Oxhorn Plays Hogwarts Legacy - Part 1

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foreign good morning everybody and happy Friday and welcome to uh part one of Hogwarts Legacy now um today's the release day of the standard edition of Hogwarts Legacy and in fact it dropped 15 minutes ago um it took that long for me to download it and unpack it and all of that so we're really hopping into this universe at the first possible moment for the standard edition I canceled my Friday live streams last year or at the beginning of this year I think you'll remember but everybody during my broadcast last night really wanted me to play a little bit today and uh so here I am I'm a little behind on my lore video for the weekend so I don't think I can give you guys a full four hours today so this is a taste of The Wizarding World we're gonna play for a couple hours and get our feet wet into the into the universe have some fun and then I need to get working on my lore video um thanks to everybody who showed up last night we finished bendy and the ink machine that or no bendy and the uh dark Revival that was a really amazing game a whole lot of fun there and everyone is really really eager to play Hogwarts or to watch me play Hogwarts today now I uh yeah I usually spend a good 30 minutes or so uh with a a new game for my broadcasts making sure that it's working on the computer and all of that but as it just released and is available as of 15 minutes ago I couldn't do that today and it is available so uh with that in mind we might need to do some system resets and changes or something I'm going to be pressing play here and experiencing everything for the first time uh now as for which Wizarding house I'm gonna join I'm not sure exactly I I kind of toyed with the idea of doing the Hufflepuff one but then Chad had me take a quiz last night and uh that quiz says that I'm supposed to do Ravenclaw I don't even know what that means we're gonna dive into this game and uh try and figure out what uh what we're going to fit best into but first it's good to see everyone on Facebook today Harold J Toby Noble Jessica Roman James Tim Garrett so good to see you all and of course it's great to see all of the regulars and the members and the patreon supporters on YouTube today Andy oh quintayus Julian Z makiel Cosmos Jamie honey bunny changed one automatic beats chinonator CAT5 Timberjack John de giamberdino Courtney zayas pyro Sarah and the white wolf with the first Super Chat of the day saying you're a wizard ox thank you I may not be an expert in The Wizarding World here but I know enough about the Harry the first Harry Potter movie to recognize that quote Hagrid was his name oh I'm gonna annoy so many of you for my lack of uh Harry Potter knowledge fish key says you're a wizard Ox thank you so much for playing thank you fish key I can't wait to dive in and try this game out Julian Z says uh yes Ox so happy to see this yes thank you so good to see you on this Wizarding Friday I'm still hoping for teenager oxen character creation LOL playoff so I don't do I have to be a teenager I mean the plot is that I'm I'm going to school right but I want a beard I want my character to have a beard I'm not going to be able to do that as a teenager right I mean I've Got Magic can I give myself a magical beard that'd be nice GT 13614 says enjoy the game Ox I'm enjoying it so far hopefully you can ignore any negative comments that may come your way keep doing what you're doing thank you GT 1361-4 I am not concerned about negative comments uh I've been on the internet for a very long time and have dealt with negative comments for a very long time but you know I've also dealt with wonderful comments and the Lion's Share of comments and uh feelings that are expressed on my program are positive ones so I feel very fortunate that way gatz says evening Ox good to see you playing this game trying to decide whether to get it myself well hopefully my broadcast will help you with that now um I talked a bit about this during my broadcast but I did not buy the deluxe edition I am not judging anyone's Financial purchase decisions but for me it just doesn't sit right with with me that they're locking an entire Quest behind a digital or a deluxe upgrade with like a griffin something Mount and all of that sort of nonsense uh the way I see it if you're gonna make a video game and you're gonna sell the video game you should get the whole video game in its entirety for the full purchase price so if we bump into some content in the game that we just can't access if there's like this invisible wall and lights pop up and say warning to proceed further by deluxe version of game then I might just be done and throw my hands up and walk away but I'm hoping for the best I've got the standard edition we're going to walk into this world and see what's going on CAT5 says don't destroy gear if you don't need always sell it okay well I'll I'll try to bear that in mind as I haven't even launched it yet I'm not sure what the context of that is but I will do my best melchrist with a super tip thank you very much malcris okay let's launch it and see what happens please don't crash please work immediately okay so far so good oh John Williams just that's right I just remembered am I going to get demonetized for the music I just realized Harry Potter music John Williams is it the same music or did they get a new composer for the game oh I hope I don't get demonetized cats POG gaming a member for 43 months in the bronze docs says hiox I have been sick but better now play on glad you're feeling better [Music] glad you're feeling better cats POG gaming thank you for stopping by to say hi reyes68 with a sticker tip thank you very much ran Survivor from the old RSS I pre-ordered the deluxe edition for this PS5 of this for the PS5 had Early Access then got hooked on Deep Rock Galactic just before it launched rock and stone [Music] rock and stone my friend hope doretta has been treating you well andeo says John Williams equals super demonetized yeah I'm just now realizing this well it's a good thing that this is just uh you know a test broadcast to see uh if it's something that I want to continue to pursue and uh if I get demonetized well that answers the question pretty quickly Julian sees this Ox did you have a beard as a teenager Ox if no then no joking LOL also Ox I recommend uh recommended early in you don't go far afield exploring as you need some basic spells to access stuff that you get through quests menu reader off press spacebar to toggle [Music] enable this to change menu reader off I see so they they launch with accessibility options anyway the answer to your question is I was born with a beard so naturally I want to be able to have one as a teenager all master says yesterday might have been the best stream ever we had a lot of fun yesterday thanks to everybody who came and watched all right so I don't really uh understand the context for all of this yet uh okay so uh I see accessibility option options left-handed I'm sure this is all going to make much more sense later on so we're just going to uh continue [Music] okay [Music] claim your rewards link blah blah blah no thanks I just want to play oh no I don't want to climb up nope nope just play the game thank you continue [Music] hmm uh Timberjack says welcome to Oxford's uh hog horn thank you Timber Jack Pavel says hi Ox personally I'm Ravenclaw but go for a Hubble puff huffle Huff as I've not seen their room so far I've seen players have to destroy items to make room for new ones plus no beard in character creation oh man I don't get a beard Padre says Ox you know I love dad jokes but I don't have kids which makes me a faux pas a magician was walking down the street then he hurried into a store oh no I read that wrong a magician was walking down the street then he turned into a store because he's a magician I like it people are surprised that I have a police record but I love every little thing she does is Magic a police record oh my god really Padre police record wow thank you oh God thank you Padre big trouble check says love your stream socks any thoughts on Dead Island 2. I don't know I'll have to take a look at it right now we're already playing a brand new game so let's continue here Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry School of Witchcraft and Wizardry we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a fifth year student term begins on the 1st of September preliminary supplies have been collected for you and will accompany you on your journey to the castle as you may be aware the decree of the reasonable restriction of underage sorcery prohibits the use of Magic by those under the age of 17 outside of school however due to your unique circumstances the ministry has graciously agreed to allow Professor Eleazar fig to help you hone your spell casting before escorting you from London to the castle for the start of term feast and the Sorting ceremony yours sincerely Professor Weasley deputy headmistress interesting so we haven't even started the game yet and already our character has some backstory we've got a unique circumstance what could this unique circumstance be Jamie honey bunny with a super chat says I'm happy to see this game in Play I'm playing Horizon forbidden West on the PlayStation 5 and I love it it's gorgeous well I'm looking forward for a PC Port so that I can enjoy it as well Amy Hudson says I'm glad you're playing this I have been really enjoying it have fun thank you Amy Hudson okay I'm saying a distinct lack of beer but of course I would uh all right so let's choose a character here [Music] lots to choose from and then I'm assuming we can make alterations after so we're just trying to get a close proximate now which of these would be closely approximate to me I mean none of them because they're all teenagers [Music] God none of them are chubby I was I was like I wanted to pick the chubby one because I'm pretty chubby but uh none of them are chubby so we'll maybe we can make ourselves chubby later all right so that's here we go face oh wow this is detailed face shape [Music] so the jaw is changing oh and the cheekbones oh wow it's the entire face [Music] I've kind of I don't really have a lot of harsh angles on my face do I so I need a rounder face do I have a chiseled Jaw I don't know it's hiding in the beard all right I think uh no no [Music] Maybe oh maybe that's close to me kinda George says Hey Ox enjoying the game and from what I've seen about the exclusive content shouldn't affect the game plus need to check out unfollow horror game on Steam all right I'll add that as a note and check it out later Metal Head madman says oh cool you're playing hog of farts LOL uh yes I am playing hog fires all right skin color oh I can't drag it just choose a gradient I gotta all right so this is like a cool bluish color uh am I like how light am I I'm pretty White maybe that okay glasses oh yeah uh oh man those mine are kind of square they don't have mine there [Music] okay I can't play I can't use the Harry Potter glasses I can't play Harry Potter and have the Harry Potter glasses but none of these work these are two uh well that's not too bad honestly these are weird all right I'll go with this one okay next up hairstyle and hair color Sarah in the chat says still alive have a big evaluation today gotta pass in order to go to clinical throw some salt in the air and do a dance for me miss you people cheers thanks for the update Sarah we miss you terribly as well uh thank you for the update and we all wish you the best of luck be sure to come back as often as you can to keep us appraised Phil says you're not chubby Ox you're pleasantly plump uh I'll take it I'll take a pleasantly plump all right hairstyle can I go through these no I I have to I have to click through I was hoping I could use the arrow key to go through because that would be a lot faster to browse but uh no I have to click through so the arrow key is just control spinning all right that one's kind of close my hair is a mess right now but nope too big that's great I love it but not me no no it's too high too long too long uh I mean mine's messy but that's even more messy way too high that's a big sweep and we're getting into longer hairstyles uh it's not gonna be any of these that's too curly all right so I can't find a perfect I mean this one I mean maybe if I brought it down like this a little bit okay that one's all right that's pretty close and then hair color [Music] can I move okay this one actually works with the number number pad all right so all the way over here is black and we're getting whites there's Browns so that one's a contender that's a little bit more my color uh we're getting lights and that's really red though that's a bit too red wow we've got we've got like circus colors uh isn't this game set in like the 1800s okay all right let's see where was that brown that I found over here I think it was yeah right there cool complexion uh okay what's complexion this is okay I see so like Rosy Cheeks this is the Readiness of my cheeks and nose I actually do have pretty ready shakes actually you can't see it that bad on camera sunken eyes there alright so my forehead is not red but my cheeks kind of are so we'll go slightly red cheeks [Music] slightly red cheeks freckles and moles I don't have any freckles or any moles [Music] but they give you lots of options okay scars and markings none whoa what wow that is uh I wonder what the backstory is behind that holy cow that's a simple nose slash doesn't appear to be working oh it's being hidden by the glasses there you go that's an animal claw Mark there's another animal claw mark holy cow that's it's got to be like a magic burn she whiz these poor kids I'm a little nervous now due to all of the scar options available in the game what's gonna happen to these kids all right I don't have any big scars on my face so we're gonna go no for now [Music] [Music] okay is this eyebrow eyes and eyebrow [Music] I've got pretty angular eyebrows they kind of come up to a point and then really quickly taper off so let's see if I can find that shape no those are too bushy too thin foreign mine are actually pretty angular though it might look weird to have really super angular and then they're shorter down here again too thin too roundish all right we're getting into some really round options uh that's close but they're no that's too much of a straight line [Music] oh man I can go the unibrow route all right I'm thinking the closest options were up here wow this is really bushy [Music] all right I'll go with that all right eye color I mean mine are blue so different shades of blue mine are more blue green so if there's like a blue green like that [Music] that's way too green I mean that's close now mine are a little more lighter blue than that all right let's go back to it's a little too dark okay that's a little light not quite as light as that though [Music] I think that's probably good and then eyebrow color oh I can choose a different color than my hair all right I'm gonna one two three four five just remember where I'm at [Music] all right I think we'll just do the same color as my hair there we go and finally tone voice one a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about voice two I'm eager to get to hogsmead I am indeed a student but I could very well be able to help you pitch that was quite a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about oh it actually sounds super altered it was one I am indeed a student but I could very well be able to help you I'm eager to get to hogsmeade a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class so um clearly this middle this middle node right here is the the natural voice tenor and they've pitched it artificially and you can actually tell if you listen to it that was quite something there's like an echo in there I am indeed a student but I could