I Made TikTok's Viral Marry Me Chicken but VEGAN

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[Music] yeah thank you Squarespace for sponsoring today's video hello what's up everybody my name is why am I introducing myself hello what is this hey what's up everybody it's your girl Merl and today I am back with another vegan recipe obviously now this reminds me of remember the Tik Tok pasta the feta pasta that went viral of like 2002 I think or maybe 2001 I don't remember anyway we did a vegan version of that here on this channel years ago and you guys loved it you were super excited about it so now this is also kind of an old Trend nobody's surprised we're going to do a vegan iteration on it and that's the marry me chicken I believe that it gets its name because it's like it's so good that whoever makes it for you you're going to want to marry them kind of thing we're going to be doing an iteration of that and I found the original inspo for this one by a Creator who sort of took the Lion's M mushroom which I've usually only seen used as a steak and they used it for chicken that's super cool I've never done that before I'm excited to try it I don't think we're going to follow their recipe exactly we're going to kind of look back at the original marry me chicken recipe and then her recipe and then we're going to marry the two because she uses white wine instead of broth and I and in a lot of the marry me chicken recipes I saw people using broth and not wine but you know whatever also I don't have any wine cuz I'm doing a year of no drinking yes please Round of Applause definitely appropriate that's no easy feet so we don't have any wine and I'm not buying a bottle of wine just for this I'm just not so so there other than that um this recipe looks really good it's basically like a creamy garlic chicken recipe if you're not familiar with the Lion's M mushroom we have tried the Lion's man steak which which I think is what it's most well known for the texture of lion's made mushroom is pretty darn good now I never eat them because they're so expensive at least in La I got the ones I got today at Whole Foods and they were $9 a box so that means and one box only had two mushrooms in it basically $5 per mushroom it was $9.99 so you know technicality but with tax I'm sure it was more than that so anyway this is not math Corner nor will it ever be let's just get into it huh I'm really hungry so let's go now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take a cast iron pan I got a tabletop conduction index my induction heater thing what was I saying this way you guys can see it from the top down now I do think it's going to be noisy you just never know until you try so whatever if it sounds like a wind a gust is blowing through the kitchen it's this I'm going to I'm going to bring this up to a medium high heat we're going to put our mushrooms in there you can use another pan or you can use I used a baking pan use your pan or whatever you're going to use and squish them down basically you want to press down on that so they release their water content which they will oh they will so they get a meteor texture there we go you just want to keep your eye on it so that it doesn't cause chaos in your kitchen so we're going to cook them sear them really on both sides for about three to five minutes I seared one side then I flipped seared the other side press press press flipped it again added some more vegan butter added some fresh Rosemary fresh Sage some lemon juice and some vegetable broth instead of the white wine we're going to season it because a is going to taste better and B I know you're going to come for me if I don't even if it's vegan chicken so we're going to do it properly I've got a nice little blend here I've got some garlic powder I've got a little bit of onion powder I've got lemon pepper salt I've got a little bit of this mushroom seasoning I really like it and then I've got some smoked paprika so let's apply some seasoning so it can really hopefully kind of caramelize on there then we're going to take them out and we're going to let them sit for a little [Music] bit all right so let me just say I decided to go ahead and cut into these Lion's Man Mushroom steaks not steaks chicken breasts and they look incredible like the texture of them is really good the overall like experience of observing them is nice it's a weird way to say that I like the way they look cooking out the liquid but they still look nice and succulent like they're not dried out by any means so anyway I'm I'm just saying these look really really good like they're just cool they're really cool to see here they kind of look like pork in a way like I wonder if they would be good for like a pork belly like Ramen some maybe I should do that someday anyway not today so who jokes on you I've got extra lemon juice all right so now we're we're going to make our cashew cream sauce don't mind that this is a mug I'm not going to be like drinking this we have about a cup of soaked cashews here hope this fits okay we're making it work so far okay and then I've got some oat milk I'm sure you could use any non-dairy milk about a tablespoon of lemon juice I'm going to put a little less I took a little taste of the Lion's M chicken and it tasted very lemony so yeah three cloves of garlic some salt healthy dose and some pepp all right let's blend it up I'm very new to the whole like Bullet blender world and we love you all right let's try it I kind of feel like it needs a little bit more liquid I it need to be a little more liquidy add a little bit more salt oh yeah that looks better now we're going to make our marry me sauce make sure after you sear your chicken that you save that pan