Woodland Camp with EastAnglianBushcraft. Tarp and Bivvy Shelter. Campfire Bangers and Mash.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] hi folks and welcome back we've just driven back from from darbishire and uh we're now in a woodland very close to where I live a woodland I come to quite frequently um yeah we had a a great time up in darbishire it was really nice to be up on that hill but um as Craig just said we're back in the Woodland with the uh ticks and fleas Where We Belong love that um I've just set up my my shelter I've got a a tarp and hoop hoop bivy which uh should be just a job to to keep me comfortable tonight um be nice and warm in there I've got a a down quilt and my thumb rest to sleep on so um yeah all good there we're going to go and um gather some firewood in a minute we we won't light the fire until later on um when we're ready to to eat um you know it's still quite warm we don't need it for warmth that's for sure any for cooking so uh yeah we'll go and get some some wood found and process down ready for that and then um get a few things tided up and then we should be comfortable for the evening is [Laughter] piling up now [Laughter] wooo [Laughter] right well we've collected a load of firewood and we've cut some of it up and then we can cut the rest of it up as we need it or we can just feed it Into the Fire and safe cutting it you know just keep feeding it in Lazy Man's fire um Craig's just gone off to fight a bit of fatwood he's going to he's going to light the fire this evening and um I'm going to cook dinner having bangers a MASH which I'm looking forward to cuz I'm starving I ate when we're in darer uh late morning and um yeah I don't know what time it is now it's got to be half 6 so uh yeah getting pretty pretty hungry so get this fire lit and get some grub on you get that just off one of the trees around here yeah literally like three trees away oh fantastic through the uh lower branches dead easy to find is it yep there we are fires on and for me that's when I know I'm camping so we're going to celebrate with a little guava cheers everyone right we're going to be having bangers of mash for dinner so now that the fire is lit while it's building up in heat and getting some good coals I'm got to start prepping dinner so I've got four spuds which I'm going to peel and chop that'll become the mash and I've brought some butter with me in there and a bit of milk to go in the mash because you got to have butter and milk in MH it makes it lovely and creamy got sausages six sausages um got beans got to have beans with bangs of mash and I've got gravy somewhere in here but to make the gravy even better and got to fry up an onion I have onion gravy with it and a good old bit of Squadron leader breakfast sauce I know it's not bre but this stuff is Awesome on just about anything so that's for drizzling over the top let's get chopping and water might as well chop the onion now as [Music] well all right spuds are on and I'm just going to get the onions cooked down now because uh I need the pan for the uh what they called sausages so I just get this done now train go past in the background you wondering what that noise is time for a beer I think I've got a poy in infold infin infin fold one of them burp all right my onions are done so I'm just going to dump them back on into my chopping board here I can get the sausages [Music] on and they'll go in my gravy in a bit right bit of butter bit of milk salt and pepper and give that a good old mash up going to get the beans on and I know there'll be people talking about cooking beans in the can in the comments well obviously you don't have to do that I'm just choosing to do that and Craig's all right with it so you know that's what I've done all my life and um I'm all right and some water for the gravy get that one to boil lovely old job lovely old job B lovely old job B awesome Mash is done in the pot oh yeah oh that's looking nice keep them warm so you put a bit of milk in there milk butter salt pepper lovely get those onions in lovely bit of mesh few beans got have beans with bangers and mash I don't know about you but I like like some of this sauce on here from the steak detective stle to tazzle I you know yeah good old boy Steve bloody good job old chap bloody good shot thank you very much Simon lad you are so welcome Divine tell you what I'll crack my beer first good idea quick swiggin and then I'll tuck in thank you very much cheers mate Chin Chin it's an honor m m this is a bit more like it after last night isn't it yeah tell me sit around a fire rather than cooped up in a tent in the rain shivering one night I'm eating two packets of chicken soup and noodles the next minute we've got campfire sausage and mash and beans right you hate it when the handles are covered in Bean Juice pine needles oh cheers man that is absolutely delicious mate thank you very much my pleasure love a good bottle of ryoka man yeah man' you into red wine like I yeah I love red wine yeah yeah I love anything really anything alcoholic yeah not a big whiskey fan oh no nether no can't drink it just tastes like rum Y no worries love a rum love rum y like a like a Jin and tonic oh I love a gin man yeah good show on the Jin yeah uh obviously love love my beer and love wine all wines actually I used to just only drink red um but I've got quite into white wines and roses and things yeah see I'm not quite there yet I'm still only on the red yeah and it was my Miss's parents that got me on the red cuz they love they've got a whole like red wine collection and mad for it yeah and uh I started trying some around theirs and I got to like it so I do like the red but no white I'm not there with white yet there we go bonfire anything un wild to us is wild as in you go to the Woods you've got wood