Over Suspension device | Superb Upgrade for your bike Part 2 of 2 | Much more than Tuned Mass Damper

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welcome to chasing tents everyone my name is Abbi thank you for joining me a very happy st. George is a to you if the video goes out on the right day also I hope everyone's safe and home and also appreciating your local medical staff guys thank you so much for appreciating part one of this mass damper slash over suspension video it went really well a lot of people got really true understanding of how this device works if you haven't watched part one I please please PLEASE request you insist you to please do watch part one maybe after this video or maybe now and then you can watch this video link is in the description now let me do a quick 60-second recap and tell you all about this and so you you'll you'll kind of get where I'm where I'm going at now I've actually got this device in my hand so thank you to mbm performance fellow subscribers and they've also got a YouTube channel so do check them out in description they bought this from roadrace performance Shropshire who are at the moment giving 15% off check description again so this is the over suspension device some people also call it mass dampers now what this does is it just attaches to your swing arm and it moves up and down depending well the thing inside the kind of damping device inside moves up and down depending on the amount of chatter the amount of vibrations the amount of oscillations your bike is going through so long story short this device nullifies or reduces massively all the vibrations and the oscillations and the and the kind of juddering going on which which is which gets missed by your suspension your swing arm your chassis and also your tires so also this device is a massive safety device and it prevents high sides by ninety percent so this was a quick recap let me now go through all not only all your questions which are got from part one but also i'm gonna give you some real quirky visual aids when i'm going through these questions so you will understand a bit more about mass damping in general in motor sport now before i start with all the questions and answers with some visual aids let me show you a quick video clip about two clips which will really define this over suspension / mass damper device really first clip is a bike going through normal tarmac and with plenty of vibrations going on through the swingarm so this is a clip where you can see that the bike is going to return and the swingarm is moving quite a bit the second T clip is from the SAG moto 2 team and in video 1 I discussed the SAG team in detail they've clearly got a mass damping device on the swing um and you will see and now and also most important thing is that the bike is actually on the kerb anyone who's been on a track especially her at certain curbs can really move your whole jaw when you're going on the kerb so this bike is going on the kerb and the judge ring is nil just because there's a damping device on the swing um so here's the clip so as you can see bikes going on the curb and the the swingarm is absolutely vibration free just because the the mass damping device is there so I just wanted to show you these two clips to really kind of summarize this damping device even before I started start with the complicated questions so let's start question number one a lot of people said to me that you are showing this device working really well in the swing um but you also gave an example of a Ducati where the damping device was actually in the salad boss device which was cold so why is that why have Ducati got the the damper in that salad box and not on the swing um now Ducatis case is a very curious one there are two things going on here let's discuss the mass damper aspect that's number one and number two is the Aero aspect so mass temper why Ducati have the mass damper there and not on the swing um let me tell you a team will put dampers where number one the rider tells them number two the sensors on the bike will tell where the vibrations are so depending on that they will put the damper there so let me show you a quick clip and you will see what I'm on about so in this clip you will see the the tail of the bike is moving all over the place so as you saw from the clip the back was moving quite a bit now imagine if you are the writer all that moving thing can really disturb the bike so that's why Ducati put a damper there now Ducati are very clever they use two three different types of dampers not only they use up and down devices in the front and you can't see them in the front because they are covered by the front Aero kind of the mudguard the fender Americans call it but yeah the mudguard the front mudguard covers the damping devices and you know what this is still such a huge secret in motorsport no one except for motor 2 teams no one's really gonna show these dampers out loud you know Ducati tried their level best to hide them but because of this crash net video we saw that the Ducati were hiding something in the back of their salad box device now let me decipher this so you understand what I really mean now Ducati can have two different types of dampers in the back box number one an oscillating one let me give you a very good example of this through this visual aid now here you see massive oscillation going on unbelievable function now this gentleman will turn the spinners on and the oscillation will completely disappear there you go absolutely smooth nothing at all all that sideways movement is gone another two kinds of example with Ducati Zi are using is sideways one and also magnetic one so let me give you two quick visual aids about this as well so the doubts are clear