Owlette: Romeo in Owlette's Body | PJ Masks Official | Cartoons for Kids | Animation for Kids

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[Music] very convincing faster totally good enough to fool those other pj pogo sticks into helping me with my next plan you'll never fall for it ever just watch and see knowing that you are enjoying the show will make my evil plan twice as fun [Applause] hey pj buddies owlette who else well you two have been robot washing i've been coming up with a plan to get back at all these nighttime villains that doesn't sound like something flossy flash would do well maybe i've decided to stop being a feathery flossy flash it's time to do some real hero work like what i'll show you to the flying house how can they be falling for this [Music] now where are they uh why don't you use your owl eyes oh yeah television and what's wrong with your voice i think i'm allergic to your silly questions look there [Music] what are you doing here what are you doing here hey stop that or what no one threatens owlette dj's put your superpowers to you but he hasn't done anything that may look like dancing it could be anything ninjalinos stop them pj masks to the rescue super gekko muscles super cat speed [Applause] [Music] it's okay nothing happened yeah i'm fine too oh my gosh whiskers catboy you've been multiplied i know i know too but why does he look and sound different maybe the multiplying machine works differently on us because of our powers the robots look get that machine know robots is for multiplying you not pj masks throw me the machine cowboy i'll pull out the glowy thing i can't there's too many robots but maybe if there's a few extra pj masks too [Music] wiggling reptiles now there's four come on cat boys i've got a plan and you're a part of it we're going to roll these robots [Music] so long robots not so fast looks like your copies have their own plans what are you doing make them roll away i've got a better idea i'll spin this one until it gets extra dizzy i'll raise this one around the city until it's totally lost i'm just going to run mine as far as i can this is an amazing exercise [Music] [Music] robots hold those pj pests in the air we have to get that machine back can we please do our plan now just give me one more try i've got another idea and with all these cat boys they can't fail [Music] we'll use these logs to fence romeo in but how will we get the machine back huh i'll explain later hurry [Music] which of you are the real gekko and owlette i'm the real owlette [Music] now what kitty little boy you can't tell them apart your robots may have super powers but they're not friends like we are [Music] see romeo i know who my friends are ready for our special moves [Music] time to put your bad coffees back to sleep romeo [Music] you pay for this next time pj masks but it won't be for a while with the super computer destroyed nice of romeo to build these statues of us pj masks [Music] gasping geckos you won't get away with this romeo oh but i just did and it gets better watch hey kids wanna play a game yeah oh goody it's called romeo says now i want you to catch that lizard boy go [Music] cut it out guys this is no time for games no me wanna play then you gotta find me super gekko camouflage gekko gekko [Music] where'd that lizard go over here romeo and i've got a game too it's called follow the runaway lab super gekko muscle no not my lab i'll get you for this lizard boy or should i say little baby lizard cause you're next found you i found you okay playtime's over let's buckle up and go back to hq [Music] this is romeo's greatest plan ever [Music] oh what's this do hey what did i tell you don't touch anything and no pouncing oh come on guys you're superheroes not two-year-olds i'm three one two three i'm thirsty one two three now for the dish [Music] and now pussycat bring me my new radical romeo remote whiskers [Music] thank you kitty cat i like you so much better like this jump pjs pretty funny but you're all supposed to be jumping not hopping i need to make some final adjustments owlette hop up onto the roof and down the hatch to swipe the remote and gekko you can hop up the tower and smash the dish why aren't you doing it just because you're the leader it doesn't mean your ideas are always best and you've made us do everything your way but but ah i wish i could stop jumping being controlled is horrible wait i've been controlling you and ignoring all of your ideas now romeo's going to control everyone it's okay we'll think of something yes being a good leader means listening to other people's ideas it's time to be a hero and listen to you now well if we just let romeo keep controlling you then you can distract him while we take care of the tower and the dish let's follow your plan [Music] and if you try and follow me i'll just zap you again hey romeo i'm the uncontrollable cat boy i'm going to stop you in your dreams kitty litter boy and just because you think you could stop me i'm going to take you with me you can watch as i take over the world [Applause] oh i see romeo [Music] oops how do you use owls to see things super close up [Music] hey i just did a flip i think i see romeo over there hey you're not doing it right are you okay yeah