Oxford school shooter sentenced to life without parole

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with that this court has listened to extensive evidence in this case I heard 4 days of testimony from the Miller hearing I've presided over numerous placement hearings I conducted the initial placement Hearing in this case and so the court is fully aware of the defendant's upbringing I'm fully aware of the circumstances that brought him before the court first to the victims of the deceased the court sent sends out its sincerest condolences to their family to the injured victims and to those victims as relates to count one terrorism causing death thank you for your courage and strength in speaking today as well as sending written correspondence as Council has pointed out the court has read everything that you've submitted I've read the defendant s in memorandum I've read The People's response there to I've read all of the exhibits that were attached and I've read every single Victim Impact statement over the course of 3 days probably took me closer to 36 hours to read all of this and so I've read everything and have gone back through the complete file the the letters truly gave the court a sliver of insight into the unique and amazing personalities of Justin Hana Tate and Madison the court cannot begin to imagine the fear that the parents of those students that Oxford High School had on November 30th 2021 I cannot even begin to Fathom to have to wait and admire to see if your loved one would return is heart-wrenching and that's true Terror and not to have your loved ones show up at meire the court could not imagine the pain I know that whatever sentence the court imposes will not bring your loved one back or cure the mental anguish or lifelong physical scars that some of you have but I hope that this sentence does allow you to close one chapter in your life I also want to thank law enforcement that responded that day because I know this has not been easy on them as well as previously stated the court has read defendant sentencing memorandum and the people's response again defense argues that defendant should receive a term of years because of defend alleged mental illness defendant site people versus Bennett 335 Mish at 409 a 2002 excuse me 2021 case the court notes that it is not saying because the defendant may be mentally ill that that automatically means he's ably corrupt what the court notes is that he has an obsession with violence that this act involved extensive planning extens of research and he executed on every last one of the things that he planned as the court stated in his written opinion and order regarding the Miller hearing defendant alleged mental ill did not interfere with his ability to extensively plan for months his actions nor did it interfere with his ability to execute those plans this started with him asking for a better gun to conduct the school shooting he had initially a 22 caliber weapon that he wrote would not do enough damage and so weeks and weeks prior to this event he started to formulate this plan and knew and asked for the weapon that he could cause the most harm with as council is aware the goals of sensing do not only involve Rehabilitation but also involve deterrence and Punishment deterrence is two parts it's private deterrence for the defendant and hopes that they would never commit an act like this again but then there's also public deterrence where the public sees the punishment that the individual has received and hopes that the public will never do anything like this in the future the court has read the report from guide post Solutions it was very lengthy respectfully the court does not find this report to be mitigating in this case the report simply points the finger at Axford Public Schools while the court agrees that more possibly could have been done that issue is not properly before this court we are here for sentencing based upon the defendant actions not the alleged shortcomings of others as the defendant pointed out himself he took responsibility and he himself is not asking this court for a term of years the court cannot underscore defendant's extent of planning and execution in this case enough he practiced shooting at a gun range he practiced racking and unracking the gun and on November 30th 20121 he could have chose not to conduct the school shooting when his parents were called to the school on that morning for his drawings he could have said something then he had a gun in his backpack at that time when the school counselor advised the parents to please get him help within the next 48 hours he could have stopped then and simply accepted the the help that was going to be offered for him cuz according to the reports his mother said that he she'd get him the help he could have changed his mind unfortunately after shooting the first person Phoebe Arthur he could have changed his mind at that point but he didn't he continued to walk through the school picking and choosing who was going to die as the defendant said in his own words this is no nobody fought but his own he stated this afternoon that with help that probably would not have stopped him that is absolutely concerning to this court the court apologized to the victim for the bluntness but defendant shot and killed Justin Schilling at Point Blank Range after having him get down on his knees in front of another another student he shot Hanah who was already shot once before he walked up to her to finish the job by shooting her again that is an execution that is torture he shot most people multiple times and as he wrote he did this for notoriety and he wanted