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[Music] woo this is Adventure we don't even know where we are it's all gone wrong here immediately I am in [Music] Zimbabwe this series of videos is brought to you by sth Logistics and Jim green Footwear in association with these legendary companies and my amazing patreons right welcome to another exciting series of videos and you guys have asked for it and I've done it I am in Zimbabwe and not any ordinary place in Zimbabwe I am in the gonner isour national parks on top of the chojo cliffs which extend all the way down the rund River in the background there now Ryan and I have been here for 20 days it's been an absolutely insane adventure with fantastic driving awesome wildlife and some of the most beautiful campsites I've ever stayed in so join me on this two-part series as we explore vour the place of elephants in Zimbabwe all right it's early in the morning here and uh we're waiting for Chris to pull through we all going to take a shower and meet Chris and cross the lopo river we're going to puuri border post and uh yeah should be a fantastic day or it's going to go very pear-shaped one of the [Music] two Daryl what's happening Brother I know all good bud you're looking forward to it exed to go there K excited H God glad [Music] we will be Crossing into two other countries today mosm Beek and Zimbabwe and our goal is to reach the Benji we campsite inside gor rour National [Music] Park so we're just uh checking into the puuri gate heading into the kwat Buri uh at its most Northerly gate and uh yeah always good to be in the KW Gua we're not going to be in here for long but hopefully we're going to drive to Crooks corner for a brunch and Happy Days Happy Days in the krugger on the way to gonner let me introduce you to the crew we have Daryl and Harry from opposite lock South Africa Ben from Cruiser Chronicles overlanding Ryan from 4x4 Ventures Chris from get outo and finally Hinrich RoR from Hinrich RoR overlanding this is not a commercial trip it's just great mates out there on an epic Adventure [Music] it feels wrong just driving through the Krueger and not staying for a couple of days but this area has such good memories from our past adventures and today we have to make up some [Music] time so strange just to drive over the bridge but um yeah time is time is moving so I think we're just going to go through the Puri border and head to the the the [Music] crossing right so pretty painless border crossing tiny border absolutely stunning on the South African side um looks like a brand new border even though it isn't and we are on our way to the L river which we have to cross you have to cross the Limpopo to get to the Sango border post to gour uh into Zimbabwe from mosque so we are in mosm Beek at the moment we're going to cross the Limpopo and uh I'm nervous very very nervous because you cross the actual River not a designated Crossing you just find a spot and cross it so yeah we'll see but uh gloomy overcast weather [Music] not so bad yes looking proper full-on dark sort of rainforest this eh with the um rain coming over it's crazy it's stunning this is Adventure we don't even know know where we are I think we took the wrong road down to the Limpopo this is proper full-on jungle craziness this yeah so we got some guys running behind us I think they they're going to show us they're going to show us where to go through the Limpopo so yeah but it's pouring now have a look at this [Music] [Music] it's all gone wrong here immediately Ryan's stuck Hinrich is stuck I'm spinning wheels where I am it's pouring with rain yeah this is why you always let your tires down before you hit the river this is why you always let your tires down before you hit the yeah it's yeah s silly silly silly mistake we just made eh shame is properly bogged and it's coming down and I think as a as a as an always go to always deflate always deflate we've made a a rookie area here absolutely rookie the shame I got a nice little chap he coming MOS Beque Oak always so helpful more so friendly and uh I don't know how much it's going to cost but you it's time for tires to be let down magic this is Adventure I'm going to try and IND deflate from the I don't know you guys can hear me with this brain in the GoPro thing but I'm going to try and IND flate from underneath the cover here Co tell you this r we they predicted it but I think it's caught us out a bit so I'm going to go low cuz this sand is soft so I'm going to go maybe to one and a half ball [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he what's wrong l no I'm a bit nervous I mean everyone made it through no problem but I got so much weight I went super low on the tires hopefully that helps but yeah enough nervous when the river Crossings and me we don't blend nowadays 100% go okay yeah good luck May godp speed be with you okay good luck Eddie [Music] [Music] I definitely overthought this Crossing but rather safe than sorry but overall it was super easy [Music] the kids jump onto the side of your vehicle for a lift to the nearest Village it's not ideal but we kept it as safe as we could and this is Africa after all and this is why we love it [Music] the Caravan it was so