 years I'm going a little bit brighter color with me because I like to find it on the your carousel airport or actually I put patches all over mine and I something right to it to make sure I can see if this is a great bag and this is one that is carrying on sense this should be your maximum carry-on size for almost every airline in the United States I actually look through every bring this or I'll even 10 - slightly smaller one we have a rolling bag that's even a little bit smaller because I like to go on those budget airlines in your America only for the much much smaller data this one can actually be six down on the sides to compress it to be the right size for just about an airline the reason I'm talking about a backpack versus a rolling by visits if you go to the travel sector and you test out the weight of this versus the rolling bag you're going to see that empty this weighs virtually nothing and this weighs pounds with nothing in it so right now because I'm taking a whole strategy with weight this makes me kind of thing I left without kept there and basically the reason I'm doing packing I love the name this quiz classes called packing light and light but it's heavy on the light because light is the strategy I'm applying here I'm not going to tell you how many pairs of master ring I'm not going to tell you how much usually what I want you to do is think about what physic way that's your priority here if you can drink as much as you want and I actually kinda like very conference when I'm traveling because I have a difficulty for every day over 21 gauge order I'm not kidding I really do but that's because my clothes are all stupid like me and you're welcome to come up later and look it and actually look at the spectator you can see I bring lightweight materials and a great things shoots the way nothing and you have things that way nothing of that pack works just fine because you can put things in you can easily limit so I suggest effects for this reason when you are traveling if you are going to try and catch a plane it's good so often how often does it happen we can get to the airport and your connection I was really sure I'm always in Affairs there for running like a crazy person because there's always your connection times if I can backpack no problem put the backpack on my back and I run I can run as I have to with the Rolly bag you're kind of dragging in and you're trying to make sure you can either around people and you run over people's feet it's heavy and all of these things so it's not as a mobile that's the number one thing this bag here my younger son took with him to Italy to start and I was cursing at almost every day is actually used to backpack trying to go up and down the steps in Venice how many bridges are there in this and have to lift that up and carry it and then lift it down I just I'm not used to that because I have about packing backpacks you just focuses fancy-free and you hop them step-to-step so if you can possibly manage a backpack I suggest you consider it also consider about cap because let's be honest it keeps you honest doesn't it it's going to force you to tackle it because if you can't lift it you need to take things out if you're going to have to wear it on your back you need to keep their bike so if I think it's really a nice constraints to say okay I can only bring as much as I can carry on my back these bags are very nice too convenient evil love them and most people on my tours use this bag but they put everything in it you can put bricks in it you can put babies in it it doesn't matter because it's easy it's so easy to pull it's if you don't notice the lake except for when you get on that airplane and you try to do this and then you go bottle and it almost falls on you and then you have to ask me to let them into your the quarry so as you can see maybe this is it so it'll be a personal selfish strategy which I've got so I don't have to put your things we are going to compartment because they always ask the big tall strong woman to do it so I suggest thinking about this but no matter which path you choose this thing I just did right here you want to do that I want you to be able to do that it's also really good for that flabby skin beneath your arm if your lady this is how I think Marilyn Minter time so I suggest you try to pack your dad in a finish packing and just attempt lifted even this time out even over your head and if you can there it's the right weight for you so almost looking at those cables of wings for airlines that's almost irrelevant because the bigger point is you need to be afflicted yourself so if Delta I mean something to see if it was almost 30 pounds day off most people cannot live 30 pounds to go over their head 16 pounds tends to be the weight for European carriers that's a more manageable weight that's pretty tough to get to hit that you can do it and how easy is 16 pounds for you lift you might only be able with ten so think about that stuff on your copy because the weight is where it all comes down and be really careful if you do choose a really got you're going to be so tempted to put everything you own because it doesn't matter as you're driving it but you're not because we're thinking about there are days when you're going to be trained in pack to get without an ounce of fat or onto the train there's going to be a lot of times when you're going to need to actually be able to work it sees a half-wit alright so take that piece of information when you go back shopping and remember you need to lift that bag we have several different varieties of really guys in a couple of different backpacks if you're undecided and happy about which one you prefer we have about pack with meals so we can also solve your problem for you that way the only thing about that one is that when you have something that physical it really is either them the best unity sort of like I'm going example you know awkward shrimp you know they're not really good shrimp you're not anything it tries to be something that it's not you know what I'm saying so don't shoot something to try something what does not choose that back choose really bad and figure out the one that suits you the best I'm going to show you today and I packed that my son trip in this one is there without the rolling wheelie bags and this is a good one rolling theory on another one it's gorgeous and brand new is the revenge I haven't tried that I want to try it on for my extra tricks that was really nice a hard second one and that really keeps you honest because you can't let it out because you know you can't actually look expand it when you initially pack it's got those card sides so you can't really cheat as much so that's another good one to look at so those are a couple of ideas for Pat I do against against backpack but really bag is just buying it that's what you eat all of our bags have some sort of basic features I want to show you they're almost all of them have this sort of copy of the French there's good little things pocket up here at the top and then we have a deeper coffee that goes all the way down the link here and then they're all secret hidden compartment I want like is on the side back here and it's a jacket flap so it's open like listenin to you to slip your code in which is really helpful I forget that I have that and then you can also use these side straps as strapped down on either a water bottle or in a fellas sometimes you're like a sneaky pair of shoes you can use the side straps to hold things down and then this one is for this one here has a zipper that goes all the way around it to kind of let it out a little bit if you like buying a few souvenirs which you're not going to do right because your souvenirs on your experiences right right that's a Rick I'm supposed to do but if you happen to them to be buying something that is the choice if you hadn't collect this one a little bit and it'll pop up and give you a little more space so so those are some ideas about bags and as I said on the Indy travel center again I can help you kind of look at those together another thing you want to do is choose the data and for de Valence you are going to have a lot of different options some of you may already have something that you want to use your home a regular purse is okay if you don't have a purse that you think is really kind of trouble savvy travel suitable we have a couple of good options and I'll show you Rick's favorite this is the Chiquita backpack and he uses this one all the time actually this one was designed to be something that you could put into this bag it's me at a superlative material you roll it up no technique and step it in there and it weighs basically nothing and have a nice little pockets in the second border Rick actually uses this one all the time hi Steve monorail again this is about you Scott I personally prefer to use a messenger step back and I have certain strategies so this is a messenger style bag this is the iPad for the launch a bag other way when they're launching iPad bag and I prefer to carry a messenger style bag