to go down in history as the biggest school shooter in Michigan history the court cannot ignore the Deep trauma defendant CA to the state of Michigan but in particular the Oxford Community Court simply cannot ignore that the court notes that teachers and students returned to Oxford High School after this tragic event the court cannot even fathom or imagine walking through the halls of that school knowing that your fellow student your friend your classmate was killed in a restroom or in the hallway most if not all of the letters that I read advised the court that there are significant number of people in Oxford that now have PTSD that now have survivors guilt and deep depression that arose from this incident defendant actions clearly created a new normal for all of the individuals involved and all of those indirectly impacted as well unfortunately this is what the defendant wanted as he wrote in his journal he wanted to see the impact of his crime which is why he did not take his own life again this goes back to the defendant's extensive planning he chose not to die on that day because he wanted the notoriety the terror that he caused in the state of Michigan and in Oxford is is a true Act of terrorism respectfully defendant is the rare juvenile before this court the court having read the PSI and being fully PR but before I get that I will also note that Council brought up an issue of making bombs for Hitler the court that does not change the Court's opinion about the defendant obsession with violence I think Miss hot for bringing that to my attention but it still does not change the Court's opinion about him being a obsessed with violence because his obsession was also outlined in the websites that he visited his obsession was also outlined in his extensive drawings of violence and his obsession continued as I noted in the Court's opinion and Order even while he was in the Oakland County Jail with that the court having read the PSI and being fully familiar with the defendant and the underlying facts of this case believes that it is in the best interest of justice as well as proportionate to the needs of this case to sentence defendant as follows as it relates to docet 2022 27956 FC count one terrorism causing death senses of the court is that defendant Shall Serve life without the possibility of parole credit for 8 Days served counts 2 through 5 homicide first degree premeditated murder juvenile defendant sentence of the court is that defendant Shall Serve the rest of his life without the possibility of parole with the Michigan Department of Corrections credit for 8 Days served on counts 6 through 12 assault with intent to murder on each of the counts defendant is sentenced to 18 years and 9 months to 80 years with the Michigan Department of Corrections credit for 8 Days served on counts 13 through 24 those being felony firearm defendant is sentenced to 2 years with the Michigan Department of Corrections on each of those counts with credit for 730 days served counts one through 12 are concurrent to each other and counts 13 through 24 are concurrent to each other count one is consecutive to count 13 count two is consecutive to count 14 count three is consecutive to count 15 count four is consecutive to count 16 count 5 is consecutive to count 17 count six is consecutive to count 18 count 7 is consecutive to count 19 count 8 is consecutive to count 20 count 9 is consecutive to count 21 count 10 is consecutive to count 22 count 11 is consecutive to 23 and count 12 is consecutive to count 24 all of those consecutive counts are by reason of the felony fin arm statute is there a challenge to restitution here there is not your honor thank you restitution will be set in the amount of $2,781 State cost will be set in the amount of $1,632 you are not to have any contact with Oxford High School or enter any excuse me enter Oxford High School you're not to have any contact whatsoever with the families of Madison Baldwin Tate Meyer Hannah St Juliana and Justin Schilling also you are not to have any contact with the following victims or their families that being Phee Arthur John oo Molly Darnell Riley France Elijah Mueller Kylie O Aiden Watson and Keegan Gregory and I will note that restitution is payable to the Crime Victims right Compensation Program with that Michigan Department of Corrections did I miss anything going to ask the court to order 13 crime victim's fee $60 DNA cost and DNA testing thank you DNA cost is $60 crime victim's right fee at $130 did I miss anything else DNA testing your honor DNA testing is here by order thank you with that M Crumbley you are entitled to follow application for lead to appeal if you are financially unable to retain a lawyer the court will appoint a l to represent you on appeal the request for a lawyer must be filed within 42 days after sentencing your attorney is going to be handing you an appet rights form sir do you acknowledge receipt of the appet right for your honor I have um tendered that to my client he has signed it and I will tender it to the court thank you very much with that Council anything else for the record people thank you nothing from def thank you very much thank you very much with that deputies you may take Mr crumble to those in the gallery please be seated until he is incident
Channel: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
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Keywords: 7 Action News, Detroit, WXYZ-TV, metro Detroit
Id: nw58NX5cJVU
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Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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