Overcoming Trauma | Finding Healing and Hope through Jesus | Pastor Robert Morris Sermon

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and I just want you to know that I've been on a journey that when I was 19 I gave my life to Jesus but everything that had happened to me as a boy didn't get come go away right at that moment and I've been getting healed and I'm 61 and I'm still getting healed so I'm going to do something that I've I've never done the Holy Spirit started speaking to me during worship and that is I'm going to share with you some trauma that happened to me as a child that affected our marriage and I feel like that um there are many of you here that have tremendous marriage problems because of Trauma from your childhood that has never been healed and we're going to ask the Lord to heal it so um I'm gonna just sit down and I'm gonna I want to just talk to you like we're in the living room if you don't mind um I uh what I'm about to share with you I just shared with Debbie for the first time five years ago so she knew all about my moral past you know about that I was extremely immoral drugs alcohol things like that I got saved nine months after we got married I thought I had was saved I made a childhood commitment at eight made another 12 made another one in 15. three should have been enough you know but I didn't give my life to Christ until I was 19. we got married at 18. and I was in a motel room when I gave my life to Christ many of you have heard that called Jake's motel room 12. um it was not a high dollar Place believe me they only had 13 rooms and um I didn't take room 13 I thought it was unlucky and um so um anyway I uh but the reason I gave my life to Christ was because I Debbie and I got married and I saw Jesus for the first time in a real person I met I met someone that knew Jesus that didn't just go to church and God began to work in my life pretty quickly and I started preaching and then pretty soon I was preaching large venues and being at 20 21 22 years old and um then I learned about inner healings which brought tremendous healing in my life and then learned about Deliverance brought tremendous Freedom learned about the baptism in the Holy Spirit started learning things and started kind of growing up in the Lord but there was a part of my life that I had stuff back that um I didn't even I didn't even have memories and um about seven years ago I called a pastor a friend of mine that you would know his name if I said his name and I I emailed him and said hey would you introduce me to Dr Henry cloud and you all know Dr cloudy's been here before and um he emailed back immediately and said hey you know do we need to go talk do we need to go to he had a lake house so we need to go to the lake house are you okay what's going on you know with so many pastors falling morally and all he was very concerned and I said no I just feel like I need to talk to someone and I don't even know why but here I am very successful in what God's called me to do and yet I'm still very um insecure very emotionally unstable many many times and I I just want to um talk to you because I just feel like that sometimes you might look at someone you see on the platform and think that they've got it all together and that they've never had any problems or that all of my problems went away when I got saved and so this was seven years ago and I I was I was saying to the elders I need some help I need some professional help I need to go basically if you know Dr Cloud I need to go all the way to the top you know I need to get the fourth member of the Trinity here to help me and so um Henry knew of me but he and I never met and so because of this friend saying I'd really like you to talk to him he said I'll talk to him but I don't have time to start meeting with him and um I'll recommend someone locally in the area so Henry called me and we started talking in about 30 minutes into it um he uh he started crying on the phone and he said Robert uh and I didn't expect this from a psychologist I knew Henry was a Christian but I didn't know what Christian meant to him you know I just said no because I didn't know him that well but he said the Holy Spirit just spoke to me and and I'm going to make time in my schedule and you and I are going to start meeting and we started meeting four times a year for a whole day and um two years into it he said to me I want to talk about something today um and it's going to be tough for you to talk about and so I said um okay he said I want to know the I want you to talk about the abuse that you went through from age three to age 10. and uh I was flooded with these memories that I haven't I had not had for 35 40 years at that time I guess flooded and I just pushed some down so deeply you know and I'm I'm sharing because during the during the worship the holy spirit said to me there are couples literally here on the verge of divorce or you have blow-ups in your marriage you have insecurity I believe for years Debbie was going to leave I didn't believe our marriage would last um because I knew I felt like once she really knows how messed up I am you know she'll leave and um so it goes back to a little bit that I've shared with you but when my mother was 16 years old her father was murdered I shared this maybe I don't remember how many years ago but um I shared it I publicly and I called her that week to ask her if I could share about it because I felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to share she was 79 years old he was murdered when she was 16. she had not talked about it for 63 years and he was shot four times in the chest and they brought him out um they put blocks of ice back then they didn't have ice in bags they had Big Blocks that they would carry with the cube the little Cube carriers you know they laid him on a cotton in the yard and put they would put these blocks of ice on his chest and it would they would just melt almost immediately because of the blood and um no child should ever have to see that but there weren't any counselors there weren't any school counselors there weren't any uh there weren't churches like Gateway around and other churches like us there weren't churches that talked about inner healing or the baptism in the Holy Spirit the power of the Holy Spirit they used to call the Holy Spirit it we need it they didn't call him him um and then the churches that did talk about the Holy Spirit were crazy you know I mean let's be honest so um I remember there were two churches in the town I grew up in that talked about the Holy Spirit one of them the ladies didn't wear any makeup and the other one the war ladies wore way too much makeup so I knew if I ever believed in the holy spirit either way I'm going to marry an ugly woman you know so this will help me not to cry unless if I put some humor in this but I'm talking to some of you and um because you had