because I'm kind of paranoid I don't like up on places where there's pickpockets on subways things like this and that past I can't like because I don't feel like I have control of them so I like that that I can have strap across my chest like this so for me I just want like this and let me tell you a pocket is a big deal in Europe it's not as much of a concern in the United States you know Instagram here but in Europe oh my goodness everywhere you go it's so easy to pickpocketing and I just want to let everybody know especially with the gentlemen in the room if you happen to have a wallet you keep in your back pocket and you decide to travel that way you will be your first one pickpocketing and happens every time so you need to be kick you when you carry your things around because keeping your rear wall and your back pocket Europe doesn't work you're getting that every time I come in and do that I save them and I should put that in your bag you're going to pickpocketing that's not happened to me and within 24 hours no chip 24 hours that wallet is gone so do not carry wallets in your back pocket put them in and money belts where are your things I'll show you in a minute sorry about the aggramar things underneath and if you think your items that you need in a bag strapped like this I walk just like this I rest my arm just like this when I'm walking under and that's nice because nobody's going to choose to rob me because look I've got my hand on my back it's not because I'm particularly special it's because I've got my hand on the bag and there's far easier people throughout with me I'm also six with you a little scary-looking other than that you don't need to be 62 and scary-looking it's just if you look aware and you have to hand on your possessions some of that may be looking to pickpocket someone is going to go find a person with the backpack or the purse they're not watching it's way too easy to find something it's easy in projects so I very much appreciate this kind of bag it's nice and secure nobody can rip it off my body and if they do they're going to take me with it and that would be hard to sell a lot but it's nice to just have something to mention hand on it just looks like a I've got nine where my possessions are sir that's why I suggest this there's a lot of different kinds of bags like this out there this is just one we have a much larger one for the dough log shape because it also has a function keeping you both it's a little bit unwieldy for me I like this a little bit smaller bag you may come about at home this will already work this right one thing I would suggest however is to consider this over backpack very important reason in Europe right now a lot of museums are not allowing that accident anymore and it doesn't matter if the bag I'm hearing like this is like this versus a backpack the backpack could be smaller but because it's a backpack they're not allowing of those kids in the museum's so you have to check it so when I look my killer groups I always tell people the first thing if you don't have a bag like this please just go and I will shoulder back something as simple as a little shopping bag like this I bought this while I was on the road just to hand out to somebody who brought about package you can put your backpack in it and hear about this I'm all about creative rule-following you know I don't think Italy we have a face in Italy it's called the art of arranging things love the auto chassis so you want to kind of figure out how to to arrange things to work for you so this is a cheat okay but here's the reason that they ask you to use a bag like this or like this if it seems is that if you have a backpack on and you're walking around I don't know Lou and somebody you know talks to you and you turn like this with your dad back on you're going to knock something off or scratchy painting or something because you're not paying attention to what about baguettes so that paths are considered to be a little bit dangerous and have you ever been on us you're all nodding yes you have so where is a cast those always caused problems in museums and recognized that so they are asking you to bring a purse and here may be input comfortable with that we do have an open report it's called immerse or romantic so Marissa cam backs are very very popular with York in men so if you can't quite do the whole idea of getting back with you go online and look at the photographs of York in men all walking around with their dashing stars they're nice man bags and you'll realize that you're just kind of upgrading your style you come home looking so European people are gonna be like you're super icy just thinking about it go child I'm available for you messenger style like this it's so much more convenient also I just feel I don't feel comfortable right now anymore I just feel affection believable having liking some I got so it's a total style thing this is my personal suggestion for you okay Diana in the child subtraction is to show you some other different acts so I think what I'd like to do is I'm going to go ahead and start by showing you what is in my data and this is actually a true story I'm going to show you things that I carry with me there's not much in here and the reason there's not much in here now is because technology is so amazing think about all the things that used to lug around in our bags those books look at those your casitas books they're like bricks they're wonderful but they're heavy I have them all on my phone now so I just looking up oh my god I just chronically or I'll take the books if I'm working on negative research I'll take the books out the chapters that I was interested in and I'll quote that little sleepy cells a little kind of sleep where you can bind them together and then I just have this little kind of you know camp but basically of all the things that I'm going to go and see so there are different kind of strategies for carrying books but think about all the other things you don't need anymore you're going to not see a camera in this bag I used to carry where this beautiful DSLR cameras all the lenses and I don't do that anymore because they get conscious technically it's just that camera alone with this lenses with like six pounds I have 16 pounds total that's ridiculous I'm not gonna waste my time with that I'm going to bring high heels before ever that but in fact my phone takes pictures that I think are really pretty good especially with all the chemicals here some things you can do with Instagram so as far as camera goes I highly recommend reading a good smartphone and then you can play with it now I have so much fun using my clear graphs on social media with Facebook and Instagram and all this and you can't do that with a regular point you can so if you're not technologically savvy here is a class today on how those technology and travel and I would suggest going there if you have to get if you give yourself a smartphone another nice thing about the smartphone is that you can use them in Europe to do all kinds of things if you I have a t-mobile plan and I highly recommend TiVo because you can use your phone in Europe for free free data unlimited just included with your plan and I use it to stream videos I'll be on the road and I'll be kind of wandering around and just change my mind I think I'm going to in Florence today and I'll bring up you know looking calm and find myself a child with a bit of tone every week so it's so nice to have something like that now that you do all your cooking you do all of your traffic reservations so if you have a bleed over into the technology can I do suggested I would show you my phone thirds use it have you seen its extreme this class on Facebook so that's another thing you can keep in my videos and stream them on Facebook there it is you guys can see if my - I love my iPhone it also does all kinds of other specific things like it's a flashlight did you don't as a flashlight on it that's super convenient so if you haven't gotten comfortable with it boo the smartphone think about this and even in an inexpensive when you can get into expensive smartphones 100 bucks something like that and then you can even go here and get a chip of a little company if you want to keep in contact but there are companies here in the US that have very inexpensive plans we've never put them together and free or cheap calls in Europe so that's my first piece of little technology that I keep in my bag my other piece of technology that I keep in my gap is my iPod and I did bring over them the reason I'm going both of them is about you I use dislike a lot so I set this up in my hotel and I type on it and I'm actually me do a guided research I bring a super thin and light keyboards to actually functions just like a lot of time I have a really solid case on this though that I've dropped off of second-story windows in it and okay I actually put them at unfortunately but this one we're signing it actually has a nice little scam on adaptive polls so I can set it up and I can watch things I can play music I can do whatever