Overnight in The UK's ONLY Wild Camper Truck - Vanlife UK

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today we are swapping our Volkswagen 2001 long wheel Bas lt35 camper van for this 4x4 off-road epic camper truck we've been living narvan full time for the past 2 months traveling around Wales this is the first time in months that we are sleeping anywhere that is not at trusted Elton we will show you a full tour of this bad boy which is three times smaller than our van as well as what it's like living in it because it's our tiny home for the next few nights we are in bog National Park which is bre and be National Park which was a perfect setting for the most epic wild camper truck you will ever see look at the backdrop oh I mean how much does it match by this is such such a cool van truck vehicle oh my God we' got so many people giving us like like this we've been driving past and you see them going get my phone get my phone take a picture filming it's like yeah you feel cool driving this I'll tell you that much for free it's an absolute beast and look at the number plat B wild that's pretty cool this is a 2.2 6-speed Ford Ranger an absolute unit of a car 18in rims that's why it looks so monstrous but it does mean that it's much easier to drive it around because it does have a lot more bang for your buck when it comes to wheel but also power and pretty much everything else it seems like in comparison to Elon first of all extremely comfortable looks very sve looks very nice it's got all the sort of high-tech little bits and Bobs that you would want the buttons the air con the heating the cooling separate from driver to passenger which is brilliant because Dylan's always really hot and I'm always is really cold there's five seats in this truck which is two more than we have in Elon it's four-wheel drive so you can take this pretty much off-road anywhere you're allowed to you obviously have to have a bit more of a land owner's permission if you're going to go off-roading and shredding it up but it totally totally can driving this truck is such a breeze and definitely different to driving our long wheel-based camper van it's a lot more agile to say the least and much easier to find a parking spot that'll do that's nice home for the night oh I love [Music] it all right I think this will be our spot for the night we've packed a little bit Offroad you know just cuz we can with these uh 18in tires but look how cool this truck is is and I don't know if you've noticed but the truck doesn't just end here or start here it actually starts here I'll for measure I'll climb up so if you are 160 cm or 5'2 and 1/2 that's what I am you would quite comfortably fit in here I have quite a lot of head space but we'll show you the inside in a sec but even D does fits can you help me down I don't want to accidentally land in some sheep poop because this is an off-road track it does come with a few attachments just in case you need them when you're going a bit off-road this here is in case you get stuck in a lot of mud so you put these underneath your tires to get out you have an axe here if you want to chop up some wood I don't know when you would be needing to do that uh but yeah you can do that there is an awning that comes in here we've got the poles inside but today is a very gray day here again in whales so we're probably not going to be sat outside in this truck cuz Adriana is freezing here already I am freezing I want to go inside and put the heater on there's a nice gas heater in there and then on this side you have another one of these for the other Tire if you get stuck and a spade which would be very very useful I think if you did get stuck oh yeah 100% this is definitely made to go in some places that our trusted Elton cannot go I have never felt this tall before but let me tell you some of the things that are here on the back of this camper truck so first we've got this little bad boy this is for the gas stove that's just inside so there's a proper sort of kitchen area in there you can cook hot food which is crazy here we've got the Main's Electric hookup which we won't be using today today that would be more if you're going to a campsite and today we're off griding on this side we've got diesel for the heater for the inside which I very much looking forward to turning on need to put that on ASAP because I am cold although it's not that cold in there it's just the wind but either way popping this on then we've got one of the many flood lights that's on the side of this vehicle this is where you fill up all your fresh water which means that you can drink inside you can wash your dishes you can do whatever you need to in that sense and here you can do what you need to do in a more personal sense because it is a shower so either you've been off griding going crazy and it's super muddy or you just want to clean yourself off there we go I don't want to hose you down should turn on you probably wouldn't be stood there if you were having a shower but You' probably be on the floor wait hold [Music] on very nice so we rented this truck from Wild camper trucks but you can actually win a three night stay in this camper truck now all you have to do is head to Instagram follow wild camper trucks on Instagram look at the photo that we posted in collaboration with them and share it to your story that's it that's it and then you can win three nights also for good measure but this is not part of the competition also follow us on Instagram but literally let's head inside is freezing welcome the noise that you're hearing is the heater it's on right let me give you a cute little tour from this area of this wild camper truck now already you could probably see that it's much bigger than you'd expect and there's storage slotted in here there everywhere there's a lot more space than you would think yeah we have full dining table that actually stays here and becomes part of the bed that we'll show you later because the bed doesn't stay quite like this this sofa really surprised me because it's technically a size for two people whereas that one you could squeeze into but it's probably for one but this place has a lot of storage and let me go through it with you first we have some if you move this pillow you can easily get to this bad boy it goes really far in look I'm all the way in that's empty obviously we can pop our stuff in there it's not in there right now then speaking of moving pillows got more storage underneath there right now it is eco-friendly cleaning supplies and shower gel conditioners things like that now I've got to be honest with you guys I don't think we're going to have a shower outside today it's so cold it's so cold but but we can if we want to another piece of storage here you also have more storage T this table comes apart so you can take it out and fold it and underneath here as you can see there there is even more storage but right now I think this just kept the gray water in there yeah which is emptied by this super simple solution now in Elton we haven't really shown you in detail how we have to empty the water but it's basically just in inside our kitchen we have to actually take out our gray water tank take it for a walk and pour it out