but i'm stuck [Music] guys he's getting away one more pulling your capes free there come on [Applause] flying is my thing why don't you land because flying is awesome besides if we all fly we can catch romeo faster maybe you can show us some moves like how to stop and do a loop dealer fine just try and keep up gasping gekko she's fast she sure is let's go pj masks come out to play these owl powers are pretty good but can i get the rest of the pj masks powers i'll be unstoppable come here little birdie oh no it's a trap nothing can stop me from taking over the world romeo you won't get away with this i already did with your powers combined with my genius i'm unstoppable so long pj pen this is all my fault if i hadn't been so upset about you guys getting my flying powers it would have already stopped romeo that's okay owlette we're sorry too we got carried away using your powers now that romeo has all of our powers it's going to take all of us working together to stop him right but first let me show you some tricks [Music] hey guys how are you doing this i'm not doing anything it's all thanks to my big box of bad and some simple transfigure modification oh this is all my fault i kept trying the same thing over and over again to stop romeo if i hadn't been so focused on doing things one way romeo would have never finished his big box that's we're never getting in there huh you're right catboy but maybe there's a way to get romeo out here it's time to be a hero [Music] you need to look what my outside is moving that's impossible it's not charged [Music] it was just moving yeah it was moving thanks my super gekko strength you tricked me my books faster remember the booby traps [Music] are you all right i'm fine as long as we don't step on another trap [Music] maybe i should drive this time [Music] don't worry catboy we'll get you back to normal we just need a plan i've got a plan we drive around night ninja and romeo really fast till they're dizzy then i'll jump out and grab the shrinker but the shrinker's really big and you're really um small it'll be fine just because i'm a little bit shorter doesn't mean we have to do things differently [Music] what do you mean they've escaped where are the pj masks now what out of my way you dizzy ninja who are you calling dizzy you stumbling buffoon [Applause] [Music] we made it [Music] catboy [Music] what happened uh it's all my fault i should have known control it would make me useless you're not useless you can still be part of the plan to get that shrinker back why are you slowing things down romeo the pj masks you're right on time get it time i'm on fire tonight indeed you are sir you think so i'm slowing things down because then everyone will be moving too slowly to stop me for me taking over the world and once i set my clock off at the center of town the blast wave will hit everyone we'll all be slow forever cool i'm a genius i told you so by my cat's whiskers i don't think so romeo gekko now [Music] where is he gekko i was looking at the cat it's really cool nice try slowpoke oops he got away what happened gekko i was looking at the cat it was really cool but gekko you let romeo escape you need to focus don't worry i've got a plan that's totally gonna stop him with the gekko-mobile i'll be able to drive right up to romeo's lab without him even seeing us [Music] look there's the lab gekko-mobile camouflage [Music] do you hear something negative i bet it's those sneaky pj masks oh no a bird shoe bird fly away go go hmm you don't see that every day wait it's the pj masks i have them now he sees us gekko drive check out the bird is it flying or is it sitting who knows forget about the bird push it over ninjalino no ninjalinos don't do that [Applause] [Music] grab onto me gecko [Music] make that statue heavier i'll take that [Music] i can fix this my sculpture's ruined but i can still save night ninjas and everyone else's art too time to be a hero leave night ninja to me you go inside and rescue the artwork hey hey what are you doing with my hand i was wondering if you would lend it to me you know lend me a hand get it oh [Music] look night ninja it's fixed you don't want to destroy it now do you my creation it really is fixed gasping geckos that was close you're right lizard legs thank goodness my statue is saved now back to my first plan get the art from the museum and get rid of it all too late night ninja i've already hidden the art where you'll never find it what so now we have to waste the rest of the night looking for silly daytime kids artwork and stealing it again oh can't you just enjoy your own beautiful statue hmm if i take it home i'll be able to see myself from wherever i am i can look at me all the time away ninjalinos i bet you can't do this oh i wish you could be in our concert whoa you've really knocked my super gekko camouflage out of whack what uh it's okay gekko's a fan too well well a disco lizard just what a pop star like me needs for a show it'll really help my singing pop star pop star hey where did everyone go oh come on ninjalinos let's try another room much better i'm sorry i'm never afraid but then i thought about being in front of everyone at the concert tomorrow don't worry catboy but now what i guess the concert's