Overtime: Pete Buttigieg, Preet Bharara, Elissa Slotkin, S.E. Cupp, Andrew Sullivan (HBO)

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[Applause] what hi we're back here thank you for that why are you so afraid of the cards fewer questions more questions you work last viewer why is that more scary than me okay SE Cupp do you still beat their wife no mayor Pete oh that's what we're gonna call your mayor Pete that's yeah given your work in South Bend do you think there needs to be national reform for every Police Department in America absolutely I mean you know we're a diverse community I'm not sure everybody realizes that because they think a Notre Dame they assume it's a racially homogeneous college town but I remember yeah we're not Irish but we're about 45 percent non-white and I got to tell you it makes life harder for every resident of a minority neighborhood and every police officer when there was a kind of veil of mistrust between communities of color and the officers sworn to keep them safe now under the Obama administration I had a lot of resources I could look to from a department of justice that was committed to helping us without is called the task force on 21st century policing my police chief would participate and when you have a DOJ that doesn't seem to care about these things right that makes it a lot harder for mayors and police chiefs across the country trying to make sure we modernize our departments and and build up that trust makes it harder for us to do our job or there's the Trump answer which is be rough with them and the people with the bullets are on my side yeah I mean it really is we have to keep reminding ourselves how disgusting that is well what a violation of our norms that is for him to say I've got the police yes what do you might have to be the president and we also have to remember this is again what dictators do they get the people the tough people with the bullets on their side and they buy them off that's why the Pentagon budget keeps going up that's why he's always kissing the ass of the cops you know because when push comes to shove and he loses the election and he wasn't leave the White House he's got the tough people next question andrew sullivan what do you anticipate will happen with brexit oh you're you're in a bigger mess than we are I think my if I would be a fool to predict it's like minute by minute now and it's Tory Party politics now so it's all about the factions within conservatism but the truth is I think they're gonna crash out without a deal they don't want to but in some ways it's inevitable basically you had you have a 52-48 decision in the referendum right so right down the middle really on a very fundamental question and a prime minister comes in who didn't want that who actually voted to remain and she says well look okay let's do a compromise let's have yeah we'll get out for the 52 but for the 48 will keep our trade and we'll try and keep the Econo economic connections and not being a member of the EU and so the the Tories say look that means we're still obeying their laws but we don't even get to say them anymore so it's worse than staying in I think they have to just get out they're gonna have to see a mess it is and then they'll have another vote in five years after so many people have been hurt and they'll get them that's what's gonna happen it'd be very hard to go back into EU once you've left really yeah I think money can throw money at a problem it goes away I learned that what's good you know let's see what happens to the British economy okay I mean may not do you as bad as they think and look the British voted this way they're pragmatic they they don't want their issues immigration to and when a pragmatic country like that is doing this something is crazy we got to address the question okay so representatives Larkin as a freshman number of Congress what's your perspective on the divisions between progressives and moderates within the Democratic ya party you are much more representative of the 40 who won in November 19 than the ones we hear about yeah I mean I think the story of the 2018 elections was you know people who appeal to a broad base of people trusted the voters spoke to them went out asked for their vote and talked about the issues that they cared about not so much about Donald Trump every day he's he's doing his own thing on his own that's what won the elections but I think the drama that people have been focusing on is a little overplayed I think it's like people like that story it is extremely exciting to be a part of this freshman class you walk in it is a different breed we have a fire lit under us and I think of it like a platoon I worked alongside the military my whole life you have a platoon but everyone has different jobs you have the same mission everyone has different jobs it's every warm over the guy from Brooklyn and the Jewish guy okay I seek up are you worried about Trump's nomination of Stephen Moore is he booked soon will be nice to the fed board I mean he himself said I don't know what I'm doing yeah that's a steep learning curve and boy that's what you want on the Fed board someone new needs a steep learning curve it's no surprise with best people really loves he gets the best people hunt autocracy and you know we're good people but we're not all experts well on everything and we probably