so here we see this long metal thin scale and there's a little weight at the back and someone hits it with a hammer and it's vibrating like crazy now a magnetic a damping device will be put in here and this will really sort out all the chatter here you are no chatter whatsoever so sometimes you see two round devices at the back of the Ducati salad box and this came after 2017 so these two round things are these magnetic dampers they've got at the back of the bike and let me now tell you another example which Ducati used in 2017 this is the sideways damping and NASA I use this in many of their space shuttles but bigger versions so in this video clip you will see what I mean so as you can see this thing moves from one side to the other very smooth motion but this kind of damps out any kind of vibrations or chatter now let's move to point two which I was mentioning in case of Ducati the Aero version now Ducati have got these wheel covers and also at the back they've got this arrow device now this Aero device goes a bit in when they are full throttle on the stride and it comes out a little when they are braking hard so this prevents the tire being lifted on hard braking and also kind of all the when you've got hard braking going on there's a lot of chatter there's a lot of vibration going on and these Aero devices kind of nullifies that so Ducati doesn't need too many dampers on the bike because they've got assisted Aero devices helping with all that and remember what I said in video 1 SAG Team sag moto 2 team for damping devices on their bike which made the bike completely numb and the rider couldn't feel much because the bike was so numb so plush but and you know it was just too numb and the rider was saying look guys I can't feel anything the bikes too numb so then they just moved to one damping device at the back and one in the front rather than having full now to summarize what Ducati are doing is a simple theory which applies with all motorbikes to improve something we have to change something and to change something we have to compensate somewhere else so with these Aero devices and with these mass damping devices what Ducati is doing is compensating somewhere else for the improvement they've done with aero wings or anything else or extra power gain or extra braking stability somewhere else so they don't have to really mechanically compensate with changing pivot settings changing swing arm positioning changing the ratio of positioning changing balance the weight balance in your back you want more weight at the back more at the front so what Ducati is doing is the compensations are done through these mass damping devices and Aero devices if that makes sense so let's move to question 2 someone asked me can I use this damper in the front and at the back absolutely yes the only thing is after speaking to one or two experience races the front shatter is only kind of felt by top level races now me and new mortals normally get a lot of vibration specially at the back when we are giving it absolutely full beans you know there's a lot of vibrations going on at the back so that's why this device at the moment is for the back and not only it provides the damping with the shutter is also kind of reduces high sides by 90 percent because sometimes we can just give it a bit too much and the bike just goes all over the place this moves on to question number three where people were asking me what proof do I have to say that the high sides are reduced by 90% now this device is run by the Barney Racing team in Italy riders Michele pyro and Michael Rinaldi top level MotoGP tester is this Michele pyro guy you must have you might remember him from a massive kind of break high side a thing he had at at the at moto gp so he's the guy who's the rider for the body racing team now teams are not going to release their data to general public however what they did is released their data to the Italian race organizers just like our BSP which is super bikes and they saw the data and they made this device it's compulsory because it saved high science by up to 90% they must have seen something in that data to really put this device compulsory so yes the data sheets are not available to the general public it's race data come on everyone knows motorsport is super secretive about these dampers no one's gonna release their data out to general public however after speaking to the the people who actually make the mass damping device data's will be released to general public soon but not at the moment now let's move on to the next question now next question is quite valid is this technology great for the road it absolutely is because like I explained in the first video the main objective for this mass damper is to give you better contact patch for the road and most importantly improved balance cuts out all the vibrations and improves stability that's why the new honda africa twin and the new BMW GS have got this technology already on the bike however they like to call it something else which leads me on to the next question why don't manufacturers already give this these dampers built-in to the bikes now guys you know this better than anybody else that we don't even get a decent brake master cylinder with our bikes everyone's looking for you know RCS 19 RCS 17 so do you really think the accountants who actually make the final decision on products will actually let these items we're on the bike the bikes which actually really need this are the touring bikes and they've actually the new ones actually got it but like I said before that they are electronic or hydraulic also every company like to call it differently because every parent company like to have a unique selling point when you go to the showroom they like to