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oh I'm getting out of here boys whoa whoa oh god oh hey what's going on everybody Landon hero welcome back to another minecraft video today guys we are joined by Landon it's gonna be okay I rotated the other D oh dude this was my side there's also arrows now everywhere oh my god okay as you guys can see today's TNT Wars is going to be modded we're gonna be playing with the lightning and the arrow TNT we decided they're so cool oh yeah no this TNT is so lit there's so much TT in this mod like actually Preston teaches over 50 over Indian boy Atlanta this is my first ever modded TNT Awards this is probably one of the first times and only times we'll be doing something that I haven't done and that you have done yeah yeah no actually I've done two T&T Wars and the support on them has been crazy so for both Preston eyes perspectives I mean you know guys we're doing this for the like in church oh yeah just smash it just smash it so um I want to show this TNT real quick I mean there's so much TNT you guys should comment down the DNC we should use because dude Preston you're gonna crash the server do it like a porcupine looks like an old Japanese war happened oh my lag on that just lagged me no I mean it's pretty straight boards TNT Wars you hit that like button down below if you guys want to see more of this craziness and that's pretty much it so I want to kill myself but I want to kill myself properly goodbye Preston oh wow my side is so fresh so clean okay fine my hair is all cleared but that that arrow explosion literally all went in like one there's like an entity clear command I don't have a clear his items on the ground and I don't even know how to do it yeah once again locally hosted servers it's literally just like whenever you go to all open to LAN and that is it's a LAN server it's not even like a locally ocean server all my PC it is but it isn't the same time I don't explain it'll answer all right let it count is Dan just I'm ready to go alright so five rounds best of best of five I guess the best five to one Oh what rule one rule I'm I can go but I forgot to explain we're not allowed to use the space oh yeah I was just about to say that uh oh oh yeah I forgot we can yeah we can we can put them down we just can't like I use them and that's it we can't like anything is about that it makes things a little bit complicated oh yeah it does oh man wait actually okay I don't know when the last time I didn't use the Spencer's I don't know about this this is I feel like this is unfavorable from elin generally dumb on camera yeah what do you mean look dumb on camera I mean I don't have to try to make that happen oh man actually don't insult I'm gonna do oh no this is actually meta straat this is meadow strap yeah you always say that you know blowing up so continue please please boy actually so true which is the worst part okay what I'm should tell you what Ilana my viewers know they know this is gonna be late okay no they know they know they know just the only problem with what I just did is it might have just sent me back but it's fine okay I think we always need a little bit of a setback boom sometimes you know we all just need a little bit of love love you know love is all we need man no it's not sometimes in life you need other things land I'm gonna be on like what this is coming from your dad like milk no milk you need some milk press love male does this work I don't even know if this works what what are you using I'm doing something man I don't know I don't remember if this works I'm kind of spooked with what you're doing so am i I don't remember I like it's been a long line you know it's doing something good when he spooked by it okay it didn't work okay bad things are probably gonna happen oh no it's okay it's all good okay bueno bueno bueno bueno bueno me Oh what did you just do bueno bueno bueno something explode in a wall dude think this explode this TNT that's why I'm kind of nervous amman okay uh well like that so I don't want that to ignite so I'm just gonna do we go are you doing your first shoot shoot shoot no what happened what happened did you really pull yourself up does it count doesn't kind of here you're a pro TNT wars player does that I died to follow him no I won't let it count because I'm - but you are bad at the game just rimmel to be honest I just kind of I you are just bad at the game just let it happen land and just let it happen oh no yo yo yo yo hold on chill chill chill chill we can talk about this flying man come on come on dude I just why why do you owe my god hold on I know no I'll let you come back oh yeah yeah I get making you gotta come back I got a bill I gotta do one more of these laying in my holes not big enough by the way dude holy no Janis raisin yeah oh no no no I write on my dough I'm not trying to kill you at E and T FY I hope you know that I'm trying or my own what you do I don't try and see all my wall I just don't want to die you're such a stress little bean okay hold on hold on watch out oh my god did it again did it oh my god what team T dude it doesn't love me it doesn't love you it's like ugly step daddy doesn't like hold on hold on boom and hey Landon boom okay here we go Oh get out of here boys oh god oh no that was mine I just shot it through here dude look like Lee is my friend I did this check this out check this out I did this look dude I did it is well no I did look like this is what I did this mine did this yeah that definitely got you oh my god whoa okay oh yeah yeah you