Healing the Orphan Spirit | Dec. 6, 2020 | Guest - Leif Hetland

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] hey well good morning and welcome to northland's church my name is tyler i'm one of the pastors here and it's your very first time tuning in a special welcome to you to give you an idea of what to expect in our time together we're going to start our morning off with a time of worship after that i'm excited for you to hear a testimony from one of our members here at northland's melissa grasso and then from there we are excited to have one of our friends and family members leif hetland with us to deliver a very special message uh to the church i'm excited for you to hear this message before we dive into worship though would you join me in prayer lord thank you so much for today thank you so much for your presence and the goodness that is all over our lives because of your mercy and grace that you give us freely lord i pray that you would meet each of our families here wherever we are whatever day of the week that we might be tuning in and watching this service i just pray that you would meet us where we are and you would transform our hearts and our minds would you lead and guide us into truth and as a scripture say lord we just want to say thank you for making the boundary lines of our life fall in pleasant places watch over us today and this week in the week ahead in jesus name amen let's worship together come alive come alive come alive dry bones come alive come alive come alive dry bones awake our eyes inhale the light and come alive come [Music] until you're covered in life and the valleys bloom [Music] feel a change in the air before the ground is dry but the clouds are overhead yeah i'll sing it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you waiting on heaven or is it waiting on you for the holy is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] get up and rise rise [Music] so leave those shackles in the grave now and dance like you are young you do not have to live in chains now there's a key within your song so leave the past where it belongs now and take a leap into the light [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] and come alive come alive you were the word at the beginning one with god the lord most high you're hidden glory in creation now revealed in you are christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is and nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus you didn't want heaven without us so jesus my sin was great your love was greater so what could what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my what a wonderful name it is and nothing compares to this what a wonderful name is what a wonderful name it is that name of jesus [Music] yes you're the name above every name [Music] hold the name above every name [Music] it's jesus jesus jesus and death could not hold you the veil [Music] [Applause] the praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] before i took a breath you breathed me you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming never-ending [Music] reckless [Music] i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never ending reckless [Music] your love is pouring out [Music] when i was your foe still your love fought for me you have been so so good to me yes you had when i felt no worth you paid it all for me you have been so so kind to me yes [Applause] i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never ending reckless [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] coming [Music] coming after me [Music] coming after me [Music] you won't tear oh it chases [Music] still you give yourself away reckless the reckless [Music] oh it chases me down fights till [Music] oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless [Music] so worthy so worthy [Music] you [Music] you lay it down to rest [Music] such an awesome [Music] such an awesome god so selfless so generous so faithful you are [Music] i the table is set for me [Music] for you are the living bed [Music] so generous so faithful you are [Music] and nothing comes close to the lord [Music] nothing comes close to the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so generous so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so generous [Music] scripture says a sign and a scribe to god the glory to his name bring an offering worship him in the splendor of his holiness we ascribe to god the glory we declare who he is our perspectives change our circumstances change so join us right now wherever you're at lift up your voice lift up your heart describe glorious scribe greatness to him for he is worthy that he is worthy of it the name of god is mercy [Music] the name of god is love [Music] the name of god [Music] and it's is down on us it's pouring down on us name of god is and it's pouring down on us it's pouring down and it's pouring down it's pouring down on us [Music] it's pouring down [Music] such an awesome car so my so holy so wonderful such an awesome god so selfless so generous so faithful you are and we make room for you yeah we make room for you and we make room for you come on say that with me oh when we make room for you yeah we make room for you yeah we make room for you yes we do yes we do oh when we make room for you yes we do yes we do we make room for you all when we make room for you right [Music] for here we do yes we do right here and now we do oh and we make room for you [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] yes we do [Music] we make [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lord [Music] trust in the name of [Music] trust in the name of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we make room for an awesome god [Music] we make room for a mighty god oh when we make room for a god is pouring out on us who's pouring out on us who's [Music] ain't nothing comes close to the lord almighty and nothing as sweet as his love and mercy and nothing comes close to the lord and nothing has swing that's just [Music] yeah lord we do we make room for you we make room for awesome and a mighty and a powerful god we also make room for a selfless and a generous god pour it out on us lord whatever you have for us we make room for it and we say pour it out on us in jesus name [Music] amen well once again i just want to say thank you so much to our worship team and leading us so well in just a moment we're going to continue on with our service we've got a great testimony lined up from melissa grasso and we're really excited to have one of our dear friends life hetlan with us to deliver this morning's message now just to stay connected to our community and stay up to date on all the information that's what's happening here we would love for you to go to northlands.church forward slash newsletter there you'll find all the resources and information you need to stay connected and while we're waiting for the service to start check out these invitations [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for you worthy for you alone are worthy for you [Music] worthy [Music] cry it's his peter james and john on the mount of transfiguration they saw moses and elijah and they were enamored and then jesus shone and his face like the sun and then they looked up and they saw only jesus father give us the gift of seeing only jesus we'll give you all the glory in jesus name now we have we have a morning why don't you take your seats please i'm going to ask anthony and guys everybody who brought a word would you come up quickly we're going to just share those uh every now and again we have these services where the lord speaks a very clear word and we have four or five people saying the same things and that's a wonderful confirmation but sometimes the compliment of the lord is i'm going to say this once i want you to get it i want you to mix it with faith so there's they're four different words and they're on different areas of what the lord's doing because the holy spirit has come with a mixed agenda this morning wants to minister to as many people as possible so i'm gonna ask these people to share these words quickly and i want you to grab hold of it if it ministers to your heart just add faith and steward right just grab hold of and say lord i'm taking that make it manifest in me and start with russell so as we're worshiping i just felt like the lord brought me to psalm 96 it says splendor and majesty are before him and strength and glory are in his sanctuary that goes on to say ascribe to the lord all you families of nations ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory do his name and there was something on that for me this morning that splendor and majesty are here in the room in the sanctuary in the auditorium this morning and they're here for us to partake in and and we get to invite him into that but he is inviting us into his splendor and glory and as we as families and as uh individuals as we ascribe greatness and as we ascribe glory to him we can see circumstances change walls fall down things get broken off of our lives so there's a there's an imitation in the spirit this morning to just ascribe to him the splendor and the majesty that's due to his name and be able to watch him work in such an amazing way there's just something on the word majesty if you would just say out lord how majestic is your name in the all the earth as you pray this week i just want to encourage you with that just saw the lord saying that today is a day of sharing and anointing today is a day of passing a mantle and unlike the passing of a baton where i had it and now you have it it's a day of doubling that i have it and now you can have it too that the anointing and the blessing and the gift that i've received i can pass it to you and you can receive it and it's a day of doubling uh this morning as we were praying in uh the prayer meeting i i got a vision of uh doors opening and at first i i just kind of wrestled with it and the lord clarified for me these were open doors of intimacy to him the enemy had tried to close doors on a lot of hearts here today tried to close doors trying to almost create a barrier-like