Over 100g of PROTEIN PER DAY MEAL PREP (high protein vegan meal prep)

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I just made this 4-day plant-based meal prep this is 100 g of protein a day it has breakfast lunch dinner and a snack all high protein delicious absolutely satisfying and all plant-based and it's super easy to make let's get [Music] started hi guys it's Rose and welcome back to cheat lazy vegan and another meal prep video guys I'm squatting right now because I need you to see this table and all its glory is very important to me I just finished this meal prep I am so excited for this meal prep it is going to be so good I have been focusing on higher protein recipes for a while now so this is an example of 100 g of protein a Day meal prep okay so every day you're going to get around 100 gam of protein it's going to be awesome there's no fake Meats involved or anything like that it's all going to be so delicious okay trust me on this one at the end of the video I'm going to give you the kind of nutritional calorie and protein breakdown per meal all the recipes will be linked in a blog post down below so make sure you check those out if you try any of these recipes make sure you give my blog post a five-star review those recipe reviews help me a lot and uh yeah without further Ado let's jump in guys before we jump into the meal prop let's talk a little bit about supplementation because I get lots of questions about whether or not I take supplements and the quick answer is yes okay there are a few vitamins that might be hard to get on a plant-based diet vitamin B12 is one of them for sure I always recommend if you're following a mostly plant-based diet or a fully plant-based diet that you should definitely be supplementing with vitamin B12 but there's a few other ones like veggie Omega vitamin D3 other things that might be hard to get just from diet alone which is why today's video is very kindly sponsored by compliment so guys if you haven't heard of compliment they are a fully plant-based company that make awesome Health products such as compliment essential which is right here so compliment essential is the multivitamin made for plant-based eaters whether you are fully plant-based mostly plant-based somewhat plant-based compliment essential might be perfect for you so this is great because it is designed by plant-based eaters themselves for plant-based eaters like I said but not just for fully plant-based if that makes sense it kind of covers the basics of some of the vitamins that you may be lacking just from diet alone it kind of covers just what you might need and nothing extra so that you don't end up just consuming extra and just peeing it out as excess I love this because it's just so simple and easy I don't have to think about it I know it's made for me because it's made for plant-based eaters so I just take it and that's it I don't have to worry about having multiple jars of vitamins and I always like Simplicity because that's the only way I'm going to keep a habit yes so compliment essential is definitely awesome if you are looking for a supplement to to supplement your diet whether it's fully plant-based or mostly plant-based so definitely check them out you guys they also make other awesome products as well like protein powders for example which I will be using in this video they also have greens powder gut nurture which is great for your gut and they're just an awesome company so definitely check them out the link is below and of course I got to hook you up with the discount you get 15% off your order using my code cheap laaz vegan at checkout and again use that link below I'll have a few Links of their different products down below but yeah definitely definitely check out especially their compliment essential in order to make sure you have a healthy pla-based diet all right you guys so the very first recipe we're going to make is going to be a tofu Buddha bowl I love Buddha Bowls okay because they just have everything I need we got grains we got proteins we got healthy delicious vegetables a delicious sauce it's so good and it's great for meal prep so let's get started so the first thing I like to do always when I meal prep is put whatever into some kind of pot some kind of a cooker and let it do the thing while you do other things okay so whatever it's going to take the longest to cook in some sort of a pot situation some sort of a you know rice maker situ rice maker rice cooker situation put that in here let it do its thing and then you can move on to other things while this does the job so I have my brown rice here in a Costco mixed nuts container we're just going to cook some brown rice I always like to make a bit extra because you can always freeze rice and just reheat like once it's cooked I just got a tiny bit left I'm just going to use it all what was that 3 cups I think so so we're just going to give this a Reas pop it into the rice cooka and then we can move on to the next step yay all right friends so now now I'm going to make the protein which is going to be my favorite which if you don't know yet it is torur tofu is my absolute favorite protein Source it is so good it's so versatile and it is so misunderstood okay so I have here a block of extra firm tofu that I cut up already okay because I am prepared I'm going to add the tofu into a large mixing bowl of some kind and then we're just going to very lightly and easily marinate it I'm just going to add some soy sauce and some rice vinegar and I'm just going to mix this [Music] well now I'm just going to let this marinate for like I don't know why I did this because I am actually letting it marinate I'm going to let this sit and marinate while we prepare other things so now I'm actually going to turn on the oven cuz I'm going to just like make everything in the oven basically make our lives easier so we got rice vinegar and soy sauce concoction let's let this marinate