Ox-Tongue Iron Restoration - Perfect Restoration Videos
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Channel: Meine Mechaniker
Views: 136,437
Rating: 4.8386211 out of 5
Keywords: iron, clothes iron, restoration, restorations, restoration videos, rust, bluing, metal working, sandblasting, tool restoration, asmr, wood repair, lathe work, polished steel, antique ox-tongue iron restoration, remove rust, antique tools, vintage tool, cutting steel, welding, repair, epoxy, antique restoration, restauration, iron restoration, antique iron restoration, ox-tongue iron restoration, rusty iron restoration, cast iron restoration, meine mechaniker, handle, woodworking, ütü, eisen
Id: mmlnU0ZKyag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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