effect well the lord is going to tear that down with a seamless deliverance today there are going to be open doors of intimacy shameless intimacy strengthened and fearless so that's going to be falling away from a lot of people's hearts so get ready because as leif gives his word today i really see that effect happening so bless you all with an open intimacy today it's so exciting when the lord speaks it's working yeah thanks love it when when god speaks i had a a picture this morning that i wanted to share with you and a word the lord gave me the word re-attachment and i thought you know when people have surgery certain parts of the body are re-attached that have become detached and i felt like the lord said this morning he is working re-attachment relationships in reattachment miracles in relationships and he spoke about marriages and relationship with children or parents or friendships and i even felt like the lord said that there might be some here this morning that feel detached in their relationship with the lord and i just heard him so clearly say no you've never been detached from my love for you you are not detached from me but i feel like in relationship where there's been a tear god is re-attaching hearts and he showed me a another picture of a like a braid but there were parts of the braid like in a rope that had become frayed and he's mending what has been frayed he's restoring and he's reattaching hearts to one another but also to to himself and again if that is something that you feel the truth is you've never been detached from him so we can trust him this morning i feel like he's the reminder is he is the god of the impossible and he's going to do what today might look impossible he's going to make possible as he reattaches and heals relationships amen so father we come in jesus name and we say thank you for a double portion of anointing that you would pass on lord that there would be a rubbing off that there would be more anointing in this place um uh because lord we've captured something of your heart and that lord make manifest lord increase our capacity increase our faith increase our love and bring forth something beautiful this morning lord thank you for the ascribing of greatness to your name and i pray that you'd empower your people to do that more and more lord we're also inviting and open our hearts to more intimacy a shameless intimacy with you lord we thank you for that and i'll also we pray for the reattachment of what has been broken the healing lord of uh braids that have been frayed uh we just give you honor lord you are beyond our ability to describe it we give we give you praise thank you for this moment in jesus name amen amen well god is good isn't he uh this is just a great example we say this often that worship for us it is a participation sport because when we worship the lord oftentimes he's going to speak back to us about our lives and about circumstances and things that are going on the things that are near and dear to our hearts he cares about and so he'll begin to speak to us like moments like this and so part of our act of worship if you'll continue to stay with us in this posture of worship we also want to celebrate his power and his goodness moving in our lives he's continually at work 2020 did not pause the lord's plans he is not phased by it and so we just continually look for opportunities to share stories and today we've got a great story from a dear family member of ours and she leads so many different things here at northland's melissa grasso but would you just check out her story hi my name is melissa grasso and i am delighted to share with you a testimony about how god transformed relationships in my life i was recently walking with a group of women when i dropped my son off at the soccer field and i noticed that the conversations begin to be more negative than positive and they didn't have a lot of depth and so i went home and i just began to just pray and ask the lord um how i could transform this the time that we were together to make it more fruitful at the same time in parallel i was involved in a women's bible study through our church through the empower group we were studying the king's decree and the question that was being asked that week was are you spending more time talking to god about your mountain or speaking to the mountain and i thought oh my goodness what a perfect time to step out of my comfort zone because i was doing just that i was speaking to god about my mountain and grumbling and complaining and venting my frustrations instead of actually speaking into the atmosphere and i release your your love over this group i release creativity i release fruitfulness i release depth of conversation and so i began doing just that and immediately immediately the the lord just broke through and let me tell you how he did it one of the ladies in our group unfortunately her daughter had to get stitches in her nose she had a flat tire her son broke his arm all within a weekend and what that created in our group which looked negative was a positive effect because i ask the lord how do you want how can i minister to her how can i bless her and he said i want you to make her a meal fantastic he said to the other ladies that i was walking with let's put together a basket with all of their like favorite things and games and and treats just to bless them so as i'm making the meal the lord says i want you to make two meals because he is extravagant and i just had this sense that he wanted to bless them in abundance and so when we go we when my family goes to deliver the meal to them um the mom begins to cry she said nobody had ever loved her through meals and two meals and then we shower her with the baskets and she was speechless she didn't know what to say and it gave me an opportunity to share with her how much god loves her and that this time of her moving into her new house was not going to be defined anymore by the negativity of the broken arm and the broken pipes and the flat tires but she was going to remember how god worked in her life through the kindness of other people and how he cares about every desire and every little detail of our life and so today i just want to encourage you is there a relationship in your life that you would like to see transformed or a situation maybe a co-worker maybe it's um someone that you live with maybe it's a family member far away god is a god who loves to do and work all things together for good he's a god who loves to provide richly for your needs and he loves to transform relationships because he is a relational god so i i just want to encourage you today to ask him ask him lord what would you like to do in my situation and watch him work and move in power it would be his joy and delight and we look forward to hearing about your testimony of breakthrough hi my name is amen i love the story for a couple different reasons but i feel like it's fitting for what we've seen and taken place and experienced in worship this morning um it's interesting we say it sometimes that sometimes the kingdom of heaven it's like a small peek through a crack of a door or window there's these moments that we have with our with our friends who are acquiring about our faith or spirituality or perhaps it's a moment with your child when you lay them to bed they ask you a question about jesus or a neighbor who needs prayer and it's these moments that we have the opportunity to leverage and just say hey let me tell you about the lord's goodness and his kindness but what i love about melissa's story is it's slightly different than that because if you if you hear the story you go i was with my friends and we have a time that we walked together and it was a surface conversation and it started going a little bit negative and there wasn't what appeared to be any sort of peak of the kingdom of heaven but greg even said this in in the middle of worship to prophesy to the future that you want prophesy to the future that you believe must be so and so she goes to the lord and she goes lord i'm in a moment with these mothers i feel like there's an opportunity but i'm not seeing anything but but negative circumstances would you would you move and break out among us i love what jesus said when he was talking to john's followers john the baptist he's noticing john's coming he preaches hey the kingdom of god is at hand and all the people begin to get hungry and they begin to listen to john and then john the baptist goes hey that's jesus he's the he's the lamb of god he's going to take away the sins of the world and all their attention and hunger starts going towards jesus and jesus and seeing that hunger goes aw it's like an army who's sieging sieging the kingdom of heaven right now it says that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent people take it by force it was a people that were so hungry for the things of god that they were yearning and coming to jesus we want more we want more just as we were worshiping today and i believe that there's opportunities for us the lord is saying hey there's an opportunity here for what is that you want to see take place in your life and in your neighborhood and in your community we want to see the kingdom of god break out and so i i just ask you today i want to pray for all of us that we would have opportunities this week even to say holy spirit when there's when there's just a crack of the kingdom of heaven let's leverage that moment let's share the gospel let's be bold in our faith but even if we don't see it with our natural eyes holy spirit would you would let the kingdom of god break out would you create a hunger and a passion in our hearts he wants to move in our lives so i want to pray for that in just a moment but i also want to take this opportunity to remind us that testimony sunday on the 27th is coming up and it's the time that we celebrate testimonies and for this year more than ever we need to celebrate the testimonies of god's goodness i was thinking about this this morning some might be here and a little bit young but they don't remember but if i say the date september 11th 2001 our minds go to a specific