Overnight Pack Out

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well here we are till the hammock camp for the night everything's set up and ready to go got some students out here hanging out in the camping and wood craft class got 9 youths out here this weekend you got a hammock camp set off up to this off to the side here I'm we just been my night in just relax water hanging on the tree there and my backpack hanging on the tree we've been having a really good time and not much else to say there alright so here's my hammock camping as you see that Ruby you saw the camouflage dreamhelmet I've got the bug net flipped over the top head lice in a pocket after the top you'll see it out here right now but I've got brown mat out here door government backpacking things hanging out sorry so this is where I'm at for the night in the morning morning off beautiful day in Southeast Ohio and a great training day with the youth and kind of walk you through my small camp area here later on talk about my pack over there what's in that that's the same pack I've been using to do my trekking with I just add weight to the pack along with what's in there but I've got a full camp set up in that packet we'll talk about here in just a few minutes stay with me well guys I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance out there in the Pathfinder school and I thought maybe what I do this morning is go over what's in my pack that I generally use for just a simple overnight like last night but also it's the same packing gear that I've been using to do my trucking and rucking type exercises where I'm walking with added weight to my pack so the same pack out is used with the addition of a heavy 20 to 25 pound plate in the hydration bladder slot for the pack itself that's what I use to increase the weight and resistance when I walk just about everyday somewhere between 5k and four miles to try to build up my endurance level and build up my fitness level to carry a lighter pack and make it seem easy there's a reason that people wear runners and things like that and athletes wear ankle weights to make them run faster to give them resistance while they are practicing there's a reason that batters use weighted bats and use a doughnut on the end of a bat to practice swinging the bat it's so that they're building up strength and endurance and when they use a lighter system or lighter implement it feels that much better they have that much more speed what I'm trying to figure out is you know if I increase the weight that I carry on my back on a normal basis then when I put that thirty five pounds or thirty pounds on my back that's a normal carry for me it should be that much easier to handle so I thought what I do today a lot of questions about what's in the pack was in the pack everybody likes to see what's in your pack Lydia's so I thought I'd lay it out here on my space blanket that I use for a ground mat outside my hammock here we talked about what's in the pack stay with me now obviously the first thing say Rufus obviously the first things that are in my pack are my shelter system so we've talked about that lots and lots of times it doesn't bother me if 2/3 of my weight or their bouts of my total pack weight is my shelter system I believe that's one of the most important things that you can have is a good night's sleep so I've got my dream hammock with a built in bug nut I've got a defender tarp to say when we saw our website that is this one's a 10 by 10 square dream card and then I have an emergency space blanket here on the ground that I tuck in the back of migration bladder for emergencies but also for just a ground mat scenario when I'm getting out of my hammock an night with bare feet things like that or putting on my socks I'm not staying in dirt while I'm doing that I'm standing on some type of a mat to keep my feet from getting too dirty or too muddy or things like that when I'm getting dressed in the morning so those are the beginning components and I get to pack down and we'll talk about the other components within the pack okay so this is just an old woodland camouflage assault pack I like the woodland camouflage pattern for hunting and things like that or for leaving a very small footprint in the woods as far as being able to camp without a lot of people necessarily knowing you're there not that I have to worry about that on the property that I have but since I use this stuff for hunting as well I like that so what I've got on the outside of this pack right now is I've got a fowl raven overcoat here that's basically your raincoats made out of g1000 and you can see the pouch back here for the hydration bladder in the back of the pack and I generally stuff an emergency space blanket in there and then when I'm working out per se or doing my trekking type exercises that's where I'll put my place I found you know I carry a railroad so I'll play in there lowered type played in there for a while it was about 25 pounds and I found that the trucker plate or excuse me the rocking plate that you buy from GORUCK which is fairly expensive but it's a really nice plate but smooth I just got two handles on it and it slides down in there perfectly doesn't move much east-west and it doesn't move at all north-south and that twenty pound ruck plates what I started with in there because that plus my gear puts me at almost 35 pounds exactly so that works out well for me and then this main pocket really of this pack is nothing more than the bag set my tarp is in because my hammocks and my tarp go in there as well as a woobie which is nothing more than a quilted type blanket used by the military as a poncho liner I have a black one so that it holds in heat and things like that it stuffs down in the bottom of that and an extra pair of wigwam socks hiking socks and I used wigwam hiking socks almost exclusively and then an extra t-shirt that's 50/50 goes down the bottom of that and then the rest of my implements