let this sit let the flavors make love let's move on now at this point you want to turn on your oven my oven takes so long to turn on so we're going to we're going to do this now so we're going to preheat our oven to 400° F and then while it's preheating you can chop up your veggies I'm using broccoli one of my favorite vegetables a lot of broccoli cuz we're making like four servings I'm also going to use some cauliflower and some ghots okay so I've already chopped these up but at this point you can chop these up get it all ready and then we can put it together all right you guys so oven is preheating we're going to mix together the vegetables okay I have a lot of broccoli here mhm a lot of broccoli I'm just going to stick the broccoli into a bigger bowl and yes I am eating the stems okay in this economy you got to eat the entire broccoli okay we also have cauliflower just to make things interesting and carrots again all of these are already chopped nice and ready to go here they are now I'm going to add a few other things into this thing all right so now our veggies are almost ready to go first we're going to add some oil we need something for it to stick to so we're going to need to just coat it in a good amount of oil well it's not a good amount it's just a small amount okay we're trying to be healthy okay not too too much oil but just enough to let it Glide I don't know what I'm saying okay it's kind of late and my brain I feel like is literally just not functioning so you're going to have to just bear with me we got that and I'm just going to wing it I have garlic plus seasoning this has a little bit of like salt in there I'm also going to add some smoked paprika I'm just going to like eyeball it okay add as much or as little as you want you can of course add other seasonings as well I'm going to make a sauce with this I feel like I don't need to add anything too crazy you can hear the rice cooker now it's doing its job she's she's steaming okay she's about to release the steam anyway we got the veggies going and and then at this stage add some salt and pepper just a little bit okay you can also add more later I don't like things too salty but some of you are addicted to Salt so add as much as you want okay all right friends so now that our veggies are ready I'm just going to throw a it onto a large baking sheet we're just going to roast it all together okay so I just have it all nice and ready for the oven all right guys so the tofu has been marinating for some time now onto the tofu I'm going to add just a little bit of oil again we just want something for the tofu to stick to okay we just want it to stick and then on top of that we're going to make our tofu nice and crispy by adding in some corn starch and now we're going to add just a tiny bit of oil onto a baking sheet can you hear me that rice cooker is going crazy and then I'm just going to pour this tofu onto baking sheet perly and basically I just want to make sure it's all kind of nice and separated you don't want the tofu to be be touching each other okay they need to they need to have their own space okay just give them the space that they need so now that we have these lovely baking sheets ready to go this is kind of like a sheet pan recipe I think I'm so not trendy anyways we're going to stick these in the oven it is preheated now at 400° F the tofu will probably take longer I'm going to guess about 25 to 30 minutes probably going to flip them halfway and then the veggies I'm I'm going to guess around 20 minutes and again halfway I'm probably just going to do a little little stirring action all right into the oven they go and our rice is done so while everything is in the oven we can make the sauce so I'm going to make one of my recent recipes which is pb2 peanut sauce so basically it's like a peanut butter dressing SL sauce but it's using pb2 which is powdered peanut butter I recently made this in one of my meal prep videos which I'll link down below and um basically nothing against actual peanut butter okay we love actual peanut butter but powdered peanut butter is lower in fat and higher in protein so when I'm trying to do something like higher protein and I'm just making like a sauce to drizzle on top I often will use pb2 so this is powdered peanut butter SL pb2 high in protein lower in calories lower in fat again I wouldn't say it always replaces peanut butter but for something like this it's good so into the pb2 we're going to add some rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar and we're also going to add some garlic powder and ginger powder there you go that was not enough vinegar I realized that was like very little vinegar I think I was not thinking when I measured that was most definitely not enough vinegar okay well I took out wine vinegar I think that should be fine this is just white wine vinegar so any sort of vinegar okay should do apple cider rice white wine maybe not white vinegar I feel like that might be a little harsh I mean it probably still would do the job soy sauce and some sort of sweetener I'm using maple syrup no this is agave nectar but you can use maple syrup beautiful ah don't waste it and now we mix it I knew that didn't look right I was like why is that why is that such little vinegar anyway we're just going to mix this well and now if you want to thin this out more you can add a little bit of you know either more vinegar or you can add some more water which is probably what I'm going to do yeah it's looking she's looking a little thick I want her to be a little bit less thick she tastes great though I'm just going to add a tiny bit of water just to thin it out and the recipe for everything will be linked below as always beautiful yummy so as you can see nice and saus so the sauce is ready I think I'm just going to pour it into like a little you know jar okay but this jar is like big give me a minute all right I think I found the perfect size jar