Over 2 Hours of Wrestling + Moxley in Action | AEW Elevation Episode 3, 3/29/21

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i'm here tonight on aw dark elevation not feeling too great the last few weeks i keep getting jumped and beat up and burned and lacerated and left for dead my friend got his ankle broken by a group of vicious thugs i'm not in the greatest of moods how do i remedy that how do i make myself feel better the thing that i like to do the most my favorite thing to do drop somebody on their head choke somebody unconscious kick a hole through somebody's chest i am happy to have the opportunity to be in action tonight on aw dark elevation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] this is aew elevation hello everyone tony shabani and the one and only g no bs all white and we are with you here tonight for the best in all the lead wrestling where we celebrate all of the young men and women trying to make their way into all elite wrestling [Music] this is a tag team bout set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 509 pounds the team of jd drake and the hollywood hunk ryan nemeth and welcome everyone to another episode of aew dark elevation tony chavanni the one and only paul white we are with you with the stars here of all elite wrestling and we start with a tag team debut of jd drake and the hollywood hunk but right now we're going to go back to the one and only justin roberts and their opponents the team of chuck taylor and freshly squeezed orange cassidy [Music] [Applause] wow brand new entrance music for orange cassidy wow that's huge [Music] how about that man there's ring music and then this music totally fits orange it really does all right orange cassidy and chuck taylor are coming up one of their biggest matches of the year it's an arcade anarchy match against miro and kip sabian is coming up on dynamite coming up this wednesday you never know what to expect when you have orange casting in the ring but the fact is this arcade anarchy match goes all the way back to when by mistake but the best friends destroyed miro's machine or his i don't want to put his gaming machine his video game machine that was here at ringside his second wife the way he plays it yeah well yeah right now business is about to pick up you know that was a good effort by chuck taylor in there [Applause] he's not impressed at all by j.d drake jd trying to intimidate him like come on get in the ring he just he turned the table down that nice deep arm drag chuck taylor showing off some of his wrestling repertoire it's a big french word yeah it's a good one in the corner here it's the hollywood hunk himself ryan nemeth yeah he just you know tagged with his partner jd drake who's known as the uh something badass the blue collar badass blue collar badass okay there you go my brain went out to lunch you take a look at this duo i mean they are they are certainly an odd couple [Music] [Applause] psychological warfare the orange cassidy plays by just there's intimidation and then there's getting your head by not respecting your opponent okay he just covered him three straight times with a one count and told rig knox that should have been a three count okay i mean he's he's on a he's on a different level different plane you know here he goes again watch okay he got him over well you know i'd like a little bit more effort for my opponent chuck taylor in no place where he needs to be doing that kind of maneuver you should be in your own corner oh now chuck taylor may be in trouble drake's on the outside he goes oh man big forearm shot jd drake just drove that right in chuck taylor's face and drake again meanwhile the blue collar badass going to work yeah hollywood hunk took care on the inside of orange cassie who now is reeling as you can see in the corner and right now drake and the hollywood hunt right now are in charge of this match here paul they're definitely in control you know i wish they'd worked on their tans at least they could as a tag team should at least have matching tans the interest to see what that arcade anarchy match is going to be all about this coming wednesday coming up here on dynamite on tnt cover by drake and he got a two count that time boy drake man jake jaylen is wearing those famous austin hall boots well how about that yeah those are pretty expensive boots you know you've got to be able to at least do a headlock you buy a pair of boots like that absolutely oh he did a reverse atomic drop and how about that drake on the run and runs right over him nice putting that weighted advantage to use run through with that big lariat i like how they're working their corner they're staying on their side of the ring they're tagging it out they're staying on their opponents you know i mentioned that drake was fundamentally sound the same thing you can say with the hollywood hunk here fundamentally sound fundamentally sound great amateur background on the hollywood hunt great athletic background on it comes from a great athletic family oh nice european uppercut and uh chuck taylor i'm telling you we are two days removed from that big match at dynamite and let's see how much they're gonna have left coming up in two days and moving out of the way [Applause] i think that's uh two stones with one bird that's what it was and here's cassie i'm begging this guy to get fired up i think i think he is fired up paul he's like controlled fury right now yeah no oh here it comes here we go here we go hands in the pocket oh man business is about to pick up oh and it just pisses drake off look at that man [Applause] oh is he stepping on those fancy boots oh man it's like elvis don't step on his blue suede shoes don't step on my austin hall boots oh man and drake cut him down now it's not the time to talk and there it is one shot center to keep orange cassidy down duck's out of the way sends him over look at that just kind of love how he makes it look effortless that's the thing about orange cassidy everything he does looks effortless because he's such a great athlete true and sometimes we don't talk enough about that we talk about the way he goes about his business his nonchalance right then again that athleticism comes into play look at this into a cutter out of that and jd is almost drake is oh no he picked him up drink no wow into a ddt one two and the hollywood hunk brought him up the wood hulk's not gonna let that go down see smart tag team your opponent's in trouble make the save get him back to the corner tag in and duck out of the way and uh with a good dropkick that was right on the face nice athletic drop kick wow he stuck that ddt one two wrong place to be though 48 hours away from arcade anarchy miro kip sabian against chuck taylor and orange cassidy it's going to be one of the most unique matches we've ever had on dynamite no doubt and we've had some unique matches oh i felt that chop all the way over here that's my kind of job custody up top wow he saw it did drake here he comes moving out of the way and the orange punch the orange punch drake is wobbly he's just hanging on by a thread trying to get him up for the beach break he got him up beach break pretty impressive on the strength of orange cassidy and that's all she wrote man [Applause] chuck taylor and freshly squeezed bridge cassidy tell you the combination of the orange punch and the beach break you're not going to get it from that and now what awaits orange casting chuck taylor arcade anarchy coming up this coming wednesday on tnt and dynamite shows you a lot what it took for jd drake to get pinned too yes sir two big finishes from orange cassidy to put what do we have going on here you know what lads that that was that was that was cute that was really really cute whoa hold your horses hold your horses we're not here to give you a taste of the arcade anarchy match i wanted to come out here and wish you luck you're gonna need well i'm not here to wish you luck i'm here to wish you [Music] and you to survive the next week match so i can come and grab your little throat and pull your spine and shove it right up you know what that's what i wish on you i wish you to go home i wish you crack your skull we should blow drops in so i can seek it yikes my god i will see you really soon you know each means business paul i mean he's serious fine fine you know miro is just uh right now the amount of anger that he's suppressing is a little bit frightening yes it is it's very frightening when a guy is so mad he can't speak coherently right there's a lot of rage inside of there you know orange cassidy and chuck taylor better have their heads on the swivel they met her for wednesday's arcade anarchy match watch it's not over my god he just ran right over him there's that viciousness somebody get rid of somebody ran right by us just beating him with a shoe i mean who can control this guy the referee's doing the best they can do but there's if he doesn't want to be controlled he's going to walk away when he's ready look at that smile look at him he's enjoying this boy they got penelope out of there too anarchy the arcade anarchy match is coming up wednesday on dynamite great tag team match way to start elevation in our third week tony shabani and the big man right here paul white paul i tell you we've got a lot going on this week including scorpio sky against matt seidel one of our main events how about that can't beat that can't beat that and we're going to see john moxley here on elevation john marks has come to elevation john moxley is coming to elevation as well as jungle boy to take on jack evans of th2 so we got a lot of great action don't you dare change that channel we'll go back to the ring here's justin roberts this contest is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit making his way to the ring from johnstown pennsylvania weighing 240 pounds bill collier you know tony i'm really excited about bill collier i know tonight he's making his aew debut i spoke with him earlier and he said you know i'm pretty pumped about working with one of the best in the world tonight he's going to get his chance coming up here paul and i tell you bill collier is just very impressive walking out what a man as you mentioned johnstown pennsylvania but here we go and here he comes gotta love it oh man oh he's fired up and ready and his opponent from cincinnati ohio weighing 231 pounds [Applause] well now paul we don't know if he's 100 because of all the burns and lacerations suffered in the exploding barbed wire match with kenny omega revolution but that wouldn't stop him at all not being 100 no you know we always talk about intestinal fortitude in this business john moxley if you look up intestinal fortitude in the dictionary his pictures right next to it and we saw recently on the dynamite where kenny omega after fracturing the foot now he's getting ready to start this match after fracturing the foot of eddie kingston he and his cohorts the good brothers really tried to break the neck of john moxley i mean that's what they were attempting to do you know kenny omega is not will stoop to any level possible to get his point across omega has just become he's become out of complete control well you know they say you know power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts oh yeah i agree with that anybody kenny omega is the aew world champion the triple a champion i like what marxley is doing here you know he's really filling out feeling out bill you know that control that top wrist lock trying to keep him grounded bill's showing his veteranship over 400 matches yeah so you know bill's not a rookie in there by any means known for his big knockout punch he's had 14 years in the business this is his big chance though on elevation and like you said paul he's got quite a match here it seemed like when you when you tried to go toe-to-toe with moxley either chops or fists or forearms that's when he really kicks into high gear and almost like it just it perks him up what does fireman that's the thing about john john loves to get down and dirty that's his thing nice dropkick about that man by this big guy at 6-3 240 to execute a dropkick like that you know bill collier showing his athletic ability now he's showing his veteran leadership settling things down taking taking moxley out of that fight mode nice headlock ground him bring him down slow down the tempo because mox likes to turn it up quickly to a top wrist lock and now side headlock nice little reversal all the funk style absolutely and boy duck there it is man he telegraphed it you could see it he ducked maybe a little bit too soon that time yeah moxie's a guy that you know he thinks so flat it's so fast on the fly he's got what i call unconscious competence he's not even thinking about what he's doing he's reacting to it not only that you can see it it just emanates from him from the time he walks through the door to time he walks the ring he has just got so much confidence well you know i don't think bill expected to come in his first try on aew and get those forearm crossface shots to the oh that was close two count for rick knox always great to have john moxley here on elevation and um he definitely brings the intensity and the energy up yeah and i know i know he's going to get his shot again i know this is not done with he kenny omega the good brothers don callas let me say this and i said that before thank goodness for the young bucks thank goodness for them just not going with kenny omega and not going with the the good brothers and standing up for what's right because that's what you got to do sometimes well it just shows the character of the young bucks you know sure they had an opportunity to do what would be easy what would be comfortable look at that vicious grab by the nose by moxley right there just pulling bill collier's face right up off the mat i thought it was gonna be like an stf for a moment cross face but it was a a vicious grab in the nose like you said just vicious just just to be mean just to be mean yeah just to let you know you're in a got a two calories you know i like the respect that moxley has given bill too you know he's he's grounded him he's working that arm you know trying to get inside bill's head here and let him know that at any point in time john moxley is in control and then oh wow what a vicious shot to the face boy if that doesn't ring the dinner bell nothing will just a needle how about that back lake front kick that time max thief feeling moxie feeling pretty good here on elevation moxley's reminding me of pele