Over 40 New Sega Genesis & Mega Drive Games

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what's better than classic Sega Genesis and  Mega Drive games new Sega Genesis and Mega   Drive games in today's show we're going to be  taking a look at over 40 brand new re-released   and remastered Sega Genesis and Mega Drive games  my name is Mike and this is the Retro gamer Boy show welcome back and in this week's  show we're going to be taking a look   at my personal collection of brand new games  remasters and re-releases for the Sega Mega   Drive and Genesis now believe it or not there  are over 200 brand new games remasters and   re-releases for sega's 16bit console and you  can find one of the most comprehensive lists   of all of these remasters remakes and brand  new games for the Sega Genesis and Mega Drive   on the Facebook group Extreme Mega Drive  collectors now because there are so many   games in today's video video I've grouped  them into Publishers different developers   and into games that are remakes and remasters  and you can quick link to all of these in the   chapters below now many of the games that  you're going to see today you can still buy   from the original publisher and developer but  a few of them you're going to be at the mercy   of eBay and those eBay seller prices right  let's take a look at this awesome collection   of brand new remastered and re-released  games for the Sega Mega Drive and Genesis so this is my pscd collection of Sega Mega  Drive and Genesis games now PSD are quite a   unique publisher because they don't just publish  games they also develop them so what happens is   is uh a developer wants to bring a game to the  Sega Mega Drive and pscd gamees are the guys to   do it but what they actually do is not only do a  straightforward Port so take your game from One   console to another they do a ton of development  over the top of it and a great example of this is   their Kickstarter game black Jewel reborn now this  game was a c64 game I believe or kind of in the   style of a c64 game and they're like completely  rebuilding it from the ground up to work on the   Mega Drive and it's got new features and new  characters and a ton of new stuff so they go   beyond just publishing your game they actually  take your game work with you to make it better   and in some cases completely reite and we've got  games that have been on the Nintendo switch that   they brought over to the Mega Drive and they've  got games that have been on Steam and they've   done the same they're also working on their own  Resident Evil game which looks absolutely amazing   but let's take a look at the pscd collection so  first up we got data from pscd games really nice   little platformer game one of their earlier uh  games that they made here um so it comes with this   little manual here um the print and box aren't  as good as uh their latest games but the game   is a lot of fun a lot a lot of fun um kind of a  modern art style to it but yeah nice little solid   platform of there alien cats probably uh one of  the more well-known titles that uh pscd games have   published and helped uh co-develop recently got a  I think a Super Nintendo Kickstarter as well and   there was an option to upgrade in that Kickstarter  to a Mega Drive version if they hit a goal I don't   think they got that funded unfortunately but this  is a really really fun uh puzzle game that's uh   got some really ingenious elements that come into  it later on foxy land another platformer really   nice visually I think this is been on quite a few  platforms now uh pscd games obviously handling the   Mega Drive Port there uh a lot of fun to play  relatively simple in terms of mechanics but a   fun solid game with a great soundtrack Thunder  now this is one of the more modern releases from   pscd games and you can start to see the guys are  starting to bring in some new branding in for pscd   games here this game is really nice now I think it  came out on Steam and the Nintendo switch and it's   a running gun with platform elements in it so I  think you have to kill everything in the platform   before you can move on to the next one but uh  really nice mechanics the shooting mechanics is   awesome in it and I love the visual art style bone  marrow probably one of the best pieces of artwork   on a pscd game The Game's relatively simple also  came out on the Nintendo switch it's a puzzle game   um really ingenious actually so you combine  different things together and that upgrades them   until you kind of get into a a combat situation  on the playboard over here again you can start   to see more of the extras that PSD games start  to include with their games like uh stickers   the very latest game that you can purchase from  pscd games is Hunter girls now there's two games   that are currently out on Kickstarter but this is  the latest one really nice so this is an endless   Runner um and it's so well done really nice the  mechanics in it are really good so you've got to   press jump and attack at different times and your  different characters that you have running behind   you all have different abilities that help you get  through the level uh again all that lovely modern   design packaged up into a 16bit Sega Mega Drive  and Genesis game I have one Collector's Edition   from pscd games and that's fight for vengeance uh  one of the early fighting games or early modern   fighting games to come out