very well be able to help you right I wouldn't be able to listen to that the entire time you get to get dogs mate all right so we're just gonna keep it on the normal voice pitch uh select difficulty let's do normal that's the one that it's default set to oh set to and um I'm assuming we can change difficulty later okay name your character uh oxhorn [Music] um horn bottom [Music] oxmeade uh oh this is gonna drive me crazy Oxford and Foghorn says Mila Foghorn oh [Music] oxhorn Foghorn it's pretty good body pillow says zandio no Hornswoggle ox horn Hornswoggle Hornswoggle's a good uh that's a good wizard name right [Music] pyro says brendaninius horse puncher III oxhorn hornox oxworn body pillow lorebringer Mead bottom says cheninator oxmead chicken stomper okay horn bottom you like horn bottom huh horn blower mcfoghorn mcfug horn sounds nice cigar a gobbler uh I like horns bottom now here like a Hornswoggle is good oxhorn Hornswoggle that doesn't have a good ring to it how about first name ox last name Horn's bottom Ox horns bottom that makes more sense uh cheninator says Mead bottom and then the white wolf says oxhorn assisted mode ah we're playing on normal difficulty no need for assisted mode Padre says oxen free Jersey says oxhorn lore bringer psychau says Sisty bottom all right things are getting a little out of hand here we're just gonna go Ox horns bottom and I'm gonna be a wizard and we'll start the journey here we go horse puncher says cleansed in fire it appears we are almost ready to depart pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting I presume you've been practicing the Spells we worked on I have Professor well I'm quite sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand you'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own thank you Professor fig I appreciate you working with me before the topic whoa big description of our location did not thought you're finding us I evaporated to more vaguely Define destinations than this though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goers in the West End it's been much too long when I received Doral I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we have a start of term feast and the Sorting ceremony to get to wonderful idea as long as your young child here doesn't mind me tagging along not at all sir after you ages since I've been to the castle would be good to see the old pile of rocks [Music] Oxford Dino nuggies says dong ho Choi [Music] dino nuggets on Halloween Greg Williams says Hey Ox normally don't get a chance to catch you on Fridays also did you hear about the chocolate record player it sounds pretty sweet I have heard that chocolate record players do sound sweet [Music] so as we were flying away there was the Shadow or silhouette of a man watching us [Music] I wonder how that will be explained later [Music] glad I caught you before you left the Scotland just barely and who is your traveling companion a new student it's Hawk's horns bottom yes sir I'm starting school as a fifth year how extraordinary it is indeed none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get a new student up to speed a bit before the term begins well you couldn't have asked for a better Mentor Professor fig is not only an exceptional teacher he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard Mr osbrick is prone to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry he didn't like that have you seen Goblin Rebellion opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues that the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife Eleazar who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how she wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities before I could respond I received this it was the last thing she sent me earlier it came to me via her owl but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like Goblin metal that symbol s that glow see a blow nor do I oh but we do Merlin's beard how did you eat it [Music] oh no oh did the other guy die yeah one awesome [Music] holy cow [Applause] the other guy getting all right you're hurt perhaps a bit this it's Wigan World potion that stuff will write you in a second wig and weld potion press G to heal what happened poor George I can't believe he what the hell got into that damn thing attacking a carriage mid-air a typical Dragon would never professor so where are we I'm not sure but that key you discovered was clearly a Porky Porky an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place [Music] I'm feeling better sir if you'd like to look around a bit I would stay close we've no idea who created this Porky or why well poor George did he really get eaten all right uh time to catch up on super chats real quick a lot of them coming in while I'm uh when I'm playing uh wastelander 101 says hex I hope you and everyone enjoy the game consider giving ghost of toshima a chance I think you'll love it cheers actually I was really interested in Ghost of tushima when it came out I only didn't play it because it was console only but if it ever comes out on the PC I'll definitely give it a thought Barney 47 says Hey Ox finally a game I'm interested in ouch I mean I play a lot of games but you don't like all the post-apocalyptic uh wastelandish games that I play now you're more into Wizards okay that's fair that's fair Okay g to heal [Music] I'm sprinting right now and I can't run I'm sure they'll unlock that for us later how far did that Porky take us farther from London than the carriage traveled somewhere in the Scottish height so those ruins the porky was meant to lead us there I do this has not been the day either of us expected Miriam sent that Porky to George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around absolutely sir good let's see if we can find a path however faded it may be oh man I really liked George Quest started to a step the path to Hogwarts follow Professor fig yeah sure thanks oh man I was trying to stop it like intense space all right I can't do anything right now but run where do you suppose owns your wife got the porky that brought us here a good question Miriam spent years searching for evidence of a long forgotten form of ancient Magic ancient magic yes a powerful magic wielded by a rare few that seems to have been lost to time ranker says yes he did only those who have seen someone die can see the things pulling the carriage that is why they suddenly appeared to your character only those who have seen someone die can see the things pulling the carriage [Music] with the the horses Barney says I'm a console gamer that's all right I'm a PC Gamer but I hope to enjoy uh console exclusives at some point Hogwarts Castle was built by and is itself a stronghold of that ancient Magic I don't know where she came into possession of the portkey okay really quickly I just want to check out my display options um so these are the these are the default options I can increase my field of view by 20. motion blur I am typically not a fan of motion blur I'm going to turn that off depth of field I like depth of field film grain and I'm hit or miss on film grain I'm going to turn it off for now [Music] Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra okay well let's got me on Ultra Ray tracing e reflections impacts GPU and CPU let's turn that on see what happens Shadows on Ray tracing ambient occlusion on apply settings restart the game okay well when I get a chance to save I'll restart just so that we can see what the ray tracing is going to look like [Music] normal good we can change that if we need to Mouse settings accessibility okay [Music] look but sir why was your wife searching for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the god it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one who wields it is that ice it's not cold enough here it appears to be a sort of enchantment someone wanted to block this path let's see some of that one work you were practicing focus on the center destroy the magical barrier tap left click to perform a basic cast can I aim nope I just I just excellent okay use your camera to select an active Target oh that's weird so I can't like uh right click and aim at something as if I had a Crosshair I have to move my camera and wait for it to get highlighted mattaforb says as someone who's into uh whose intro to gaming was old school flight Sims I'd love to play something called warthog's Legacy interesting I'll have to add it to the list warthog's Legacy a flight game I'm presuming oh I see alright so that's not as that's not as awkward as I had thought it's basically an auto lock feature where you don't really have to aim as long as it's highlighted you can automatically always hit it oh that was a bit rougher than I'd expected your one works improving with every cast thank you sir [Music] Julian Zia says you can change aiming in the settings up there he says you can change aiming in the settings so it's not attached to your camera if you prefer I wonder what aiming would be like if I were to do that uh uh Sprint walk jump mounts spells interacts basic cast heal Compass path to objective aim it says aim right click [Music] lock on caps lock okay right click is doing nothing that's caps lock oh I see yeah I don't like locking on stuff okay yeah I'll be there in a minute uh Professor Flintlock or whatever your name was hey okay so I guess that one was empty nothing popped up men of orb says there is no such game by that name nobody has made it made an A-10 Warthog flight Sim in decades oh why'd you recommend it to me maybe you want me to just play a flight zip sometime I wouldn't mind playing a flight Sim sometimes we're close now it's just ahead daddy yourself repair Arrow they're like all right we need to come with a we need to come up with like a Wizarding word repair this cat what should it be 30 minutes of deliberation I know repairro that'll do it what's the what's the spell to levitate flio Julian Z says I think it's in accessibility options ox [Music] Shake toggle aim mode off enable this to change spell aiming from a hold to a toggle so it's not toggle spell cast mode certain spells can use a toggle control scheme turn the setting on to enable this or disable it alright so I think this is different from what I'm doing now because I currently can't right click to aim so it must be for a different kind of spell let's get through this introduction before we mess with the settings Silent Night says uh flight Sim project wingman project wingman sounds like a flight Sim is it not a flight Sim that's an actual spell to repair things says Ronnie Vega really like in the lore of the game you go around repairing things by going repero God I'd hate to be like an engineer or a repairman in the Harry Potter Universe put on your overalls go to the grease pit repair gosh that was tricky Julian Z says Ox never mind it's in the gameplay option it's called camera relative targeting all right thank you I'll deal with that after we get through the intro almost there Silent Night says Blame the Latin language Ox for spell names [Music] is the Le is Latin for repair repero I took Latin I took two years of Latin and I've forgotten almost all of it but I don't think rapero is Latin for repair I could be wrong [Music] why would someone have built this here I suspect they valued their privacy that Porky led us here for a reason let's have a look around for anything that seems out of place [Music] save game manual saving is currently unavailable autosaves may still be performed during this time okay well I'm hesitant to um to restart the game to get ray tracing enabled unless I know that I've actually saved it the minimap shows your surroundings you that icon in the middle this is your current objective press and hold V to toggle Quest objective details [Music] destroyo blammo beautiful Professor this statue this may have been his home [Music] [Music] foreign crystallized Stone again thought what could it be blocking [Music] right I want to see if there was anything I missed probably not because the professor is exploring that way but you never know they might have a chest up here or lore yeah look at this we would have missed this professor it's a mural of some kind perhaps our host was a noted series interesting Greg Williams says the Latin word for repair is not repero I I didn't think it was repero also if I wanted money in Harry Potter would I say money up I'm picking on the game just a little bit still having a great time but repair road to repair a bridge is funny to me that's all I'm saying all right so we got the mural we got the statue let's go check out that that crystallized ice in a wall Michael bye a member for 12 months says I suspect Engineers wouldn't exist in the Wizarding World that's a muggle vocation oh I suppose you're right didn't think about that [Music] what's this Professor fig how odd why would someone have conjured that Enchanted Stone here and how is there a room behind it room I don't see anything there's that glow again like the glow on the porky container interact with the magic only I can see okay name godric's heart where are we I don't believe it is someone snoring you here snoring oh oh look at that someone is sleeping okay hello wake up [Music] it can't be [Music] in just a moment oh um [Music] welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank Vault number 12 I presume precisely he's like yeah the key the White's Pokey oh yes of course this way then stay close [Music] [Music] to you [Music] I mean this guy's a bad chaperone leave your hands inside the cart if you don't wish to lose them he's already getting poor ox horn spot if it does so much trouble foreign such a service take a breath I want that waterfall washes away all enchantments it's a security measure experience the thief's downfall before have you heard of it these are the lower levels that we're passing now how deep are we going box number 12 was commissioned shortly after Green Cross was founded over four centuries ago it was he was part of the bank settling with quite a distance to go this is amazing love this vote number vote 12. if momentous day [Music] on your way I meant security is pretty LAX what was that red armband that God was wearing was glowing like the clue you saw in the porky container not darker I saw that same glow in the dragon's collar yeah what was that we were just wondering about that Goblin back there did he watches over the oldest section of the bank rare anyone goes there anymore here we are Vault number 12. this fort was accessed a goblin has been stationed at my desk for hundreds of years in that time no one has visited Vault 12. until today foreign [Applause] thank you for your help [Music] the candles are lit a goblin has been stationed there for hundreds of years and no one has entered the Vault until today and what's the first thing we see I suppose we should be looking for I'm not sure sir I wonder if the instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door oh best of luck Professor that was certainly unexpected there must be something here revilio Rebellion perhaps revelio a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what we're missing shall we ready your wand and focus oh whoa so I got to do this okay it's a mini game steady your wand with the mouse and guide it along the symbol's path to learn the spell oh so it's like one of those electric uh electric wand things press the corresponding input when prompted to accelerate your wands motion along the symbol's path [Music] not too bad revilio [Music] there I saw something move a bit closer and try again repair and the candles are lit hundreds of years I guess if there was ever a game where I shouldn't be bothered that candles are still lit in a cave that hasn't seen the light of day in hundreds of years it's going to be a Harry Potter game because magic you know magic all right fine magic candles I'll give them that all right revilio