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this is barbaric we can't go slaughtering thousands of our own national bird ah come on guys the machine guns will make it quick and painless machine guns you're using machine guns this is animal cruelty look I know it's unusual but it's not like we're poachers turning the birds into feather hats think of the benefits it'll be good target practice for a boys the government can show it took action plus I can get myself a nice new feather hat did I say feather hat I meant I want to gather chat with you about getting you all some nice new feather hats oh did I say feather hats I meant I want to wage terror at these emus and turn them all into feather hats okay it looks like the humans are coming for us but check this out I've come up with an amazing plan see if you can follow me here okay when they approach we run away sir you're a genius that's all well and good mr. Mussolini but what kind of haircut am I giving you let's go with bold well what say you and I finally go on a little fishing trip together this weekend oh no I'm having a stroke what a wonderful time to be alive hey you're dying of dysentery and also we're being raided by viking okay okay so you know how we're looking for a new trade route to India right right and the earth is round right right so I'm thinking we can just sail the other way around the planet right yes so I set sail right and I reach India right right wrong wrong I did not reach India I did not all right no all right get to the point did you know there's a whole nother freaking continent out there okay and do you think I should care about this why oh I'm sorry did I forget to mention there's Gold everywhere he still gold jewelry people and a hammock he would walk in the presence of the Emperor you were meant to trot most of Sun shins advisors pleaded with him to surrender but then he smashed up a table and they all backed down I've just received this letter that says Wei is planning to attack us should we make preparations for war yeah it's probably nothing to worry about let's do absolutely nothing sounds good to me I'm gonna be king he does have a grand nephew it could be him hmm now let's go with me his school grades started to decline which enraged his father who punished him severely and went to Vienna to take the entrance exam for art school he failed quick you have two seconds to name these two countries you're wrong unless you got it right then good job nobody achieved anything and there were no winners except for this guy what could possibly go wrong as it turned out everything so the Archduke goes into hiding Leafs are Jager the whole war never happens except no before the war there is a big conference that set out the rules of modern warfare no chemical weapons no killing civilians basically don't be jerks the Germans held a meeting and decided to be jerks I would very much like for you to go to Chile and locate the wreck of a Spanish treasure ship for me okay [Music] Hey I found some islands
Channel: Ice Fox09
Views: 172,686
Rating: 4.8934608 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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