slippery this is the most incredible Adventure it's so slippery back there cuz this clay look at the car yeah it's this clay stuff and the car was going everywhere and the trailer was going everywhere just proper proper proper [Music] [Music] onwards through a rainy mosm Beque on a spectacular Road yes there are going to be a lot of driving shots in this episode but driving is part of the amazing experience of overlanding [Music] so it's crazy I mean we've been slipping and sliding all over the place now the rain is really really coming down eh um we are 45 km to the sangu or sangu border post I'm pretty sure we're not going to get there in time but we're in this thick moony felt and the rain is hosing down the mud puddles are filling up you have to watch where you go you have to watch where the cars being put and if we don't make it to the suu Border post then um we're probably going to have to Wild Camp so this is Adventure this is crazy crazy adventure I've got a new off-road trailer it's not new it's obviously secondhand but the bush La Miss crayer I don't know what's going on inside there but if I tell you it's been brilliant today I mean this is baptism by fire um first trip off the road for me with it and it is this is yeah it unbelievable an unbelievable Adventure so far and all I can say is I've done a proper test on this suspension [Music] today the most well one of the most amazing drives I've ever done I mean it's pouring with rain but check it this got another Little River Crossing uh underneath these huge trees talk magic checking area in the back of the Bush laer all seems good look at this dude this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] Adventure yes it's quicker to to go through bite bridge but we wanted to take that venturous route to gonar [Music] rour as it turned out um we're not going to make it all the way to bed you we it's now 4:00 qu 4 and we're just going to try and push to go pan my mate Jay from epic Africa they stayed at and he said it was amazing so I'm going to try and make it to the pan but we are at the sangu Zimbabwe mosm Beek border post so we're going to head into Zimbabwe at sangu and then into gour and to go pan yeah so just as I was saying that it's a fantastic Caravan there's two bush lck is here at the at the Zimbabwe mosm beak border where we thought there was going to be no one so how amazing is that [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we're we've been here for 2 hours at the Zimbabwe border post it's just a very slow process so yeah anyways it's half 6 now we're going to try and make it to gway pan set up camp there for the night it's already pitch black and the Zimbabwe side of the border is time really it takes a lot of time and expensive cost me, 150 R for the car and the trailer for 30 days in Zimbabwe so that has nothing to do with the park fees and stuff so I think that's quite expensive and um just bring cash in rans or cash in US Dollars the card machine is not working to pay for your temporary import permit of the vehicle and the trailer so just bring either rans in cash or Us doll but what a fantastic day it's been let's not get down about it these things happen it is Africa um and yeah let's head to gour we enter into the national park where we have another 2 hours to gor pan in the pitch do it's not ideal but it's always exciting to see where you wake up in the morning cleaning up some rubbish from inside the car got the trailer set up we had gware pan pulled in here super late the journey is long not distance but time we left inen at 8 half plus 8 only had 150 km to do and it took us the whole day because border crossings you cross essentially four borders so from South Africa to mosam then mosam to Zimbabwe so that's essentially two border crossings but four procedures and it takes a very long time especially the Zimbabwe Inside by sangu border post took us 2 and 1 half hours so but but let's not be negative we're at a pan that we arrived at at 9:00 I sh on the steadies out onto the pan and there were hundreds of Buffalo down here what a day of Adventure it poured the roads were slippery we had to cross the Lim poo and uh we rocked in here 9:00 at night all the lights were on we were on roads we've never been on the grass was up it was trees were closing in amazing amazing but let's be responsible this is one of the transit camps inside gour and we take our rubbish out with us so just be careful we're going to have a fire we're going to bury the ash we're going to take care of the rubbish I'm not sure what's on for dinner but what a day what a day [Music] [Music] and after a long day it's always great to catch up around the campfire [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh we got you a little bit late um but it was fun uh it is absolutely stunning here as you can see and uh today we heading to the director's Camp uh but we're stopping at chinda first uh there's some fuel there I think there's some ablutions um so we go around that it's it's only 80 km but it's slow going here so don't don't think this will be highway speeds right so good morning we are at the stunning gway pan like we said last night pulled in super late everything is wet and uh