food water beer nature everything outside of that is then it's like the coin is flipped flipped over yeah everything else is wild to this yeah yeah that makes sense yeah in a weird way you know what I mean it's been a it's been a really nice evening sat here around the around the fire big contrast from last night where we were pretty much 10 bound weren we yeah 12 hours or so 12 hours stuck in our tents in that uh horrendous weather on top of a quite quite a bleak Hill yeah to say the least yeah fleeking those weather conditions anyway yeah so yeah I think we made the right decision to to come come back this way and and come into the woods eh you spot on mate yeah spot on where we belong as we said yeah that was that was a classic yeah with the ticks and the fleas or whatever it was yeah where we belong angling repping yeah it's been nice be nice s sitting around the fire comfortable um cooking some cooking some grub and dry and uh yeah beneath the Pines very very nice indeed yeah good looking forward to a good night's sleep in my uh in my bivvy over there and um Craig set up over here with his with his tarp and his he's going to get his bivy out I think you're just drying it out at the moment on you from last night yeah I'm just airing out it got a little bit wet from where I was sitting on my bivy bag last night yeah and uh yeah I just didn't fancy wet feet tonight so I thought let the uh elements do its job and absolutely dry it out I stood in my little porch bit and it was just water it's just water yeah just bog bog nasty shout out quickly to the food by the way s man he's absolutely killed the game tonight with his sausage and mash big time oh thanks big time I demolished it in like 2 minutes man it was just gone it was good ready for it better than um chicken soup and noodles that I had in the tent last night what did you have in the tent last night I had uh freeze dried faito and rice did you it wasen quite sausage and mash on the camp it wasn't it was fuel it was fuel it was all right it was all right it filled me up and um it warmed me up as well which is what I needed I'm doing breakfast tomorrow sausage bacon eggs and beans and if we don't eat the uh what's it called cheese wise uh halumi halumi we got halumi yeah okay we got sausage bacon egg and maybe halumi if we don't eat it tonight yeah but um yeah one more SG of wine and I'm done y good night folks and I'll see you in the morning for morning folks had a fantastic fantastic night's sleep slept for a solid 9 hours warm dry comfortable lovely yeah woke up this morning to um an overcast day but a nice calm and uh peaceful day yeah lovely just uh made a quick cup of coffee on my twig stove um yeah I'm going to light the fire in a little while but um I thought just for just for a first coffee I'd just uh fire up the twig stove and then I'll get soaring some wood and get everything uh ready for for breakfast which Craig is cooking this morning looking forward to that bit of a kind of uh bacon and eggs and sausage and and stuff so uh it should be really nice yeah yeah it's lovely here this morning the hushed Pines even the road that's about I don't know just under a mile away I suppose um sometimes you can hear it we could hear it last night but um even even this morning or even that road rather we can't hear this morning which is great just the odd particularly loud vehicle yeah coffee is good look what I've just found I had it all along I actually forgot that I put it in my bag it must have been in there for months oh well no for next time [Laughter] absolutely ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch sh [Applause] oh yes woohoo cook breakfast out of I don't know I can cook breakfast probably one of my favorite meals going you know M you can't beat it perfect crispy bacon too full belly feeling good man [Laughter] good yeah SL this coffee down then P away I guess e [Applause] [Music] what right that's all packed up cleared away this place is pretty much how it was when we arrived yesterday mhm all good all all cleared away and tied it up Nothing Left Behind been a fantastic Camp well both both camps man it's been awesome mate i' had a really really good time mate it's always nice to come spend some time Under The Pines especially after that Windswept uh Camp up on top of the hills in darbishire nice to have a a bit of contrast you know the uh wild Untamed um yeah Barren sort of Hilltop versus the comfort and um hushed quietness of the of the Pine Forest absolutely love it yeah good bit of grub lovely breakfast this morning man St was all right save my food last night killed the game last night yeah it was good good yeah plenty of plenty of booze plenty of talking rubbish around the fire all good got be done got be done thanks for watching I'll see you [Music] soon [Music] [Music] me too mate I demolished it and I sorry I'll beep that out it's all [Laughter] right wild trains wild trains scraped a little bit of fat wood that I found from one of these pine trims but time I just thought I'd be quiet this morning and yeah just used a twig stove and then uh walked gone done kill it killed it done done undusted that's the one that's one way to do it yeah tactical red little me look little tiny me keeps you cold when you need it no it doesn't it keeps you warm when you need it and average at best when you don't when you don't yeah
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 118,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carinthia xp2 bivvy, carinthia hooped bivvy, dd superlight, twig stove coffee, pine forest camp, woodland camp, wild camp, wild camping, tarp shelter, campfire cooking, sausages and mash, east anglia, east Anglian bushcraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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