on the Sega Mega Drive  um gameplay wise it's uh it's okay right it's it's   not um it's not the best fighting game you'll ever  play it kind of sits I don't know it's a it's a   solid six out of 10 fighting game um but there's a  load of presentation that pscd games did with this   um so you can see here you got special edition  box I think there's a standard edition box as   well but this is the special edition there's  some stuff inside there uh and then you also   got uh this now I don't know what the actual real  name for these are in England we call them Russian   dolls but they're um they called something  else the proper name for them and it's all   the fighters inlaid into each other now uh just  be careful taking it apart don't want to ruin it so you can see here we got the uh pscd games  logo painted at the bottom here and essentially   it's every single fighter inside inside themselves  don't know how many there were I forgotten how   many are really lovely the the artwork and the  painting on this is is absolutely fantastic um   such a cool little idea for a a collectible as  well and I think oh no it goes even one further   so there's our smallest one let's bring her into  the camera and it goes one more I don't want to   break it there we go I think that's the boss hang  on is there one more there's one more I didn't   even realize there was one inside that there  we go that's the last one let's get that close up very very cool next up we have the pixel Heart collection  and what I love about them is the artwork that   they have on their front covers and down their  spines looks absolutely fantastic this is   nearly a complete pixel Heart collection I think  Alice sisters is the only one I'm missing and I   haven't bought that cuz I have it on the Dreamcast  already but let's take a look at the pixel Heart   collection so you can see here the quality of the  artwork on the pixel heart games are fantastic   really nice I love that we've got um artwork on  the spine as well well um and you know the quality   like the fact that they've done pixel heart in  the Mega Drive logo as well is is fantastic I love   that attention to detail they're trying to keep  it authentic whilst adding their own branding in   there as well so uh Magic Warrior uh Brave battle  Saga this is an RPG really nice RPG I've not   finished it yet I've played probably the first two  hours of the game but it is a lot of fun present   is really nice um I think quite a few of the pixel  heart games are re-releases so games that came out   originally um not officially on sega's platform  so they weren't published by Sega I think they're   like Taiwanese releases or something like that  but um I I just love the quality that pixel har   put into their physical boxes water margin awesome  awesome game now I think water margin is again it   came out um back in the '90s and it I think it  was like a a paint over of Knights of the Round   the Super Nintendo version of kns of the round so  this is quite common in games a lot of people go   oh look it's fake they they just uh use nights  of the round happened all the time back in the   '90s still happens to an extent nowadays where  uh developers will take an existing game and then   use that paint over the top of it rework it add  their own mechanics in and it just helps speed up   development so a very very common practice but uh  I love playing water margin if you like nights of   the round that's pretty much what you're getting  here generals of the Yang family again physical   box is amazing the game is okay right this is  solid maybe six if you push it you could maybe   say seven out of 10 um side scrolling beat him up  uh it's okay um there's some really nice visuals   in it really like the presentation in it but  game play just isn't quite as good as water   margin magic Pockets this was an amga game that  got ported over to the Mega Drive really fun a   lot of fun it's got that typical igga um style  Graphics to it so it it's instantly recognizable   as an Amiga game um but looks really nice now  I think this is the alternative box art I've   got so there's two versions of the box art that  uh pixel heart um made for this game I really   like this one uh looks so so so cool um but  again the this presentation for Pixel heart   Mega Drive games are amazing last game in my  collection this was actually a gift from your   to be forgotten um awesome person in the Mega  Drive Community uh found me at Gamescom I was   on the Xbox stand I was presenting the game  that I was uh that I had made um and it was   being released on the Xbox he came and found me  and gave me this this is FX unit Yuki extremely   extremely hard to get the pixel heart version  now I think it's getting a limited re-release   from another publisher but the pixel heart  version of this is so hard to get hold of   and I'm definitely I've got a review queued up for  this one because it has Sega as the enemy uh which   is contentious especially on the Retro gamer Boy  show but yeah very again very very very cool game next up we have the Fantastic Neo now these  guys developed and published their own IP and   more recently they've started to help our other  Mega Drive developers or other developers bring   their games to the Sega Mega Drive and they've  got these awesome awesome kind of collector's   press kits as well Demons of asberg is the  first game from Neo this is my Kickstarter   