the way he's swinging those feet he's going to kick bill collier back in the locker room position himself he goes again three in a row all three in the sternum in the champs collier trying to man up now here though he's trying to find it somewhere absolutely he gets to his feet he caught the foot trying the fourth time in a big forearm i don't know that might have just woke moxley up moxley likes that you know that's like that's like a cup of coffee for him it just wakes him up gets them going full nelson standing switch pickup german and the german suplex is it amazing how quick moxley reacts to the situations that he's in he always finds a way out what are we going for here good call backdrop good counter that time by collier good power good athleticism good ring awareness to know that he was in trouble had to counter and get out of it there's a big boot to marx's face here comes collier he had a steam and he runs him over nice lariat nice follow through with that huge whoop moxley from behind gut shots repeated shots tried a big roundhouse right and collier he's got him up big fall away slam by collier nice kick up for the big man really showing his athleticism i like the fact that he's staying on moxley he's not posing and talking the crowd that much he knows he's got a top world contender and competitor in the ring look how mock's changed change the channel that quick change the channel now picks him up and wow a pile driver that should do it one two no wow collier was able to get out now moxley here with a rear naked choke yes he's won a match or two like this and that's it collier's out of this match joe you gotta love moxley even after he choked up bill collier he ruffled his hair and said good try kid good try it's called the bulldog choke it's one of the many matches and it wins another match for john moxley here on aew elevation and bill collier making his aw debut you know he was in the fight he really was no i thought he really tried to bring it to mox i thought he represented himself very well out there tonight but we're in the ring with a competitor like john moxley sometimes everything you got isn't enough your winner on elevation continues to win his 30th win in singles competition john moxley before we go to our next match going to take you back earlier in the day here in jacksonville florida cody rhodes the american nightmare here paul coming out he's got a big event coming up a exhibition match with qt martial on dynamite but he's going to present a very special award here definitely taking that nightmare belt out there i noticed that cody's got the arm injury the arm and his sling right he's going into that exhibition match so to speak with qut marshall now you wonder if cody's thinking exhibition is qt marshall thinking exhibition or is this thing going to get really personal really quick well that remains to be seen we know that aw is working closely with the boys and girls club of north florida and because of that cody's belt is off and he presents it what a presentation wow what a moment in that young man's life right there absolutely congratulations santiago elias prado for the boys and girls club of north florida you get cody's nightmare weight belt and this happened earlier today here at daley's place [Music] the next match here on dark elevation in singles competition penelope ford along with kip sabian will be taking on lila gray this contest is set for one fall with a 20 minute time limit being a company to the ring by super bad kim sabian from philadelphia pennsylvania penelope four well penelope ford we know her mostly as being rich high with kip and miro but the girl is a sensational athlete she is 15-6 in singles competition undefeated here in the 20-21 in aw [Music] i think she's had 11 one-on-one single victories how about that [Music] her opponent from queens new york layla gray layla gray 0-2 looking first first win in aw kip sabian uh apparently penelope not impressed well coming up this wednesday paul we've got that arcade anarchy bench [Applause] which has been talked about miro as we have seen is almost uncontrollable towards orange cassidy and chuck taylor you know romero's been on quite the aggressive run lately but you know if you look at penelope right now she's pretty aggressive against layla gray yeah she's taking the measure of layla gray here really zipping those chops into lay the grave firing back chop for chop a receipt we call it in our business a young lady out of queens new york showing some patience and showing some quickness wow running european uppercut those aren't easy to do well executed snap merider over going to hit the ropes on the far side and a shotgun dropkick off the ropes both legs one says frank gastineau and only one great get a little bit more weight across that upper chest and penelope really keep those shoulders pinned on a cover chin buster and penelope ducks out of the way nicely done rolls her up and gray just using her legs to push out of that penelope spin kick that time and a big knee left here we go again wow shin kick right to the back of the head fourth that won't ring your bell they'll be trying to get back into the top five in women's rankings for the first time since last january she has a very prolific gymnastics background that she uses in the ring and you know something we don't talk about enough here we go look at this cisco beer one of her favorite maneuvers the handspring that's there something we don't talk about it up paul gymnastics gymnasts are just phenomenal athletes oh absolutely normal athletes upper core body strength which is great base for entering professional wrestling because a lot of the moves take a lot of core strength sure you know and definitely if you've been successful as a gymnast odds are you're going to be successful as a professional wrestler and layla gray oh boy from the inside out on the apron both knees into the gut as kip he probably needs to be worried more about uh chuck and orange cassidy but he's there one two and a two count he's showing support for his partner well i respect that you know penelope's got deep down inside of her she'll never forget how chuck taylor and arch okay get a room cassidy ruined her wedding on dynamite it's led to the oh that was just uncalled for very innovative right across the throat using the ring to her advantage you know penelope's got a mean streak to her yes it's all led to this arcade anarchy match and the anger uncontrollable anchor by miro look at this good running larry at that time and again by gray she's feeling that momentum yeah a little fence press you're right look at that she didn't want to try to pin or do you want to pound it into her oh that spinning heel kick there's a gymnast flexibility and power coming in that was well executed pick up oh down she goes all across the knees double knees to the stomach the winner of this match penelope ford say a lot of times she used that fisherman suplex to get the win but that time dropping her [Music] first across the knees yeah definitely showing some power both those knees shoved right into solar plexus just blew all the wind right out of layla grey's lungs penelope ford gets a a kiss well yeah you know i keep watching this i'm going to get diabetes from all this sugar come on get a room that's just that's unhygienic our next match on elevation is rex lawless and milk chocolate and trios action versus the gun club this is a trio's tag team match set for one ball with a 20-minute time limit making their way to the ring from orlando florida at total combined weight of 690 pounds billy and austin my boys my boys my boys bang bang bang go get em go to work quit talking to me i've known those kids since they were a knee height or a grasshopper well you got to say that they have a lot of charisma charisma athletic ability and oodles and oodles of athletic ability their opponents had a combined weight of 636 pounds a team of rex lawless and milk chocolate rex lawless and milk chocolate the team of brandon watts on your left and in front of him randy summers i love it milk chocolate i dig it yeah there you go so trio's match-up you know we talked about the charisma of the gun club and it all starts with their dad i mean you've known their dad forever right i've known him for over 20 years and he is nothing but charisma you know it's funny i i tease colton i call him captain colton gunn because he's running my workouts right now and he's been killing me oh all right austin in the ring here the the little gun boy he has so much energy just a bundle of energy aubry edwards is the referee in this trios match coming to you here on our third edition of aew elevation molly austin a nice calling elbow tie up now we're in a hammer lock situation nice reversal dig it randy summers there now seven year veteran look at that that veteran that veteran play comes in that veteran play comes in handy right there with that back elbow up on top austin hits the ropes summers try delarian awesome boy look at the quickness look how fast he is the ring hitting the ropes so athletic so innovative oh there's a playbook kind of mr perfect page right there how about that and over the top kurt henning would be proud yes he would he is uh austin gunn i've always been a proponent of hitting the ropes very fast back and forth and he was really flying that time and look at this would you rex lawless getting right in the middle of billy guns i admire rick's courage not many people are going to stand up to billy gunn that's another thing people don't realize how big billy gunn is he's like six foot six 270 pounds see what the veteran billy gunn will do to get out of this see how he drops his hips real low back behind now now rex is in it great standing switch [Applause] well billy gunn is just i mean he is so powerful look i mean look at look you can see the the muscles on these quadriceps oh top tier athlete you know this is one of those guys that hit the genetic gene pool it's too lottery he you know he's too bad he's not that handsome that's the only thing he's got going against him well they he does have a very nice smile he does have a nice smile look at the weight advantage i think rex just bumped billy right on the ground wow and then he was just hammering that billy goes to the legs and now with a thrust kick to the head there's no substitute for experience billy's got more tricks and probably rex even knows billy's forgotten tags in austin the gun club down to the midsection they've been part of the nightmare family of course as we know and colton comes in with a cutter that time one and got a one count our first look at colton gunn 29 years of age four years experience in the ring tags in austin you know really we talk so much about family but i mean families the teams that have been comprised of family members have been so successful all food wrestling well and also you talk about generations too like you know austin and colton are second generation and they've picked up so much of this business just by being around it and absorbing it they absorb the lingo they absorb the psychology and they usually are so much better right out of the gate than somebody picking it up for the first time it's our first look at brandon watts and he tags in summers by the way watson summers seven years teaming as the team of milk chocolate primarily the northeastern u.s they've wrestled more than 120 matches together and right there they just showed their teamwork and how they're used to working together right now austin's in a lot of trouble he's deep in their corner which i always advise tag teams when you get an opponent you're wearing them down keep them on your side of the ring they're doing a great job of keeping ice keeping austin isolated from billy and colton wallace big strong guy man it kind of kind of reminds me of rhino in his prime you know absolutely yeah rhino was such a specimen there's that athleticism the last thing you want to do is grab a gun by the foot and here comes colton taking care of business down goes both members of milk chocolate and then a right cross to rex lawless and colton is all fired up just that athletic ability of colton comes out splashing both men in the corner pick up tilt the world how about that there you go give me five we'll do a lot of that here's the one two in the tilt-a-whirl slam after that pop a gun not happy about that clearing the ring are we going to see it tony they're trying to go 12-0 one two three no winners on this match luke goodclub and tony they call that the 3 10 to yuma the 3 10 to yuma a backdrop neckbreaker combination with colton and austin i might be picking favors tony but that's my favorite tag team in aew go ahead here's the 310 to yuma again paul i love how smooth it is they work together pop a gun in the corner making sure the ring stays clear now at 12-0 in trio's competition the winners the gun club [Music] thunder rosa wrestling in the very first lights out match in dynamite and winning over dr britt baker in one of the most epic bouts we've ever had in all elite wrestling your thoughts on that match what's next for you my thoughts is like first of all it was the first main event by women in the history of aw and also i was the first mexican or wrestler who does something like this so it was not only historical it was something beautiful i i just can't get over it i'm so excited thank you to all the fans who poured out there and watch it watch it 15 17 20 times thank you so much and i'm not going to take only the credit for this this was for all of you guys unlike red baker who of course will continue to take all the credit because she's a princess of aw but you know what what's next for me what is next for me is i'm coming back to the ring as you guys can see i'm ready to fight again and i'm fighting against alex gracia who's one of the students that i you know from texas i love her she i've seen her grow and i love that she's here and i get to share the same ring again i'm all about women empowerment and that's one of the things that i will continue to do is continue to represent latinas and continue to empower other women all over the world whoa whoa whoa did i just hear you right did you just say represent latinas let's get this straight don't nobody represent me i represent me you hear me i i hear you're loud and clear but you know what i hear too jealousy end business like everybody else hold up can we keep a g for a second technically you don't even go here pero mira you win the main event like it's all good historia i'm