Overpriced Home Retailers Not Worth The Money

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hi everyone it's Nick welcome welcome back to my channel okay in today's video we are going to be talking about overpriced home retailers that are not worth your money this video could alternately be titled video retailers that could sponsor Nick but Nick likes to burn his Bridges that's honestly the other way that you could call this but you know what I don't care because these are some retailers that I just don't think are worth the money like please if you want to comment let me know like oh I got to steal of a deal at this place one time then like feel free I'm I'm all ears I just think in my experience they're just not worth it and I am going to detail why I think they're not worth it so let's get going okay so these upcoming Brands might not necessarily be worth your money but I can tell you what brand is worth your money and that is going to be lifein so if you've ever thought Nick you have such gorgeous amazing hair how do you do it I'm here to tell you it's Lifey and their amazing beautiful hair dryer so what I love about this haird dryer in particular is it has an aluminum made motor in the handle making it incredibly lightweight and it's also really strong and super fast at drying your hair I swear it only takes about a minute to do the life and Swift hair dryer honestly is such good value for the money especially compared to some other brands which of course I will not name that can be quite similar but honestly are like three times the price I mean let's be honest here so their mission is to really connect people to the latest sort of innovative technology but do it at an affordable price point which is a message that I personally can really get behind I love well-designed products but as you all know I don't also like spending a whole lot of money to get it now of course while having fabulous hair is great I really want to emphasize how important it is to also take care of your teeth which is why I also love their toothbrush that they also sent me the life and wave it really does feel super bougie I mean their packaging alone kind of makes me feel like I'm opening a cell phone like it has like it's like a gorgeous tech product like the packaging in and of itself is no joke the life and wave also has a 60° angle combined oscillation and vibration which increases the area of cleaning it's powered by proprietary silver system which has only been previously used in robotics arms which I know sounds really crazy cuz we're talking about a toothbrush here um but what can I say it really works and it's super high-tech the the proprietary Servo system controls the brush's head to get the correct 60° angle that your dentist always tells you to brush at but you never probably do but let's be honest that's fine or of course maybe some of you do and you're just perfect and your dentist loves you and that's good for you but for the rest of us we have lifean so even though it's an electric brush I also love that it is really gentle on your gums as well so having soft bristles paired with the electronic power makes it a better clean without causing harm to your gum health so if you're ready to elevate your dental health then click on the links Below in my description and get your life and wave you can also check out the hair dryer as well which is fabulous and thanks again to for sponsoring this video and let's get back to those other overpriced retailers that are not worth your money in my opinion okay first up on my list is going to be Restoration Hardware good old RH so I did a video this was kind of similar which was like retailers that I never shop at last year which was a super fun video to make and uh there was a lot of retailers on there and one of them is Rh and I think I said in that video it's overpriced and that's really my issue with RH I don't know what RH thinks that they're doing I think they're just really coasting in on a brand that seems to resonate with a lot of people like a lot of people it's a very aspirational brand for people and I think they build their showrooms to feel that way the furniture scale is often times really large and maybe that does sort of trick our senses into thinking that because the scale is so huge into some of these like RH they're so I mean it's massive it's like who lives there honestly like who can actually afford a home that can actually accommodate these pieces of furniture but I think it plays tricks on you right cuz it makes you think well if this furniture is for these large massive homes then rich people must buy it if rich people must buy it well then rich people have good taste sort of but we know that's not true but like it might fool you into thinking that it's really a lot worth a lot more money than it is the truth is though is that there might have been a time when RH I think was really good quality but I think so much of it you know it's it's it's coming off the same Factory floor as everybody else you know what I mean that's kind of my issue and by the way I have a comment from my that video that I did last year where someone from RH or worked there basically shared the same thing let me read this comment so the comment is I'm a former employee of kraton barrel CB2 and Rh the quality of the pieces at crate and CB2 far surpass RH most Crate and Barrel and CB2 non ready to assemble furniture is made in North Carolina they use high quality materials and union labor almost all RH furniture is made abroad at the lowest quality materials I'm so happy to see a YouTube designer who isn't fing over RH yeah that's thank you this is what I kind of suspected was the case I have often times said I can really feel the quality of KRON barrel and CB2 is much better than I think you get at a lot of other retailers it is one of my favorite retailers for that reason is everything perfect no I also really like West Elm I've had good luck with West Elm some of you in the comments hate West Elm so like I get it people have sort of their mixed reaction to different pieces but RH I think just really trades in on that brand Halo they really design stores that are supposed to feel really luxurious and gorgeous and I think that store experience is ultimately going to come down to the fact that they have these massive margins on this quality that is not nearly I think as honestly wellmade as some other pieces most certainly compared to a local actual crafts person or a woodworker who can actually make some beautiful pieces sometimes I go to RH and I look at some of the prices and I think honestly at this price if I'm spending five 7 $10,000 on some sort of furniture piece like a table or coffee table or whatever honestly I could pay somebody to build it like I could pay somebody to build a piece of furniture when you're starting to get at that price point and I would