rained again last night night everything's muddy and wet and grimy and all that stuff but uh what a day of Adventure yesterday and uh we had some Buffalo here well one Buffalo moving around here earlier I think if you come here at a dry time of year you'll have elephants Buffalo hyenas Lions everything here so what a stunning spot we're making sure we're taking all our rubbish out with us uh burying where we had the coals and uh yeah the bush laa ready and hooked up to go to Chapa pools we're going to Chapa pools today to check into um the sort of camping part of gonoo and yeah then we're staying at director's Camp which I believe is near the cheloo cliffs which is the signature of gour uh every photo you see is generally those chojo Cliffs so yeah I'm looking forward to it time to pack up hit the road and uh yeah another great day in Zimbabwe judging by yes yesterday's travel times we were going to make a push for Chapa pools using the Transit Road outside the national park so we could maintain a good average speed [Music] the road was in good condition but watch out for livestock and people crossing the road [Music] [Music] get [Music] now we about to cross the rund River at I'm assuming Chapa pools I'm not 100% sure the tracks afria is taking us left so yeah the Runde river is to my left so we're going to cross it and uh what a day things got very real I don't know what Causeway this is but yeah it's a river crossing and it is a massive massive course way I was not expecting this this is a massive River Crossing maybe 500 600 M of water crossing check this out he inacessible no I don't think they would have closed it if it was inaccessible I know I don't know if i' uh go through that actually I don't know how deep it is it looks long yeah and deep what you reckon I don't know it's difficult to say how deep that is I mean look there in the middle we got a cross so Ryan and I are crossing first Bush laa and 100 series through the rund keny what you saying brother no I'm good I'm great this laer enjoy be safe man you try [Music] again a pretty big overreaction as the water level didn't even reach the running boards of the vehicle but with water you just never know and now we've got another little piece that we crossing here but uh yeah fantastic long Crossing but solid bottom so Happy Days [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we fill up our fuel and water tanks at the Chapa filling station and are eager to get to directors but as this is a new park for me it's just a privilege to be uh [Music] we climb the escarpment which produces exceptional views of the rund River we are rushed so don't have much time to film it but there will be more of this area in episode 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] absolute magic magic magic magic but a spot [Music] a [Music] right so on the way to director from Chapa and we've encountered our first herd of elephants now I've heard that the elephants in gour are hectic super aggressive obviously to do with the poaching that has happened over the last 20 30 years and uh yeah to be careful they are apparently proper so this is our first herd we are 18 km from the director's camp side and uh what a beautiful Park honestly what an absolutely stunning stunning Park and a gem I reckon and uh yeah it costs a lot to stay here but so far just the driving it's worth it what a gem what a gem but let's see what these alies [Music] do luckily these elephant ran the other way but first impressions is that there's plenty of wildlife here and I reckon the Rangers are doing an incredible job at protecting this area so we at the Crossing I'm assuming of the Runde River on the way to directors and what a lack a River to Cross I mean the the last Crossing has they have like stones underneath them so I'm not sure if all of them do but so I mean there's no risk of getting stuck it's just an enjoyable experience I think you guys are going to get tired of me saying it but what an absolute beautiful Park it's like Krueger it's honestly like the Kruger National Park but wild no fence in the campsite trees like the Krueger wow I got to sort out that rattle in the back I think is my table but check these impers out there as the sun sets and with the water level rather high it's time to cross fish's Causeway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what it's all about being in a special place with special people [Music] oh [Music] [Music] once again arriving at camp in the evening but we have three nights at directors so we are looking forward to a chill day tomorrow [Music] [Music] all and it's not long before we have our first dangerous visitor Ben you cooking for the masses tonight what have you cooked up so tonight we we've got a sweet bread on the fire um I'm also cooking up some P steak some chili V and uh for the veggie lovers just a little bit of a Millie there so I hope it's going to be good and um yeah looking forward to a good dinner right it's windy it rained last night but uh yeah we haven't had the best weather but we are at top five campsites that I've ever been to we are in bour at the director's Camp right on the river and uh we got elephants down there in the distance The chojo Cliffs also