so proud but you know what else you did you painted a big ass target on your back thunder that's what we do here baby when you're the best you become a target everywhere so what's up what do you got for me bueno la is ready to step up to the plate you say that's what you do right exactly show me something then well call it now be ready anytime you want this contest is set for one ball with a 20-minute time limit coming down the aisle from asbury park new jersey weighing 202 pounds he is the bad boy chewie joined by his long time partner sonny kiss joey janelle the bad boy in the singles competition here on elevation and let's send it back once again to justin roberts his opponent from amarillo texas weighing 195 pounds chandler hopkins tanner hopkins three years is making his aew debut out of amarillo texas that is the home of the legendary funk family as you know so we'll see what chandler could do here against george nelly joey is so unorthodox but we have found out that maybe he's a fighter and maybe he loves the hardcore type wrestling but he can wrestle as well joey can do a lot of different things that that fans don't realize why don't you call him a jack of all trades absolutely chandler hawkins incredible shit go to the amateur background he's got an mma background as well what kind of condition the chandler's in he's in amazing shape you mentioned that sonny kid's out here with him he teamed with sunny greece to beat morales and gargas on aew dark a week ago so he's had his success both in singles and tag team wrestling he is a 4-2 is george nelly here in aw here in 2021 look at this good flexibility by chandler look at look at trying to break those hips that's the key to that got to break those hips down to get him on the mat chandler out of it headlock takeover good form chandler showing us something here man wow look at that athleticism a little bit too much posing for me but you know he's trying to make a name for himself yeah and you're going up against a guy who's headlined fighter fest 2019 against john moxley and so why would you turn your back on it but but fist of fire now hear from hopkins but joey janella once the edge in the corner boy you are in trouble he has a high threshold of pain he loves to punish people and that's exactly what he's doing here to hopkins you can see him smiling when he's inflicting that pain he enjoys it hopkins with a head scissor take over that time call that a flying headlock scissor take over something like oh there's a german suplex oh joey janella i don't know what joey expected in this matchup but hopkins has been very very impressive and once again this is what elevation is all about take a look at these kids making his debut here in aew yeah the amount of pressures on these athletes to come in here perform set themselves apart from everyone else and try to get a victory out here and you've got somebody like joey janello in there who is very unorthodox with a huge bag of tricks and a little bit of crazy to go with it yeah a lot of creatures go with it and uh as you can see uh hopkins slinks to the corner mike posey the referee here and checking to see if hopkins is okay and janella will send him into the other corner as well joey smart using that ring to do the work for him back to the attack again [Applause] full arm drag twist janella you can see it when he when he but he's got things going his way and almost like you can see it you can see the gleam in his eyes he slows it down to enjoy the moment i notice that when he's in control he really enjoys inflicting punishment on others there you go oh this is a terrible terrible place to be chandler hopkins right now both shoulders getting pressed out of the socket that knee in the back of the spine makes it almost impossible to take a deep breath right there almost a surfboard tight maneuver into the midsection boy janella just fired right back again man he took what he had and fired right back and now on the outside well hopkins landed on his feet and that's probably luck for him hopkins is trying to get some momentum going but joey's not giving him the chance oh joy's going to go through the ropes it looks like watch out here he comes tope suicida and hopkins hit back at the head hit their safety rail that time [Music] and here comes hopkins over the top right back at you joey how about hopkins taking flight a swan dive over the top well if you're going to make an impression go all out there is no tomorrow [Applause] hopkins perched on top joey press slam wow hopkins was wiping off that top turnbuckle to make sure his footing was okay and that'd be janella time enough to reply nice spinning back kick there's some mma background the handspring tried to kick that time from a handspring and janella ducked out of the way well that wasn't the time to showboat there joey he thought he outsmarted his opponent but then he got a nice foot in the face for being lackadaisical hopkins made he paid for it and now let's see what hopkins can do with janella who's slow to get up off the mat hawkins gonna get some momentum here and close it out wow forearm shiver right to the chin chandler's days oh [Applause] he's going again could have maybe try to pin that time i think that was a bad move he should have got the pinfall right there move get the pinfall big splash one a frog's place for the top and a two count oh my wow chandler hopkins three quarters across the ring frog splash take a look at it again look at him fly that was three quarters of the ring yes it was and now he's going to go up top again janella just cannot get up off the mat here he's still holding his midsection while chandler hopkins who's been most impressive in the debut oh tried a swanton dive that swan didn't fly [Music] boom wow that one did joey brought that larry it right across the chest and throw picks him up puts him down in a small package and that looks like it put him out and no it didn't wow i'm really surprised about this cover your surprise i think joey's surprised after the tough match he's given him so far yeah i thought he would have hooked a leg and taking that cover a little bit more seriously you know you never know what's going on inside the mind of a genius yes yes that's what i've been told janella now or maniac oh step up instagram that time he tried to discuss larry did i'm really impressed with chandler hawkins athletic ability with his feet he uses every weapon he has oh this is it what do we got here thinks he's got him and joey picks him up wow into a canadian destroyer well here comes the greetings from asbury park big elbow drop one two three he hooked the leg that time here is your winner joey janella joey janella was pushed in this one paul he was and that's good for joey sometimes you know you've got to be pushed to improve and to get better and that's what the good thing about elevation it gives these athletes a chance to get better take a look again paul that elbow off the top that asbury park is just so solid all of his body weight right across the upper chest chandler hopkins probably didn't know where he was [Music] your winner in singles competition is joey janella back we go again here on elevation to joshua gonzalez angelico i'm so sorry to ruin your vibe at the moment but i was wanting to see if i could possibly get an award in with jack evans jack dasha wants an interview again oh god what do you want dash jack evans tonight you face jungle boy in the ring how do you prepare for an athlete of that caliber how do i prepare i don't need to prepare all i need is my coffee and that puts me in position to put jungle dork in a state of unconsciousness and pin him one two three and just to show my disappointment with aew for putting me in the ring with these jurassic people i might take his unconscious body and melee lucha dorcas and marco vrunt after the match just to send a message and that message is hazelnut creamer does a buddy good anything else dasha that's all i got for you angelico you do know that there is no music playing it's all up here so what up here you just don't understand dasha leave me alone constantly [Applause] this contest is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit approaching the ring from san antonio texas alex gracia there she is the pink dream looking for her first win in 2021 here in aw there's a lot of excitement a lot of style to the ring speaking of style and excitement here's justin and her opponent from the graveyards up to you on a mexico thunder well paul so much respect for this young lady i tell you that i absolutely love thunderosa i love her fire her intensity you know the match that her and dr britt baker had was one of those matches that put them on the mark forever sure they set a bar that people are going to be hard to catch absolutely and here we go alex gracia and thunder rosa thunder rosa by the way and we learned this by talking to her was a social worker at a place called thunder road and that's where she got the name thunder rosa and look at this look what all she can do i love her amateur stuff she really gets in there and gets after it only six years experience in the ring it looks like she'd been in the ring 15 maybe more years the way she could right that snap headlock takeover right there former nwa women's world champion held it for 277 days before losing to serena deeb and look how she cinches up that side headlock paul yeah her you know her basics are really really tight and he can show the difference in how she's accomplished and there's no wonder that she was a women's champion for that many days he shows in her work mike posey checking in they go back to the ropes sending alex in nice deep arm drag right back at you alex coming right back alex gracia coming right back sending her in the ropes look at that bridging over 1-2 almost pulled away a win [Music] wow this is arm drag city leg sweep that time to get her down rosa back up another leg sweep back up again they go both on the same page that's there that's a pretty good contest right there look at thunder roaster smiles she's enjoying this all right [Applause] nice drastic with plenty of well i'll say plenty of quickness but she was out quick that time rosa trying to break the hole maybe a standing switch no she will go the other way reversal into the corner and rolls her up oh i see a roll through but there's a double leg drop kick two and a two count and one of the things i love about thunder rosa yes she's a great show person but at the same time she still remembers the number one goal in professional wrestling try to beat your opponent right because all these arm drags work but it's trying to put these shoulders to the mat right shoulders to the mat get yourself to the pay window wow that was aggressive like well she's an aggressive wrestler yeah introduce a pink hair to the canvas yeah or the turnbuckle first time i saw thunder rosa with staten island back in about 2016 maybe she was just a couple of years into her career and i i thought wow this girl really has something and she has been proving it here in aw night after night nice snap man oh wow that kick to the lower kidneys she'll feel that in a couple of days she'll try to make a cover here one two and you can see the paint on the face of gracia when she got oh wow that's the fire those forearm shivers to the throat will get your attention you're not kidding but she shrugged those off did rosa i would have to say at this point thunder rose has got a pretty high pain tolerance yeah well i think that was very well established in that lights out match wow what a match on dynamite reversal follows her in oh great tiers from the top yeah both girls are feeling it now you can see all that fatigue starting to set in they've both been going pretty hard set a incredible pace now it's starting to take its toll ducky o'leary at that time got her hooked oh nice russian legs she went deep on that one great counter by thunder rosa and sandwicher in the corner here she goes up on top both knees here she comes again trying to get a head start rosa comes in with a drop kick pinned up against the bottom turnbuckle and that may do it one two no it did not wow great resilience on alex gracia that really should have been it right there and still have the presence of mind to kick out after all that it's got her picked up this could be well rossi has slipped from behind oh got her in the back nice kidney shot why don't you go try that sit down pile driver of hers which is her move oh boy yeah she goes out the reverse nightmare beautiful nightmare i'm sorry beautiful right now [Music] got it hooked picture up oh there it is the fire thunder driver and it's over there is your winner thunder russo well thunder rosa continues to win she's now 12-5 here in aw alex gracia used her quickness but it didn't work out in the end and uh from the graveyards of the tijuana thunderosa winston lego thunder roser has above high drives are to the mat one two three hooks a leg deep weight on the shoulders that's how you get a win in a pinball thunderosa with a win here on elevation in all elite wrestling that thing's looking real good here butch i'm getting the job done keep it up huh are you kidding me why can't i get in hey you know the rules go get yourself a jacket put it all on black i'm a stats man myself and the stats say we should put it on we're the dark order [Music] oh x-ray machine [Music] are you ready to play i'm ready to win [Music] following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20-minute time limit making her way to the ring originally from moscow russia legit boiler hirsch [Music] layla who just recently signed with aew is well lives up to her name because she's legit she's definitely legit tony she's uh she's become one of my favorites here real fast from los angeles california viprez viperus makes her debut here on elevation she lost to shanna in january on a w dart she's wrestled for the shine women's promotion as well as the crash in mexico she is from l.a and it didn't take leila long to put her on the mat did it no i love the fact that layla's working to her strength she's going to that amateur background trying to get a cover staying on top of her keep keeping control over look at that underhook with the leg the arm flip over love it going right back again i mean if it works if it ain't broke don't fix it only tunnels are over i don't know what vipers expect out of this match but i don't think she expected this no i i think a lot of girls in aew are going to be surprised at layla's amateur