Rebellion a door well that's a start there's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a weight too I do Professor that symbol has the same glow as the one I saw on the porky container before you can see reveals the way forward then I dare say we are about to discover the secret lead the way well why can't my character see it but he can't I'm eager to learn this character's backstory all right um foreign [Music] this is no ordinary Vault I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here what do you mean our way out you think this is some sort of test I do but to what end I can't say stay close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts oh [Music] this is trippy I love it this part reminds me of control a little bit [Music] where are you leading us Professor fig I see something up ahead what is it that glow again that on the floor [Music] what happened when I moved towards the globe it suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change that statue what statue I see some sort of statue but only is a reflection in the floor is that a statue or a man Frozen in Time revelio I presume this is what you saw reflected in the floor it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match wait when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light Fusion cast lumos Lumas foreign you've acquired the wand lighting charm Lumas which has automatically been slotted to your spell set Lumas creates a light at the tip of your wand to help you see in dark areas tap one to cast or extinguish lumos lumos well done it's turning towards me it does follow the light oh [Music] potato [Music] conflict conference though stay close [Music] hearing professor Professor fig Professor where are you this isn't good lumos crap we're lost fig so he knew another spell too where am I supposed what's happening whisp all right stop talking for just a second here I gotta read chat you're talking to my own character here um Michael Bai says I suspect Engineers wouldn't exist oh I read that one already thank you for that one the white wolf says casting lumos in people's faces randomly is the equivalent of trolling people by shining a flashlight in their face randomly just to be annoying I suppose that would be true I thought there was another Super Chat that I missed but looks like it's not there anymore all right thank you the white wolf [Music] leading me somewhere all right follow the Wisps of magic [Music] Ah that's where they're leading me I glow again revelio foreign I suppose I'm on my own this time lumos oh she seems I have no choice I need to align these statues with their reflections I got it thank you holding Q during protego to stun enemies with a Stupify counter-attack stunned enemies take extra damage indicated by gold numbers okay so once I S okay so if I pretego it stuns them and I do more damage I see [Music] stupid lumos all right so the aiming is a bit tricky um I often was attacking one of the nights that I didn't mean to because I wasn't aiming the mouse in just the right way the Astro nerd boy says glad to see you playing this I'm not a fan of puzzles in games so it's a pass for me but at least the puzzles I've seen fit the world thank you Astro nerd boy I'm sure that it's going to be a good mix of action lore and puzzles I'm sure it's not strictly a puzzles game dangerous shoes with a super tip thank you very much danger shoes revelio [Music] lumos oh interesting one-way portal the fish key says change targeting options and sends and settings uh yeah I will try that a bit later [Music] all right hold on my dog is freaking out one second be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] just a package [Music] thank you [Music] there you are how did you is this place I don't know but I found this floating above that basin that is no mere basin that is offensive for viewing memories I wonder Follow My Lead [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ERS in place the porky is well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough personal we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain yes and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it Renaissance done all that we can [Music] that's what you're seeing the glow surrounded them yes sir astonishing can I see Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise the magic that Miriam had always believed existed [Music] but could never [Music] Miriam and perhaps George died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries [Music] and you it seems are the key to understanding why we were probably different than it did a moment ago someone's coming who were they I don't know but sir you shouldn't be in [Music] there I I ran Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit raccoons walks and why are you here no need for that just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones sir they had the key to the vault choose your next words wisely I I only meant that the instructions for Vault 12 were quite clear sir I must insist I was to Grant access only to one with the key and you'd be careful I have no patience for traitors now where were we I I'm not giving you anything hmm well perhaps your young friend here will be more helpful oh okay just teleported someplace he's like whoops [Music] well they awoke a guardian oh thick big ger Carol oh are you all right fine sir I mean he rescued you've never seen so powerful a goblin he seemed totally unaffected by my magic where are we [Music] it can't be it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to [Music] magic train [Music] famous theme song hope I don't get demonetized please don't demonetize me YouTube [Music] foreign so we've got some sort of ability to see ancient Legacy Magic that no one else can presumably due to something about our past that we do not yet fully understand [Music] I'm no expert but that seems more appropriate now I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ran Rock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course sir thank you ready for the Sorting ceremony [Music] foreign black prepare yourself to meet the Headmaster not a good guy fake nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications it seems the goblin is goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this evening [Music] I'll be in touch [Music] yeah I don't like him already [Music] Professor Weasley with one more to be sorted welcome you're just in time have a seat [Music] ah yes a bit older than the others aren't you you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations foreign [Music] chat real quick [Music] ranker says repero is a command conjuration of reperari I see thank you ranker Beatles says Hey Oxford how's your day so far so far it's going great Beetle thanks for joining us John Miller says hey how are you liking it I'm enjoying it so far can't wait to get into more of the exploration but uh so far I'm enjoying the plot Julian Z says revilio is your best friend Ox it will show you loot interactable objects and collectibles I use basically every other step while exploring my area thank you Julian Z I'll be sure to use it a lot Phil says let's see if you realize the voice actor for the Headmaster oh I I can't place it is it a name that I should know okay I can't wait to start classes I can't wait to explore let's do I can't wait to explore I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds indeed much can be gleaned by having an adventurous spirits but your professors have a great deal to teach you as well [Music] I wonder um I detect something in you a certain sense of what is it wolf ranger says he's not meant to be liked he is considered the worst Headmaster in Hogwarts history okay well that makes a lot more sense [Music] um and that was wolf Ranger's first Super Chat thank you wolf Rancher fishki says this game very nicely reveals new mechanics periodically so if you feel stumped or get tired of walking everywhere just be patient broom takes around six hours alright thank you fish Keith Phil says Simon Pegg is the Headmaster what really that's Simon Pegg okay all right uh what is this hidden characteristic is it Dairy curiosity loyalty or ambition [Music] I mean loyalty is The Great Character quality to have and yet I have no I have nothing to be loyal to really at the moment I'm just now arriving at Hogwarts I'm gonna go with curiosity a desire to learn I do enjoy a good puzzle and I believe I have a ready mind [Music] you're clever indeed you have the ability to reflect clearly on that which puzzles others and you've already mind quit to learn perhaps you belong in Ravenclaw [Music] it did it again it put me in Ravenclaw just like the test we did yesterday uh Ravenclaw House known for intelligence creativity and wit we could choose a different house Gryffindor a house known for daring bravery and chivalry Hufflepuff a house known for patients loyalty and hard work Slytherin known for cunning ambition and a hunger for power she is um foreign [Music] Clyde it seems to be most up my alley so let's go Ravenclaw [Music] and you've already mind quick to learn [Music] just checking chat to see if they uh they like my my pick here lots of people shouting Ravenclaw in the chat BJ seaward wants Hufflepuff but most of you want Ravenclaw so we'll we'll go Ravenclaw and I'll accept the house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled [Music] enough it's not as though I've banned flying altogether I hear it now but don't tempt me Simon pack you are here to focus on your academic futures I'm sure you will have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow [Music] quite an entrance it's lovely to meet you I'm Professor Weasley would you be so kind as to show our new student to their common room I shall see to it sir as I was saying I'm Professor Weasley pleased to meet you nice to meet you as well professor as Deputy head mistress it is my distinct honor to show you to your common room right this way it's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year might be a bit of a challenge but one I'm sure you're up for I am professor this is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room you must solve a riddle to enter I won't be of much help I'm afraid this sort of thing has always confounded me a riddle right who lived longer the ghost or the Poltergeist ghost or a poltergeist hmm a non-being can never have been what's the difference between a ghost and Poltergeist well done now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I should be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts sleep well [Music] [Music] thank you all right looks like everyone's gone better head to the common room Quest started find your common room Cairo uh Cairo kontoy says come home from a stay at the hospital to see you playing this seizures couldn't stop me from watching you play this hope you have a lot of fun Ox thank you Cairo uh contrary kantoy Rico World Peace says hello oxhorn hey there Rico World Peace so good to see you so can I do my one thing I can oh shoot I am gonna destroy this place so here we are this is my bedroom [Music] do I share it it's a dorm right yeah yeah I share it with other students right can I manually save [Music] yes all right I am really quickly going to restart the game just so that I can get ray tracing turned on and I'll be right back here in just a second less than a minute fischke says Professor Weasley is Leslie Nicole from Downton Abbey ah all right I recognize the voice okay the uh it's taking a while there we go I can restart it and we'll see how these Ray Trace how the ray tracing Works especially with our frame rates we may have to turn it off but we'll try it for now preparing shaders again jeez this took a while last time [Music] Nate Washington on Facebook says make sure that when you get to Hogwarts you hit the flying papers or books really all right I'll try it Philip Reeve says glad to see you're playing this game it's awesome and you're going to enjoy it Thank You Phillip Reeve and then Jackie Doucet says yes George was eaten that's why he saw what was pulling the carriage you only see them after you witness a death up close oh so he was killed [Music] okay oxhorn's bottom let's continue uh -huh [Music] right frame rates don't appear to have changed oh what's this oh the moving paintings right can I Rebellion for anything to reveal oh there's something over there so it shows me things through walls cool [Music] all right how we go [Music] what is that up there my question marker wants me to go up but I kind of just wanna all right I'll follow the quest marker someone told me earlier that I should just um proceed with the quest because I'll be exploring all over later anyway this should be interesting Rebellion I saw something oh I suppose some introductions are in order in order yeah I'll talk to people let's start what's this ignata wild Smith [Music] and wait for the right moment [Music] Rebellion okay so this is glowing and I've got a little fire icon but presumably I can't conjure fire it's a ghost pretty interesting oh all right let's talk to people we'll start with Everett clubton what did I meant watch this [Music] what is this it's almost for the dumbbell that wasn't quite the reaction I wanted oh well you're right what did you hope would happen I suppose I hoped it would lighten the mood ravenclaws can be a bit on edge the first day of class I'm Everett by the way you seem downright calm next to some of these characters and you survived a rather harrowing trip here I'm looking forward to my first day or I'm a tad nervous I'm looking forward to it I'm glad to be here ready for classes to start good glad to hear it truly there's no reason to be nervous most professors are firm but fair I mean not all of the tricks I play are as simple as a tossed down bomb and I'm still here wait did you say most professors of fun but fair I did but probably best I let you judge for yourself I do tend to push their limits I should wander off before someone traces at dung bong back to me nice meeting you you too Everett good to meet you Everett uh clampton all right Chad is telling me that this is a fast travel marker all right so that's cool uh you guys want me to go down there right guess I'll explore that later [Music] that's just brilliant Amit brilliant you'd think you could ah that is not how that why hello would you like to take a look [Music] can't see too much in the day well except for stars like serious canopa's Vega and Arcturus I'm amid pleasure to have you and Ravenclaw never met someone who's been so close to a dragon before can't say I'd recommend it frankly it's nice to meet you Amit I take it you like astronomy oh yes so much to be learned from the Stars also there's something about the open air and night sky above the tower it's invigorating you will adore astronomy Professor Shah is incredibly knowledgeable I find the Stars fascinating or I've never been one for stargazing I mean yeah I like stars they're great I hope astronomy's on my schedule sounds interesting I have good news for you you are most definitely taking astronomy it is required for all 50 years you will be enthralled with the tower plus a quality telescope can show you things you never dreamed of I suppose I'll see you in class then yes and speaking of class better get to my first one of the Year nothing like the smell of fresh parchment is there be seeing you yes nothing like the smell of fresh parchment revelio who's next why does the ministry require animeji to register themselves why does that statue head follow me yikes Samantha Dale I want him to be in the perfect place place you'll be happy with but I can't seem to find it great golden gobstones I want him to thrive here golden gobstones my own little expression ceiling from home and I so want him to feel cozy Disney is amazing isn't it so much healing power and such a little plant I have a bit of a thing