in the distance we had scorpions and snakes and elephant in Camp last night the bush laa set up fully for three days here three nights and uh what a place we can start relaxing what an Overland Adventure we had it all yesterday River Crossings man I'm so excited but like every day in the African bush Let's Get It Started properly with a good cup of coffee and then I'm going to sit and enjoy what is probably yeah scene out of a movie it's just incredible absolutely incredible so yeah what a privilege what a privilege [Music] [Music] is [Music] wow we are camped here at director's camp and we've got the beautiful chojo Cliffs behind us the sun has finally shown itself Now setting and the Tojo Cliffs are looking spectacular what a place camping at directors feels like the opportunity of a lifetime we were fortunate enough to partner up with the gonor is your conservation trust who have allowed us to capture the park from a different perspective but the camera will just never do places like this Justice [Music] camping underneath a tree big enough to shelter all our six vehicles from the Sun is truly amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] so here at director's camp we got an elephant right outside Camp he's literally right here cuz it's fantastic this is is um yeah overwhelming at its [Music] best the day was so chilled there was even time for an afternoon nap with our neighbors moving by for [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] right so it's actually the end of the day here at directors and because the last two days have been so action-packed and so much driving we've decided to chill here at directors today and uh the sun is popping out there in the background hopefully it uh keeps coming through and hopefully tomorrow we have some sun for the batteries but look at this look at this chojo cliffs in the background absolutely unbelievable what a stunning campside place is going to be a problem because it's so close and uh going to have to going to want to come here often often often so wow wow what privilege what a day just to chill the SS the guinea files the Franklins tomorrow morning we'll go for game drive maybe to the top of the chojo cliffs there's a Viewpoint there called chojo View and uh such a unique landmark of gour every photo you see of it it's got those The chojo Cliffs so yeah what a day [Music] take yourong was you you just like a fantastic man we uh had a bit of a rest day today [Music] more good times around the fire this is what life is all [Music] about off to bed for an early night before an amazing moment that I will never forget [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] he [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] right good morning I don't know what day of the adventure it is this morning was one of the best moments in my life because woke up early making a coffee looking down the rund River and in the distance I saw some animals walking across far away always take the binoculars to check and uh wild dogs or African painted dogs I think there was around 13 to 16 of them and they walked right pretty much right past our campsite on the opposite side to see wild dog in Africa is always very rare and always a privilege but to watch from our campsite with the sun coming up over the chojo cliffs gour just impressing me every day but everything's packed up we've had our coffees we're going to take a drive I think to chojo view what a start to the day what a start to the day let's make it happen it's around 20 km to the Viewpoint and tracks for Africa is doing a great job so far that being said the condition of the roads and the sign Edge in gour has been truly [Music] amazing I've seen photos and videos of this viewpoint but nothing prepares you for the scale of these enormous Cliffs and once again the camera will just never if it do it justice [Music] show show [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's amazing huh it is stunning the view from up here our camp is just down there down the river there don't jump darl I'm not going to try not to jamping down there one that's one that's two while the gents enjoy the view K and I cook up some bacon and egg croissant [Music] [Music] [Music] man we're making a breakfast this morning or brunch or lunch and how's your stay in gu your been so far it's been awesome it's been awesome W up this morning to the wild dogs dinas this morning was amazing beautiful very angry elephant on the way back to fishing's Causeway he these elephants here are proper proper proper proper [Music] moving hey we had to put foot we had to put foot to you can we wanted to go check out what fishing's Causeway looked like in the daylight and it definitely didn't [Music] disappoint right so just got a shot of everyone crossing the fishing's causeway now it's time for me to Cross to the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this 24-year-old vehicle continues to amaze me it's taken my family and I over 420,000 km in its lifetime it's reliable and a pleasure to drive out here and goes to show you don't always need a brand new vehicle to get out here the most important thing is to Pro prioritize Adventure [Music] [Music] right so we back at