OVERCOMING REJECTION | God Will Never Leave You - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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What is rejection rejection can be defined as the sense of being unwanted the sense of being unwanted You want people in your life to love you yet you believe they do not love you and they never will love you You never felt the love of your mother as a child You never felt the love or the acceptance from your father some of you are in a storm of rejection or resentment because At some point in your life your wife or your husband Betrayed you and were unfaithful to you and they left you for someone else It's a deep wound that has never healed it left you with a wounded spirit Some of you feel rejection and resentment because you were passed over for the promotion at a job or you had a business partner that destroyed your business You have built the prison brick by brick hurt by hurt tear by tear Scar by scar the walls of that prison Have been built by your own anguish and you have the key to the cell, but you're not getting out You know, we cannot always avoid the pain That wounds us but we can choose to not let it ruin the remainder of our lives And I think that a lot of times people park at the point of their pain How many people get hurt by their parents and they never really ever get over that You might have somebody who was Adopted for whatever reason their parents didn't want them. They weren't able to keep them and They can spend their whole entire life whole life Trying to recover from that Your entire life does not have to be ruined Because somebody hurt you Way back when or last week or last night or God promises to heal and restore I love Psalm 27:10 Even though my mother and father have forsaken me the Lord will take me up and adopt me as his own child You hear people say pastor no one has ever felt rejection that I have known I assure you you're wrong Jesus did Jesus the Son of God the king of heaven the Emmanuel the God with us the hope of glory Experienced your shame and he experience your rejection on the Roman cross Spectators walk by and mock the nakid Savior who was hanging there in your stead and your stead and your stead His mother was sobbing at his feet as he was being crucified Between thieves his trial was rigged it was rigged by the Roman government who started planning his Execution from the time he gave his first sermon he was hated by society he was hated by the known church He was called a liar a demonized teacher and a false teacher. He was totally rejected And Jesus did not die on the cross to give us the ability to cope He died on the cross to give us the ability to conquer Jesus was the most rejected man in the history of the world But it never affected his decision-making it never affected his attitude or the way, he treated people and it did not keep him from accomplishing God's purpose for his life And He's our example all of us who are gonna be rejected every single one of us have been rejected Rejection is our greatest scar And it's our greatest control point many people control their entire lives by the fear of rejection And the corresponding need for love and approval and because of this it changes how we live and make our decisions It didn't change Jesus but many times it changes us. It changes how we treat people And it keeps us from accomplishing God's will for our lives Rejection wounds us and it creates bitterness and aggression If we don't deal with it properly remember Jesus hung on the cross and looked at the people who put him there and he forgave them And when you have been rejected the devil and what makes the devil so dangerous is his stealth He doesn't present himself It would be so easy to deal with him if he would just present himself because we know that we have authority over him but when you're dealing with the devil many times you're dealing with the Subliminal thought and he put it there and you didn't know it. You think it's your thought He slithered in in a hard time he slithered in in At a time that you were hurting and being rejected and he spoke something to you and it's in there and it's you don't know it But here are the lies that he speaks you aren't worth anything Reason people reject is because you're not worthy. No one will ever love you Why do you even try You're defective You'll never have anyone you'll always be rejected Something is wrong with you. People don't love you because God doesn't love you Your unlovable and your undesirable You're a loser You're always gonna be disappointed Don't let people inside because they're always gonna hurt you people don't care about you. They just want to use you give what they want I'm living for myself, and I'm not gonna let other people hurt me These are these are the little things that are in there and they program us. It's the spirit of rejection. They program us And because love is our greatest need Rejection is our greatest control point And we go through life being rejected and he speaks these lies into our spirit one after the other and then we're programmed You see people that come out of a family And one turns to alcohol one turns to drugs one turns to rebellion and one turns to God And it makes a radical difference where you turn And what Satan wants of course is for someone to hurt us and then for us to be angry and bitter and resentful Have a chip on our shoulder Spend our life feeling sorry for ourselves get into all kinds of addictive behaviors and then spend our lives hating somebody else and hurting somebody else so they can then turn around and do the same thing and then there it goes from generation to generation to generation, but I'm here to announce good news to you tonight that if you've been hurt in the past it does not have to go beyond you to anyone else you have the privilege of speaking the name of Jesus and believing in the power of God to not only completely heal you and make you just as if it never happened to you But to never let it go on to anybody else in your generation and that is wonderful good news when you've been hurt When you've gone through something really really difficult And somebody comes to you for help there's a whole new level of understanding and a whole new level of compassion that you can't give to anybody if everything is just a theory in your head and nothing that you've ever had to put to practice in your life. So sometimes One of the reasons he lets you go through things is to equip you And qualify you to actually be in his service and have the credentials to actually help people you know, there's so many things we don't know And we get so bothered by the stuff we don't know We worry about it. We try to figure it out. We ask other people We try our best to figure out all the things that we don't know and most of the time we only get ourselves more confused Why don't we talk more about what we do know then what we don't know We know that God loves us We know we're gonna go to heaven and we're gonna live for eternity And we know that all things work out together for good you focus more on what you do know Then what you don't know Base your life number one base your life on God's perfect love and what his word has to say about you I mean, I don't know who hates you, but I'll tell you there's one person who loves you and that's God And you have to the only thing that got Jesus through was God's love Regardless of who rejected him he knew God the Father loved him and that's what he focused on Hebrews 13 Let your conduct be without covetousness be content with such things as you have For he himself has said I will never leave you nor forsake you so we may boldly say the Lord is my helper I will not fear What can man do to me God says I will never leave you nor forsake you this not only means he won't physically Reject you he'll never turn his heart away forsake means turn his heart away God has promised all of us. There will never be a moment in all of eternity when he turns his heart away and rejects us His love has the power to heal us I'll say this if you've been rejected if you're suffering from rejection, the number one thing is the love of God And I'm not gonna live my life over here hiding and fearing I'm gonna live my life to let the world know about the love of Jesus Christ cuz there's no love like the love of Jesus And it's the only answer for a spirit of rejection
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Rating: 4.9227848 out of 5
Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, Forgive, Rejection, Hurt, pain, Breakup, Divorce, Lose, Resentment, Bitter, Angry, Overcome rejection, fear of rejection, Overcoming rejection, Overcome breakup, Dealing with rejection, Love, Overcome Pain, Joyce Meyer, John hagee, Overcome Hurt, Bible rejection
Id: hEHsRpIO2Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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