for plants as you can see pleased to meet you I'm Samantha nice to meet you Samantha is Disney used in wig and well potion it is looks like someone's been studying up on their potion making actually Professor fig told me about the wig and wild potion of course I heard you were studying with him before time he's an enigma fig teaches about Theory it seems to know a lot about Practical Magic [Music] Benji Ladd says here buy yourself a beer thank you Benji lad he's quite knowledgeable or I wouldn't really know um we'll assume he's quite knowledgeable Professor fig does know a great deal about um different forms of magic well I hope he told you about more than wig and weld you've lots to catch up on I'm sure [Music] we could leave the conversation but we've got two more options um isn't it hufflepuffs who like plants an affinity for herbology is more typical of a Hufflepuff than a raven claw isn't it ordinarily perhaps but it runs in my family we have a full plot of these little fellows back home I suppose you could say her apologies in my roots oh the puns do most students grow their own ingredients is it common practice for students to grow their own ingredients oh yes in fact our herbology teacher Professor garlic encourages it and I don't think Professor sharp our potions Master cares where you get your ingredients as long as your Brews are all perfect nice talking with you it was nice to meet you Samantha good luck with your Disney thank you and good luck to you too on your first day hey there new Ravenclaw Professor Weasley is looking for you just outside you best not keep her waiting all right I won't but first I gotta take an apple oh that that was it that sound effect was me eating the Apple okay [Music] wow this is huge yeah I wonder where they're from I can't imagine starting a new school this late and of course they're all talking about me I am the main character I don't think it's anything special with your family oh what is that come back I can't kill it Phil says you'll hear a chime sound when you use reveal spell it gets louder as you get closer or more quiet further away you are Rebellion okay I didn't hear a chime spell so I'm gonna assume that I didn't uncover anything all right I need to go down foreign good morning I trust you're ready for your first day at Hogwarts I've been dreaming of this day for a long time can't believe I'm here well you are here make the most of it you only have one first day at Hogwarts now in light of your unique situation joining us as a fifth year you'll need to catch up with your classmates and not fall behind especially as you'll be expected to complete your owls at the end of the year owls owls yes your ordinary Wizarding level exams they will determine what type of career you can have when you leave here after much discussion with the Headmaster and the department of magical education at the ministry we've devised something extraordinary to ensure your success here you are [Music] whoa okay what is it it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year you would be wise to take full advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource my pocket thank you Professor but what do you mean it will keep track of what I'm learning perhaps seeing it in action we'll answer any questions you may have walk with me and we shall put it to the test well at least I don't have to worry about inventory space if I can just pop this in my armpit just pop it in the armpit and you're good to go the guide will give you opportunities to practice your magic and educate yourself about Wizarding law oh I am getting a little bit of stuttering right now uh whoa okay mmm thinking Ray tracing was probably a bad idea I certainly would have appreciated something like the field guide when [Music] oh I think I just broke my computer walking downstairs in Hogwarts Legacy crash to desktop holy cow right I will have to disable that option as soon as possible uh sorry for the interruption everybody I'm sure it has nothing to do with uh the optimization of the game and everything to do with my unique rig let's see so I lost a monitor there as well uh let me get my chats up here Facebook is there great uh YouTube is there great and let's restart the game and immediately turn off Ray tracing uh one thing I'm noticing is that it takes a really long time for this game to power down so to speak to to turn off a good 30 seconds before I can start it again here in Steam uh Jillian Rito says that try to turn down other Graphics settings as well I'll start with Ray tracing just because um I was able to play uninterrupted and smoothly without Ray tracing turned on at the beginning of the game it seemed to be just fine and this happened shortly after turning on Ray tracing so I'm guessing that's the problem we'll turn it off restart and try again the white wolf says I cast crashes computarius now wouldn't it be crassio computer row thank you the white wolf Nate Washington says your character Sounds like Harry Potter it might just be the accent [Music] but I see what you mean [Music] okay uh let's go to options commit settings uh play all the way down here to Ray tracing off off and off apply settings to apply settings please restart the game gotcha well uh thankfully we didn't have to log into the game totally to make that change now that we've saved it and applied it let's restart the game Fox 1013 says so crazy been running good on PS5 I mean I've I've got a pretty decent computer I haven't upgraded it in several years but at the time when I built it it was top of the line um yeah John de Gian brodino says let's start a collection to get you an RTX 4090 I'm so annoyed with these graphics cards it's every year there's something bigger and better and I really don't want to Fork out you know five grand or whatever for a graphics card I'm exaggerating of course but every single year just to keep my rig updated okay we're starting again here with Ray tracing turned off hopefully that will solve the problem [Music] well I can't imagine what uh caused the crash you would think there would be more shadows and more light sources in the big open room that we were exploring than in the darkened staircase that we were descending maybe a candle flickering or something like that okay ray tracing turned off let's continue with oxhorn's bottom I can't imagine okay uh good well the auto save means we don't have to backtrack too much crossing fingers that we can descend the stairs this time also now we get to test whether or not we can skip through dialogue good morning I trust you're ready for your first day at home and during dreaming of this day for a long time left click can't believe right click owl yeah it's right click here you are thank you okay this way Moment of Truth the guide will give you opportunities to practice your magic and educate yourself about Wizarding law so far so good ravelio something below me I certainly would have appreciated something like the field guide when I was a student [Music] why don't you cast reveillo on this bust and see what details the field guide can provide [Music] foreign [Music] Club bust guide Pages this bust created in honor of Ravenclaw House resides in the lofty Ravenclaw Tower you've just unlocked a field Guy Challenge your progress towards completing challenges appears here Field Guide challenges are the only way to acquire experience points or XP open Field Guide [Music] this is your Wizarding level experience earned from challenges increases your level and Power your Field Guide tracks your current challenge progress select the challenges menu to continue okay challenges Jay Bennett or Indigo the blue gem says Ava is that how you say abracadabra in the Harry Potter Universe I'm not sure Jay Bennett says that sadly it's the gamox many PC streamers are having the same issues also you just highlighted the exact reason I'm not a PC Gamer who who can afford constant upgrades LOL I mean yeah but who can afford constant new consoles right I'm look I'm not going to get into it too much but you buy a console and the hardware is set at that console level for years until there's the next generation of the console the beauty of a PC is that you can upgrade the hardware whenever you want to keep up with the games that are constantly being released but with the console you're stuck until they release a new one I mean consoles are great I love consoles too but there is a reason people play games on PCS Gat says Hey Ox did you know that the Norwegian Navy has barcodes painted on the sides of all of their ships it's so they can easily Scandinavian foreign that's a great one uh Gat thank you so much thank you so much for that all right collecting your first guide page unlocked A new challenge category no challenges you unlock throughout your adventure will appear here select a field guide page to continue sure each challenge has tiers special rewards unlocked at each tier you complete from appearances to critical upgrades okay so collect two Field Guide pages in Hogwarts and a gear appearance reward Hogwarts regalia spectacles okay rewards must be claimed from the challenges menu come back often to collect rewards you have unlocked just just as an aside I know many games do this I prefer games that give you the rewards in the actual game whether it's a chest or a piece of loot lying around or a quest reward something like that to have to access another menu to get a get a reward it it pops me out of the illusion of the game it it reminds me that I'm playing a game because I have to activate an interface and it's a small quibble it's not that big of a deal it's just not my favorite way to claim rewards in a game anyway clever isn't it keep your eyes open for more opportunities like that inside and outside of the castle [Music] foreign [Music] to waste you've classes to attend I'm right behind you lady [Music] so they only start moving when I sit and look at them for a little bit oh wait no I take that back this one's already moving okay where were we [Music] [Music] revelio what is this [Music] some sort of Cipher perhaps it'll become uh important later what is this oh we're gonna have to unlock this later [Music] unicorn okay all right all right fine I'll do this later whatever I was gonna I was gonna explore we've got time ah good timing perfect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames to get around a bit quicker your Field Guide contains a map of the Castle open it up and find Central Hall you've discovered a flu Flames fast travel point you can open the map at any time to fast travel to any discovered flu Flames open the map with m oh cool Hogwarts is divided into two main areas the left side of the map is where students and professors live and includes the house common rooms and the Great Hall select the grand staircase region to continue [Music] okay in this view you can see the flu Flames available in that region green flu Flames represent flames you have discovered including your own house common room gray flu Flames reveal the location of undiscovered flames the right side of the map is where you'll find academic points of interest including the astronomy Tower Library and greenhouses select the library Annex region to continue Professor Weasley has unlocked the central Hall flu Flames for you use a and d to rotate the map and fast travel to the central Hall flu Flames with spacebar can I pitch it yeah a little bit all right we want to go to Central Hall flu Flame there we go [Music] see more cleavage says hello Ox glad to see you not letting the controversy stop you from playing uh The Bullying got bad congrats on Ravenclaw here we are quite the Time Saver these stairs lead directly to Central Hall thank you Seymour cleavage Indigo the blue gem says Indigo the blue gem says why did the cookie go to the doctor he was feeling crummy with a bee crummy Jay Bennett says don't get me wrong PC is Master race without a doubt I can just barely convince my wife to let me spend 500 every six years or so hashtag happy wife happy life well at least you're still able to work on the PC at some time anywhere in the castle quickly from Central Hall oh wow look at that oh is something happening here it's the heart of the hive our King's cross station so to speak wow that should be all for now you'll be expected to attend both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today and I'd like to be sure you get to hogsmead as soon as possible to replace the supplies you lost on the way here [Music] Hogs made is that like a cafeteria uh can you tell me more about charms class what will I learn in charm's class exactly what you might expect spells charms jinxes all terribly useful I think you will enjoy Professor Ronan he's a clever and entertaining Wizard and a talented teacher what exactly is defense against the dark arts can you tell me more about the defense against the dark arts class defense against the dark arts as the name implies focuses on how to defend oneself against the evils that lurk Beyond these walls wall a Mastery of defense against the dark arts is required for those who aspire to become auras fortunately we are lucky to have the ever-gifted professor Heckert in charge of our students education in that regard what's hugs me yeah that was my question earlier you mentioned hogsmeade Professor hogsmeade is the only all Wizarding Village in Britain and is home to an array of shops and pubs you should be able to find all of the school supplies you require in hogsmead who will also I imagine enjoy many a butterbeer there with friends in due course a butter beer is that like a non-alcoholic beer oh well they are teenagers but I don't think I would enjoy any beer that tastes like butter thank you thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day and you have much to learn happily your professors have agreed to create additional assignments for you outside of class you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor fig succeeded in at least showing you the basics he did Professor he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack my suspicion is that there's more to the story than a search for belongings and an extended trip up to the castle hmm well he did tell us to keep it between ourselves so I'm sorry Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it hmm almost precisely what Professor Fink said speak of the devil Professor Fick seem to have provided our new fifth year with a solid foundation in the basics of spellcasting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they've a rare aptitude for magic it seems hmm well I'm just glad you both arrived in one piece perfectly good boats and carriages to Hogwarts and you chose to fly in the path of a dragon I wouldn't say I chose the dragon's path Professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough chit chat I need to get to class myself might I rely on you Professor fig to explain the details of the field guides map of course thank you good luck today and remember to use your Field Guide it will be invaluable to you and invaluable to me as I'll be using it to keep up to date on your progress yes Professor come and find me in my classroom after you've attended both classes today and I'll explain more about those assignments I mentioned and we'll see if we can't get you to hogsmead for those supplies right talk to Professor fig Indigo the blue gems says butter beer is kind of like butterscotch root beer float my fiance and I made it once okay that doesn't sound too bad actually Ryan 2 gamer says butterbeer is actually oh you guys are really upset about my dismissal of butter beer earlier butter beer is actually pretty good I had it at Universal and it does not taste like butter LOL more like a 50 50 bar a 50 50 bar thank you brian2gamer JJ says thank you for the hilarious jump scare laughs seeing you freak out in scary games for you they need to make a horror killer mannequin only game LOL