camp and it's my turn to cook tonight so doing the traditional Lego Lam POI I haven't done this one in a while and because there's so much pressure cuz there's so many people I thought let me stick to what I know but can I remember how to do it well we'll see so far so good so we've got the lap the bush lap is awning out and we are cooking what is hopefully a magic meal with the chojo Clips in the background there was an elephant here and uh yeah another fantastic day fantastic day in honor is your this is our final evening at directors and I just never want to leave what a campsite and what an experience it's one I will never forget [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's early morning here directors and this Lon right next to the campsite just heard them go off now literally just in the bushes behind here the baboons were going off the lions are sounding fairly close so Ben and I just jumped in the car let's go see if we can find [Music] them we couldn't find the Lions so we went back to Camp to pack up and head further north to our next campsite shto we crossed fishings again and opt to head to chov on the Northern Bank this ended up being the most challenging ing Road during our stay in gour but still wasn't bad at all thick green mopani felt with their occasional Creek Crossing and magnificent trees [Music] [Music] the [Music] right so it's actually been another long day on the road the distances are not far like I've been saying but it's slow going um not bad conditions but up and over and some rocky sections but we've just approached the shov causeway over the rund River so across the rund back to the other side and we're going to cross the river at a very very very wide part of the river wow that's very wide so we'll see how that goes but look at this [Music] [Music] [Music] don't [Music] as the wind blows in some more storm clouds it just didn't seem like we could escape the rain but we take in this amazing and unique scenery we're not far now that we've crossed the river 2.6 km from shov exclusive campsite I don't know if you guys can see but look at that Sunset behind me wow f this is Magic what a place say this is going to become a problem this place Krueger National Park on steroids not necessarily the game amount I mean we've seen some awesome stuff but uh it got a angry elephant on the right but in terms of scenery krer National Park on steroids it's almost like the people who decided where the campsite should be located chose the most beautiful areas in the park and chave was no exception [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] driv the [Music] [Applause] the rund river is a tributary of the Savi River major Tri tries of the rund include the ngazi River to River M river and chedi river another goal of ours on this trip was to cross each Causeway of the rund River with the BAM Causeway being the only one that's inaccessible at this time of year in episode 2 Ryan and I will be heading right North where the rund meets the SA [Music] like I said most of these campsites are absolutely spectacular and located right on the edge of the Runde so they are always spectacular views and amazing night sounds [Music] [Music] she told is also one of the campsites in gour where you are allowed to fish and Ki wasn't messing around [Music] [Music] all right so on an afternoon drive here at chov I've got Daryl in the car laer is this and um yeah we're going to drive along to the causeway and hopefully find some Wildlife we saw some elephant a bit further down so hopefully we get them up close but uh clouds are proper proper thick so no solar so let's take a drive to charge those batteries and enjoy [Music] [Applause] we cross the causeway to the flood plane on the opposite bank and the vultures give us confidence that we might find the lions that we heard the previous evening [Music] we also managed to find a herd of elephant that weren't too camera shy [Music] [Music] fore [Music] Daryl what you saying about that Bri that's incredible see how they're protecting those little babies in between they all just gather around properly can't get to that baby there's no chance but it's amazing and it's the second time I've been here it's one I think it's one of those places that gets better every time you come think you see a bit more and you experience more [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] and um yeah I've just replaced suspension in this car feels quite amazing I must say so it's my first time in a 100 that I'm driving with a suspension but um the customers we've sold them to previously have absolutely loved them and it is cly but tell it's very comfortable I could easily fall asleep sitting here driving through the B time is always the issue and it was already time to head back to to Camp where we passed heard after her of elephant give them their space and you'll be okay [Music] just we are here at the GTO campsite just did a minutt can drive down the RO River the CH cway as always and like a cway b of for challenge to get through the water is deep so always lack a bit of fun as well in the backgr is the water bu coming down to everything on the game drive we saw elant elephant zebra uh blue wilderbeast lots