I wish with it so this is a really good pick out especially if you're traveling with kids happens to become invaluable to other little kids because do all kinds of wonderful things on Long Knives with Chopin playing checkers I played checkers with my son on the train how fun is that while I loaded a bunch of board games for us when we traveled them it's just a wonderful entertainment tool and way to kind of keep kids engaged so iPad and iPhone these are like the only things I think as far as technology for bringing a camera I don't bring any extra things I don't bring a laptop laptops are a very personal thing a lot of people feel they need them you're on vacation man needs a lot of talking you know you can get away with just a phone you should do that need the office as far away as you can this technology can kind of be a little inmate surface-based or files so that's what I've got as far as my technology goes if I got other things in this bag gets pretty scared I just kind of keep little things I've got my glasses and my glasses clean right here I thought a few fun little things that I think are nice finds one is a Thai stick very important for making friends in Europe you can walk around restaurants and look for people to flop spaghetti on them and you like hey here and then the month was really lucky when you think about I keep a bite stick and this is really good for people if you haven't given me allergic to use I get really got well today it was just a little Gallaudet let's go away and a little thing of mosquito repellents if you happen to be going somewhere that that's a problem so I've got little things in here I've got in here my vest which is really nice and lightweight and vest and this is a so super light and it's very expensive about it at Costco for 20 bucks and it goes into basically nothing and this is my extra layer especially if I'm going somewhere where it could be pretty cold me eating I can layer this or the sweater or maybe with another coat if it's really cool so far offseason travel I mean vests are a big investment and then start I always people really likely start with me of some kind which I can use for a variety of reasons I like scarves in any case they're nice accessories and this one I'm wearing right now I just bought for 4 euro in Piazza Navona besides cold but it's also just very pretty so stars that you never ever won them are a super useful thing think about all the things you can do with this step I can do an entire class on how to use a skirt have you ever seen that James Bond movie occupancy when if the femme fatale escapes by rock like I'm just also going to start and rolling off the balcony now I want to do that I won't do that right now but that's coming that's gonna be my guest and it's long so I think it's a lot of fun when you have a wonderful start to kinda news in different ways I can use this sarcasm if you like it I can use this as a head in Turkey for instance and I need to cover my head I can use it for extra warmth this is silk and it weighs nothing it is transparent that it's super super warm so it's very useful I can also use it as a dress if I need you and this is where the men and women I think I'm insane I suggest men carries our cue in the summertime just buy a really super cheap thing start because in so many churches at museums there are times when you need to cover up many churches the Vatican Museum men have to wear pants they can't show their knees and I don't want to tell any man in my group in July when it's 100 degrees outside to wear long pants the Vatican Museum where you're going to shoulder to shoulder did you see Rick's pictures that's how it really is so if you're going into a museum where you have to be covered that's miserable so what I do is I tell all the men in my groups go buy a light weight start you just wrap it around your waist like this and you're just crying and I know that that seems crazy but I got to look a little silly for 10 minutes my name is Sistine Chapel than to be miserable or a three-hour tour so kind of get over it just give it yourself you got a great putter great think about like emailing soon and have a complete little dickie look at her come on you can do it so I keep this for all kinds of reasons I'll wear this have a beach I'll take this to the beach and I'll wear this as you know just sort of a sarong and you can type this in so many ways I feel I can wear this is a top - I can actually turn this in tightly so it looks like a halter top there are a million things you can do with the search so I'd recommend many common with them I also like to take it and fill it with any kind of soft things on the claim like my Down Vest for instance and look now I've got pillo hooping and that's a lot softer and less creepy than a Philippine here - on the plane right so I definitely recommend start for everybody women in and give yourself a nice big skirt read courses start now if you think you're too manly to wear a scarf my boss he wears a scarf and he looks like actually I think cultivate your desire for a start because I think it will be a good thing to have always in your back okay being a couple of other quick things my back Kleenex always bring the Kleenex not because you think you're going to get cold think of all the greatest things you might have to touch with your hands or the prepares your body so I carry these and I hand them out as three gifts to people as well because this is something like that but sometimes you show that in foiling the Europe and there's no paper became your big hero you've got a paper for everybody so that's something I recommend I also don't recommend Europe I don't have Carolina bag and I will never forget your L I've never seen sicker groups than the people who use URL because they decide to do that instead washing your hands and think about how gross that is how did you use Purell in white do you know me believe girl because people that either go use curl they really don't wash their hands for me they invest a substitute it is it sir washing your hands singing happy birthday while you do it that's the way you're supposed to do it every people who wash their hands the most of all traveling and once you don't it's stupid now it's not as possible is it to find a bathroom with soap and water and washing hands and sing happy birthday to yourself so I get these little buns and I keep these this is from my days of having babies and toddlers having wet naps with you but I think the man a plastic ziplock bag like this because they kind of tended leave out things but that's another big thing to keep in light in lieu of Purell or similar effexor this actually wipes the grime off of your hands so that's what everything always turns up and I get out and then my favorite thing in my data is something that you will have to kind of assemble for yourself I call this my box of Awesome this is a 99-cent first-aid kit from Target that I hacked over many years into the little chunk of old living is right now you can name almost any low level travel property they have and I can fix it with my boss in here I have all kinds of amazing things and really you can go and you can come up with your own ideas of how you want to put it together I have awesome tweezers with the razor-sharp tips that can do all kinds of things from plucking my eyebrows to getting my jewelry out of the sink of the guitar if it falls down there tiny tiny scissors which are not going to stolen by the TSA they're helpful on a pilot to make on the plane so that's really workable I've got band-aids I've got emergency double-sided tape you never know when that's gonna be happy and I've got wonderful band-aids that say things like she's got a flesh wound that's really helpful you gotta laugh when you get injured you know I have screws for glasses I have a little screwdriver I have safety pins I love my safety pins because you never know when you're going to need to say it you can you can pin your your hotel key to be inside the gas there's lots of great uses for safety pins little bit a sewing kit loss not just for your teeth but also big bad connections with this that's useful here I'm gonna kick kick and even three night that's let me tell you pet cheese do you know that he's wah so Blas is great I can even fill your teeth I have a filling material in the teeth again I can pre attach with this little tube of things protects your crown footballs are so super glue that's another good thing you can kind of come up with endless varieties of things you can put this little box but the restraint is keep it in a little box and just kind of use your imagination East a lily pads all these great things and I love trying this with me because you just never know you never know what you're confident it's good to be prepared can you told as a Girl Scout I like to always be prepared for reading if you do not really do much if you're looking at me thinking how you never ever going to do that because I don't have the kind of time you have well that's okay because we actually saw my record we sell back we