cuz any of the good caramelization that might still be on the bottom any of those burnt caramelized bits you're going to want that that can only Aid in the flavor making of this dish and I saw on a lot of the like actual chicken marami chickens they didn't use onions but for this one she did and I'm going to I'm going to use like 2 tablespoons of butter and then I'm going to add in a little bit of the sundried tomato oil a little bit more yeah and then we're going to add in our onion and our garlic we're going to sauté that until the onion is translucent then I'm going to go ahead and add in the red pepper flakes oregano thyme salt and pepper and I'm going to add in just a little bit more vegetable stock I'm going to let that kind of come to a simmer and then I'm going to mix in the creamy cashew garlic sauce that we made about a cup of that then I'm going to toss in my sliced up Lion's man chicken it looks shockingly good like like like not like taste good just like chicken is is chickeny we're going to add in a little bit of Basil as well so we're going to Pepper in our sun-dried tomatoes and that's pretty much it this is just gorgeous are you seeing this oh my goodness as a centerpiece for your friends coming over for dinner your family you and your cat maybe a dog maybe a little scruffy dog who knows mut rescue hopefully well I don't know if they can eat it but you know they can watch you eat it they can beg for it I have no idea you'd have to look that up whoever whatever your situation you guys is uh you just better dust your damn knees off because it's about to go down look at you I'm so proud of you also me I'm proud of me it just looks so gorgeous like with the sundried tomatoes and the fresh basil and the cream sauce God it's gorgeous gorgeous you are so beautiful this looks so good I mean I don't even need to eat this but I'm going to like what I want to get a good shmear of all the goodness here you want to bite too slow sorry that was mean here seriously you should try it oh oh oh my god oh this is happening so fast I I didn't let's talk business so I love the sauce that's in I love the sundried Tomato the mushroom is really delicious now now it's not as chickeny in texture like it's not going to fool someone okay so if that was your intention it's not this but as a Dish as a standalone dish wow likeness to chicken 7 out of 10 it's got a fattier texture than that the creaminess from the cashew sauce is just bringing so much combined with the basil and the depth of flavor from the sundried tomatoes and then I mean the Li's man is bringing a hell of a texture I have a feeling this going to be very filling but like we're not using heavy cream so we're not going to feel like trash after so that's a huge win this is like deluxe I would say like this would be something I would make for a special dinner if liin mans are cheaper for you have at it the amount of mushrooms I used in this was $20 just the mushrooms not the cashews not the sundried tomatoes all of those are really expensive so this ended up being a very pricey dish but for a special occasion so I think the overall flavor I'm going to give it an 88.8 out of 10 really delici delicious she did not steer us wrong if you want a cheaper option for this use portabella mushroom cut the price at least half and if you do make this for someone and they do propose for you you're going to need a website for your wedding you know like a registry all the photos and that's why we're going to talk a little bit about today's sponsor Squarespace Squarespace is the all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out online whether you are a beginner you've never made a website or someone who already has a bit of experience Squarespace can help you get your work out there to the masses whether you're selling products or courses or time Squarespace is the place to put your work if you're looking to be a food content creator Squarespace has powerful blogging tools to share stories photos videos and updates so you can categorize and even schedule your posts with Squarespace you can sell your products in an online store whether you sell physical digital or service products so go to squarespace.com for a free trial and then when you're ready to launch go to ww ww. squarespace.com mer O'Neal to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or a domain that is www.squarespace.com mer O'Neal for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain okay thank you so much Squarespace I appreciate you let's get back to the video that was fun thank you for coming along with me on this journey we are so fancy today I hope you guys like this one I hope you enjoy I hope you make it it's really really good let me know if you decide to try this one in the meantime I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day if you want to hang out with me between videos all my Social Links are in the description I got a Discord we got Tik Tok we got Instagram You Name It We got it so go down below check out today's sponsor Squarespace and thank you so much for hanging out with me if you haven't already please like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video give it a big pound take that like button to pound down if you like this video prove it thanks for being my little dinner date I'm going to go finish this whole entire pan I'll see you guys in the next one CIA for now all right Tata T bye-bye oh oh oh my god oh this is happening so fast I I didn't I we've only been seeing each other for
Channel: Merle O'Neal
Views: 33,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7IQcXgnK4sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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