moment because it would impacted us in a significant way and i was thinking about this year 20 years from now the year 2020 is going to come up in conversation where does your mind immediately go testimonies are opportunities to build monuments for the lord to remind generations now 2020 was not marked by covet 2020 let me tell you what the lord did i love i love what what melissa shared with me as we were worshiping she said i've noticed that my friends it's been like it's been like miracle growth the monument that we set up of testimonies of helping my friend who is in need i can tell now that it's spreading and joy is spreading among them and we're starting to talk about the things of god more and more monuments and strongholds can be created one of two ways there can be moments of of trauma and tragedy of a holy reverence even but there's also moments there's also moments where god moved in a profound and beautiful way and i believe this year he's done that in every single one of our lives if we think about the lord's goodness and kindness and so on the 27th we're going to deck the halls in a way of putting testimonies all over this building and there are testimonies there's stories about how god has moved and so if you have a testimony of what the lord's done this year we want to hear that testimony we want to we want you to share that with us so if you go to northlands.church forward slash testimonies or testimony it will take you to a form where you can fill out a very quick hey this is what the lord did we also have it on our app if you go to the church center app you'll have you'll see at the very bottom there's an option just to click testimony and you will see it come up we want you to fill that out because we're going to take what you've uh put in there and we're going to put it somewhere in the building we want to deck this place out with testimonies of the lord's goodness and kindness now i just want to i want to give us the opportunity let's build monuments in this community so that when 2020 comes around in conversation in the years and decades ahead we go i know exactly what happened in 2020. let me point to the monuments for the previous generations you might not know amen praise god thank you so much hannah you're awesome guys hannah's just killing the game keeping the keys let's go let's go i'm excited because this month we are launching give joy give joy is going to be kicking off today after this service if you're not sure what give joy is we look for every opportunity to preach the gospel and to love our city well and give joy is one of the ways that we do this in the month of december we want to love our city in a number of ways we go to our schools we go to the foster care community that we have influence with we connect with the apartments in our areas and we just want to love and support families well the way that we do that is we deliver christmas boxes for the whole family uh with with uh funds for groceries gifts for the kids uh bibles uh invitations to come and be a part of our christmas service on the 13th we're having the give joy party we're gonna invite these families in to pick up their boxes just to love them and to celebrate and have fun this holiday season but this sunday right after the service we're going to be packing the boxes you might have noticed all the toys and things that are in the back of the auditorium here we want to put those in boxes so that they're ready for next sunday you might have already signed up to register and be a part of the packing team but if you have not done that not to worry we would love to have you join us i'll give you more details as we close out the service today but with that i'm excited to get into today's message i'm gonna hand it off to greg wow it's been a busy service already praise god um so looking forward to life and i just want to read from ecclesiastes 7 11 to 12. it's a verse of the lord's been putting on my spirit recently it says this in the new king james wisdom is good with an inheritance profitable for those who see the sun for wisdom is a defense just as money is a defense but the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it i'd like the message version it says this wisdom is better when it's paired with money especially if you get both while you're still living double protection wisdom and wealth plus this bonus wisdom will energize its owner fascinating to me that the scripture says that both wisdom and wealth are a defense a protection a security and the difference is that wisdom gives life and energizes and preserves depending on which version of the bible you you read on this verse uh it it it does a lot of things it energizes gives life to people wisdom is profound and so this these two values wisdom and wealth are held up by the right of ecclesiastes solomon saying these are these are both helpful things the difference is that wisdom uh will really just bring a life a great wealth doesn't always bring life to people sometimes it takes away their soul wisdom produces humility because james talks about the humility that comes from wisdom and great wealth is often attended by great pride uh the idea in my spirit is that um in deuteronomy 8 18 remember the lord god for it is he who gives you the power to create wealth and that god will give you the authority to generate wealth but wealth without wisdom is not a great reward and so ecclesiastes says wisdom when it's attended by wealth is a great thing and so i've i've just had it in my spirit that every time where i'm dealing with dealing with financial issues in this month and we're thinking about who to give to and you know obviously we're given to give joy but then other things and lord where should we direct our funds and where would you like us to sow obviously we give to the local church but then beyond that this idea of the of the the adventure of walking with god in our finances and i've suddenly begun to feel this burden of saying every time i'm praying about wisdom and provision i'm starting i'm starting to ask lord lord could you give me wisdom so i just want to encourage you every time my suggestion in the next month you you start to pray about anything to do with finances along with that prayer for provision would you ask the lord for wisdom lord i need wisdom because wisdom just like finances will be a defense the bible says it'll be a reward it'll be a a kind of a thing that'll hold you tight wisdom is imperative and so i'm just trusting the lord that he would add wisdom to our lives let me pray for you and invite you to give as you feel led by the lord to do so thank you so much for your generosity and father we just call on your name would you give us wisdom lord your word says beyond gold and beyond silver wisdom is the greater treasure so here we are father calling on your name would you give us wisdom would you give us the authority lord which your word says you have done you have given us the authority and the right and that lord uh our mind must move before our money does and so father i'm calling on you for wisdom and you'd pour out wisdom across the board that we would know how to administer finances in a way that brings you honor in jesus name amen thank you so much for your generosity now it's a great privilege for me to have life and jennifer with us in this in the service and to have life come and minister i just wanted to say this and someone invite life up and i pray with him but i um why we really appreciate them is their authenticity um i don't know if because i i have an intrigue with life and when we meet with life and gender for behind the scenes when you know behind the curtain where nobody else sees who they are in that place is the same people that they are right here and i really appreciate that uh this love this authentic genuine deep love for the lord jesus christ is as apparent behind closed doors as it is in the public arena and that's one of the reasons why we deeply appreciate your ministry once you come up late let's pray for him once you reach out your hands and let's trust god for father we bless life and we pray your peace and your grace and your favor on him we're asking lord that you give him freedom and liberty to share and we thank you lord for this uh rich glory that attends his ministry we pray that you would spread it among us in jesus name and all those people said amen i got to take my mask off [Applause] wow that i can say with honesty i would rather be here with you would mask and just worshipping you here with masks than being home watching television without a mask so i do i do that anytime so wow [Applause] it is a privilege for us to be back again with a northland family i actually it's not too often i do that but i i reached out to dragons as i do i do invite myself whenever you have an opening and and part of the reason is both because i have something i believe in my spirit for this season for this time but second i just love this family i i love greg and michelle and my wife and myself i i've said it before it's such a tremendous gift in our life sometimes you will not be entrusted with again until you have experiencing loss and sometimes the level of loss has also to do with the level of gain you're being entrusted with so i i do believe that i went through a season where the enemy was attacking and i lost two of my closest friends in a season one who had traveled with me for about 15 years around the world and and he was a covenant friend it was like jonathan and david and the other one his name is dr bob phillips and he was another one close covenant friend and and and there was like an emptiness when something that is so close to you with covenant and when you lose somebody that you're in covenant with it's more like losing a limp than having pneumonia and getting over it you lose a limb and then you have to learn how to live without that limb it doesn't have to be if you go through good grief it doesn't have to be a weakness it can be a strength but in that season i just had kept for about a year and a half two years my heart was there was something missing because i had lost something and then it