way rather that if you have that type of budget that you actually pay somebody to craft a custom piece for you is way better in my opinion than going to RH I think this retailer is very very overpriced now is it a bad retailer look the design can be okay like there's some pieces there that are quite nice some of it leans a little traditional not my taste but I can still appreciate it but it's really that's not about that they're badly designed necessarily it's it's not they're ugly it's just which I'm going toting some ugly pieces later in this video but it's not that they're ugly it's just overpriced and that's why it's number one on my list on this video okay next up on my list is going to be any retailer that sells leather furniture with cup ERS okay so also in that video I did last year I specifically Nam dropped the brick which if you're from Canada you know what the brick is we all know the brick I since in that video learned that there are other American retailers that are very similar people seem to talk about Big Bobs hold on a second I don't know what his name is hold on we're going to get we're going to get to the bottom of this someone this comment we have so many brick style stores in America Value City Big Lots Bobs Ashley possibly missing a bunch of others but those are the ones that come to mind so I will probably having not been to a lot of those retailers but I did go to the website and I think I know what I'm getting into there I would put a lot of those or all of those that that commenter listed under this umbrella and here's my thing this is sometimes what I say sometimes I get accused on this channel which I completely understand is a super Fair criticism of me I get it which is that I tend to compare like really cheap items and then really expensive ones and go see the expensive one's better and everyone's like yeah mhm no that's no shock like valid super valid like super super valid like great love that great criticism I hear I don't know if I'm going to do anything about it to be honest but it's h it's it's super valid that's not really the true with these leather sectionals with the cup holders because they're not cheap do you know what I mean like sometimes I'm like oh look there's a $3,000 something and then there's a $500 one look how crappy the $500 one is and it's like yeah I get it sometimes though these leather cup holder things are these monstrosity marshmallow couches are actually not cheap at all they're not they're they're like stupidly expensive like this one here is like $2,400 or something from Bob's so I ended up going to Bob's Discount some Emporium whatever it's called This is $2,300 for this piece I mean and one of you guys also warned me and said that they have their own proprietary Temperpedic memory foam cushioning that's called Bob opedic which I mean that that is so fabulous that so rights itself I can't even believe and sure enough I went to the website and I found Bob opedic which I think is amazing I don't know who Bob is but I kind of love him for that I I love him for that to be honest so you can get a Bob opedic Leather sectional piece with built-in cup holders like you're in the back of a you know BMW X5 or whatever not even a BMW X5 let's be honest that's too nice but you know what I mean like you're in this leather with the cup holders and the everything like that G it's so gross it's like just not it's not only is it ugly but it's also expensive and therefore makes this list it's incredibly overpriced because these pieces are not attractive and just really poor quality in a lot of ways and really aesthetically challenged especially compared to similar ly priced pieces from other retailers that are actually good and I think that's really the separation here for me on this one it's not a matter of $500 piece is not as good as $3,000 piece it's $2400 Bob's Pedic is not nearly as good as something I could buy for honestly I would say half that but even if you give me a $2,000 budget like even if you go and get yourself a full alanine leather couch from article you're probably going to be paying less than Bob opedic do you know what I mean and it's going to actually be nice and that's really really the kind of uh difference here I think so that's what makes this in my opinion overpriced because it's expensive for ugly and that is the worst combination I like I like beautiful for cheap that's what I like so it's kind of it's the flip of what I'm looking for to be honest okay next up on my list overpriced retailers going to be Urban Outfitters and I have often times made fun of Urban Outfitters for their genen Z aesthetic that they seem to be riding hard into the sunset which I get it their target market is probably 17 years old and I'm super not it and that's fine I I I allow for different retailers to Target different people that are not me and I accept that not everything is about me I get it Urban Outfitters for me it's more just a fact that like everything is white labeled and like everything just has fallen off of the same sort of assembly line and it's so easy I think the only time I've ever featured any Urban Outfitter product on this channel has been because it's been white labeled to death at every other retailer you could imagine so go to urbanoutfitters.com go to their home section I'll do a couple of these for you you know you can rightclick and just say search on Google lens and it is not going to take you long to find through a very simple 3se second search to find every knockoff that you can find under the sun right whether it's coming straight off Valley Express or whether it's on Amazon or whether it's on Wayfair or whether it's on everywhere else that's fine now normally I would look at the online retailers that I just mentioned or others and say well could you kind of hold them to the same account I get it they're white labeling all over the place as well I'm not excusing that or whatever it it it is just the reality and I understand it but at least those are the retailers number one they're offering something for everybody and they are still existing in sort of the competitive landscape of trying to get sort of the best price so it's like it's white labeled but it's they're trying to get a really good price at the same time Urban Outfitters is often times the most expensive because they're targeting a very specific person so I believe that they are offering the same white labeled stuff as everybody else in a style I don't particularly like but I will let that one go for a price point that is a bit inflated because it's Urban Outfitters I guess the value that you're getting is In addition to what you would find on some of those other retail sites is that they're curating it to make it feel like it's very Urban Outfitters Z I personally just don't see the value in that and so that's why it's made my list okay next St on my list