capabilities [Music] viper is doing her best and trying to get out of this layla takes her down once again that's another point that's another point there's a point system would be way ahead right yeah she really would good go behind that time and she has her down hooks a leg out of any combination and paul turner says one only but what people don't understand is with this amateur wrestling the person that's trying to get out right now is expending a lot of energy just to get back up to their feet layla five years of middle school and high school amateur wrestling experience while she was raised in hillsboro new jersey [Music] had a wrestling scholarship to life university in atlanta but instead decided to go pro and here she is in aew one little footnote tony she actually wrestled boys and girls when she was competing right oh wow that shot to the lower rib matter pulled the arm a little bit i don't know layla's selling that arm yeah she's oh man look at vipers attack that arm she's going right after that shoulder that's that veteran experience and viper's coming in there she's attacking that weak point [Applause] while really using that ring yeah vipres has got herself a place to attack and buddy she is staying with it well she is vicious all that pressure on the tendons in the shoulders pulling that shoulder out of the socket that's one way to stop an amateur wrestler take their arms away from them vipers spent some time training at the dojo antonio gnocchi's dojo in l.a pretty prestigious dojo to go to yeah it really is rolls through with the arms still holding on to it and oh how about this caught by wow she brought the thunder on that one oh she's still selling that shoulder though layla hirsch with the right arm lariat for the left arm still bothering her but she's got her down on the mat again let's see what she does maybe she changes her approach here now picks her up with that one arm look at this viper's taking advantage not a full grip there's a roll up got to roll up one two and she almost came away with a win almost got it yeah layla's working at disadvantage right now without that other arm uh oh suplex time german suplex released it looks like layla is feeling it look at that look in her face she feels it goes back to what she knows amateur wrestling suplex time she may try to do it again she's boys behind her yes she's going to get it for a third time three boom suplex wow vipers is out of it right now she's on her feet doesn't know where she is that's what you call being suplexed out of your boots i believe i believe so and there's a cross-armbreaker right there paul that's all she wrote [Music] well leyla hertz now five and three paul i really like what layla did there she quite her amateur background that was a great match great match from layla hirsch and a great win for legit layla herrick here she goes layla sucks her right in puts that cross arm breaker on sinks it in deep and your winner legit laila hirsch [Music] we didn't even really get to touch on you and sean spears how's your back it's a little bit sore [Music] oh my god what's up i want to talk about wrestling with the weak whatever we have interest in we're gonna chop it up did you get the ps5 i'm over here all weekend playing ps4 like a heathen scorpio sky and myself james williams we got distracted we're gonna be talking about video games we're gonna be talking about pop culture have you seen the new york subway rat man what we're gonna be recapping aew most exciting part of the show we're basically gonna be talking about the week we got a lot to get into man it's also what the people want to see oh my god voila this is progress scorpio sky james williams wrestling with the week wrestling with the week it's gonna be a lot of fun make sure you subscribe now it's beautiful i love it this bot is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit approaching the ring from brooklyn new york weighing 175 pounds the radioactive puppy danny limelight danny limelight always loves seeing him compete here on elevation coming off a win [Music] [Applause] [Music] from southern california weighing 210 pounds frankie [Music] truly one of my favorites here in aew you just can't deny what kazarian has done in his career and what he continues to do each and every week i mean he is 10-0 here at 20 21 a guy who's been 22 years in this sport and christopher daniels ranked number one in the world in tag team at aw yeah i love frankie kazarian too he's got that veteranship in the ring he's got those rugged good looks that california tan you know he knows what he's doing in the ring this would be a nice little challenge for danny limelight here tonight that's right here we go and we also been told by kazarian he may come up may get a chance to unveil a brand new move here tonight oh exciting yeah so we'll see if that is the case new things i do too i like i like for wrestlers who are known for thanks to come up with something different yeah change something you know instead of a choke slam and break out a punch there you go you know i got two moves now yeah you see uh danny limelight right there doing that throw that's that martial arts background united states marine corps martial arts drill instructor wow so i would have to say that he's a close quarter combat specialist and hand to hand and you see the veteranship there frankie kazarian that nice float over trying to get that front face locked in went to an arm bar now broke the hands of limelight that time limelight spins out nicely uh kazarian and christian cage have made it official their match will be coming up wednesday on dynamite it'll be christian cage first first match in aew look forward to that what a powerhouse crystal cage is man can't wait to see that one and they have known each other for many many years and they made that match official this past wednesday so we look forward to that coming up he did right there you know he used the back of his leg hit danny limelight in the weak points we had the arm for leverage and then broke the joints down broke the knee down got him on the mat now he's in control you know dan is kind of a high flyer so you want to keep danny as grounded as you can not let him get those kicks off wow just flipped him out of the ropes yeah danny was able to recover it right that float over arm drag how about limelight you using his speedic look at this balance on the top both feet down on kazarian and a tierra's from the top rope amazing ability and balance here by limelight limelight has no fear i mean of course he's a former united states marine so you definitely know he doesn't have any fear released that german suplex he landed on his feet that time knee litho boom wow he brought that with authority he sure did kazarian one of the charter members of aew one of our first signees christopher daniels scorpio sky scu and man the chops are laying in now yeah i like frankie he's just working on that thorax working on that chest i mean it's apparent that kazarian has kept himself in such great shape throughout the years and yeah he's in great wrestling shape there's a difference you know he's not going out there trying to win an underwear contest he's out there in wrestling shape yeah guy like frankie kazarian with his experience he can wrestle 45 50 60 minutes out there make it look easy limelight hits hard kazarian hit him i thought it was a russian lake sweeping is going for it they inverted to some kind of rear chin backbreaker thing i don't know what you call it a rear chin backbreaker thing is what you call it i'm sure that'll be tweeted live there you go settling things back down got that arm bar locked putting that pressure on the back of the shoulder the rear deltoid pushing the shoulder to the front you know all that comes into play yeah absolute best to just drive down the arm definitely you keep an opponent locked in a hold where he can't breathe or he can't move he can't attack you he's going to spend his energy to try to get out of that painful hole and now they got kind of a tie up got that that's that close quarter combat experience that danny limelight has sinking in those forearm shivers right to the side of frankie's head use the ropes again he gets moving back and forth it could be trouble look at this wow frankenstein one two and the frankensteiner almost got the win and a pickup by kazarian just throws him away that time threw him off [Applause] pick up belly to back nice belly to back control of tempo see frankie right now he knows he's trying to control the tempo and it's the last thing you want to do see danny landmight's like flash you don't want him to build up any speed keep him grounded keep him away from the ropes you know keep his feet on the ground shooting line live in oh boy not i don't didn't only shoot him and he threw him into the corner thurman will frankie step through that's a lot of thing a lot of young competitors don't do they don't follow through in that shoot off in the corner frankie followed through pearl has weight in it and sent danny limelight who's a little bit lighter flying got a free ticket got a free plane ride without a ticket he sure did and he really is a good call ball step right through great follow through actually to the point to where even kazarian even fell down himself pushing off that's that's what he was saying he left nothing else on the plate absolutely and right now he's just chopping limelight here and into the corner other side again he throws him in the exact same thing this time to another corner yeah see that's what frankie's veteran leadership coming into play right now he knows he's got the weight advantage the size advantage on danny he's using that to his advantage danny better think of something quick here runs in with reckless abandon that time danny met him with a back elbow and this time he met him with the feet watch out if limelight can get up on top and that's what he's doing right now he could change the tempo walked away from him walking on the middle rope and built into the top rope and coming down with a lariat amazing what an athletic maneuver that paid off then he needs to dig deep now and stay on frankie let's see if he can do it kazarian now down on his knees and in trouble that front kick again he'll do it one more time this is the martial arts skill that you talked about and you know those kicks are in oh lordy that was a counter you avoided the kick to the chest and took a spinning kick to the chin soul kick right to the side of the face and here he goes up on top frankie's gotti fight tried fighting for position oh wow one two no look how franny those guys were fighting for position up top there i like that they really were that was counter counter fight fight fight frankie veteran pulled it out got a nice devastating attack out of it yeah i like that get into a hole try to fight your way out of it right right nothing wrong with that at all frankie kept its balance stayed right with it uh one of my all-time favorites so underrated the body slam wow look at the elevation you think frankie turned up the tempo a little bit there didn't he guillotine lake trout using the middle rope as a springboard nicely done by kazarian danny limelight smart rolling out of the ring now trying to get himself a breath yeah frankie's going to pull him back in the ring that's where business is done yeah boy and not only that he's going to i think he's going to use the ropes here a little bit as well there you go just wearing that back out after that electric chair maneuver that they fought over right now yeah i'm sure danny's upper upper back is really sore right now kazarian has him hooked using the bottom rope oh fighting his way off there he's fighting his way off again he's always fighting you guys for that he's not giving you anything for free nope not at all and he punches his way out of it and now big shoulder tackle that time that shoulder right into frankie's midsection frankie now trying to get up over the top nicely done by limelight missed good extension on that kick and coming up with a double stomp from the middle rope [Applause] cover one two no wow man what a physical match up yeah these guys are really laying the wood to each other you know it's uh it's been a very aggressive back and forth fight between these two i'm really enjoying it yeah i like it i like aggressive fighting i like it snug yeah me too man i'm with you limelight again going up top hooked though by kazarian kazarian with a camera removed oh there it is oh my goodness is this what he's is that a cross-face chicken wing yes that's what it is well no winner of this match frankie kazarian how about that pulling out daddy well i like that frankie going old school on us that's there killer kowalski style buddy you sink that in you're going to tap out real quick frank because there he goes to 11-0 with the cross-face chicken wing he told us to pull out something new and it ended up being something old look how deep he sucked this in the arms hook forearms across the throat it's all over another win for kazarian he just made a marine corps martial arts drill instructor tap out look who's coming out the challenge was made by kazarian this past wednesday we're coming up on dynamite this wednesday gonna love this guy he's the coolest guy on the planet right there i've never seen that guy sweat i've been with him all over the world chrissy he has the coolest personality going it'll be christian cage and kazarian one-on-one wednesday on dynamite can't wait to see that now back to the ring here on elevation all ego ethan page will take on fuego del sol this body set for one ball with a 20-minute time limit making his way to the ring from mobile alabama 2165 pounds here [Music] next match here on aw dark elevation is gonna feature this man fuego del sol in the match up here he is looking for his very first win here in aew now let's go to justin roberts and his opponent from hamilton ontario canada weighing 225 pounds all ego ethan paige well since his arrival here in aw and revolution all ego ethan page has certainly made an impact i gotta love the charisma of all you go ethan page his confidence just pours out of him he has zero shame he's gonna go out there and play his game his way and he's going to make it happen the way he wants it to i admire that you really got to believe in yourself defeat to be like that i mean you really got to deep down think that you are the very best it's a gift right if it gets you through and gets you to the top sure embrace it and of course if