have their big called the travelers need kick and offering that a little while later it seems kind of her sport and that is a wonderful little kit that I've got be something about convex and it has a few of the babies that's sewing kit it's about band-aids and stopping and Packard gave all that kind of good stuff in so that's something that you might consider having just as a backup for everything else in your bag so that's basically all you carry that not a water bottle I don't have a water bottle in my bag to show you because I don't buy a water bottle like a real good one and I'll tell you why I leave them everywhere and forget them and I'm never going to pay $10 for the water bottle because I'm going to need it so I just scare the water bottle when I get to Europe and we feel it just like this talking wrangling I have a / to weeks and then I'll make it some more I feel bad so that's just my personal tip I don't like my food quality water bottle I forget it same thing with umbrellas I do suggest especially mija season to either bring a really super good lightweight travel umbrella I search for weeks to find this one it weighed almost nothing and it works pretty well even if it's small but the thing is as soon as I keep this to Europe it's going to get lost I'm gonna leave on a bus I'm going to put it in one of those things they don't put it in front of shock like the buckets and then I leave it there and I feel like umbrellas are like water it kind of flow into my life and flow so I try to talk like that really how about we do remember that where she talks about money without money it fills in to lengthen it flows down her life and it's the same way with umbrellas they go into my life and they pour out my life and that's like a startling attach to them because in Europe think about this any time it starts raining somebody will come to you within about 10 seconds with an umbrella for five years so you can carry this with you or just have five years on you and you may think that sounds weird but it's absolutely true the water puts opinions those guys the tabular umbrellas they pop out of the ground I mean in Canada - so by the we have time and Chinese people did it or just wait - look watering stoves just always be five years and call that five years your umbrella you can make a little envelope with it with a picture in the row on you like nine moment five heroes for Heroes is it's a gown for 3 euros if it's really really pouring I don't understand the logic thing that's the way it works is the harder it's raining the cheaper the cost of the bad ones oh here's the travelling kami this is what we're selling in the office it's already made for you so if you don't even check that out you can see what's in stacks that's a nice sheet if you don't want to some reversal alrighty so that's what they like it let's have a look now at what is inside my back this is a true story these are the things that I took out and wash you're so lucky I wash supporting this time last time I did this back in class I had 24 hours from the time I stepped off the plane until I can do this clock and so everything was very pregnant so you are fortunate I could wash everything and these are actually the clothes that I've traveled in for up to two months at a time this bag can carry 2 months worth of clothes and I swear to you it's true and this is how are you it's this scale this scale is the difference between me and every other operator so invest in something like this if you don't have one already a kitchen scale really super accurate and this is how insane hang out if you look at anything in my closet anything I can take this off me and show you I bought this from any barrack that was really cool and I took it home when I was just me when I waited because if we of six axes and I tried to be under five ounces as soon as I buy them I bench them up and I put them on this year like that and I find the weight mitigation sharpie and I liked all about in Chucky how much it weighs and that sounds like I know you're smirking at me and I might never going to do that okay that's fine but I would just giving you ideas because here is the crazy thing I have an example of an outfit up here that you will think is a good travel weapon look at this nice lightweight tank top it's one of those continent travel tops never wrinkles always looks awesome okay cost me a fortune and then there's these lovely pants from Athleta that are made for traveling and they have hidden pockets and they're supposed to be quick drying oh and they have the ankle buckles which I love they're going to roll up if you need to drill up and your travel friendly because they're made of the same yet do you know that this ways to speak to things way more than a pair of jeans a cashmere sweater and a top underneath it's true and you would never know that just looking at them because all of these so-called travel friendly fabrics they're a scam and do not buy that snake oil they are trying to just upsell you these terrible continents that first they don't wrinkle but you know like this way this top weighs as much as three of the regular stalks in my bag you can come and see it later you can feel it for yourself I like to wear silk or four-legged cotton because those are natural fibers that actually breathe these are so stinky one of these kind of talks that I got I think I've got a bit unclear and it it is so sticky I headed threw it away even after washing it over and over those kind of eight fibers be really traps in him and please say they don't so they don't wash ball they may drink and look beautiful all drapey that they weigh too much they make you sweat and they're not relevant then they add out in my opinion so when you get those catalogs from those fancy stock companies to their charging $300 for third count pockets throw them away go to Target buy yourself a $10 pair of cotton pants and call it good because actually what I seem to do is all just all shocked on the clearance rack at Target and I will tell you I actually target gap anywhere you wanted I please go and look on the clearance rack because the cheapest clothes in those stores are going to need a finished fabric think about that that's true thin jeans are the sheets by chinking specific finding Bayless also don't spend money on the clothes you're going to travel in you know why you'll lose them you'll ruin them you will and there's nothing you can do about it if you bring something expensive it's going to get lost or stolen or room pretty quickly the only exception I would say is cashmere sweaters those are worth it if you take good care of them and you keep track of them because they're really nice and like more got other than that I'm so hard on things I would never spend a lot of money on travel clothes I can guarantee you that in your closet right now you've got a perfectly acceptable travel wardrobe you just haven't discovered yet because you haven't gotten your sealer so go get your scale out and find out what your travel wardrobe looks like also you don't want to be looking like you just got that from the Gobi Desert for you and most of those travel forming companies have all the pocket best pockets you know I feel like a zookeeper I walked through st. Mark's Square and I can pick out all the Americans because they work like the zookeepers mr. Bari has met the best of the pockets you're going to Italy ma'am you just like that dress nice Italians they just wear black box black because it's stylish it also doesn't show the space needs you want to absolutely dress nicely don't dress even like I do in Seattle if you're going to pick out your clothes just remember people people and your opinion just a little bit nicer than we do so pick up your game a little bit bring accessories and we're not start with your guide wear a necklace if you want to try to just buck our game a little bit but keep it light and keep it sort of natural fibers that breathe it's that you can wash easily and it'll dry relatively quickly those are the things I think that are kind of the most important so all of this travel bag of stuff just der letzte Kuwait don't buy that an eternity of somebody be with you as a gift you already have those of your costs go to work one other story I have to tell you my very first story I ever did in 2000 there was a woman on my tour who was quite elderly and she saved the whole life were only trip she lived in her car she was on Rick Steves tour and she saved her whole life in this trip it was amazing she worked with the goodwill in the dinner cart she brought in her suitcase a suitcase full of clothing that she had gotten at her job at the goodwill things that they were going to throw out and when she had is every single day when we left the hotel she leave an outfit on the bed and she put her souvenirs in and she did it all the way through trip and to the last day of the trip she opened up her bag to show me and also have a souvenir she's closing about now that woman should be on this stage in a car that was an amazing feat and what a clever way to go about it