was also during the time when greg and michelle came into our life and and and god replaced uh and god just brought a new covenant relationship one of my highlights when i'm home is just either greg called me and i called him and we get together at houston steak restaurant we've done that for quite a few years and we have our hawaiian ribeye steak and then usually it's two and a half three hours we're sitting there and it is not so much about sin management but glory management it's kind of this iron sharpens irons and we're just meeting that together and i'm leaving that place always very refreshed so i love this family i love what god is doing in this season i'm just recovering from uh covert 19's i'm safe i have the antibodies yes i can hug people again but i'm wearing my mask in case that you feel but if you want to give me a hug i am safe on my side i cannot i i don't want to be i said i heard there's only seven people in the world that have rece i mean that really have received it that had the antibodies that received it again so that means it's like winning lottery is a big attempt so i just want you to know if you want to hug me i'm starving my love tank is down so i just need to squeeze man fill up my love tank with some good hugs and second thing you just have to say i did a little little and not so much wisdom this morning but it was cold and i love these norwegian sweaters they can handle minus 20. but i realized when i walk inside a building in new jersey the heat of worship and when the presence starts to come up i realized wow that was maybe unwise because i'm i'm boiling up here and i don't think it is the fire of the holy spirit i think it is just a norwegian sweater so let's watch this little video and i think i want to just also to say we're hearing about testimony i believe this video is always a testimony to you you are partners with us as a family so we are doing these things together and i had actually a very seldom very seldom get pictures or but twice during worship i got a picture and i think i'm just going to share that up front because if not i forget when i get excited about my message but anyway i the first thing i just saw it it was there was this water that was coming out of this place and it first just came in a wave and then there was another wave and then it was another wave and then it was another way it was like four waves and i was trying trying to pray and ask the holy spirit what it was and it says the first wave that is going to come out of this place and it's going to touch it's going to touch this city and this region and then he said there's another one that is going to also to touch and it's going to actually influence america but it's also going to influencing muslims and hindu and a lot of it because i the picture it took me was you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you so that you can be my witness starting in your jerusalem so it was almost like a wave for jerusalem and then judea and then the next wave from samaria and then the last one was well for the uttermost part of the world so i just saw these waves that is coming out of this house that is going to affect the nations and you were stirring in the first wave and i feel like what god is also doing here that he is racing or people in this season we have all gone through his shaking and the things that can be shook is being revealed so the unshakable identity is going to be left said we're living right now where we're where he's restoring a unshakable kingdom and an unshakable king in the middle of all the shaking and his identity of beloved sons and daughters has helped this identity anointed sons and daughters he's going to build a church that the gates of hell will not prevail against and he's going to give us some keys in this season the keys of the kingdom not just to the kingdom but of the kingdom so we can be involved in the losing and binding business so we are seeing that and the second picture the first one was just a sensing that these waves that is going to come out of this season and i feel like you're already going to start to see the first one coming in towards january and and i think the second picture i got was connected to this because the other picture i saw you it was like on a surfboard and it kind of just took me in a moment during worship back to california the first place during ronald reagan's presidency is when me as a young norwegian arrived in california and the first place i went was venice beach that morning and when i came to venice beach i saw the surface and that i don't know why but a picture came to my mind during worship something i wouldn't think about but it was like you were out on a surf and you were trying to surf this one wave but it looks like it was just going down and down and down and then i realized there was this incredible wave that was coming in behind and i felt just the lord was saying that for many of you that in this season there's just a shift going on and it looks like and even when he said there is kind of being double for your trouble but so many of us we're so focusing on the wave but it's just going down and down but there is coming another wave and i feel that the days even in the next two to three weeks is to position your surfboard for what is coming because there is a wave right now and so many of us we're trying to what has been but he says i'm doing something new and when i'm doing something new it has never been done before so don't try to figure it out just getting into the hard work of rest position yourself because there's coming another way so it's time actually going the opposite direction and position yourself from a place of rest because there is coming in another wave and that's going to take you to places that you've never been before so i just felt i wanted to say that and then hayley and kaylee is also here and and it's great an honor to have you here and then i wanted to also of course honor my wife could you just give jennifer a very good hand and i have to mention a couple of products because if not i always forget this is my wife she has written an incredible children's book and my daughter courtney did his incredible illustration and some of you already have it but it's uh it's a story that i believe is just going to be a gift for many of your children if you maybe have different children so if your grandparents or parents but she kind of took the story of each one of our child describe kind of the journey of the personality of each one of them and the uniqueness of kind of this strength and also some of the areas where where where i can say where they also need grace grace to enjoy and grace to endure so it's kind of a true story of the kids of the different personality but also as a mama how to be able to lead them towards their destiny so anyway beautiful children's book so this is uh the headline children's book collection in special hardcover by jennifer hetland and then i am very excited you will see the video and it's going to be more the topic i believe with all of my heart and it's part of the assignment of this church because the world has become a worldwide orphanage with seven and seven point eight billion people and the father wants his family back if you tell me about any issue going on including the three major crisis covert 19 if you're talking about black lives matter and what happened with george floyd if you're talking about the political climate everything that you see that you would see there's an exposure right now the orphan spirit in a way we've never seen it before and in the middle of you see what the enemy means for evil god means for good and lucifer we're going to learn that was the first orphan and lucifer the first orphan with an orphan spirit he is on major assignment and that is because when the father comes in father will tell you who you are shame will tell you who you are not and over and over again you will hear the whisper of that orphan spirit in the season and the primary three things he's been he's trying to produce fear fear for the future shame for today and guilt from yesterday and he's bringing about those different things so we're an assignment where the enemy that orphan spirit wants to divide and what the father in the middle of we're going to see unity in a way we've never seen before so i recognize what a thief came to kill steal and destroy jesus always came to give life and life more abundantly so i just wanted to give this book to you tyler congratulations your upgrade so this is the new the new healing orphan spirit book and i'm going to share about that afterwards [Music] yay [Music] while we are facing a covet 19 pandemic in a world right now there's been a silent pandemic plaguing us for many generations all around the world today there are people in our churches businesses governments and even in our homes that are operating out of an orphan spirit papa god has adopted us as sons and daughters we are ears of the inheritance of king jesus but there is an entire generation who are living as orphans not as sons and daughters of glory they are currently 3.4 billion people you have very little access to the gospel message the good news and 1.7 billion people they have no access to the gospel at all so while we wait for the second coming of jesus they have never heard about the first what would the world look like if the sons and daughters of glory they held prominent positions in society how would the lives of every human change if we truly understood the depths of our father's love for us what if we all understood our identity what would the world change if we all love like jesus people are papa god's number one priority and he wants his kids back his desire is that his sons and daughters would shed the lies and the stronghold that hinder love and step into the true identity as ambassadors of love to a war searching for god that looks like jesus all of creation is longing for the entire manifestations of the sons and daughters of glory the time of reformation is here a tsunami wave of love is coming and the world as we know it will never be the same the orphan's spirit has