call it let me see Honda dynamic drive technology or BMW Cloud Drive you know because they want to have a USP for you to buy their bike and they can then say that they've got this technology patent technology on their bike and that's why in video 1 I was calling this device all the time over suspension because this is also a patented technology now let me give you another interesting example of this name USB selling point Honda's new Fireblade has got a electronic aid called torque control you know what torque control is traction control we've had that on our bike since for 2010 with BMW and 2011 with the APRC of Aprilia you know so we've already got you know traction control but Honda with the Fireblade have called it torque control another USP style of selling so yes they are on the bikes but they just like to be called something else is all part of marketing next question is also a motor sport related question is where are these devices hidden in the front now you will see some bikes have got a mud guard with a bit of an aero lip going on and inside that Aero lip you've got this mass dampers and you know what they're not going to show it out to the public they're all hidden someone also said to me in on a another forum that II are these BFF Showa kind of gas /ol canisters are these mass dampers they are not these BFF or were best friends forever suspension are not mass tempest they are part of the the suspension so yeah definitely know next question is around the weight of the device now I am a stickler when it comes to unsprung mass and weight in general so I'm always telling everyone to eat number one keep fit and also reduce the unsprung weight on your bike now this device to be honest feels a bit heavy really well made cnc aluminium still feels a bit heavy I think it's about a kilo so what I'm trying to say with this whole unsprung mass thing this device it's way right at the back of your of your swing arm and it's not moving so the weight doesn't matter that much because it's not under any gyroscopic forces and it's not under any kind of like kind of centrifugal forces so don't worry about the way too much however on the other side let me relate this to a real life example this is right at the back back in the day when people used to go for holidays in coaches or long buses your elders used to say to you don't sit at the back because you will feel thick you'll feel giddy because at the back is where a lot of movement was always going on in coaches and you would feel quite sick and this is the same principle so this sits right at the back to control all that movement of the bike so I hope that makes sense and another quirky example which actually someone told me on the phone imagine you've got a big German Shepherd a big dog when a big dog dog moves his tail wags his tail big time the whole back of the dog shakes quite a lot moves quite a bit so this is another example where stability at the back is important so there are no mass dampers available for dogs but I always like to give people real to life examples the same way I gave an example about the Taipei 101 tower where I can show you a little clip now where if the tower is moving side to side in a storm if there is a damper in the middle this the the tower is absolutely stable so I always like to give people quirky examples but these examples make sense because if you're not going to think about these real to life examples you're not really going to understand the physics behind the device final question someone raised was around price now this is around 350 or euros now yes you can get 15% discount through me through using that code in description over 15 through Road race performance however if you and and someone was saying or even for 300 euros is too much money what you got to think of there's no one else number one making this device in the market is first-time available to the public and the quality is next-level and the technology which goes inside this is next-level and you're not going to get something like this for right 100 euros or something someone's worked really hard to get this device out in the market you know so there's a lot of work which goes and I was speaking today to the actual main chap at supreme technologies Nick and Nicola and he was saying he's taken him years to get this product out so we got to respect that as well so I think the price is definitely justified but like I said you can get about 15% discount through just going the description now guys I really hope you understood this part 2 of the video I wanted to show you some gyroscopic examples some sideways examples some examples relating to roll in and track and I'm not going to make another video on this so I really hope you understood this device really well it is worth having I really think if something saves you on the track by having a massive high side and the you know you know high side can cause a lot of damage to yourself and the bike as well so I think just for that this device goes a long way and guys if you've got any other questions please don't forget you can comment you can also email me chasing tents at gmail.com or you can also using social media which is in the description you can also follow me thank you guys thank you really appreciate it thank you for subscribing thank you for liking my videos I'd be really grateful if you haven't subscribed please do subscribe and please do like and comment on this video I'd be really really grateful [Music]
Channel: Chasing Tenths
Views: 8,714
Rating: 4.9391637 out of 5
Keywords: trackday, aprilia, rsv4, rf, motorbike, track, biking, V4, crash, speed, laptime
Id: wJe0djSDdHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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