so there you go there's another idea there's a wonderful goodwill here in Edmonton has gorgeous things they even have cashmere sweaters up there go and cook their food bill and buy some clothes that are nice-looking but you're not attached to as you're going to ruin them I swear to you your clothes you're going to give your room because that's just the nature of Tropic travels hard on things I can do it in for long times I'm doing all right so what's inside my bag I'm just going to pick this up for my fans on Facebook couple of boy that's how the bag is put together it's like a puzzle and I love that our bags and our packing cubes and things are all sort of put together to be like a sort of a puzzle so what I've gotten here is I've got this zipper compartment here that carries my shoes I have four pairs of shoes with me and I carry 16 pounds of luggage and you can do it too so I swear I promise this is my little pouch that has all my electronics stuff in it so it scores chargers things like that extra batteries so that just clips on this is something I found it I think it was targeted for a couple of bucks little mesh sack with a clip on it and then I have the things that's organizing and if you don't have a computer you never heard of packing cubes you need to come and drink this Chloe let me tell you because if you are not using packing cubes I am sad for you you need to do it packing cubes are the difference between happy travelers and sad travelers and actually some of my colleagues I can't even get on board the pack of you train but the ones I have are very grateful because once you get onboard the Train you're going to love it the way packing cubes work is you can in your own way come up with your strategy for how to isolate with your possessions my isolation of possessions toiletry bag underwear socks drawers bag swimming swimsuit lee nightgown as well and then this is my tops and then this other thing the bottom is a folder that has my pants in it okay so stresses things that need to be folded I keep it here things that can be rolled which all of my cops for the most part are there can be folded world and I know this is a big Internet debate in something on the Internet packet folded or rolled and some people like to do this thing where they stack all their codes together and fold them all into a giant burrito which i think is crazy and I'll tell you why the reason I do this system is that if I need something I can find it like that I open up my bag and I go oh I wanted I know I wanted that red top oh look there's the red top I can see it right there so I can unpack my bag find that red top put all these pieces back together close the top and zip it up and a Camino time oh I love my little socks I have on my fattest axe I want my gold ones oh here's mine back with my I sacrifice my underwear and my socks and I goes in it okay Alan's with it not by myself that's why you want to do it this way it's just a compartmentalizing kind of thing you can come up with your own system some people like their pants rolled and their shirts folded I don't really care how you do it but this is what I suggest and we sell these in the Travel Center and I love that they're mesh which you can see through and see where your things are so that's what works for me and I definitely recommend you think about that so the first thing I'm going to show you out of this part of the bag is my toiletries kit this is the most hotly debated piece of my classroom talk I will tell you because the ladies in the audience are never going to agree to this but you can do it I promise you you can do it you don't need more than 3 ounces of any liquid you really don't and if you actually think you do here's a good trick you can have 10 bottles in there 3 outside so many things to take your giant bottle of whatever good as you need and get a bunch of little balls and fill them up and they'll still work as long as they fit into a ziploc bag just like ones that walk back ok I would be quite honest I don't use this toiletries kit I'm going to show you how this one works because this is what works for most humans I am NOT that human and I'm going to show you mine and this is what we're going on the luge all this is my closures better and this is everything this is so this is shampoo conditioner all of my makeup all of my prescriptions my contact lenses everything and I know you're all like ah see you shaving your face you can do it too and I'm going to show you some tricks so this look at these two okay and just remember everything that's liquid is going to have to go into this bag anyway because this is that three one one size okay you can do it take a deep breath and let all of that stuff you put in your hair go you don't need it you have beautiful hair you do I promise you you are attractive without all that makeup I promise you before and you're traveling and it's not a beauty show but if you need those things you can do them in a really small way and I'll show you my hair in my face all this is done with the things that I'm showing you right now so it really and don't you tell me on some young thing that can do that I'm 42 so if I have magic serum in here but I can tell you you don't need all that stuff so let me show you what I do want these are my shampoo conditioner bottles I got these at Target for a dollar in the dollar section I dumped out the soap it was in them because it was young so I took my favorite shampoo conditioner fill them up all the way we set these on my counter for a week and they evaporated and then I pulled them up again and they evaporated more and I concentrated all of my shampoo and conditioner into these two bottles and have enough for two months you don't need that expensive concentrated shampoo conditioner concentrate your own in your own kitchen easy to do and look how nice these bottles are this staff I like the shape so I always looking for shapes I don't get target this trial size section I look for the three ounce size that had works best to fit into my container please fit really nicely into my container okay so that's my shampoo and conditioner you guys have gotten awfully quiet about seven my toothbrush does take up a little bit more room that I have really bad teeth and so I bring not a Sonicare because they're too heavy but i bring this little sonic toothbrush thank you this has had the same battery for two years one little triple a battery and I use I can get replacement heads for it they sell this at the savvy traveler down the street I also have a link on my blog to it I really like the salty brush let's notice for this is sonic ER but at least it makes me feel like it's as good as a sonic ur so that might that's something and then little tube of toothpaste I bring a tiny tube of toothpaste realizing I can buy another two toothpaste in Italy no problem they have the same toothpaste there that we have here so that's my toothbrush toothpaste applause there is glossing here as well razor is in here and then I have just a nice little comb that my kids bought me it's not creepy globe comb faced Bush and Facebook is important even for men please don't forget to the face lotion because this has SPF in it and everybody should be putting a face lotion on them to travel to the outside along more than you are at home you're used to being in an office or in your house a lot and even especially men and they don't work basically normally you're going to get summered and I see it all the time so I do would really like to ask the men to think about getting a nice face cream with an SPF and just get in the habit of putting that on if you take a shower in the morning and then you won't get burned noses also be sure to get the tops of your ears so I put a proximities nose and facing the morning and any Oh baby on top of that for the ladies my next step for my beauty regime is mineral foundation this stuff is amazing because it is a mineral foundation that's also a sunscreen and a dermatologist on one of my tourists suggested that I moved to this because I can use it as a really good sunscreen on hot days even on my shoulders and it gives you a super even complexion this stuff is miracle anyways nothing I got a little brush I actually got a powder I didn't want just because I wanted a brush okay you guys it's so little so I look for things like this how can i minimize you make things smaller the rest of my data using waterproof mascara super important even for the men beautiful but it won't bleed that way I like to have my makeup that I put on only in the morning and then I don't have to think about us today so waterproof mascara and my miracle lipstick it's Colorstay lipstick by Revlon this step I've been using for ten years and then a colleague turned me on to this this stuff will knock them off your lips you put it on in the morning you don't put your lipstick on again you go to bed you have to scrub it off before bed fabulous stuff if you like to order stick that's it that's pretty much it and that's probably all you need if I'm feeling really frisky I bring myself a little