for for the sauce okay it's very tiny and cute now I'm just going to pour it the sauce tastes really good with noodles with salad with so many things and I think it would be amazing with the budha bowl mhm there you go so there's our sauce all right I think the stuff in the oven is ready for a little flip look at the tarer it's already looking so good I apologize guys for my accents I think I'm just going to do a little flippish I'm feeling a bit lazy you know what else is new I would probably just flipped it like normal like like with chopsticks but feeling a bit lazy so we we're just going to do a little somewhat of a flip and I think I'm going to do another maybe 15 minutes on these bad boys I mean I don't mind a little less cooked tofu I think it's delicious make sure they're kind of all separated somewhat not they don't have to be perfectly separated okay they can be next to each other you know but respecting each other's boundaries physical boundaries all right let's just stick these in the oven back in the oven they are the veggies are looking fabulous as as well again I'm just going to going to give them a little toss just so they cook a little bit evenly oh and just spill a few while we're at it yeah I think these just need another 5 to 10 minutes all right back in the oven they go all right guys so now let's put together the Buddha Bowls the tofu Buddha Bowls and once again I meal prepping this so we are going to put it all together so first I have the cooked rice [Music] okay then we're also going to do some lentils okay so we're going to do I just have these canned lentils here that I drained and rinsed this is going to just add another bump of protein um I just figured sometimes what I like to do is I like to do a little less rice and then add in some sort of like a legum just to really bump up that protein a little bit more but not really like lower the volume of my food if that makes sense so I always think like when I'm trying to you know watch what I'm eating whether I'm trying to lose weight or just EA eat healthy I always think about what I can add to the meals okay rather than like taking it away right rather than being like I'm just going to eat less rice I think okay I could eat a little less rice but then what do I add in replacement of that what do I add to that so that it's still a good delicious comforting satisfying meal so lentils it is so I'm adding some lentils that's going to bump up the protein some more and there you go and now here are the finished veggies as you can see so I'm just going to even distribute the veggies into each [Music] one and here is the finished tofu it is nice and crispy looking absolutely delicious I've let this cool down and it should not be too sticky on the pan but if it is it's fine it's not a big [Music] deal I am obsessed with Buddha BS guys feel free to switch up the vegetables and even the dressing according to your preference I also love this with my sweet tahini dressing which I'll link the recipe below as well and this tofu bable comes to about 621 calories including that pb2 dressing and 35 g of protein it's so good you guys definitely try this out so while everything is in the oven we can make our breakfast so the breakfast I wanted to keep it really simple and easy because I do not want to mess around in the kitchen for that long okay we're going to make a very simple protein overnight oat we're going to use the lovely chocolate organic protein by compliment yes the sponsor of today's video like I told you they also sell protein powders and I really like this chocolate one so we're going to use this chocolate protein powder to really bump up that protein in this overnight oat situation it's going to be a very quick and easy breakfast it's also very quick to make it's so easy so what you want to do is first I have four jars here I'm going to make four servings I think the recipe in my vog is two servings so just double it hopefully you knew how to do that that sort of math so into each jar I'm going to distribute the goods so I'm going to make it quite filling okay my friends because I need a filling breakfast okay I'm not one of those people that doesn't eat breakfast I need a fullon breakfast I need to be full and satisfied almost immediately after I wake up sometimes if I wake up really early I can get away with coffee for few hours but definitely need breakfast I don't understand how people can like function you know anyway and they say that when you eat breakfast I mean there's a lot of benefits to eating breakfast okay eat your breakfast any so super simple this is so easy so I have some rolled oats in each jar here next we're going to add chia seeds guys you know the benefits of chia seeds super healthy for you full of healthy fats just fiber great things all around it helps you poop not that we need help in that department if you want are a vegan or plant-based eater you know you don't need help in that department you're doing good okay so we're going to add some chia seeds though it's still good it's good for the healthy fats get those Omega-3s look at me pretending to know what I'm talking about next this part is optional I'm going to add a little bit of cinnamon mhm that might be quite interesting little bit of cinnamon not too much I think I'm going to add a little less than my blog my blog I'm adding like one teaspoon per serving I'm just going to do half a teaspoon okay there's also benefits to cinnamon I don't eat enough cinnamon I feel like I just don't next we're going to have some sugar we got to make it tasty you know I think I'm going to add again a little less than I normally would because I can always add sugar tomorrow you know I can always add a little little maple syrup a little agave and I don't know how sweet this is going to be so we're going to keep the sugar light on this one I added about half the sugar that I would add according to the blog now what you want to