you've been watching sammy gavar's vlog you know all about fuego del sol trying to land an aew contract and considers himself are you ready for this alabama's tom luchador so there you go fuego picked up this time by paige look at paige page showing some strength he's trying to go through his ego's edge already trying to end it well you don't get paid extra for going longer look at fuego man now he is uh obviously his weight is only at 165 so page has the weight advantage but lego del sol's flying around the ring here fuego del sol the self-proclaimed master of the tornado ddt no win today you saw that coming look at that shoulder tackle run through looks like ethan page got the scouting report yeah absolutely ethan doing a little uh little ddpy there taking a deep breath let it out concentrate now he can settle down and get to business start grounding fuego keep him on the ground take away that high flying offense [Applause] really working that spine you know that maneuverability that flexibility attacking that spine ethan page is taking that away from fuego so we may not get to see the master of the tornado ddt juegos got to dig deep here ethan page is just imposing his will on him any chance he can you see bryce rimsburg our referee making sure that he was still in this match because he could pick wow man you talking about some power that was pretty vicious yeah that that's that's a great use of your leg strength that time with that follow through oh that's everything that's that's shoulders to ankles that's a complete follow-through all that torque you know he just sent fuego flying to that corner turnbuckle out of control oh vicious double stomp to the lower spine ethan page earned a black belt in taekwondo and karate at age 16 but he stopped to pursue a career in wrestling and here he is today a big part of aew and here on elevation look at that gut wrench sticking that gut wretch putting that pressure on the spine through the stomach squeezing those abdominal walls cutting off the blood flow to the legs [Applause] you've been known to put that on a time or two i do believe it works yeah man it does work people don't understand through the stomach's one of the biggest arteries in the body that feeds both a leg full of blood cut that off you can make somebody's legs go numb real quick well let's see fuego del sol trying to get out but he just cinches up again back elbow look at that he just shrugged it off man oh just like a dog with a bone shaking it there you go fuego get those elbows in hit that chin he's got him reeling here oh he got him by the trunks and then a shot in the back he's got him hooked leg and arm and back breaker right back to the spine gotta love ethan page's work ethic right now just attacking that spine breaking him down here's the cover two and and he pulls him up no i've never been a fan of it either i get it if you're in control it's an arrogant move but you know you don't take a sure thing you know if you got a pinfall get your pinfall and get to the pay window and get out paul we've seen a lot of matches you've been in a lot of matches that's backfired many many times before many times i think i did it once and it backfired on me uh-huh yeah so there you learned didn't you i learned okay my gosh if i got him pinned i'm not letting him go absolutely and fuego just doing everything he can to pull himself up pulling up on the knee pads everything a lot of heart here yeah he really is and he slaps ego in the face he better used to come with a closed fist instead of an open palm strike telegraph that fuego using his quickness moves out of the way it's the ropes oh coming up with the moon start off the middle rope springboarding that kicks him down fuego trying to get his breath maybe he's in the corner maybe he's going to try to to hook the tornado ddt yes he is oh but he got caught one of these days fuego is going to hit that tornado ddt and the roof's going to blow off the building well that was close he had him in position but what's ethan page doing here oh no oh wow another back breaker this time using the top turnbuckle pad in that steel turnbuckle i don't think i've ever seen anybody use the top turnbuckle in a back breaker like that before i agree i don't i don't think i've ever seen that either and we've seen a lot of moves and maneuvers during the years but now the ego's edge just it's been setting him up for this all along paul there it is that's a high high drop man way talk about hang time and look at that two three covers him with the forearm to the face he looks look how he looks down the camera right now he's looking at he's looking at his opponents he's trying to intimidate everyone still this is fun and games for him well paulie goes to three and one here it is again there is that vicious backdrop on the top turnbuckle and there's the ego's edge right there all over for poor fuego the master of the tornado ddt alabama's greatest luchador does not come up successful today ethan page now 3-1 here in all elite wrestling a winner here on elevation [Music] this is a tag team bout set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit soon to be making their way to the ring the team of ty conti and the aew women's world champion great team here together you've got the world champion and the number one contender for the world champion paul together as a tag team yeah that's an unusual partnership usually the number one contender is really aggressively pursuing that champion seeing these two team up we'll see how long that friendship lasts the team of jasmine allure and tesha price pitcher price jasmine allure the opponent you see the dark order out [Music] and here we go with this matchup now coming up this wednesday on tnt we're going to see the champion and the number one contender again sheeda and kante they'll be going up against well call it matt hardy duo if you like nyla rose and her partner the bunny that crazy bunny you love the crazy bunny she's not a nice person i can tell you that so we'll see that and let's see how they work here together now nice little move there by ty you know it's interesting ty has a black belt in judo and her partner has a white belt how about that great teamwork back and forth they go i like how they're isolating the corner there keeping their opponent in the corner i stressed a nice arm drag wow really just snapped her over she actually grabbed by the upper elbow and locked the joint so you had no choice but to go with the move right that's that martial arts expertise there and buster yeah chin butcher jawbreaker by lure she goes over and price will come in now tesha price we've seen her before she's got a lot of a lot of fire a lot of vigor she hits the bottom rope tumbles forward and great back spinning elbow that time oh she's definitely got a lot of energy you know i don't know if there's a full deck there but she comes ready to wrestle that's for sure pick up by cheetah great vertical suplex yes sarah man here we go cedar really held that pose on that dropped all the way evenly she was spinning uh to make contact and allure made her contact punk kick did you see that tony absolutely from ty conti wow that was in there so ty now goes back out to get the exchange here and here comes teamwork here boshida and kante knee strikes on either side exchange opponents that time and both now with submission holds here and both are in the ropes so both will have to go to the break how about that both double triangle chokes double running high knees in the corner and there it is oh boy the dd tie one effective finish it is over didn't take him long the team of hikaru i really like that team they work very well together very on the same page great teamwork great martial arts background with the both of them [Music] they're gonna have their work cut out for him on wednesday night on dynamite against nyla rose and the bunny but here's the needy ty again you see how ty leans forward when she hooks that hammer lock she really cranks all her momentum it just drops all the weight on the top just really sinks it in there tycote and hikato shida together as a team the winners here on aew dark elevation [Music] next on elevation jungle boy with jurassic express versus jack evans with angelico this bout is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit making his way to the ring from parkland to washington rank 107 pounds jack evans certainly one of the most fluid one of the most acrobatic wrestlers that you will find anywhere jack evans 16 years experience and he's collected some money thanks to matt hardy this past year doing some of matt hardy's dirty work with that in mind back we go to the one and only justin roberts there we go and his opponent from valley village wearing 168 pounds [Music] jungle [Music] the one and only jungle boy 3-0 in singles competition 23 years of age [Music] five years in the business and just a i'm telling you right now first time he's ever faced jack evans you're looking at a major star in the making paul would you agree oh jungle boy without a doubt he's actually a workhorse too he's had the most matches in aew look at like 62 matches he's had an aw so far so when he got that kind of a workhorse ethic you're that good looking then athletic you know he's on his track to be a big star he comes out of course with jurassic express and this is one of our feature matches coming to you this week on dark elevation and it should be a good one well i'll tell you jack evans without back down that's for sure absolutely not this would be one heck of an athletic contest between these two key and helicopter four-time aaa world tag team champs so they have had championship gold all over the world and a triple a world cruiserweight champion he's held four single titles all over the world trained with the heart family in calgary so you've talked about a guy who has done it all and likely said he is so acrobatic so many great moves and jungle boy right now content it's not bad keeping the guy down off the top ropes and keeping him on the map yeah i like the headlock takeover that was pretty crisp good cartwheel out of that by joking look at that jungle boy sinks a headlock taken over deep his feet aren't even on the ground when he does his turnover all his body weight comes right down on the chest it's an amazing headlock takeover younger boy in the leg scissor here jack evans applying that calgary training nice leg suite and a leg sleep on the other end by evans quickly out as jungle boy they both went for the drop kick at the same time wow that's kind of a great contest of athleticism right there they're both on the same page similar offensive strategies you know kind of monkey c monkey do i like it you know one thing about jungle boy is that his expression kind of stays the same he looks always very calm now now jack evans you could tell his expression was that i don't know if it was concern or or anguish or whatever watch out in helico had he attends the referee and then jack evans takes advantage of that spin kick john devins really put that spin kick right in the side of jungle boy's ear too you got to put one in someplace that's a good place hit that inner ear it's hard for somebody to keep their balance and now to the [Applause] welcome well thank you jack evans we appreciate that okay never saw a microphone he didn't annoy [Music] and evan's back in jungle boys in trouble man jungle boy saw that coming ball and couldn't get out of the way couldn't get out of the way you're right that's part of that inner ear you can see it coming but his reflexes are a little slow right now you can see jack driving those knees into jungle boy's chin brush and leg sweep wow nicely done nice cover nice look at the leg [Applause] leg hook on that one maybe get a little bit more weight on the cover but jungle boy was able to kick out that's pure instincts and i hate to say it but jungle boy is pretty grizzled yes for a man only 23 years of age you're right he's grizzled nice flying elbow at the top of the head you see jack evans strategy has been an attack at jungle boy being very grounded the jack and jungle boy's head get him dizzy get him off balance get him concussed he can't compete jungle boy was on the very first match ever on elevation a few weeks back against danny limelight and he's tied for third and overall wins at aw wow jack evans is just vicious with those blows really sinking him in nice and snug [Music] you see jungle boy though he doesn't need to go right or left doesn't really know where to turn he's a little out of it his instincts are keeping him on his feet right now impressive body slam by jack evans [Applause] oh there we go there's some more of that more of that calgary experience coming in that calgary training that that arm bar oh jungle boy turn into a pin look at the power jungle boy oh no into a sit out power ball about that set out power bomb you're right about that training in calgary known very well in the dungeon where they could stretch you in many different ways oh they'll hook you in a heartbeat anybody that comes out of that calgary dungeon [Applause] jungle boy pulling himself up you see members of jurassic express in his corner jungle boy trying to get his bearings get his breath get both feet under him nice jungle boy's getting into it now look at that offense chops elbows big forearms as well reversal by evans and boy looking for a loop that time wow jack evans really on the back of his head on that one and now jungle boy looks over to his corner now hooks him vertical suplex here maybe no evans rolled forward we'll boiled him up one two that was close that's that calgary training though oh look at that jump and spin back kick jack evans is so athletic and he goes right over the top how about that both men on the floor now i think jack evans took the worst of that one i believe so and i think jungle boy really saw it coming at the last moment was able to really just move a bit and that's why jack tumbled over the top rope let's take a look again yeah well he did he kind of leaned back that time well he hooked the top rope tony is what jungle boy did to try to keep himself in the ring just the momentum ended up dragging him out jack breaks the 10 count by rolling in i'm really impressed with jack evans stamina he shouldn't have been up that fast shows how resilient he is jack's one of the fine athletes in the world man we talked about his his legacy his legacy his championship wins oh using that ray up on top look at jack evans back kick that time now he's