shouldn't all be put at State Department or gonna fund it is a generous term he's a guy on TV sure Trump sees people on TV right hires them yeah I think it's a date it's a dangerous standard just that and I think that's reach can you explain what you think happened with the Jesse smollett case no it's dumbfounded look you know initially you had a very serious allegation of a hate crime and then you know you want to make sure that you understand what the facts are and then you have the police department and the prosecutor's office there you know really passionately bringing their case and you've seen that before and then a few weeks later you have what we just saw in the last week where the prosecutor's office just dismisses everything walks away and usually that's done in conjunction with and you know there's a consensus with the police department and the police department chief excoriates the prosecutors for dropping the case and as far as I can tell no facts changed from the time they brought the prosecution and the time they drop the prosecution I've spent most of my adult life as a prosecutor doing cases or overseeing cases and I've never seen anything like that so I think it's important to understand what happened because I don't get it and this used to be my business if he's still saying he told the truth all along it's drug that is filters down but when the top guy in the country says you can just say anything it filters down NAACP Image Award ya Sunday night right that's okay uh congresswoman slaughter do you think Trump has a good shot at winning Michigan again in 2020 and all that's the same question to you about Indiana but he he goes to Michigan a lot I heard that was his 18th trip yeah and we're gonna see him a lot I'm he was here yesterday it was there yesterday we're gonna see him a lot I think that this is the Democrats election to lose and that means it's still possible to lose I think it depends on who we put up and I think it depends on whether we have someone who speaks to people on the things that are gonna affect their pocketbooks and their kids and it's not it is not playing to the base every day it's remembering that you have to appeal to a broad-based of people based on values I won with a lot of Republican women who have the same exact values that I did caring about your community caring about your kids wanting empathy those are shared American values I am extremely optimistic after running for office for 18 months I'm the most optimistic person probably here because every day I'm with wonderful decent people who still care about this country and to me if you get a candidate who speaks to that and can show some integrity and authenticity right then you're gonna get a Democratic mayor [Applause] what do you think about Indiana 2020 look it's a very conservative state but it can be done I mean I think about just mathematically there must be a lot of people in my County who voted for Obama and Trump and pence and me so what that tells you is people are not as ideological as you right right you know I don't think anybody would have guessed that in the last 50 years still since LBJ the only Democrat who turned Indiana blue not Clinton not Carrie it was Obama in 2008 so to me that that tells you that there is a way to do it I think as Alissa says it's largely about values and demonstrating sometimes even people with different values than yours if they just know that values are what motivates you yes they will give you a lot of credit for that everybody is always changing faster than we think in some ways look at gay marriage yeah I mean this was not even close like 15 years ago but you know why because we talked to people we we actually made the persuasive case we didn't tell them they were because we also told them what well it was a Will and Grace Hollywood change people's minds I really think that yeah but if you run the tactic the tactic never confrontational right tactic was always look we have our families in common we're just like you we have your other than and so you engaged whereas now the thing is your race is European I don't want to be part of you and and but please vote for me if you are if you or the can if you are the candidate I mean it's Donald Trump gonna leave that issue alone I can't see that I doubt it no what do you think he would say what's the nickname don't know I'm not imaginative enough to figure out what yeah but you know I'm not that worried about it no you shouldn't you know you you're you're the one white guy on the Democratic side who has minority cred Provine ever comes up okay all right Thank You Roberto see you [Applause] you
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 1,060,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pete Buttigieg, Mayor, Shortest Way Home, One Mayor's Challenge and a Model for America's Future, 2020, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, Michigan, 8th District, House Armed Services Committee, Homeland Security Committee, H.R.1884, Affordable Care Act, S.E. Cupp, CNN, S.E. Cupp Unfiltered, Andrew Sullivan, New York Magazine, The Conservative Soul, Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Stay Tuned with Preet, Doing Justice, A Prosecutor's Thoughts on Crime
Id: P2F02fJMeuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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