of ples gang that side we've got elephants coming down a whole H for a drink so what more do you want for Wonder ni One yeah I'm sure people what's that gu that's awesome eh it's unfortunately time to leave shitov there and what an amazing campsite it was and head back towards Chapa [Music] pools so yeah just had a laer breakfast or brunch here at chus viewpoint where we were the other day and uh can't get enough of this view eh wow second last day with everyone here in gour and yeah not great we're going to miss them all absolute legends that we love traveling with and uh yeah great memories great memories once again Ryan and I are staying on for a little while so we'll decide where we're going to stay the drives are a little bit long not in terms of distance but terms of time but have a look at that absolutely amazing so yeah we're going to chill here a bit longer then maybe go to Chuli campsite which is a developed Camp so we can stock up on water maybe even dump our rubbish there we're not sure what the rules are so we're going to make sure that we follow the rules but we've got so much rubbish with us if I tell you the amount of rubbish we collect um in the bags is unbelievable so yeah we're going to try and see if we can dump that ethically somewhere and uh enjoy gour for the last two days with everyone then Ryan and I will carry [Music] on we end up staying at the stunning Chuli campsite but I will show you more of Chuli when Ryan and I come back here and unfortunately it's now time to say goodbye to Great mates [Music] [Music] thank you Legend by Donkey for everything Chris drive safe thank you so much awesome to spend time with you again nice to meet you and spend time same Edie you must keep well look yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't dream you hey hey hey I'm so close there elephant just here like like literally literally behind our bright grid across the road at the ablu blocks is a big bull old old bull elephant right so it's been an eventful day everyone else left unfortunately it's been an absolute honor and privilege to have everyone on this trip it's been amazing uh but yeah everyone had to go back to work and Ryan and myself our work is here at gour we've got the rund river behind us a fire going wild camp we just had an elephant pass the car in the trailer now and we've got hippos crocodiles it's like camping in the Krueger National Park but wild no fences it's truly amazing amazing and um yeah we're just going to chill here today and tomorrow catch up clean camera gear dump foottit etc etc time to crack that first ice cold beer cheers [Music] right y check it that how crazy is that dude he that's like that's like that's like 15 M from us so it's down a bank and obviously you can see we've set up camp here but this hippo just came out of well not nowhere it came out the river but just shine there there it is see how magic is that the night sounds here are going off lovely wow how's that be now we always use this phrase but this is Magic this is is magic magic magic Ryan what are we cooking up tonight so so so tonight we've got a little starters which is a little chicken Society uh from Del Butchery in uh Johannesburg and then we are going to do some pros now the whole trip I was supposed to do Pros but everyone else either their nights shuffled to do their night for dinner or they just kicked in to do their dinner so we got preo Steak Rolls booty and I'm going to throw in a little bit of something something just to make it taste [Music] what you got going on you idiot bacon eggs behind us and mushrooms for breakfast going to get a nice kickart to the day already had our coffee and a a spit chili Cool Wind pulling through the back of the campsite here but a hot breakfast warm us up and get us ready for the day we got to film few walk arounds few product videos so yeah let's kick off the day right with a cooked breakfast another great part of the gonner is your campsites is you don't have to drive anywhere to enjoy the wildlife you can enjoy it from the comfort of your camping chair and that is exactly what Chapa pools is all about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right so uh time to start the fire using the champ fire lighters as always you only need one little bit to get this wood going so yeah starting a fire on the edge of the runder river absolutely fantastic there's a Croc massive Croc pulling through now and uh what a peaceful scene I know we always got on about it but um yeah let's get the fire [Applause] going uh the bird calls here and the bird life has been unbelievable aramar babler Brown hooder king fisher red bu wood hoop pooo yellow bu stalk saddle bu stalk Emerald spoted wood Dove which you can hear going off now giant king fisher pied king fisher wattled Plover we're just having a nice g&t thanks to our mate Jay for our awesome Hammer cups we're missing you Legend so uh yeah we're going to have a nice g&t but fantastic day here Chapa awesome bathroom awesome campsite awesome facilities for right so we've had an absolutely amazing day here at chinda pools just caught up on everything clean camera gear dump footage try to get back on track with the batteries because we haven't had