going to come off the apron and see what he does spin kick wow a spin wheel kick from the top jack evans isn't afraid to throw it all out there jungle boys in uh in deep waters now i think jack evans walking the apron here yeah he pointed those feet solidly then come off that apron and drove that kick right in the side of the jungle boy's ear again great balance by evans to get on the apron in the ring and now evans doing what he does best and that's going up top let's see what he's got for jungle boy here who right now is prone apparently cannot get out of the way bryce rimsburg county no jungle boys up and he leaps up towards him with a forearm shot and slaps him in the chest that's that heart resilience that we love about jungle boy this one you think he's out he fires right up and there he is jack evans slipped down good move by evans now jungle boy is in harm's way here oh he landed face first evan's amazing was able to hook his feet on the ropes and throw jungle boy off here comes evans trying to moonsault landing on his feet and just throws him towards the turnbuckle here's a german suplex bridges up one two no that was so close these guys are really getting all out and helicopter was watching from the ringside area thought maybe that was it for his partner he's still hooked though look at this go try it again no evan's just too quick man and two light on his feet back slide one bridge is two oh he almost beat him what a combination move that was [Music] from jack evans pickup full-arm drag twist northern light suplex or fisherman suplex if you will picked up sit down power slam yep got it down one two and again jungle boy barely escapes boy jungle boy is in trouble right now i mean he is really a man without a country right now and jack evans is hitting him with everything but the kitchen sink the innovative and the counters and just the creativeness of jack evans offense is super impressive yeah he's amazing he really is he's up on top evans now he goes with a try like a shotgun oh there it is there it is that's it that's the snare track that's it it's locked in and that was it paul you were right he got the snare trap in that quickly [Music] that's a great thing that jungle boy does he uses that snare trap to his advantage if you can get that foot and lock it in right here he went right for that foot and locked in when that foot's hooked and it's cranked under the neck that is so excruciatingly painful hits three different areas hits the knees the lower back and the neck the winner and now eight and three and 20 21 the one and only jungle boy here on dark elevations [Music] time for time team action here on elevation qt march on lee johnson together members of the nightmare family will take on the team of anna priest and aaron frye this is a tag team attraction set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit approaching the ring at a combined weight of 414 pounds the team of lee johnson and q t marshall first time ever as a tag team members of the nightmare factory interesting story has been developing over the last couple of weeks concerning qt marginal i think coming up this coming wednesday we're going to find out a little bit more qt is trying to get out of the shadow of the american nightmare cody rhodes [Music] and their opponents a combined weight of 387 pounds a team of adam priest and aaron fry so they're going to have their exhibition coming up on wednesday night cody and qt and qt cody have been very close side by side for a long time be interesting to see what transpires out of that yeah i'm excited to see that transpire as well you know bitter enemies come from bitter friends it certainly does exactly aaron fry will start out aaron fry in his fourth match here in aew 37 years of age eight years in the business and boy qt look at the aggressiveness here he just snapped it up that might not have been the approach to taking qt right now with everything on his mind well qt has has been uh conspicuous by his absence if i can say that many times uh not helping out the nightmare factory when they thought they were a unit but you know he's got a lot on his mind i get it look at that dropkick by lee johnson tremendous athlete lee johnson almost got him there one count one count a kick out that time lee johnson who is three and one in singles competition qt in 2021 is undefeated he is 7-0 16 years experience oh wow 16 yeah you got it caught in the wrong place that time paul that's never a good place to get covered whoa man take a look at aaron fry what he what he did that time and aaron fry needs to stay right on him into the midsection pretty aggressive attacking those ribs i always love it when they do that at the point pin them in the corner and just break those ribs up ut ducks down maybe a little bit too soon fry with a runny knee strike that time and it hit qt flex on the mouth and he's back to the neutral corner fry smart tagging out tagging adam priest here we've seen adam priest work on this show before great amateur background played basketball and baseball it's a pretty different scores to play kid is out of alabama and he certainly has a lot of ability and a lot of as we say upside look at that tremendous amateur wrestling background i love it when he digs in and does the amateur wrestling you know it's a small thing but i like when these young kids come out and they they get a wide athletic base yeah on their chops or whatever they do they just are strong from the bottom up and that's what priest does look at that enzygouri step up that time well their balance is centered they're prepared for anything there's lee johnson ducking that time boy there's the quickness in shoddy lead runsey over again a priest caught him that time by the back elbow watch it and a cutter that time from lee well he's feeling it right now isn't he [Applause] qt in the corner looking around as lee johnson gets tagged in blind tag that time and here comes qt well qt has come in with reckless abandon here he is he has really come in all the over there that's the diamond cutter given to him by diamond dallas page and it takes care a priest that's your automatic reset button for qt he had said diamond cutter itself the team of lee johnson and qt marshall take a look once again the cutter after he tanked himself in and he's got a big event coming up on wednesday on dynamite to skew team it's a big event for the nightmare family qt and lee johnson qt now undefeated in tag or singles competition here in 2021 back we go to the ring here on dark elevation as we bring you kyle and king against real me [Music] this bat is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit making her way to the ring from paynesville ohio kylie king [Music] only two years in the sport poll and kylan king has made quite a name for herself she's a talented lady i can tell you that six and five now after starting owen 14 in her aew career so she's been red hot she's gonna have to be red hot for this one and her opponent from nicoya japan rio mizu [Music] it's got style doesn't she she sure does she comes in here dressed like a gangster she's embracing every bit of it she's got the shades the bling the robe she's feeling it talking about difference in experience kyla came two years of experience rio mizunani 16 years she's number four in the women's division been there for four straight weeks in the top five and [Applause] well he was cool did that happen yeah the coolness came and went just like that just like that you know he should get a picture of that and make that his next holiday postcard all right mizunami and kylie king in our next match-up let's see if though if king can use her height advantage oh she loves bragging about having a nice a nine inch height advantage over rio musanami okay we'll say rio though that brings it up she just spitfire is what she is she was pumping her thighs there i thought she was a wahoo mcdaniel when she was jumping up and down how about that man god bless wahoo mcdaniel well kind of kind of get into the spirit here too trained by some pretty prolific wrestlers the dudley boys and billy gunn gangrel how about that she's had some big major players show her the ropes he really has good standing switch by king good takedown put her down to the mat i love that front facelock love it and just stay with it as she's also got an arm hooked underneath too keep that pressure plied on the and neck that experience 16 years well nice right back to the head there you go get a good wide vertical base hey there's so many ways that kylie king can can really win a match i mean she's really a talented kid she's got size athleticism personality you know she stopped me in my tracks that time i didn't know telling her hit the ropes again okay [Applause] i don't know i think she's put i think she's playing to rio's game here i believe so apparently might want to try a different strategy you know this is that japanese dojo training they've lived for this kind of stuff absolutely it's like looks like two rams butting heads and neither one giving up an inch there it is there you go the tremendous shoulder block coming out of the corner by kylan king but maybe letting her get up would be a mistake here yeah i would instead of doing the great warrior pose i'd be doing those punches on rio yeah and rio you're slapping your own face getting yourself fired up that's a good sign when your opponent is doing damage to themselves [Music] trying that greco knuckle lock test of strength here all right that that's one out of my playbook when you get the uh oh i love it i've done that myself that's such a great little oh always gonna watch because they will kick you in the knee or the stomach yeah mizunomi now trying to get out of this is kylan king had the obviously height advantage yeah miyazami that wasn't her first rodeo she knew how to combat that real quick [Music] again test the strength here both ladies got a good good base here good vertical base yeah kyle's using that height for bendage coming back yeah means he's got her down got her bend across the knee got her maybe has her pinned here and broke the hips two only got a one count good job by king coming out of it and gets the left arm up the kick just bridge yes sir bridges out that's it break the hips king with some very good escapes on mizunomi here now trying to use their size eventually mizunami now now now the advantage goes to mizunami she's lower she's got a tighter base she's breaking those wrists and knuckles down right now kyle's thinking this isn't a good place to be now over now miser's got the advantage on top of that testy strength really using that leverage kylie's got to get her legs under it get her hands up over miz and army's head good forearm shot by mizunomi and to reach hattie boy calling king fired right back mizu was smart enough to know she lost the advantage and to get out of that and now we're now we're in miso's territory yeah we are trading shots crazy firing at each other yeah it's got kylin king kind of groggy here she's back into the corner here comes mizunami again running strike that time big forearm shot [Applause] and it looks like the collin king's in trouble here now oh man wow i felt that from over here that was in there she saw it coming nothing she could do about it [Applause] this winding it up having a good time kylie king is going to need a nice an ice bath after that wow you're not kidding me colin king trying to get out of the corner could not now here's the thing that looked kind of funny and cute but at the same time right now kylan king is struggling to get her breath sure she is her diaphragm right now and her chest has been slapped around it's hard for her to get her breath and me it needs not be doing a little bit of celebrating the ring is that mimi oh that's what it is that was mimi yeah she's she's a great veteran wrestler and a mime as well i think i stepped on a mine one time in central park he didn't make a noise [Applause] ah we set you up for that here we go oh oh i like that shoot dragon leg drop that's like uh the great motor would do that absolutely drops the leg once again here's the cover one two maybe centered up for her big guillotine leg drop from the top rope which is her primer primary thank you primary weapon oh big knee to the bread basket kind of steps over nice wow comes down to hard with an elbow one two up the far leg kyle king drove that elbow with all her body weight right across mizu's chest you're right she's still feeling those chops yeah absolutely that's why i trot people in the corner sucks the wind right out of him can't breathe can't fight both ladies at the same time this time right to the gut kylie king big chop good position for it too i think at this stage of the game trading shots with mizo isn't the best battle plan but she's trying to do it a couple of times she wants it again she kind of likes it kylie maybe a different strategy here oh she's warming up put your legs into it she's got the mr miyagi she's warming the hands up there you go those are finance mark she's reaching for the thunder power wow she brought that one and mizunomi's got it gotta regroup now one would think king is wait a minute one more boy she's gonna wind this one up i think well she's gonna oh no she's like oh this that this is ill-advised you know if i was coaching either one of these two right now i'd be throwing in the towel saying this is not a good idea not at all this is not a sound strategy after colin king took all those blows i guess she's just trying to show her up here she's trying to show me tsunami if you can do it i can do it and paul you're you're right it's just uh ill-advised here but it reminds me of a few late nights with the nature boy actually sitting there trading chops okay and is that what you did late at night with him okay well we're not gonna talk about that here's the cover one two and king got out of it trying to get her again there you see bryce rimsburg checking to see if the shoulders are on the mat there she goes you see me as an army he's got her elbow her forearm right across kylie's neck with the arm trapped right now she's cutting off blood flow and oxygen right now this is a wear down tactic kind of smart enough to get those long legs to the ropes break the hole ring awareness know where she is in the ring the ring ropes are your friend or your enemy if you're in them all right getting a second win here mizunami oh spin kick that time looks a little stunned wow german suplex released in german double leg drop kick that landed