yeah I'll uh steer clear of that thanks and then Wolfie miwi says butterbeer is alcoholic it's just quite low in alcohol content and that was Wolfie miwi's first Super Chat thank you very much Wolfie all right so let's finish talking with fig and then we'll try and get a handle on challenges quests collections oh my God it's so much all right big it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you masterfully evade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival but I didn't like to lie to her but yeah I did try to evade her questions though I feel a little deceptive that said I'm fairly certain she suspects that we're not being entirely forthcoming yes well Professor Weasley is a brilliant and astute witch it was right to keep the details to yourself for now we don't know where this path we've embarked upon will lead it may require a bit more flexibility with your time than she would approve of and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable as you are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle approve from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map unfold it and have a look okay this icon represents main quests completing main quests will further the story unlock new features and Grant experience some quests are locked by spell and or a level requirement in these cases you will need to be the required level and or have the required spell to activate the quest new spells can be earned by completing Professor assignments or as Quest Rewards track a quest with right click to continue okay um charms class or defense against the dark arts rewards levioso rewards Akio I'm interested in defending against the dark arts let's do that the map is Enchanted to help you find your way this will be incredibly helpful thank you now sounds like you've quite a day ahead what with classes and a trip to hogsmeat for supplies including your own wand you'll enjoy Mr Ollivander he's an exceptional Craftsman and a good friend I shall reach out when I have more information about our mysterious locket for now focus on your classes and pay attention more than your owls May hinge on the magic you are able to master Within These Walls all right attend the defense against the dark arts class cast Charmed Compass The Charmed Compass will lead you to anything you're tracking oh my God so many things flashing at the screen I find it [Music] [Music] nothing's cool myself just wait Coco's always oh thank you for that one I mean I am so torn right now do I follow the main quest or do I explore Hogwarts I mean this is the sort of thing where I could just get completely lost up uh lost in and I love that all right quests let's see we've only got these two quests there are two more parts to it after we attend the classes upon attending the classes we get two new spells challenges Field Guide pages collect Field Guide pages in Hogwarts and how do we do that again we we find the the statue bus thing the regalia statues and then quests complete main quests legendary gloves complete two main story quests get legendary gloves all right and then collections what is this revelio Pages Field Guide Pages collected with revelio Hogwarts this bust created an honor of Ravenclaw house resides in the lofty Ravenclaw Tower okay presumably there are one for each house so three more to collect there [Music] uh Tilly says Oxford any chance we can re-mod miwi under her new account at Wolfie miwi she is unable to mod under her old account and would like to help slash support yeah uh I didn't realize she had to switch her account let me take care of that really quickly but first night Paladin Eleanor gifted 10 memberships to the community thank you so much night Paladin Eleanor and congratulations to Daniel o Jonathan Wolfie miwi BJC word Bella bolognator Nick a pause Miguel Happy Days Sam Ike Alan and Andre thank you again Eleanor and congratulations to everybody all right let me see if I can promote wolfy niwi be right back [Music] okay and it's taken care of all right I think I want to focus on the main quest but I will explore rooms as I stumble upon them Lenora everleigh hello I don't believe we've met oh hello I'm Lenora pardon me if I seem a little distracted at the moment everyone thinks I'm utterly balmy Samantha thinks I'm potty but it's this thing I never noticed it before I know Hogwarts and I do an empty frame doesn't appear for no reason something more to this side quest have you learned anything about it have you gained any insights about the painting since you've been studying it I did discover that casting lumos has an effect of some kind but I'm not sure what to do next are there any other paintings like this here are there any other empty paintings like this around the school yes a few this entire place them as good a place as any to begin right so I'm getting the impression that all of these dialogue options I have he simply replates them almost repeats them almost verbatim so I don't think I need to read them anymore I'll just click on them if I have the time I may look could be intriguing I've been racking my brains long enough I hope you'll have better luck than I have the new guy gifted five Oxford memberships to the community doing something Illuminating that solves the mystery like a moth to the flame thank you the new guy and congratulations to Indigo the blue gem JB avroxy Kevin L and Timberwolf Morgan on those new memberships all right first we'll try revilo revelio okay then we'll try lumos lumos the spot must be a clue I should look around in case it's nearby spot that spot oh the image is a clue okay so uh there's a staircase leading up there's a pillar at the top of the staircase and some sort of statue or Fountain nearby [Music] I've got a peek at the prefix bathroom last year when my mother was here [Music] let's get you back to your frame little moth hahaha there it is there was the statue that was nearby there was the pillar at the top of the staircase there it is so we found a loose moth where did the profession that's very creative okay um do I do I cast it I knew there was a connection I should tell Lenora that I solved the puzzle of that empty frame Field Guide page collect nice you have uncollected rewards available in the challenges menu all right uncollected rewards in the challenges menu Let's uh go to whoops let's go to Challengers Field Guide Pages completed uh gear appearance reward Hogwarts regalia spectacles claim Rewards okay inventory I do have limited inventory despite having a bottomless armpit all right gear gear face wear okay so those is this what I got [Music] Julian Z says aux guide Pages aren't just busts but paintings statues or displays also Ox feel free to explore rooms as you come upon them thank you Julian Z yeah the regalia spectacles is what I got Dr Lenora oh Nora I solved the mystery of that painting [ __ ] two options I followed the clues or I'm not telling let's just do I'll follow the clues I found the location depicted in the painting and then I cast lumos to guide him off back to the frame all very logical I suppose pity I was so close to solving it you have a knack for solving riddles Matty's good at that too so is a meat although he does tend to overexplain well I'm glad someone figured it out The Moth I should have seen that let's complete like a master Flame so many things happening okay complete a side slash relationship quests one of three fishki says by the way there's transmog so you can sell all gear thank you fish key Justin flurry says love that you're jumping in on this game Ox been playing it all week I love it hope you do too thanks I'm loving it so far ryan2 gamer says so many cool secrets to explore in this game so very glad you're playing it well thank you Ryan to gamer I'm glad to be playing it too thanks to everyone who suggested it all right now people told me that I needed to shoot the flying pieces of paper so pretty sure I got it I'm pretty sure I got it multiple times thank you yeah I definitely got it not sure what it did can I another one of these revelio what [Music] [Music] okay 11 21 something slash tag became a bronze Ox thank you slash tag Amy Hudson says use accio on the flying pages I see so I need to use a spell that I don't have yet Phil says don't forget to use reveal spell all the time LOL all right we'll do I'm trying to figure this out so the top one is 11 21 and then some sort of symbol foreign that symbol revelio foreign octopus crab CAT5 says those are math puzzles okay well I mean the difference between 11 and 21 is 10. so 31 and then I don't understand this one fisky says ox1 for those puzzles the number is the middle in the middle is the total the symbols on the arch are 0 to 10 I think and then you just turn the wall tile to add up to 21. uh what all right so if the center is the total then the question mark should be 10. symbol is there I don't understand it and I don't have the patience for it right now so we'll figure this out later uh all right I'm not currently tracking anything what I thought it was [Music] defense against the dark arts track Quest [Music] all right so I need to go through there let me do one more sweep of the room then in the end it didn't shrink what didn't shrink purse I've obviously been taken in by the fender I'll say that's not going to help you much around thieves is it all right clever clogs I knew I shouldn't have told you don't worry I once bought a pair of sturdy trousers from gladrags made of leather right I don't know if the uh 20 gear slots but can get more by completing Merlin's trials okay thank you for that all right we came from up there we explored over there there's a door here oh where does this go foreign oh my God this place is huge I can't I can't I gotta Focus [Applause] revelio I almost fell asleep Central all Fountain guide Pages this ornate Fountain features intricately carved statues of denizens of the magical world including a set of stone Sirens encircling the fountain base well thank you very much I shall remember okay let's uh continue I'm sure we'll be back here many times it's odd I have to wait a little bit for doors to open Rebellion wyvern Fountain guide Pages this fountain in the Transfiguration Courtyard has the likeness of a wyvern on top and serves as a relaxing place for students to gather despite rumors to the contrary possibly started by Sir cadigan this is most assuredly not meant to be the wyvern of Y slain by the Lively Knight in spite of himself foreign did you see that there was something oh is that the puzzle that I was working on earlier revelio yeah that's just the puzzle that I was working on earlier what is this level lock there was something over here too are we yep that's me all right we found another fast travel marker what was that oh the plants change shape Rebellion oh another giant Hall to explore this place is huge foreign well that was great achievement unlocked pet cat there's another one flu Flames location discovered to go in there but what's over here foreign [Music] they did glow a little bit when I did revelio did you see that [Music] revelio I'm gonna be doing this way too much just absolutely everything oh why is this statue broken well we'll have to repair it later I guess but to continue let's go this way oh my God oh my God revelio it's just so big [Music] this game is huge these are stout hearts with joy to be in the presence of such arrogance and humans now attention herself I wonder she's not gobbled up by her own thanked geranium is the gargoyle talking to me the bug won't survives the reign of this Headmaster I think we should have a moon carve in charge it is the gargoyle start talking can I talk back I guess not I can't go in there that's a level line someone gets strung by a cursed broom we do hope it's you oh geez oh thank you rebellious painting of ileus this painting depicts the young orphan wizard Ilyas who famously saved his entire Village from an army of Dementors and the dark wizard Rex rexidian by Conjuring a mouse Patronus yeah I could thought as much ooh there's a chest in there I love it when I find a chest not sure he's in at the present moment the admaster wouldn't be sure to tell him how very much you despise him my God chill out guard oils okay upper level what is this ah Rebellion oh God what is that oh lumos a painting of a centaur what what are these gas things ooh do I need to worry about the gas what is that well there's the painting of the Centaur hello West Tower flu Flames location unlocked and a chest I got 62 coins [Music] okay that's the Centaur Ah that's centaur lumos we got it what a creative little side quest I'm really confused about all of this gas seeping up from the ground trying to pass through you [Music] fischke says the castle is huge but look at the world map too [Music] I can't yet they want to contain things just a bit for now no it's violently Rank and it's not me well I'm sorry dude Rebellion oh if you catch a whiff of anything I mean should there be rather a stench of some sort well it's not me that poor guy he got hung at a wall around all this stench and he has to be there forever what what a fate is that it's a fate worse than death I've always said that travel broadens the mind [Music] okay locked Rebellion all summer or waste of time okay so this is a closed off room pretty cool but I can't go any further Let's uh let's go back foreign hello can I open you guess not Rebellion all right we need to go up there but man this Hall is just huge oh what is this apparently nothing all right we need to go that way let's go up here first oh revelio [Music] okay poor lady Imelda race acts as if she invented it [Music] okay this one works Aubry skeleton this is a skeleton of an Irish Phoenix or Agri an intensely shy bird who can forecast the coming of rain and whose mournville cry was once believed to foretell death well we have yet another floor above us but I believe this is the floor we are supposed to be on so let's check it out that's the class we need to go to oh no another key box [Music] how nice to see you my young friend okay ignatia Will Smith that is a big statue all right that's the quest I need to begin before I do that I do want to finish exploring upstairs really quickly shouldn't be more than a moment Indigo the blue gem says do ads play in a live stream sometimes I just got one they do they do indeed uh okay that goes outside wow okay you're getting the full run of Hogwarts here revelio [Music] aha lumos is that a painting of a waterfall between two pillars Jay Bennett says cut up on your bendy stream really hope there's a sequel to The Mug of cheese book I know wasn't that brilliant that was so great all right we're looking for a painting of a waterfall between two pillars foreign dear God Rebellion there is so much so much hello I wonder if there's an achievement for petting every cat in the game oh this leads me back here what's upstairs hold on revelio holy cow well we're out of pillar territory so I don't think it's going to be here but there's so much above us what's that oh the bathrooms I got a Scholar's robe all right do I need to check every Stall oh God that one's not working oh yuck revelio oh what a place to conduct an experiment I wonder if I can fix this one no oh that was the women's wasn't it whoops what are you watching now revelio oh I'm just getting all turned around hey uh level lock right let's see if we can get our bearings back is this the boys restroom no oh this is his figs classroom I probably shouldn't be here yet I need to find that picture Jay Bennett says fall silent you small-minded bass my new favorite favorite phrase that was a great phrase we sometimes have to remind him to finish the lesson some of us don't necessarily want him oh that's the other class that I'm gonna take defense again all right so I'll be back up here later that's the other class I needed to take we need to go to the dark arts class and I guess I'll find the