tiny thing of eyeshadow for fancy nights if I'm having a fancy night so you can find just the tiniest tiniest little bits of makeup if you need that step and minimizing as much and here's my extra-special little new find offensive Italy this is concentrated deodorant they clean you only have to put it on once a week apparently I'll unusually because I've had to last two days but still two days is pretty good although I thought so bad for my group is I told my group I'm going to test this out so if I'm smelly men under my armpits all the time that's why I was doing this all the time just to make sure that this stuff works but it actually does you can find us on the Internet as well as concentrated motion theatres this is so much better than that big fat stick so you can find products like this that'll help you minimize your prompt the contents after your bad really small and then this is my this is the do as I do as I say and not as I do portion because you should bring your medications in their original packaging tubes I don't I have a little Altoids tin I get as many pills as I think I'm going to need for my trip I'm a little more I add about 10 20 % just because you never know what's going to happen I put them in here and then I photograph the bottles with my phone so if anybody ever asked what it is I thought I can show them the prescriptions with my phone so I've never been stopped and never had a problem but I leave it up to your discretion that you should do those are that's how I carry all of my prescriptions so that's basically the contents of my aim of my case about care fasteners up hearing on these lovely little hair clips that I can clip on to anything you can use it for a lot of purposes and then there's a nice pocket in fact with this one this is why I like this photo just get excited I'm talking about that I keep my contact lenses in the men in the room are going to want to close their eyes for a second yes ladies you have to carry beauty products for our other body parts you can find tampons that are Cal size you have to go look for them but you can find them and they're compact and they weigh nothing so you can put those into your bag and you can have all of those things you need taking up less than half of the amount of space you need so that make sense you guys are still looking at me with big scared eyes it's true that this is what I carry I'm not kidding oh and actually on the contact to point out I use daily use contracts and I throw them away and doing that means I don't have to carry around the lens solution and it's much easier for me that way this was a great solution that my optometrist came up with so if you wear contacts that think about doing daily use while you're traveling it's a little more bulky packaging wise but it's much easier than having a 30s solution around with you okay any questions about that before I move on through all of shellshock yes yeah - butch but how do I convince it all down everything I just showed you it all fits into this and you know why I know that because I took it out of here and put it in this it all fits now I can put it back in and also to the Travel Center layer you can see this is the size of that fab you that magical bag now this one here which is the size of the airline Rose this is actually a little bit smaller this is from Compton it's fairly expensive but it's like I've heard but nine years so it's a pretty boat using a regular bag made you no trouble miss wick right yeah it's almost as if I can't you see that thank you for asking yes okay we want to close right now so what I'm going to show you today because it is we are approaching the offices and I have a lot of people email me asking me about what to take to the winter time my strategy here is going to be layers layering is the best way to go about packing super light and having everything you need so I suggest this bag that I'm going to show you right now is great for any time of year but you can reinforce it a little bit with more things and take out the lighter things if you wish so let's get going first of all with the sexy part issue the under regard yeah let's hope it's the upended eraser I didn't turn the sexy bras today Sarah got that I bring three balls one on my body and I bring two in my bag and the reason is that a bra is a thing that if it goes wrong for me I've got a problem because I can't find one in Europe so I bring stairs and having three causes great I'd take one off put it in shower wash it while I'm washing hair and hang it up to dry and then it's ready to go back in the bag the next morning so three glass I don't think I would ever take less than three bucks I also bring in here my swimsuit my swimsuit is putting in genius because I wear a bikini and you can and should too fYI don't roll your eyes me about that line if you wear a one-piece you're going to be the only woman on beach wearing a one-piece and I don't care about what you are even the people who are well over a hundred turn up on the beach in a two-piece of a tee but what I love about the two-piece is that oh look I don't have any clean drawers or underwear or do i no one will ever know so that's what I wear when I go to if you ever see me in a laundromat in Europe I can guarantee you what's underneath my clothes it's not bikini so uh that there you go bikini three girls plus bikini black Underpants because you know black is good I like black and I would encourage you if you have never been a fan I drink actually at eight years of underwear one of my body says in back if you are not a fan of this type of underwear you may want to consider going that direction and I'll tell you why you can bring 15 of these in the same weight as five or the others and your man will actually probably be really in favor of that plan so I leave it to you both and I don't wear lacy because I'm sexy I release you because it dries really fast so go to the wrap NORs your wrap and look on their underwear carousel and look at all the clearance stuff they're all really ugly colors but you can get some really lazy lightweight stuff that dries like that and that's the point you want it lighter you want to drive faster it's not about the sex appeal that's just an extra bonus and affected your husband won't mind paying a little more for next officer Justin so that's the end of your planet I bring seven or eight pairs of underwear I do the same with my bra I get to the shower I take off my ground anywhere and I wash them while I wash my hair hang them on the shower head in the morning I come back with my third minute shower and I've got a fresh pair of underwear and a bra waiting for me and but that's a little backpacker trick that I learned you know when I was probably 20 and I still use it my socks all did the same thing with my songs and if you do that every day you can go almost a whole trip without doing wash you can maybe do a beneficial laundry wash once a day or once once a trip and consider that washing your clothes in Europe is outrageously expensive it's like twenty dollars it's so it's stupid you could almost buy new clothes for the amount of money and that's self-serve if you go and actually have somebody washed your clothes in Europe it's insane it could be a hundred euros to have somebody wash your clothes my clothes are not even work on hundred euros so why would I do that that's why I keep doing laundry washing in the sink or in the shower and I just keep going without at the camp socks even in the summer I always bring one pair of these you all have these on their feet go to the Costco wet merino wool socks oh you know you do most of you have this gospel Marino socks on these are so warm and cozy so I bring one pair of really nice merino wool socks for the plain even if I'm going in August I bring these and I wear these on the plane just to keep my feet nice and cozy and sometimes if you're in a hotel even in the hot summer nights you can have hotels that have overly aggressive air conditioning so always very warm socks a matter what kind of year you're going if you're going at this time of year you might want to really bring this kind of stock but I love the merino wool once their stock and they're extra extra warm and you don't have to be expensive ones these are at Costco they're 10 bucks for four pairs so that's a great deal in the summer time or other times I like to lay the little kind of socks that just kind of go up to my ankles partially because again I'm worried about washing and drying all wash will dry these little ones and they'll dry and I'll bring maybe three in the same amount of weight as one pair I've been a three so I just go with the small ones always black again because you just never know it's going to happen on the road I like to I would never bring anything white people do write insane or their goddesses I have seen people on my tours that were white every day and they never have spots and don't know how to do that if you know how to do that maybe it's seven ladies I'm not sure if you know how to do that come and tell me because I want to know