plagued a world by causing sons and daughters to believe that they are insignificant and causing the family to believe they are homeless papa god wants one billion new sons and daughters to enter his kingdom and the agape reformation is bringing a tsunami wave of love that will transform god's people and the world forever orphans would stand up and take their rightful place as ears of the kingdom and would find their place at the table in the family of god family is what the kingdom looks like and prophet god wants his family back this reformation this agape reformation would be a revival that we've never seen on this earth it will transform culture government and education and will radically affect every sphere of society because when love moves in fear moves out oh it is time to take a place as ambassadors of love and show the world a god that looks like and sounds like and feels like jesus it is time for the agape reformation [Applause] i have dedicated my life with two simple purposes and number one is i want everyone in the world to know how good papa god is and how loved they are i'm living my life i wake up in the morning i go to bed i have this one life to live and so much love to give but when my focus is i want every single one of those 7.8 billion people to have an experience with a god that looks like jesus and we know that jesus is perfect theology we know that the dwell actually right now creation is moaning and groaning for the very manifestation of the sons and daughters of god the creation right now the cry is where are the sons where are the daughters and in this journey as i've been writing on this book healing the orphan spirit i mean i want to just to share a little bit of the background a little of the story of this message and then i kind of wanted to take you into what i believe is an upgrade in regard to some of the revelation that god has for now i have to confess that this orphan spirit thing this is the problem when you are writing a book you start to write something and then you're realizing you have to be tested again because you first receive something that is not before you become something that you can release it you teach what you know but you reproduce who you are so in the middle of this process is that suddenly you're starting to realize that god is inviting you to an upgrade but suddenly it looks like things goes in the opposite direction and when you go when you get squeezed what's in you comes out and i didn't even realize before i started this journey then more and more that i thought that there was a surgery 20 years ago we took out the orphan heart and and gave me the spirit of sonship or you say abba papa father but then as i realized as i go to this process that as you're going through a 2.0 version that there is some more tests so you can have some more testimonies and there's a more story so i want to just to share a couple of those stories that kind of is behind this new upgrade a few years ago actually about 10 years ago i i arrived in a place called anthony iowa i thought about it because a couple of days ago i was sitting in my car in peachtree city and i got a phone call and during we were just talking to one of my spiritual son and i could feel this wave of his presence in the car and finally i had to tell the person i cannot talk to you any longer actually i had my earpods but i couldn't talk because the glory was getting so heavy in my car i realized i'm in trouble in peachtree city i mean they stop you if you have a little kind of a dui tendency and so i started if it seriously was hard for me to drive i wanted to get off the road and just start sweep because the father was just coming into the car with his love and his liquid love but it took me back again because it was the same person that had called me all these years earlier and i was heading to ankeny iowa and i was tired to be honest i just done some events with bill and randy and then that the thing that was hurting my heart i had seen some amazing creative miracles in pakistan and we had just come from africa tanzania saw some incredible creative miracles blind eyes open tumors disappearing i mean created miracles but when i came home to america we saw healings but i didn't see creative miracles headaches and arthritis and i praise god even for the toe that was healed because if it is your toe it is a big deal but but at the same time the pain on my heart is to go to the hotel room and it was draining in me to when i came into the hotel room late that night and there was a little amy a little girl in one of the meetings she was born without a leg 12 years old and mama and papa brought her to the meeting and when amy came up she said all i i want to do is to dance and i believe that jesus can grow up my leg and and i've been prayed for all over the place and can you pray and i prayed and declared and stood on the word and believed and and the pain of seeing the little girl amy and i remember my daughter lila at the time she loved dancing and there was this thing on my father's heart it's like as they rolled her and you kind of you could see the disappointment where she was just lowering her expectancy level so she didn't have to live with disappointments and i realized as long as i have a high level of expectancy to god i'm also feeling the pain of disappointments when it doesn't happen and the tendencies just wanted to lower and lower and lower and i started to realize it's happening with me that yes i will pray for people but i didn't expect i knew that god could but i didn't know he would and i would i and i didn't believe it would do it now there was something in me i realized that when i came from place to place city to city stage for cancer little children with all kinds of things and i was just my heart started to be broken and that night at ankeny at heartland assembly of god church there were some beautiful healings that was taking place but then in the end of the meeting i was tired and i wanted to go to my hotel room and first there was one wheelchair that came up a girl sitting there with cerebral palsy and then i had somebody else and this is the pastor's daughter he's already lost the child to the same disease and then there's another girl coming up in a wheelchair sitting there and i found out that for seven years earlier she had been in a car accident everybody in the community knew who she was because of this accident and they'd taking her all over the country being prayed for and now she is here again when you've been prayed for hundreds of times and this is maybe 101 or 102. so her level of expectancy is low i had not seen in america if this was in pakistan my fake level would be up but to be honest with that i realized what's taking place in my life that when i'm in america when i see these cases that god you can it's like somebody winning the lottery but i don't believe you will subconsciously i know you can but i don't know you will and i don't believe you will do it right now that was subconsciously and it's part of me living with pain and disappointments i didn't want that pain and be up another night in a hotel fighting and battling and anyway to make that story short i prayed for one with cerebral palsy over and over and nothing happened and i wanted to leave but i wanted to be also i'm known for being a person as opposed to love well so at least i thought i want to make sure at least i felt well loved that was kind of my bare minimum win so i went over to renee in the wheelchair and instead of just declaring or praying over renee i said renee what would you like papa god to do for you and she said i i want him to heal my orphan heart i want to get rid of this orphan spirit i said what do you mean by that she said i i've been all over actually i was in a meeting with bill johnson randy clark and you in minnesota a year ago but i've been all over the country and i've been prayed for my mom takes me everywhere and yes i'm here but i'm hearing the story that i'm a favorite one and all those different things but i don't feel that i feel more like an orphan than my beloved daughter and something hits me deep i just been talking about this orphan spirit and so i i took this time renee and i honestly speaking i put my arms around her and i just started to weep and normally that empathy i try i knew she was getting to me and i just wept and i just started to release the father's love how much he is loved by papa garden as these waves of love was coming over when they we were sitting there and i was just like god i i need a little help here i need a little if you can just give her a little hope i don't have much hope her faith level is down my faith level is down and this is just the honest truth i had a word of faith guy later on that says to me hey why didn't you just command her to get off of that wheelchair and i told him why didn't you command her to get up of the wheelchair i'm honest it was according to the measure of fate i had not what i did not have so i asked renee i said what would you like papa to do then and then i i felt i had a little word this tiny little word so listen to that still small voice and say renee let's ask god for you're going to do one little thing today one little thing where you know that god is going to heal you that's all i had so she said yeah that okay so we believe in that and i looked at her body and i'm honest with you look what looks the simplest for god that's just where i was then one hand was like this the other one was a little better so i thought that's the one let's ask god that you can move your fingers can you move and she says no let's ask that you're going to move your finger one inch and she said yeah i believe that so with our low level of faith we went in and i prayed i said can can you move and she said no prayed second times i declared i commanded i i did everything and by the fourth time i'm like this doesn't help me god i need a little help here and then suddenly her fingers started to move like this my fate level went how many of you believe that i stopped praying how many believe that god is tired now at that moment there was something in me