waterfall picture it's probably down below because there were pillars in the image the last stall was an Easter egg says Seymour cleavage oh I didn't realize that I'm having a really hard time oh that light's Shonen suddenly finding this painting you know what it may it just may not be in this room let's go take a look at it one more time off on another adventure are we lumos it's in a big room with a a big [Music] archway foreign okay well I'm gonna continue with the Quest for now and uh if we find it later we find it you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was before I invented flu powder Pavel says that women in Flames is Gwendolyn the weird she was put into flames 47 times under various disguises and survived all thanks to the flame freezing charm I see foreign [Music] [Music] perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time I get new students every year but I only have one hebridium black skull it was a token from the great poacherade of 1878 no doubt you've heard of it now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest coaching in eastern Wales and lived to boast about it knowledge [Music] to the wise age matters very little today we will review a spell that has saved me from Death at the hands of dark Wizards more times than I care to remember levioso Leviosa a levitation charm levioso a surprised opponent is a weak opponent care to defend yourself master Pruitt no one thing I've learned as an unspeakable is the value of Simplicity especially in the heat of battle now let's practice what we've just learned starting with something small Barney says why hasn't anyone told you you already found it did I I'll have to go back and chat all right levioso [Music] levioso now let's try something a little larger foreign [Music] guess I'm up let us begin with the basic cost perform a basic cast using left click [Music] see how the damage reflected your cast This Time cast levioso first then the basic cost remember a surprised opponent is a weak opponent has Master Pruitt so artfully helped me demonstrate earlier now the basic cost [Music] very good but the best way to practice is by jeweling we'll start with YouTube do lists take your marks time for a proper Hogwarts welcome now I want a fair kill using only levioso basic cost and protego you may begin [Music] you're good how perceptive I know also help me paying attention that is how you cast leviation let's just say I'm a quick learner not bad for a beginner you give as good as you get all right looks like we made a friend I put you on the spot and you Rose to the challenge points to Ravenclaw thank you Professor Hackett glad to have the opportunity to practice if what I've seen today is any indication we can expect great things from you I demand Excellence from my students they are capable of achieving it and they must achieve it a classroom dual is one thing but battling dark Wizards or as ever more likely goblins is a different kettle of grindelos entirely understood Professor so I'd advise you to keep practicing whenever you can perhaps Mr sallow will have some ideas for you again well done today I shall reach out soon with additional assignments okay great all right that's enough spectacle for one day class is dismissed if only uh things were always that easy ah always thought Leviosa was for First Years not anymore you drilled Sebastian his strong competition well done oh I'm not much for dueling I prefer to keep things friendly I have that voice if you know the right spells it's dark Wizards that'll fear you not the other way around Rebellion hebridian black skeleton this large dragon skeleton that hangs in the defense against the dark arts classroom is allegedly a trophy taken by Professor hickey or Hackett after she single-handedly defeated one of the largest poaching rings in eastern Wales during the Great poacher raid of 1878. [Music] all right that's the level 2 luck revelio I'd hate to face professor heckett in a duel nice work [Music] I enjoyed that well that duel was quite something everyone will be talking about it it was certainly good practice practice it felt more like I was dueling an expert Sebastian sallow by the way didn't expect a new student to be so Deft with a wand then again perhaps this wasn't your first duel foreign I've never used a bond in combat in fact it was perhaps I have a knack for it be quiet if you like but I know better magic requires intention and talent you know you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive unsanctioned dueling organization [Music] sounds intriguing exclusive and unsanctioned Count Me In excellent knew I was right about you if you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then whether it's joining a secret dueling club or sneaking into the restricted section of the library you just have to be clever enough not to get caught thank you Sebastian I'll keep that in mind good pleasure chatting with you I'm sure I'll see you soon perhaps somewhere unsanctioned we'll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill look for Luke and Brad will be near the clock tower entrance if you're interested [Music] Clock Tower entrance Quest complete uncollected rewards free experience new Quest open achievement unlock okay Padre says the reason I like this particular game is that it gives the kids that grew up watching the Harry Potter Universe a chance to immerse into the sandbox game world it's their version of Star Wars Star Trek and Indiana Jones that's a great Point okay quests first charm class crossed ones round one talk to Lucan baratal Bay about the secret dueling club that is a side quest next is charm class rewards Akio then let's say challenges uh quests zero four completed legendary gloves cool bookish half Rim spectacles gear appearance reward so relationship side quests I Gear Up on in that way all right so this is my progress if it's a gold border I'm working on it if it's a blue border I already achieved it and collections all right so these were added to my collections for appearances and these are more things I discovered inside Hogwarts Michael Broyles says can you do some Dead Space lore you know I don't know I'm still playing the first game and I'm really enjoying it so far cloak and robes let's see we've got a different cloak uh offense plus four Scholars rope all right we'll equip that looks like it has a trait slot I'm sure we'll learn more about that later outfit uh that's the only outfit we have neck wear that's the only neck where we've got oh no we could put that on uh where do I put gloves handwear all right black leather gloves are those the same gloves oh no I'm working my way towards those gloves okay [Laughter] uh all right cool Quest done one more spell to learn but I want to figure this handy resource indeed your Field Guide I everyone's talking about me this Arch looks familiar ah lumos got it hey I was right there and I didn't even realize it [Music] New Field Guide page all right now to get to my next lesson and that's going to be upstairs even further upstairs here we are foreign behind you there's an open seat here thank you hello I am Nettie so you are the new student have you met Professor Ronan yet Shall We Begin welcome to year five of Champs now this will be a crucial year in your education on the art of charmwork but I am confident that we will take hold the passion and rigor requisite of such a challenge I love this job everyone please open your textbooks to page 517 but before we begin can anyone here tell me the difference between the incantations of the color change and growth charms anyone anyone um I am afraid it is too late to study now oh no not cut my the seven months must have really taken a toll on you all by the looks of it you all spent your holidays practicing obliviate on one another [Music] do you even remember how to perform a basic summoning charm hmm hmm well it seems that we are in dire need of review everyone get into Pairs and take positions on opposite sides of the classroom now let's put those textbooks to use as the blunt objects you so believe they are and take turns summoning them out of one another's hands only one book will be needed per partnership Miss Dale thank you get into place now so it's a seize spell you can take something Indigo the blue gem says is that Curie I don't think it was a French accent cool that is not bad you are a swift learner I see a lot of potential but remember potential is nothing without practice keep at it you might just rival Miss on I here very good everyone that's enough of that well as you all seem to have the basics down and it is an exceptionally lovely day I was thinking that we might have ourselves a little Excursion outside for a spot of fresh air after me after me everybody what a cheerful guy all right so if we go outside are we gonna have to find our way back are they gonna pop us back in the classroom so we can pick up where we left off hi I've always found that fun goes hand in hand with Mastery as I'm sure the Quidditch players amongst us would agree so what better than a bit of sport to put our prowess with the summoning charm to the test right so why don't we have our new students start us off hmm oh beautiful okay very simply cast Akio on one of the Spheres and relinquish your charm at the last possible moment now think of this like gobstones if you will but instead of throwing the marbles out you are summoning them toward you the trick is to pull the sphere as far as possible but not a bit more or it'll fall yes now I could keep talking about Theory all day but practice is the best Professor show us how it's done all right so my goal is to release it on the 50 to get the most points [Music] very good ah come on come on dude I mean excellent control there better better all right I did okay very good points to Ravenclaw but there's certainly no sporting playing without some friendly competition Miss onai would you care to give our new student a bit of a challenge come on up [Music] you'll be the blues just as before and miss onai you are playing red clear yes sir okay here we go [Music] there we go back here oh just barely well done [Music] oh dang it nicely done [Music] what happens if I bump one that is how it's done back here oh come on yeah all right 130. I'm the winner [Music] let us make this a bit more interesting shall we [Music] foreign I think we are well past interesting at this point I'll say the enough chatter Focus now you will need it this round settles it all oh my God here we go [Music] very good hey [Music] [Music] excellent control there [Music] okay I'm gonna wait for them just to pass here don't lose your composure what's this I was too focused on the boxes that I oh she's gonna um she's gonna tear me up I've already lost well done well she won that round [Music] so it's uh I think if we combine the two I still won very good both of you well done kanak says up from Josh Bunton at Oxnard after the stream would you mind weighing in on a question in the admin section of the Discord please uh I'll do my best to tackle that after the broadcast thank you Canuck and Josh is dismissed gather your things on the way out [Music] well done back there you took the loss in stride didn't want to go too easy on you took me weeks to become proficient with accio took weeks for me to get anything right when I transferred here it gets easier I promise [Music] I'm glad you understand that's good to hear it's a lot to take in all at once to put it lightly I remember how I felt when I first arrived I transferred here from wagadu just before my fourth year my mother received an offer to teach divination here before I knew it we had left Uganda until halfway around the world at a new school in a new country Julian Z says Ox if you hover over equipped gear there is a change appearance option that allows you to change the appearance of a gear item of any you found even if you sold while keeping the stats thank you Julian Z it's good to know that transmog is in the game is wagadu much bigger than Hogwarts Wagga to school of magic is the largest Wizarding School in the world so yes bigger than Hogwarts but it never seemed intimidating or overwhelming to me it always felt like home is where I could do a castle like Hogwarts its addresses mountains of the Moon it is not so much a castle as a beautiful edifice carved out of the Mountainside I remember the first time I saw it the Mist was so thick I could hardly make out anything at all and then it just materialized before me this enormous school that seemed to be floating in mid-air [Music] this may seem an odd question but is Magic the same there as it is here hmm mostly yes I did have to learn how to use a wand when I arrived here hardly anyone at wagadu uses one that's incredible or surely the magic is weaker we could say we'll go that's incredible you can cast spells without a wand ah yes I find one less magic to be much more instinctive not to mention quite convenient if one is without their want I must admit however that I am growing quite fond of using it once seems very dramatic so if you can cast magic without a wand what's the point of a wand does it make it more powerful it's nice to learn about another Wizarding school thank you for asking I do miss wag I do but I am glad to be here at Hogwarts ah I think Professor Runner wants to talk to you better not keep him waiting until next time of course you can use Akio on humans a word Professor Ronan reminds me of my grandfather well you'd be using it on clothing after my brother learned the summoning jam it was constant ackee for this accio that Cutlery flying everywhere quite unsafe you wanted to speak with me Professor I did I trust your first charms lesson lived up to expectation well an outdoor competition wasn't exactly the lesson I was expecting sir what charm is there in the expected missonai is a talented witch take it in stride one often gains the most from the battles one has lost of course Professor it was a challenging Match Miss onai is always a fierce competitor though I sense that she is a bit distracted of late now Professor Weasley has asked that your professors give you instruction outside of the ordinary curriculum expect to hear from me soon regarding a special assignment that I am preparing for you all right Quest completed charms class boom level four [Music] and auto save let's see revelio there is the door up here but it's locked level one lock [Music] there's a bunch of stuff over there I think I've seen much of it hello how was your first day [Music] hello Samantha nice to see you again I wondered how your first day was going to hold your own in charms that's kind of you to say or wasn't too challenging a lesson we'll be polite I've been fortunate beginner's luck my brother William would tell you not to be so humble and to trust your abilities then again he tends to be overconfident in his well better see to my charms homework I'm afraid I can't count on beginner's laps to impress Professor Ronan [Music] I say teach me everything [Music] I've always said the travel broadens where were you another cat [Music] oh look at all these cats absolutely everywhere gotta pet them all bring lies please it was Albert boot no it wasn't it was basil flat oh kitty kitty what is that voice Rebellion hmm there's a room above me it was a bit [Music] what was that oh another one of these weird things zero three five seven I guess or no if the center is the total then it would be two right but we only find symbols on these not numbers oh one two would be unicorn but there is no unicorn wait there's the Unicorn Okay so unicorn for oh if unicorn is two four five six then that would be six well then what would be six one two three four five six uh crab and it's not even an option yeah I haven't figured that out yet level one lock going to harvest some knock grass from the greenhouses today did you know revelio hello what is this [Music] lumos [Music] so levioso worked