any um Sun for the past what's it about 7 days but yeah we got closer not quite there how amazing is this uh yeah just went on camera to say that we've had a good day but words cannot describe these scenes in front of me fire going hippos right here crocodiles right here water duck Ops or thick knees going off scops owl Pearl spotted owl and the hippo is going crazy it is absolutely amazing Chapa pools a fantastic campsite don't think just cuz it's a developed campsite that you shouldn't come here developed means it's got good ablutions that's it the distance between you and your neighbor is more than enough you've got the nice facilities but it's unfenced it's wild we had elephant walk right through here yesterday and yeah this is brilliant and all you people that say stop saying it's so brilliant and nice and everything like that well what am I supposed to say that it's bad cuz it's not it is amazing truly amazing so all right it's a noise behind the campsite there hey you know what we're in a wild wild campsite there's no fences in gour and that's one of the really really amazing things but we can hear something in the trees we think it's elephant because they've been screaming all day and uh we can't see them so I think they just just beyond but I'll tell you what is quite lacky is having a big powerful torch I tell you what this thing is like daylight show come grab as much as you want all you can eat spare hey what's happening there buddy morning M well we've woken up on a cold morning that's right cold morning here at gour we are entering winter here in Africa and uh the wind is blowing and it's a cold wind but um yeah it's been a great morning so far we've got a good live Aon catching fish we've got a burnt jacket which I don't know when it happened which I'm a bit upset about but we got a good cup of coffee and we've got some Rangers that are actually going to pull through to our campsite now and we're going to do a little interview because they also wear the same shoes that we're wearing on this trip and for our adventures the gym green these are the FES and we also have the I think it's the African rain boots ehh African Ranger boots African Ranger boots and we love them and it's quite a interesting story and a beautiful story about the Rangers of gour they are some of the best in the world so yeah they're going to come through and we're going to chat to Callum and the Rangers and find out what's what um and find out how their jym greens are cuz I mean we're putting them to the test but these guys are walking long distances every day for years with these boots and yeah let's see what they got to say I think it's going to be interesting I'm sure they see some amazing stuff here in gour when they're out there so yeah it's finished cup of coffee and enjoy the day and also to be out in the bush there for that long it's not not easy it's not easy what do they sleep in do they SLE so Callum what makes Jim greens perfect for gon's terrain the Jim green boot is filled the massive Gap that we had um it's a very rugged Park it's vast 5,000 sare km we've got over 200 ranges and we needed a sustainable supplier and we needed a very rugged boot to manage with the distance uh that the Rangers cover over all sorts of difficult ter [Music] Rend gour is in the remote Southeast corner of Zimbabwe sharing a border on its East with mosm and Southwoods with South Africa via the sangu chapes corridor the park borders the jamanda community Conservancy in the north and the malati Safari area and bossman's Community camp in the South like Kum said the terrain is extremely challenging and if the jym greens are the go-to boots for these Rangers well they'll definitely work on our adventures as well we've been using them for the past 3 years and we've been loving them and there are also a company that clearly really supports conservation so they get an A+ in my books our catch up and restock session at Chapa pools also gave us an opportunity to open the tracks for Africa Atlas and plan our Northern gour adventure for the next few days [Music] [Music] sh [Music] okay so I know it's not going to use this but Ed's got a lacker lacker laer bit of gadgetry that I think everyone needs to consider earing it's quite expensive not too much but I think what you pay for is what you get and this is a great bit of Kit so over the last 4 or 5 days EDS alternator has been pushing power to his auxiliary batteries I.E the lithiums in the back and uh what's that what that is meant is basically his starter battery is being diminished of power so over time he's been battling to start the Cruiser 100 series up and with this bit of Kit it changes all of that have a look at this so it comes in a little bag small little bag and it comes with two USB a USB C to C and a USB 3 to C so you can charge either way and uh a power bank so a power bank for your phone so you can uh charge your phone or whatever else through those USBS plus a USBC and a light I'm not exactly sure to switch the light on that one out later but it's a quite a potent light and then these jumper cables now this car it's 100 series 1 HD FTE which means it comes with two cranking batteries that's a cranking power it needs to start