P3 BiS TOGC Guide - Affliction Warlock - Wrath Classic

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hey guys thgc is right around the corner and with it a whole lot of new gear for you to get well let's get some massive upgrades and I hope this video can help you navigate all the new pieces while rounding out your current missing pieces from this tier enjoy let's get straight into it so I have two sets because in trial of the grand Crusader there are Alliance sets and horde sets and each piece basically has one or two words swapped so we're gonna go over the alliance one and then we'll show the cohort counterparts and I will have links to both these sets in the description below I send a pretty long time to try to get this there is a very similar set on the Warlock Discord that has like two gems swapped if I'm being as honest as I possibly can before we get straight into the into things the gearing path in tlgc is pretty straightforward because to start off we're using our four piece the four piece for warlocks in the next year is very strong because it increases the Damage Done by your corruption UA by 10 and that's snapshotted so imagine almost a permanent two-thirds tricks on on your corruption the entire time are hardest hitting spell so it's going to be really strong so for the helm the shoulders the gloves and the legs are already kind of spoken for at this point so you don't really have to worry about those those are pretty straightforward because we want our four piece you have to build to it somehow and because we're already on the topic of it the best piece that goes with it in my opinion is Sky Weaver's robes it is a large Bastion of hit most of this gear doesn't have hit on it it's just the chests uh the weapons and the wands I'm pretty sure maybe one other piece but this 86 hit will basically be the fulcrum of the set and I want to reiterate something from one of my previous videos that this sets work because everything is in Tandem and there are certain pieces that make things happen last year we had our weapons our wands our chest and our neck be the Bastion of our arm of our hit now with the eye level jump and just the different gear that's available to us we could go one step further and only need four pieces with him now this set has 14 hit without a drain eye we have no external Buffs at all I'm assuming hero if you have a drain eye in your group there are some Veil gems in this set like in the in the neck that you could swap out for reckless gems if you want to drop the one percent Hit And The Horde set also has 14 hit just for the basis as possible but the helm shoulders gloves and legs all already spoken for moving on to the next there's only a few necks that are added in tlgc and one is dark Bane pattern which is a source I hit but it has crit and then whale the valkyr most of you are going to be having Sapphire amulet which is still a really really solid neck and or pendant of fiery havoc and using this as one of your head sources so whale of elk here in terms of importance I don't think is that high because there are a lot other pieces that make a bigger impact especially if you're using the neck as a source of hit if you somehow manage to get the chest and you already have like Star Shard and Cosmos and the wand and you're overflowing with hip then I think this would be an attractive option for you to pursue otherwise in terms of importance I don't think the neck is as important of the get immediately moving on the cloak this is this is going to be the strongest piece of the tier since it's the it's the only 272 piece that drops in the entire thing and we know this is the hardest piece to get because it requires a wifeless run it requires a full full tribute chest 50 50 attempts no wipe so the amount of people that are going to be getting these off the rip are going to be extremely low as people are learning the fights and people are trying to get to the chest so uh this should be in my opinion priority one or two because it is that big of an upgrade over any other item every other item is going to be a six eye level upgrade but this should be definitely very up there and it is a very strong item there are is another cloak Boulevard's devotion which is also a really strong cloak but we're getting to the point in our gearing where the crit starts to outsim the spirit a little bit so that's why Jada's radiances are preferred cloak here although we usually go for the the spirit haste piece they both have the both of haste but the crit is a big difference now you went over the chest over the sky Weaver's robes there's only Sky Weaver's robes tear robes Investments of the sleepless Investments of the sleepless has crit on it so uh since we're getting our four P somewhere else uh Skyway reserves is better because Sky Weaver's robes trades that 94 spirit for 94 haste which is extremely powerful and this should be very high up there in your priority as well in terms of the tier backtracking just a little bit you could buy tier with emblems now depending what pieces you have now the eye level uh 245 tier going for that four piece might be better than what you're wearing now I encourage you to go cement and try to figure it out on your own but I think the four piece is extremely valuable and if I had say two-piece uh legs and and shoulders or legs and Helm and I didn't have a crown of luminescence yet I would definitely be trying to get my four piece as fast as possible I don't know if dropping the two piece would be better the two piece of the previous tier with the extra damage to UA would be better than just equipping the pieces outright in terms of just static stat upgrade my initial analysis said