on that one ha so I had to levitate the statue Rebellion I think we have found the observatory ooh another ghost can I talk to it can't interact with it revelio how nice to see you my young friend astronomy Tower altern says the chat says unicorn is one oh fishy says the Unicorn is one it starts at zero ah cool I'll go back and check it out [Music] my dear satyavati satyavari you'll be pleased to hear that I received word from my contacts at Cambridge who conceded that they had in fact been incorrect in their understanding of meteor showers it seems that an Irish astronomer and a British astronomer both built upon the work done by an Italian astronomer all Muggles mind you as far as I know to propose calculating the position of the Dust at Earth's orbit as means of connecting meteors to comments brilliant really one can only imagine what they might do with an enchanted telescope frustratingly in my correspondence I did feel that I had to continue using the pseudonym from my days as a gentleman scholar whilst I still find it rather exciting to have a secret identity the reason irks me I am so looking forward to our trip later this year to gentar Mentor what an adventure we shall have I miss you dear sister and I do hope you are well with love such Rita foreign [Music] cabinets Rebellion [Music] see what's in the Attic oh another one of these lumos okay there's a telescope pointing out a balcony and some a Blackboard against the wall okay I'm assuming that's going to be up s so he's a ghost but he's not black and white oh okay I wonder what his deal is revelio hmm wow revelio foreign telescope this telescope is the finest stargazing instrument of its kind perfect for viewing the moon and the stars than anything else one might find in the night sky Indigo the blue gem says was early access to Fallout 76 on Xbox horrible for you it was I it they only gave me like 30 minutes to play it and I spent the majority of that time just trying to figure out how to move using one of those controllers so it was really a just frustrating experience Ian Chamberlain says happy you're playing this gonna catch up on the stream play on don't drink too much butter beer now thank you Ian Chamberlain okay let's get this guy home lumos [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] go down there it is 50 bucks Rebellion it's all it is just a storage area cool little detail they added all right well we have uh fully explored this area now [Music] let's see side quests are now available available side quests can be found inside regions of Hogwarts marked as flags and discovered by exploring the world these quests reward experience but do not Advance the main story [Music] okay so if it's if the flag is is solid if it's opaque does that mean I've completed all of the side quests in those areas the grand staircase the Great Hall the astronomy wing and the bell tower wing Weasley after class meet Professor Weasley in the Transfiguration classroom right well we haven't explored the library Annex yet foreign Hall let's travel [Music] [Music] like obviously whoa that is creepy but cool [Music] revelio okay uh the library sure [Music] flying off the shelves Cressida Bloom has a lofty problem with her literature talk to Cressida C so wait a minute no side quests available there no side quests available there none available there none available there one available here right so it needs to be a Black Flag if there's going to be a side quest let's track this [Music] and head that way tell them to kick me out [Music] I really have made a mess of things is everything all right oh hello thank you for asking I'm Cressida by the way and I'm afraid everything's not all right I may be in a spot of trouble with the librarian you see I'm fond of creating my own charms thought I'd perfected my light as a feather charm to use on my library books my arms get so tired carrying them around all day but I must have confused the Latin word for feather with bird in my incantation because when I opened my bag just now in the library they literally took flight oh seems a lot of work just to carry bucks or that's amazing we'll go that's amazing that sounds brilliant actually thank you somehow I don't think the librarian will see it that way I collect the books and remove the charm myself except this isn't the first time one of my charms has threatened the piece of the library our meat told Madame Scribner they were my books flying around so she said that if I caused her any more trouble she'd write to my parents perhaps you could get them for me there are only five she won't be suspicious of a new student looking around why did Army tell Madame Scribner that they were your books oh to be perfectly honest I don't think he meant any harm I think he was impressed bragging on my behalf Amit spends a lot of time gazing at the stars but he knows a good jump when he sees one I suppose I could help if I have the time I'd very much appreciate it one of the books is my diary I'd rather it not fall into the wrong hands if you could collect them and bring them to me I can remove the charm right uh hopefully we don't have an option to read her diary to the library okay the more we explore the more we are getting a grip of I'm going to have to use four more to go all right [Music] money saw it just a minute there they're fluttering in and out of everywhere well we can use the opportunity to look around Rebellion locked the gun and it got away revelio foreign another adventure are we [Music] got it Rebellion there's a chest on the other side of the fireplace hello how do we get to that maybe we need to get a spell that extinguishes flame [Music] revelio all right two more pages it looks like well I'm gonna have to go upstairs oh no Professor black might I suggest a ban on Magic in the library someone has been sneaking into the Restricted Section and Christina Bloom seems to think of the library as her own personal arena in which to practice her latest incantations it is most disruptive one might consider peeves tame by comparison to Sajak antics Rebellion right upstairs we go oh there it is that's a field guide [Music] oh they got someone just flooded there it is come on get back here this must be cressida's diary oh two if I were huh it opens it without giving me the option to not read her diary I am violating this poor kid's privacy by reading the diary Indigo the blue gem says listening to your live streams is so relaxing thanks for being here Ox you're welcome my friend thank you for being here well diary today was a good day that is until Gareth splashed whatever ridiculous concoction he was creating all over my perfectly stewed lace Wing flies oh had to empty my entire cauldron and start all over again he is such a menace think he knows everything there is to know about potions always disrupting Professor Sharp's class with his experiments I'm utterly convinced that if he wasn't Professor Weasley's nephew he would have been expelled by now our broth smokes oh our our broth Smokies again tonight for dinner I'm becoming more partial to them now although I still prefer meat pie alt Grendel says I'm to remind you that you need to go to town to get your own wand I should probably do that before the broadcast ends huh all right let me finish this side quest and then and then I'll I'll try to go to town if I can figure out how I think I need one more or did I get it yeah I need one more revelio you doing all right buddy now that guy managed to figure figure out a spell that helps him carry his books oh look there's another one lumos it's in the library before a giant portrait of a man holding a book on an upper level balcony there it is okay anyone see that flying page nope he's saying shush you're in the library all right let's go return this one foreign [Music] Field Guide page found why is it always the last one that's the hardest to find I mean it's just floating around right so I should see it clear as day there no that's that guy again there it is [Music] that's the last book now to take them back to Christa perfect [Music] all right how do I get down again all right spiral staircase in the middle of the library or side staircase let's do this one we haven't done it yet [Music] [Music] hello Cressida I collect your books including your diary oh what what a relief thank you I'll happily take the heavy lot off your hands now I can extort her perhaps a reward to keep the diarrhea Secret wow I could be awful all right I'm just gonna go here you go hey you all well lesson learned I certainly won't be practicing any charms in the library again anytime soon now to work out where I went wrong perhaps I should start brushing up on my Latin oh my goodness some people are trustworthy certainly wouldn't want anyone but me reading my diary I didn't have a choice the game opened it up for me as I collected it okay I believe that's the side quest in the library and look at that it is now an opaque flag which means I have one more side quest in Hogwarts to complete before I can move on with my primary Quest Weasley after class let's go to hogsmead can I go to hogsmead yet thank you [Music] [Music] I think I need to uh complete this before I can go to hogsmeade because we see hogsmeade as a map option over here but I can't click on it foreign well if that's the case I want to finish the quest here in the southern wing oh that's crossed wands round one you can use the map until you've been to the town oh so do I just walk there H Kel says love your content your lore videos are so good thank you hkels [Music] um all right so let's see all right so the side quest here is round one of that and I don't have any of those found yet so the closest one I'm gonna have is the Ravenclaw common room there's a lot here that I haven't discovered yet you have to meet with Professor Weasley first okay Anonymous I can do the side quests later I'll focus on this one let's track it it's fast travel here Freddie Simmons says about an hour behind I'm not used to chests being opened and opened by lifting the lid LOL yeah I mean in all the games we've been playing recently we just smashed them [Music] what about the room Professor I was thinking the same thing Deke perhaps you could help oh excuse Dake [Music] ah there you are [Music] I trust your first classes went well they did Professor I heard as much from professors Heckert and Ronan seems Professor fig taught you quite a bit before you arrived I'd wager there's a good deal more to your travels here than what you've told me isn't there if there was I'm not at Liberty to divulge them [Music] um well by saying hasn't Professor fig said anything we're not divulging anything just yet so we'll choose that have you and Professor fake not discussed my training he continues to be reticent about the details mentioning only a few spells revelio was it and lumos that's correct Professor I see like trying to get a sonnet from Australia regardless you must continue to build upon what you've learned in that regard I've asked your professors to help hasten your progress with some extra assignments what more work or Professor Ronan mentioned that Professor Ronan did mention something about that in fact Professor Ronan will meet you outside momentarily to assign your first one regarding the trip to hogsmeade I mentioned earlier we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here including seeds potion recipes and spell crafts thank you professor and Mr Ollivander will connect you with the perfect wand you've managed your classes well with a borrowed wand but you'll find the magic you cast with your own wand to be far superior [Music] Darkness night gifted five Oxford memberships to the community congratulations to Stephen harpman Fox Kirko contoi Anonymous living man dog and Johnny Turner can you tell me more about the potions shop Professor Jay Pippin's potions stocks a wide array of potions ingredients although they rarely sell recipes Professor sharp asked that they have a couple of particular recipes on hand for you I've never heard of a spellcroft before Professor what is it a spellcraft is a recipe of sorts used when Conjuring objects I shall explain more about them when you begin working with Transfiguration Magic there's an olive Anders in hogsmeade there is most people are familiar with the shop in Diagon Alley we're fortunate to have someone like him nearby Mr Ollivander is a genuine Craftsman and highly skilled wand maker I would trust no one else to pair me with a wand I'm eager to get to hogsmeade very well I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate help you get your bearings perhaps Sebastian Salah or nazioni I've noticed you spending time with them Nadia Sebastian gotta go with Natty I'd like to go with Natty excellent choice Miss onai is one of our most talented students and she knows the area she'll keep you well clear of any of Victor rookwood's undesirables on Route Rookwood a rather unsavory local best to avoid him and his associates including his right hand of sorts Theophilus Harlow if you can once you've finished Professor ronan's assignment your friend will meet you at the castle doors no time to waste the sooner you complete your work the sooner you can enjoy a butter beer at the three Broomsticks okay Quest complete rough forts or Weasley after class newquest available open the quest log speak to Professor Ronan to receive your first assignment assignments are types of quests given to you by Hogwarts professors that when completed rewards you with new spells the reward for completing your first assignment will be The Mending charm repero which is required to complete other quests you can track assignments and their progress in the quest menu of your Field Guide [Music] right Rebellion level locked hello hey elegant shirt yeah okay well let's get this side quest we'll probably need it in town ah there you are you have a new spell to teach me Professor indeed I do and an exceedingly useful one at that The Mending charm reperto fixes things right up makes a broken object good as new in the blink of an eye it seems as if that might come in handy more frequently than one would imagine as Professor Weasley mentioned I am not the only one who will be teaching you spells outside of class in an effort to catch you up with your peers a number of your professors have agreed to do so as well but first each shall ask that you complete a few preliminary tasks to hone your magic I have arranged some for today see them through and then report back to me we will have you casting Roberto in no time what's the purpose why must they first complete tasks to learn repair no lesson or lecture can compare to first-hand experience and these tasks should provide you with just that such experience is invaluable when mastering any new bit of magic I'll start on the task right away professor Quest started collect the flying page near the broken statue okay are those not flying pages revelia oh the broken statue right the right area got it [Music] collect the flying page and the defense against the dark arts Tower foreign wait now I know how to do this one all right [Music] dark arts Tower flying page return to Professor Ronin easy breezy protagon foreign I completed the assignments Professor marvelous you clearly know your way around basic charms let us give the old mending charm a try then shall we remember to be deliberate in your enunciation and movements I want to see some Vigor now one at the ready yes sir remember your wand is a conduit of your magic Indigo the blue gem says I'm actually going to be sad when the stream ends so will I but I've got to get uh back to working on my lore video today [Music] reperto okay mending charm reperto can be used to mend broken objects and pieces of the environment that's it very good if you would like to practice mending something have a go with that broken statue in the Alcove by the water I know allegedly symbolized heartbreak perhaps