somewhere whereas here press that that empty is the waste tank which is empty right now this CA truck has six windows so that's a lot more than our Elton has the Elton has two windows so here you pretty much got 360° view of where you're packed each window comes with a couple of ATT attachment now if you wanted to just shade things down have no one look in or if the window was open you didn't want any bugs around town you would close that one but you can also W close that one it's going to be so dark in here tonight we're going to sleep like babies but right now I want to see but if I want to open the window I can do that too there's no out there to say hello to whole lot of sheep around the whole camper truck there are these touch lights so there's one there one here there's one here in the kitchen I can stand up fully in here so it's about the same height as our camper van yeah it's really sizable for me actually but I think if we had to live in this thing it'd be very very very very cozy so this right by the main entrance of the camper truck is the the kitchen area and it's the only place that I can stand up in fully we have a another storage unit here with bowls utensils pots and pans the knives and forks tea towels this van is pretty much fully kitted out for you you don't need to bring anything with you really down here under this piece of black glass we have the water tap which we don't have loads of so we're not going to waste that and we have the gas stove here so it's a bit of a two-in-one system to kind of save space got some more storage here which is completely empty so you know if you bring a few stuff with you you can pop them in there few plugs here and there there's some USB plugs down here as well and in here is what powers this whole van which is a 95 amp lead acid battery and this is powered by solar as well also by the door here is the fridge now it is confined in here but the space is also utilized very very well the fridge is quite big not quite as big as in our Elton but bigger than you'd expect in this camper truck and it's got a little freezing section brilliant and everything that powers and controls everything important is right here on this bad boy the control panel this is probably the most important control panel for me because it's the heater so with this control panel you can turn the 12 BTS on which means that you can turn the lights on and off you can also see how much water you have left you can see how much solar you have left you can see how much gray water is in your gray water tank and turn on the flood lights that was with this one right yeah should I try it oh yeah oh so bright I would say this is the P the resistance of this camper truck because even though you are fully in a truck there is a a fully sized bed now this is not folded out to its full potential there is another slice of mattress that goes here when you fold these out and we'll show you that this evening when we jump in there but it's huge I think this is the perfect vehicle to be sort of one with nature Elton feels a lot more like a home and you can almost sometimes forget that you in a camper and then you open it and you think oh yeah I'm in a field whereas here it's like I literally here I'm I can see a sheep I'm looking at a sheep here can I see any sheep I can see a sheep through that window can I see one through this one oh three you're one with nature wonderful cooking in this small space is quite the challenge compared to our Alton but it does the job for a weekend away who who can say no to a simple sausage sandwich [Music] anyway there we have it ignore the mess there you can't see it if you sort of here we have it dinner in a van it very difficult to cook there compared to our um our own camper van but jobs are good in cute place to have dinner yeah it's not bad setup is it you got you have got table mhm full on seats here you've got probably another space for someone else if you need it to mhm yeah it's it's bit small but it's just the right size I think I think it uses the space in a very good way the space that it does have originally I didn't think I could stand up in here I can definitely stand up [Music] mhm John yeah with a small space like this we've realized like in our van you have to keep things tidy and clean otherwise it just it's just chaos in here so this is tidy there we go and now I think the next job for tonight a set that bed oh yeah making the bed every night is not something we used to as we have a fixed bed in our own camper van but we also haven't slept in a bed as big as this one in Forever holy guacamole I have to get in like now [Music] w wow lost face huge look how much leg room you've got W oh it's so strange not being able to touch the wall with my feet wow this is it's a little bit more cramped to sit though I I have to say I can't quite sit sit up which we can in Elton it'll be interesting to see how we sleep here cuz it's the first time in months that were sleeping anywhere else and it's in this crazy vehicle thing oh sorry sorry no we stop stop stop the socks are stuck in your back okay yeah right I can actually stretch out oh it's nice it's nice isn't it good night you want to say good night good night sleep [Music] well [Music] good morning that was a very nice [Music] sleep we are really up in the mountains here we're properly in a cloud literally all you can hear is the Sheep you know what I do like about this camper van is you can take it to a lot more places than you could a van like yesterday before we packed up here we drove around there just to see what was there cuz I knew if I was get if I was to get stuck I could just put it in four-wheel drive and take it you know take it out but I feel like in a van and definitely in our van which is a big long wheelbase 6 M long van I would be scared to take it that way just in case I couldn't reverse out but with this you have so much more confidence to go pretty much wherever you want to go and I I saw that this piece of grass yesterday was flat so I was like okay let's drive onto it because I can drive off tomorrow easy I'm not going to get stuck and look how cool it looks it's time to turn this bedroom back into a living room and make a nice warm coffee to start the day off [Music] right I really like this fun you know of this camper truck I feel like it's the perfect truck for a weekend I would say you've actually got a fullsize bed there's a shower if you do activities you can go pretty much anywhere it's got fridge if you're if you don't mind being in such a small space it's perfect
Channel: 2Passports 1Dream
Views: 116,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Van life, vanlife, living in a van, van life, wales, uk, united kingdom, van life uk, van life couple, off grid living, vanlife uk, van life vlog, 2passports1dream, camper van conversion, van life tour, volkswagen van, vanlife europe, vanlife in the uk, van life uk tour, van life uk 2023, van life uk full time, van life wales, wales van life, wales van, welsh van, van, couple travel vlog, couple travel, camper truck, 4x4, wildcampertrucks, wild camper truck, ford ranger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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