and we're going to be so flat that it's not even going to crank watch so completely flat now this can start this is the top of the range one you get I think three models or two models this is the um top of the range I stand to be corrected but I think it'll start a v 12 diesel or V8 Diesel and a V12 petrol or a V12 Diesel and a 16 cylinder petrol um it'll jump started I don't know how many times the maximum we've gotten is about four times between all the different Vehicles cuz we all seem to be having these problems um so yeah let's connect her up and see if she'll get the 100 going again we've been stuck here now or not stuck here we've been chilling out for 2 days so I'm assuming the battery is properly properly flat so I was supposed to replace these batteries before we came cuz they have quite a bit of time on them but it's not always the case you can't always do what you want to do let's see if this tiny little item can start up this 100 just evening how amazing is that completely dead two batteries didn't even have to turn the key twice one time nothing think that's impressive fling fling impressive in fact so impressive I think I'm going to try and get one absolutely and according to this thing it hasn't even dropped a light but we're always going to keep it fully charged in case you know you can have a brand new car battery Ryan on his last trip had a brand new car battery if there is a problem like your tracking unit or something is pulling power from that battery just keep this guy fully charged you never know when you need to use it so we're going to head up to reception now pay for our accommodation going forward pay for our wood pay for our supplies hopefully the 100 has some time to start up and uh charge up Happy Days right so we've come back up here to the main office and Juliana to uh book the rest of our stay and as it turns out it's Bob will school holidays and the park is uh pretty full which is fantastic is fantastic to see so all our ideas of staying at chojo which is actually closed at the moment uh and then uh chati is gone out the window but we've made a plan uh we're going to stay two more at Chuli uh one more night at Chapa then we're going to go to Bam for two nights and then we're going to go are we going to monama and yeah mzi mzi for two nights then after that L for two nights then L for two nights and then we're going to go to Chuli for one night on the way out and then make our way out the park okay so we paid two nights already for chip may be time for a cold one to celebrate I reckon it's the end of the day our first one of the the day let's have a cold one and celebrate our bookings because I'll tell you what this place is busy this place is CED and I'll tell you we're actually very very very lucky as you can hear I mean the Sun is going down in the background the clouds are out the insects are going crazy we got Guinea files down the road there the light is amazing these green M trees with the brown roads and the clouds hey it does not get any better it really does not get any better so yeah we're going to have a cold one sit on the tailgate of the car and just enjoy this scene in front of us I mean you're at the main gate but you got the proud flags of Zimbabwe there a fantastic head office for gonor everything is clean everything is spotless card machine works they got wood there oh we need to lot our wood forgot about that uh yeah little bit windy but nothing can take away from it let's have a cold one oh those are cheap GR I love this fridge let's be honest come on man cheers buddy another fantastic adventure and another hard and tough day in [Music] Africa what happened dud so I thought just enjoy the nice Bush sounds not of the car running for about the last half an hour and the battery didn't last half an hour so it's time for the red e again I think this thing is going to come up clutch on this trip because these batteries are in a bit of trouble if your star a battery or batteries need to be replaced before the trip just do it doesn't matter how much it costs just do it cuz for the first seven days these were fine but with the lack of sun the alternator pretty much just pushing charge to the back batteries we've been caught out [Music] another amazing day in Zimbabwe comes to an end and it's time to end this episode thank you for watching and in part two Ryan and I head further north in gour for the adventure of a life Life Time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Edward Bath
Views: 98,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Africa, Camping, Overlanding, Landcruiser, Trailer, Landcruiser 200, 200 Series, Overland Vlog, Adventure, Botswana Wet Season, Offroad, 4 Wheel Drive, 4X4, Overlanding Escape, Self Drive In Africa, 4X Overland, Wild Camping, 200 Series Overlander, Elephant, Lion, Zimbabwe Parks, Gonarezhou National Park, Overlanding Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Overlanding, Zimbabwe Self Drive, Overlanding in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tourism
Id: C_hI0_sPBro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 37sec (6457 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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