some trauma that is affecting your marriage I'm telling you the holy spirit's going to heal it in your marriage is going to get healed because you're going to get healed and so um because no one helped my mother through that my mother was her mother let me say this was 42 years old when she was born her children were in their 20s because she got married at an early age my grandmother got married at an early age back then they would get married 14 15 16 years old you know and so she didn't want another child and but to help have helped make ends meet she kept children in her home and my mother knew she wasn't wanted by her mother and um but my mother my grandmother would show kindness to these other children but not to my mother and so my mother did not bond with her mother in the first five years of her life and it's very important that a child bonds with his or her mother so she didn't know how to bond with me and my sister and she also was afraid that if she bonded with us that um that we would somehow be taken away from her like her father was and she went through a very difficult time I was named Robert after my grandfather who was murdered and he owned a dairy but he was a lay preacher he started Central Baptist Church in El Dorado Arkansas which is still in existence to the state and so I was named Robert to carry on the ministry which he died before he could finish but because my name was Robert um and I was named after her father and she felt like the only one that loved her left her she didn't know how to handle those feelings toward me which those feelings then turned into abuse and so um I re I I was on a retreat one time praying or they said go pray by yourself for 24 hours don't talk to anyone and I kept asking the Lord where's the root of this rejection in my life I expect everyone to reject me and so I reject people before they can reject me and the Lord showed me this scene we were in Austin my father was getting his degree from the University of Texas and I was about three years old and so um even at three you don't I don't know how many memories you have of when you were three but I I Never Had A Memory before you know when I was three but I saw it very clearly my mother and father were in the kitchen cooking preparing the meal and I walked in and I said to my mother um why am I named Robert and she said because my daddy was named Robert and I said where is he and she slammed this plates the the pan down and said he left us and she stormed out of the room and I saw that the Holy Spirit brought it to my mind and so I called my father after that and I said do you remember any time in my childhood that I asked why I was named Robert and he said oh yeah I remember it very distinctly and I said well tell me about it he said we were living in Austin and I was going to finishing up my degree at University of Texas and we were making dinner one night in the kitchen and you came in and you asked why you were named Robert and your mother said because you're my daddy was saying Robert and you said where is he and she said he left us and she slammed the dishes down and left the room saw that in a vision and he confirmed it and he I said why do you remember that so clearly and he said because your mother went through a very difficult season after that it brought back a memory my my mother and father were married 10 years before she ever told him that her father was was murdered she just couldn't talk about it when I talked to her when she was 79 about it remember she went 63 years without talking about it the week before she had gone to a memorial service for someone in her family and her cousin was there and she and her cousin sit and talked for three hours about the day her dad father was shot and it was the first time she had ever talked about it in 63 years and so the Lord Was preparing her so the next week I called her you know and asked her I'd like to tell the congregation about this are you okay with that and she said I am and she told me about this conversation so she had gotten some inner healing because she'd finally gotten to talk to someone about it so during that time of my life um because my mother didn't know how to bond she she didn't bond with her mother she didn't know how to bond with us and then because of my name being her father's name um there was a lot of abuse during that time and there was a lot of anger my sister I told you I was in high school I went into drugs and things like that my sister was cheerleader and most popular of our high school and I'm not saying this to embarrass my sister at all she's very open and honest she's doing well really now but she's been married and divorced five times and she's been through a lot of counseling and because of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and interheating deliverance I got a lot of freedom freedom to do what God's called me to do but five years ago Henry said to me Robert we've been meeting two years you've never told me one memory from the time you were three until you were ten and he said I want you to tell me about the abuse that you received from your mother it was just a word of knowledge that the Holy Spirit gave him and all these memories came flooded back to me and so for the first time I talked about it about it and then he said I know that was hard to talk about we talked about it all morning I in memory after memory flood me and what we would do is I would fly out there Debbie would go with me and Henry and I would meet in the morning 9 to 12 12 30 something like that and then we would go to lunch with Debbie then we would meet in the afternoon and Henry's office is right by Rodeo Drive and so Debbie would go walking around Rodeo Drive no she never bought anything because we can't afford Rodeo Drive actually we can but she doesn't know that so joking we can't um so but that was kind of our our thing and so Henry said to me said at lunch I'd like for Debbie to meet with us this afternoon and I said I don't want Debbie to meet with us this afternoon he said I know you don't but you need to talk about this you need to talk to her about this and so she heard it for the first time five years ago most of you know my mother passed away two years ago she had two strokes and she lived for 18 days after those two strokes I don't know what happened with these two strokes but it's almost like it erase some memories and for those 18 days my mother and I talked like we've never talked before it was a gift from God she told me how she wasn't wanted when she was a child she told me how her mother kept other children and loved them but didn't love her she told me she knew that when I was growing up that she couldn't love me she asked my forgiveness she told me she knew that she had abused me and again she asked my forgiveness and I told Debbie for 18 days I saw what my mother could have been like if she could have ever