do is maybe just give the dry ingredients just a little quick mix here and now let's make the protein part so I'm going to add some non-dairy milk into a protein what do you call it a shaker cup yeah we're going to add that in there and we're basically making a protein shake now you don't have to do it this way I just find it easy to do it this way because I don't know I've tried to like mix the protein powder in the jar itself and I feel like it's just extra work anyway I'm using the chocolate protein from compliment obviously it's a vegan protein powder and I'm going to do one scoop per serving so yeah it's going to be oof oof oh she's full and then we're going to try to shake this up without making a mess we probably will make a mess we're going to have to shake her really hard because oh this itself is a workout feel like a bartender now we can just evenly distribute it I'm doing two at a time [Music] there you go now let's give this a final mix with everything combined make sure you get all the bottoms and stuff as well no this part is optional but I want to add a little bit of vegan Greek yogurt okay I am kind of obsessed with this stuff lately it's a bit higher in protein than other vegan yogurts it's just delicious okay and I really like it in overnight oats so I'm just going to add a little bit on top of each one this adds another like good amount of protein and it adds like a nice creaminess to it as well when you mix it together oh it's really good of course you can skip this part or you can add regular vegan yogurt so nice and thick so tart well there you have it there's the overnight oats I know it doesn't look super pretty but this works really well you guys I found some frozen strawberries so I'm going to add some of that that'll be fun strawberries and chocolate yum I'm just going to add a few little pieces in in there there you go look at me eating some fruit okay I don't have much so I'm just going to use it all up actually beautiful there you go so just top it with some berries and it's good to go and you can just grab it grab a spoon and enjoy it every morning it's awesome so yeah very convenient high protein overnight oats this protein overnight oat recipe works out to be around 469 calories which seems like a lot but remember that this is a full meal you guys and it works out to be a whopping 33 g of protein and sometimes I just eat half as a high protein snack if I don't feel like eating the whole thing and you can also maybe half the protein powder that you add into it it's up to you I love this recipe it's so yummy and it feels like I'm eating dessert for breakfast last but definitely not least we're going to be making an absolutely delicious vegan tuna pasta salad guys doesn't that sound so good I am obsessed with pasta salads and I'm obsessed with vegan vegan tuna made of chickpeas so I know this is going to be amazing and delicious and filling and healthy and satisfying so to get started I'm first going to prepare the pasta now this is my little hack if you want to increase the protein in your diet when you eat pasta cuz you got to eat pasta who doesn't eat pasta use a high protein pasta if you can okay so I like to use this chickpea pasta that's really high in protein compared to other regular pasta this is optional this dish is still going to be high in protein even without using protein pasta but if you really want to have that extra Boos in protein highly recommend using the chickpea pasta so I have it already I'm using the shells here and I'm just boiling the water as we speak now that the pasta is boiling it's cooking it's doing its thing we can make our chickpea tuna now you guys know I am obsessed with chickp tuna I have the recipe for the chickp tuna specifically on my blog and I've been making chickp tuna since the beginning of time so I just have a can of chickpeas here that I've drained and rinsed I'm going to add it into a food processor and I'm just going to actually do this first I'm going to mash the chickpeas first now I do this differently every time but um you're going to have to deal with me you can Mash this by fork or with like a Masher but when I'm making like a big serving I like to just use a food processor so let's do it and that's all you need this is why I like to use the food processor okay it is a little Annoying to have to clean up the food processor but I'm going to use it for a few more things so I love doing this because it's just easy oh look at this look at this boti so we're going to add the mashed chickpeas into a large mixing bowl now we don't need to wash this up we're just going to work straight in it now we're going to add some celery and red onion that I have already kind of chopped into chunks and I'm going to just add that into the food processor as well yeah at first I was going to make the chick petuna separately and then just mix everything but I'm like what's the point of that it's all going to mix together anyway right and then I'm also going to add in a Nori sheet which I've ripped up so I'm going to add this in here and that is going to create an extra fishy flavor this part is optional you don't have to do this part just going to shove it in there do another pulsation I think that's good see how easy it is sometimes if I'm lazy to chop veggies I just use this now let's add that into our Bowl now if you have a big enough food processor you could have just done all of that all together um it's just my food processor is a little bit too small so I can't really like process all of that together but yeah if you have a big one why not there we go now I'm also going to add in some diced bell pepper into this mixture and I also shredded up some red cabbage and I did use the food processor for this as well so again you can use the food processor to shred lots of different veggies I also use it a lot for like carrot um there you go it's not perfect but hey it does the trick now to bump up