copy here and these guys do an unbelievable  job of their presentation there's so so much   in here like lovely colored manuals stickers um  postcards there's gaming cards inside it and the   game itself is stunning really really good you  know this the kind of game you'd find on uh PSN   or Nintendo switch it's a you know it's it's a  kind of modern iny retro pixel art game you'd   expect to find on Steam it's so so so well done  so many cool graphical tricks and uh things they   the mega drive to do so this is the kickstarter  copy and then I also got sent this very kindly   from Neo FID um when they launch this is the  Press um version of the game and I'll carefully   unwrap this cuz it comes with a load of stuff so  you get this like knife here which has um a load   of assets on there so screenshots videos uh that  kind of stuff and then you've got the game itself   which I think has got the same kind of stuff in as  the one we've just looked at there there might be   a few extra pieces then you get um a load of more  stuff in here there's loads of more playing cards   in here as well as um postcards and inside you  get a map of the kingdom of astorg as well on this   cloth printed material so so so cool that that was  their first game uh amazing a lot of people go on   about the quality of watermelon games if you can  get a game from them that is um but I'd have to   say the other French developer who's absolutely  smashing it and delivering it is neid now that's   just their first game their second game Aster Bros  was my game of 2023 and again there's some really   nice artwork both both games come with reversible  cover art on there um this is currently one I'm SP   here but I do switch it around uh so I've got  different cover art um showing every now and then   but this game is amazing it's kind of like a rogue  light type uh Dungeon Crawler um the mechanics are   amazing the character design is amazing I love the  audio in it it is such a well-built game so so so   cool this is just the kickstarter version and  again you get all these different playing cards   in here loads of stickers some awesome artwork  on these postcards here color manuals um both   these games have battery save on them it's just  unbelievable and I think um Aster Bros is now the   largest Sega Mega Drive and Genesis games it's  got 120 Meg cart in it so before that it was I   think it was probably paprium who was boasting  80m again if you could get your hands on it um   but this one now the biggest game you can get on  the Sega me drive and just like Demons of astorg   they also made another amazing collector's  edition so we'll have a quick look at that as well again we've got this knife at the top here uh  and that has all of the um photographs photographs   screenshots videos maybe the ROM's on here as  well I'm not sure um this is the alternate artwork   uh I love it uh in this this kind of Japanese  artwork style here they don't do a European   blue spine yet uh they do the traditional  Japanese um artwork they do genesis they do   the old black spine Mega Drive but they don't  actually do blue spine pal yet which is quite   interesting uh and then again inside this is  awesome so with this version they also sent me   the labels so you can have the Japanese label on  it or I could change it for the Mega Drive label   or I could change it for the Genesis label so I  could switch it up as much as I like um there's   stickers in the back there um as well as that  amazing color manual so that that was very cool   and then inside this it's so hard to repack this  box cuz there's so much in here so much in here   um we've got like these cards that they give you  really nice art cards you can get those framed um   there's more all postcards stickers inside there  then there's this huge pack of gaming cards in   here with all the different characters from Aster  Bros which is amazing just to see all the concept   art pushed out onto these cards uh really really  nice uh there's also if I can get it out um a nice   poster and I think this is a doublesided poster  of the box art so there's uh this box art here   really really nice and then we have this  box art here as well so again very very   very cool and there's even more stickers and  uh a little thank you message from the team as well the kai magazine software collection these  are some of my favorite developers out there for   the Sega Mega Drive now I think all three of these  games came out originally on MSX and they even   done some ports to the steam but the Mega Drive  versions are absolutely fantastic real tongue and   cheek lovely gameplay and each one is a different  kind of genre of game as well which is amazing   considering how big the team is kind magazine  software another one of my favorite developers   um for the Sega Mega Drive and Genesis and based  on the number of views from you guys looking at   videos probably one of yours as well I think  these guys have the highest number of views   per video for any of their games um metal dragon  here is the first one uh that they brought to the   Mega Drive this was out on the MSX originally uh  not the in the back in the day it was a modern   game developed for the MSX uh a running gun top  down shooter really really cool um tongue and   cheek humor in there kind of a a parody of Metal  Gear Solid but so much fun to play this so much   fun classic classic aari Warriors type