can give that to me rot Nick commence round number two all are we beginning yeah well I mean no this is this is serious business okay add some stuff in my chest I'm just gonna go and throw this out had some stuff that I mean we shouldn't have had because we did a restart but I threw it away okay no Reston are you cheating no I had I forgot to clear my inventory I even throw okay that's what they all say dude that's what they all say yeah Lennon that would probably be you mister I cheat everyone for map you've ever played together it's not cheating all right it's just you know a little creative mode went a long way you know I would say what a very long way a stupendously long way like oh okay hold on boom boom boom boom boom alright gonna get inside my room son dude what do you mean your room think you get my room dude I'm kind of scared honestly boom boom boom oh no I think good thing I thought about that before I shot or that would have been very terrible what are you waiting Lena you don't have any vest think you don't have a thing in your body what you don't have a thing in your body man oh wow what are you doing you just melt your cheap I just destroyed all my sheep well what did that do on your side by the way what do you mean how did that look did that look pretty cool cuz on my side this looks freaking lit see anything on my side you're still just showing my gosh dude hold on some things that are happening that I pretty much don't want to see it's kind of scary okay tell you about that I'll tell you about records in the beads oh okay here we go meh destroy God oh oh my gosh oh yo yo yo what are you trying to do over here dude dude dude a pig for some reason literally just broke all of my tattoos what happened don't break any Landon rack rigs don't break Briggs pigs whoa oh my god did I see in your shots and they're too close for comfort my man dude this should this TNT is so cool oh oh oh the Lightning TT is actually good oh I totally about the Lightning TT hold on yeah when we a moldable TNT's remember this guy we got was like lean multiples moment of lightning truth oh my god that's shooting so high what are you doing Oh was that yours maybe dude that was actually a really cool shot I give thank you oh no oh no oh oh you boy yourself up oh oh that was close what's going on Preston everything Oh Jimmy saving the world's ego is about monetary destruction is crazy yeah the destruction is pretty it's pretty top tier top tier baths I don't know man top tier bands I don't know if it's bands dance probably won't be a good word oh and and busting your teams you can just blow up in it no no I don't actually what is yours looking like bud enemies obviously I'll shoot oh shoot come on come on come on go go you're daddy's son oh dang it oh my gosh daddy shot new UI it's such a it's such a weird thing right now we have a vote and let's go let's go I know you gotta like get all get on my level son oh oh oh I got you son I got you son son your day yeah oh man okay hold on am I have I hurt you at all no you haven't an any damage big scrub jeez dude gosh dang it it's so much it's base dude this is base tea and tea right now okay I actually need a barrel on mine boom yeah I think I think that's where I'm going wrong to you if I had a Burrell Oh Oh God dude I had the perfect it look I did this man landing you're getting slayed right now look at this I did you lose Will Ferrell me oh my god this is it a final-round land and you don't lose a little round and on your marks it's it go Oh do it okay well be the last round it's only the final round if I lose geometry is probably going to call my clan and you have not been known for your you know your sturdiness oh dude this is not gonna go well if I did not have very sturdy person land and you're very shaky very wobbly very Wibbly dude no what do you mean you're just all over the place you just don't have any sturdiness to your money what are these fighting words I hear no you're just not a starting one boy dude I don't know I don't know listen here boy all right I'm little listen here 31 Kenobi all right you're not listening not listening what do you mean I'm not listening I'll listen yell isn't harder what yeah dude dude you know do you do this thing in your commentary right Preston you're like you're you're you're buying yourself time you know no cause you know you're gonna lose why would I ever lose to you Landon actually you're I I'm kind of choking I would snooze before I would lose to you buddy and you know that boy I'm building a cannon that is either gonna work really well are really terribly oh yeah Lennon ah lighting oh jeez stop it oh I must Lou my own rap dude blew myself up linen alright oh shoot Nelly Oh sugar okay Lena what was that a little pipsqueak shot right there yeah yeah it uh it's a rough life oh yeah no it's a rough life press and it's a rough life hole does that mean you always say these things in there so how come so basically what I mean when I say it's a rough life I mean it's a rough life you know okay okay okay let's see how rough this life is for you buddy boom jeez oh no please don't shoot lightning no no hold on I'm shooting not just lining land I've seen regular TV is that a slime cannon it's not a slime cannon is that a freaking slime can Atlantis dog oh good oh I'm coming to boy you uh planning damage damage damage I'll be ready for some damage control cuz you're gonna need it after this Oh Landon do you want to see my German engineering I can do through T and T at once I gotta been a lightning at once with