the protein even more I'm also going to add in some edamame beans which are like my favorite you don't have to add this this is optional but I love it I'm also going to add in some green peas let's just give this a good mix so this is I mean it is gigantic as you can see lots of things going on here lots of veggies lots of colors and now let's mix together the sauce now for the sauce we're going to use that vegan Greek yogurt again this is plain unsweetened vegan Greek yogurt again this is high in protein and it makes a great kind of substitute for vegan mayo or if you want to use less vegan mayo and more of the yogurt it's obviously healthier but I'm also going to add in some vegan Mayo cuz it's good okay add in some of that vegan Mayo but just less obviously I would be adding a lot more vegan Mayo if it wasn't for the yogurt right next is nutritional yeast give it that delicious flavor we also have Dijon mustard m one in doubt add some Dijon we also have some white wine vinegar or you can use rice vinegar red wine vinegar you get the drill even apple cider vinegar next we need a sweetener I'm using agave nectar you can also use maple syrup next some garlic powder next is some lemon juice and some dried dill you can also use fresh dill but I only have dry so that'll have to do I'm adding lots of dill and last but not least salt and pepper give this a good mix it's bit of a hefty dressing but I feel like it's going to be so good oh that Dill is getting everywhere smells so good okay I'm going to have to try this oh my God it's so good it's like sighty yogurty that Dill flavor is coming through oh my it's so good so I've already drained and rinsed the cooked pasta and once again I'm using that high protein pasta so we're just going to add that straight into this bowl and then let's just dump in the sauce the sauce is a bit thick but she is delicious I feel like it's kind of good if it's thick especially if you're meal prepping all right let's let's give her a mix I feel like this is going to be a workout all right you guys that was definitely a workout and a half it's looking like you know pile of mush but we're going to give it a try that's so good it is nice and crunchy so many different flavors getting a slight hint of that tuna I can feel that Nori I can taste that fishy flavor my God it's so good mhm at this point if you want to add salt and pepper you can do that but I don't think I need it m i got not this is supposed to be meal prep not my dinner m so good all right now we can plate our lovely vegan tuna pasta salad again I'm just going to distribute this into four [Music] containers I am obsessed with this vegan tuna pasta salad it is so yummy satisfying and tastes fresh yet comforting at the same time this is approximately 5 56 calories per serving and 31 g of protein now that's when we use that high protein pasta it would still be high protein using a regular pasta so don't feel like you have to use the high protein stuff but oh my gosh guys you have to try this we're almost done the meal prep but I'm also going to add in a little stack which is going to be very simple it's going to be edamam beans edamam beans again high in protein I love it as a snack I think it's so good it's like literally addictive and delicious and so I'm just going to make it as an easy high protein snack so easy so simple oh and I'm just going to season it with like salt and pepper or whatever and there you go let's let's see how glorious this all looks I'm just going to put it all over here and then we can take a [Music] look so in total this whole day of eating would come to around 1,750 calories and around 108 g of protein and this isn't including any other snacks which I'll eventually end up eating so yeah I would say that this is a very decent meal prep lots of protein all right you guys so that is it for my 100 g of protein a Day meal prep for 4 days I am covered for 4 days my friends I'm super excited it took all the willpower in me to not eat one of these right now okay because I've already had dinner anyway it's going to be great okay I'm excited for tomorrow so guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a big thumbs up make sure you subscribe if you haven't already make sure you check out my meal prep videos playlist okay because I have a giant playlist of all of my previous meal prep videos I've done quite a few at this point so make sure you check those out I've been doing quite a few recently I've been really loving doing the meal preps because it's just so easy later on in the week you're saving yourself time money energy you're sticking to your goals it is awesome again the meal prep playlist will be down down below and of course make sure you check out compliment essential or any of their other products compliment essential is that multivitamin made for plant-based eaters or almost plant-based eaters mostly plant-based eaters fully plant-based eaters whatever you may be compliment essential has you covered and again you can get 15% off using my code cheap lazy vegan and the link is down below and of course you can also check out their protein powders which I used in this video as well anyway guys thank you so much for watching and uh I'll see you guys in my next video bye [Music] oh
Channel: Cheap Lazy Vegan
Views: 7,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap lazy vegan, whole foods plant based diet, plant based diet, plant based, vegan diet benefits, what is a vegan diet, what can vegans eat, vegan recipes, easy vegan recipes, budget friendly vegan recipe, budget friendly, VEGAN, recipes, recipe, veganuary, vegan meal prep, meal prep, plant based meal prep, food prep, vegan meal plan, high protein vegan meal prep, high protein vegan, vegan protein, high protein meals, 100g of protein a day, vegan weight loss meal prep
Id: Os7oON1jaj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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