off wait i just had an idea [Music] whoa this is more me on with the show [Music] okay if i tie the instruments to the end of this rope i'll let you fly the other end up to you in the ceiling cool chameleons i can pull them [Music] i can't believe he thinks he's a pop star we'll play a much nicer concert up on stage tomorrow up on stage did you tie to all of the instruments uh i think so then i'll get gekko to pull them up [Music] did the big bad robot stop the little kitty in his tracks now tie them up don't worry my flash flip will save you but that's not even a real superhero move it's just in a comic blasty flash chop chop owlette time to put you out with the recycling robots no let me go [Music] oh no that useless flash flip oh owlette are you okay yes but i'm sorry why was i trying to be flossy flash i'm owlette now romeo can get the most precious books in the city already and soon they'll be full of pictures of me quick go after them you catch up in the cat car okay and this time i'm using my owl powers it's time to be a hero why does she need her flossy flashbook okay little bird tells me you're there [Music] great timing here now go behind those two trees and pull it tight load to the ground if we're going to stop romeo we're going to have to stop his robot first what now i will lie now the amazing owlette uses her own amazing powers first super owl wings next owl eyes look romeo you still don't have my favorite book what robot you'll have to try harder than that give me the book stop come and get it [Music] catboy let me use the pogo dozer i can stop fine [Music] if you won't let me use the pogo dozer i'll use the jet pack instead no gecko be careful the jet pack really is dangerous [Music] oh no no gekko really could get hurt i should have let him use the pogo dozer boy how don't worry owlette i'll get you out of this [Music] at last super owl wings oh [Music] oops [Music] thanks owlette that jet pack's pretty hard at last i've got my jet pack now to start taking over the world okay should i start with my sky slime squeegee or maybe the squashatron oh wait i plan to use the sniffle whiff i'm magnificent what are we going to do i've got an idea [Music] really catboy you're going to have another go on the pogo dozer no i know i can't ride it as well as gekko so it's time to be a hero and let him have his turn cool chameleons hop on cat boy let's do this together let's go wiggling reptiles give me back that bike the daytime kids need it [Music] [Music] wow those ninjalinos have gotten strong yes they're almost ready for me to practice against [Music] almost i said nice try gekko but we need a plan that uses all three of us no those ninjalinos are tiny i must be stronger than them come on [Music] [Music] see this is perfect when the ninjalinos come i'll trap them i suppose that could work of course it will because of my super strength watch this are you sure we can't help gekko i'm fine this plane is all about my super strength you guys just stand back [Music] um straw not bad it really won't be long until you can practice against me [Music] it's going to be okay owlette we have you now catboy gekko i'm so sorry i just wanted you to see how good i am at soccer but we already know that owlette and you'd be even better if you passed the ball you're right it's a team game and we're a team too time to be a hero oh we need to get owlette out of this moon bowl uh we could pop it with some sort of really big pointy thing what about the flagpole outside the museum gekko you roll the ball catboy go in front and guide him oh where are those pj pests [Music] hey why have we slowed down it's luna girls it's too strong i know we need to play as a team gekko use your super muscles catboy use your super speed and i'll use my owl wing wings yes great work pj masks useless [Music] now let's pop this moon ball super gekko let's roll this thing as fast as we can team yeah what are you doing [Music] we need to jump on the luna board again to help catboy again but i'm no good at riding it you don't know if you're any good at it because you keep jumping off you need to really try you can do it [Music] catboy you're right owlette i've got to at least try to save him it's time to be a hero super gekko camouflage where'd that loopy lizard disappear too [Music] [Music] hang on i'll get you safe i promise i just have to stay on and try to fly this thing [Music] whoa this is kind of cool i've got to keep going watch out for the wall yeah we're doing reptiles [Music] way to go i knew you'd get the hang of it see you just had to give it a try yeah let me go you pj pets it's over luna girl yeah we've got your luna board so you can't steal any more presents [Music] i'm just here by myself what you mean you're all alone at christmas but that's really sad hey why don't you spend the rest of christmas eve with us with you yeah we've got to put all these presents and decorations back anyway you can help then we'll all have christmas together what do you say okay
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 18,226,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, disney jr
Id: wmE_P_cHv1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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