gameplay  next up we have Life on Mars This is a I guess   you kind of like a Metroid Vania type game not  not 100% there but it's got a lot of the core   mechanics you find in a a Metroid like uh type  game huge amount of fun huge amount of fun really   really enjoyed playing this game um it's a game  that you can uh try speedrun as well um there's a   load of extra Collectibles that you can get that  go beyond just the core game um really nice and   it's the first in a two-part series I don't know  if there's going to be a third one but there's   definitely two parts of this game uh so Life on  Mars if you haven't picked it up now definitely   get this it's such an awesome awesome game and  then the sequel to that was this life on Earth   and life on Earth again it came out on the MSX I  don't know if it got a steam uh release life on uh   Mars definitely got a steam release as well um  but life on Earth definitely was an MSX modern   game and then then came to the Mega Drive the  Mega Drive version is stunning I love cyber   Punk and the game play is different whereas Life  on Mars was a Metroid like uh Metroid Vania like   game this is running gun this is running gun and  it has one of the best soundtracks probably one   of my favorite soundtracks ever for the Sega  Mega Drive um so well done so so good again   come highly recommended um and it's another one  of the videos in on my channel where a ton of   people have watched it uh and loved it we also  played it on live at the arcade a huge amount of   fun playing on there but uh if you've not picked  up life on Earth definitely definitely recommend this retro are probably the biggest and most  established of all of these independent developers   and Publishers and what retrobit do is they take  titles that came out before and re-release them   officially re-release them these are licensed from  the IP owners that own these games and for someone   like me that lives in the power territory where  these games never really came out at all it's our   opportunity to own officially licensed versions of  the game now Sega aren't the publisher this time   round it's it's retro bit but the developers are  the developers that actually had these games back   in the day so it's awesome to get these officially  licensed titles so for the retr bit collection I'm   not going to go through all of these individually  in detail I've got uh individual videos already   made for every single one of these games uh  retrobit do a stunning job they take these   old games uh originally released back in the '90s  and they re-released them and they're officially   licensed so whilst not officially published  by Sega they're published by retrobit they are   officially licensed so from the people that own  these games the companies that own these games   retro go uh retrobit go back and get them licensed  and the presentation is amazing you can see here   you get these cool cartridges on the back of the  PCB they put the logos um and every single one   of these games is limited so they're limited to  the pre-launch window of the game so you can see   here alvian only got three ,400 copies made and  then that's it they don't make any more they only   make the number of pre-orders they get and then if  you want to get your hands on it you have to go to   eBay and then you're paying double the cost uh but  they do an absolutely amazing service for the Sega   Mega Drive and Genesis Community bringing back  these old games officially officially licensed   games so these are the official re-releases of  these games so for someone like me that lives   in the power territories uh we never got these  games so so these are the official re-releases   of those games it's great to have not just like a  a knockoff physical copy of it to have a physical   official release of these games is amazing games  like there Soul Feast now we got uh Soul de sorry   we got soul feast in Europe never got sold decent  I didn't actually realize I know a lot about the   Mega Drive I don't know everything and I didn't  realize sois was a thing um and to play it is   is amazing it's so close to so feie just shows  you how technically impressive so de originally   was and has a stunning stunning soundtrack  in it they also do these big box editions   which come with like standies in them and then  multiple collections of the game so this is the   bis collection all three of the valis games  that came out on the Mega Drive now there's   obviously other valis games on other consoles  but uh again the presentation here is stunning   I don't have the toan collection uh missed out  on that one Absol absolutely absolutely gutted   that I missed out on the to plan collection and  I missed out on the Mega Man Wy Wars collector's   edition and again you got to remember these are  all officially licensed uh games so I missed out   on a an officially licensed collector's edition  of Mega Man and the officially licensed tur plan   collection maybe I have to jump onto eBay at  some point and pay what is it now probably   triple the cost of what they originally were so  uh don't uh make my mistake if you're a collector   or you want to play these games and have the  official physical versions of them make sure you   keep an eye out for the pre-orders that retr bit  do um because they're they're over within like a   month and then you find out that you've missed out  on an awesome awesome physical