that secret that's that's a different blog that's not my god all right so that's what's in my underwear compartment and then in my class in my cat compartment I roll everything I hold things in half and then I roll them like sausages and that way I can see what I have and then this is how organized I am I even stack them in order so sleeveless sleeveless sleeveless short-sleeved shirt sleeve three-quarter sleeve long sleeve long sleeve on sleep sweaters that's how I like to stop it that's overboard I know but it's nice because in the morning I wake up and I just look out the window and I go oh it's raining 55 degrees I'm gonna be on this end of my back I actually knew a guy in college who would the same outfit every day but it wasn't the same outfit it was the same amount that he had ten of the same flannel shirt and ten of the same thing else and he wore it every single day he just picked out a clean one and I always thought that was so crazy to have there so Stetson down you know so something to think about maybe you just bring the same thing in your bag that okapi investigate that possibility so this is how what I do I like to wear sleeveless fox and I know a lot of them and say I would never wear say this not because of the this yeah I got that too it's okay you can wear sleeveless Fox and I think drinking sleeveless tops is smart because they can be a base layer so just bringing them as a base layer especially if you have your skin that sensitive other things bother you I wear these as a base layer and then I'll put over the top different things depending on the heat of the day and what's nice is ready the day I can have more on 10 different versions of the same outfit and just keep layering so all we're basically like was just a nice cotton tank top really nicely fitted one and then these silk box like this are just a miracle I think I got this I think I paid $5.00 for this at the wrap it is silk so it weighs nothing I can just toss it over the top and I can kind of change it up in your voice it used to be like that's why I don't wear white because everything turns very colors but that's a good idea is to bring any kind of silk things because they weigh nothing in a virtual lightweight I think talks like this are wonderful idea also I bring kind of basic colors on the bottom black blue gray and then I try doing tops that I can kind of have better they look more interesting looking so red or something to kind of spice it up and then I'm gonna save the same for you bring you know bottoms that are just really neutral but try to bring some tops that you can kind of spice it up with because in Europe they're going to find it even the men in the room are going to find that they're going to feel a little underdressed people here just dressed more fancy than we do here and also by the way your clothes are too loose you're all wearing clothes that you're cooking for you every one of you I promise it's true every one of you're wearing clothes that are too big this is not how they dress in Europe not because they just better they just more fitted so they have things that here's their bodies more so think about that when you're talking but that's just another thing so sure like this is really nice if it has buttons because you can invent it you can wear it open or closed wear it like the best or you can wear it like a regular top so the other hand we love the sweaters that are super sheer this sweater I bought in Italy and it's a really sheer angora it's super lightweight and airy so I can just layer this on with several layers underneath it and then so I'm going to just kind of quickly set this aside for you my bottoms and then we'll do the Fashion Show portion if that sounds good to you so the bottoms are pretty light and simple on this particular trip I'm assuming on this is a two week bag I'm assuming I'm going for two weeks if I'm going at a time of year one I might want it a little bit more whether I bring three-quarter length pants men should find these two because these are acceptable in churches if you can find shorter pants this is another solution king and again in churches I always look for ones with the buttons at the ankles because you can roll them up and turn them into shorts so that's a nice thing to look for you can find pants that have a buttons or zippers of the ankles and then they you can transfer them shorts or something nobody wears they just don't wear shorts so I typically we've never been shows I'll bring a search or I'll bring pants with the buckles that I can roll up I have a pair of nice lightweight black pants that way virtually nothing and these are nicely making those over these leggings I'm wearing so if it's cold I'll put on these leggings and I'll put these pants over the top which I'll do that right now these are really nice lightweight pants you can find camps like this at a lot of different shops some people like things that are kind of more elastic waist that's fine too so there's that if it's cold outside this may be my base layer I'm going to have underneath my leggings I'm going to have on my tank top and I'm just going to tile that's what we're going to talk about and then if it's especially cold I go back to my the best that I had on earlier and I'm going to go ahead and have a desk on top it up and if that's still not enough I've got my skirt which I showed you this magic described earlier fold it in half with your hand through wrap it around that's how most your teens wear and there you go now I've got a new outfit and I'm super long and these are all super lightweight layers this layer of pants this weighs nothing at all so this is just one way to change up one thing or another the everything I really like with these leggings I'm wearing is that you can wear dresses with leggings and this is a really popular look in Europe right now to wear dresses with your ladies and a lot of people don't feel comfortable wearing dresses a lot of women I'm going to suggest you get comfortable with it because you're keen women look so pretty they look so put together and stylish why do they look so pretty and stylish because our dresses they're more feminine than we are and it's nice it's nice and wear a dress that's next to a little bit dancing the dresses are a magical travel item because they weigh nothing this weighs nothing is ways I think less than a t-shirt it's just me to kind of a cotton gauze so what I can do is I can wear even on a winter day like this I think this is a useful dress as I'm just going to put it right on and I'll show you how to tie it into a winter outfit put on a cute little summer dress like so I have my tank top underneath it still keep me a little warm under there and then I've got my nice little cashmere cardigan sweater that I can put over the top and there you go now I'm all dressed up and I can wear this in the winter time and it's feminine and then if I happen to be going me into places multiple temperatures and it gets really hot I can take the leggings off I've done that before in the summertime I've started off with an outfit just like this and then it gets to be a little bit hot and I'll just kind of go and find a bathroom to take off my leggings and kind of unpeel peel off the layers throughout the day be a little striptease and I'm always comfortable this is the way you kind of dress things up you kind of change it up by using different layers you can also do sort of a combination of dresses and pants these dresses are just so fine I look everywhere cookies this is from old mediums five bucks which is superlight dresses that you can use in different ways this is a just I maybe pockets I'm going to try and figure out to the camera things like this pockets are useful so I have in this bag two dresses and two pairs of pants and a pair of capri pants this is what I all are doing for that amount of time for a couple of weeks I really fine and every day you can just kind of look at these things and kind of say how can I dress these up and layer them today you know if you were really super crazy you can even wear these things all together good job oh you laugh but it's true watch how busy this is you can wear a dress look at that I just give us a four-top so there and one nice and cozy too so if you if you look around for different things in your house that you can kind of dress up one of the pieces like including here oh let's see em oh this is fun I found this is a lightweight gossip sort of thing that just sort of drapes over all of your clothes I know the colors clash but it's just sort of an example you can kind of wear things like this there we go not going to pronounce it so this is the fun part I have those special flakes when I was a kid that that or you could play with me even evolving her covers around I do that with my clothes before I read about how my best friend came over and she sits and she's not national consultants and we go through everything and we try to make as many combinations as we can and you know it's really funny as my tour members who come on tour they always eventually come