it was but it definitely cannot be so you just have to go into the Sim and try to figure it out on your own I always encourage people to try to do that but the four piece tier is definitely some sort of priority on the list and we will talk about the priority in a little bit braces are pretty straightforward if you never got grass a reason this is a direct upgrade of grass for a reason so keep an eye out for that it's just a six eye level bigger upgraded grass reason and you're gonna be throwing a purified in there anyway for the extra spell power so now ablated tarasque this is a better Star Shard Edge and it drops off the first boss so you don't need to worry about Prague in that much with your guilds because this will drop there's a 245 version 2 which is a slightly worse star Shard so if you have star Shard you're in a very good spot and you don't need to worry about the weapon as much going to next tier and should consider this a little bit lower in your priority given how many other great pieces and great mixing and matching that we have to do the puzzle piece that is the Warlock ear so I'm going to reiterate this later but if you have a star shot already you shouldn't be worrying as much about the weapon next year you should definitely focus on getting something a little more coveted like the cloak or your tear the other weapons aren't really as good you really want your weapons as your source to hit none of the other weapons that kind of come around have that a lot of hit like most of our tier doesn't have hit the gloves are the only piece so we're just kind of begging for hit and that's just gonna come from our weapons the the offhand is a little a little weird because there's a 250 at all fam and this is the difference right here you're basically training the crit for the haste and a little bit of hit for a socket and I think that the socket makes this worthwhile and because the little bit of haze helps you get to a better place with your haste than where you were before this set is rocking 20.6 haste before you even get external Buffs so the Chalice is a more attractive option than the 258 offhand if you're already rocking a cosmos similar to before I would look towards another piece for your priority in terms of gearing because this is a small a side grain in my eyes from Cosmos chalice just because of the haste gloves we got here we talked about two already belt is cord now there's a few belts to drop there's five belts total belts most of you probably have sash of ancient power or Star watches binding so this is what we're rocking with already I sell cinch if you need the hit is a good option you lose a belt socket but that's okay because you get all that haste in that hit I would consider it an upgrade over assassination power I would probably use it core to biting cold I don't like this belt at all because it's crit and I don't want crit at all this is the best spell in my opinion three sockets haste spell power straight forward we get our hit somewhere else another hit hey spell this is much better than sashvane should power and quarter dividing cold another crit option I would try to send this over to the Mages legs tear again but I did want to mention uh in the demo set which I will be posting soon this is the off piece that I would recommend going for because it has a very nice very nice Bastion of spirit and haste and if you really wanted to you could use this for hit just like people use laser enslaved Idol last year with the hit in the crit and the three sockets this is like the same thing leggings the deepening void and leggings of soothing touch can be used here if you want to find a new off-piece that has more hit than the chest so keep that in mind I think the tier is the best option here but obviously it's Dynamic you could choose what you want boots there's two really good pairs of boots just like I mentioned with the pants if you want to find a new source of hit These Boots Are a decent option they have a lot of hit on them they have haste they have spell power it's exactly what we want for us this is a more attractive option in my opinion where you sacrifice all that hit for haste and spirit so definitely keep an eye out for whichever one fits your needs more at the time this is the one I would ultimately personally want to end up with now our Rings last year were conductive seal and nebula ban this is better than nebula man straight up it's unfortunate that you lose out on the haste and you get crit and Spirit but it's just it's just a better option it seems better and it's 258 over nebula bam so move over nebula bam there's a new ring in town but I also want to mention if you have nebula bands I I wouldn't make it a priority to get banned into portable violence I think there's other items where you should throw your way that for and your second ring of course is conductive seal very powerful strong ring has everything we need in one cute little bundle now trinkets in my opinion there's only two trinkets there's scale of eights from the steer and there's Flair also from this tier wherever the flyer might be now Flair has traditionally and scale have very poor drop rates flare has an interesting proc rate and it doesn't proc off dot ticks so sometimes it can be a little Annoying scale is absolute and is amazing for every single boss even if it's a fast boss it's just really really nice so I would definitely try to keep these as the two trinkets that I gotten for but we haven't really looked at reign of the unlimiting but if you guys are looking at randomly and limiting as as an option I just want to let you know that it doesn't proc off of dot text well you can see the equip you're getting a