so i said because again i've realized one thing is when god is moving i want to move when he stays still i wait so i just started to pray for the second time make this story short for the sake of time eventually it was her hand and then it was her arms it was an hour and 45 minutes process i said pastor dave come here he's the wooded daughter with cerebral palsy he's still pastor and have a service there today i said put your hand on her leg and you could feel the creative miracle taking place it was like waves going up and down and that day when eventually i'm standing there and holding us every night let's see if you can come up and when she stands up and touches my hands and she's coming off of that wheelchair and then she takes the first step another 30 minutes afterwards she's running all over the building and all the children are running [Applause] but it was a life lesson for me and i've seen since then it was almost there was something that took place that i realized all over that that there's all these things that the father wants to do but so many of us what the enemy is doing he's he's helping us to feel more like orphans than sons and daughters and i had another experience just two small testimony that kind of led to this book and the experience the other one we were in tanzania and papa jack was with us there was a whole group i think we had 120 people on the team and this was right down from kilimanjaro in moshi and uh i was about to go up and share and speak and i felt the holy spirit just whispered to me and he just came in the word ask them what is papa in swahili so i asked my translator what is papa and he said papa and i like wow i like that i've adopted it since i speak swahili now so i i felt the holy spirit just said it was like a word of knowledge just ask them to say ask them to say papa eleven thousand five hundred people they say baba and second time papa third time fourth time and it was like a wind that came in over the place and we had a guy named tom hauser he was pastoring wilmington they had a deliverance tent and then we had a healing tent but we ended up with 9 500 healings and deliverances it just swept across the place mass healing and mass salvation deliverances just saying papa and afterwards i was asking what actually took place many of them were lost and suddenly they got this incredible experience heaven came down and he said if you can just get all of them instead of being orphans and sons and daughters just even to declare who i am they can know who they are and it is the father's good will to give his sons and daughters good gifts and something was taking place and i'm going to kind of give you a little background in theology because i believe this is the biggest war going on in the world right now it is between this orphan spirit and the spirit of sonship or daughtership you are included ladies so when you're hearing sonship that's you okay both the people online watching if you're a lady i want you to say say i'm a son okay one two three the ladies because i'm hearing you men also here or some ladies maybe with deep voices but i want all of you men to say say say i'm a bride say it again i'm a bride all of us men we're going to be the bride of christ for eternity you ladies are only sons temporary so you get to be sons while we're here on earth we're going to have to be the bride of christ for eternity so when he talks about sonship it is always the spirit of sonship that says abba father it's not about male or female it is it is not a gender thing it is a spirit thing and it's connected to the spirit of adoption but if i took everyone here and everyone watching online if i took you on a journey back to eternity past eternity pass that's a long long journey that's before creation that's before there is anything the bible begins with in the beginning god genesis 1 1 in the beginning before there is anything there is god so the simple principle with genesis 1 1 is begin with god everything begins with god and it ends with god so start your life by beginning with god in the beginning god in the beginning and the hebrew word is elohim in the beginning there is a father there is a son there is a holy spirit in the beginning there is a family before there is anything there is the father there is the son and the holy spirit if you were asked the question of i took you back again to this beautiful place in heaven in a perfect place meeting the father son and holy spirit and if i would ask the father who is the most important is it the father the son and the holy spirit what do you believe the answer is the answer is yes if you ask the father he points to the son if you ask the son he points to the spirit if you ask the spirit he points to the sun if you ask the son he points to the father it's called the culture of honor and honor is what love looks like you can see that all from genesis to revelation you see this pattern they are totally one at one minute atonement the covenant here they are totally one with one another the way they honor one another the way they love one another the interdependence between the fathers on spirit if you start to study that model and if we had a time because this whole journey starts there it didn't even start in the garden so if i took you back there but i want you to see something the father loved the son say that with me the son loves the spirit the spirit loves the son the son loves the father but i want you to say the son love the son the way the father loves the son this is the key jesus loved jesus the way the father loved jesus there is this oneness there but if i also take you back again you can read i did a whole chapter on this in the book about isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28. if you take you back again into the beginning there was this beautiful beautiful archangel some says jj that he was a worship leader his name was lucifer beautiful and also wise it describes there about the wisdom he had but there was something definitely unwise with his wisdom it's kind of a solomon so lucifer i want you to capture this he's also there in the beginning and you read that isaiah 14 ezekiel 28 but here you see the father love the son the son love the spirit spirit of the son son love the father the father loved the son but the son loved the son the way the father loves the son this is the key for your life and my life because there's no place then where there is a root fear because if there's a root fear in your life there's a place where lucifer can traffic any place of darkness he can travel where there's darkness so job he was the most the richest man on the earth and the most righteous man on the earth and the richest man in the east he has still a root fear the best in the world still had a root fear he says the very thing i fear came against me and there's no place the enemy could have attacked him if he didn't have a root fear but he says the very thing i fear came against me and i want you to capture this because we heard the word double earlier and job 42 10 you will see that double for your trouble but until this journey the rude issue with job was job didn't love job the way the father loved job job loved god with all of his heart he even loved his enemy but he still didn't love himself the way the papa god loves him and that was the root of lucifer the father loved lucifer the family of heaven loved lucifer but lucifer didn't love lucifer the way that the father loved lucifer and you can read that very clearly in the fall what lucifer says i don't need a father i don't want anybody to be above me if i become like the most high i'm going to feel better about myself and it started with a truth deficiency and that truth deficiency led to a love deficiency that became a blessing deficiency so when lucifer eventually rebelled against god because he didn't want the father that's the start of the orphan heart and the orphan spirit and when he left heaven he left with one third of the fallen angels so if you talk about wool without orphans widows you talk about crime you talk about what's going on as i was listening to both cnn and fox on my way home from the city yesterday orphan spirits everywhere the tension we're dealing with in this country you could see that orphan spirit that is totally there and and it is being so much manifested all over the earth that we have to understand there's one third fallen angel a demonic realm that is operating and they can traffic and they can move and they can influence it actually cost the global economy 9.6 trillion dollars put that into perspective if we took back 10 percent of what the orphan spirit cost the world because people are operating from that spirit we can meet every basic need in the world every widow every orphan everybody could have basic housing clean water basic food basic education the whole world we don't have a money problem in the world we have a heart problem in the world we don't have a darkness problem but lack of light and light is always greater than darkness so i wanted to capture that so lucifer left there and then let me oh time is moving so quickly are you guys okay i just think this is such a key and i know it's like 12 hours i'm betting together in 40 minutes but when the father son spirit let us say lados it didn't say let me say let us let father son spear let's man let's make man in our image let's create a family on earth that looks like the family in heaven that honors the way we honor that loves the way we love that are interdependent instead of independent like the orphan spirit well i need you and you need me when your stock goes up my stock goes up because this is a family business if the enemy attacks one of us he attacks all of us because we are family we are becoming the unanswered prayer to jesus that we are actually going to be one as he and the father as one and that we are going to love one another in such a way that the world would see who we are because the way we love one another but i cannot fully love you until i fully love me and i cannot love me until i know how much my father loves me and until i'm in at one minute how my father loves