license copy of the game next up we have a collection of  individual games that weren't released   or developed by any one publisher  or developer doesn't mean that they   didn't release more games it's just  that these are what in my collection   and in these games here we have some of my  favorite games on the Sega Mega Drive in Genesis we'll start it off with Cheryl's perils  now this is probably the most dubious one it's   got a a naked character in it but probably  the artwork's the most risque thing in this   the actual game itself shows you a butt crack uh  and then your character's naked and she's running   around and the idea is that's a uh narrative  premise where the characters come from the   jungle into the City and she's found out that uh  I think everyone's been turned into zombies and   so she's uh off to go save the City by defeating  all these enemies but she's uh she's naked uh the   naked bit you know people make a big deal out  of it but uh it's really the gaml the game play   is really really well done it's a very very solid  game and definitely worth checking out the cursed   night this is a very special copy uh because  the developers of this game actually put uh   the Retro gamer Boy show on this copy of the game  so one of the Billboards you walk past has a copy   of the Retro gamer Boy show an ad for the Retro  gamer Boy show there the game itself is super cool   very well done kind of very Mega manes in some  places definitely in style uh broke Studio do the   ing of this game ggs are the developers and  they have a sequel in the making which is   Dark Legacy which I think is a true sequel  to the game as well slightly different in   its presentation bigger Sprites um different  uh platforming mechanics to it really can't   wait to see it I thought it was coming out  in 2023 hopefully it comes out in 2024 but um   curse Legacy will be the sequel to this keep  your eye out for that Fix It Felix uh this   is uh well it's obviously from the film Wreck-It  Ralph and someone went off and actually made that   game and ported it to a ton of systems including  the Sega Mega Drive so uh this is my copy here   I'll probably redo it this was a kind of a a dodgy  copy that I got off online um not really to the   Quality I like so I'll reshell it redo it make a  manual for it and uh we'll get that looking a lot   more official Jesse Jager in clear patra's curse  very very very fun game again this is Metroid   Vania like uh collect weapons and gadgets to help  you get through the maze it's a huge game um I was   hoping to get the the CD version of this game so  the CD version of this game comes with a CD you   put it inside your mega CD and then the soundtrack  for each level is CD quality soundtrack um very   cool little feature unfortunately I didn't manage  to get a hold of one um but I did get the one   which comes with the map so it shows you the map  of the entire world um but yeah one day hopefully   I'll get the CD as well uh but very cool game very  nice it only comes in Genesis branding there's   not a power mega Drive version of this which is  uh you know for me as a pal Mega Drive owner it   would have been nice to have that but still very  cool game to own blockum sockum this is by The   Immortal John Hancock uh fun little puzzle game  um once you've done the first few levels you get a   of what the entirety of the game is like uh I just  put together this shell here because I purchased   this this is one of the first editions um that was  released and it had a bug in it so they stopped   uh releasing it and and did a republish on them  uh but I wanted this because it was uh an early   release of the game so uh I I rebuilt the artwork  for it and uh called it a beta um but you know   pretty close to the artwork that you find um on  the original game as well so cool to have it it   fun little game um worth picking up if you can  find it for the right price tangle wood oh my   God this game is so good famous for a number of  reasons famous CU it is a great game really well   presented but the game was developed on original  Sega Mega Drive Hardware everything about this   was done originally a lot of the modern games  we're seeing now are done with the sdg GDK um   which is a kind of modern development kit that  allows you to program and see and and does all   the the kind of conversion to to assembly or does  a load of tool stuff I don't know the exacts I   don't develop for the Mega Drive but uh this one  is done with original hardware and this game is so   good if you've not played it played it the best  mechanic in this game comes in halfway through   I don't know why I didn't have it a little bit  earlier maybe for narrative reasons but uh one of   the best modern releases out there and back in the  day this would have been a AAA title easily insane   pain the second fighter Indie fighter that I own  now Fighters are really really really hard to make   even nowadays modern Fighters very few companies  make them because they're so hard to get right uh   and insane pain doesn't get it right 100% but it  moves the needle it moves us closer to getting a   AAA Fighter the presentation of this game is AAA  there's so much cool stuff in here really nice   um player cards and stickers uh cool manuals  um there's just so many cool things in here we   got the cartridge in there as well really really  nice the game itself is fun to play it's a solid   