i think right on her quadriceps nice fine buster good spine buster good penny combination one two and she almost came away with what would have been her biggest win in aw yeah but that's the 16 years of veterans jit mizu right there even not really knowing where she is she knows she's in a vulnerable position shoulders on the mat kick out there's a pick up again nope mizunami will have none of it she drops down dropped her hips now she slapped herself in the face again i think she's waking herself up trying to get that adrenaline going she blocked away that kick that time picks her up wow sunk that in deep used the height advantage against kylan king snuck right under that arm used to weight against her nice spear big time spear out of the corner kyle and king was already wobbly now she's got her in position she's going to go up top it's a guillotine leg drop is this what we're gonna see i would think so that's her primary move the mia zombie bomb with the big leg drop guillotine and kylie king is down she's wobbly boom there it is the guillotine leg drop from the top and me tsunami is your winner hold that boy right across the shoulders the winner of this match real gummy [Music] [Music] right across the chest of kylian king hooks the leg deep all her weight across the chest shoulders pinned flat unorthodox crazy style but gets the job done rio misunami is your winner here on elevation i like the sportsmanship between these two ladies they had fun they had fun they knocked the stuffing out of each other but they came up i love it when the zebra takes a job i can tell [Music] the next match here on elevation d3 and barry morales will take on dark orders number five and 10. this is a tag team contest set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit approaching the ring and a combined weight of 415 pounds dark order numbers five and ten and they are joined by colt cabana john silver alex reynolds dark orders five and ten two very very good athletes and the dark order has just grown in number and strength over the past well past year really here in aw yeah they found something that works for them without a doubt [Music] every time they come out and their opponents etica by weight of 337 pounds d3 and body [Music] morales and d3 d3 is the only italian citizen to wrestle here in aew the prince of rome and there's the bell here we go take a look at the size of 10. i mean obviously he's put a lot of work into his his body his strength he's been wrestling for a number of years [Applause] and he's got d3 back in the corner here now oh boy hey you know i like that if you're going to give a clean break take your spot right yeah pick your shot if you've got a wide open shot take it you know you should defend yourself at all times well there's a size and power on that shoulder tower right there that just knocked the it's your dead and look at that turning the wrong way oh what the shot to the face that time joe bowden has his place in time but not when you're an athlete in there like d10 [Applause] and a tag is made or hazardous i believe it has allen angels comes in back body drop wow look at this you know the last time we saw 10 in the ring he got six stitches in his lip courtesy of jack evans yes he did and obviously that's gonna that's gonna impact him for a while i would think i mean it depends you know i mean you could you could knock a tooth loose or something like that you had any teeth knocked out before i haven't had any teeth knocked out before i've had some teeth fractured uh-huh but ten actually bit through his bottom lip wow yeah so he was able to keep his team nice control here by five i see what he's doing keeping very on the ground going for a pinfall there paul it's pretty apparent they really complement each other that the strong guy is 10 the guy likes to keep it on the mat it's five allen angels he's a matte wrestler and he can do some high flying as we've seen so certainly it's oh boy the taste out of his mouth with that one certainly complement each other quite well and very very solid members of dark order with of course evil luna and stu grayson and we saw reynolds and silver come out and cole cabana look at this as him hook up for the vertical suplex morales slip from behind gut shot over the top belly develop and a two count that was close that's the thing i like about phi though he's very explosive with his mat wrestling his amateur background he's pulling things out of nowhere where you don't expect it up on top second rope moonsault that's creative no joy no one at home no one at home at all morales looking to make a tag and d3 reaching out and here comes d3n and boy the big guy just ran right over him and again there is no substitute for power it really isn't you're really you're right about that and showing some quickness there as well a pump kick that time out of the turnbuckle and coming off with a flying lariat put all of his weight in body and just drove right through him trying to put his chin on the back of his head i like it morales and d3 looking for their first win here in aew spinebuster he felt every bit of that [Applause] and morales from behind and now alan angel's number five oh with a running lariat on the apron and all the way to the floor meanwhile a roll up by d3 he had the trunks and he almost came away with the win but there's that big kick again nice big boot i like him taking advantage of the situation if your opponent's not paying attention try to get it done absolutely tag is made and allen angels well he is tagged back in number 10. big cross body into a full nelson boy that's going to put him out man look at this he's ragdolling him here and the full nelson winston [Music] that's one of the things i'm very happy about my career being so big no one could ever put me in a full nelson you don't see many people win with full nelson's i don't know why it's a great holiday and obviously tim shot him in take a look at it again paul a nice splash to the back feeds up for the full nelson here 10 is just cranking that neck forward the hands are going numb i'm surprised d3 isn't out here [Music] he calls that the flash to the back right now let's go to dasha gonzalez congratulations all ego ethan page yet another victory here and aidan you're shocked you're shocked the last time we spoke i said i was going to rack up the victories and i did exactly that yet for some reason for some unforeseen reason this company wants to overlook superstars like all ego ethan page i know i'm not the only one i don't know why this place doesn't want to roll out the red carpet for all ego i don't know why this place doesn't want to give star treatment to talent like all ego ethan page hell no one here has even treated me nice actually you know what that's a lie i don't want to lie to you i don't want a lot of the viewers i did happen to have a pretty good conversation with somebody today but you know what i will do i'm not going to do what aew does no no i'm not going to overlook the talent i'm gonna go out there and enjoy the rest of the show so thank you so much for your time yes i did win my match and i'll make sure to continue winning my matches i have some wrestling to watch goodbye i'm bear boulder i'm bear bronson and we're bear country we've been teaming for about three and a half years now we were doing some single stuff before that for most of our careers me personally i felt like i was kind of floundering i texted bronton i was like hey what do you think of giving this whole tag thing a try and when i thought about it it just made sense boulder and i come from the same banner created pro wrestling under brian myers and pat buck we were putting in the work training hard every single week and boulder and i have a lot of value apart so i felt like bringing that together would just make that explode to really mesh like we do now it took time it was a lot of throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks if you look at our first year we look so different compared to how we look later on my main goal when i got into wrestling is i didn't want to be an indie star i wanted to be on tv i wanted to make money i wanted to be a tv star i think we both had that goal in mind my mother has always called me bear rarely has she ever called me joe best of times worst of times it was never joe anything it was always bare and that stuck being able to make this a living is great but nothing is more important to me than making my family proud everything was going great we were white hot right up until the pandemic we thought maybe with how the world was going it wouldn't be best to put wrestling in front just because you know you got to keep eating you got to keep putting food on the table you know no one's helping you and then we got the call i walked into dark not knowing what to expect at all knew we had to show up and make an impression and i feel like when we get put in that position we always deliver tony and cody told us how much they loved it and they wanted to see us back on the next loop and that's kind of when all that doubt just washed away and the fight the the fire just reignited we know we're gonna do our best we know we're gonna do our thing and we're gonna be different from everything else on the car i feel like wrestling has a lot of handshaking a lot of hugging and the guys that i idolize people like the road warriors uncle steve austin guys that just kicked ass didn't really care to hug you afterwards and then shared a beer after like that that's us when i heard aaw wanted to put together the best tag team division in the world i knew we had to be in it it's one thing to get here it's a totally different thing to stay here we already got here and we plan on staying here for a very very long time you keep talking about dreams keep talking about respect but the bottom line is aaw is a place where we get to hurt people and we get to make money doing it aew is bear country this is a tag team bounce set for one ball with a 20 minute time limit making their way to the ring from bear mountain new york at a combined weight of 604 pounds bear boulder bear bronson bear country i'll tell you tony i love these two big bruisers here great look at bear country and an up-close look at them here on elevation let's go back to justin god is that private party from brooklyn new york at a combined weight of 353 pounds isaiah cassidy mark quinn private party well we're talking about attitude change i guess money will do that jinger yeah somehow when all the bills are paid the pantry in the fridge is full you can have a little fun even though you're giving away 30 of your earnings to matt hardy hey 30 or something's better than 100 or nothing i well yes sir i would agree paul here we go bear country we just saw a very close look at these two young men who comprise their country about their debut and the fact they are seven and two here in aw since their arrival five straight wins and tag team rusty but i'll tell you boulder and bronson have their work cut out for him here in a classic case of two big strong guys here ball against two very quick quick individual really a contrast in tag teams let's see which one's better athleticism or power bronson's gonna start things here we go in this tag team match coming to you on our third episode of elevation tony shivani and paul white so glad you could be with us he'll take all of his bling off you don't want to eventually get that caught in something cause some kind of a larynx injury if it gets caught in a hand give the opponent a weapon to grab a hold of i would have took that stuff off before i came to the ring but that's just me nice caller in elbow tie up and there's the bear country power [Applause] there you go you're exactly right and i'm really surprised maybe i shouldn't be that he would try a call and elbow tie up with it i thought maybe he would just maybe try to use some athleticism yeah use that get him running going back and forth using his quickness isaiah cassidy is a tremendous athlete he's only 23. well i think that says it all when you're 23. look at that power wow bronze is just a powerhouse isn't he released suplex that time by bronson here comes quinn mark quinn as i was going to say great balance he had the ins aguery swatted away but then he got swatted did bronx in that time isn't there a thing about slapping a bear or something like that don't slap a bear yeah well that back elbow was delivered with some intent [Applause] and now bronson just kind of toying with marquin here it's never good when a bear plays with his food here comes boulder i'd say here comes the big guy they're both big boulders both massive yeah just a little bit taller boulder about four inches taller than bronson and boulder living up look at the mess how massive a man he is my god well they both got those big thick necks and thick jaws [Applause] this powerhouses powerful legs thing is even as big as they are they're both very athletic [Applause] oh those vicious short arm lariats in the corner trying to whip him into the other turnbuckle and quinn just fell into a heap yeah quinn didn't have any legs to stand on to get whipped that may not have been a bad move really if you think about it just go to the mat and now he's going to try to shotgun him and he does he's got to stay on he's got to stay on boulder runs into a big foot from their country's bear boulder look at the flexibility on boulder get that boot up that high absolutely here comes bronson stepping in well they have just laid out marquin here i mean you can just see the paint on his face yeah mark quinn's gonna find out when he reads a small print in that contract he signed with matt hardy he's probably going to feel worse paul when you had hair did you ever think about putting color in it like that absolutely not okay absolutely not i understand making a statement but it works on quinn i think it does work on him right i don't think it would have worked on you no not on me i don't think so but you never know until you try and look at that i didn't have the courage look at that dropkick look at the athleticism and now marquin with seemingly a second win here is taking care of brunson marley's doing he's got him down put the boots to him attack the throat i wouldn't argue with the rough i'd stay on him yeah i agree i i'm i talked about the attitude change not only as they're coming into the ring they've always been kind of fun-loving having a good time when they come to the ring but their aggressiveness has changed as well since signing with