me and i love me the way my father loves me because you love your neighbor as you love your six and a half days of creation norwegian wolf sweater i'm sure they're in the garden there was no wool sweaters because they were naked so here we are in this garden six and a half days of creation and god goes into the highlight of his creation he goes into dust and he takes the dust of the ground and he does something he spoke everything else into existence but now he's about to come to the highlight of his creation he goes into the dust and he makes a picture an image of himself and to see god and going into the dust and doing something as he make this image in the dust and he breathes into it hebrew word is similar when jesus breeded pneuma he breeded a breath and suddenly we got filled with his spirit we went from natural to supernatural god is breeding in and i want you to capture this would be and dust becomes a living being it becomes a dumb here's my question is what do you think is the first phase that adam ever saw god breathes and adam comes up swahili what do you believe is the first voice that adam ever hear here he comes up looking into the face of a loving father he hears the voice of his loving what is the first feeling you have because here he is in this perfect place with a perfect god it is the perfect love of his and then he's living right there in a place called delight and pleasure eden means delight or pleasure he's right there in the delight and the pleasure of his loving father i believe the first thing he actually said was means spanish maybe papa or daddy for you why do i believe that because i believe the first thing he goes he's looking into his face seeing his face that's when you see when you can see his face you can see who you are wow what you're beholding is what you're becoming and what you become is what you release seeing his face hearing his voice feeling his love experiencing his presence and abiding and resting in the father's pleasure having an a-plus before you take the exam why live from pressure as an orphan when you can live from pleasure as a beloved son and daughter well let me say that one more time why would you want to live from pressure as an orphan when you can live from the father's pleasure as a beloved son and daughter what would you want to live from measure when you can live from fullness why are you living for love as an orphan when you can live from love as a beloved son and daughter and i could just go on and on but i have to stop and moving into eve all of you ladies just waved to me and some of this i've done before here but i want you to know the bible says god brought eve to adam so my question to you is who did eve see before she saw adam if god brought eve to adam that verse hit me because here eve seeing his face hearing his voice feeling his love experiencing his presence and evil just being overwhelmed by his delight and his pleasure wow and then god brought eve to adam and here you see the first marriage and then the father bless them not to do but to be be fruitful be love be joy be peace as i am so are you he blessed them to be fruitful multiply and fill this whole earth god wanted a family and he wanted a family to be multiplied so we could fill this whole earth with a family that honors the way he honored the love's the way he and we know the story then eventually this is the shortness of this eventually we know the story that lucifer who was an orphan he came in to his serpent and he says did god really say lucifer was the first liberal theologian he's questioning the word of god did god really say now listen here steve it's like if i'm asking northland family and the people watching online if i ask you a question how many here would like to be like jesus let me just see i'm sure this is not the tricky question this is kind of a the deception of lucifer lucifer comes into eve and say steve hey listen would you like to be like god like papa of course i want to be like him hey listen if you eat from this tree then you're going to be like him ah because here's the orphan spirit if i do say if i do say if i do then i have then i become welcome to the orphan wall with the orphan spirit that started with lucifer now they have fallen onto the earth he says if you do if you eat from this you're going to be like him if you do something if you perform for something if you do something you will have something and that's how you become something listen she already had an a plus on her report card everything that the father had was already hers and why does she go in now feelings you have to do something to have something to become something and this is the rudish on a global level it's manifested in rebellion or religion and then that led to the fall and we know the story adam and then we can just continue but i wanted to capture because this is the key verse because we often say what happened to adam and eve when they could no longer be in the garden they can no longer be in the family they chose the orphan wall and they chose to follow the orphan spirit they suddenly started covering up their nakedness and you know that when you put your fig leaves on and my wife and i just had a little issues with some disagreement to put in a light weight last night we have one at all and and what a tendency is what he did or she did i bet you did it you said have you ever been there and this is what's happening in the garden they start to blame one another it's the blame shame game and then you were starting to see they put on fig leaves f stands for fear i insecurity g guilt l lonely e escapism a anxiety f failure covering up he did she did and then take you through if i had a chance to take you through all the books you can trace jacob and he continued fought for the birth right far for the blessing but it was a father hunger in his life but it was not before he came in i'm not going to let go of you until he blessed me he has already got the both the blessing and the birthright what is he looking for still on the inside there's a black hole he visited bethel open heaven angels are ascending and descending still something missing he had visitation but he didn't know how to have habitation why there's a black hole in his soul there's an orphan there's an orphan spirit deep in that day the father says to an angel of yava tiffany comes in what is your name jacob or for name abram you cannot produce nation out of abraham you have to be abraham see you the way papa god sees you thinking about you that's the prophecy over yourself in this season that i'm in agreement what my father says about me i know this is my circumstances i have some covert lungs right now i have this fungal infection i have some of the stuff left over from covered up but here's what my father says about me it is true what i'm saying i'm not going to lie but the truth sets me free we're actually knowing the truth and that's what my father says the last word of the old testament is the word curse he's turning this is how he ends the old covenant turns the father's hearts towards the children children's hearts towards the father and that's going to break the curse that is in the land 400 years of silence and then i come this is the genealogy of jesus the son of abraham son son son of the son of david one is the lamb the other one is the lion covenant kingdom jesus is coming son and then you go to the journey and i wish we had a chance but i wanted to give you two verses for free and then a little homework are you guys okay am i going too fast but it is a key to freedom because it is whom the sun set free that is free indeed it is where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and freedom and that spirit rests upon sons and daughters upon identity and the intimacy comes from that place of identity wow then in matthew 3 17 jesus for 30 years have been a son in the natural and then the heavenly father comes in as mom and papa joseph and mary is about to give him the family business and then the heavenly father comes in wow get baptized in water heaven opens up baptized in the spirit the dove comes down not to visit but to stay we have a visitation of the dove and then we live with pigeons the rest of the week and pigeon religion is very different and when the dove is there we are like jacob until you become an israel a prince you go back to the jacob nature if that's your nature if the orphan heart is still there sooner or later it will be exposed and then he was baptized in love this is my baptized in water baptized in the spirit baptized in love one is the first reformation justification by faith grace alone the reformation of grace second was the reformation of power the holy spirit then this is a reformation of love the agape reformation that is coming and we're right now there's by the birth of a reformation a billion new sons and daughters is coming home god is raising up a family on earth that looks like the family on heaven how do i know because he started with a family and he ends with a family represented from every nation trunk tribe and language he starts with a garden he ends up with a garden city and i could just go on and on what he started he ends and you and i we are the generation that are living for such a time as this they get to be part of this tsunami wave of love that is about to sweep the war where the world is going to see how good papa god is and how loved they are they're going to have an encounter with a god like jesus to ordinary people like you and i that have stepped into our identity and out of that identity there is an intimacy and then we are living from inheritance not towards it and then we're stepping into our destiny our uniqueness our special place we're no longer copies would become originals showing the world who our father is but looking at sons and daughters matthew 3 17 this is my and this is my beloved you are his and you are his beloved you're his beloved son his beloved daughter the father loves you and he is well pleased with you this is before you have done anything before he healed any sick before any miracles before he did anything he had an a plus and then in