to me even if they don't know that you're packing stuff by the end of the trip they say how did you worried opinio up with everyday I didn't but what I did is I wore a different outfit in a different way every day so it is possible to change that and when you're traveling who cares you're not trying to people with your outfits I just get sick of my clothes and so that's why I do it it's more for myself so I get so sick of looking at the same things so think about ways you can dress things up change them up one real quick thing before we finish about post this is something that is on your mind I'm sure if you're traveling in the wintertime what kind of a coaches you wear this is such a big topic and shoes let's just use a very encourage coats the best thing I can tell you is in the summertime look for a Down coat like this that you can bunch up into a little pocket this one came with a pocket just like that a mess down is so wonderful I wore this from August all the way until the end of October and this was a great coat if you're going offseason I suggest a park back one is longer like this this is also super lightweight this is my everyday coat here but this is a code I've got specifically to travel and I really like this for just a nice simple parka and it's so cozy on an airplane it's like sleeping in a cocoon so I recommend tiny something like this that fits me well in a summertime when it's hot I bring a black fleece if you notice that it can be any color as long as it's black white black coat you do not want a colorful coat in here where a black clip also just because let's say you go to go to the Opera and you don't go to the Opera normally are you really going to show up in your neon orange already I waterproof coat I've always been opera you can feel a little silly so I like to bring black because it's sort of a little more socially acceptable in Europe just all these electrodes and then I always go with black shoes and this is the part that most people get really frustrated about these shoes shoes weigh a lot and a lot of people tell me there's no way I'm giving four pairs of shoes because my feet are too big or I have to have special shoes or something like this these days it's possible to bring as many as you want what I bring are Skechers these sketches are super popular these days they weigh nothing there library marshmallows on and come in virtually every size they are so so lightweight I put him on the scale I'll take the scale with me to Nordstrom and my poor son were there he knows because he's been embarrassed by me before I sit around with my supremacy department yeah I know he's over there good job street so I weigh all of the shoes just to make sure they're they're the right weight before I buy because that can be a determining factor if you've got three pairs of shoes that are equally interesting to you weigh them before you buy them and you may find that one is significantly lighter these way absolutely nothing the other ones that I have that are super light these are called Metro lights and I think they're a six and these have lasted two tour seasons which is absolutely unreal to me cuz I feel shoes but what I did is they're ultra light shoes and I ripped out the cheap sole that was on the inside and I bought these super feet ones and I put them to the inside and I turned cheap lightweight shoes long enough teaches with languages into really good walking shoes this soul has a nice hard arch you can find ones that fit your type it was the best and that's the magical ingredient in it to turn any person sees into an excellent walking shoe and then I always bring with me sandals if it's summertime these sandals I really like I bought these really cheaply the rack as I didn't really love them but they turned out to be a pair I love their ultra lights they have a court foot bed so this kind of Birkenstock sort of soul are really nice for people speak the cork bones and they also really happen so a nice clear stanza to put on you for men I absolutely recommend Birkenstocks they make them in some really nice little styles now and europeans were there too so I would recommend thinking about that and then I do suggest for everybody if you're going in the summer time to bring flip-flops flip-flops are super tacky they're so happy we're on the streets of Europe you would not want to wear them walking through Florence but I found these amazing one for the black high heels and they actually look dressy enough to wear anywhere and the reason I suggest foot box for everybody men and women both is that when you go to the beaches a lot of the beaches in Europe are not stand they're gravel beaches and you get there in you can't walk because it hurts too much so I wear shoes what if you are in hotel where the hotel you have to share your bathroom with other rooms you need foot blocks - and showers things like that so always going to flip-flops they're nice to have around also because they weigh nothing and sometimes that people on the same pair of shoes every day for two months you cannot stand to look at that pair of shoes and your feet cannot stand to be in a pair of shoes and having an alternate is so important I think the foot comfort is one of the most important things you can think about because if your feet hurt you're not going to have an extra trip so you may think I'm crazy to bring four pairs of shoes but actually i trade my shoes everyday and I have not had a blister in ten years ten years and I walk five to ten miles every day with my groups and I have had with your ears it's just as changing your shoes in and out never wearing the same pair for a long time and being really careful so that's what I suggest is bring at least two one pair of sandals one pair of walking shoes my third choice would be a pair of flip-flops to have and you're going to go crazy into the fourth especially the women I would say a ballerina flats something really like it you can pop it can be your extra pair for when the other three just will not work for you Rick brings want I think and you can do that especially if you're on a shorter trip I'm gone for very long time and that's why I go ahead and I spend my weight this way so that's just a choice so that's pretty much everything a couple of quick little things before we go I do bring some things that are what would I say I would call them sort of extras it might have been a good girl and I had very carefully spent language and I have extra pound I always try to aim for that at in 415 pounds rather than 16 pounds because then I've had my sort of crazy weight I had that extra sort of well it's it's sort of like going to the grocery store and buying a cabbage chips for you then we you know it's kind of got sinful pleasure what is that sinful pleasure but I'm going to put into my bag but I don't really need it but I really want it and I've got some ideas of things you might not really need that you might want and if you've been good you might have the room I've been one of these you know that is that is a hot water here don't think it's something it isn't it's a hot water I bring this and I bring a mug and the mug is really a fun one if I can find it I bring a titanium coffee mug which you can see here but I bring this a little titanium talking about the mug weighs four ounces this weighs about two ounces and then I can make myself hot tea and coffee in my room in the morning and before I go to bed which is really another pleasure in the wintertime I don't bring it in the summertime but when winter time I go also if I'm working and I don't want to go out to dinner I go to the grocery store and I get instant soup that I can eat my cant open that may sound weird and tacky but that's fun so that's what I like to get also my biggest simple pleasure is the one that takes up the most room and I will never travel without and this bag I told you it was less than 16 pounds it was probably about the 14 mark and that includes my most important item my full-size pillow I cannot sleep in a hotel with really bad stick though so this is always always in my dad could you have even guessed that this was in my bathroom and to begin here the show know and that's because it's a damn cooler it squeezes down to nothing I bought the cheapest down pill that I could find in bed bath and beyond it was 20 bucks it doesn't have a lot of young people in it but I gave this on the plane with me to keep me nice and cozy in the airplane and I have it with
Channel: Sarah Murdoch
Views: 73,366
Rating: 4.7133331 out of 5
Keywords: travel, packing, travelskills, travel skills, rick steves, italy travel, adventure, luggage, sarah murdoch, packing light, packing tips, packing tricks, packing ideas, bag packing, packing a bag, rick steves travel festival, rick steves bag, travel blog, ultralight packing, travel blogger, 10 pound challenge, European Travel, traveling, travel tips
Id: vHmwEzB-ZhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 47sec (4427 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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