gotten free but she couldn't get free there was no one that could help her there was no one that could help her talk through process what had happened now I've never never planned on sharing this and I'm not sharing details with you because there's no reason to so I was verbally abused I was physically abused and this other was not by my mother I just want to make that clear but I was sexually abused as a child so I know what it is to be abused and I know what it is to do your best try to live for God but it's You're Going Through Hell on the inside some of you are going to get healed this is going to shock you what I'm about to tell you because you're going to get saved tonight when my mother was in the third or fourth grade the second her her teacher Sunday school teacher told the whole class about the Plan of Salvation he said now today when the altar is given we're all going to go down and you're all going to publicly profess Christ as your savior well she had to do it because her whole class was doing it she believed in Jesus her whole life my father told me I I when the Lord spoke this to me I felt like I wanted to warn my father because he's here that I needed to talk about this publicly and just make sure that I had his Blessing to talk about it and he said I want you to talk about it and he told me this and this first time I've ever heard this he said after you and you and your sister left you know your mother went through some more difficulty and she came one day and she told him she was probably 50 years old at this time and she told him this is how I made my public profession of Faith of Christ and she said but I don't think I'm saved because I've never given my life to Jesus because you see Jesus took her daddy that's all she knew that's what the pastor said the Pastor said that Jesus needed her daddy in heaven so he came and took him that's what my mother heard Jesus didn't take her daddy he received her daddy when the devil killed him when a drunk man shot him four times on the chest but Jesus didn't take her daddy she didn't want to give her life to Jesus not to the person that took her daddy I'm just trying to tell you that many of you have been through some real trauma in your life and that's what's wrong with your marriage and The Wraith the way that God's going to heal your marriage is he's going to heal you but some of you need to give your life to Jesus some of you made a childhood profession of your faith in Christ and you walk down an aisle and you got baptized but you're a grown man now and you're calling the shots and I'm only telling you this because I love you you don't know Jesus but you're gonna know him but before you can get healed you're going to have to give him control of your life and the reason you've been in control is because somebody controlled you when you were a child somebody hit you when you were too small to fight back and somebody touched you where they shouldn't have touched you when you were too small to fight back and somebody said some mean things to you when you were too small to say anything back but you're grown now and you've been controlling your life because you didn't want to ever be controlled again but you need to give control of your life to Jesus that's the only way you're going to be healed Jesus is the only one that can help you I promise and I just want you to know that I've been on a journey that when I was 19 I gave my life to Jesus but everything that had happened to me as a boy didn't get com go away right at that moment and I've been getting healed and I'm 61 and I'm still getting healed and so I want to pray a prayer of inner healing for you but the first thing I want to do is I want to ask some of you to give control of your life to Jesus so I'd like for you just to close your eyes and I'd like for you just to wait your eyes closed just have a moment alone with God and the first thing I want you to do whether you're saved don't know if you're saved wherever you are in your relationship with God I want everybody here to do this I want you to give Jesus control of your life right now just in your own way I want you to tell him Lord I'm tired of running my own life I'm tired of being scared I'm tired of being insecure some of you lost a pairing when you were young some of you lost a sibling some of you were touched and you shouldn't have been touched where you were touched and you're doing the best you can I'm not here to condemn you I'd be the last one on this Earth to try to condemn anybody but I'm just asking you to just give your life to Jesus right now no matter how long you've been going to church no matter what you've been doing even if you got radically saved 25 years ago I'm asking you just once again to just give Jesus full control just asking him to forgive you for taking control back and just give him control of your life and then I'm going to do something that's going to be tough for some of you but if you experienced some trauma like I talked about some sexual abuse some physical abuse some verbal abuse but you experience some trauma as a child that you know still affects you to this day I'm going to ask you to do something it'll be hard but it won't be as hard as you think it will I'm going to ask you just to put your hand just put your hand up and then put it right back down just right now right now if as you just you can just put it up and then you just put it right back down I experienced some trauma that I know affects me to this day it affects you when you get in a fight with your wife you don't know how many times I chewed Debbie out but I was really chewing my mom out you don't know how many times that I've chewed out another man but I was actually cheering out the man that abused me when I was young we live in a fallen world and we've all had horrible things happen to us but the Bible says that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and it says he came to set it Liberty those who have been bruised that word bruised means crushed your soul was crushed and Jesus came to set you free to set you at Liberty it's not going to be an insecure for all your marriage problems but it's going to put you a long way down the road I promise you
Channel: Pastor Robert Morris
Views: 525,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastor robert morris, robert morris, robert morris sermons, pastor robert morris sermons, pastor robert, childhood trauma, marriage challenges, unresolved childhood wounds, hope and healing, healing in jesus, hope in jesus, broken area of our lives, struggling in marriage, healing marriage, marriage advice, journey of healing, trauma, coping with trauma, overcoming trauma, god, jesus, rm76, r7m6, pr76m, r67m, 76rm, overcoming trauma robert morris, jesus power to overcome trauma
Id: l14PCQI6Xw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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