john 14 18 and i'm landing this there's so much burning in my spirit in john 14 18 it says i will not leave you as an orphan i will not leave you as an orphan jj i will not leave you as an orphan tyler i will not leave you as an orphan kaylee i want to leave you as an orphan life i will not leave you as an orphan i will come to you why is he crying that out because all he did is what he saw his father do and all he says is what he heard his father say at that moment and he didn't just say what he heard the father say he said it in the way the father was saying it so when jesus said that very word he says you're no longer going to be alone you know we're going to be in this planet earth struggling and striving and trying to become who you already are could i say that one more time you no longer have to continue to strive and struggle and try to become who you already are it is not what you do that makes you who you are it is who you are that makes you do what you do it's because the father wants his family back and when jesus cried out and i will land i actually have permission to go a little over today since since i've had covert 19. since i'm safe since my love tank is down since i miss being around people being able to share this not just to a computer but to look you into the eyes even when you have masks i can see the eyes when you're receiving revelation when you look in the mirror and you see you the way power god sees you when you have the new mind and you start to thinking about you the way he thinks whoa romans 12 2 and when your soul now start coming into agreement and that's the prophecy you start to speak into the mirror and you're saying this is what my father says about me i know this is true but it is not the truth and knowing the truth sets me free and i start to prophesy and speak into those circumstances i'm speaking to my giant i stopped talking about my giant and then i started to love me the way by god loves me so i can love you and we create a tsunami wave of love so here it is john 14 8 and i will not leave you as an orphan i will come to you and on the cross jesus took your sin for you who are watching if you're struggling with sin jesus took your sin so that you can become righteous with his righteousness he took your shame so that now you are glorified he took your curse so you could enter into all of his blessing he took your sickness and disease so by his stripes you are healed he took your lack so that you could share in his abundance but i believe this is leif hetland don't blame greg for this life hetlan theology i believe would actually pretty much kill jesus all through the three some years he called him papa father our father and at this moment he says my god my god my god why have you forsaken me for a moment just for a moment jesus became an orphan separated the very thing you have had from eternity past with his father this perfect love for a moment he was separated from that perfect love with one focus one to jaina's agenda as part of his divine exchange and that was to restore us back again into that covenant into that kingdom into that one month that the father son spirit have had since the beginning for a moment he became an orphan so that you and i can be sons and daughters for a moment he was separated from perfect love so that you and i can be restored back again to this perfect love i encourage you to join me let this wool become an orphan-free zone let's do an orphan neck to me even this morning get rid of the orphan heart and place that with spirit of sonship it is the father's good will to give his sons and daughters good gifts you don't have to live towards inheritance when you can live from inheritance and to be a co-heir with jesus christ can we stand to our feet wow for as many for as many are led by the spirit of god these are the sons and daughters of god for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear you did not receive the spirit but you receive the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out abba papa father the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children that we are the sons and daughters of god and i know with this covenant team with all the tension has been going on including in the state of georgia there's a war going on and you will feel the heights of the orphan spirit things has moved in because here's the thing is orphans are insecure orphan has a love deficiency often doesn't have a value in the father's love and they're looking for purpose and orphans are looking for affirmation so the security love value purpose and affirmation that we have as sons and daughters when orphans are not secured they're looking for possessions to fill that gap when orphans do not feel loved they're going after passions if i get that position or if we win or if you lose or orphans are going in here so if you do not have those things if there's love that fish deficiency there's god deficiency you're looking for love in the wrong places and if you don't have the right value you'll look if i position if i just get this position then i'm going to feel value and i'm just going to release even at this moment because i felt that even earlier today just this cry of jesus i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you and as for me i'm i've been wrestling with this as i'm releasing this book i realize there's some that's not who you are life you're your son you're not orphanless your father is your provider he is your strength here's your wisdom the refrigerator is full it's not like there's a pizza and he got a slice and i didn't know he got healed so i didn't no he owns the bakery there's no limit in him so father i just release even this morning there's people watching you're tired you're weary and what fear and shame and guilt is trying to get onto us i will not leave you as an orphan i will come to you it is an invitation and for the father forced to step into that identity as beloved sons and daughter and just saying i am i am hiss i am papas i'm his beloved i'm his beloved son i'm his beloved daughter and my papa loves me he likes me he delights in me and he is well pleased with me i have an a plus on my report god i don't have to prove anything and when i hear that voice if you are a son if your daughter do something no i know who i am and i know who my father says i don't have to prove anything lucifer you are a liar and i know the spirit of truth that sets me free i bless the northland family and bless this wave that is gonna come in this season a wave of love joy there's gonna touch here it's gonna make it hard for people to go to hell and easy for people to go to heaven because they're gonna whoa they're gonna be in contact with that perfect love that takes away all fear whoa [Music] the kindness and the goodness that leads to repentance the metanoia the shift of thinking well from orphans in this place at the family table and i'm just seeing people finding their place at the family table the orphan wall is looking for your home and i thank you the northland family is going to be a family where the orphans is coming but i feel god is starting with his people in this season he's shaking the things that can be shook let's go let go let go let go hold your hands open come home come home and experiencing the freedom in the middle of the shaking knowing what you build your life upon is unshakable i love you i celebrate you i value you and i honor you for not giving up you're still here but in this next season enter into the hard work of rest rest in your position as a beloved son and daughter of a good good papa [Applause] hey man once again leif and jennifer and the team thanks so much for being here and ministering to us and that's a lot of the year that we've had i i can't think of a more timely message so i would just encourage you uh just as life said that children's book it's a perfect way to speak life into your own kids to continue to speak sonship over them and then also just for us as well make the point to to grab that book they're actually uh in the lobby there and you can grab them uh on your way out uh i do do you want to say we got a lot going on with give joy so first and foremost to the parents if you would service well by going and grabbing your kids asap as we're closing out we would love to do that we let the the classes know that we're running a little bit behind so they're going to be just fine but it would help us well if you're a parent with a kid in river zone jam or in little lambs you can do that right after the service if you need prayer for anything at all and if any of these words at all describe the situation or circumstance that you're going through we want to connect and pray with you a little bit different from our usual because we're going to be setting up the auditorium for give joy and packing boxes our ministry team led by the the morcella's here they're gonna be in the front lobby there right in the screen these these words of knowledge will actually be in the lobby as well you'll see them there prayer for anything at all we would love to stand with you and you can do that in our front lobbies now uh we're gonna be packing right after the service if you are a part of the serving team you're going to see a countdown clock come in as we're closing out after that countdown clock gets to zero that is when we're going to be kicking off and packing i'll have hannah and holly give us instruction uh and if if you're serving and you are would consider yourself a heavy lifter i need a team of people who can lift and move some chairs quickly this section over here we're going to press up against the wall so if you would come and see me after the service i would love to start our serving today with that in mind but with that being said have a phenomenal phenomenal rest of your week and we will see you next sunday my [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Northlands Church
Views: 5,345
Rating: 4.9338841 out of 5
Id: 0bSqx7Su59o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 47sec (7667 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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