shadow float each time you cause a non-periodic spell crit so if your corruption is critting then you don't get a stack it doesn't seem like an attractive option for warlocks so I would recommend against it for affliction demo is another story but we're talking about Affliction today and there's not really any other trinket worth mentioning in my opinion for this tier even from 10 man I don't really like anything in there they're mostly just hit trinkets or they have some healing components so I would still run old war and try to get these two as a power combo and lastly want there's two ones in this tier there's petrified sprig which hopefully you guys have by now although old 110 is probably getting pretty stale at this point and not seeing your sprig and then there's rather than prison Souls which is a two another 245 uh wand and if you already have the hit and need to drop hit I would gun for this because it's just Credence you lose a socket but that's like all right you get the crate and haste now in terms of priority I think the number one item should definitely be the cloak it's too big to ignore there's a better cloak and ICC it's like 277 but if you already have this cloak and you're going into ICC then you won't need to get any any other cloak so you can use your priority somewhere else so I think the cloak is really important second I would consider the tier the four piece is really really strong for us it's it's it's big I think it's probably the biggest upgrade of the tier and you could buy the four piece with badges so that's something you should be gunning for as soon as you can we all know how the tokens work there's prob as of the making of this video there's probably going to be two tokens Max you get a week and they're both from the tribute chest so the first one is you have uh one to 24 attempts left and the other one's like 45 to 49 so you might be able to get one token that converts your gear to 258 from to 245 or whatever it is in one week and you have to distribute that between 25 players so get ready for that drama but you might as well buy the four piece and you have to keep in mind what you have now dictates what you need later so if you have questions ask in the comments leave a link or check out my Discord I'm more than happy to give any sort of advice for gearing routes and what people should shoot for now but I think cloak shoulders and probably weapons but it depends on what you have always I am not going to talk about things from last year obviously they're important especially because they track so hard into this tier these four items right here conductive seal scale flare petrified Ivy sprig are what you should be gunning for right now you need these four items next here as best as possible we were talking about this last tier but going to this tier with the Sims and what we what we know now the four items you should go for right now are these four the items you probably don't need anymore crown illuminescence potentially Pharaoh's gloves getting replaced by tear gloves leggings of enslaved idle if you don't have tear yet and this of the convoker if you're going to be buying the 245 from the vendor that's the type of stuff you need to be thinking about now here's the horde version of everything I'm going to go over this very quickly uh you basically replace the word celt this odd with gul'dan Cry of the valkyr instead of a whale ate this and tends to see Skyway Rivers Weaver's vestments you guys get the idea I will leave a link to this in the video below and I hope this will give you a little bit of preparation for the next tier as well as help you round out this tier very solid because our gearing is going to get a little bit complicated as the competition is fierce and we want to stay on top as is Mages and Shadow priests and boomkins start to climb up the ranks very quickly as they start to scale they get to catch up so keep an eye out for these four items conductive seal scale flare sprig remember your gear is extremely Dynamic and your needs dictate your wants and please let me know if you need any help in the comments below thank you hey guys thanks for making it to the end of the video I know that was a lot but gearing is really important going into next year as some of the eye level differences are very tiny I will be making the demo personal DPS and demo support DPS sets next weekend and we'll be posting a video for your viewing pleasure I want to mention one more time if you have any questions whatsoever feel free to check out my Discord I have a very happy community that loves answering warlock questions just drop a question the questions Channel if you want me to look at logs message me I'll help in any way I possibly can and I want to thank you guys for watching the video today if you like what you saw please like please please leave any sort of comment Please Subscribe it helps me out tremendously and encourages me to continue making these videos for you guys I hope to catch you next time peace
Channel: ItsPummel
Views: 15,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warlock, World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, WOTLK, Demonology Warlock, ItsPummel, Fusion, Warlock Guide, Classic Wrath, Affliction P3 BiS, TOGC Affliction BiS, P3 TOGC lock bis, P3 lock bis, P3 Affli Bis, Wrath TOGC lock bis, TOGC bis lock, Bis Lock TOGC, Bis lock P3, Affliction bis lock, Affliction gear guide P3, Affliction warlock bis TOGC, Affliction P3 bis TOGC, Affliction TOGC bis list, Affliction Warlock wrath P3, Trial of the Grand Crusader P3 bis warlock
Id: WaVupQzz51U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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