fighter I can't get that out now we'll leave  it in there I don't want to risk damaging it   um yeah the fighter is it's pretty solid I'd  say it's middle of the road uh it's not the   best fighter out there it sits nice in the middle  of the pack of Fighters that you can buy on the   Sega Mega Drive but it does move aido and I think  that's why it's so significant it's significant   because it gets us closer to getting an indie  developed AAA fighter finally in this group   Xeno crisis I love Xeno crisis I make no pretense  about how much I love Xeno crisis Xeno crisis is   one of the most stunning independent developed  games ever made it is pure gold uh twin stickes   shooter in fact there's a mod out there where  you can mod a six button joyad so that is uh   does have a second stick on it um there it's hard  to describe how good this game is visually gam   playay structure mechanics sound it is topnotch  one of if you buy just one game out of all the   amazing games I've showed you so far if you  buy just is one game make sure it's Zeno crisis please this is my mega cat collection now Mega  cat do a lot more games uh some of the games you   actually find in the pixel Heart collection  some of them are are quite unique to to Mega   cats themselves but I've only got two games  currently from Mega cat Diamond Thieves it's   an okay kind of puzzle platform game uh it won't  blow you away especially if you like your graphics   visually it's it's a little underwhelming um for  a mega drive game not to say it's bad right it's   it's very stylized in an 8bit um kind of way so  something you could definitely do on the Sega   Master System um I'd say you know again we got a  solid 6 out of 10 game here but it's fun for the   time you've got it I wouldn't spend a huge amount  of money on it though sacred line two so sacred   line one was published by watermelon you know  those guys who still haven't sent me my copy of P   that I spent £200 on but nonetheless uh the  developer this time dumped uh watermelon and went   to make a cat games probably a good thing because  only a few months after the kickstarter the game   actually came out uh and this is a narrative  point and click game I guess um so you you you   play through the story um it's quite fun I haven't  finished it yet I've played I don't know maybe 50%   through it um this is a Kickstarter version so it  com comes with a ton of goodies in here um but you   can go on to the mega cat website and uh pick up a  copy there again very very different this won't be   for everyone if you don't like reading text and uh  choosing options then this is not going to be for   you but if you like your narrative based story  games then uh this might be worth taking a look at this collection here is mostly made up of  remasters re-releases ports to the Sega Mega   drive again not released by any one developer  or any one publisher and a large number of these   have my own custom artwork and custom manuals  put into them because they're only available   as ROMs Zero Tolerance one of the best if not  the best firstperson shooter for me on the Sega   Mega Drive and Genesis now when I found out that  there was a seel zero tolerance underground I had   to get this this is an official release  of the sequel with the original game from   Strictly limited games and Pico interactive  so at last I've got to play the sequel uh   not the sequel we all know but the uh the  sequel which is essentially lots of extra   levels for the original I guess nowadays you'd  call it a DLC uh I get to finally pay that and   it say glorious as the original release was  chips challenge now I think this is a port   to the Mega Drive uh originally I can't remember  which platform it was on maybe c64 I want to say   um this is an official release uh puzzle game  it's fun it's not going to blow you away it's   a c64 game you know there's not much done to it  uh to move it on from uh I think it was a c64   game anyway uh yeah not much done to it to move  it beyond what the original game was but uh uh   cool to have a little bit of gaming history and to  have a port an official Port made it to the Sega   Mega Drive Mortal Kombat arcade edition now this  version of the game is a rom hack where they redid   All the visuals of the game to get it closer to  the arcade version and this is the closest you can   get on the Sega Mega drive to the original Mortal  Kombat on Arcade sounds being redone characters   reworked timings redone backgrounds redone uh  this box here manual cartridge uh this is my   work uh so you can get this for free you can  download the uh rom hack and then apply it to   the ROM so you can actually have a awesome looking  version of Mortal Kombat on your Sega Mega Drive   and as always I like to go that one step further  and make sure I've got the physical version as   well staying on ROM hacks and the official  versions I wanted a pal version of golden   ax 3 obviously only came out I think in Japan I  don't think it got a US release um but I wanted   a pal version version and there's a rom hack out  there that uh does a kind of us European version   so I've grabbed that rom hack um made some custom  artwork here to make it look exactly like it's uh   from the trilogy the pal version of it I also made  a US version of this box as well um and then done   a ton of stuff to it uh full manual in there a  full official manual in there a wrap around it and   