a regular TNT I thought we were only allowed to shoot one at one no you said no dispensers said no dispensers look just to blow up that part of the wall watch watch what my cannon was gonna do dude watch nothing I wasn't gonna do no no no my cannon was gonna go like this and then three to lunch and then oh that would have been devastating boy that's like right dude that's doing the center I thought you were gonna get me before I could build this I didn't know how long if I had one more shot I would have just like a planet but look at this look at this biscuit that would have been you oh that's pretty much just as good lining in it is a rough shot dude I don't think I'm that bad at TT Wars I think I'm just trying to experiment more than you are what are you wrong like come on man this game brother okay honestly let's play another round then where we just go straight full force like hambo Gibran oh I'm doing a test like it's triple or nothing right here triple or nothing that is landing ripple or nothing one of the lamest people I know back up dude back up back up no no no no no oh you suck why'd you do that do that like it's fine it doesn't damage anything thankfully you don't break anything you're like a goofy is non-flammable I hate you never wanted dude that's that's actually kind of mean man I'm actually kind of really sad good I was both a year John experiment eight dandy over your do old on like shut up landing wait I just realize on this should go to high Oh boys Oh bat shot oh my leg God hold on wait I don't even think I need this I bear think I'm a dumb ik is red because repeaters go to up oh I don't even know I do need them this is so much lag wait wait wait hold on oh my freaking God okay Lana I know you're being bored right now don't worry don't worry I'm gonna what do you mean being bored I just you just load on faces just boring no I just want to see what happens if I do this no I want to see what happens if I do this no don't do that because I'm trying to do mine oh you're such a doodle oh this is why would you do that you do what you please my private server no now there's fire everywhere Preston we're we are the final round it's triple or nothing right now so if I lose you know it means every deal you know these past three rounds it's it's not a problem but if if I express it that's gonna go so rub oh man okay Preston are you ready oh I was born ready three you're a dancer and prancer dude I'm a Prancer I don't take my lines you rude man what my prancing line that's really uncool man buddy yeah I did buddy you don't join a buddy you like 12 years old Landon what dude that's offensive yeah me and my 12 year old friends are offended we got money to spend with pain Oh what dude that's messed up you can't just sell advertised like that all right why can't we be friends Preston is my only question can we be friends why can't we be friends oh shoot what are you doing Lynne all right Preston um you know you said we're going full force now God did you actually decide this is your life I think this is decided or called full force it's just called flower she's all yours hold on hold on to be called Lannon I'm son stop it dude honestly man they click they can and if this works Oh like my fashion clickbait when action is a pretty cool clip it okay click bake bake bake come on come on come on wait buddy buddy Preston Oh was lightning whoa ow wow that one smarted for me what do you mean do you mean do you mean no bro oh I'm running away oh my god that was so close come that was close come on come on dude Landon I didn't even see your shot yeah because I didn't shoot there's a prank bro we go so many arrows just go everywhere hold on hold on that was easy come on come on come on arrow titi please please come on line epc the monster cannon lloyd ylenne and you can't beat this cannon bro look like that ma'am I don't even know what you just look Morgan oh look at that look at that oh my god so ho Ted Oh Dan the worst part was I was standing right here literally one line that was a little and that was the lightening TNT yeah light nude lightning does Opie damage lightning is Owen where is my TNT shooting I'm just close you did half of my heart's at 1 1 hit did half of my heart you almost got hold on look where does my suit oh that wasn't that was way better yeah look my shocks like I don't know I think I think it's really about what you we're not using accurate cannons oh that's a dank shot oh we'll look Lana if this wall by the way check this out you would be deader than a doornail look at this you better than adjourned because the thing is about lighting you can't really run away from it you kind of play it as Lana you'd be dead look at this look at this here's some more lighting you gave well question whether if I won or lost every single round I would say you know I want every round I was high yeah come here buddy I have this thing in my it's a black it's called dynamite times five oh you want to break it server let the other way throw it Oh God [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,456,104
Rating: 4.9133196 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Video, PrestonPlayz, Preston, TBNR, PrestonGamez, Minecraft Video, PG, Kid Friendly, No Swearing, Minecraft YouTuber, Child Friendly, Kid Appropriate, Fire Nation, Preston Minecraft, TNT Wars, Modded TNT Wars, Modded Minecraft, Modded, OVERPOWERED MODDED TNT!? | MODDED TNT WARS!
Id: MR5j65nUa8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2017
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