a jilted lover thought it too accurate and lashed out all right here we go repair works like a charm see what he did there wow what a yeah that definitely symbolizes heartbreak [Music] okay [Music] are we done I guess we are why is there a statue or I'm sorry a chest icon on my minimap right where I'm standing must be on the other side of this wall you can't imagine how inconvenient travel okay uh let's see now we can go back to net we can go to Natty to visit the town [Music] says uh High Ox I'll be getting my gold Derby later this month enjoying watching you playing this will you be adding this to your regular streaming schedule um I haven't decided yet uh quite possibly I'm really enjoying the game so probably where was the statue looking says Bruce Lane oh uh [Music] where was I think I was over here [Music] where was the statue looking well let's go find out [Music] there's a treasure chest hey spring Ivy scarf foreign 's got cracks in it I wonder if that means anything revelio wait a minute I'm going back to my quest I'm going all the way back to my quest objective how do I get back out there Bell Tower Courtyard the three sister Bells the three sister bells are said to be a tribute to the three similarly named Beautiful steep ridges that rise majestically over a Glenn in argelshire it is rumored that one can hear them ring in the Glen way across the highlands where they are are rung in the castle locals have been baffled by the mysterious ringing for years James with a super tip thank you very much James all right before we go with Natty and head to the town I really gotta solve this mystery Chad is telling me that uh I need to follow the direction of the Gaze of the statue to do that I need to find the Statue and I'm getting all turned around here uh how do we get out do you think black's wife is like rebellious also not while he's here perhaps haven't been here yet it's a statue out there oh big old Greenhouse okay well this is clearly not the right way and I'm getting all turned around too relief to finally have an Archer as to why that portrait was empty all of my siblings are finished okay I'm not gonna worry about that right now um yeah I forget how to get back outside so I've always said that Gordon's the mind well we'll just continue with the primary Quest I'm sure we'll pass by that statue again in the future and when I do my uncle I'll try to follow it fast travel Point outside says Laura yeah but I don't know which fast travel point it was [Music] potions Central Hall greenhouses Library West Tower is that it foreign I've got a new side quest there Transfiguration core chart I think that's it yeah all right let's see exactly what that statue is looking at guys Rebellion [Music] at that arch up there if there's a significance here it's lost on me foreign [Music] [Music] well let's continue with where we're going let's go the long way oh [Music] why is it making why is it going through the wall no no no that's level lock I mean I know I could fast travel there but [Music] now that I've got more Spells at my disposal I want to take the long route [Music] it's right there I thought I tried that door anyway let's get the hugs made [Music] foreign [Music] I once flew to Ipswich and back let's see what's over here Goblin artifact horns like this were used by goblins during the 1612 Goblin Rebellion to Rally troops and generally annoy witches and wizards this horn was discovered in the aftermath of the Rebellion behind the Hogs head in with a wedge of Gorgonzola stuffed inside presumably to mute it don't you find it oh what have I found revelio I mean there's a chest right there how do I get to that chest [Music] what was that growling noise [Music] right you know what I'm sure I'll find my way back there eventually see this this is the thing if I just explore I'm gonna get so turned around and have a great time doing it but what was up here I want to just keep looking around all right tell you what let's just follow up with the quest and we'll come back and explore more of Hogwarts later [Music] oh what is that revelio Scorch marks allegedly the location of the first note instance of an arguably successful casting of bombarda data known caster unidentifiable [Music] whoa that's terrifying it's up here [Music] right I'm not gonna do this let's get to Natty hello looking for me nutty I hope I haven't kept you waiting long not at all Professor Weasley tells me that you need to go to hogspeed you must be eager to have your own things again and to see the village I've been looking forward to it the salary sets off I intend to give you a First Rate hogsmeade experience Broxton Kane says starts on the game so far I'm really enjoying it lots of loot lots of lore great interactions good voice acting it's a beautiful game huge environments to explore my goodness [Music] I was glad Professor Weasley asked me to accompany you really yes I had planned to extend an invitation to you myself I thought you might enjoy about to be in the village the timing of Professor Weasley's owl was perfect [Music] I cannot tell you how nice it is to breathe fresh air after being cooped up in ancient rooms grave mistake to take it as an elective class believe me I believe you though I suppose you would not really call it elective when your mother was the one who elected that you take it [Music] wow this is gorgeous Hog's meat is beautiful this time of year everyone will tell you to visit at Christmas but that's one of the few times of year I would rather be indoors not much for the cold are you oh I do not mind the code so much but it has taken some getting used to I did not grow up around snow oh wait over here I often spot less Wing flies in this area oh what's so special about them they are interesting to look at but if you do them you can also use them in motion making [Music] right uh Indigo the blue gem says what would you say is your favorite brand of vodka if you have one I don't have one I'm not a fan of vodka it just doesn't have any flavor it's just it burns maybe that's because I haven't tried any vodka that I like wormy says between the quiz and the game picking your house easy it was pretty much the same the quiz that I took yesterday told me Ravenclaw and the hat told me Ravenclaw today so I chose Ravenclaw look from the Forbidden Forest Hypocrites I wonder if something starts with them I heard rumors that hippogriffs had been spotted nearby he's already seen the hippogriffs absolutely that's a Forbidden Forest on the left it's of limit to students as the name implies why is it off limits the professors claim it is too dangerous I think they're calling it forbidden only makes it more alluring ah there's Hog's meat over the crest past that ruin I would spend all of my time exploring if I could I confess I was surprised when Professor Weasley mentioned that you knew the area since you're relatively new here she said that she knows now about me than I had thought I will say well I certainly learn a great deal in class much can be gleaned outside of the castle walls [Music] Club how are these kids not huffing and puffing I remember the weeks that followed my arrival feeling quite strange everything was so new and unfamiliar I'm getting used to things what about you can you finally feel settled I still miss my homeland but it is beautiful here too and getting out of the castle and exploring helps me to adjust quite a bit hogwas has become something of a home now I would say hopefully it will for you too I just found some Moonstone not sure what that's going to be good for but Mr Moon he is the Hogwarts caretaker looks a bit West for where hello Mr moon have you met our new fifth year pleasure um you might want to turn back Miss on I uh turn and run is everything all right sir oh it looked right at me eyes bigger sauces what did Mr mean Jimmy guys Dudley an Aryan terrifying I should be at the castle where it's safe good luck to both of you [Music] poor Mr Mr Debbie gang fun in the village I will say that I have never seen nearly there there is much to see outside of the castle walls not just hugs meat I am happy to explore whenever you'd like rumors being what they are about goblins and such it might be nice to have a friend with you I'll keep that in mind Natty thank you all right we made it hugs me [Music] and here we are it is hard to know where to start the three broomsticks is the place and you can get any sweet you can imagine at honeydukes I could not choose a favorite shop here it changes with every visit I can't tell you that you are certain to find everything you need in Hog's meat well what a cute little medieval village Hog's head and zombies I think that Weasley said that you need to get potion recipes spell crafts some seeds and a new wand of course you will enjoy Mr olivanda and I am Keen to see what you will do with a wand of your own you should be able to collect everything you need and still have time to explore a little as well experience hugs meat at your own pace we can meet up in the town circle when you are finished all right enjoy yourself I will see you soon hogsmeade Village is brimming with different sites shops and other points of interest that you can navigate using your field guides map oh wow the hogsmeade map shows shops and points of interest you can track any of these by highlighting an icon and pressing right click press escape to exit the hogsmeade map well I'm running out of time so let's do what I think everybody wants to see ollivanders the wand Smith and he's right next to us makers of fine bonds since 382 BC ollivanders and I'll just steal from a chest as soon as I enter because I'm that kind of guy [Music] ravelio olivander I need a bond foreign I'll be right with ah it's you um just a moment please ah hello sir I'm looking for a new wand yes it's about time yes I about time well you're our new fifth year student are you not oh what am I saying of course you are gerbold olivanders the name but of course you'll have heard of the ollibanders I'm sure finest one makers in the world it's a pleasure to meet you truly now come with me let's find you the perfect one shall we no no no no not you um ah yes yes powerful call ten and a half inches you might do here give this one a try well go ahead swish [Music] how odd once more come on really switch it whoa oh yeah okay not that one well this isn't a good match at all is it um we'll find you something not to worry no not you perhaps yes a rare wood 13 and three-quarter inches Dragon heart string let's give this one a try [Music] all right looks all right [Music] goodness looks like it's back to the shelf for you nope this is proving to be trickier than I had anticipated pyro says he needs a cigar-shaped one yes I do perhaps you it'd better look like a cigar there you are [Music] yes I think you might be the one here take it [Laughter] oh and we get to uh customize it soft spiral light brown wood type Vine core type Phoenix Feather flexibility is surprisingly swishy wander length 11 and quarter inches stabilized wand wand Style okay let's choose a word how intriguing Warren brown black let's go warm Brown soft spiral notched warm Brown classic Gray Brown stock hmm oh I like that one I like that one too how intriguing in a darker color I like this one though it's got a nice big knot in it but I also really like that indeed I think I'll go with that one and then that color all right so this is the finalized okay let's take a look at this what's this wood type Vine how intriguing Sycamore spruce [Music] uh is it changing the look of it because I don't know what type silver lime what is indeed Rowan Redwood Red Oak Poplar it's not changing much like 11 and a quarter inches how intriguing 12 12. let's make a really really long one flexibility surprisingly swishy swishy slightly springy Supple reasonably Supple whippy what do these even mean pliant brittle Hard Solid stiff Richard unbending slightly yielding unyielding are these just like descriptive terms for it curious indeed quite flexible very flexible fairly bendy quite bendy let's try um how intro curious indeed I don't know how important this decision is let's make it pliant and then wood type Pine Pearl large horn beam oh we might have to go with hornbeam Holly Hazel Hawthorne for English Oak Elm Elder ebony Dogwood Cypress Cherry Cedar black walnut Blackthorn Beach Aspen Ash Apple Alder and Acacia well let's go uh hornbeam you Willow Walnut Vine gar this guy needs to be quiet all right heartstring a dragon heart what is a heart string [Music] dragon heartstring that serves as the core of a wand known for producing powerful Magic how do they pluck a string out of a dragon and put it inside a wand okay dragon unicorn hair or a phoenix feather um foreign [Music] I kind of like Dragonheart string I'll go with that Dragonheart string wand is most powerful and learns quickly oh what does he say about unicorn ah phoenix feather exceptionally rare and a call with a strong sense of initiative [Music] most reliable and faithful to its owner I woke up with dragon [Music] okay so notched warm brown wood type horn beam core type Dragonheart string flexibility pliant wand length 14 and a half inches it's a fantasy I'll take it [Music] extraordinary another wand another beginning of a bright and magical future hahaha ah really likes his job now how did that feel good different I sense the sort of surge of some kind a match your connection seemed particularly powerful the right wand will learn from you just as you learn from it I'm eager to try us out I would imagine so a wand with a dragon heartstring core is capable of dazzling magic and the bond between you and your wand should only grow stronger do not be surprised at your new one's ability to perceive your intentions particularly in a moment of need that sounds wonderful Mr Ollivander I'll let you get to it do come and see me again if ever I can be of further assistance it's okay okay all right that's my hard stop kids are home from school I'm gonna get them some snacks and then work on my lore video I got uh I got my dragon heartstring feeling good [Music] [Laughter] Mikhail cosmet says uh oh okay cool well thank you I don't know if you wanted me to read it or not [Music] says 14 and a half inches of planned wood yeah I know not realistic or necessarily true to form but it is a fantasy so we'll go with uh with a well-endowed wand look ladies and gents that's all I've got for today uh let me let me go to settings and from here I can save I'll save right there and that's it for today thank you all for joining me I'll be done in a minute okay thank you all for joining me for today's broadcast of Hogwarts uh and Legacy and I'm glad you guys uh pestered me almost relentlessly to play this game because I've been truly enjoying every minute of it I can't wait to pick up with it again I haven't decided what I'm going to do for the rest of next week whether to continue with dead space which we've been enjoying um or switch to Hogwarts and move Dead Space to Scots and smoke rings I'll figure that out and let you guys know uh Indigo says they enjoy quality time with your children I absolutely will can't wait to give them Big Bear Hugs because they just got back from school what all right yeah my son wants to say goodbye [Music] all right say bye-bye you gotta get mouth to the microphone bye all right bye I'll be out in a minute all right see you soon all right thanks everybody again for coming and I'm gonna try and get my lore video done for the weekend and I'll see you all again very soon with more lore videos and more live streams bye bye now fine have it says bye [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 54,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, hogwarts legacy
Id: teTZU-S_Pis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 248min 18sec (14898 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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