for my camp go on that I have a roll of duct tape on the outside once duct tape for emergencies and repairs on that side on this side I have an external solar panel that I was using out here yesterday to keep my phone charged up with it's just something I can lay out in the Sun charge it up it'll charge my phone four or five times on a single charge so it works pretty good it's pretty shock proof and it's waterproof so I keep that in there as well I've got a heavy-duty pair of gloves on a carabiner here same carabiner I was hanging this off of last night and then I have the canteen cook set that we carry on our website and it's got the bottle the cup and lid all inside this moly pouch and this is just a standard military moly pouch the body's right off of Amazon fairly cheap this moly pouch and this canteen fits just fine and that gives me with a set of silverware I've got enough right there to easily cook for any overnight situation that I want to do because I'm not going to do anything except some kind of a just add water type meal unless I'm actually hunting and get something and then I'll improvise something to cook that with on plank or or skew or something like that if I need to but this holds my water disinfect my water cooks food as much as I need to cook it for one or two days no problem on the front side here I have a compass pouch it's got my whistle my compass my pacing beads and some add arms that I use for navigation the map reading and things like that those all go in the very front so they're easy to get to what I want really quickly I just keep that right to the front again you can buy this pouch as well off Amazon on this side I actually have a magazine pouch the same type modeling system amazon available and inside that I keep my monopod for my camera for my iPhone that allows me to shoot videos on a tripod in the woods pretty because I can strap it to a tree put it on the ground do whatever I want and it's got a lot of versatility and doesn't take up a lot of room the only other pouch you've got on this thing I guess I should mention I do carry inside my canteen pouch I do carry ten aqua mirror tabs for disinfecting water so for some reason not to disinfect water in the fly and I can't boil it I'll just use those chlorine dioxide tabs if I have to this outer pouch has got the bulk of stuff that I might want to get to right away I've got a net smog in here just gives me something that I can use to wipe sweat off my brow for hygiene for cooling down the creek and things like that a folding saw and yes this one is a soaking I've never been a big proponent of silky sauce still not to be honest with you I'm poor I'm actually testing them out right now to see how they work I like this all itself I like the way it cuts I'm not a big fan of the half to push of the have to pull cut system I like saws it cut on the push and the pull like the bahco laplander but there's a lot of rave about these silky sauce so I want to give them a fair shake I've got a simple set of GI soba we're in here to eat with a partial roll of number 36 bank line and then I've got a notebook a map of the area a protractor and a pencil and those are just sitting on this in the side pouch right here that's inside with a little flap there and then what I've got in this bag is basically what I would call a ditty bag so we'll kind of pull it out here I'll get a little closer up on it for you so we get a sucker shot of that by itself but you can look at real quick and what's in this bag because this is like the meat and potatoes of my kit all right so this bag just has odds and ends and it's got a buff in it a couple extra bandanas a couple pieces of 36 or I'm sorry 550 cord it's got my headlight in it and this one happens to be a Black Diamond headlight it has a Swiss Army trucker I like the trekker it's one of the better tools I think that sak makes Swiss Army knife makes a boar bristle toothbrush old-school Ferro rod waterproof match case or waterproof lighter case with a Bic lighter in it and then a waterproof match case that's got a sail needle inside tuck in with the matches and these are storm matches by Yuko and then my compass has a magnifying glass on so I've got several ways to start fire so this is basically just the bag that I put in the front of my thing it's just a catch-all type bag for little implements that I might need one on out camping okay so generally speaking all this tight aah go to a tree and that's where I'll hang my pack I've got my 2 quart hanging on one of the toggles of my tarp right here so I've got a metal water bottle here that's got over a cord in it it's about a quart and a half canteen and then I've also got the 2 quart collapsible canteen so that if I'm out in hot weather environment like we have here in southern Ohio this time of year I've got plenty of access to water even when I'm walking I can get to that to court to get a drink if I need it so I appreciate you joining me real quick for this video today of basically what's in my pack that I'm using for trucking and I appreciate your views and I appreciate your support I thank you for anything you do for our school for family for business both of our sponsors instructors affiliates and Friends and I'll be back to the video as soon as I can thanks guys
Channel: David Canterbury
Views: 66,074
Rating: 4.9428797 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Survival, David Canterbury, Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder, The Pathfinder School, Archery, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Primitive Skills, Fire, Water, Shelter, Navigation, First Aid, Search and Rescue, Signaling, Prepper, Preparedness, Self Reliance, Survivability, The 10 C's, Knives, Axes, Saws, Bow Drill, Ferrocerium Rod, Ferro Rod, Tarp, Hammock, Canteen, Cooking, Longhunter, Trapping
Id: Yv-bJqw9_NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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