European cartridge as well um but you know what  golden X3 gets a bad rap golden x 3 is actually   a solid game you got to play it visuals aren't  as good as the originals but they do a lot more   a lot lot more so uh if you haven't definitely try  out golden ax 3 Sonic the Hedgehog the Lost worlds   now this game is I guess technically a rom hack uh  they all the levels that weren't released or got   cut from Sonic 2 and someone went in there and uh  rebuilt them and built out Sonic The Lost worlds   now this is my own um well it's not my artwork I  think someone else redrew that and I kind of put   this box art together because it is ROM only um  and I'm going to redo the cartridge and I'm going   to put in a new manual rebuild a manual for it as  well but amazing I'm surprised they cut so many   levels out of this there's so many cool levels uh  in this game uh they could have included them in   Sonic 2 or they could have done a Sonic 2 part two  with how many levels they cut out of it but again   definitely worth downloading if you haven't  played Sonic The Lost worlds wi Jammers an   ongoing project to bring wi Jammers to the  Sega Mega Drive very very cool this is the   latest version of the build that the guys have put  together um I'm terrible at wi Jammers but always   enjoyed it uh played it on the Neo Geo um played  it at the arcades as well very very cool um game   I built this custom uh box and artwork and then  I did a load of stuff in there I've rebuilt the   manual based on the demo that's there and all the  features that the guy said that they'll be adding   so that's a full manual in there and then I did  this like little cool thing here where you've got   two different versions of the shell so you can  take this shell off and put this on on as well   so I did like a little collector edition for  it finally one of the jewels in my collection   are type do you know I was amazed back in the  day to to not have our type on the Sega Mega   Drive one of the best shoot them up games ever  created and now we've got uh the Robo Z or the   robo Zed um who's remaking it and that that man  is doing a service to all Gamers uh the work he   is doing on this game is absolutely outstanding  this is the latest version of his uh demo it's   got the master systems special stage in it which  just blew me away I did a whole video on this uh   this is my custom box so I took the original  artwork I did did some things like I I put the   ship in there uh I always felt that the monster  here would be looking at a ship or something and   they never had it in the original artwork so I  painted in this uh R type ship here obviously   built the cover uh and then I built a manual and  I even went in and built a uh poster let's have   a quick look at the poster if you haven't already  check out my uh video on this game because it is   such a stunning Port it is so so so good so it's a  double-sided poster that I made and so I did a mod   reenvisioning of this uh promotional artwork  that you used to get and then you turn it over   and then you've got my reimagining of the r  type uh original artwork there but yeah love   having a physical version of R type finally in the  collection can't wait until it's finally completed   uh this will be definitely one of the best if not  the best shooter maps in my collection so good to   have our type back now I'm always happy to see  brand new games come out for our 16-bit console   and wherever I can I try to support them whether  that's by making these videos or backing their   kickstarters because without support the scene  will die and we won't get these brand new games   so it is really important whether we're purchasing  these games sharing them on our different social   channels or just talking about them in a community  to support the developers and creators of brand   new titles and remasters and even the re-releases  my collection keeps on growing I've got about six   games I think on pre-order that are still in  development I'm still waiting for my 230b copy   of paprium and Pier solar I doubt I'm ever going  to see that but while I was making this video   another game did turn up and it's this the limited  edition of eliminate down and look at that cover   there absolutely awesome now I know it's been a  bit spotty with videos lately and that's because   I'm a games developer as well and we get to points  when we're developing games where we just have to   be heads down working long hours and weekends and  that's where I've been for the last 2 or 3 months   but I'm hoping that over the next few weeks my  time will free up a bit more and I can make more   videos about brand new games coming to our awesome  16bit console and games that I'm collecting in the   general Mega Drive and geneses scene but  until then I'll catch you on the next one we
Channel: Retro Gamer Boy
Views: 8,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Retro gaming, retro gamer boy, retro games, retrogamer, retro, retro collective, retro games room, gaming room, games room, retro game collecting, gamer girl, mancave, games, gaming, YouTube gamer, YouTube, gaming setup, gamer life, sega, sega genesis, sega mega drive, new mega drive games, new sega genesis games, new sega games in 2024, new sega genesis game is 2024, new mega drive games in 2024
Id: qM9VcDM3qdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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