matt hardy well that's a veteran leadership of matt hardy matt hardy knows that when you step in that ring you've got to you've got to intensify yourself you've got to become more vicious and more aggressive and you've got to take opportunities just like we're seeing right now with matt hardy he saw the refs back was turned why not take an opportunity to help your club yeah and isaiah cassidy knew what was going on as well and there they saw on the other side boulder walk over and point his finger towards matt hardy bronson trying to get to the corner and cut off by isaiah lateral press kind of one yeah you definitely gotta hook a look for somebody like bronson i think people don't understand about matt hardy either i've known matt hardy for over 20 years and matt hardy has a real real mean streak a mile wide in him he's a very vicious competitor boy does he ever man bronson fighting out i like it and he knows a lot about tag team wrestling as we all know you see how his team's working right now they're keeping their guy in their corner separated i need that time set boulder down bronson getting double-teamed here elbow nice teamwork here up very familiar old hardy stuff using their teammate as a springboard anything to get a height advantage a leverage advantage thinking it's over a cover one chin only did he get a one or two got a two that time i'm sure i even knew if bear knew where he was right there he was just kicking out on instinct that was a barrage that he just took right now bear country that five match winning streak they have is in jeopardy here because they're in trouble well hardy's done a good job of getting these guys to isolate him in the corner it's easier tagging and out with your partner you're less likely to get in trouble and if and if the opponent's gonna make a save he's gonna come all the way across the ring to do it boulder trying to get the crowd into this give bear some encouragement get him fired up he's getting to his base now i don't know that's a good idea letting that big guy get to the base repeated shots to the midsection goes over he hammers boulder that might not have been a good move that was a mistake he'll turn around and bronson picks him up back buddy dropping into a tag on either end oh boy oh the big man's fired up there he is did i hear somebody screaming i think that was isaiah screaming in the grasp that time of boulder i thought a pipe burst that was that was odd i don't think i've ever heard that oh and both of them meshed in the corner by boulder and the big red head sends him over the top step up in zagori from outside in but boulder just too strong he fought it off and isaiah up top he's caught by the big man nowhere to go watch out though he's gonna look at that power that is so impressive he's got him both that's sir he's got over 400 pounds and he's hanging like he's got nothing wow sos throw and a back body drop one two no still didn't get the win that was amazing this is how solid his base is to take that that's just unbelievably impressive here it is again look at this sos throw as you call it sos with a samoan drop pardon me how about that and there is a little double team work coming here maybe i will watch out man hardy up in a neutral corner now this is why these guys pay 30 to matt hardy he's creating something he's creating the attention of the referee what have we got where's marco stein i love it marco stutt is out [Applause] and bear country asking what are you doing the problems the jurassic express and bear country has been well documented some arguments have ensued between the two teams but they oh they barely had some help and didn't want it in a roll up one two three wow that was a crazy turn of events the winners of this match private party before marco stunt was trying to do a good deed yeah and then it they didn't want the good deed and it turned against them and the five match winning string is over paul oh there it is tony look at him he's grabbing the tights that's martin that's matt hardy's school 101. well mugging to the camera trash talking their opponents and marco stun apologizing to bronson and boulder oh boy this is uh well no good deed goes unpunished terrible mismatch and here comes members of jurassic express jungle boy lucha soros trying to break this up oh now they're gonna go at it well that was like a family picnic that went bad quick didn't it and here come the referees to try to restore some order here i mentioned the problems that existed between these two teams marco had come out had tried to stymides matt hardy here's the thing that all these teams missing you know who started all of this controversy right now is matt hardy matt hardy yeah of course i agree with you matt hardy is a giant spoon that just stirred up the entire pot but private party is your winner here on elevation it's time for another main event here on elevation as scorpio sky goes one on one against mike seidel this contest is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit approaching the ring from clearwater florida praying pounds mike seidel here's mike seidel as you can see making his singles debut ball here on aew and making it on elevation yeah i love mike seidel he calls himself the yoga monster i wonder how ddp feels about that uh that's a good question i don't know but the fact is he is in great shape he and his brother make a great combination and buddy well he's got his yoga mat here well i think that's a straight shout out to ddp well my yoga mat says ddpy on it by the way nevertheless he's got his work cut out for him here with the next competitor because this guy is really making noise and his opponent from los angeles california weighing 208 pounds he is the face of the revolution scorpio well pace of the revolution paul also a a very stark change in attitude now he said recently on on dynamite that he it's not a changing attitude an attitude he already already had just bringing it out well you know regardless of how he's saying it's still a change of attitude but here's the thing he's overcoming this is only his fourth match of 2020 after being sidelined for two months earlier this year with a torn meniscus so he's got to get that confidence going to get that injury out of his mind right exactly that's a great point and he is the face of the revolution scorpio sky let's go back to not too long ago earlier this month on dynamite he lost to darby allen the tnt championship and then attacked allen afterwards actually tried to break uh darby allen's leg so here we go scorpio sky great competitor former tag team champion here and he and mike seidel should really tear it up with mike posey the referee absolutely i like that nice headlock mike seidel trying to get control oh i like that double shoulder tackle feeling each other out two bulls banging in the ring [Applause] scorpio sky is just just absolutely amazing incredible athlete yeah he is actually both are very good athletes and that's what's gonna make this match so great wow great pickup i love the amateur stuff i love the front facelock float over i like that good takedown from chancery side headlock yeah scorpio sky showing off some good uh some good grassroots training right there wow he ran through him on that shoulder tackle [Music] offered to help him upside out gave him a foot that's not very yoga-like no it's not cartwheels out of the way nicely done drop kick by side out nice deep arm drag another deep arm dry that's always been one of my favorite moves in professional wrestling is that deep arm dragon yeah i agree man and i like what they do to follow it up and that is not only put the arm bar on but push the head down with the knee absolutely stretch that trapezius out lock that arm try to create the uh immobility of the shoulder if that makes any sense to everyone out there [Applause] a lot of times you get an athlete like scorpio sky you want to get a body part and work on it systematically break them down but you don't want to open up for a kick in the bread basket you saw that mike seidel entered this arena with his brother matt matt made his way to the back so mike's out here by himself the way it should be and actually mike is the older brother who ended up following his brother into professional wrestling seven years after matt made his debut there you go so kind of the younger brother showing the older brother what's up that's right so matt just uh in the back now that's good and here mike is trying to shake out the cobwebs so to speak after man look at those punches he is digging those punches in i like it working over in that corner using the best of that five count don't get counted out what do you think of those fists being taped up now i well you know it's it's a it's a double-edged thing if he's got a previous hand injury that justifies it right but all sincerity after doing some boxing oh look at that forehead rake with the feet you know taping your fist up is really kind of like having a weapon in the ring because it makes your knuckles a lot harder and it makes your your hand a lot more condensed for some of those strikes two count that time some of those strikes have a little bit more mustard on them all right now he's getting rat tatted in the forehead a lot of mustard on those man a lot of mustard on those absolutely scorpio sky here coming into this match 13-5 in singles competition here in aew oh wow you know what that just hurts me looking at it but i don't know if a submission hole like that is a good thing to apply on a yoga instructor that's kind of like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube i don't know how well it's going to work in other words yoga instructors know how to stretch many different ways yeah exactly like you know i would like to lean on this guy put my weight on him shove him out of the ring foam out of the ring use the environment right trying to put him in a in a stretch maybe not the the best move but you know that's the thing i can see here on the outside and try to call the action i'm not in the ring doing it and a lot of times you're in the ring you get in the thought process and you get a formula working in your head and sometimes later you watch a match and go what was i thinking mike seidel trying to get back to the ring scorpio sky once again going back to the attack foot to the sternum that time yeah scorpio sky's kind of all over mike seidel a little bit of the neck a little bit of the back that was now we're talking yeah back breaker followed by just stretching the back look at he's just bending mike's side down the way you're not supposed to bend and you can see that right there that is so hard on those lower discs yeah man get that floating rib back there it'll be real hard to take a deep breath there's the splits nice drop kick from a standing position too they just slapped him down look i don't know if he slapped him in the throat i don't know what that was but it worked it took him down slightly duck the clothesline matrix style in sarguri right to the head of scorpio sky how about that man that's the yoga conditioning coming into play oh yeah i don't think you're going to get mike seidel winded unless you injure a rib it hits the turnbuckle to the near side in the back flip there's that flexibility just showing that off and wow big leg sweep that time seidel standing moonsault yep he got it one two and scorpio just pushed his way out of that one seidel now trying to get himself fired back up he's definitely showing some offensive capability here i think uh scorpio sky is kind of wondering where all that's coming from here's seidel maybe seizing the moment let's see if he can scorpio with a wide vertical base stopping that uh potential vertical suplex nicely done by skye great counter digging those tape knuckles right in the side of seidel's ribs oh look at that that was his shin right to the back of the head as he was winding up the shin hit him and now good go behind oh oh and he held on to the german yes sir got him again got him hooked waist locked gut wrench if you will german suplex still has him hooked trying to do it for a third time mike trying to get to those ropes trying to get that broke boom boom released the german suplex that time well i think he had to reach it release it or he's going to break mike seidel in half yeah you might be right man scorpio says that's it he's pretty confident let's see if he goes for the tko here [Applause] well got him up seidel countered he escaped oh boy to the midsection that had him he's going to throw him out of the ring head first he's going for no way well that's what it looked like i it did that's not a very wow how about that man to the knee that'll keep you that'll stem your flexibility yeah i'm well and there's a i see that's smart on scorpio style he went to a joint right the muscles are flexible but the joints in the wrong position will make you tap every time and there he's he's not pulling out the same way he did with darby allen he is not releasing mike posey asks for the bell again there's a warning or he's going to be fine he pulls on it here comes matt seidel out and matt seidel finally gets the hole broken boy was matt seidel there quick well you know he had walked out with his brother he left his brother wait a minute what do we got here here's ethan page all ego comes out and he is hammering away here on matt seidel this is personal apparently well he runs right over him wow that was like a macedonian matador just ran over the bull and look at that posing and smiling with the cameras that guy loves the camera yeah ethan page coming out but the winner of the match scorpio sky reach for the there you see them leading together ethan page and scorpio sky little tap on the shoulder walking out together here on elevation
Channel: All Elite Wrestling
Views: 1,807,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Elite Wrestling, AEW, The Young Bucks, Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Chris Jericho, Pro Wrestling, Kenny Omega, Being the Elite, Jon Moxley, Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Jack Perry, MOX, AEW DYNAMITE HIGHLIGHTS, #AEWDYNAMITE, AEW ON TNT, AEWonTNT, Jurassic Express, Jake Hager, Inner Circle, Join Dark Order, Rusev, Miro, AEW Dynamite, #AEW, DON CALLIS, Video Games, Music Video, Among Us, Sting, AEW Sting, WCW Sting, the icon sting, man called sting
Id: d2hjXKRuHVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 55sec (8695 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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