which I you guys just need to explain this one to me and that is William Sonoma okay William Sonoma has been around for a very long time and I understand it's very Martha Stewart it's very you know we've got the lacru and we've got the STS and we've got all the little the fancy little peppermint bark that comes out at Christmas and like I get it it's fun I'm not saying it's a bad retailer I'm not saying they have bad stuff but I am saying I feel like they offer everything that everybody else has at just more expensive you know what I mean like I don't really understand now in this day and age where William sonoma's place is in the landscape of the home sort of kitchen Niche everything you can buy there in my personal sort of experience is going to be stuff that you can find everywhere else honestly HomeGoods HomeGoods or home sents wherever you are wherever you got discount retailers the TJ maxxes they sell home stuff do they sell clothing I don't even know anymore you know what I mean like the ones that say we this price is $30 somewhere else but it's $15 here you know what I mean like all those retailers there's so many out there all those guys are going to be cheaper than William Sonoma in my personal experience now there're might be some very specific Brands like I mentioned there's some food stuff that is very specific to William Sonoma do you need it to get that stuff from William Sonoma listen you might have some stuff there you might find some finds that I don't know about that might be worth your money in my personal experience though I'm going to focus Less on the food and more of the kitchen home stuff cuz that's more really my area and um none of it in my personal experience is any different than what you're going to find anywhere else it's just more expensive they might sometimes occasionally get a very specific color that is exclusive to William Sona but you know this isn't really my personal favorite I think their sister company is West Elm and I think that West Alm is uh a much better retailer that I personally enjoy shopping in a lot more I just don't understand the appeal you're going have to explain this to me like I get it it's got the Martha Stewart Vibes and some of yall want to live that life and I get that someone explain this one to me I guess is what I'm saying cuz to me it just feels like everything is overpriced and in the '90s when some of this stuff was maybe really hard to get it totally had a place because everybody was just going to the same you know retailers and that was fine but nowadays online it is like so easy to find this stuff so I don't get it anymore okay and then last on my list it's just going to be any of the high-end apartment stores so this can be Bloomingdales this can maybe be even like a Nordstrom this can be the bay if you're here in Canada this can be Macy's what's going on what's going on with these guys I think what's happening is they have a lot of retail space that they need to fill and they don't know what to do with it because they maybe don't have the vision that they probably did 70 years ago and so now they're just sort of pumping it full of white labeled stuff so this is a little bit of my criticism than I had on Urban Outfitters except this one is even less curated than Urban Outfitters they're less trying to be something and more just look at all this random crap we have and we have so much real estate that we're just going to like throw so many things on the shelf and hope that they work and uh it's a bit of a mish mash and most of it is always it's it's pretty much always just going to be white label stuff which makes sense because that was the very like business model of the department store where they don't really create anything themselves they just basically are a One-Stop shop for like everything you could possibly need from birth till death but I just think for me I like to have a little bit more of a curated collection and ideally a retailer that brings a little bit of something new to the table whether that is going to be some curation involved whether that's going to be designing their own furniture and then getting the manufactured which is what I see from a lot of those other retailers like I think Katon Barrel does that a lot where they might mix in some white labeled which please see my white label video I don't think white labeled is incredibly just necessarily bad but sometimes can lead to retailers being incredibly overpriced because they're selling literally the exact same thing just at a higher price point depending on the retailer that you're were talking about and I think that's what department stores do so what a Crate and Barrel or a CB2 or whatever might do is they might mix in some white label stuff in there for sure but they are going to design an actual product they're going to take it overseas to their manufacturer and they're going to get something specifically made for them or they're going to make tweaks to something that's kind of off the shelf already from one of those manufacturers wh labeled is just literally selling the exact same thing copy pasted that everybody else is selling and some have like a varying mix in their products around what is white label and what's not it's kind of a dirty little secret in the industry I feel though that these big retailers these big giant department stores there is no secret here that I can see that they're actually going and creating something new and unique to themselves I feel like for the vast majority of them all that they're really doing is just buying things that are happening overseas and then selling them in their stores and again that is their business model for everything whether it's clothing or other sorts of Decor or whatever shoes what have you it's all going to be obviously buying from the same places and just selling them the one onetop shop it's just not what I'm looking for in furniture and again I just feel like when I actually go look at these that's not inherently bad right cuz if we look at some of those other retailers that are doing this the online guys it's not necessarily a bad thing it just means that it's now becoming increasingly easy to be able to find out who's the cheapest and in my personal experience it's never the department stores so that's why these guys in my opinion are incredibly overpriced so that's it for today you guys I hope you really enjoyed this video if you like to hear about five retailers that I don't really care for I'm going to link to that video here you can go check that one out and hear more things that I have to say about RH until then I will see you all in the next video thanks a lot bye-bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 98,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x71mgVOWXI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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